Advertiaen Wffl Fnd Our Col ons a LaKhlmr to Owr Sixteen Hundred Martin County Homea VOLUME XXXIV—NUMBER 99 FARM LOANS MAY BE OBTAINABLE AGAIN THIS YEAR • Details of Allocation Not Yet Workd Out, But Fund Available ♦ According to information reaching here, Martin County farmers may be able to borrow money from the gov ernment in financing their .farming op .drations ,'this year, however, details for lending any of the $50,000,000 ap propriated by Congress have not been made complete. Until methods of al locating the funds are determined, it will be useless for even deserving farmers to make applications for aid. Fifty million dollars have been al#l located to the Secretary of Agricufr' ture, and under his authority the money will be expended "for the purpose of making loans or advances to farm ers in the several states of the United States in cases where he finds that an emergency exists as a result of which farmers are unable to obtain loans for crop production during the year 1932," with the proviso "That the Secretary of Agriculture shall give preference in niakng such loans or ad vances to farmers who suffered from crop falures in 1931." The bill further states: "Such ad vances or loans shall be made upon such terms and conditions and subject to such regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture shall prescribe. A first lien on all crops growing, or to be planted and grown, shall, in the discre tion of the Secretary of Agriculture, be deemed sufficient security for such loan or advance. All such loans or advances shall be made through such agencies as the Secretary of Agricul ture may designate, and in such a mounts as such agencies, with the ap proval of the Secretary of Agriculture, may determine. Any parson who shall knowingly make any material false representation for the purpose of ob taining. an advance or loan, or in as sisting in obtaining such advance or |oan under thia aection shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not exceeding SI,OOO, or by im prisonment not exceeding six months, or both. A number of Martin farmers have already inquired after the loans, and as soon as the details are made complete they will be made .public. TOWN VOTING •WET' IN POLL • Twenty Out of 25 Taking Part in Poll Here Vote "Wet" That Williamston ii votng "wet'' in the national prohibition poll being con ducted by a well-known magazine, was established ai a fact this week when it was learned that 20 out of 25 taking part in the poll voted "wet." Detaila on the vote could not be had, but it was learned that 25 local people cast their ballot* in one day this week. Complete returns might alter the ra tio, but they are not available. One of those voting, a confirmed "dry," or reliably rated as such, fav ored repeal of the prohibition amend ment, and another, a confirmed "wet," with years of experience to his credit, stood by his guns and voted "wet" also. But it is tit for tat, as a "wet" in act voted "dry" in deed. $250 FIRE HERE TUESDAY NIGHT W. B. Watts Garage Gutted and Ruga and Curtains Destroyed in Blaze Fire of undetermined origin gutted the garage of W. B. Watts on Haugh ton Street, extended, shortly after ten o'clock last Tuesday night, and de stroyed a number of rugs and curtaina stored in the building. No car was in the garage at the time. Damage to the building was small with insurance to cover it. Damage to the rugs and other articles, valued at about S2OO, was not covered by insurance. When discovered, the blaze waa bursting through the sides of the building. The volunteer fire company made a hurried trip to the scene, pre venting a total loss to the building. The call was the second one of the month, the company having answered one last Friday night on Railroad Street. "■ ' • Macedonia School Honor Roll lot the Fourth Month ■ • The Macedonia school honor roll, carrying the names of six pupils for the fourth mouth, is as follows: First grade: Sybil Peel, Susie Rev els. Second grade: Hattie Griffin Ward. Fourth grade: Mary Revels. Fifth grade: Clarence Revels, Mp dred Ward. THE ENTERPRISE Expect To Finish Work On Convict Camp Next Week Work on the new 110,000 state highway prison camp, near here, will be completed next week, Build er Jim Thompaon said yesterday. Workmen are pouring concrete floors this week, and the few re maining construction taaka will be handled by the middle or Utter part of next week. The camp, designed and equip ped for 75 priaoners, will likely start receiving prisoner! within 30 ( POULTRY CAR v * Approximately 23,000 pounds of chickens, roosters, ducks, and geeae ware loaded in the county thia week, County Agent Bran don, reporting the cooperative de liveries at three points, aaid thia morning. Offeringa at Jamesville last Tuesday fell about 1,000 pounds, and a similar decrease waa reported here. The loadings ait Robersonville were estimated to be about the same aa they were laat month. The car is making a final stop in the county at Oak City today. Farmers, delivering their barn yard fowla to the car, operated cooperatively in the county, re ceived around 13,000. HAS 2 CASES IN SUPREME COURT m Judge J. W. Bailey Argues Issues Before Court In Raleigh Wednesday ♦ Before the Supreme Court in Raleigh last Wednesday, Attorney J. W. Bailey pleaded two cases, asking the court to verse the verdicts rendered in the Martin Superior Court here last De cember. In one of the cases the Martin court allowed George Mills $1,510 damages against J. K. Mclver, the plaintiff claiming that he was entitled to that amount as compensation for injuries I received while working on the defend ant's automobile. A second case was a suit over a piece of land valued at $l,lOO, the county court deciding in favor of Henry Edmondson against W. B. Wooten. The higher court is not expected to | hand down its decisions in either of I the cases within the next ten days or two weeks. Attorney Hugh G. Horton was in .Raleigh Tuesday afternoon for the hearings. INCOME TAX MAN HERE NEXT WEEK • Will Aid Subjects in Filling Out Their Reports for The Year, 1931 ♦ While there will be less than a little income tax due from Martin County citizens this year, those who have filed I income tax returns in the past will find it necessary to file a report again this year. As an aid to those who are not acquainted with the blanks, the government is having representa tives visit the several county seats and offer theri'iervices to any one de siring particulars in filling out the re port. A representative will be in William ston all day next Wednesday, and he will be glad to render his aid to those ((esiring it. Every resident in the county and State having a net income during the income year in excess of SI,OOO, if sin gle, or $2,000 if married,- is required to file a return. Every married wo man living with her husband and hav ! ing a separate and independent in ! comic is reqirfred to file a return also. Returns must be made complete and filed with the Commissioner of Reve nue on or before March 15, 1932, or interest will be charged at the rate of 16 per cent per annum. j Sunday Services At The Local Baptist Church Sunday at the Baptist church a spec ial offering will be received for our state work. All the Baptist churches of North Carolina are being asked to make this special contribution, and the pastor urges that the member ship of this church be as liberal in this matter as possible. There will be a full program of services at the church Sunday, Sun day school, young peoples' meetings and preaching, at both the morning and evening hours. Final announcements will be made for the sessions of the church school which will begin in the church Mon day evening promptly at 7JO o'clock, to which every Oh* is invited. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, February 12,1932 — a days after building operationa are finished. Fire-proof and modern in every detail, die camp is located on the okl county home road, Mid can be aeen from Highway No. 90. / According to an announcement made thia week, plana are now complete for the construction of a similar camp in Beaufort Coun ty, on the property of the late Bryan Crimea, near Waahington. EDGAR JOHNSON BRINGS SUIT FOR $25,000 DAMAGES Result of Injuries Received In Auto Wreck Last November A suit for $25,000 was filed this week by Mr. Edgar Johnson, Robersonville man, to recover damages sustained in an automobile-truck accident on the Wilson-Goldsboro highway the latter part of last year, it was learned yes terday from Attorney H. G. Horton, Williamston, and Attorney J. C. Smith Robersonville, who are representing Mr. Johnson. Charging negligence in the opera tion of a large truck on the public highways at night, the suit is directed againstth e Hoffler-Boney Transfer Company, of Wallace, N. C. When questioned this week one of the plaintiff's attorneys stated that he did not know when the case would be called, that there was a possibility that it would be scheduled for trial at the April term of the Martin County Su perior Court, the term often referred to as special. It was reported shortly after the accident back in November that the transfer company carried (la bility insurance, but this could not be established as a truth here this week. Announce Sunday Services At Local Methodist Church | By REV, C.*T. ROGERS Where will you spend eternity? 1 M uch will depend on how you spend i the Lord's Day, the blessed Sabbath 'day now. | '"Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."—Exodus 20:8. God's own way is to attend Sunday school and church. It has been said, "most excuses given by church members for not attending church are lies." God says, ''no liar shall ente rthe Kingdom of Heaven." I wish I could overcome the pow er of Satan and open the blind spirit ual eyes of our people, then our churches would be full on the Lord's Day, I Services at the usual hour, and the churches of the town welcome you. i ■ ■ Curb Market Prices for Tomorrow Announced • By MISS LORA SLEEPER Mrs. C. L. Daniel, while selling on the curb market last week, related the fact that the proceeds which she was receiving through the curb market were paying for a cow for the family. No doubt this could be of some help to many farmers wanting cows in the county. A partial list of our prices for to morrow, follows: Eggs, 2 dozen, 25 cents meal, 2 cents a pound collards 2 pounds for 5 cents; turnip greens, 2 pounds for 5 cents; kale 2 pounds for S cents; cream, 25 cents a pint; irish pota toes, 10 pounds for 15 cents; sweet potatoes, 15 cents for K) pounds; chickens, live, 15 to 17 cents a pound. Last week, a total of 20 doaen eggs were sold on the curb market here with calls coming in for more. We are hoping to have more this week to supply the demands of our custo mers. We shall cut prices on cakes to accommodate our patrons in the near future. Services at the Farm Life Life School Sunday S P. M. Rev. W. B. Harrington will preach at the Farm Life School Sunday aft ernoon at 3 o'clock. The public is in vited to hear him. • ■ Group I Bankers To Meet At Manteo February 22nd ♦ Group I bankers of the N'orth Car olina association will hold their regu lar meeting at Mantea Monday, Feb ruary 22, it was announced by Mr. C. D. Carstarphen, cashier of the Branch Banking and Trust Company here yesterday following a meeting of the bankers' executive committee held in Elizabeth City the night be fore. The banks will observe the day as a holiday, and a large meeting is an ticipated, Mr. Carstarphen said. CHURCH SCHOOL BEGINS SESSIONS MONDAY NIGHT Sessions "Open To Every One; School Will Be Non-denominational - —• The mid-winter church school, planned to be thoroughly non-de nominational and community wide, begins its first session in the Baptist church here Monday evening, prompt ly at 7:30 o'clock. There has been assembled a cap able faculty from the several churches of the town, and there will be five de partments, graded as nearly as possible to the ages of the people attending. Every effort is being m»de to guaran tee that this school shall be as popu lar as those which have preceded it, and that the work done shall be of such nature to make a notable con tribution to tlje church and Sunday school life of the entire community. The sessions are open, of course, to everyone, and to all who care to come. The Reverened J. M. Perry, pastor of the local Christian church, has been asked to lead the congregational sing ing each evening. At the close of the school, on Friday night, a big com munity church social is planned, the various groups having their social hour in different places. One group will remain at the 'church, another adjourn to the woman's club rooms, while another group will go to the Presbyterian church, etc. At this closing social session, ' refreshments will be served and musical programs rendered, and entertainment provided. So far as is known there are no other special services in Williamston during that week. The school has been planned so that it would come after the monthly tests at the public schools. None of the sessions will last for more than one hour—the younger groups not remaining that long. There are no books to be bought, no examinations to be taken and nothing to be done except a united effort to stimulate the church and Sunday school forces of the com munity to a new sense of their op portunities, obligations and privileges in religious service. And judging by the attendance at the previous winter church schools, the attendance will be large. It is the desire of those putting on the school that it be for everyone who wishes to attend. And since the course is non denominational and non-sectarian, it offers an opportunity for Williams ton's church and Sunday school people to get together for a week on a worth while undertaking. PAGE ADDRESSES KIWANIANS HERE Kiwanis Leader Expresses Optimism Over Present Conditions "One can not stbp,~76T3~~RTs arms and expect to go forward," O. H. Page, Lieutenant Governor of the Sixth Kiwanis district, said in an ad dress before the local Kiwanis club last Wednesday. The Kiwanis lead er expressed his optimism over con ditions, and thinks there'll be many good lessons advanced by the depres sion. "Work will be required to over come the depression, and as work is a public service, we can have certain ! prosperity by working harder than jever," Mr. Page said. "It does not !pay to sit down and howl," he con jtinued, adding that pleasure jpannot be attained and progress cannot be made by the do-nothing method. | Mr. Page urged Kiwanians to start a stablization program whereby the things that are good and helpful to people might be promoted. "Help the people to see the beautiful things and hear the good words in life," he urged. Employee Slightly Hurt at New Prison Camp Here ♦ Curtis Mobley, white man working on the State highway prison camp near here suffered a slight injury to his hand yesterday morning when he caught it in a cement mixer. TOMATOES J Jamesville Township farmer* are making preparations to plant approximately 200 acrea to to matoM thia year, Mr. R. O. Mar tin, Jamesville man, stated tfala| moraine- Meeting in the JamaavtQa school building last night, lflO farmer* signed contracts to plant ' the crop and ship through com mission merchants, creating a wrapping station at Jameaville. Seed hare been ordered and will be distributed next Tuesday night when the farmers meet again in the school building to hear plant ing and cultivation' methods dis cussed. No Big Reduction Acreage of County Probable PEEL MOTOR CO. BUILDING HERE SOLD THIS WEEK m Messrs. Robt. and Warren Everett Will Operate Chevrolet Garage 9 Messrs. Robert and Warren Ever ett, owners and operators of the Gro- More Transfer Company, with offices in the Sinclair Filling Station next to the Tar Heel Aparttyents on Main this week purchased the I'ecU Motor Company building on Wjishing ' ton Street, the new owners moving their offices and equipment there yes terday. Messrs. Roberson and Feel, owners and Operators of the l'eel Mo tor Company since its establishment here several years ago, sold all garage equipment and parts to the transfer company. With their combined equip ment, the Messrs. Everett are now adequately equipped to offer an effic ient garage service, especially on Chev rolet cars and trucks, j The new owners are planning to handle the Chevrolet agency in this immediate community, and it is under stood that new cars will be placed in the show rooms in the near future. In making the sale this week, Mr. | Luther Peel, manager of the Peel Mo | tor Company, stated that he found it j necessary to give his full time and at tention to farming. I The Sinclair station and storage quarters operated by the Gro-More Transfer Company will be continued by the Sinclair people the next few months, or until the present lease expires, it is understood. It was un officially learned that another oi\ com pany is planning leasing the property and making certain improvements, to it next summer or early fall. GET READY FOR FISHING SEASON —» Few Small Catches At This Point Are Reported Every Day With warm weather prevailing, fish ermen along the Roanoke are busying themselves preparing nets and fishing machines, but so far only small catches have been reported at this point. Catches numbering from two to ten herring have been reported, fishermen giving more time to preparatory work than they are to fishing itself. One or two machines are in operation a long the banks near Hie river bridge, but catches are few and far between. Continued warm weather and high water in the Roanoke are indicative "of one of the earliest fishing seasons ever known here. Individuals out of jobs are turning ! their attention to the stream, and ' within the next few weeks many of | them will be seen with he large nets 1 dipping for herring. There will be I no liense fee imposed on those fisli ' ermen who cast the nets for their in ' dividual needs, County Game War den J. W. Hines said this week. CAR WRECKED AT UNDERPASS J. B. Pinner, Elizabeth City | Man, Slightly Hurt as Car Turns Over j J. B. Pinner, Elizabeth City man, | was slightly hurt early Wednesday morning when his car, a Chevrolet coach, hit the underpass support at the west end of Main Street here, and turned over several times. The car ,was badly damaged, all fenders being torn off and the top smashed. The wreck was one of the first of any consequence reported in this im mediate section in some time. According to unofficial information received here some time ago, the high way commission was to clear the ob struction supporting the railroad tres tle, but a» far as it could be learned here this week, no definite plans have been made to remove the concrete pillar. \ ♦ Presbyterians Announce Their County Services • ■ Sunday, February 14, 1932: " ■> Church school at 10 a. m. Worship service and sermon at 11:15 „a. m. Bur OraM Sunday school at 930 a. m. Worship service and sermon'at 7:30 p. m. Rober son's Farm Sunday school at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. "The Master is at these services, tod He calleth for thee." I " \ WASTED EFFORT I J The United States Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with our own State department, spent hundreds of dollars preparing and publishing a survey of the soil in Martin County. According to re ports received from two or three of the distributing centers, very few farmers have asked for a copy of the survey, and fewer still have even given it a careful study. The Enterprise has a few re maining copies of the survey for distribution, and any Martin farm er can procurse one by either call ing at the office or upon written request, the copies to be distribut- ' ed in order of requests as long as long as the supply lasts. ' r**- TEACHERS AND PARENTS MEET Important Discussions Are Held At Meeting In Oak City —* Oak City.—The Parent-Teachpr As sociation held its regular monthly .meeting Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, 'fhe meeting was made strictly busi j ness, and the following suggestions i were adopted: All mothers and friends Ibe given an opportunity to help out | with the hot lunch. A committee was named for this purpose. The report I was that all seemed favorable toward the luit lunch and are willing to'assist | when possible. Assignments have been made for the supervision of the hot lunch through .February, A "fur ther discussion was held for means o( liejping children who need clothes re fitted or altered. A rcsolutioli was passed that Tuesday afternoon, Feb ruary 16th, be set apart for the sew ing circle, and it wilj meet at the home I economics room, and old garments will Ibe altered by mothers of the cotnmuni- I ty. Miss Ruth William , home eco nomics teacher, is chairman of this committee. Mothers gather up tin old garments, invite your friends and. attend this meeting. Thfrc is a very good ,«;iirit existing in this work. Mr. E. S. t'cah xly, upon our appli cation, hat kindly consented to machine the school road leading front school I building to route number eleven. This jis a kind act on the part of our state officials in helping keep roads tliaf per- I tain to and ;.rc used directly hy our I school buses in'transporting children | to and from school. The school ap ' predates this recommendation by Mr. Peabody. | School work is going along smooth jly-. Tlß'rc.liavc I'txu a.lew 'pupils not trying and not at all inter Jested, but the average percentage of , passing grades in this month's tests is good and shows reaf study. Sunday Services At The Local Christian Church James M. Perry, pastof. Bible school at 9:45 a. in., W. C. Manning, superintendent,. Whole fam ilies cordially invited. Take the chil dren. It is for all ages. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. The pastor will preach on "Life's Highest Adjustment." Congregational singing lof the great old hymns you love to | hear. Special nfusfc. / Fine fellow ship and inspirational sermon. C. K. 'meets at 6:30 p. m. All young peo ple invited. They have a great pro gram. Evening service at 7:30. Spec ial music and old-time congregational singing. The pastor will preach-'on "The Three Approaches to God." If you are discouraged or bewildered be cause of trouble or the troublous times through which we arc passing, come out and find comfort in this mes sage. . Invite the young people. This is Christian Endeavor Week in our lo cal church, and all young people should come out, both morning and evening. I Music and sermons are prepared with them in mind. Take your young folks out. All high school students will be especially interested in both services. Public cordially invited. Don't forget Bible school every Sun day and preaching on every second and fourth Sundays. • County Boy Stars In State Ball Game Last Wdnesday m Jimmy Brown, Jamesville boy and a student at State College, attracted some more attention Wednesday night when his brilliant playipg brough his team victory over Davidson College. Brown, after playing a splendid game as guard, turned in the last few sec onds of play and made the field goal that gave his team the victory by a one-point margin. Watch the Label On Your Paper Ai It Carrie* the Date When Your Subscription Expiree ESTABLISHED 1898 SMALL FARMERS RAISE BULK OF CROP LOCALLY One-third Decrease Means a Reduction .of About 6,000 Acres *■ That there will he a marked decrease planted to tobacco this coming season in Martin County is nut likely, accord ing to information, gathered this week from a large number of farmers over a wide section.. It is understood that farmers oper ating large tracts of land are planning a fair-sized reduction in the crop, but as there are only a few such farmers ill this county, no great decrease in to bacco acreage can be .expected on those farms. Another fair-sized reduc tion i! going to result among tenant and poorer class farmers who can not finance their operations and who will he unable to get aid from time mer chants outside sources. There are many such farmers, but the number is not as great as one is le| to believe, | and it isn t hardly reasonable to expect ja great reduction oil those farms. Then .there are 941 farmers, according to the 11930 census, who cultivate their own lands. No marked reduction "can be expected there because this class, as | a whole, generally plants only a suf ficient amount to supply one curing | barn. With them, it is either plant I the same number*of acres or cut out the crop altogether. The farmer who has crowded.- front 13 to 15 acres of j tobacco into two bams- might cut down his crop to where lie will only have front 5 to 6 acres to the barn, and if there are *'4l such tanners, then the acreage reduction on those farms I will be no more than 1,882 acres;' | According to the latest census rc ,ports, there are around 12() farmers I in this county who hardly have enough j land to phtnt one acre to each crot> | Allowing that each of these 120 farm I ers raised six acres of tobacco last year, then. supposing that not'one of that number will raise a stalk of the weed this year, your acreage reduc tion will be for them only around 720 acres. I hat decrease is hardly more I than a drop in the bucket, considering that Martin County has, since 1929, ' planted around 18,000 acres yearly to | tobacco. There are around 50 farmers oper ating farms ranging in size from' 260 to 500 acres, an average of about .170 acres for each farmer. The average acreage planted to tobaccTi oil those farms in the past will hardly exceed 100 acres per farm, and allowing 30 acres of land for eac' worlt aftinial and () acres of tobacco in each aiule, the average tobacco ati.-.u;r ..u those farms will be around 78 aires. If /those 50 farmers cut their crop in half, the resulting acreage (I ere fse'i will he only 1,900 acres. Estimating the afreatv "di rease a mong the 120 farmers who can not finance themselves at 7.2 i -acres, and the decrease among tlio: farmers who generally use one or two barns at 2,000 acres, and that among the 50 farmers who cultivate around 370 acres of land on an average at 2,000 acres, then the total reduction will be 4,720 acres'. If there were 18,000 acres planted to the crop last year, this 4,- 720 acres will not represent a one-third decrease, and to get it to one-third, the farmers will have to go and mark off just about UOO inor*;, acres. Will the tobacco acreage in Martin County this year be reduced 33 per cent below last year's crop That is a question for the farmers to answer, but it is believed by many that it will not be decreased that much. China is spending many thousands of dollars fighting off Japan. It is reasonable to .believe, that its more than four hundred millions of people will havi less money next year with which to buy tobacco than they have now. That might affect 1932 prices, but who knows? Taking everything as a whole, it looks as if the tobacco farmers haven't a Chinaman's chance, and look how he is faring now. In addition to the serious situation existing in the world markets, there is an Increase in stocks of leaf tobacco held by dealers and manufacturers, ac cording to a report released yesterday by tlie United. States Department of Agriculture. The report show's that there are now 2,012,780,000 pounds of tobacco on hand as compared with 1,- 853,476,000 pounds on hand a year ago. * Woman's Club Gives S6O To Local School Library The local school library was sub stantially ■ aided 'recently when the Woman's Club donated S6O to it for use in buying new books and equip ment. The state matches such dona tions, making available $l2O lor use in building up the school library here.

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