AAwtfaers WBI Pud Our Col w a Latchkey to Owr 3ixtean Haadred Marti County Homes VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 3 TAX LISTERS ARE NAMED AT BOARD MEET MONDAY Appeals of the Unfortunate and Tax Changes Are Meeting Features Appeal* entered by the unfortunate and property valuations featured the meeting of the Martin County Board of Commitaioners in their shortest session held during the past several montha. Preparations were made for listing property for the current year, and a jury list was selected to serve at the two weeks term of civil court to be held here in April. " That Henry Rogers, colored, might receive medical aid in the Duke Hos pital, Durham, the commissioners pro vided means of transportation there. W. S. Barber, of Jamesville town ship, was relieved of the payment of poll tax for the year 1931 on accoont of disability. He was also relieved of ' $1 tax on dog improperly listed. W. E. Tice, of Griffins Township, was i rdtyeved of payment of $12.83 special school taxes listed through er ror. George Stevenson's $4 monthly al lowance was increased to $6. Valuation placed on the 625 acres of wood land on the J. B. Anthony es tate in Hamilton Township was re duced from $11,625 to $10,375. To handle property listing in the 10 townships of the county this year, C. B. Riddick, of Everetts, was made tax supervisor with ten assistants whose names are as follows: F. C. Stallings, Jamesville Town ship. George C. Griffin, Griffins Township. L. J. Hardison, Williams Town- John H. Roberson, Bear Grass Township. R. T. Griffin, Williamston Town ahip. G. G. Bailey, Cross Roads Town ship. J. B. Rawls, Robersonville Town ship. L. G. Taylor, Poplar Point Town ship. T. B. Slade, Hamilton Township. J. A. Rawla, Goose Nest Township. Prowlers Break Glass In Barbershop at Everetts ♦ . Following the dance in Everetts last Friday night and after the dancers had gone to their homes, prowlers bom barded Sam Keel's barber shop there and broke a number of window lights. The penes were comparatively small ones, the raid of the vandals result ing in no great damage. No arrests have been made. • • Marked Rise In Roanoke River Is Expected Here A 45-foot rise in the Roanoke River •t Weldon during the next 48 hours was predicted late yesterday, accord tag to information received here. If the flood predictions are correct there, • rise of nearly five feet can be ex pected at this point during the next week. Fishermen along the ctream are eagerly awaiting the ri*e, stating that swift currents in the Roanoke will at tract thousands upon thousands of barrings up the stream. Local Kiwanians To Hold Regular Meet Tomorrow The Kiwanis Club will have its reg alar weekly luncheon at the club room tomorrow at 12:30 o'clock. The local organization has been en joying a period of unusual activity and life in the new year. And the membership i* a*ked to keep the*e meeting* in mind and to give them fbll attendance. Kiwania. generally i* increasing it* membership over the country, and, as a part of this program, the local group ii planning to admit a few more mem ber* within th« aext few weeks. Local Colored Team Plays in State Ball Tournament Taking part in an all-State colored tournament in Raltfigh lasKj Friday and Saturday, Principal E. J. Hayes' boaketball boys made a strong bid for honors when they defeated High Point a 36 to 22 score. They went to the semi-finals when they were oust ad by Durham by the close score of Hayes morning. the many every part of the state, the boys woo high praise, to the extent that they "have oppor- tanity now of winning their pay in P p*t in several colleges.'' * re la Worst Enemy Of Forests in State fire is the want enemy of the for . ests. At not only destroys matured [ timber, bet it kills young growth which would replace timber as it is cub This foe of the forest is more rmponsible than any other factor for the unproductive condition of million* THE ENTERPRISE Tobacco Damaged By Winter Mora than 100 aharea of new stock were issued by the Martin County Building and Loan Aaao ciation in it* new aeriea opening teat Saturday. A number of new cuatomer* was added to the al ready large list of ahareholden. and it ia believed that many more aharea will be sold before the aeriea cloaa*, one of the official* said yeaterday. The aucceaaful aale of aharea in the new aeriea ia very encourag ing in that it ia opening the way for work in the building tradea. The intereet in the organisation ia a *ure blow against "Old Depree aion," and the investment posaibili tiea of the aaaociatkm are among the beat to be found. VITAL STATISTICS FOR WILLIAMS ♦ Township Is One of Few Reporting More White Births Than Colored Fourteen death* and thirty-three birth* were reported in Williams Township last year, it was learned from records filed in the office of the register of deeds last week. The deaths were equally divided between the white and colored, the rate being 13.8 per 1,000 population, or 1.4 higher than the State average of 12.4. Williams was one of the few town ships reporting more white births than colored. Of the 33 births reported there during last year, 19 of them were white, but one of them was an ille gitimate one. Four of the 14 colored births in the district were illegitimate. The birth rate in the township for 1931 was 32.5 per 1,000 population, or 6.6 units higher than that for the State. Nine of the fourteen residents dy ing there last year were without med ical attention, the report revealed. MACEDONIA CLUB WOMEN IN MEET Several- New Members Are Added To Roll There Last Wednesday The Macedonia Home Demonstra tion Club held it* regular meeting lait Wednesday in the home of Mrs. Heman U. Peel. During the bu*tne*s *e**ion following the opening exer ciiei, leader* were appointed for the variou* project*: Mr*. John Gurlcin, home management; Mr*. Heman Peel, nutrition; Mr*, J.- L. Holliday, gar den. Mi** Velma Griffin wa* elected a**istant aecertary to act in case of absence of the secretary. Five new members were added to' the club roll at the meeting, Mrs. George M. Peel, Mrs. B. F. Whitehurst, Mrs. F. W. Sparrow, Miss Viola Griffin, and Mrs. \V. E. Dunn, of Williamston. Many of the members have made good use of the steam pleasure cook er which wa* purchated for the club. Several hundred jar* of meat have al ready been canned and no doubt the cooker will pay for itself in this com munity. It was decided at the meet : ing that the cooker should have a* it* | club home Mr*. H. C. Green's re*i dence and tho*e uiing it will *ign up ! for it, not keeping it more than two day* at one time, thereby allowing all club member* the u*e of the cooker during the canning *ea*on or meat canning time. "Height* and Fini*he* of Work Surface*," wa* the theme for demon (tration and di*cu**ion. Each wo man precent wa* urged to adjuit the work surface* in her kitchen to the right height to prevent u|mece»*ary back * train and backache. Mr*. Peel'* kitchen wa* used for teiting height* of the women in attendance.—Club reporter. Poultry Loadin Are Cut Dov Nearly six torn of poultry war* loaded in thia county cooperative ly by farmer* last week, the ahip - ment being smaller by more than one-hall the loading* made in Hucksters. ooerating before and along with the car, re enlted hi the marked drop laat week. County Agent Brandon aald yeeterday. Last month, Martin farmer* sold 23,910 pounds of pohltry lor H -314 Laat week they eold cooper atively 11,803 pounds for 91,944.76. Loo ding* were reported aa fol * m* Imm> tMnnSnv nnlnft * WiUiamston, Martin County, North Carotin*, Tuesday, March 8,1932 FASLE REPORTS ON RECOVERY OF (LINDBERGH BABE Baby Is Said To Be Safe; Lindbergh Communicatn With Kidnappers Interest in the search for little Charles Augustus Lindbergh, jr., kid napped from the home of his parents in Hopewell, N. J., a week ago today, reached a climax in this immediate section last Friday when it was report ed, apparently erroneously so, that the child had been carried through here on a New York car. Tt was reliably reported that the car, bearing the child and its abductors, had passed through here early that morning, but it was not stopped, and where the car was driven to from this point has not been learned. Street sweepers stated that the car, believed to be the one seen near Richmond and later at Norfolk, was driven through here at a fast rate of speed, but they were unable to identify it or tell who its occupants were. Officers here were notified that the car in question was traveling this route, and were asked to be on the look-out for it. The officers, making an immediate investigation, learned that a car, believed to be the one wanted, had passed through several hours before. In one or two neigh boring towns, was erroneously re ported that the car had been stopped and the boy recovered. Several per sons from as far away as Bethel heard the false reports and came here to see the world-famous baby. At noon today, the child had not been recovered, the parents turning to private sources for aid in an attempt to find the little fellow.. GARDEN CLUB AT EVERETTS Boys There Are Planning To Cultivate Garden There This Year By Mis Lora E. Sleeper All boys in the Everetts 4-H a *Club this year have been asked to plant at last tc* a garden, under the direction of the home agent. The boys will follow plans adopted by the State College. Record books have been given to all boys and each boy will keep a record of vegetables plant ed and amount sold. Through the help of Principal D. N. Hix, 10 of the boys have been allowed the use of 11-2 acres of land. William Thompson, James Mallory, and Paul Cullipher, older boys in the club, vol unteered to disk and plow the land, and this ha* been done. The follow ing boys are planning on garden plots within this tract of land: J. D. 1 eaka, Roger Riddick, Floyd Stalls, Robert Biggs, Robert Barnhill, Lois Cullipher> F. P. Ravnor, Paul. Cullipher, Dal bergh Riddick, and Totn Barnhill. A prixe of $5 has been set aside for the boy having the best garden and beat record book to turn in. The work has to be done by the boy without the help of parent#: Score cards will be used in helping to make the decision. LOCALS WIN IN TOURNAMENT Championship Game Will Be Played Next Friday • In Robersonville There were many "dope" up*et* and broken schedules in basketball in thi* lection over the week-end. Farm, Life called off it* scheduled game with Jamesville here laat Friday night to take part in the four-county tourna mertt in Ahoskie, s few fans being disappointed. Williamston went over and copped the honors in the Ahoskie tournament last Friday and bringing home a dented basketball trophy. Farm Life and Jamesville are play ing today, the-winner to meet William ston at Robersonville in the Ifcnal coun ty-wide champion game next Friday night. Jamesville and Rober*onville girls are also scheduled to play at Robersonville next Friday night. gs Last Week n Nearly Half JamesvOle, 1,337 pound*, 1174.95; WilMamatpn, 6JUS lbs., *M8.39; Robersonville, 2,087 tbs„ $270.20; Oak City, 1,174 Ibe., 1153.22. 1 - While condition* at the present are not very favorable for a fourth cooperative loading in the county thia season. Mr. Brandon stated yeeterday that another car would be operated if the demand* were aufficient to justify the loadings. Rtquttfr for another car this sea son can be made direct to the a gent or sent to this office, where they will be forwarded to the .i m.. Good Start in Saleßuilding & Loan Stock According to information reach ing here early yeaterday morning, many early tobacco plants were killed in thia section by frering temperatures Sunday nad Monday. Strong winds lifted the thin can vas from many beds, exposing the tender plants to one of the loweat temperature* recorded here . Jbis winter. So completely wrecked was the canvaa on many of die feed* that farmer* found it neceaaary to boy 'new cloth, lome farmer* going ao far aa to replant their beda, it waa reported. While the exact damage.to tha beda can not be determined just at thia time, it ia believed that the early tramplanting period predict ed several weeks ago will be great ly delayed in the aection thia year a* ja result of the cold wave. TWO BUILDINGS HERE RAZED BY FIRE SATURDAY Storage Barn Wrecked and Residence Burned On Hamilton Road The local fire company was* called out twice last Saturday, answering the first call at 1:30 that morning, when a storage barn of Mr. S. C. Griffin in New Town caught fire, and the sec-, ond late that night when the six-room house of Mr. Bruce Chesson was burned on the Hamilton road. When the first fire was discovered, the entire roof of the barn Was blar ing, and the volunteer firemen found it difficult 'to bring the flames under control. Of unknown origin, the fire burned rapidly the large amount of loose and baled hay in the barn loft apd threatened near-by buildings. Aft er throwing water on the conflagra tion for more than an hour, the fire was under control, considerable dam age resulting to the loft contents and the roof of the building. The foun dation and standing timbers were dam aged but little. No insurance was car ried on the building. The Chesson house fire, also of un known origin, had gained much head way when first discovered, anjl the fire company, with no water mains near, -was unthle to check the flames. Truck hose was used on near-by building* and some water was carried in buckets to roofa of neighboring homes, and the blaae was confined to the one house and a small garage. Mr. Chesson stated that the loss was partially covered by insurance. The Pace family, dwellers in the house during the past five months, had just moved away that afternoon, and no one was seen near the house late in the day. Over in Halifax County, five mule* belonging to Mr. Enoch Cherry, were hilled when the stables they (ell before the wind. A sixth animal was badly injured in | Damage to fishing nets along the coast was estimated at a quarter of , a million dollars and heavy losses | wefe "sustained by merchants at Man- ' teo when the water flooded their I stores. The Nags Head highway wa« damaged $150,000, it was estimated. , SCHOOL' BOARD MEETS MONDAY Operation of Schoola Dur-~ ing Seventh Month I* Now A Certainty T- - ♦ The operation of all Martin County extended term schools .are assured of the seventh month, and the eighth month is virtually certain in all but one or two district*, the chairman of the county board of education said yesterday afternoon following a meet ing of that bofy. Some of the dis tricts are within SIOO or lest of the goal to be reached in tax collections to assure the operation of the extend ed term. One or two-of the districts laboring under overdrafts created last term will have to struggle CQ continue the last /Ronth. However, the county board wis very pleased with the out look for the successful operation of all the schools the full term. Strong Wind Reported in The Jumesville Section ■ » "We had ft. strong wind in our sec tion kut Sunday, but no 'great dam age resulted," Mr. L. F. Ange, James ville Township farmer, said while at tending* to business matters here this morning. "A car shelter was blown down and a few trees fell before the wind," he Mid. MAKES FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF CANDIDACY J. C. Smith, of Roberson ville Wants Removal of State Tax Levy Dear Mr. Editor: The question, "Are you going to be a candidate to succeed yourself as a member of the next house of representatives?" is be ing asked daily and repeatedly, and I think the time has arrived for me to advise all of the people of Martin County where I- stand on the ques tion, and shall be glad if you will per mit me to do so through The Enter prise. If I live, I intend to file my notice as a candidate to succeed myself in the next house of representatives, not withstanding my experience mem ber of fche 1931 General Assembly was not " pleasant, caused mainly by the length of the session and_ serious dif ferences of opinion that existed among the members of the house, and espec- j ially between the house and the sen ate, also the economic Conditions that existed at the time and the conduct of the old-time machine politicians, who were and always are on the scene. My experience, however, would have been much more unpleasant but for the fact that the people of this county stood by me on the stand that 1 took and assisted me to the end that I did not very seriously suffer financially or oth erwise because of my long stay from home, and I can say without fear of contradiction that no member of the last General Assembly was harassed and nagged less than the writer. My constituents gave me advice and coun (Continued on the back page) ROB STORE OF GOLDIE HYMAN Failing To Get Money from Safe, Robbers Remove Goods from Store 4 Faiiing to open Goldie Hyman's safe when they removed it from her home near Everetts last Saturday night a week ago, burglars raided the colored woman's store in Everetts last week and carted off merchandise valued at between SSO and SIOO, it was report ed yesterday by Sheriff C. B. Roebuck. Officers have been working on the case, but no arrests have been made. A quantity of snuff, several coats, two or three pocketbooks, a few pairs of socks, 0n%,0r two overall suits and a few shirts were missed from the store by the owner. Officers are of the opinion that the same parties stealing the woman's safe robbed the store. The mercan tile establishment, operated by Peter Everett, the Hyman woman's father, until his death,' has been robbed a number of times, and several tifhes his safe was hauled away. The school teacfter-merchant is said to be doing business with the banks I now. GOES TO SLEEP IN SHOW WINDOW Herbert Page Said to Have Broken S4O Plate Glass at Everetti Friday Prowling along the main street in i Everetts late Friday night, apparently I drunk, Herbert Page, young white man, knocked out a S4O plate glass window ill the J. S. Ayers & Com pany store, crawled in and went to sleep in the small showroom made cozy by a number of display blankets. 'His sleep undisturbed until early next morning, when James Staton Ayers went dowil to open the place of business for his father, l'inding Page snoring away in the window, young Mr. Ayers called the sheriff and returned home to notify his father. Page, when questioned, denied that he broke the window with the intent to steal goods; in fact, he denied knowledge of breaking the costly glass. His past record indicated differently, however, and it is believed that he could go no further when he found that he had only gained entrance to the show window by knocking the glass out'. The young man is in the county Jail awaiting trial. Residence Mt Jamesville . ] Destroyed by Fire Today The residence of J. W. Ward in Jamesville was destroyed by fire early today, very few details reaching here explaining the cause of the bla*e. It was reported that the fire had gained much headway when discov "cr#d, making it impossible for a buc ket brigade to check it. Most of the contents were saved, however. The building was owned by Jack and Elworth Hardison. It could not be learned here whether insurance #as carried on the structure or not. Wintry Blast Brings Season's First Snow NO LOANS YET 1I "Application blanks for govern ment loans will reach you about the middle or latter part of this week," Dean I. O. Schaub, of the extension division, Raleigh, advised County Agent Brandon here yes terday. Until these blanks arrive, no loans can be arranged in this county. If the blanks reach here 1 hursday or Friday of this week, the agent will announce their ar rival and instruct aplicants as to how and where to make their re quests for loans. More than 200 Martin farmers have already indicated that they warned to borrow in anticipation of their 1932 crops, the agent said yesterday. PREPARING TO LIST PROPERTY No Great Change In Listing Procedure Expected In the County Tis Year Blanks for abstracting the property lists have been ordered and work will go forward with the valuation declared as of April 1, 1932. ' The list-takers will- probably meet with the supervisor some >ftne be tween now and April 1, i&hen they' will receive the blanks study the instructions to be followed in taking the lists this, year. /No great change in the listing,j»ofcedure is expected tlps year, and it is understood that there can be no valuation decreases unless there have been fire or wind damages since the lagt listing time. A blanket reduction of nearly 10 per cent was reported in the lists last year, the listers altering the valuation in some "cases, but such procedure is not believed possible this year except where there have benrlanKtble losses t«J property. / CAMP /SPENING | , DELAYER HERE ♦ ' ' - Making Arrangements To Move In New Prison Next Thursday The opening of the new State High jw»y prison camp here was delayed this week whcT freeirng weather halt ed construction work and other un -1 expected--obstacles presented them selves at the last minute, i Preparation are now being made ! very rapidly in an ellort to receive I the first by Thursday or Friday of this week. No water or light connections have been made so far, but it is understood that the camp will go ahead and receive con victs just the same. Superintendent of Prison. Person nel Hinton is here today assisting Superintendent ~C 'R. Mobley * and | Steward A. Hassell in making ready (for the first prisoners,-. Mattresses and blankets are being forwarded here today, and orders for fled are being prepared it was unofficially learned at noon today. J. W. Hines Not Applicant for Guard at Camp Here The report released last week stat ing that Mr. J. VV. Hines, of Oak City, had applied for a position as guard at the new convict camp here was declared erroneous. Mr. Hines stated that he inquired about the -con ditions surrounding the superintend ent's job at the prison, but that he did not apply for that task either. In some way his inquiries were consid ered as an application and as the sup erintendent had already been chosen, Mr. Hines was tendered a jpb as guard, a job in which he said he was not at all interested in. ,An appointment for the one remain ing guard post has not been made at this time. FLARE BACK \ * Carried into court for threaten ing the lift of Henry Lanier, aged local icolorad man, Dan Purring ton, a colored neighbor, reverted the evidence in the eyea of Juatice Haaaell and Lanier was ordered to pay the coeta of the hearing. Un able to meet the coeta, Lanier went to jail Saturday night, and while reposing thery rogue* cart ed away *ll the wood from hie woodpile. Aa long aa the mercury to reg toterlng as low aa it to now, La nier to advtoed to etay where there to comfort, even if there to no con* eolation. Watch th« LiW Oa torn P«ptr As It CUTIM tb« DM Whm Your Subscription Bxpini ESTABLISHED 18^ MUCH DAMAGE IS CAUSED BY HIGH WINDS SUNDAY Local Roofs Torn Off and Several Trees Felled by Sunday Wind Storm Springtime was plucked in the bud in this of the country over the week-end, when the mercury dropped below the frezing point, heavy winds blew, and the first snow of the sea son fell. The change, following a sea son resembling spring in all its glory, took - the section by surprise, fooling the birds of the air, killing young plant life, and driving unprepared humans to the woodpiles. It was the first really wintry weather of the season for this section. A heavy wind,, rising befoiredaylight Sunday morning and continuing as a regular gale throughout a greater part of the day, Resulted in a substantial property loss here and in various oth er parts of the State, an accurate es timate of the damage being undeter mined -just at this time. Locally the greatest damage was re ported at the Harrison Oil- Company's river plant, where the wind resulted in a several hundred dollar loss. A heavy advertising sign was torn loose and dropped pipe leading to the Texaco- Ethyl tank. The pipe was ,U>rn away nearly 2,000 gallons of gasoline )pouted into the river be fore Mje leak, could be repaired. The compajjWs equipment and employees weref*BHed to the scene, and it was an hour before the oil flow was checked. ~ . Several trees\fell and many dead limbs were lifted ""Tfotn trees by the gale, causing no great damage but ne cessitating Sunday work by' street employees. Considerable damage resulted to the O. S. Anderson Company store when the gale lifted a portion of the roof, rafters and all, and turned them over. The roof of Sam Faulk's ice house was torn away and turned bottom-side-up- Wards. A goodly number of windows were broken, and storekeepers report ed some damagt resulting from smoke and soot driven from the wrong end of chimneys and stove pipes. Tele phone communication "was hampered to some extent here, and linemen of the Virginia Klectric and Pdwer Com pany were called out in the midst of the storm to make repairs to the lines, but light and power service was not interrupted at this point. Water, driven by the high wind on Sunday morning, blocked the rbad across the Pamlico R ver at Wash ington, hut traffic wai resumed that afternoon When the wind shifted. A tugboat is said to have sunk there, and a barge, breaking loose at a, Vnill there, partially wrecked the Atlantic Coast Line bridge. An oyster botjit went down at Belhaven. it WAS report ed, and a portiort of the causeway from Morehead City to Atlantic Heach was washed away. The storm along the coast was de scribed as one of the \vurst in many years, but no loss of life resulted, or none had been reported up until late yesterday afternoon. TOWN BOARD IN MEET LAST NIGHT * ■ a Grant Permission For The Opening of Two New Pool Rooms Here Routine business marked the regular session of the town coriimissioners I here last night, business centering a rounT the inspection of Vifls and ap plications for pool room licenses. ' ■ C. L. Strickland, of KinstonJ was granted permission to o;>en a pool room here, provided he pays the $25 table tax. Mr. Strickland, recom mended by Kinst:n authorities, plans to open 'his pool room in the Leggett | building next to Hall's barber shop a bout the 15th 'p this mon'h. Believed hardly enough money to buy food and clothing, the colored people asked permission to open a-i second pool room for their patrons. Jack Faulk applied for per mission, but he was warned that the payment of the $25 per table tax would have to be paid before operation! were started. Charlie Harris Arrested In Liquor Selling Case Charlie Harrie, commonly known aa "Chnrnlaf," »nit to be the most widely known bootlegger in these i parts, was arrested here yesterday aft ernoon by Chief of Police Daniel and placed in jail to await trial before Re-: corder J, W. Bailey in the county court today. Hard* is charged with retailing the "Spirits.- ■4

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