Advertisers Wfll Fnd Our Col bm • Latchkey to Ow Slitif Ilaadrad Martm County Ham VOLUME XXXIV—NUMBER 94 MANY PLANTERS ATTEND MEET AT COOPERS SCHOOL v. • Decrease in Acreage to Cash Crops Expected in the I Jamesville Section That Martin farmers are planning to curtail acreage to cash crops this year was made certain last Friday night when a group of Jamesville Township farmers met in the old Cooper's Schoolhouse, nesr James ville, and discussed the farm outlook for 1932. The crop ratio has not been determined as yet, but, according to Professor W. T. Overby, of the James ville School, many farmers in that sec tion will cultivate the largest acre sge to lespedeza and other soil-building crops this spring and summer than ever before. Farmers attending the meeting, the first of a series to be held in that dis trict during the remsinder of this month and February, were agreed that it was time to give up the cash crop system, but they are unable to decide what to plant. Next Friday evening Mr. Overby will again meet with the group of farmers snd discuss with them the problem. A fsir representation of farmers was reported st the first meeting and as many if not more are expected to gfc tend and take part.fin the discussion next Friday evening at 7 o'clock. WARN AGAINST FAKE REMEDIES Number of Fakers Said To Be Operating In This State at Present The North Carolina Board of Health issues the following warning in its lat est bulletin : "Reports coming to the offices of the Stale Board of Health from different sections of the State during the paat few weeks indicate that quite a num ber of fakers representing themselves to be in the employ of the State Board of Health are around undertaking to sell remedies of varioua kinds for which they collect fabulous prices.. "The purpose of this statement ia to emphasize the fact that the State Board of Health does not have any where in the State doctors or other representatives employed to visit sick people and to offer them advice or to sell them remedies of any kind. If any such faker calls on'iny reader of the Bulletin, we hope the reader will have such person immediately arrest ed and imprisoned for obtaining mon ey under false pretense and for false ly pretending to represent the State Board of Health. Traveling fakers of this type have been reported from Davie County pur porting to sell so-called radium drops at $125 per treatment to persons suf fering with incurable eye diseases. These so-cslled drops are compoaed of simple faucet or rive* water and have no value whatever, and the State Board of Health knows nothing about the individuals except that they are fakers falsely pretending to represent the Board. Information comes from Henderson that one of these so-called representstivea of the Board has been visiting the Negro population in that city, pretending to prescribe remedies •for 'rheumatism,' claiming to repre- | sent the State Laboratory at Raleigh. One and all these rascals are fakers | and should be put behind prison bars " CHURCH MEET AT ZION CHAPEL • - ! Mafriy Churches Will Be • Represented at Meet Near Roper Forty Christian churches located in countiea from Greenville to Elizabeth City, will be represented at a district union meeting to be held at Zions Chapel in Washington County this coming Saturday and Sunday. Churches in this county will be well repreaented at the two-day meeting, it is understood. Zions Chapel is located near Roper, and extensive preparations are being made there for the meeting. Nearly SIOO Stolen from j A. and P. Store Sunday —a ! Entering the store of the Atlantic apd • Tea Company on Main Street here some time early Sunday morning, robbers stole $89.24, mostly , all cash, but aa far as it could be lesrned no groceries were removed. | Making his regular trips into the back lota. Night Officer stated yesterday that he did not be lieve the rear window, through which the robber is" laid to have entered the store was broken before or about day*- break. The atolen cash was received from aales made after the bank had cloaed and was secreted among the groceries, h waa learned. THE ENTERPRISE Third of County Tax Levy Has Been Collec Coantjr tax collections vara in creased to SM.OOO last weak, whan the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company presented ha check for $43,622X3 in settlement for ha 1931 taxes. Last year the Coast Line paid the county 151.125.25, and even though the 1031 amount was smaller by 17,502.45 than in 1930, the company continues aa the largest single taxpayer in the county. It is understood that the company has also paid its taxes to the several towns in the coun ty, totaling several thouaand dol Peter R. Rives Died Monday Afternoon | PETER R. RIVES Died at the home of his daugh ter here yesterday afternoon in his mr- . . . LESS TOBACCO SEED TREATED w More Farmers Are Having Seed Cleaned This Year Than They Did Last Enough tobacco seed have already been cleaned and treated by County Agent T. B. Brandon to sow 230,300 square yards of plant beds, it was learned from the agent this week. Up until last Saturday, 142 farmers had had seed and treated prepara tory to planting this new crop. „Last year up until January 24, 119 farmers had the agent to clean enough seed to sow 494,300 square yards of plant beds. More farmers are having seed cleaned treated this year than last, but at the same time the quantity of seed is not as great as it was last year for a similar period. The work is being done for farm ers throughout the county, the agent stated. * Woman's Club To Meet Thursday of This Week ! The January meeting of the Wo man's Club will be held Thursday aft ernoon. in the club rooms. This will be a purely business meeting. It will be started on time and end on time, and tyb one who attends will be kept from other duties for more than one hour. It requires so little time to at tend the meetings, just 1 hour out of every 720, that members should' make every effort to attend meeting.—Re ported. First Car 1932 Potatoes ' Shipped Here Yesterday ♦ The first car of cured sweet pota toes shipped from the county this year was moved from the J. G. Staton curing house here yesterday afternoon, j The potatoes, ranging around 9o and 80 cents a bushel, were billed 1 -to' a dealer in New York City. Approxi mately 600 bushels were loaded in the car. Several new curing houses were put into operation last year in the ty and additional shipments wtQ be made within the next few weeks, it is understood. ♦ ■ R. G. Harrison to Liquidate Henderson National Bank Mr. R. G. Harrison, of this place, was appointed liquidating agent for the defunct national bank at Henderson last Saturday by the Comptroller of Currency. Mr. Harrison, weU known throughout this section, entered upon his new duties there yesterday morn-! ing. • „ 4 Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuemay, January 26, 1932 lars. WflHaiMHa received |l,- 138.30 from the company. Collection op f* 3 last Satordsjr an more than one-third of the total 1931 levy, which is mmii During the neat few days, good collection* are predicted tory the sheriff, for seat weak the penalty, 1 per cent during February, goea into effect. Payments war* being made with regularity yesterday, and it is believed that SIOO,OOO, or even more than that, will have been collected before next Tues day. WAS VETERAN OF CIVIL WAR; ONLY ONE OTHER LEFT Funeral Services at Home of Daughter Here This Afternoon Peter Richard Rives, defender of the Cause of Jhe South, and a true Southern gentleman, died at the home of his 'daughter, Mrs. M. D. Wilson, on Hatton Street, here yesterday aft ernoon, following a lingering illness. His passing leaves only one veteran in the thin gray line in this county. Suffering the infirmities of old age, Mr. Rives was forced to his room some time ago, and as his body weak ened as a result of his four score and almost five years he never murmured, but peacefully bowed to the will of his Maker. Funersl services are being conduct ed from the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Wilson this afternoon at 2 o'- clock by Rev. Z. T. Piephoff, Presby terian minister, after which faith Mr. RfVes was an ardent follower. In terment will follow at Spring Green, near the old home of the family. Born in Pitt County July 17, 1847, Peter Richard Rives, the son of one of that county's leading farmers, (pent his childhood days and early youth on the farm, seven miles north of Green ville. About ten years after the close of the Civil War, Mr. Rives with his wife, the former Mis 9 Mary L. Wors ley, of Edgecombe County, moved to this county and located in the Spring Green section, where he farmed. He tetired "a number of years ago, and since that time has made his home with his children, coming here several ago to live with his daughter, Mrs. Wilson. Although the educational facilities of his day were very limited, Mr. Rives attended school at Robersonville under the late Stephen W. Outterbridge. After studying there he wtnt to Dara eron's High School in Caswell Coun ty, later going to Horner's Military Academy, Oxford, where he remained until 1863. It was while he was there that he Reached the age to enlist in the Junior Reserves, running away from the institution to join the army. He was enrolled in Company K, 67th North Carolina Regiment under Cap tain Joe Myers, Colonel Wharton, and Colonel Whitford being his regimental officers. While serving on a detail with the late Matthew Shaw to pilot the "Mont gomery Blues," an artillery batallion from Washington to Fort Branch in Martin County, they camped at Old Ford, Mr. Rives sleeping in a grape vine near the church. Starting early the next morning, the forces found their cannon mired down, the 12 horses being unable to move it. Mr. Rives, in attempting to prixe the weapon from the mud, broke his leg, and for almost a year he was unable to per form any duty. He was removed from the scene of the accident to the home of General Grimes, a small boy in the section carrying him in a long bodied cart. Mr. Rives remained in the home of General Grimes for sev eral weeks and was then carried to the army hospital in Tarboro. After the injury had healed, he rejoined his company, then at Tranters Creek, but he was handicapped in the perform ance of his duties. He was assigned to duty in the commissary department and worked at Greens Old Mill, near Greenville, where farmers delivered one-tenth of all their meat for feeding the army. Recalling many experiences during the bitter struggle between the States, Mr. Rives stated several months ago that his own father delivered 10,000 pounds of meat to him and ..had just left when the Yankees rushed down and captured him and took all the commissary contents. Unable to march, he was cai+ied on horseback Continued on back page) TO PLAY SBRIES OF BASKETBALL ! TILTS IN COf NTY Six Schools Sched led To Take Part in Plai That Starts This W ek • Following a period of ii activity a mong county-wide athletic venta, the athletic committee of the choolmas ter's Club, recently annou ced a se ries of basketbsll game* Iwith six schools participating. Ttaa schedule proposed by the committal continues over a five-weeks period, the end of which the winners play;' to deter mine the county winners. : The schedule proposed by the com . mittee follows: Friday, January 29th: Jao|esville vs. Oak City at Jamesville; Robersonville vs. Williamston at Robersoaville; Ev eretts vs. Farm Life at Evaretts. Friday, February sth: Robersonville vs. Jamesville at Jamesville William ston vs. Everetts at Williuuton; Oak City vs. Farm Life at Oak City. I Friday, February 12th: Williamston ' vs. Jamesville at WilliarastoS; Rober sonville vs. Farm Life at Farm Life; ; Oak City vs. Everetts at Oak City. Friday, February 19th: Jamesville vs. Farm Life at Jameavitti; Rober sonville vs. Everetts st Evacatts; Wil liamston va. Oak City at Oak City. Friday, February 26th: Eaeretts vs. Jamesville at Everetts; WilU|mston vs Farm Life at Farm Life; Oak City ] vs. Robersonville st Robersonville. | The sbove schedule provides for one : game per week for each team, Games 1 shall be played on Friday whenever possible. KIWANISCLUB TO IMEET TOMORROW I * — Interesting Program Has Been Arranged for Mating The kiwanis Club meets tomorrow promptly at 12:30 o'clock for their luncheon hour and program. Superintendent James C. Manning is in charge of the program, and has given much time to its pnparation. The last meeting under the leadership of Doctor Rhodes was one of the best in many months; this promises to be like it in that the program will be of a high order, and calculated to inter esf the Kiwanis group. The attendance should be large. There will be no dull moments in the program. This hour in the club once every two weeks should be a big hour in the lives of all local Ki wanians and the interests which they champion. Three Martin Boys Names on Wake Forest Honor Roll a .. Wake Forest, Jan. 25.—The names of three Martin County are list ed on the honor roll of Wake Forest college released today by Registrar Grady S. Patterson. One each is from Jamesville, Williamston, and Hamilton. Their scholastic averages warrant their placement among the upper half of the student body of 800. The trio is made up of E. H. Ange, jr., of Jamesville, son of Mr. and Mr#. J. H. Ange; D. M. Price, of William* ston, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Price; ' and Elphonsa Johnson, of Hamilton, I son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Johnson. Martin Farmers Gin 2,298 I Bales of Cotton 1931 Crop I Martin County farmers ginned 2,998 bales of cotton from the 1931 crop up until the 16th of this month, as com- j pared with 3,345 bales ginned up to the same date last year. It was first believed that the last year crop would be much less than it was the year be fore, but the records,show only a re duction of 346 bales up to the 16th of this month. Bertie Growers Contract For 500 Acres Tomatoes Five hundrde acres of tomatoes will be grown this year under contract by Bertie County farmers. ♦ Much Tobacco Seed Is Cleaned in Pitt County Sixty Pitt County farmers had, enough tobacco seed /-ecfeaned and treated last yeek to plant 152,800 yards' of plant bed. j [ TOBACCO PLANTS ]l Tobacco saad thrown st random from a window in County Agent Brandon's office in the coarthoWiyt here several months ago, have tak en root, and the agant is new cul tivating several stalks of tebaCco, one of which is nearly two feet high and about ready to blossom. One of the plants took root in { a crevice in the wall and is flour ishing on the lime in the mortar. Soil Survey Presents Complete Report on County Farm Lands ! SENATE FAVORS I PASSAGE HUGE j REFINANCE BILL Indications Point To First Loans Being Underway Within Two Weeks » Washington, Jan. 25.—The financial sinews of the colossal Reconstruction ( 'Fnance corporation took firmer shape today with senatorial approval of $500,000,000 capital for its coffers. Without a record vote, the cham ber gave its sanction to the appro priation already granted by the house but added a minor amendment which must be approved by the latter before congressional action is completed. This change, providing the $50,- 000,000 farm loan provision, probably •will be accepted by the house tomor row and the bill sent to the White House. | Further to speed along his eco nomic program, President Hoover sent to the house' late today a request for appropriation of $125,000,000 for additional capital for federal land banks, agreed to by Congress last week. | Meanwhile, rumblings of opposi tion to Harvey C. Couch, of Pine | Bluff, Ark., nominated today by I President Hoover as one of the three (Democratic directors, rolled beneath .the surface of congressional activities | but had not flared into the open. » Assurance he would be confirmed was ready in the sturdy support of Senator Robinson, of Arkansas, the minority leader. The banking com mittee prepared to- take up his name immediately, as well as those of Jesse H. Jones, of Houston, Texas, also appointed today and of Charles G. Dawes, named president of the- cor poration. - - I No murmur of hostility has been heard against Jones or Dawes. Quick approval of each is expected, with all tokens pointing toward the first loans 'being on their way within two weeks. Relief depositors in closed banks become of primary interest today to the administration, along with dis cussion of who will be the third Dem ocratic director and the last officer to be named to the board of the recon struction corporation. The President is believed turning to 'the faf west or northwest for his se lection. It is understood that Garret W. McF.nerney, San Francisco law yer, was offered the post but declin ed, bringing about the delay. It was rumored that A. W. McLean, former governor of North Carolina, would be appointed, but recent re ports were not favorable toward his appointment. EPWORTH UNION MEETING HERE • Representatives from Eight Leagues Attend Quarterly Meeting Here Last Week The Roanoke Young People's Union made up by F.pworth Leagues in the 'Columbia, Roper, Mackeys, Plymouth, j Windsor, Woodard, Holly Springs, and 'Williamston Methodist churches, held its quarterly meeting here last week, with all the leagues well repre sented. | Following a well-arranged program .rendered by the local league, the meet ing was turned over to President Chesson, of the Roper League, and the business, of the union was transacted. Windsor was awarded the efficiency banner, the attendance banner going |to the league here. Hot chocolate and 5 cakes were serv ed by members of the WUliamston league. Specialist Inspects Sweet Potatoes Here Yesterday Coming here yesterday, Mr. E. B. Morrow, State College farm special ist, Raleigh, inspected sweet potatoes ' cured and now held in storage in the jj. G. Staton potato curing house. I While a few of the potatoes have rot ted, the curings in the house turned I out unusually well, County Agent Brandon and Mr. Morrow stating that these potatoes, grown from treated seed and properly handled during the growing and marketing season are in good condition. ♦ • Local Teams Win Two Games from Columbia ♦ The local high school basketball teams opened the leason here last Fri day evening by sooring two victories over the Columbia teams. The boys won by a 39 to 3 score, and the girls won by ; a* count of 5 to 3. I f PEANUT .MARKET 1 "The price it low, but we don't know what else to do but sell," a farmer Mid here this morning ! when he unloaded his peanut crop along with nearly 50 other far mers. With prices ranging from one to a little over one and one half cents, farmers are selling the crop rapidly, and it looks as if the only thing that can lessen the activities on the market is a rise in price. And that is just more speculation. At one time this morning 25 farmers' wagons loaded with pea nuts were parked at one ware house, and it looks as if selling activities will reach a climax be fore the day is spent. FIRE DOES SSOO DAMAGE SUNDAY Fire Company Answers Its First Call of Year at N. C. Blake Home The local volunteer fire company was called out for the first time this year early*last Sunday morning, when fire threatened the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Blake on Kay Street in New Town. The fire, of unknown origin, started in a closet downstairs and was burn ing in the second-story walls when j discovered by Mr. Blake. Members | of the fire company entered the home in an attempt to locate the blaze, but a heavy smoke forced them out, mak ing it necessary to flood two rooms with two lines of hose. Later the firemen found it necessary to tear into . the walls to extinguish the blaze found between them. Damage to the home was estimated I at SSOO, Mr. A. D. Griflin, owner, hav ing iasurance to cover the loss. Many of the personal effects belonging to the family were burned, but the loss was also covered by insurance. POULTRY SOLD | WORTH $4,356.38 Total of 28,358 Pounds Sold By Martin Farmers Last Week ■ ♦ More than fourteen tons of poultry were ship|>ed from this .county last week, it was learned t last Saturday when complete loading, figures were announced by Agent T. B. Brandon. Farmers selling the 28,358' pounds re ceived a total $4,356.38, the ship ment being the largest ever made from Martin in one week. Prices offered for poultry this week is from to three cents below -quo j tations last week, but it is hoped that the market can be maintained and ad ditional shipments made later. The following loadings-were report ed by Mr. Brandon: Pounds Receipts ijamesville 4,700 $ 776.00 jWilliamston 12,475 1,868.70 Robersonville 6,853 1,055.29 Oak City 4,330 646.39 Total . . 28,358 $4,356.38 General Business Was Fair In 1931, Merchants State General business in Williamston in 1931 was (jescribed as "fair," or "as well as could be expected," "no com plaints to make," by a number of mer- I chants and other business men when I questioned during the past ftw days. Although 1931 was called a "bad" year, people generally came nearer making ends meet during the period than they did either in 1929 or 1930. Only one hierchant interviewed re ported that his business volume was very much less than it was the pre vious year. Going on a cash basis I and economical buying were said to Have aided greatly in the operation of several businesses during the year. Profits were not mentioned, the mer chants stating they broke about even. 100,000 Pounds of Meat Believed Lost In County " I have been killing and packing meat for 65 years and this year is the first time I have ever lost any be cause of warm weather," Mr. G. W. Hamilton, of Jamesville, said this week on a visit here. Mr. Hamilton drove in from James ville on a wagon. According to estimates heard here this week, approximately 100,000 pounds of meat have spoiled as a re sult of warm weather in the county during the past few weeks. Watch the Label On Your Paper Aa It Carries the Date When Your Subscription Expires ESTABLISHED 1898 t FREE COPIES ARE -AVAILABLE FOR ALL INTERESTED Farmers Will Find Survey Valuable in Selecting Their. Fertilizers One of The "most complete surveys of Martin County lands, locations, anil drainage systems ever made is now available to interested persons in a I >oo4clct"ai> d"~Trrap prepared fTy*~S. CfT Perkins and sent out by the United States Department of Agriculture. A lew copies of the survey are now in this office for distribution to interest ed farmers free of charge. Farmers desirous of making a Study of their soil can get a copy of the survey free of cost as long as the supply lasts. Copies may also be obtained from Congressman Lindsay C. Warren, 1 Washington, D, C. Containing complete and valuable in formation on soil conditions, the book let ■ carries information suggesting the use ot certain fertilizers for certain j types of land which are shown on the map. For every farm home there is a doto n the map, making it easy for I a dot on the map, making it easy for j erty and use certain fertilizers for the I particular type of soil. Soils Classified Soils are classified according to their color, structure, texture, drainage .con ditions, and the sources of material from which they are formed. The ! soils which are -similar in all charac ; teristics except texture are grouped in a series named from some town, vil lage or county where the soils were I first mapped. On the basis of tex ture, or the relative amount of sand, i j silt, ai\.d clay in the surface soil, the i series are divided into soil types, the unit of soil classification. 11l this county 14 soil series, includ ing 21 soil types and 4 phases of | t>i>ei>, and 2 miscellaneous classes of material, meadow and swamp, are mapped. ■I he sviils of the Norfolk series are characterized by gray surface soils, pale-yellow soils, and yel low friable sandy_xlay_and sand sub i soils. These soils occupy the better drained positions in the county. Nor- I folk fine sandy loam, with a deep phase, 'Norfolk loamy fine sand, and Norfolk fine sand are mapped.- Ihe I.enoir soils have gray or broownish-gray surface soils and dull yellow or olive-drab heavy subsoils, which arc mottled with gray and light red in the lower part. The surface is level or gently rolling, and drainage is fair. The vety fine sandy lAm, fine sandy loam, and fine sandy loani, deep phase, of this series are mapped. The soils, of the Rustoii series are characterized ,by grayish-yellow or grayish-brown surface soils, pale-yel low subsurface layers, and reddish-- brown or yellowish-red friable sub soils. The main difference 'between soils of this series- and those of the Norfolk is the color of the subsoil. The deep phase of Kuston fine sandy loam is the only representative of the Huston series in this county. In virgin areas the Dunbar soils have thin dark-gray surface layers under lain by pale-yellow subsurface layers and subsoils which are mottled gray, yellow, and brown and splotched with red. Dunbar fine sandy loam and Dunbar very fine sandy loam are . mapped. • i I The soils of the Plummer series have | dark-gray surface soils, light-gray sub ' surface soils, and gray, or gray mottled witft yellow or rust brown, friable sub ' soils. Only one member of the Plum -1 men series, the fine sandy loam, is ' mapped. | The Lufkin soils have light-gray or i gray surface soils and dingy-gray or mottled gray, drab, and yellow heavy tough plastic subsoils. These soils are closely associated with the Cox -1 ville soils on one hand and the Lenoir ' soils on the other. Lufkin very fine i sandy loam is developed in this coun ty. The Onslow soils are characterized by dark surface layers and coffee-col ored hardpan layers overlying light yellowish-gray layers, yel lowish-drab upper subsoil layers, and mottled gray, yellow, and drab heavy clay lower' subsoil layers. Onslow very fine sandy loam is mapped. The soils of the Coxville series have gray dark-gray surface soils and gray, mottled with yellow, heavy tough or plastic clay subsoils. The lower part of the subsoil is in most places splotched with bright red and is more plastic than the upper part These soils are developed in the "sa vanna land," or the seaward part of the Atlantic coastal plain. In this county Coxville very fine sandy loam and Coxville silt loam are mapped. The Portsmouth soils are charac (Continued on the back page)

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