PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Pabliabed Every Tuesday and Friday by The ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMSTON. WORTH CAROLINA. W. C. Manning Mitot SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One y«ar . f'-S® Six montha .7S OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year *2.00 Six montha ••00 No Subacription Received for Leaa Than 6 Montha Advertiaing Rate Card Furniahed Upon Requcat Entered at the post office in WiiliamstonT N'. C.. as aecond-clas.s matter u*der the at t of Congress of March 3, 187 V. Address ail communications to The Enterprise and not to the individual members of the firm. Friday, February 19, 1932 Civilization's Course Is our civilization decaying is a question some times raised? However, the general opinion of most people is that we are making rapid progress upward. There is still grave doubt as to the correctness -6f such opinion. While it is hard to take accurate measure of the true standard of civilization, We find much evidnece of its going down hill instead of up. There is certainly much evidence in some sections proving that son is not as good a man as father, and that in itself is perhaps the truest measure of worth while progress. When we measure the standard of the men of the past generation and find just how much they con tributed to the upbuilding of, civilization was being advanced. They built homes, cleared land, and handed us a clean cut and "Jionrtfcble so ciety; The men and women were appraised for truth and honor. They had a bright outlook on life, and they were willing to adapt themselves to such con ditions and difficulties of life as necessary. ' They were always looking forward to and working for a bright future, and they left us a rich inheritance. Now we have different conditions. We have devour ed a great wealth of pros|>erity, and the worst of it is that we- have lost our outlook for tlw~goWl things of the future. Homes that were once presided over by fathers and mothers who, were dependable in every way and filled with boys an'tf girls who hail something to inspire them, are now mortgaged to the helt. The porches are down, the roofs leak and the walls are smoked and dingy, and the only sign that there ever was prosperity on the premises is a few old rusty au tomobiles around the back lots. There is little cheer fulness in our homes today; only the song of hard times and the howl about high taxes are heard. In many places the tide has run so low that the occu pants hardly have enough courage to wash their faces. They seem to entertain the idea that without money there is no joy in life. Perhaps the truth is that we have lost the true ■titaning of life, and think there can be no values other than those than can be measured in terms of cash. We forget health and strength, honor and truth, and no longer hold them as requisites for a happy life. Yes, our civilization is decaying. We have more slaves now than ever before; in fact, most of us are slaves to some habit that does no good and often does us much harm. We are slaves to nicotine or caffeine or to something that makes us miserable and worth less. We are yielding to habits that will affect the strength and vitality of most children born in the coming years. Girls who should l>e training for strength of body and purity of mind are smoking cigarettes and cursing thereby weakening themselves for the task of maintaining a civilization such as their mothers built up. We cannot escape the fact that when we poison the mind or the body, it will certainly affect us or those who come after us. Perhaps our greatest need at this time is to look up and forget that unfortunate period in which we thought we were rich. We just as well stop gazing and staring for the return of those good old times when we were so rich that we did not know how to behave ourselves, for those times are not coming back. We must change our ways of thinking and doing or our whole social and economic system will have to be remoulded. Disarmament Predicted It may be that the disarmament congress now as sembled at Geneva, Switzerland, will not be able to agree on any plan that will result in any material change in our present war base schedule. However, one thing is certain to happen in .the near future and that is this world is going to lay down its arms. We jut beginning to acquire too much intelligence tc tolerate any such principles advanced by war lords The sentiment expressed in the present deliberations at the congress is proof that the people are growing tired of w. Of course the militarist argue that if China had been prepared she would now have no war which is bjr no means the cause of her present trouble. Japan's preparedness is the sole cause of tit war. China has plodded along mote than 4,000 years without pre praJnest and has bad very few wars while, Japan PUBLISH ID Bvnrv for only 75 years has been on a prepared basis for both offence and defense, principally offence. She has had several wars during that time, and now has the promise of many more unless she changes her present attitude. Civilization has found the court to be the nerest plan to perfection in finding and meting out justice. It is working far better than a plan permitting every individual to carry his own pistol, knife and knucks. The terror of punishment restrains people often, but the fact that we are a part of a system in which justice and not power is the chief reason for our so cial safety." Nations see the need of the same method for ad justing their troubles, and powder manufacturers, cannon makers and shipbuilders, with the influence of military and naval officer?, who are living and (thriving on the war spirit will not be ablf to con tinue power as a substitute for justice very much -longer.l Prompt Payers Are Given No Thought Hertford County Herald Every time we read or hear of agitation for a spe cial session of the North Carolina General Assembly to Rive further relief to taxpayers who havent' paid tiheir 1931 taxes or who will not pay them by the first Monday in May, we begin wondering when, in the name of justice to the larger majority that pays promptly and actually keeps the wheels of govern ment moving, somebody will arise to suggest that re lief be granted them. We are for relief to the tax payer, particularly that class which pays on real es tate valued far above tis true value. We are enlisted in the fight to reduce their burdens. One of the great burdens of the prompt taxpayers — and he is much in the majority—is the delinquent taxpayer. Failure to pay by a small percentage of taxpayers not only throws governmental fiscal affairs out of joint by forcing loans against uncollected taxes, but it also has lately resulted in causing the ex penditure of time and money by the State Govern ment in legislating particularly for the delinquent. Postponements were ordered last year by special leg islative act, and the net result has been confusion, and loss of time and money. Finally, it has created in some the belief that this sort of thing can be con tinued from year to year—and they really think their treatment is unfair if postponement isn't done again in 1932. I'hey would even have the Legislature convened in special session for the benefit of the delinquent. The prompt payers would be called upon to further bur den themselves by paying the costs of a special ses sion because of the small minority that hasn't set tled up or won't pay by May first. "A Shocking Revelation" Gold shorn Messenger. Under the heading above, the Winston-Salem Journal and Sentinel printed about an occurrence al most on its front doorstep an editorial of which ex cerpts follow: " The sheriff of a county, the solicitor of a judicial district, and the dominant political leader of David son County were members of a mid-night automobile party between Winston-Salem and Lexington. All three were drinking. Their car was wrecked. The sheriff shot a truck driver he believed responsible for the wreck.'' • And, as most newspaper readers know, the sheriff thereafter was fatally shot himself, NOT by the truck driver. "A corner's jury was summoned and the solicitor and his companion both testified that they did not know how the sheriff was killed, and no word of remonstrance came from either of them when the jury returned its verdict that the officer came to his death from a shot fired by the young truck driver. Not until Governor Gardner ordered an investigation did the solicitor finally tell the truth and lay bare all the facts surrounding the deplorable affair." That editorial appeared Sunday morning. By Mon day, at the time of writing this, a question arises as to whether the full truth was told at the second testi fying In fore the coroner's jury. The evidence of wit nesses to the shooting whose stories to a degree forc ed the solicitor and his friend to change their first stories indicates further changes may yet be made. that angle of the affair is not to our mind the most serious. Here is what it is: Testimony both times was sworn to on the Bible— the same Bible. The second testimony declared that sworn to the first time as the truth was really a lie, was perjured. This perjuring of a Bible oath was committed -by two men of leading position in their community, men who would be expected by other folks in the com munity to give an example of what should be done. The sacredness of testimony sworn to on the Bible should have been especially upheld by a solicitor, whose office and profession if honestly conducted would call for his utmost efforts toward truthful testimony from all persons giving witness, including himself. If the truth cannot be expected on the sworn oath of an attorney, an attorney especially chosen to repre sent the people of his district, and of another man of outstanding ability in the community, from whom can it be expected? The affair in Davidson gives shocking point to the common knowledge that many witnesses lie—on the Bible—in all counties. We hope it will stimulate the lawyers of every county, with whom in final analysis the greatest pow er is for correction, to "clean up" testifying in the courts and other legal hearings of their counties and to make the truth, with or without the aid of a Bible oath, once more the only coin of value in legal pro ceedings. THE ENTERPRISE ODD - BUT TRUE pgjj jX? liMMI/1 lif ff' Kiw\/E » AIX IWr Jf IpW —j " p • >|o ool m 46 NTAN CIVCTUS.* • Uthpc) y w^*®" »'* iS^™ -» t5B v t& «B SSJMJP u J.'""» J**X **»•*.»««w K«Pt «»% **NO% CLO«0 OWB w, v>tl\K \ottft «40\HI in tMT L Mfli W^ttL* r RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT Whereas, our Heavenly Father in his wisdom on December 28, 1931, called from this earthly state to that of the Saints Blessed Kfcst, the soul of our beloved friend and co-worekr, Fannie Nichols Hassell, Therefore, Be it resolved, First, That in her death the Wo man's Auxiliary of the Church of the Advent, Williamston, Diocese of East Carolina, lost a loyal, devout and humble servant of the Master, who, through all the years of suffering kept the faith as one whose hope in things eternal grew stronger as the shadows lengthened, Second, That we deeply mourn the loss of this faithful daughter of the Church, who did* whatever she could to advance, the Kingdom of God on earth, and to hold aloft the beacon which helped us along the way, Third, That the members of the Woman's Auxiliary extend to the lov ed ones deepest sympathy, praying God's richest blessings of comfort and consolation upon each of now and through all the years,' Fourth, That a copy of these reso lutions be sent to the family, and a, copy each to The Enterprise and The Mission Herald for publications Signed, I MRS. J. H. SAUNDHRS, MRS. C. B. CLARK, f MRS. W. B. WATTS, Committee. Williamston, N. C. February 8, 1932. Club members of McDowell Coun ty will plant 2,500 black walnut trees this winter. Think It Over. Consult Ui and Let Us Give You You Full Information On a Low Rate Policy in One of America's Reliable Insurance Companies W. G. PEELE INSURANCE WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ■■ ■' >* WILLI AMSTON RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT Whereas, the Omnipotent has seen fit to call to Himself one of the mem bers of this committee, Javan Roger son, who for years has enthusiastically served as a member of the Democratic Executive Committee of Martin Coun ty: And, whereas, in his passing the county has lost one of its best citizens and the Democratic party has lost one of its staunchest supporters; And, whereas, it is the desire of the Democratic I'arty through its execu tive committee to express to his fam ily their keen appreciation of his serv ice and worth and our deep sympathy for them in his passing: Now, there fore, be it Resolved/That in the deatli of Javan Rogerson, the county has lost a citizen and the Democratic Party has lost a supporter whose worth is inestimable; That a copy of these resolution be transmitted to the widow and family of the deceased, assuring thetn of our deepest sympathy in his death; That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the father and mother of the deceased, the fclder and Mrs. J. N. Rogerson, who in a short while How To Care For Varicose Veins ♦ — Apply a generous amount of Emer ald Oil to the swollen veins and sores. Let it penertate. Feel the magic re lief! Now bind your leg with a ban dage three inches wide and long enough to give the necessary support, winding it upward from the ankle to the knee, the way the blood flows in the veins. Stops the pain. Begins at once to heal the ulcers and broken veins. Just follow the simple direc tions and you are sure to be helped. Clark's Drug Store, Inc., won't keep your money unless you are. ' have lost two sons whose lives reflect ed creilit to themselves and their pa r* | ents and whose places will be hard to ' fill in their community and in their I county; I That a copy of these resolutions be ( transmitted to the Knterprisc and the Herald for publication. By order of the-Democratic Execu-! five Committee of Martin County. I A. B. KOGEKSON, PLENNY PEEL. J. V\'. HINES, Committee. A group of Carteret County grow- i ers received $707.45 net for a car of 76 hogs sold 011 the Richmond mar ket last week. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of re-sale, and under atid by virtue of the authority contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by Henry I). Griffin and laiinic Koberson (irilfin We Thank Y— for the patronage accorded us siqce our opening last Friday. We earnestly solicit your continued patronage, assuring you quality merchandise rea sonably priced. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded With the Purest Drugs Phone Us Your Vrder DAVIS PHARMACY Nest To Post Office PHONE 26 WILLIAICBTON Friday, February 19,1932 on the 17th day of June, 1927, and of record in the Public Registry of Mar tin County in Book Y-2, at page 299, said deed of trust being given to se cure certain notes of even date and tenor therewith and the stipolations therein contained not having been complied with, at the request of the parties interested, the undersigned trustee will, on Monday the 29th day of February, 1932, at 12 o'clock 11., 1 in front of the Courthouse door in the I Town of Williamston, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for , cash, the following described proper ty: Beginning at the intersection of the State Highway No. 90 and Mill Street, in the Town of Robersonville, North Carolina, running thence along said ! Highway westwardly 150 feet to a stob; thence a line parallel with Mill I Street 120 feet to a stob, the line of Lot No. 34 thence along the line of Lot No. 34 in an easterly direction 150 feet to Mill Street; thence north erly along said Mill Street to the be i ginning, being a part of Lot No. 33 ! m the Hosiery Mill property at Rob | ersonville, North Carolina, as sur ! veyed and plotted on December 19, 1919, by Kennedy & Ryder, Engineers. Said plat being of record in the Pub lic Registry of Martin County in Book-...., at page Dated this the 1 11th day ofi Febru , ary, 1932. 1 WHEELER MARTIN, fl9 v 4tw Trustee. • NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed on 20th day of March, 1922 by N. S. Godard to the under signed trustee and of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book G-2 at page 474, said deed of trust having been given for the pur | pose of securing a note of even date and tenor therewith, default having 1 been made in the payment of same I and at the request of the holder of the ' said note the undersigned trustee will, ; on Wedrc 'day, the 23rd day of March, | 1932, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthohu e door in Williamston, North Carolina, offer for sale to the I highest bidder, for cash, th* following des ribe I real estate, to wit: 1 hat certain house and lot lying on Hrjghton Street in the town of Wil- I'aniston, North Carolina, which is ni>v ocr! lied by Mrs. Alice Godard, raid proiutes being bounded on the A n r!h Lv Simmons Avenue, on thev i west by Haughton Street, and on the 1 east and south by T. F. Harrison, and being the home which S, L. Godard ' died seized and possessed. | This the 17th day of February, 1932. CLAYTON MOORE. I fl9 4tw Trustee. Elbert S. Peel, Attorney. PHYSIC THE BLADDER WITH CASTOR OIL? No, it can't be done. But you can do it with juniper oil, buchu leaves, etc. contained in Bukets, the bladder phys {ic. Drive out impurities and excess acids ( that cause the irritation which results in backache, bladder weakness, burning and getting up nights. Get a 25c test box. After four days if not relieved your druggist will refund your *' money. You are bound to feel better after you get your regular sleep. Sold by Clark's Drug Store.