Fijday.MMtch 4,1932 1 *|y ill * >ll>lllll ' llllll>lWMWtww * II PwMMh 1/N -|-k I PHONE | £trr„ | Society & Personals I - B I Mrm. KLBKET 1 PtIL. Edhor B 46 Ptof Mrs. Anderson Mrs. Oscar Smith, of Norfolk, and Mrs. Margaret Eborn, of Bath, visit ed Mrs. Oscar Anderson here this week. ■I • Visiting m Norfolk Today Mesdames Rush Bondurant, E. S. Peel, S. R. Biggs, J. G. Godard and Mrs. Frank Hitch are visiting friends in Norfolk today. • In Raleigh Wednesday Mr. and Mrs, B. A. Critcher, Mesdames R. A. Critcher, Warren H. Biggs and Miss Cora Proctor spent Wednesday in Raleigh. Here from Suffolk Mrs. Lottie Peel, of Suffolk, is; visiting friends here this week. Return from Alexandria Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watte, sr.J Mrs. W. B. Watts and Gwyn Watts have returned from Alexandria where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heydenreich. V * ° Your Spring-Outfit Whether It's a Snappy Woolen or Coat. or or WHATEVER YOUR CHOICE MAY BE You'll find here a wide se lection to choose from—mod erately priced. • Every well-dressed miss or matron will be delighted to wear one of our outfits. For the man who cares—you will find in our spring collectidifof cloth- • ing and furnishings, styles to please, and prices that can't he resisted. See - ■ Us first. Margolis Bros. Attention, Mr. Peanut Farmer: - » Call ■ • « For Our . - • M , Representative p y °" r li "' 'llib E UTTO It Is To WHETHER THE PRICE OF PEANUTS REMAINS STATIONARY OR GOES UP OR DOWN BETWEEN NOW *J n Protobly Your AND THE END OF THE SEASON, YOU WILL FIND IT T O YOUR ADVANTAGE TO GET IN TOUCH WITH W. S. Disposing Advantage PRITCHARD, MANAGER OF OUR WILLIAMSTON r PLA NT, PICTURED ABOVE, BEFORE SELLING EVERY His Peanut , ToDoSo COURTESY WILL BE SHOWN YOU WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION. CALL OR SEE US. Crop COLUMBIAN PEANUT C(K ON HIGHWAY NOS. 30 AND 90 AND A. C. L. RAILROAD # , WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA - - - - . i t , i Visiting Miss Anderson Miss Lula Mae Keel, of Rocky Mount, is spending this week here with Miss Martha Louise Anderson. • ■ Announce Birth of Daughter , t Mr. and Mrs. E. S. McCabe an nounce the'birth of a daughter on Tuesday, March 1. Visiting Mrs. Mizelle Here Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Miller and Mrs. Jordan Ward and children, of Elizabeth City, are here visiting Mrs. Maude Mizelle. i —. —* Here Wednesday Night Mr. Sam Scott, representative of the .State Highway Commission, of ; Raleigh, spent Wednesday night In I town on business. I ' * j V. E P. Officials here Messrs. Ray Goodman, of Roa noke Rapids, and H. C. Webb, jr., of Richmond, Virginia Electric And Power Company officials, were busi ness here Wednesday. Here from .inlander Miss Edrie Hall, of Aulander, is, here visiting her brother, Mr. G. P. Hall and Mrs. Hall. Here from City No. 2 Mr. J. L. Clark, of WiHiamston R. F. D. No. 2, was a .business vis itor here last Wednesday. e Visiting in Mount Olive Mrs. Russell Braswell and two little daughters are visiting relatives 1 in Mount Olive. *■—■—• Returns from Washington City Mr. Labon Lilley returned this week from Washington City where he went to have a leg fitted. In Mount Olive Wednesday j Officer Ricks Allsbrooks made a short visit in Mount Olive Tuesday. Here from Jamesville Mr.,J. W. Leggett, of Jamesville, was a business visitor here yester day morning. Here from Hertjord Edgar E. Bundy, Perquimans County school superintendent, was here yesterday afternoon. •' — Here from Roper t Attorney Carl L. Bailey, of Roper was here attending to business mat ters yesterday morning. # From Washington Mr. Phillip Stillman, salesman for J. K., Hoyt, of Washington, was in town yesterday. lng Cardul when in a weakened, run-down condition," writes Mrs. F. S. Perrit, of Wesson, Miss. "I took one bot tle, and I seemed to Im prove so much that I sent for six bottles. Af ter I had taken the six bottles, I seemed entire ly well. "Before I took Car dul, I was nervous, rest less, blue and out of heart. I felt depressed all the time. After I took Cardul, all this disappeared. "I gave my daughter Cardul and It helped to relieve Irregular . . Thl» medicine hu boen uned - by women for over 80 IT 1 Thailfor7^Bli!c!c^r>raught | f*r Infliction, I ond milminn«-Hii. ■ I xm ajafrERPJLiSB In Richmond Mrs. R. L. Cobum and Mrs. An na Harrison visited in Richmond this week. ■, ' ». Better fertiliiers are secured when dolomitic limestone is used (or filler rather than some inert substance like sand, aay Tarheel farmers who have tried the new plan. NOTICE OP SALE OP REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of frust executed and delivered by LuCy F. Holliday and husband, W. Jack son Holliday, on the Kith day of Feb ruary, 1927, to the undersigned trus tee, and of record in the public reg istsy of Martin County in Book Y-Z, at page 164, said deed of trust having been given' for the purpose of secur ing a -note of even date and tenor therewith, default having been made in the payment of same and at the request of the holder of same, the un dersigned trustee will, on Saturday, the 2nd day of April, 1932, at 12 o'- clock in., in front of the courthouse door in Williamston, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, to wit: „ First tract: Bounded op the north by the lands of S. D. Jones,-on the east by the lands of Lawrence Pearce, on the south by the lands of Gilbert Boston, and on the west by the lands of Charlie Davis, containing 56 acres, more or less. Second tract: Beginning at a cedar in Melvina James' corner, thence north with Melvina James' line to S. 1). Jones' line, thence west with said Jones' line to 'John A. Pearce land corner, thence south with the John A. Pearce land line to the Gilbert Bos ton line, thence east with the Gilbert Boston line to the beginning, con taining 20 acres, more or less. Third tract: Situate in the old Nor inan Mill Pond, adjoining the lands of Melvina Jamas, GiWwrt Bosfcon, and others, and being a part of the Lawrence Pearce. sr., tract of land, containing 10 acres, more or less. Fourth tract: Beginning at a pine stump, C. T. Mizelle's corner on the southwest side of the Jordan Thick road, and opposite of Stewart Ange's house, lot and well, thence up said road S 34 E. 64 poles to a stake, thence S. S3 W. 135 1-2 poles to point on the run of Horse Pen Branch, cen ter of several trees chopped as point ers, thence down tire various eourses fo. said branch to C. T. Mizelle's cor ner, thence along his line N. 53 E. to the beginning, containing 50 acres, more or less. • The four tracts above being the same land described a deed of trust from W. Jackson Holliday and wife to A. R. Dunning. This the 3rd day of March, 1932, W. C. MANNING. mr4 4tw Trustee, Elbert S. Peel, Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of J. R. White, late of Martin County, I here by, give notice to all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same for payment to the under signed on or before 4he 4th day of February, 1933, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of' the recovery of same. All persons indebted to said estate will please appear and make prompt' payment of the snme. This 4th day of February, 1932. W. H. WHITE, Administrator 1-5-61 - J. R. While. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of and pursuant to a de cree entered by N Henry Moore, clerk of the superior court of Beaufort C.iun ty, in the suit entitled "The Trust ( ompany of Washington'et a', vs. M. U. Hodges, the undersigned commi.s sioner will, on Monday, March 7. 19.'2, at noon, at the courthouse door of Martin County, offer lor sale at pub lic auction, for cash, to th? .highest bidder, all the right, title, and inter est of M. U. Hodges a3 surviving hus band of Callie Hodges, decease I, and as grantee in deed from James B. Woolard to Marion Hodges, dated 6 6 6 LIQUID - TABLETS - SALVE 666 Liquid or Tablets used internally and 066 Salve externally, make a com plete and effective treatment for colds. Most Speedy Remedies Known. j January 22, 1921, of record in the reg ister* office of Martin County, in book IE-2, at page 202, in and to a.tract of land in said county, adjoining the !? ?. W. M.. Kear, W. E. Jukes, David Hardison, and others: Contain ing 75 acres, more or less, and being also described ra deed of trnal from inV. ; Hpdges, dated January 1, 1931, of record in said register'* office in book G-3, at page 146, to which reference is hereby made. This February 6. 1932. J NO. C. RODMAN, Jr., f9 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of '/"St executed on 20th day of March, 1922 by N. S. Godard to the under signed trustee and of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book 0-2 at pace 474, said deed of trust having been given for the pur pose of securing a note of even date and tenor therewith, default having been made in the payment .of same and at the request of the holder of the said note the undersigned trustee will on Wednesday, the 23rd day of March, 1932, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthohuse door in Williamston, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, to wit: 1 hat certain house and lot lying on Haughton Street in the town of Wil liamston, North Carolina, which is now occupiecj by Mrs. Alice Godard, said premises being bounded on. the north by Simmons Avenue, on the west by Haughton Street, and on the east and sputli by T. F. Harrison, and being- the home which S. L. Godard died seized and possessed. This the 17th day of February, 1932. CLAYTON MOORE, "9 4«w Trustee. Elbert S. Peel, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE Under and bv virtue of an order 01 resale, and imd>• 'and by virtue of the authority contained in tha Certain tletd of trust executed to .the l tni'Tte by Krii-ces Robe t son Grilhn, and husband, H D. Gr Km. O.i tie 27th day oi Uctoher, 19.7, and of rec ord in the public registry of Martin County in book at pjftc 317, said deed of trust being given to secure cer tain notes of even date aud tenor there with. and the stipulations therein con tained not having been complied with, at the request of the parties interest ed, the undersigned trustee will, on the 29th day of February, 1932, at 12 o'clock in.,- in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property: Being a lot in or near the town of Robersonville, on State Highway No. 90, leading frotn Robersonville to Tar boro, and.being 132 feet S inches on !the front and running back ISO feet, and being exactly one-half of lot No, 44 in the Robersonville iiosiery Mill Company I-and Division, that is re corded in land division book Npi 3, at page 3, next to and adjoining'state highway No. 90. Dated this the 11th day of February 1932. WHEELER MARTIN, fl9 2tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE ' Under and by virtue of an order of re-sale, and under and by virtue of the authority contained in that cer tain deed of trust exe'euted to the undersigned trustee by., Henry' D. Griffin and Fannie Roberson Griffin on the 17th day of June, 1927, and of record in the Public Registry of Mar tin County in Book Y-2, at page 299, said deed of trust being given tose cure certain notes of even date and tenor therewith and the stipulations therein contained not having been complied with, at the request of the parties interested, the undersigned 'trustee will, on Monday the 29th day of February, 1932, at 12 o'clock M., in front of the Courthouse door in the Town of Williamston, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described proper ty: Beginning at the intersection of the State Highway No. 90 and Mill Street, in the TOWJJ of Robersonville, North Carolina, running thence along said Highway westwardly ISO feet to a stob; thence a line parallel with Mill Street 120 feet to a stob, the line of Lot No. 34 thence along the line of Lot No. 34 in an easterly direction ISO feet to Mill Street; thence north erly along said Mill Street to the be ginning, being a part of Lot No. 33 in the Hosiery Mill property at Rob ersonville, North Carolina, as sur veyed and plotted on December 19, ?, by Kennedy & Ryder, Engineers. Said plat being of record in the Pub lic Registry of Martin County in Book„., at page Dated thi» the 11th day of Febru ary, 1932. WHEELER MARTIN, fl9 4tw " Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust to the undersigned trustee by J. L. Hardison and wife, Lula Hardison, dated 27th day of De cember, 1922, of record in the regis ter of deeds office of Martin County in book G-2, page 416, to secure notes of even date therewith, and the stip ulations not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said bond, the undersigned trustee will, on the 18th day of March, 19J2, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of tffc courthouse dior of Marti i Couaty, of fer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tracts of land: First tract: Bunded on the south by J. L. Bgown, on the north by T. H. Davis, on the west by W. H. Hardi son land, and on the east by Sylves ter Gray, and Tom Lille jr. Contain- -THE LOVELIEST IN SPRING FROCKS new dresses, new hats s . shoes and And are being sold at prices that will as tound you. We have anything in ready to-wear that any woman could wish for jn Selecting her Easter outfit. We extend to ygu a cordial invi , tation to visit and sec our new frocks and hats .... Harrison Bros. & Co. PAGE THREE ing 50 acre*, more or.les*, and being s part of J. H. Harditon land. ' Second tract: Bounded on the wwth by Roanoke River, on the Tom Coburn, on the west by Creek, and on the east by H. Daven port and Fagan place. Containing 100 acrei, more or teas, and beins; *amt land bought of H. VV. Allen and wife, Bettie Gray Alnel, by M. D. Wilaon and A. T. Perry. This 18th day of February. 1932. B. DUKE CRITCHER, fl9 4tw . Trustee. IS CASTOR OIL A BLADDER PHYSIC? Nrr, but juniper oil is. Use it to nut impurities and excess acids that cause the irritation which results in netting up nights, bladder weakness, leg pains, backache and burning. Get - juniper oil in the form of Buket*, the bladder physic, also containing buchu leaves, etc. Use a 25c test box. If not satisfied your druggist will return your money. You are bound to feel better after this cleansing and you get get your regular sleep. Sold by Clark's l>»ug Store.