PAGE FOUR PAGE FOUR KOBE VARIETY IS LEADER FOR LESPEDEZA HAY Show Up Best in 18 Tests Conducted in Eastern and Piedmont Carolina The Kobe variety of lespedeza pro- , duced the most hay per acre in both I eastern and piedmont North Carolina | in 18 field by farm- , ers last year in cooperation with. E. C. ! Blair, extension agronomist at State i College. In the piedmont section of the state, n the tests were made on six different j -types of soils, all of which are adapt- j; ed to the crop. In these trials, K>- j rean produced an average yield of | 1,844 pounds of hay an acre; common, M 1,996 pounds: Tennessee 76, 2.532 pounds, and Kobe, 2.632 pounds. j ; In the Coastal Plain section, the;, tests were made on four different soil | types with the average acre yields as follows: Korean. 2,300 pounds: com- ( mon, 2,435 pounds; Tennessee 76, 3,100 c pounds: and Kobe, 3,103 pounds. ' s For the whole State the average ( yields were: Korean. 2,047 pounds an a acre; common, 2,191 pounds; Tennes „ see 76. 2,785 pounds; and Koke, 2,835 poinvl'i of hay a l ' J 1,1 " 1 ' r C In reporting the results of these „ tests, Mr. Blair s4ys the rank uf the' c four varieties varied somewhat on dif* ferent fields, due largely to soil type j and abundance of telt rainfall, hut the ' average results were in favor of the c Kobe. - j c The variety is comparatively new to | North Crolina and is not yet so pop- C( ular as the common or, the Korean. a The Kobe variety is fa native of Japan ~ and is similar to the common in ap-' pearancc except that , tire stems are taller and coarser. The leaves'and seed are both larger. I t is'an [annual plant having the same habits of growth . as the common, but juatwns*" iv 4ew ( > days earlier and the stems have a ten- dency to stand erect. I ,j Mr. Blair believes the Kobe to lie | ( one of the best varieties for hay, and j it is excellent for soil improvement. COTTON SEED IS NOT AS GOOD FOR CROPS AS IS MEAL —» — While cottonseed meal is a much better nitrogen carrier few " fertilizer than" is the cotton seed, i! will not pay to swap the seed for meal unless a lair exchange is made. At present values of plant food, 1,05.1 pounds of the meal is equal infertilizing value- to a ton of the seed, and the grower should get from 1,401) to 1,800 pounds of tin 1 meal in exchange for a ton of seed. "In making this exchange the grow er must not only allow for the value of his seed as a fertilizer hut must also take into consideration the expense in curred in hauling and handling the seed and meal," says C. U. Williams - , head of the department of agronomy at State College. "If one decides that he can not get a fair exchange for his seed, it might he wise to compost down' the amount needed for fertilizer. This should be done this fall, and the seed mixed with rich earth, manure, or woods mold. Such a plan is better than waiting until next spring and putting the seed directly under the crops." Mr. Williams has received hundreds of inquiries this fall asking tor infof- . niation about the value of -enl ami ! meal in exchange Many of the ii'-j quiries indicate that the crushers are : offering less meal than usual. Based on the plant food that the two materials contain, it will take 1.4 tons of cottonseed to equal one ton of the meal. The crop increase where 1 cotton seed is used as » source of ni- ' NOTICE! A LARGE LOT OF ALL KINDS OF Farming Utensils FOR SALE AT AUCTION I Saturday, Jan. 23rd AT 11 O'CLOCK—RAIN OR SHINE SALE WILL BE IN THE CENTRAL WAREHOUSE Robersonville, N. C. COME EVERYBODY—THIS WILL BE A High Dollar Sale Everything Will Be Sold Regardless of Price DONT FORGET THE DATE—SATURDAY, JAN. 23 Morris&Cherry ROBERSONVILLE, N. C. Lincoln Farmers Sell SI Pounds Poultry Minute Lincoln County farmers sold 31 ; pounds of poultry a minute from 8 I o'clock morning until 5 o'clock !in the afternoon at a cooperative sale held recently, when $2,380.05 was real ; ized by those selling. Plan To Sow Poor Land In Uunion To Lespedeza j Many Union county, farmers arc (planning to- sow their poor land to , common lespedeza this spring and let lit remain in sod for two or three years I rather than plant it to cotton at pres ent prices, says T. J. VV. Broom, farm i agent. Records kept on 137 hogs in Curri- j tuck County showed that they paid $1.04 a bushel for all corn fed during j a period of 66 days. The market price j of the corn as grain was 73 cents a > bushel. | trogen is about 80 per cent of that se- where dried blood or nitrate of soda is used as the source of all ni trogen in.the fertilizer bixture. Tests also show, says Mr. Williams, that the meal useil as a source of nitrogen will given 20 per cent better r&sults than t'utuui stciL. Uowevxr. the grower must take into consideration the ex change basis offered him. CARD OF THANKS We wish to acknowledge our sin cere thanks and appreciation for the expression of sympathy and deeds of kindness shown to us during the rc-„ cent illness and death of our husband ind father; also for the many beauti ful floral tokens. MRS. JAVAN ROGERS AND CHILDREN. CARD OF THANKS Please permit me to express through your paper my sincere thanks for the cindness and favors shown me in the leatli of my husband, from friends both of the colored and white race. Mrs. J. I). SLADE. -_ WANTS ' EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD cabbage plants for sale. 15 cents i per hundred. Hitained from the best seed. 11. . Green, Pecan Grove Farm Williamston, N. C j8 4t FOR SALE: ONE MODEL T Ford ■ l car, for storage and cost due on | same. I will offer for sale at Reuben Keel's residence on Highway No. 90, at 12 o'clock noon February 1, 1932, j the above described car, same being left with me on December 10, 1931. Henry F. Strickland. jyl9 and 26 FOR SALE: 2,000 POUNDS FRESH "meat, right off the rack. Price right. See F. L. and J. Haywood Rogers. It CHANCE OF A LIFETIME—RE i liable man wanted to call on farmers lin Martin County. Wonderful oppor- 1 tunity. Make $7 to sl2 daily. No ex- ' perience. or capital needed. Write to* i day. McNess Company, Dept. F, i •j hreeport, Illinois.. . 11 ' 3-ROOM APARTMENT WITH j J lights and private bath for rent, |' furnished or unfurnished. Mr». ' Kate York. It . | " i i NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that, under. I and by virtue of a power of sale con-: j | tained in that certain deed of trust, J I executed by W. A. Mizelle, to thel undersigned trustee, bearing date 21st j j day of March, 1927, and ot record in J ' j the public registry of Martin ( ounty, j * I uv Hook P-2, at *page 234, said trust f deed having been given, to secure the ! J Here's New Firestone r Air Balloon " Tire When Firestone pioneered and developed the original balloon tire in 1022, they established the prin cip'" of very large cross section ti •! using very low air pres tv 'I on wheels of small di aii The "Firestone Air Bal lot imply emphasizes a fur. thci .I rrue of this Firestone prin ciple to give added riding comfort urn' safety. • 1 A new low pressure tire; so am ple in its billowy proportions that it gives the impression of being at tached to the hub of the wheel in stead of to the rim, is announced by the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company. Known as the "Air Balloon," the new tire carries only from ten to fourteen pounds pressure and is designed primarily to increase rid j payment of a certain note of even i date therewith, and the stipulations in j the same not having been complied I with, and at the request of the holder |of said note, the undersigned trustee I will, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of Feb., : 1932, at twelve o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston, North Carolina, offer at public auction, to the highest bid tier for cash, the following described land, to-wit: Beginning at A. W. Bailey and the William Mizelle corner, running an Fast course with A. W. Bailey line to a corner in the Jesse Mizelle line, thence a Southern course with the Jesse Mizzelle line and Albert Rogers line to a corner in the Swamp, thence down said Swamp to the Caleb Mi zelle corner, thence with the Caleb Mizelle line and heirs line to the lie ginning and containing 80 acres, more or less. This mortgage covers 1-3 interest in this tract of land. This 2nd day of Januarv, 1932. J. B. AVERS, jan.-5-4t Trustee. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of i trust executed by P. O. High and | wife, Nancy M. High, on the 17th day of August, 1925, and recorded in book X-2, page 137, we will, on Saturday, the 6th day of February, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, at the door of the court house in Martin County, Williamston, N. C, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the following land, to wit: All that certain tract or lot of land lying and being in Goose Nest Town ship, Martin County, on the I£. side of the Oak City and Hohgood road, containing 247 acres, as is shown by map and survey made by S. M. Credle, C. K., from the 15th to the 17th day of November, 1921, adjoining the lands of Prymus Lynch on northwest, the lands of Joe Long, deceased, on j the N. and northeast, and the lands , of Smith and Green on the E. and S.,| i and the aforesaid county road on the i W., commonly known and called the John T. Hyman farm and more partic i ularly described as follows: Beginning j on the Oak City and Hobgood road at a culvert in a branch in the line of I Primus Lynch; thence along said road S. 59* 50' K. 57 ft., thence S. 34* 25' K. 251 ft., thence S. 10* 25' E. 198 ft., i thence S. 6* 45' W. 1261 ft., thence S. I 33* 45' E. 237 ft. to a fence, Smith and Green's line, thence N. 40* 50' E. 1 1075 ft.'to a stake in a ditch, thence S. 54* 10' E. 1950 ft. to a corner of Smith and Green, thence N. 31* 40' E. | 3430 ft. to a cypress and 3 gums in the run of the swamp in the line of the Joe Long land; thence, a north west course along the run of the swamp in the line of the Joe Long land to an old cypress stump at Cherry Hole, Prymus Lynch's corner; thence S. Lynch's line to the head of a ditch in a branch, thence along the branch a southwest direction and with the line of Prymus Lynch to the culvert on the Oak City and Hobgood road, and be- the same lands conveyed to P. O. High by J. A. Davenport and wife, Helen J. Davenport, and P. H. Daven port and wife, Helen P. Davenport, by deed dated August 12, 1925, and recorded in Book of Deeds M-2, pages 583 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Martin County, N. C. This sale is made by reason of the failure of P. O. High and wife, Nancy M. High, to pay on and discharge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired front the purchaser at the tale. Thi* the 29th day of December, 1931. W. G. BRAMHAM and T. L. BLAND, Receivers for First National Com pany of Durham, Inc., trustee, former ly First National Tru«t Company, Durham, N. C. jl2 4tw NOTICE OF SAL* By virtue of a Deed of Trust execut ed to me by H. L. Hopkins and wife, Thelma Hopkins of Martin County, North Carolina dated 21st day of Mav 1930 and of public record in the of fice of the' Register of Deeds for s#id Martin County in Book C-3, at page 312, and at the request of the holder of the notes of indebtedness thereby secured, default having been made in the payment thereof, I will, on Mon day, February Ist, 1932, at 12 o'- clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Martin County offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: First Tract: One certain tract or parcel of land, containing 100 acres, more or less, and being the same land where we now live and farm, and be ing same land conveyed to Walter White by V. R. Taylor and conveyed to us by V. G. Taylor, Truitee, in Wynn land tale, and being • part of THE ENTERPRISE ing Exhaustive teals made by Firestone Engineers have shown that its cushioning qualities bring about the nearest approach to "riding on air" that it has yet been possible to achieve in tire manufacturing. Cobblestones, car tracks, road ruts and similar rough spots of the highways are taken with scarcely nny jar at all Along with the comfort phase of their engineering task, we Fire stone designers also developed the safety features of the new tire. It is announced that mud, sand, sod or soft ground, wet or slippery pavements are negotiated with ease and safety heretofore un known. Skidding hazards are greatly reduced. In this respect the tire achiever one of its most important missions, since the com bination of low pressure and in the old Jenkins land. Second Tract: One certain tract or j parcel of land adjoining V. G. Taylor and others, bounded on the North by j Conoho Creek, on the East by V. G. Taylor, on the West by Thelma Hop-' kins home trait, on the South by L. G. Taylor and J. G. Staton, contain ing 150 acres, more or less, and be ing the lands inherited by Thelma Hopkins from her father as shown by Will of V. K. Taylor, duly recorded in Martin County Public Registry. This the I>t dayof January, 1932." B. A. CRITCHER, jan.-5-4t Trustee. Coburn and Coburn, Attorneys. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by L. A. Clark and wife, lis-, sie Woolard ( lark, on the 10th day of February, 1925, and recorded in book j T-2, page 487, wc will on Saturday, the 6th day of February, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Martin County, Williamston, N. C.. sell at public auction, for cash to the highest bidder, the following land, to wit: " . First Tract: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Cross Road* Township, Martin Coun ty, and State of North Carolina, bound ] ed on the N. by the right of way of the Atlantic' Coast Line Railroad, on | the E. by the lands of Whit Moore, ,(>ll the S. by the N. C. State ljighway | No. 90, andiron the W. by the lands | of Tom Allen and Alonzo Allen, con taining 3.05 acres, more or less, and ,more pgrticulraly described as follows: to wit: Begining on the .state highway j No. 90 at au iron stob, corner of this | land and land of Whit Moore, thence N, 9 W. 547 ft., thence S. 81 W. 296 !feet; thence due S. 230 ft., thence due ; E. 150 ft., thence S. 9 E. 297 ft., thence IN. 81 E. 186 ft., to the beginning, as I shown by a of same made by T. I Jones Taylor, cngineerr~f>n the 26th i day of January, 1925. Second Tract: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Cross Roads Township, Martin County, and State of North Carolina, bounded on the N. by the J. B. Burroughs farm and the lands of C. T. Peal, on the E. by Beaver Dam Creek and lands of W. T. Culli fer, on the S. right of way of the Line Railroad; and on the-by the George Roberson farm,.containing 170.65 acres, more or less, and more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning where Beaver Dam. Creek crosses the Atlan tic Coast Line Railroad right of way, the corner of this land, the land of W. T. Cullifer, and the first tract above described, thence S. 86 1-4 W. 3775 ft., thence N. 35 W. 678 ft., thence N. 57 1-2 E. 1050 ft., thence due E. 201 ft. to a branch, thence along the branch N. 41 E. 800 ft., E. 900 ft., N. 32 E. 475 ft., thence N. 22 E. 276 ft., Tomato May we aend you a package of thla neweet tomato T Davaloptnl by the Department of Agriculture aa an aura aarljr and offered thla year for th* Aral time. L-aat year aved for trial ptanlln« were cat aloged at |l.#« par packet. 'm' Wood'a new Cataloc. offering ttla wldaat aalaction and choicaat of Daw vartatlaa lowest price* In tan yeara are quoted oa W3ODB SEEDS Uaa the coupon, write plainly pnd . mail promptly. Oat Wood'a aarvlceabl* oataloc Ba the flrat In your nelfhbor hood to have thla new tomato; aaot 10 'hoae H who mall In the S "" iia. J 2 awl your Sm« OUt aad Catalog. a • ' 2 S Naae * • l • ! M«a» i »mi'i riding surface give it a i nraok higher resistance against skidding than has aver before been attained. Both the the and the special wheel wan planned by Firestone Engineara with an eye to beauty. The special wheel is a concave black alsk, attractively set off with rings of polished chrome. A com plete set includes five "Air Bal loon" tires and live wheels and an arm for adjusting the steering. In the evolution of tires for smaller cars, for example, the tire size has been increased from cross section width measuring 8.00 inches to 8.60 to 4.40, then to 4.60 and later to 4.76 inches. Now the "Air Balloon" approximately dou bles the cross section size for I small cars and increases the air I volume about four times. thence N. 85 E. 459 ft., thence S. 70 1-2 E. 285 ft. to Beaver Dam Creek, thence along the various courses of Beaver Dam Creek to the beginning, a 9 shown by a map oLsame made by J. L. Foye, C. E., on the 28th day of December, 1917, which said map is of record in the public registry of Mar tin County in Land Division Book No. 1, at page 416. This sale is made by reason of the failure of L. A. Clark and wife, Essie Woolard Clark, to pay off and dis charge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. A deposit of. 10 per cent will be re quired •from the purchaser at the sale. This the Ist day of January, 1932. " W. G. BRAMHAM And T. L. BLAND, Receivers for First National Com pany of Durham, Inc., Trustee, for merly First National Trust Company, Durham, N. C. jl2 4t SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the authority conferred ugon us in a deed of trust executed by C. H. Dawes and wife, Mathinia Dawes, on the 31 &t day of May, 1923, and recorded in book 0-2, page 175, we will, -on Saturday, the 30th day of January, 1932, 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Mar tin County, Willamston, N. C., sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following land, to wit: All that certain tract, piece, or par cel of land, containing 122 1-2 acres, more or less, situate, tying and being on the Hamilton road about 7 miles POULTRY CAR r ' _• ; : ' ''l V"—— ; WILL BE IN MARTIN COUNTY FOUR DAYS THIS WEEK January 19, 20, 21, and 22 JAMESVILLE TUESDAY, JANUARY 19TH WILLIAMSTON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20TH ROBERSONVILLE - - THURSDAY, JANUARY 21ST OAK CITY FRIDAY, JANUARY 22ND County agents, in cooperation with the Division of Markets, have ar ranged for a poultry car to be placed on siding for one day at each of the above places. COLORED HENS ">■ ~ 16° STAGS »• 9* >■&* •• LEGHORN HENS ">• - 13« DUCKS GEESE »• - 1(K COLORED CHICKS [ b - 16® TURKEY HENS 2(K LEGHORN CHICKS lk 9° NO. 2 TURKEYS "> 15" __ I I II l I I . , , * T. B. Brandon, County Agent E. of the town of Williamston, Pop lar Point Township, Martin County, N. C., having such shape, metes, courses, and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a map made by J. R. Mobley, surveyor, on the 10th day of May, 1923, and adjoin ing the lands of William Griffin on the W., the lands of Riley Sprnill on the E„ the lands of L. Wynne on the S., and the lands of Greeley Slade on the W., and more particularly described as follows: Beginning on the Hamil ton Road at Greeley Slade's corner; thence down said road S. 65 1-2 de grees E. 55 poles; S. 51 degrees E. 36 poles; S. 60 1-2 degrees E. 52 poles to Pollard or Main Branch, Riley Spruill's | corner, thence down Riley Spruill's line lor branch S. 53 degrees E. 15 poles; ) S. 70 degrees W. 16 poles, S. 74 de crees W. 32 poles, S. 79 degrees W. | 16 poles, S. 56 degrees W. 20 poles; I S. 19 1-2 degrees W. 28 poles; S. 4 (degrees W. 20 poles, S. 17 degrees W. 14 poles; S. 25 degrees W. 14 poles; S. 21 degrees E. 20 poles; S. 27 1-2 degrees E. 20 po.les; S. 2 1-2 degrees 12 poles to Conoho Creek, thence up Conoho Creek N. 76 degrees W. 14 poles, N. 77 1-4 degrees W. 18 poles; S. 83 degrees W. 14 poles; N. 63 1-2 degrees W. 12 poles; S. 58 degrees W. 7 poles; N. 45 degrees W. 11 poles; N. 27 1-2 degrees W. 11 poles; S. 51 1-2 degrees W. 8 poles to a gum. Greely Slade's corner, thence along Greely Slade's line N. 5 degrees W. 60 poles, N. 42 degrees E. 20 poles, N. 24 1-2 degrees E. 140 poles, to the beginning, and being the same land conveyed to the said C. H. Dawes by B. A. Critcher by deed dated No vember 21, 1914, and on record in Martin County Public Regsitry in Bk. i G-l, Pg. 208. This sale is made by reason of the ! failure of C. H. Dawes and wife. Ma NOTICE Store Peanuts I have space in a bonded warehouse at Williamston, where I will store and insure peanuts (or 3 cents per bag per month, provided they are left in storage as long as four months; otherwise, the minimum charge will be 10 cents per bag. Certificates issued against Peanuts stored are negotiable and can be borrdw ed on at banks the same as any other se curity. • * "" R. W. SALSBURY Tuesday. January 19,1932 thinia Dawes, to pay off and dis charge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 10th day of December, 1931. W. G. BRAMHAM j5 4tw and T. L. BLAND, Receivers for Frsit National Com pany of Durham, Inc., Trustee, form erly First National Trust Company, Durham, N. C. GENERAL PLUMBING and HEATING SPECIALIST Call W. E. Dunn ■U Phone 151 Williamston, N. C. Estimates Cheerfully Given for 1932 Work

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