PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE r»|thTi J twr Tneaday and Friday by The ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WTT T.IAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA. W. C. M—m --- Mho. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY o m r~* - Six months ~ * •, '■ ; ,7S OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year 1 : Six month* —— - .. S No Snbecripbon Received lor Leaa Than 6 Months Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in WiUiainitOn N C.. as tecond-clas? matter under the act of.-C o»grc»» of March 3. 1879. 7 Address an communications to The I£ntr-,rr--r and not to the individual members of the tnir. • Friday, March 4,1932 Drastic Punishment Needed While many people object to death sentences for any crime, it really seems as if we should add one more offense to the list of crime carrying the su preme penalty, and that one is kidnaping. When we think of some villian grabbing a child from its mother's arms or from any other place for that matter, and running away with y it, leaving the stricken with horrors that are undescriable, there is no punishment too severe for him. The man who will do such a deed for ransom is deserving of the most severe punishment even to death. The Donkey—Truly a Party Symbol . It is beginning to look, like the Democrats are go ing to act more like donkeys this year than ever be fore. With a wide-open chance for victory in sight, every element is pulling f«>r the nomination, and many of them without much thought of the principles upon which the party was built, and for which it has stood for the most part throughout all its history. Now comes along Mr. Raskob, with all his radical ideas and millions of money, and with the help of the Duponts, Jouett Shouse and Al Smith, trying to drown Miss Democracy in alcohol Of course, they have a Ritchie and a J. Ham Lewis to push forward at the opportune moment, or [jerhaps a hand-picked friend as yet unknown. The men who fit the democracy of both the present and the past —such a$ Newton D Baker -are being side-tracked. > This is the hour for Democrats to stand together for the sole purpose of attaining a system of jovorn ment that will guarantee fair and free government to all men and every legitimate business. News Letter To Be Continued It is good news to learn that The University News- Letter is to continue publication. The NewS-Letter is one of the most interesting news sheets in the State, and gives facts that are not available from any other source. The suspension of th* publication was threatened on account of the financial condition of the institution. Although the University is having to run on a very meager financial' program, the institution is going to endeavor to carry on its good work. Too Many Officeholders i Toledo (Ohio) Blade. Michigan has inaugurated a movement having for its object a reduction of the state "office-holding acre age" as a means of getting taxes below the back-break ing point. The governor and supporters of the move ment are on the right road, but are not blind to the barrier that will be built to block their way to suc cess. There is consciousness of too many public officials. But, paradoxically, the more there are, the more dif ficult it will be to eliminate any of them. It is ed out that officials have wives, brothers, sisters, un cles, aunts, cousins and hired men to protect their right to pay. This is a situation that will have to be* faced and overcome. The average officeholder is an avaricious, self-protecting individual with a keen ap petite for tax money. One County in Michigan has 20 inhabitants for each unit of government and a township with not enough adults to fill all the constitutional and statutory of fices. are extreme examples, but sufficient to reveal a ludicrous situation that calls for remedy. Michigan's problem is not peculiar to that state. If it can find a solution, the answer will be interesting -to others. " A Great Mistake „ Why wjll mothers slave., themselves to death only tb ruin their daughters? It would be much better for mothers to go in partnership yith their daugh ters in the home work, such as gardening, poultry raising, cooking, washing, and sewing than to permit the daughters to run at large at night and sleep half the day. It Is indeed a pity to bring up a generation unpre pared and unwilling to take cart of itself. No greater mistake can be made by mothers than to kill them selves at work in order that the daughters may have • «/wvl Af . i » . A" Break In The News War news from the stricken areas in China went into secondary headlines when kidnapers stole Chas. Augustus Lindbergh, jr., from his cradle in the home of his parents m Hopewell; New Jersey this week. Large and black headlines called one's attention to the hideous crime, and column after column of news carried all the details, even to the frail little fellow's diet. There is a ready sympathy for the stricken parents of the world famous baby, and justly so, of course. Out in the world, these United States are no ex ception, there are millions of little fellows, unim portant, no doubt, but among them are the leaders of the world in the making. Surely all these little tots are dear to their mothers. But thousands of tbem are being starved to death as a result of a faulty economic system. But their deaths are taken as a matter of course, and no great deal is said about it. Medical attention in the lives of thousands upon thousands of little children is impossible, and with them it is survival of the fittest. The systems designed to improve the lot of the millions of little folks are attacked and the existence of agencies important to their welfare is threatened. So, the kidnaping of the Lrindbergb child was not given too muA publicity, but the millions of little snotty nose feflows and their handicaps in life are re ceiving too little. Helpful To Eastern Cartilim The appointment of Mr. H. D. Bateman, president of the Brancfi Banking and Trust Company, as one of the advisors of the Reconstruction Act for the Rich mond Federal Reserve District is a- distinct compli ment to him and to Wilson and should prove of much value to our community and Eastern North Caro lina. Mr. Bateman was chairman of this district under the Finance Corporation Act, which was voted $500,- 000,000 for the purpose of assisting a recovery from the present depression. This corporation was merged into the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, a two billion dollar entity, which has for its purpose the opening of closed banks, and helping others in dis tress. • • . . ...... : Mr. Bateman. who is just back from New York, was interviewed this morning by the editor pf the Times, and he speaks with confidence of the situation and the effect the Reconstruction Corporation will have on general conditions. He says there is a better feeling among New York bankers who think that the funds from the Reconstruction Corporation will have a stimulating on business, and help to end the present financial depression.— Wilson Times. Go East, Young Man! "Go West, young man! ' said Horace Greeley. Now we believe the time has come to say to many North Carolinians in our mountain counties— "Go East, young man!" Rich, level, stoneless lands, easily cultivated, are of fered at "bargain counter" prices. Many mountain farmers could take some of these eastern lands and with the same labor, economy, and thrift they now use, could make twice as much produce and profit- Formerly thousands of mountain hill country farmers went to the Western States for cheap rich lands, but that day is over. The Land of Oppor tunity is now to the east, and health conditions in eastern counties are now so fine that the old dread at this point no longer holds good. There are, of course, many very fine farms in the mountains and plenty of farmers should stay there. We advise that. But in many mountain sections peo ple are too crowded, their farms too small, and usually steep, Tough, rocky land is being cultivated on which it is impossible to make a living—land that should go back to timber or pasture. It is to these folks that we believe the cry should go out^- "Go past, young man!" If interested, why not ask the land banks or in surance companies about bargains in eastern farms, or better still, mak| a trip east and let the county agent help you get located?— Progressive Farmer. Japan's Attitude s The Japanese seem to regard all the other people of the earth as fools.' They declare the American Secretary of State ignorant. Well, the' balance of the world thinks they are murderers and rubbers, and naturally they haye to re fute it In Some way. This is the only case on record when one nation has piled on another with all its lighting equipment and killed and still declares It is not war but a mission of pence. . . - Another noble the, Japanese made to China was for the Chinese soldiers to withdraw 12 miles from their own home,,their own property, their own mills and factories and let the Japanese have them, "and we will not shoot. But if you don't leave quick, we are to take your lives and your prop erty, too." Small Crop Will Pay Best Farmers are going to plant tobacco this year on a speculative bas'.s; that is, try to get a fine quality of tobacco, which always pays. However, product iup of this type of tobacco -ia very uncertain, especially in late years since so much land has been burned with nitratfwf soda and sulphate of ammonia. The farmer had better get back to fer tilizers that will insure quality rather than a lux uriant growth, which is generally destroyed by dis ease. '• - * - w The fanner that grows a poor quality of tobacco this year 'will not have a chance of success. A small crop well handled from the plant bed to the ware house will be best. THE SNTBRPRISB Little Pen-o-grams F mAXttj FN COMMCK! >, HOWW 1 if M#U^(C * i S s^Tf ;^^--^\ W r t i ^«T\ Y s ***''! ( jfcr i THE LETTER-BOX v VANDALISM STILL RIFE The the two cemeteries and ma/king of graves which has just been completed is one of the most sat isfactory things done here for some time. The welfare worker wishing to j aid unemployment arranged to secure | funds to pay a number of men. Visi tors to the cemeteries this week noted ' several acts of .vandalism, however, and it is thought best to ask that peo ple living near the cemeteries take no tice of any one who is guilty of such mean actions. One grave in the Bap tist cemetery had been robbed of fresh flowers which were torn into pieces and thrown down; the flag in the Thrower plat in the old cemtery had evidently been taken down and hung again with the field of stars down in stead of up. The cord which is al ways made fast with wire was loose and the wire gone. The desecration of a flag is an act against the. govern ment and punishable. NOTICE ~— Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of Mrs. Laura E. Martin, late of Jamesville, N. C., notice is hereby given to all iwrsons holding claims against sa|d estate 'to present the same to me for payment on or before the 6th day of February, A. D., 1913, or this notice ' will be pleaded in bar of the recovery of the same. All persons indebted to ■ said estate are requested to com; for ward and make prompt payment of tlfe same. Fannie Latham Martin, Administratrix of Laura E. Martin Estate. , f96tw February 6th, 1932. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by J. H. Bullock on the Ist day of December, 1929, anfl, I recorded in Book B-3, Page 311, "we | will on Saturday the 19th day of March, 1932, 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Martin County, VVilliamston, N. C., sell at public auc tion for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Kobersonville Township, Martin County, N. C., containing 97 1-2 acres, more or less, bounded on the Northeast by Matthew Parker Swamp, OIL the S. by the lands of John.Dtkon and J. L. Williams and Henry Long, on the Southwest by the lands of N. O. VanNortwick; and on the Northwest by the lands lands of N. O. VanNortwick, and be- ] ing the same land deeded to Hannah Roebuck by H. 1. Roebuck and wife, and J. Alex Roebuck and wif?, more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at Hie mouth of Bee Branch in Matthew Parker Swamp, | thence along the said Swamp to N. "O. YanNortwick's corner in said swamp, thence S. 64 W. 3560 ft. thence S. 5* I and 15 minutes W. 860 ft. thence S. 186 E. 1610 ft. thence N. 4* and 30 i minutes E. 1158 ft. thence N. 15 E. 900 ft. to the Bee Branch, thence a long Bee Branch N. 81 E. 300 ft. 81 E. 470 ft. N. 56 E. 165 ft. N. 79» and 30 minutes E. 329 ft. to the be ginning. This sale is made by reason of the : failure of J. H. Bullock to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 15th day of February, 1932, J. S. PATTERSON, f23 4tw Trustee. Durham, N. C. . - NOTICE OF'SaLE 7 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by J. G. Godard, jr., and wife, dated Ist day of September,. 1930, and j of record in the register of deeds office | in book C-3, page 357. to secure notes | of even date therewith and the stipu lations not having been complied with, ' and at the request of the holder of said bonds, the undersigned trustee will, on the 18th day of March, 1932, | at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door of Martin County, of- ! fer for sale to the highest bidder, for i : * ' h ------ A - cash, the following described land: i Beginning at an iron stob in a ditch ' or branch, between property that is , known as the J.'G. Godard home place j and Cherry brothers, a corner, on the . proposed extension of Smithwick Stret, which is to run in front of the J. G. Godard house, thence a line a- ' long said proposed street not to run ; less than 30 feet in front of the front J porch of the Godard house about 235 , j feet to an iron stob; thence a line per i pendicular to the proposed street 210 1 | feet to a stob; thence a line parallel I with the proposed street to a ditch or , ; branch, which runs between the God- , ard and Cherry property; thence a long said ditch or line or branch be tween the Cherry and Godard prop erty to the beginning. This 18th day of February, 1932. B. A. CRITCHER. fl9 4tw ' Trustee. x SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by Chas. T. Flannagan on the 24th'day of October 1929, and recorded in Book B-3, Page 309, we will on Saturday the 19th day of j March 1932, 12 o clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Martin County, Williamston, N. C., sell at public auc- j tion for cash to the highest bidder the following land to-witr All thai certain tract of land lying and situate and being in the County of Martin and State of N. C., Hamil ton Township, near the town of Ham ilton and described as being tract No. 8, containing 35 acres, being a' part of what is known as the B. B. Sher- j rod farm, as surveyed and platted by C. R. Revelle, Surveyor, dated Oct. i 1929 and recorded in L. D. Book 3, ; I'age 164, Register of Deeds's Office, Martin County. This sale is made ,by reason of the failure of Chast. T. Flanagan to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 per cent will be required from the purchaser at the sale. This the 13th day of February 1932. J. S. PATTERSON, f23 4tw Trustee. Durham, N, C. , NOTICE OP EXECUTION SALE I North Carolina, Martin County, In the Superior Court. Sarah Oray Mills, et Ala, va Surry Jones. ' • By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Martin County, in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 7th day of March, 1932, at 12 o'clock, Noon, at the Courthouse door of Mar tin County, at Williamston, N. C., sell to the highest bidder, fof cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right, titje and interest which the said Sara Mills has in snd to the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: 1 Lots Nos. 2 and 3, as aUoted to 1 Sara Gray Mills, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a r-oint in the Island Road where Augustus La nier's line crosses the said road and at or near Bettie Lynch'* corner; thence running N.' 43 45 W. 60.6 poles to a pine stump, A. Lanier's corner; thence S. 51 W. 38 80 poles to a fence i post on a ridge; thence S. 44 45 W. 28.5 poles alotuz A. Lanier's line to Mrs. Theodore* Roberson's corner io the run of s swamp thence up the run of said swamp and along Mrs. Theodore Roberson's line about 182.8 poles to Geo'.' \V. Williams' and R. J. Inexpensive Prescription Guaranteed To End «H Rheumatism . Thousands Joyfully Astonished at Swift 4® Hour Relief ' t m .. Progressive pharmacists will tell you thst the popu far big selling prescrip-1 tion for rheumatism right now is Al lenru —for 85 cents you can get a gen erous bottle from Clark's Drug Store, Inc* or any up to date druggist. I You can get it with an absolute guarantee that if it doesn't stop the pain—the agony—and reduce the swell ing in 48 hours—your money back. Uric Acid Poison Starts To | Leave Body in 24 Hours I Out of your joints and mulcleS go the uric acid deposits that cause all your suffering—it's a safe, sensible, scientific formula—free from harmful or pain-deadening drugs. ! The same absolute guarantee holds good for sciatica, neuritis, and lum bago—quick Joyful relief—no more idle days—it removes the cause. Hardison's line: thence up a ditch, Williams' and Hardison's line about 54 poles; thence N. 65 E. 11.52 poles; thence N. 61 15 E 44 poles along, a fence, Williams' and Hardison's line, to Bettie Lynch'* corner in th? run of a branch; thence down the ruq of said branch and along Bettie Lynch's line to the aforesaid Island Road; thence S. 39 15 W. 74 poles to the beginning, and containing 147 acres, more or less. r ' Judgment upon which execution was issued herein and this sale there ander is for the amount of Owelty of TRIO THEATRE ROBERSONVILLET N. C. Monday & Tuesday MARCH 7TH AND BTH Tulane vs. South ern California ROSE BOWL FOOTBALL GAME Also $3,000,000 PARADE THAT PRECEDED THIS IMMORTAL FOOTBALL GAME See and Hear This Famous Football Game PLAY BY PLAY _ _ All the famous stars of this game will be seen in every play. Don't fail to see this unusual pic ture. It will be your one and only chance. —■ IFjtou WANT THE Highest Quality of Oyster Shell Lime—The Quickest Acting JLime — FOR ANY CROP USE THE jf ft . ■i. i ' --j ■ ■ Keeling - Easter HEAT-TREATED Oyster Shell FTour Limes "YOU'LL BE SATISFIED -1 ' ===s===g===g===s=^ • - ■ See .. > . ,i . : R.A.Taylor, Agent At Hall's Barber Shop Williamston, N. C. Friday, March 4,1932 Partition and in favor of Surry Jones 4 and against Sara Gray Mill*. This Ist day of February, 1t32. ' C. B. ROEBUCK. Sheriff, f 9-4t Martin Coflntjk NOTICE OF BALB Under and t>y rtrttie of the po4er of sale conUined in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by S. L. Andrews, dated 16th day of April, 1930, /nd of record in the Register of Deeds office in book 73 page 286, to secure a note of even date therewith, and .the stipulations having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said bond, the undersigned trustee will, on the 18th day of March, 1932. at 12 o clock noon in front of the courthouse door of Mar tin County, offer for sale to the high est bidder, for cash, the following de scribed land: All my undivided interest in and to a tract oPland in Williams Township. Martin County, North Carolina, bound ed by the lands of R. F. Jones, High way No. 90, road from Highway No. 90 to Daniel and Staton Mill, Smith wick heirs, and the Eason land. Con taining 100 acres, more o rless. This 18th day of March.l 932. B. A. CRITCHER, fl9 4tw Trustee. A " - KIK - The Perfect Laxative It is the safe, sure, positive, effective laxa tive, that does not gripe or bind. It gives quick action, cleansing the intestinal tract of cold * « "and* bile. THIS COUPON OH C and '•» , Will Get a Regular '(the SIZE ITTTT O\J BOTTLE OF *VJX*i At Your Dealer's Name Address

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