PAGE FOUR FARi? OUTLOOK MEETING IS HELD HERE THURSDAY (Continued from front page) markets by limiting consumption, and no change can.,» be expected until all people go back to work," Mr. Fergu son said. Stating that he was a firm believer of cooperation in every undertaking, tht agtnt said he was not interested now in cooperative buying andselling particularly at this time, but tlfet he was vitally interested in production. Consider your own farm as 411 indi vidual problem, he urged. If you lost money raising tobacco last year, change your tactics this year and plant more land to lespedeza, oats, and wheat and gardens. Martin County people bought 53,000 bushels of wheat last year, and the v oat crop was 75,(MM) bushels less than it should have been. Two million gallons of milk should be consumed over and above the a moutit produced at the present time. "You, are not treating your children 6 6 6 LIQUID - TABLETS - SALVE 666 Liquid or Tablets used inMrnally and 666 Salve externally, make a com plete and effective treatment for colds. Most Speedy Remedies known. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES North Carolina. Martin County, Town of Jamesvillc. I, O. G. Carbon, tax dollcctor for the Town of Jamesvillc, N. C., have this day levied on the property whose owners* names appear below and which is located in the town of Jamesvillc. N. C., ami will sell the same at public a'uefion, for cash, in front of the post office in ,tlic Town of Jamesvillc, N. C., on the first Monday in February, 1932. unless said taxes, penalties, interest, plus cost, are paid on or before that date. This the l'st day of January, 1932. - This the Ist day of January, l'> 32. 1 O. G. CARSON, Tax Collector. White Eva Daw $ 2.40 J. Xl..Goilard ..">0 J. R.- Hardison Estate 7.20 J. E. Hedrick 3.23 Annie May Herring .......... 2.40 Mrs. F. VY. Holliday. Property, 1927 and '2B 4.20 Martin Brothers 26.55 R. O. Martin ' 4 4.7-2 L. W. Mizell, *27 and '2B 50.54 J. M. HMMD c 720 Colored W. H Ellison 6.00 Hedry Gray, balance due LQO Emma' Green I -20 Willie Hopkiits, balance due -77 Nellie Ruflin - 1-50 John D. Williams - '•£" R. I'. Powers • 5.78 -WATTS REMEMBER . Eddie Cantor IN "Palmy Days" MONDAY, TUESDAY, JAN. 25 & 26 You Can Give DREAM HOUSE Lumber, and building materials * are lower in price than ever before. Taxes, too, are on the decline. This is the opportune time to build. It is very doubtful if conditions will ever be as favorable to build a home as they are today. Take advantage of them. It will save you a thous and dollars. A home today is a good investment. Also it is a good time to repair the outbuild ings on your premises. Preserve your crops with good rain-proof roofs. Protect the livestock from the winter rains. Poultry in fast houses produce bctttft. • !___ I-. - Can furnish rough and finished lumber that is kiln-dried at the lowest of prices in years. Call, write, or come to the plant for particu lars. Murray and McCabe Co. ' WILLI AMSTON, N. C. HAVE THEY? Have your neighbor* ever dropped into your home to bor row the collection of circular let ters, hand-bills, etc., that the users think are as good as advertising in your favorite home newspaper ? Jordan (Minn.) Independent. right," he charged the people. When you have met these requirements, then consider your strictly cash crops, he concluded. The tobacco outlook is dark; in fact, there is no outlook for it, but farmers are warned to look out for the results of a big acreage, Representative Green of the federal Farm Hoard said in his talk before the assembly. Uncler present conditions, we can not grow tobacco successfully, the representa tive said, suggesting three things in producing the crop this year. Better quality is necessary, along with im proved marketing conditions, and acre age must be reduced, Mr. Green said. When all the reduction is made, it will hardly he more than 15 per cent this year, and consumption is expect ed to tlrop more than that, it was ex plained. Other than living at home and prac ticing economy, there is little the Mar tin County farmer can do in 1932. Mr. f). ])r Stalls, who has been dangerously ill with pneumonia, recovering at his home on Main Street here. PUBLISHED BVKHY TUHPAY AiW» rWIOAY TOBACCO SALES OFF FROM 1930 Pounds and Price Both Are Considerably Under Last Year Raleigh.—Tobacco producers' sales in North Carolina up to January I, 1932, amounted to 422,631,212 pounds, according to figures released today by State-Federal Crop Reporting Service. The total sales on the same date a year ago amounted to 490,595,- 793 pounds. The average price for all sales this season was $9.17 per 100 pounds, as compared with an average price of $13.41 per hundred last sea son, or $4.25 per hundred less than was paid for the 1930 crop. Indications are that the U. S. Gov ernment crop estimates of 468,520,000 pounds for tlie North Carolina 1931 crop will be equalled if not exceeded, reports say, since -two months yet Remain in the sales season, and since some 25,000,000 pounds of tobacco grown in North Carolina is sold in border markets each year, either in South Carolina or Virginia. A con siderable amount of very poor tobac co was offered for sale in many mar kets,"'in some instances so poor that "ft —was refused" for sale, the report state's! 'which is one of the reasons for the low average price so far this year. During the month of December, 68,058,914 pounds were marketed in North Carolina markets at an aver age of 6.7 cents per pound, as com pared with sales of 73,449,151 pounds in December, 1930, at an average of 12.54 cents per pound. WANTS FOR SALE: ONE MODEL T Ford car, for storage and cost due on same. I will offer for sale at Reuben Keel's residence on Highway No. 90, at 12 o'clock noon February 1, 1932, the above described car, same being left with me on IJecenvber 10, 1931. Henry F. Strickland. jy 19 and 26 FOR SALE: 2,000 POUNDS FRESH meat, right off the rack. Price right. See F. L. and J. Haywood Rogers. It NOTICE? OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Whereas on the Ist day of March, 1930, William Robert Everett, widow er, executed to Edward E. Rhodes, trustee, a deed of trust which is re corded in book B-3, page 509, office of Register of Deeds of Martin Coun ty; and whereas default has been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said trust deed, and the holder thereof has requested exercise of the power of sale therein contained; Public notice is hereby given that on Wednesday, the 17th day of/Febru ary, 1932, at 12 o'clock m., at the front door of the courthouse of Mar tin County, in the town of William ston, North Carolina, the undersigned will offer for sale, at public, auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, to wit: Lying in Goose Nest Township, Martin County, North Carolina. Hounded on the north by the lands of J. C. Ross and F. L. Salsbury; on the east by the lands of P. L. Sals bury; oft the south by the lands of N. F. Brown and N. C. Highway No. 125; and on the west by Conoho Creek, and more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at a large pine, cor ner of N. F. Brown, on the north side of N. C. Highway No. 125, thence north fifty degrees east one hundred and eight poles to a pine; thence south seventy-six and one-half degrees east ninety-four and four-tenths poles to the road leading from Hamilton to Conoho Church; thence up said road north eight and one-half degrees west 'twelve and one-half poles, thence nortn sixty and three-fourths degrees east twelve and one-half poles; thence south eight and one-half degrees east twelve and one-half poles; thence north sixty and three-fourths degrees east seventy-light and one-half poles; thence north twenty-four and one fourth degrees west one hundred and sixty-five poles; thence north twen ty-five and one-fourth degrees west fifty-five poles to the Cone Avenue, near a marked pine; thence along the Cone Avenue aouth thirty-three and one-fourth degeres west seventy-two and six-tenths poles to the road lead ing from Hamilton to Conoho church; thence north twenty-nine and one-half [ degrees west seventy-four and forty eight hundredths poies; thence north forty-one degrees west nineteen and five-tenths poles; to Harrell Branch, at a bridge with a marked gum, thence along the courses of Harrell Branch in a southwesterly direction to Conoho Creek; thence along the various courses of Conoho Creek in a southerly di rection to N. C, Highway No. 125; thence along said highway south eighty-four and one-fourth degrees east twenty-seven and two-tenths poles to the beginning; containing 310 acres, more or less; and being the same and identical land deeded to W. R. Ever ett and K. B. Higgs by J. W. Higgs et at. Book VV-2, page 222; and deeded to W.'R. Everett by E. B. Higgs and *-ife. Book F-3, page 8. Martin Coun ty Registry. This the 15th day of January, 1932. EDWARD E. RHODES, j22 4tw Trustee. E. S. Peel, Attorney, Williamston„ ■M. C : NOTICE OP SALE OF LAND UNDER MORTGAGE Under and by virtue ol the power of sale contained ill that certain Deed of Trust executed and delivered by S. T. Carson to Albion Dunn, Trustee, on tfce 20th day of May, 1931, which deed of trust is recorded in Book G-3, papre 144 of the Public Registry* of Martin County default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness therein secured, and a request having been m&tk by the holder of notes therein secured for a foreclos ure of the below described lands un der the powers of sale therein con tained, the undersigned will offer at THE EN T ERPRISE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS public sale at the Courthouse door in ! Williamston North Carolina to the S highest bidder for cash at twelve o'- clock noon on Friday, the 19th day of February 1932 the following de scribed tract or parcel of land: ! "Bounded on the North by the Coburn Land; on the East by the Co burn Land; on the South by the Eli Moore Land aijd Jand of Mrs. Lillie B, Carson; on the West by the land of S. J. Carson, containing three hun dred (300) acres, more or less, and being that tract of land inherited by B. L. Carson, Sclma C. Moore, Ruth C. Bundy and S. T. Carson from the estate of their father, S. T. Carson, deceased, and being known as a part ,of the Old Gray Andrews Place, and t being the same land in which a three fourths (3-4) undivided interest was j conveyed to S. T. Carson by B. L. I Carson (unmarried), Selma C. Moore (divorced) and Ruth C. Bundy and 'husband, W. J. Bundy, on date of May 2nd, 1931." I Terms of sale, cash. This the lVth day of January, 1932. I ALBION DUNN, Ijy 22-4t Trustee. J. C. Lanier, Atty. NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF LAND WHEREAS: C. G. Rogerson ex ecuted a deed of trust to S. J. Ev erett, Trustee, to secure his two bonds tfatcd December !, 1929 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Martin County in Deed Book B-3 page 285 and whereas default has been made in I the payment of the aforesaid bonds the undersigned Trustee will re-sell to the highest bidder at the Court house door in Williams ton on Febru ary 1, 1932 at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described property, to-wit: "Beginning at a pine, Jordan Mi zelle's corner, thence nearly a West cours« along Jordan Mizelle's line to the run of Great Branch; thence nearly a north course along the run of said Branch to William W. Leg gett's corner a pine in William B. Ayers' line, thence with Ayers' -line a corner at Mizelle's; thence along Mizelle's line on a line of marked trees to the first station by estima tion, containing twenty-five acres, more or less." "Beginning at a corner in James Mizelle's line, a pine; thence with James Mizelle's line to his corner in Jordan Mizelle's old line; thence with Jordan Mizelle's line to Martin Whitaker's corner, an oak; thence with Whitaker's line of marked trees to a corner, a maple in' Levi Rodgers' old line q£ marked trees to a corner in a pine; thence a line of marked trees to the beginning, containing twenty-five acres, more or less." "Beginning at the foot of the old path, thence along the old path Mar tin' Whitaker's heirs line; thence with Martin WlnUker's heirs line to Wil liam Mizelle's line; thence with Wil liam Mizelle's line to the road; thence with the road to the begin ning, containing two acres, more or less." This the 'l4th day of January, 1932. S. J. EVERETT, jan. 22-2t Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE ' By virtue of the power and author ity contaised in that certain deed of trust bearing date of June 19th, 1926, recorded in Book Q-2, at page 579, same having been given to secure payment of certain notes of even date, and default having been made in the payment of same, and at the request of the holder of said notes, the un dersigned Trustee will, on Friday, the 19th day of February, 1932, at twelve (12) o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door of Martin County, offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described land, to-wit: "One house and lot in the town of Williamston, N. C., beginning at Mrs. Fannie Melson's corner on Main Street in said town thence along Main Street a 'Westerly course fifty (50) feet; thence along Julius S. Peel's line/325 feet in a Southerly di rection to/a branch at the run there of; thenc* along the run of the branch to Cuff Fborn's line; thence along Cuff Eborn'sl ine and Mrs. Melson's line about\J2s. feet to the beginning." This the 18th day of January, 1932. ELBERT S. PEEL, jan. 22-4t > Trustee. Hugh G. Horton, Atty. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. _ Having this day qualified as admin istrator of the estate of B. B. Griffin, deceased, this is to notify all person* having claim* against the said estate to present them to the undersigned BILIOUS ■■ "I have used Black- Draught . . . md have not found anything thai could take Its place, X take Black- Draught (or bilious ness. When I get bili ous, I have a nervous headache and a ner vous, trembling feeling that unfits me for my work. After I take a few doses of Black- Draught, I get all right When Z begin to get bilious, I feel tired and run-down, and then the headache and trembling. But Black-Draught re lieves all this."—jr. a ImM, Mamm villi, oa. For indigestion, con stipation. biliousness, take mh m Thed Fords r BLACK DRAUGHT I Woaw wtM mm* a tMte should I I ui» CAjoct. vmd vnr M yw. | WILLI AMSTON HOTH CAWOCNf within one year from the date of thi* notice, or thi* notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AII persons indebted to Mid estate wil please make immediate payment This the 6th day of January, 1932. ARCH GRIFFIN, j8 6tw Administrator. Elbert S. Peel, attorney. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power of sale, in a deed of trust from Rue Cratt and husband, John M. Cratt, to the un dersigned; dated May 7th, 1928, and of record in book X-2, page 616, office of the register of deeds of Martin County; and by reason of non-payment of the debt secured by the aforesaid deed of trust; the undersigned, at the request of the holder of the notes se curd, will, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of February, 1932, at twelve o'clock noon, before the courthouse door of Martin County, N. C., offer for sale, at public auction, the following lands: In Bear Grass Township, Martin County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of John Bullock, Claude Lee and Robert Harris; containing 90 acres, more or less; and being the same and identical premises .conveyed to Sophia Cratt bv deed from M- G. Cratt, dated Nevember 10, 1914, and duly recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Martin County in Book G-l, at page 497; and also the same lands and premises upon which said Sophia Cratt resided at the time of her death. This sale will be reported to the Superior Court of Martin County, N. C., for confirmation or resale, as pro vided by law. This December 30, 1931. JOHN H. BONNER, jl 4tw Trustee. John H. Bonner, Attorney, Wash ington, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust, executed by E. E. Ange to the under signed trustee, and dated the 21st day of April, 1930, and of record in the public registry of Martin County, in book B-3, at page 465, said trust deed having been given to secure the pay ment of a certain note of even date therewith, and default having been mad in the payment thereof, and the conditions in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said note, the undersigned trustee will, on the 12th day of February, 1932, at twelve o'- clock noon, at the courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston, North Carolina, offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the follow ing described land, to wit: That tract or parcel of land known as the Edwin Ange tract of land and bounded on the north by the lands of T. E. Holliday and J. N. Cooper, and on the east by the lands of S. J. D. Ange and Joseph Holliday, and on the south and west by the lands of Syl vester Davis and wife, Sadie Davis, containing 53 acres, the same more or less. This sale will be made subject to all prior liens. This the sth day of January, 1932. MAUD V. ANGE. j8 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power contained in ; a certain deed of trust executed the 10th day of June, 1929, by Mary L. l'ollard and Adelaide Heming to Chickamauga Trust Company, trustee, of record in book B-3, at page 197, of fice of the register of deeds for Mar tin County, to secure a loan made to said parties by the Prudential Insur ance Company of America, and by vir tue of a deed executed the 20th day of July, 1931, by the Prudential In surance Company of America to T, W. Sterrett, substitute trustee, of rec ord in the Martin County, registry, default having been made in the pay ment of the debt secured thereby, the undersigned will, on Monday, the 25th day of January, 1932, at twelve (12) oclock noon, sell at public auction, at the courthouse dooor of Martin Coun ty, at Williamston, North Carolina, to the highest bidder, for cash the following described lands: "First tract: Lying and being in Kobersonville Township, Martin Coun ty, North Carolina, and on the road leading from the town of Hassell to the town of Parinele, bounded on the northwest by the • lands of Ira An drews, formerly S. L. Andrews, on the northeast by the lands of B. E. Moye and Joe Bullock, formerly the Page land, and on fhe ea'st by the lands of Herbert Stalls and Marion Evans, formerly the Page land, on the south by the lands of Levi Manning, and on the southwest by the lands of George Jenkins and Jim Dock Nelson, form erly Alex Nelson. BEGINNING in the center of the bridge over the Co burn Swamp Canal on the road leading from Hassell to Parmele, Levi Man ning's corner, running south 41 de grees 30 minutes west 6.40 chains to a pine stump, Levi Manning's corner; thence north 48 degrees. 30 minutes west 9.15 chains to a pine stump, Levi Manning's corner; thence north 82 de grees 45 minutes west 10.10 chains: thence alonq Levi Manning's and George Jenkins' line north 54 degrees 00 minutes west 4.60 chains; thence north 20 degrees 30 minutes west a long George Jenkins' and Jim Dock Nelson's lines 8.00 chains; thence north 42 degrees 00 minutes west 2.10 chains and north 73 degree* 00 minute* west 80 links to a pine stump, Ira An drews' corner; tnence along Andrews' line north 41 degrees 00 minutes east 60.50 chains to his corner in the line of B. E. Mayo; thence along Kayo's and Joe Bullock's line south 20 de grees 00 minutes east 35.75 chain* to the corner of Herbert Stalls; thence along the lines Of Heibert Stalls and Marion Evans south A degrees 00 min utes west 30.50 chains to the center line of the canal in Coburn swamp, Levi Manning's line; thence up and along the center of line of canal, Levi Manning's line south 86 degrees 30 minutes west 8.50 chains and north 67 degrees 00 minutes west 10.00 chains to the beginning, containing 197.6 acres, more or less. Being the first, second, and third tract* deicribed in a deed of conveyance from Clayton Moore to F. L. Gladstone, which deed i* dated February 7, 1924, and i* re corded in book R-2,. page 281, Martin County Registry." "Second tract: Lying and being in Robersonville Township, Martin Coun ty, North Carolina, and on the road leading from the town of Hassell to the town of Parmele, bounded on the north by the lands of R. T. Andrews, on the east by the lands of Will Ayers, and on the south by the lands of David Grime* and on the west by, the lands of B. E. Moye. BEGIN NING at a light Wood (take, Will Ayert', Richmond Moorings, and Da-' vid Grime'* corner, running along Da- 1 vid Grimes' line south 51 degrees 15 | Minutes west 23.60 chains to an iron ' stob in B. E. Moye's line; thence a-! long Moye's line north 4 degrees 00 minutes east 42.90 chains to R. T. j Andrew's line; thence along his line south 85 degrees 00 minutes east 17.35 chains to Will Ayer's corner; thence 1 along Ayer's line S. 5 degrees 00 min-' utes west 26.60 chains to the begin- J ning, containing 60 acres, more or less. | This the 19th day of December, 1931.! T. W. STERRETT, Substitute trustee for Chickamauga Trust Company. jl 4tw NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee on the 26th day of November, 1 1929, by Mary L. Berry, of record in ! the Martin County registry in book' C-3, at page 108, to secure a certain ; bond of even date therewith, and the 1 stipulations not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said bond, the undersigned trustee! will, oiMhe 30th day of January, 1932, : at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the' courthouse door of Martin County, of fer for sate, to flie highest bidder, fori cash, the following described land: I A certain tract or parcel of land in ■ Jamesville Township, Martin County, North Carolina, adjoining the Mary H. Hardison land, and J. A. Getsinger land on the west; George W. Blount land on the north, Guyther land on the east and the Barden land on the south and being about one mile from har dens, N. C., and described as follows: Beginning at the corner of the Bar den land, J. A. Getsinger, thence a long J. A. Getsinger and Mary H. Hardison land N. 20 E. 275 poles to the corner of George Blount land and Mary H. Haridson land; thence along Geo. Blount land Sfl 88 30 E. 100 poles to the corner of the Guyther land and Geo. Blount land S. 88 30 E. 100 poles Guyther land S. 16 W. 137 poles, W. 23 poles, S 16 poles, W. 145 poles to the corner of Guyther land and Bar den land; thence along Barden land S. 6 W. 9 poles, N. 76 W. 67 poles to the beginning. Containing 150 acres, more or less. The description of said land will also be shown by map made by W. W. Ange, said map being made a part of this description. This 30th day of December, 1931. B. A. CRITCHER, jl 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a judgment of the superior court of Martin Coun ty in an action entitled "D. G..Mat thews vs. John E. Mizt-'le and wife, Lucy Mizelle," the undersigned com missioner will, on the Ist day of Feb ruary, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door, of Martin County, offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following describ ed land: Located in Bear Gra s Township, Martin County, N. C., beginning at a gum in A. W. Bailey's and J. N. Rogerson's corner; thence along A. W. Bailey's line to Jesse Micelle's line; thence along said Jesse Mizelle's line to James A. Rogerson's line; thence along J. A. Rogerson's line to the swamp, thence along said swamp to the beginning. Containing 80 acres, more or less. This 30th day of December, 1931. B. A. CRITCHER, jl 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by A. E. Purvis and wife to the undersigned trustee, dated the 25th day of January, 1926, and of record in the public registry of Martin County, in book S-2, at page 105, said deed having been given to secure the pay ment of certain notes of even date therewith, and default having been made in the payment of said notes, and the terms and stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with I and at the request of the holder of! said notes, the undersigned trustee j will, on the 12th day of February, 1932, ( at twelve o'clock noon, at the court- j house door of Martin County, at Wil- I liamston, North Carolina, offer at pub-1 lie sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described land, to wit; 1 Beginning at a maple, E. R. Ed ' mondson corner, in the run of Co- I netoe Creek and running along Ed- j ! mondson line S. 74 1-2 E. to the back | line, thence along the back line south ; 9 chains; thence N. 74 1-4 W. to the | public road leading by the Purvis res idence; thence along the road south west wardly to a ditch; thence down i the said ditch to the run of the creek; j thence up the run of the creek to the I beginning, containing 133 acres, more l or less, and which is of record in land | division record No. 1 at page No. 248 j Martin County registry. I This sale will be made subject to all prior liens. This the sth day of January, 1932. R. H. SALSBURY. j8 4tw Trustee. NOTICK OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES I, Sheriff C. B. Roebuck, tax col lector for the county of Martin, State of North Carolina, have this day lev ied on the following tracts or parcels of land, and will sell same at public, auction, for cash, at the courthouse. door in Williamston, North Carolina,! on Monday, February 1,-1932, at 12' o'clock, noon, for taxes due' and un paid for the year 1930, unless said taxes, penalties and interest, plus cost, are paid on or before that date. This the Ist day of January, 1932. C. B. ROEBUCK, Sheriff, ja. 8-4t Martin County. Hamilton Township—Whit* W. R. Bunting, 1 residence and ... . j office (69.33 Cross Roads—Colored P. T. Eyerett, 11 acre* residence 48.50 NOTICE OP BALE Under and by virtue of the authority vested in me in that certain deed of. trust executed to me by C. H. Clark and wife, Viola Clark, on the 4th day! of January, 1926, which is duly record ed in book S-2, page 97, of the Martin' County 'records, which was given to secure certain notes of even date there with, and the said notes not having been paid according to the terms there in specified, I shall offer for sale at public auction, in front of the Plant ers and Merchants Bank in Everetts, N. C., on Saturday, February 6th, 1932, the following described land, to wit: Friday. January 22, 1932 I Beginning atf a stake on the north side of the railroad and on the east side of the Hamilton public road, ■ thence an easterly course with said rail road (60) sixty feet to A. D. Wynn's lot, a corner, thence a northerly course along A. D. Wynn's line (50) fifty .feet to a stake, a corner; thence a westerly course (60) sixty feet to the i Hamilton road, thence a southerly course along Hamilton road (50) fifty feet to the beginning. Being known as the store and garage lot now occu pied 5y C. H. Clark. This the 6th day of January, 1932. CARL BULLOCK, !> 8 4tw Trusete. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by J. A. Maning and wife, Annie Manning to the undersigned trustee, bearing date the second day of January, 1925, and of record in the (public registry of Martin County in ;book S-2, page 32, said deed of trust | having been given to secure the pay ment o{ certain notes of even date , and tenor therewith, and default hav ; ing been made in the payment of said notes, and the terms and stipulations I >n said deed of trust not having been complied with, the undersigned trus- T te« will, on Monday, the eighth day of February, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, | at the post office door of Oak City, in Martin 'County, offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing described land, to wit: i One certain tract or parcel of land, 'situate and being in Goose Nest Town ship, Martin County, N. C., adjoining jthe lands of Z. W. Whitehurst, and iothers and bpunded as follows: A tract of land knowp as the schoolhouse lot, containing ont and one-quarter acres, more or less, adjoining on three tides the lands of Z. W. Whitehurst, and being the same lands conveyed to J. R. Ayers by school committee of Oak City Township, excepting the grave !yard, same being thirty feet square, j This the 6th day of January, 1932. D. J. MATTHEWS. jjß 4tw Trustee. j NOTICE OP SALE i Notice is hereby given that under 'and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by Chris C. "Keys, jr., and wile, Elizabeth Keys, U? the under signed trustee, bearing Jate January 20th, 1919, and of record/in book U-l, at page 186, of the public registry of Martin County, said trustee deed hav ing been given to secure the payment of a certain note of even date there with, and the terms and stipulations therein contained not having been com plied with, and at the request of the holder of said note, the undersigned wilt, on Monday, the 15th day of Feb ruary, 1932, at twelve o'clock noon at the courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston, North Carolina, offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract of land, to wit: Beginning at the Jones road in the Smithwick line, running thence along said line to Mulberry Branch, thence up said branch to the Hardison and Jones line, thence along said line to the road, thence along the road to the beginning, said to contain 50 acres, more or less, and being the same tract of land conveyed to George W. Pow ell by W. P. Powell and wife by deed dated February Ist, 1911, and record ed in the public registry of Martin County in book L-l, at page 29. This the 13th day of January, 1931. A. R. DUNNING, jls 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OP SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of re-sale signed by Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County, in the matter of the sale under the mortgage from J. A. Ellis and wife to the undersigned trustee, the bid at the former sale hav ing been raised as provided by law, the undersigned trustee will, pursuant to said order and signed deed of trust, on Saturday, the 30th day of January, | 1932, at twelve o'clock noon, at the | courthouse door of Martin County, at ! Williamston, North Carolina, offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, for | cash, the following described land, to wit: I Beginning at a lightwood stump, a , corner between ourselves and J. H. 1 Ellis, running south to the run of a branch, thence up the run of the branch to Holly Branch, thence along j said Holly Branch, a northeast course ' to a long-tag pine, a corner, theoc* { westward to beginning, said to contain 40 acres, more or less, j This the 12th day of January, 1932. L. H. ROBERSON. \ jls 2tw Trustee. NOTICE OF BALE J Under and by virtue of the terms contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by jW. S. Leggette and wife, Eva L«t --' gette, dated the 11th day of March, 1930, and of record in the public reg istry of Martin County in book C-3, at page 228, default having been made in the payment thereby secured, and at the request of the holder of said bond, the undersigned will, on the 10th day of February, 1932, at 12:00 noon, in front of the courthouse door, Wil liamston, North Carolina, expoae to sale the following described lands: Tract No. 1: All that tract or parcel ' of land, containing 55.4 acres, more or 1 less, lying and being on the road from I Everetts, N. C., to Hamilton, N. C„ about 3 miles north from Everetts, N. C., bounded on the northeast by the M. P. Taylor lands, together with the F. J. Roebuck lands, on the southeast by the lands of Jim Edmondson and G. R. Roebuck, on the southwest by the lands of G. R Roebuck and J. I. Taylor, and on the northwest by the lands of J. I. Taylor and M. P. Tay lor, being a part of the lands con veyed by that certain deed in book C-l, page 189, record in the public registry of Martin County. Tract No. 2: That tract or parcel of land lying and being in Poplar Point Township, Martin County, containing 26 acres, more or less, and bounded ,on the north by Barnhill Brothers, on the east W J. I. Taylor land, on the south by the run of Bates Branch and , on the west by Barnhill Brothera, and j being a part of the lands conveyed by deed of O. R. Roberson and wife. H. M- Roberson, dated February 5, 1912, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in book C-l, at page 189. Terms of sale: Cash. m. *. »*• 4tw Trustee.

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