PAGE FOUR EQUIPMENT FOR HOME SEWING * Time and Worry Will Be Saved By Convenient Arrangement Time and worry will he saved and better work done if the farm woman who makes her own clothes and most of those for the family will collect a supply of working tools and arrange them -in a convenient place. Time spent in looking for scissors, thread and needles could he put to better use. "The ideal thing would be to hav.e a well equipped sewing room, but this is impossible for most farm women." says Miss Willie N. Hunter, cloth ing specialist at State College. ''Since few can afford such a luxury as this, the next best thing is to get a few good working tools and arrange them in a drawer, a box, or on a table in that room most convenient for sew ing. No expert starts to work with out good tools and good equipment > J. 0. MANNING Grocery Specials OCTAGON SOAP OO- Dozen bars . r - LUZIANNE COFFEE 00l _ Pound LARD, BEST GRADE 01 Compound, pound 03^* CORN, NO. 2 CAN OC -3 cans for fclt PEACHES, NO. 3 CANS OC Two for We Are Buyers of Chickens, Eggs and Country Produce See Manning and Curkin at J. O. Manning & Co. gllllllllllllM Condensed Statement of Condition oi | Branch Bank & Trust Co. At the Close of Business December 31, 1931 I RESOURCES | Loans and discounts $2,618,881.95 H Banking Houses, furniture & fixtures 141,257.81 I Other stocks and bonds 125,800.00 U. S. and N. C. Bonds $1,946,982.98 Marketable Municipal gg Bonds 197,000.00 Cash & due from bonks 1,356,245.53 3,500,228.51 $6,386,168.27 LIABILITIES Capital stock $ 400,000.00 Surplus 200,000.00 Undivided profits 93,865.25 Reserve for Interest and Dividends 12,507.86 Reserve for Elm City Purchase 2,000.00 Bills payable 550,000.00 Deposits 5,127,795.16 $6,386,168.27 (Trust Department Assets Not Included) Branch Banking & Trust Company * Sound Banking and Trust Service for Eastern Carolina WILLI N. C. - I Iron Safe For Sale tr Ip excellent condition. Plenty of room for files, money and papers. // Interested, Apply to The Enterprise WILLIAMSTON, N. C. The Hearld ROBERSONVILLE, N. C. 'an essential fr good work-in dress making. This does not mean expen sive tools, but it does mean a few 'well-selected articles." ( / I Miss Hunter says sewirig equipment is divided into the large and small tools. The large equipment consists HOW ONE MAN LOST 22 POUNDS Mr. Herman Kunkis of Detroit. I writes: "A few lines of thanks from a rheumatism sufferer —My first" bot itle of Kruschen Salts took all of the laches and swellings out of my joints —with my first bottle 1 went on a (diet and lost 22 pounds and now feel like a new man.'' To lose fat safely and quickly take one half teaspoonful of Kruschen I Salts in-a glass of hot water in the morning before, breakfast. I lor your health's sake ask for and get Kruschen—the cost for a bottle that last 4 weeks is but a trifle at any 'rlrnp store in the world and if after tiie first l>ottle you are not joyfully satisfied with results —money back. All good druggists will be glad to supply V 'U. PUBLiaMKD BVntT TO-pay *»■> rn, ?r of cutting table, chairs, a sewing ma chine, dress form, mirrors, ironing board, and some storage space. A cutting table is almost a necessity and the bed will not serve. A dining table will do. A dress form is a necessity for having well-fitting clothes and aids in making alterations. |WANTS FOR SALE: ONE MODEL T Ford car, for storage and cost due on I same. I will offer for sale at Reuben I Keel's residence on Highway No. 90, at 12 o'clock noon February 1, 1932, j the above described car, same being left with me on December 10, 1931. Henry F. Strickland. jy 19 and 26 I . LESPEDEZA SEED FOR SALE: The best grazing and hay crop that grows in this county. Sow with oats. ; Grows on any kind of land. Reseeds itself. Harrison Bros. & Co. It WANTED: WORK, CLEANING I yards, working flower gardens, car ing for grave yard plots, and trimming and setting hedge, s Also outside house washing. Wheeler Rice, West Broad St., near cemetery. j29 2t NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by Chris C. Keys, jr., and wife, Elizabeth Keys, to the under signed trustee, bearing date January 20th, 1919, and of record in book U-l, at page 186, of the public registry of Martin County, said trustee deed hav ing been g;iven to sectire the payment of a certain note of even date there with, and the terms and stipulations therein contained not having been com plied with, and at the request of the holder of said note, the undersigned will, on Monday, the ISth day of Feb ruary, 1932, at twelve o'clock noon at the courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston, North Carolina, offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract of land; to wit: Beginning at the Jones road in the Smithwick line, running thence along said line to Mulberry Branch, thence up said branch to the Hardison and Jones line, thence along said line to the road, thence along the road to the beginning, said to contain 50 acres, more or less, and being the same tract |of land conveyed to George W. Pow ell by W. P. Powell and wife by deed dated February Ist, 1911, and record ed in the public registry of Martin County in book L-l, at page 29. This the 13th day of January, 1931. I • A. R. DUNNING, !j 15 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under 'and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by A. E. Purvis and wife to the undersigned trustee, dated the 25th day of January, 1926, and of record in the public registry of Martin County, in book S-2, at page 105, said deed having been given to secure the pay ment of certain notes of even date therewith, and default having been made in the payment of said notes, and the terms and stipulations in said deed 'of trust not having been complied with and at the request of the holder of ! said notes, the undersigned trustee ■ will, on the 12th day of February, 1932, jat twelve o'clock noon, at the court ! house door of Martin County, at Wil liamston, North Carolina, offer at pub lic sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, ■the following described land, to wit: j Beginning at a maple, E. R. Ed tnondson cornetf in the run of Co notoe Creek and running along Ed niondson line S. 74 1-2 E. to the back line, thence along the back line south 19 chains; thence N. 74 1-4 W. to the public road leading by the Purvis res idence; thence along thi road south [westwardly to a ditch; thence down i the said ditch to the run of the creek; j thence up the run of the creek to the | beginning, containing 133 acres, more or less, and which is of record in land | division record No. 1 at page No. 248 j Martin County registry. This sale will be subject to all prior liens. I This the sth day of January, 1932. R. H. SALSBURY, j8 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power and author ity contained in that certain deed of trust bearing date of June 19th, 1926, recorded in Book Q-2, at page 579, same having been given to tecure payment of certain notes of even date, and default having been made in the payment of same, and at the request of the holder of said note*, the un- LOOK & LISTEN Bunch's 1 State Blood-Tetted Chick* Arc Ready. The Bait Ever. Cus tomer* Report Lhrability Almost 100 Per Cent ■ White and Barred Rocks Red* and White Wyandot tea Buff Orpingtons White Leghorns 30,000 Already Sold to Satiafiad Cus tomers. Don t You Want To Be One Too? Write— BUNCH POULTRY FARM and HATCHERY tmylS STATESVILB, N. C. NOTICE OF SALB OF LAND FOR TAXES North Carolina, Martin County, Town of Jamesville. I, O. G. Carson, tax collector (or tbe Town of Jamesville, N. C., have this day levied on the property whose owners' names appear below and which is located in the town of Jamesville, N. C., and will sell the same at public auction, for cash, in front of the post office in the Town of Jamesville, N. C., on the first Monday in February, 1932, unless said taxes, penalties, interest, plus cost, are paid oji or before that date. This the Ist day of January, 1932. This the Ist day of January, 1932. O. G. CARSON, Tax Collector. Whit* En Daw - . 2.40 , J. G. Gcdard I J .50 , J. R. Hardison Estate . J. E. Hedriclc - 3J3' Annie May Herring . , 2.40 Mrs. F. W. Holliday Property, 1927 and Martin Brothers —— lii R. O. Martin 4-J? L. W. Mixell, '27 and '2B 50.54 J. M. Hassell ZJ , ... I W. H. Ellison 1 ClJwrf £ «•# | Henry Gray, balance due , J-®® I Emma Green —— 'j™ Willie Hopkins, balance due . , 'ZL Nellie Ruffin ZL 1.50 'John D. Williams __ —J- J:® ■R. P. Power* - , * £_ 57» THE ENTERPRISE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS dersigned Trustee will, on Friday, the 19th day of February, 1932, at twelve (12) o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door of Martin County, .offer for sale, at' public auction, to I the highest bidder, for cash, the following described land, to-wit: I "One house and lot in the town of Williamston, N. C., beginning at Mrs. Fannie Melson's corner on Main Street in said town thence along Main Street a Westerly course fifty (50) feet; thence along Julius S. Peel's line 325 feet in a Southerly di rection to a branch at the run there of; thence along the run of the branch to Cuff Eborn's line; thence along Cuff Eborn'sl ine and Mrs. Melson's line about 325 feet to the beginning." This the 18th day of January, 1932. ELBERT S. PEEL, jan. 22-4t . Trustee. Hugh G. Horton, Atty. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. Having this day qualified as admin istrator of the estate of B. B. Griffin, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned within one year from the date of this nptice, or this notice will be pleaded id bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate wil please make immediate payment This the 6th day of January, 1932. ARCH GRIFFIN, j8 6tw Administrator. Elbert S. Peel, attorney. NOTICE OP SALE Under and by virtue of the authority vested in me in that certain deed of trust executed to me by C. H. Clark and wife, Viola Clark, on the 4th day of January, 1926, which is duly record ed in book S-2, page 97, of the Martin County records, which was given to secure certain notes of even date there with, and the said notes not having been paid according to the terms there in specifified, I shall offer for sale at public auction, in front of the Plant ers and Merchants Bank in Everetts, N. C., on Saturday, February 6th, 1932, the following described land, to wit: Beginning atf a stake on the north side of the railroad and on the east side of the Hamilton public road, thence an easterly course with said rail road (60) sixty feet to A. D. Wynn's lot, a corner, thence a northerly course along A. D. Wynn's line (50) fifty feet to a stake, a corner; thence a westerly course (60) sixty feet to the Hamilton road, thence a southerly course along Hamilton road (50) fifty feet to the beginning. Being known as the atore and garage lot now occu pied by C. H. Clark. This the 6th day of January, 1932. CARL BULLOCK, j8 4tw Trusete. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by J. A. Maning and wife, Annie Manning to the undersigned trustee, bearing date the second day of January, 1925, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in book S-2, page 32, said deed of trust having been given to secure the pay ment of certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and default hav ing been made in the payment of said notes, and the terms and stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, the undersigned trus tee will, on Monday, the eighth day of February, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, at the post office door of Oak City, in Martin County, offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing described }and, to wit: One certain tract or parcel of land, situate and being in Goose Nest Town ship, Martin County, N. C., adjoining the lands of Z. W. Whitehurst, ana others and bounded as follows: A tract of land known as the schoolhouse lot, containing one and one-quarter acres, more or less, adjoining on three sides the lands of Z. W. Whitehurst, and being tlx same lands conveyed to J. K. Ayers by school committee of Oak City Township, excepting the grave yard, same being thirty feet square. This the 6th day of January, 1932. D. J. MATTHEWS. j8 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES I, Sheriff C. B. Roebuck, tax col lector for the county of Martin, State of North Carolina, have this day lev ied on the following tracts or parcels of land, and will sell same at public auction, for cash, at the courthouse door in Williamston, North Carolina,- on Monday, February 1, 1932, at 12 o'clock, noon, for taxes due and un paid for the year 1930, unless said taxes, penalties and interest, plus cost, are paid on or before that date. This the Ist day of January, 1932. C. B. ROEBUCK, Sheriff, ja. 8-4t Martin County. Hamilton Townahip—White W. R. Bunting, 1 residence and office 569.33 Croat Roads—Colored P. T. Everett, 11 acres residence 48.50 NOTICE OF SALE Notice ia hereby given that under and by virtue of the power of tale contained in that certain deed of trust, executed by E. E. Ange to the under signed trustee, and dated the 21st day of April, 1930, and of record in the public registry of Martin County, in book B-3, at page 465, said trust deed having been given to aecure the pay ment of a certain note of even date WIUJA&itON NO«TH CA.WL.HA__ therewith, and default having been mad in the payment thereof, and the i conditions in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the j request of the holder of said note, the 1 undersigned trustee will, on the 12th day of February, 1932, at twelve o'- clock noon, at the courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston, North Carolina, offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the follow ing described land, to wit: That tract or parcel of land known as the Edwin Ange tract of land and bounded on the north by the lands of T. E. Holliday and J. N. Cooper, and on the east by the lands of S. j. D. Ange and Joseph Holliday, and on the south and west by the lands of Syl vester Davis and wife, Sadie Davis, containing_s3 acres, the same more or less. * ' This sale will be made subject to all prior liens. This the sth day of January, 1932. MAUD V. ANGE, j8 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OP SALE Under and by virtue of the terms contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by ! W. S. Leggette and wife, Eva Leg- j gette, dated the 11th day of March, 1930, and of record in the public reg istry of Martin County in book C-3, at page 228, delault Tiav'ing been made in the payment thereby secured, and at the request of the holder of said bond, the undersigned will, on the 10th day of Februacy, 1932, at 12:00 noon, j in front of the courthouse door, Wil- j liamston, North Carolina, expose to | sale the following described lands: Tract No. 1: All that tract or parcel of land, containing 55.4 acres, more or less, lying and being on the road from Everetts, N. C., to Hamilton, N. C., 1 about 3 miles north from Everetts, N.; C., bounded on the northeast by the M, P. Taylor lands, together with the F. J. Roebuck lands, on the southeast by the lands of Jim Edmondson and' G. R. Roebuck, on the southwest by I the lands of G. R. Roebuck and J. I. j Taylor, and on the northwest by the lands of J. I. Taylor and M. P. Tay lor, being a part of tbe lands con veyed by that certain deed in book jC-1, page 189, of record in the public registry of Martin County. | Tract No. 2: That tract or parcel of (land lying and being in Poplar Point j Township, Martin County, containing 126 acres, more or less, and bounded | on the north by Barnhill Brothers, on the east by J. I. Taylor land, on the south by the run of Bates Branch and j on the west by Barnhill Brothers, and : being a part of the lands conveyed by ' deed of O. R. Roberson and wife. M. | M. Roberson, 'dated February 5, 1912, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in book C-l, at page! 189. Terms of sale: Cash. This the 11th day of January, 1932. JOS. W. BAILEY, jls 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OP LAND UNDER MORTGAGE Under and by virtue of the power of sale -contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed and delivered by S. T. Carson to Albion Dunn, Trustee, on the 20th day of May, 1931, which deed of trust is recorded in Book G-3, page 144 of the Public Registry LAST CALL ENTERPRISE SUBSCRIBERS: What are the birth and death rates in your community? What about the political situation—in Nation, State, County, and Township? What are the problems confronting the County Commissioners and County Board Q( Education each month? How many people marrjr &kh month in Martin County, even though there is an allied depression in our midst ? What are Martin County farims doing this year? Will Martin County Schools operate their full terms? How many parcels of for taxes this year? Will there be another poultry car in the County this year? If so, when, and what prices will be paid? Will there be available relief for farmers in Martin County this year? These, and many other, questions that should be of inter est to every citizen in Martin County will be answered in THE ENTERPRISE during the next few month*. But, out of ne cessity, the answers will be limited to those subscribers whose subscriptions are paid up to date or where some arrangement has been made to keep your name on our mailing list. Something is surely to "turn up" this year. Be sure and see ' -«v about your subscription. If you pay between now and February 5» the paper will cost you only $1 a year.. If yoii fail to pay by that time, we will be forced to drop your name from our list. ACT TODAY I / _ 7v The Enterprise of Martin County default having been i made in the payment of the indebted-, 1 ness therein secured, and a request 1 I having been made by the holder of | notes therein secured for a foreclos-, ure of the below described lands un der the powers of sale therein con-, tained, the undersigned will offer at public sale at the Courthouse door in I Williamston North Carolina to the highest bidder for cash at twelve o'- j clock noon on Friday, the 19th day j of February 1932 the following de- 1 scribed tract or parcel of land: "Bounded on the North by the! Coburn Land; on the East by the Co-, burn Land; on the South by the Eli Moore Land and land of Mrs. Lillie B. Carson; West by the land, of S. J. Carson, containing three bun-; dred (300) acres, more or less, and 1 being that tract of land inherited by. B. L. Carson, Selma C. Moore, Ruth | C. Bundy and S. T. Carson from the' estate of their father, S. T. Carson, 1 deceased, and being known as a part of the Old Gray Andrews Place, and being the same land in which a three fourths (3-4) undivided interest was conveyed to S. T. Carson by B. L. ■ Carson (unmarried), Selma C. Moore' (divorced) and Kuth C. Bundy and husband, VV. J. Bundy, on date of May 2nd, 1931." Terms of sale, cash. This- the 19th day of January, 1932. ALBION DUNN, jy 22-4t Trustee. J. C. Lanier, Atty. ' NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL~ ESTATE Whereas on the Ist day of March, 1930, William Robert Everett, widow er, executed to Edward E. Rhodes, trustee, a deed of trust which is re corded in book B-3, page 509, office of Register of Deeds of Martin Coun ty; and whereas default has been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said trust deed, and the holder thereof has requested exercise [of the power of sale therein contained; | Public notice is hereby given that ( ion Wednesday, the 17th day of Febru- , ! ary, 1932, at 12 o'clock m., at the | front door of 1 the courthouse of Mar tin County, in the town of William ston, North Carolina, the undersigned will offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, to wit: Lying in Goose Nest Township, Martin County, North Carolina. Bounded on the north by the lands of J. C. Ross and P. L. Salsbury; on the east by the lands of P. L. Sals | bury; on the south by the lands of j N. F. Brown and N. C. Highway No. 125; and on the west by Conoho Creek, ! and more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at a large pine, cor ner of N. F. Brown, on the north j side of N. C. Highway No 125, thence north fifty degrees east one hundred i and eight poles to a pine; thence south seventy-six and one-half degrees east_ ninety-four and four-tenths poles to* the road leading from Hamilton to Conoho Church; thence up said road north eight and one-half degrees west twelve and one-half poles, thence norm sixty and three-fourths degrees east I twelve and one-half poles; thence ! south eight and one-half degrees east I twelve and one-half poles; thence I north sixty and three-fourtlis degrees 'east seventy-eight and one-half poles; thence north twenty-four and one Friday, January 29, 1932 fourth degree* west one hundred and ' sixty-five poles; thence north twen ' ty-five and one-fourth degrees west fifty-five poles to the Cone Avenue, j near a marked pine; thence along the . Cone Avenue south thirty-three and ! one-fourth degeres west seventy-two and six-tenths poles to the road lead i ing from Hamilton to Conoho church; thence north twenty-nine and one-half | degrees west seventy-four and forty ' eight hundredths poles; thence north 1 forty-one degrees west nineteen and I five-tenths poles; to Harrell Branch, at a bridge with a Marked gum, thence 1 along the courses of Harrell Branch in a southwesterly direction to Conoho Creek; thence along the various courses of Conoho Creek in a southerly di- I rection to N. C. Highway No. 125; I thence along said highway south eighty-four and one-fourth degrees east twenty-seven and two-tenths poles 1 to the beginning; containing 310 acres, 1 more or less; and being the same and identical land deeded to W. R. Ever ett and E. B. Higgs by J. W. Higgs et al, Book W-2, page 222; and deeded to W. R. Everett by E. B. Higgs and ! wife. Book F-3, page 8. Martin Coun- Registry. This the 15th day of January. 1932. EDWARD E. RHODES. j22 4tw Trustee. E. S. Peel, Attorney, Williamston. N. CL . - —— NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF LAND I WHEREAS: C. G. Rogerson ex ecuted a deed of trust to S. J. Ev erett, Trustee, to secure his two bonds dated December 1, 1929 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Martin County in Deed Book B-3 page 285 and whereas default has been made in the payment of the aforesaid bonds the undersigned Trustee will re-sell to the highest bidder at the Court house door in Williamston on Febru ary 1, 1932 at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described property, to-wit: I "Beginning at a pine, Jordan Mi -1 zelle's corner, thence nearly a West 'course along Jordan Mizelle's line to j the run of Great Branch; thence nearly a north course along the run lof said Branch to William W. Leg gett's corner a pine in William B. 'Ayers' line, thence with Ayers' line a corner at Mizelle's; thence along Mizelle's line on a line of marked r trees to the first station by estima j tion, containing twenty-five acres, more or less." j "Beginning at a corner in James Mizelle's line, a pine; thence with James Mizelle's line to his corner in Jordan Mizelle's old line; thence with Jordan Mizelle's line to Martin Whitaker's corner, an oak; thence with Whitaker's line of marked trees to a corner, a maple in Levi Rodgers' old line of marked trees to a corner in a pine; thence a line of marked trees to the beginning, containing twenty-five acres, more or less." "| "Beginning at the foot of the old path, thence llong the old path Mar tin' Whitaker's heirs line; thence with Martin Whitaker's heirs line to Wil liam Mizelle's line; thence with Wil liam Mizelle's line to the road; thence with the road to the begin 'ning, containing two acres, more or less." , . I This the 14th day of January, 1932. S. J. EVERETT, 'jan. 22-2t Trustee^