JL, Tuesday, January S, 1932 I ££££: | Society & personals 3 /S. I HI EngaceoMfits 1 Mrm- ELBERT 8. PEEL, Editor || 45 Return to New York ' Mrs. B. Bloom and daughter, Alice, left Sunday for their home in ' New Yor k, after spending the Christ mas holidays with Mr. and Mfrs. Frank Margolis. They were accom panied to Norfolk by Irving Mar golis: ' # Visiting in Richmond Mrs. W. J. Hodges is in Rich mond, Va., this week visiting rela tives. . ■ +. /» Town Monday Claud Green, of Roberson* ville, was in town yesterday. In Town Yesterday Attorney Bill Blount, of Washing ton, was in town yesterday attend ing to professional business. ' ♦ From Washington Carl Goerch, editor of the Wash ington Progress, was a busines visi tor here yesterday. Attend Hearing Here YQ Messrs. Emmet Tetterton and Frank Caraway, of Wharton's Sta- 1 tion, were "bete yesterday attending' a hearing before the local United States Commissioner. m I Return This Week Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Gibson ! returned this week from Whittier,' i where they spent th holidays with relatives. ♦ Returns To Charlotte . Fred Jenkins returned to his home in Charlotte Sunday after spending '• the holidays here with his parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jenkins. 1 ' Spend Sunday Here Mr. J. L. Ross, of Stokes, spent I Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. W. 1 A. Jenkins. 1 1 m I j Visitors Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Robertson and, little daughter, Sally Baker, of i Ahoskie, spent Sunday afternoon here with Mr. Robertson's mother, s Mrs. J. L. Robertson. ' > MWWWWMnHHWBBBMiiIIMHBBHBMHMMBMHMMHIMMHHHHHBMIMB liIIIIIIIItIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIBII WIIBIIIIWIIIiIBIiIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIHIiIIIIHIIWHIIMMiIIIWIIIIIIII IIWHW WWWWIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIiIIIB IIMIiIiIIBIIIIIIIIMiiIiIIiIWIHIIIIIHBIIIBMIMIIIIIiiIIiIMIIIIHMIIM|||||||||IIIIinMi^ Condensed Statement of Condition of | Branch Banking and Trust Co. I Following f/ie Rules atthecloseofbusinessdecember3l 1931 | of t— . • RESOURCES . LIABILITIES | Thi. bank i. strong today because for years we have L °* M " a dißcount ' $2,618,881.95 Capital stock $ 400,000.00 j lowed the rules of safety. Banking Houses, furniture & fixtures 141,257.81 Surplus 200,000.00 Other stocks and bonds 125,800.00 _ _ .. , _ _ ... . . , , , Undivided profits 93,865.25 We have never permitted ourselves to go anywhere near U. S. and N. C. Bonds $1,946,982.98 the danger line. In our loans and investments particularly, we Reserve for Interest and Dividends 12,507.86 H depos!ton| C '* ed the m °" ° rder '° protect OUr M Bonds ble MUniCipa ' 197 , 0 00.00 Reserve for Elm City Purchase 2,000.00 » Cash & due from bonks 1,356,245.53 3,500,228.51 Bllls payable .550,000.00 Our reserves have been kept strong, and we have maintained w Deposits 5,127,795.16 a high ratio of cashable assets. Because of our strong financial position we have been able to give proper support and encour- • " agement to our depositors throughout the whole of a difficult $6,386,168.27 period. • Our proved strength and our friendly helpful interest in * each of our depositors, make this a bank w?ll able to give you the « (TRUST DEPARTMENT ASSETS NOT INCLUDED) best possible service and co-operation in the months ahead. . x ' ( I >• * *■ "*• ,• . , 1 1 f ' Branch Banking and Trust Co. "The Safe Executor" - * • WILSON PLYMOUTH SELMA ■ WILLIAMSTON KINSTON WARSAW GOLDSBORO NEW BERN FAYETTEVILLE ELM CITY I Sound Banking And Trust Se For I Visits m RobersonviUe Miss Jessie Mae Anderson spent 1 the week-end in RobersonviUe with - friends. Visits His Daughter Here Mr. W. T. Hudson, of Selbyville, Md., visited his daughter, Mrs. E. S. McCabe, and Mr. McCabe last week. Another daughter, Mrs. Clarence Tingle, with her husband, and theijr little girl, Virginia, also of Selby ville, accompanied Mr. Hudson on the trip. • ' - Leave for Greensboro Misses Edith Peel, Ruth Norton and Edith Taylor left Sunday for Greensboro, where they will re-enter N. C. C. W. for the spring term. Here From Richmond Mrs. Hugh Singleton' of Rich mond, Va., spent the week-end here with her mother, Mrs. Myrtle Har ris. From Vanceboro . Mr. and Mrs. 0. McLawhorn, of Vanceboro, and their daughter, Miss I Helen McLawhorn, of Hamlet, visit-' ed Miss Carrie Whitford last week. ! Leave for Chapel Hill Buck Saunders, jr., Albert Leslie, and C. B. Clark, jr., left Sunday for Chapel Hill, where they are p|u dents at the University, after spend ing Christmas at home. Return to Greenville Misses Josephine Harrison, Fran ces Bowen, and Miriam Courtney left ■ yesterday for Qreenvill to reenter 1 school at E. C. T. C. ( after the Christmas holidays. I • | Returns to N. C. C. W. | Miss Rosalie Inman returned to the North Carolina College for Wo men, Greensboro, last Sunday after visiting her sister, Mrs. J. E. King, and Mr. King during the Christmas holidays. From RobersonviUe Professor R. I. Leake, of Rober sonviUe, was here for a short while yesterday afternoon. I In Town Yesterday Mr. Robert Everett, of Palmyra, was a business visitor here yesterday. ♦ Returns To Chapel Hill . W. C. Griffin has returned to the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Griffin, here during the Chrstmas holidays. ♦ Visiting m Petersburg Mrs. G. W. Hardison, Misses Katherine Hardison and Essie Peel are visiting relatives in Petersburg 1 this week. I —•— In Wilson Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joel Muse returned to their home in Wilson Sunday aft er visiting relatives here during the i holidays. ♦— — Leaves for Salemburg Miss Blanche Iris Sullivan left Sunday for Salemburg, where she at tends Pineland School. ! • Return To Chapel Hill I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett and I little daughter returned to their home 1 lat Chapel Hill Sunday after visiting his mother, Mrs. Jim Leggett, a few days. Leaves for University Prof. Cecil Taylor left Sunday for Chapel Hill, where he is an instruc tor in French at the University. Returns to Alexandria Mr. Robert F. Heydenreich and little duaghter, Mary Anne, left yes terday for their home at Alexandria, Va., after visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watts, for some time. Visiting Here Mrs. E. H. Williamson and little son, E. H., jr., of Washington, D. d., are visiting Mrs. Williamson's sister, Mrs. James C. Manning, for several days. ■■' ♦ Spend Sunday Here Mr. and Mrs. William Gibbs, of ; Elizabeth City, spent Sunday here, with their aunt, Mrs. Albert Perry.' THE KNTERPRtSB Visiting Mrs. Godwin Mrs. Allie Grice, of Elizabeti City, is visiting Mrs. C. H. Godwin In Chapel HUI and Durham Miss Cora Lee Roberson and Claud Leggett visited the Leggetts in Chap id Hill and Durham Sunday. m i, In Tarboro Sunday '•! Mrs. Henry Taylor and Misses j Ethel Taylor and Annie Hardy vis -1 ited friends in Tarboro Sunday, e • 1 From Franklin, Va. Charles Rogers, of Franklin, Va., i spent Sunday with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. C. T. Rogers. • Returns To Durham s ; Miss Evelyn Harrison returned to ' ( Durham Sunday, where she is assist ? I ant librarian at Duke University. | Returns to Tarboro i Miss Lucille Hassell returned to I Tarboro Sunday after spending the ■ holidays with her parents, Mr. and ' Mrs. C. B. Hassell. • Return to Washington Mrs. John D. Enright and chil dren, Bobby and Barbara, returned to their home in Washington, D. C., ; on Sunday, after a visit to her par j ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Peel. Mr. : Enright came down for them on Sat urday. In Wilson Yesterday Assistant U. S. District Attorney Wheeler Martin attended court in Wilson yesterday. Here From Durham Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Barnhill and children, of Durham, visited rela tives here during the holidays. V| From Littleton Mrs. J. E. White and son, James, jr., of Littleton, visited Mrs. C. D. i Carstarphen Sunday. From Norfolk Miss Mary Taylor, of Norfolk, is visiting Miss Sarah Harrell for sev eral days. ♦ Return From RkMands Mrs. G. H. Harrison, Mrs. R. G. Harrison, jr., and liitle son relumed Sunday night from Richlands, where they visited relatives for several days. I New Year Party h • l. Jamesville, Jan. 4.—One of the happy endings of the old year, and also an outstanding event of the d j Christmas holidays, was socially cel- H ,ebrated New Year's Eve at the colon jial country home of Miss Camille jand Wallace Fleming, from 9 until s ! 1 o'clock, at a buffet supper. The home was decorated in the conven-' tional Christmas colors of red and green. >' Miss Irma Simpson, of Norfolk, ) Va., and Wallace Fleming delight- 1 i fully entertained the guests with | music. Three tables of bridge and dancing were enjoyed. The guests included Mesdames > Carl Barefoot, Charles Davenport, - Kathleen Wallace Lilley, Misses Pauline Askew, Dorothy Carson, j Mattie Chesson of Roper, Ella Moore Davenport, Sadie Fagan, Ella Mae > Gaylord, Mildred Hedrick, Hazel ' Hardison, Irma Knowles, Mattie, I Catling White of Hertford, and Irm/' Simpson; Messrs. Charles Daved-I port, Onward Gaylord, C. B. Mar-j tin, David Modlin, Oscar Davenport,' Henry Griffin, Arthur W. Lilley. and Guy Fleming. • OAKCITY_NEWS Miss Mary Kathlyn Ainsley left Sunday for N. C. C. W., after spend ing the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ain sley. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Barrett and daughter, Dolores, who have been I living in Washington, D. C., have re-' turned to make their home in Oak' City. . vj Miss-Nellie Fay Johnson, of Rob-', returned home Sunday! a fteW spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Daniels and i Ray spent Sunday with Mr. and i Mrs. J. W. Hines. I Mr. and Mrs. Oscar House and Mrs. Gladys House and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bennett. New Year Party / Oak City.—Misses Dorothy and Velma Hines entertained at a New Year party at their home Thursday night, December 31. At 10:30 a de- I fruit punch wa# served, and a number of interesting games en gaged in, lasting until 1 o'clock. About forty-five guests were pres ent. CARD OF THANKS Please permit me to state through your paper some of Ihe reasons why we are thankful for the blessings of the year 1931. While we appreciate all those things which give us life, yet we feel a most sincere spirit of grati fication and thanks to our neighbors and kind friends for their assistance during a period of 7 months severe j sickness. Certainly we appreciate the Divine power that preserves us all. With best wishes for peace and pros perity for all. J. C. RAWLS. Route 1, Williamston, —* CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my thanks to the I many Williamston people who very! generously contributed to the relief [ fund for the Evcretts community, for I >schich I was collector. ) W. C. BULLOCK. \ CARD OF THANKS VV e twish to thank and express our appreciation for the nice hog livers | given Why I)r. »nd Mrs. J H. Thig- , pen last week. We also wish to thank ihc Baptist church for the basket they ! nave us during the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jenkins. Public Auction! I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON At 10 o'Clock A.M. _ Monday, Jan. 11 All the household and kitchen furniture and farm ing implements of the late MRS. BETTIE A. GRIFFIN Everything on the farm will be sold. Sale will start promptly at 10 o'clock. W. H. GURKIN Williamston, N. C. PAGE THREE NOTICE OF LAND SALE By virtue of authority vested in .ne as commissioner by that order made and entered in that special proceed ' V/ 8 P en d'ng in the superior court of Martin County, entitled S. J. Everett Executor against John D. Parker and 1 sh »" to the highest bidder for 10 per cent cash, fifteen per cent each for the next two years and thirty per cent for next two years, secured by the property, which is to be kept insured and taxes paid, at the courthouse door in VVil- Immaton at twelve o'clock noon on Monday. February Ist, 1932, the fol lowing described lands: Being the tract of land in Roberson ville Township, Martin County, known as the T. Everett home place, where the said Everett lived and d.ed. and adjoining the Abner Everett, Roe buck, and Roberson lands, and being the place where Dora Everett died, and now in the possession of John D. rarker and wife, and the other parties named in said proceeding, being about *"*s acres, more or less. This December 29th, 1931 ~ S- J. EVERETT. J5 4tw Commissioner. . NOTICE • I Having thiiMday «iualitied as admin i istratrix of the estate of k. E. Grimes, I late o! Robersonville, in the county it notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them fir pay ment to the undersigned on or before the 12th. day of December, I>32, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of the recovery of same. All persona in debted to ;»ai 1 estate will please make immediate payment of same. I his 12th day of December, 1931 LEON A GRIMES, "V (117 6tw Administratrix. R. E. Grimes Estate.

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