PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by The ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. ■ mi TT" W. C. Manning „ Kditoi SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IK MARTIN COUNTY One y«ar ' Six months —— •' OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One y*ar Six month* . . u .7: No Subscription Received for Less Than 6 Month! Advertising Rate Card Furiushed Upon Kenueat Entered at the post office in Williamston, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Congres* of March 3, 187y. Address an communications to 'I lie Enterprise and not to the individual members of the firm. Friday, January 29, 1932 Higher Rate on Big Incomes Secretary Mellon seems anvious to raise more money. It would make nearly all the American peo ple think a lot more of him if he would recommend a higher rate of tax on big incomes like his own. There is where Congress ought to stick until they get more out of the wealthy. Had Better Stick to the Farm Lots of people are wandering around saying they don't know what they are going to do this year. The strange thing about it is that there are a few farmers who want to leffve the farm because they can t make money. A very foolish thing to do. If they get to town they will not only find no job, but no money and nothing to eat. This is the day for every [>erson who can to go to the farm. Some of them say they can't go because the land owners can t feed them. Perhaps that is true. Why, then*, not try to feed themselves on the farm rather than hang around and say they can't get a job? The man who knows no other business ex-, cept farming had better stick to it tighter than ever. A Lesson in Advertising » Martin County shoppers helped to force a lock out in Rocky Mount Tuesday. It was like this: A Rocky Mount concern adver tised a big sale. It so influenced the mind of Mar tin County shoppers that they made a mad, double quick rush to the city to get some big bargains. When they reached the store they found the power of ad vertising had had the same influence over women from a half dozen other counties that it had over them. The doors were locked and closely guarded by a force of policemen and only a very few ever entered the store. The funny thing about it was that the few who did get in say they found prices about like they are in other places. Any town or business man that us*s the right kind of advertising, coupled with dependable goods and fair treatment, will always succeed. It is a shame for any town to let its customers slip away to others towns that do advertise. Any good merchant always has some'special bar gains that the people need and want, but they fail to tell them by advertising in a great many instances. ODD-BUT TRUE in md *mt> w r , i , KS tiltfCrMMft IKIW IMWC /AttflfOUHblMW t>OQ %Ml* K I==Jl'|#/ Vjgjjg lift r TNMHG IS NM> - - WIN \5 KOHTttS OLD JOtIPH FW I \V v# - 01 T«iuvn\ifc, mx ia fin 7 j v fROi h ttcoHoJsuw HI j-J « ■ imi\> OH mjlglflHt tJOQ l / nam* ww aoc wwa. i f ■ ®« OUbltt VJfc&Hft \H TWfr 1 xx imiKtt mimn - VT \* OKI 01 V UW&itt IH W 10 Mtlt *MM OF 70 WRMIWI tWiHO\HGr 11 7"" ' rt,.,, "| SO\mN Of -r-- ! ;---n..l ■ II J HI n PUBLieMID cvutv TO—PAY »NC raiPAY The Rocky Mount merchent's advertising wis so effoive that he could not let half of the people see fcta goods who wanted to. If you are « good merchant, nothing will rt*mm at much dividends as proper advertising. The without adveitiaing merchants it doomed to be* jmaM town inhabited principally by disgruntled store keepers. Experts who have succeeded always advo cate advertising. They say that 3 per cent of the gross income of a business spent in advertising is a fair budget when properly handled. A number of Martin County people last their iii* and wasted their gasoline in trying te buy from an out-of-town merchant because he advertised, and then they could not trade because his ad brought so many other folks they could not get in the store. > ( * Keep Away From Big Money Crops Farmers should remember that these is plenty o f tobacco and cotton in the world. And, too, they should remember that the people of the world have very lit tle money. For these reasons, those expecting to get good prices for either cotton or tobacco next fall are going to be sadly disappointed. Better keep off of a big crop of either. Do not waste your money and labor trying to make big money crops this year. The Debt We Owe The Merchant No class of business men appreciate friendship more than the merchant does. Although he is in business to make a living, yet he is more than that. He is a"man who puts his knowledge, experience, money, and time together to., bring commodities from other parts of the earth so the section that he serves may be able to be supplied proj>erly. His activities are quite as necessary to the well-being of a section as any business or profession in the land. He saves his customers many times as much as he gets himself. In fact, if it were not for the work of the merchant, we would find it extremely hard and very costly to get the actual necessities of life. How would the housewife get her sugar, coffee and salt if she had to go to the place of production to secure them The more sup|>ort we give our home merchant, the better able he is to serve us. There are no two people who should stand nearer together than the buyer and the seller. When the farmer and the merchant co operate in an honest way, things are made easier for both. Friendship and cooperation are two of the great needs of the hour. If we would help ourselves and our community, then it behooves us to buy more at home and lea# from the mail-order houses. . Possibly a Blessing in Disguise The State has been rather harshly critical in its condemnation of the extravagance of counties and towns issuing bonds and going in debt. There is ground for such criticism. But how about the Stete, which boasted so loudly a few months ago about how cheaply it could borrow money? Now the tide has turned, and the State is finding it just as herd as any body else to get money. It is often a good thing not to be able to borrow, because if you can't borrow you don't have to pay back. And, too, when we can't get just what we want, somp other way will be provided which may be better for us. Where There Must Be No Curtailment Times may get so hard that we will be forced to eat less, wear less, smoke less, drink less, ride l?»s, and work more. But it makes no, difference what hap(>ens, we should see that the youth of the country is educated. THE ENTERPRISE VITAL STATISTICS FOR TOWNSHIP ARE REPORTED Birth Rate for Town Goes Down While Death Rate Climbs » - According to a report made by Reg istrar R. J. Nelsan thi» week, there is a marked variation in vital statistic* filed this year and those filed last year for Parmele, Robersonville town, and Robcrponville township. Philandering rascality popped up again ,the town ship and two towns reporting 15 il legitimate births. With the 25 ille gitimate births already [reported by Wilbamiton and Bear Grass Town ships, it looks as if the crop of ras cal* in the county will be a very fruit ful one. Five violent deaths were reported in the district during the part year, ten other deaths reported in Parmele and in the township resulting at birth. Of the five violent deaths, three resulted from burns. I The birth rate for the town of Rob 'ersonville decreased and the death rate increased. Parmele is near the top j with one of the highest birth rates and a fairly low death rate. The town •*hip, -with MO births, had a rate of ! 37.2 per 1,000 population, the death rate being 15.2. | Number of deaths and births and the tatea per 1,000 population are tabulat ed for the two towns and towships, as follows: I Town of Robersonville: No. Rate Births - 14 11.8 I Death* —l9 16-1 I Town of Par DM is: No. Rate i Births l2 35.2 I Deaths 4 11.7 Towiuhip No. Rate Births 110 37.2 Death* 45 15-2 CAR IS BURNED LAST TUESDAY Chevrolet Coach of Ed Roe Smith Destroyed Near Williamston m The Chevrolet coach of Ed Roe Smith, colored preach of Williams ton, was burned last Tuesday night between here and Robersonville. Smith, traveling toward Roberson ville, threw mud and dirt freely when the car caught fire, but he was unable | to check the flames believed to have started from a short circuit under the floor boards; Insurance was carried on the car, according to information received here. , " DR. V H7MEWBORNT" OPTOMETRIST Robaraonville at Fulmar'* Drug Store, Tuesday After Third Sunday Each Month. Williamston at Atlantic Hotel, Wed nesday After Third Sunday Bach Month. Plymouth at O'Henry Drug Store, Thursday After Third Sunday Each Month. Kree Examined Glaase* Fitted Home Oftce Kinston. N. C ' j 1 FHliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BfIHL BISCUITS m ' Ever Taste 9 Em When Made of 1; RED ROSE FLOUR I [ ** I i CRUST ANp ALL, you'll like every 4 .I| crumb of them. Buttered or with your fav orite Ham or Jam, you'U pack away Beveral ■ of them every meal. Biscuits well made ■ from Red Rose Flour are delicious. If you I H V' are not using Red Rose, make a change— ■, u you'll be glad. " ■ ■ V i ■ i ki " . . ■ • . | " Distributed by I 1 11 f® Harrison Wholesale Co. I WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA i I, £ WILLIAMSTON AFTER 43 YEARS ] Plymouth, N. C., January »v- Teara trickled down the cheeks of a whits and colored man bare K thia week whan they parted after 43 years of working together on the aame farm without a dispute or unpleasant work. Sam Hines, negro, 63 years of age, went to work on the farm of , George Ayera when ha waa 21 yeara of ace. The negro gave his landlord a mule when be was leav ing to enter the employ of J. C Spruill, former county commis sioner. Inconvenience brought on by a relative moving in with Mr. Ayers was the cause of Hines leaving his landlord. He would go back now "if Mr. Ayers had a shelter for me to live in." Numbers of people have vainly endeavored to employ Hines, as his good dispo sition is well known in Washing ton County. Lincoln Farmers Sell 31 Pounds Poultry Minute ♦ > Lincoln Couaty farmers sold 31 'pounds of poultry a minute from 8 [o'clock in the morning until 5 o'clock in the afternoon at a cooperative sale held recently, when $2,380.05 was real ized by those selling. $ Martin County farmers have 60 cars of cured sweet potatoes for sale from the curing houses of the county. !?iP NEXT time you are out I of fix as the remit of ir regular or faulty bowel movement, try Thedford'a Black-Draught for the re freshing relief it gives thwwanda of paople who take it Mr. E W. Cecil.a construction super intendent in Pulaski, V*L, aaya: "When I gat oon stipnUd, my head achea, and I have that dull, tirad foaling—just not aqual to my work. I don't feel hungry and I know that I need ao me thing to my system, so I take Black-Draught We have found it a great help." Sold In 25-cent packages. Thedford's Jk I IffSS&'S&H? Kitrai'fiS LM JEsaLXM ftY*',»° JPMBfcw WW MEAT SPOILED BY WARM WEATHER ■ ■ Thousands of Pounds Be- ( lieved Lost by County Farmers ■ • Thousands of pound* of pork, slaughtered during the past few weeks by farmers who became impatient with a winter that brought weather more like April than January, has spoiled in this territory. Tired of /ceding their hog*, hungry for fresh sausage and spare rib*, many farriers killed a part of th«ir hogs, trusting to their own reading* of the weather sign* and hoping that nature would be itself and bring cold weath er. In many cases, those who have killed have encountered difficulty in | saving the meat from spoiling and ' have been forced to haul their tainted pork into the wood* for the cultures of the air to feast upon. 6 66 666 Liquid or Tahfeta UMd internally and 666 Salve externally, make a com plete and. affective treatment for Cold*. $5,000 in Cash Prizes Ask Your Druggist lor Particular* C. 0. Moore & Co. Heavy and Fancy Groceries Philco Radios i N We Thank You for 1931 Patronage and Hope To Serve You Better in 1932 WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone 169 18. F. PERRY ■ WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA I Old Home Cash I MERCHANT """ ~ 1 ~ I MAKE OUR STORE YOUR STORE' ' • Friday, January 29, 1932 IN MEMORIAM In Mamory of Oar Qaitfac B*bT. Priaoan Our darling Princess is goae to rest. To reign with God. forever fclcaaed. Her little tongue will no more praise A Saviour's lore redeeming grace. Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep. Which no one ever wakes to weep. No fear, no woe shall dim that hour That manifests the Saviour's power. Little Princess is gone. Her voice is still. Her place is vacant in our home. Which never can be filled. I am waiting here below. Sooo I, after her, shall go. I pray in heaven my place be prepared Then I will be with her over there. I am hoping for a welcome In heaven's golden door. When I shall meet her Over on that other shore, e Little Princess left me broken-hearted. How much I miss her no one knows; Oh, we soon will meet in heaven. When we meet we will part no more. v May God bless her remaining fam ily. May they have the sweet a**ur ance of meeting where there is no more tickneaa .sorrow, nor sad fare well. By her mother, Mr*. T. C. RAWLS.