PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Pubikhed Every Tuesday and Friday by Tba ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. W. C. Manning __ Kd'toi SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One ytar ; •» |LSO Six monttaa - ... •" OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY On* year f Six month# ", M , No Subscription Received for Less Than 6 Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston, N. C., as srcond-£la«s matter under the act ol Congress of March 3, 1879. Address ail communications to The Enterprise and not to the individual members of the firm. Friday, January 8, 1932 Less Prophecy and More Work Needed There are lots of prophets these days. Some say the depression is at the bottom. Some say just a lit tle past the bottom, while some say we have not reached the bottom yet. There is less wisdom in prophecy than in work just at this time. The man who knuckles down and works has, passed the lowest notch, but the fellow who has waited for the •good old war-time prosperity is, yet a long way from the bottom. Don't wait for the prophets. Work and save at every place. We can not ride very much; we can not spend so much for fertilizer; and we can not drink so much and expect to prosper. Our incomes are certainly going to be small, and we n£fcd not look for prosperity until we take ; fl a little bit more than we pay but. And another thing, we need not prophesy that prosperity will come in any other way. * t The Scandalmonger In his "Catch-All Column/' in The Monroe En qttirer, Eugene Ashcraft passes the following along: "After God had finished making the rattlesnake, the toat, and the vampire, He hail some awful sub stance left with which He made a scandalmonger? A scandalmonger is a two-legged animal with a cork screw soul, a water-sogged brain, and a combination backbone made of jelly and glue. Where other men have their hearts he -or she -carries a tumor of de cayed principles. When the .scandalmonger comes down the street, honest men turn their backs, the angels weep tears in heaven, and the devil shuts the gates of hell to keep him out." Banks Should Set the Example The State Commissioner of Banks advises against the payment of dividends by banks this year. Of course, this wil not affect many folks now, since most of the folks who,have Owned bank stock in this sec tion of the country are being assessed, rather than receiving dividends. Of course, when the banks withhold their earnings from the stockholders, it only means the holding of that much more money from circulation and tends to tighten up business just a little bit more. If all business enterprises proceed on that basis, Oen things will grow worse. It is only the usable, wrt of business that makes business good. The things that helps to make business bad is the money that is ' locked up in private safes and bank vaults. If banks-have earned dividends, they should pay 4sem, and not go miser. - \ * Newspaper's View of Cooperative Method of Marketing The Winston-Salem Journal, editorially, has this to say about the value of cooperation among farmers: Taking the country as a whole, the development that augurs best for agriculture is the genuinely solid progress being made by the farmers' cooperative or ganizations. These organizations in various sections of the country are not only doing effective work in regulating acreage, but they are also demonstrating that they can succeed in marketing the farmers' prod uct*. * ' It has been said for years that farmers couldn't and wouldn't cooperate in their marketing. Until two years ago the farmer cooperatives were barred from the trading floors of the big exchanges. But now they trade in these markets. Here is the proof that farmers can cooperate and are cooperating in a really big way every year. During 1930, the Farmers National Grain Corpor ation handled 196,000,000 bushels of grain; J . The National Wool Marketing Corporation dis posed of 130,000,000 pounds of wool and mohair; The National Livestock Marketing Association han dled more than 8,000,000 head of stock. To sum it up there now are 12,000 farmer coop erative associations in the United States. • Since the enactment of the agricultural marketing ad two years ago, the 192 largest cooperatives have pined 33,4 per cent in membership alone, and 25.8 per cent in volume of products handled. We submit that this is a remarkable record and that it means much to the nation as well ai to the farmer. We do not always agree with Senator Cap par, of Kant—, bat we are in whole-hearted agreement with that gentleman when he says: "To the degree that men work together for a com mon purpose, or purposes, they are strong. For hun dreds of years nations have known they must coop erate in wartime to survive. Now men are learning they must cooperate in peace time to save the world from destruction. Unity has become the law of sur vival, the law of progress. "If every man's clock, or watch, kept different time, it would be impossible to do business on a modern scale. So we have standard time, which is merely time cooperation and everything ruled by time moves systematically. In fact, cooperation—unity—is ef fective wherever it is applied." "I Am Still Rich" Roy L. Smith, in the Hub (Saskatoon, Sask.) We have passed through a panic, suffered from a rrash on the stock market ,and are now more than ha.. way through the depression, and I am still rich. It may be true that I have much less to live on than I had a year ago, but it is certainly true that I have just as much as ever to live for. The real val ues of life are unshaken and solid. The depression has not lowered the value of a single friendship. Neighbors still grepjtus in the same old cordial way, business associates believe in us. and our sons hold us in high respect. The wife's welcome at the close of the day has not depreceiated in the least, and our daughters continue to lavish their affection u|>on us with the same old extravagance. My faith in the goodness of the universe is unim paired. By that faith I am emboldened as 1 face de feat and despair. The prayers my mother taught me and the faith in God instilled in me by a devout father remain as priceless treasures no depression can touch. NcVnation becomes great by becoming rich. Neither does a man find enduring satisfaction in life by own ing something—only by becoming something, The most degrading poverty is that which results from killing the spirit that the body may be served. This depression is a challenge, not a catastrophe. A generation that has conquered the air and sent giant planes circling the globe, which has plunged into the deeps and disported on the ocean's floor, which has climbed above the clouds and lived in the stratosphere, is now faced with the challenge to rise above its dependence on mere things and seek an emancipation of the spirit of man. The last six months have been for many men a thrilling spiritual adventure through which they have discovered their real wealth. Bereft of dividends and profits, they are discovering the sustaining powers of a strong religious faith, the abiding values of courage, heroism, honor, charity, and trustworthiness. A financial crisis can wipe oul profits and bring business to a standstill, but character is beyond its reach. It can rob us of all we have, but it can not affect what we are .... The deepest satisfactions of life —those which come Horn sharing and serving—remain secure. 1 am still rich because I am independently rich— none of my wealth depends upon business conditions or market reports. Farmers Need Equality As Well As Liberty Shaking to the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce the other day, Governor Gardner of North Carolina said: "I will never foster any law which will take a North Carolina farmer and make him a criminal for growing anything on his land which he wants to grow." In commenting on this statement The Progressive Fartiter-Ruralist said: "Of course, it is our opinion that an acreage reduc tion law, instead of making its violation a criminal offense, might better levy a tax on all acreage in ex cess of the legal limit. But let's let that pass and consider Governor Gardner's statement just as it stands. Looked at by traditional standards, it is a fine sentiment -very flneJ "Every man's right to grow what he plugss and as much as he pleasesl" And yet we suspect /that whether or not Governor Gardner himself changes his viw, there will not be many more governors before one of them will say in effec (something like this: . " For my part, I am willing to foster a law which will punish any farmer if he deliberately refuses to co operate with other farmers in a plan which the mature and final judgment of the state says is necessary for the financial salvation of agriculture. When other farmers are willing to do teamwork and make person al sacrifices to help the whole farming class, I am willing to have the state provide reasonable punish ment for the man who not only refuses to tite his end of the log, but9nstead decides to take advantage of the efforts of other farmers 'iff order to hog an undue profit for himself. It may be better to have a law sitwition regulating production which will designate such men as criminals than to have a no-low situation of unregulated production which has made millions of innocent farmers paupers.' "Any governor fifty years ago would have said: 'I am opposed to any law which will prevent any land owner from erecting on his own land any kind of legal building he sees fit to erect.' But what now say pub lic opinion and the law? A few weeks ago a man wbo owns a city lot within 300 yards of Governor Gard ' ner's office wished to erect a filling station on it. But the law said—and rightly said: 'No, you are in a sec tion of the city reserved for residences only. Al though it is your own land, you can't do as you please with it when doing as you please may mean disturb ance for rsidence-occupants alongside you and of church service across the street.' "Our gigantic organisations of capital are in such large units that they can act together—and they do, and they prosper. Whether the boasted 'liberty' of . each individual farmer to act as he pleases is worth all that this so-callad 'liberty' coats in unregulated . production and ruinously depressed prices-—that is a problem we are willing to let the majority of producers decide for themselves." J ' THE ENTERPRISE THE LETTER-BOX WILSONIAN Wilsonian Democracy will be led out of the wilderness when the spirit of Woodrow Wilson reanimates some leader yeT unknown. When that longed-for day shall have dawned, it will again receive, because it deserves, the confidence of the American elec torate and will again justify its faith in the common man. It is a party of ideals—stands shoulder to shoulder for the welfare of mankind—equal rights to all, special privilege to none. - It was founded upon the principle I that this government was setablished j to protect for all time the rights and privileges of every individual. It party that was born with a soul and has clearly demonstrated that fact every single time it has piloted the old ship of state. Eulogizing her is like adding splen- ] dor to the sunrise or fragrance to the 1 breath of morn. She needs noh euphe- ] mism. Star-crowned she stands, the glory of America, the admiration of the world. O, for another Wlison, who will ever rank ahiong the great men of American history, and now dwelling among the immortals. Wilson the politician is dead, but Wilson.the phi losopher, the idealist, the prophet, the spiritual leader, hovers in our midst I today, and will continue to the end of time. As I recall, permit me to quote from our immortal Ransom's eulogy on the late beloved Vance—the idol of his State, "if he was not a Moses leading his people from Egyptian darkness through the wilderness, striking water from'the rock, and invoking bread from the skies, he was the ever-faithful Joshua, strong and courageous, ob serving all the law as it was com manded unto him and turning neither from the right, nor to the left, and prospering wheresoever he went." He did not stand among men like some majestic mountain, with its proud' head in the clouds wrapped in snow, 1 an object of wonder and astonishment to all who beheld it. but his life re sembled the beautiful plain beneath, studded with cities, vjllages, and hap py homes, refreshed by cooling streams abounding in fruitful fields, and bear ing on its bosom all the comforts and blessings of men. Partisan hatred may cloud the pic ture of his true nature for the time being; our natural relapse into the sen sual pleasures of material prosperity may dim our eyes to the essentials of his greatness, but time will strip these impediments away. Posterity will rank him as he deserves, with Washington, NOTICE • North Carolina, Martin County. Having this day qualified as admin istrator of the estate of B. B. Griffin, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned within one year from the date of this notice, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said c tate wil please make immediate payment. This the 6th day of January, 1932. ARCH GRIFFIN, j8 6tw Administrator. ■ r" RED ROSE IlSSffl ir FLOUR | I h The Secret • I I To Good Bread and Buiscuits I ASK YOUR GROCER FOR A BAG. IF HE ... J DOESN'T CARRY RED ROSE IN STOCK ASK 1 HIM TO GET IT. RED ROSE IS ONE OF THE LEADING FLOURS ON THE MARKET TO DAY, AND WE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE THAT IT WILL GIVE PERFECT SATISFAC- . TION. IF NOT YOUR MONEY WILL BE RE FUNDED. I " . Distributed by !fS Harrison Wholesale Co. I WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA Jefffferson, Jackson, and Lincoln. He' will tower at one of the great moral I peak* of American history. His spir- it is still a radiating sun, and has risen so high on mankind's sky as to spread its morning rays jof elevated patriot ism throughout the world. His spirit will continue to glitter in the world's diadem as a bright and imperishable star, THEO. HASSELL. Mount Pleasant, Tenn. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the authority i vested in me in that certain deed of j trust executed to me by C. H. Clark I and wife. Viola Clark, on the 4th day I of January, 1926, which is duly record ed in book S-2, page 97, of the Martin l County records, which was given to j secure certain notes of even date there - i with, and the said notes not having i been paid according to the terms there in specifified, I shall offer for sale at I public auction, in front of the Plant- I ers and Merchants Bank in Everetts, I N. C., on Saturday, February 6th, 1932, | the following described land, to wit: I Beginning atf a stake on the north side of the railroad and on the east side of the Hamilton public road, thence an easterly course with said rail road (60) sixty feet to A, D. Wynn's lot, a corner, thence a northerly course along A. D. Wynn's line (50) fifty feet to a stake, a corner; thence a westerly course (60) sixty feel to Hamilton road, thence a southerly course along Hamilton road (50) fifty feet to the beginning. Being known as the store and garage lot now occu pied by C. H. Clark. This the 6th day of January, 1932. CAKL BULLOCK, j8 4tw Trusete. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a judgment of the superior court of Martin Coun ty in an action entitled "D. G. Mat thewsl vs. John E. Mizelle and wife, Lucy Mizelle," the undersigned com missioner will, on the Ist day of Feb-' ruary, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door of Martin 1 County, offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following describ ed land: Located in Bear Grass Township, Martin County/ N. C., beginning at ' a gum in A. W. Bailey's and J. N.| Kogerson's corner: thence along A.l W. Bailey's line to Jesse Mizelle's line;; thence aiong said Jesse Mizelle's line to James A. Kogerson's line; thence along J. A. Rogerson's line to the swamp, thence afong said swamp to the beginning. Containing 80 acres, more or less. This 30th day of December. 1931. 1 B. A. CRITCH ER. jl 4tw Commissioner. | 810 SALE OF FARMING IMPLE MENTS, TOOLS. FEED, CORN, AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. On the R. L. Smith Farm, in Mar-! tin County, known as the Leggett Farm, about 2 miles from Palmyra, j Pursuant to an order of the super ior court of Pirt County, the receivers j* will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, all of the personal property, farming imple ments, tools, machinery, etc., feed,'! corn, hay, etc., wagons, carts, harness, ] tobacco sticks, trucks, etc., and other 1 property on tlie farm of R. L. Smith and W. H. Smith at the following time and place: MONDAY, JANUARY 11th, j 6 6 6 LIQUID - TABLETS - SALVE 666 Liquid or Tablets used internally and 666 Salve externally, make a com plete and effective treatment for colds. Most Speedy Remedies 4 Known. on the R. L. Smith farm, known as the Leggett Farm is Martin County, locat- j ed about 2 mile* form Palmyra on the j Palmyra-Williams ton road. This sale will commence promptly at 10 o'clock a. m. at the-above named place and will continue for the day until all of the said property it sold. All of the property from the several Wk MILK VT PRICES REDUCED! Owing to the reduction in the cost of feeds, we are passing the saving realized by us-on to our customers. MILK, quart, reduced from 15c to 12y 2 c Pint 7c Effective January 1, 1932 CREAM, qt. 60c Pint 30c l /i Pint 15c If you are not one of our regular customers, call or see us. Our milk is pure and clear and rich in quality. Edge wood Dairy WILLIAMSTON, N. C. WE OF FINE MULES Visit us and look them over and get our prices when you need a work team. Cherry & Morris ROBERSONVILLE, N. C. Friday. January 8, 1932 farms is being assembled at this place 'and may be inspected by any party j interested upon application to the re ceivers. Terms of »ale: CASH. This the fflth day of December, 1431. E. R. DUDLEY and jl-5-8 and W. H. Smith. W. L. WHEDBEE, Receivers of R. L. Smith