A4wHmn WB Pad Oar Col mm • Ukkkir to Owr Sfafn Hundred Martin County Home* VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 10 BIG SHORTAGE IN TOBACCO PLANTS REPORTED HERE Comparatively Late Trans planting Period Likely In County This Year Hopes for an early tobacco trans planting period in the county this year are no longer entertained by far men. Cold weather following a mild season has delayed the plants and in many, many sections is resulting in a serious shortage. During the early part of January a goodly number of farmers in the county planted their seeds. The plants were up and growing within a com paratively short time, the spring-like weather advancing theirt rapidly. An early setting was then in prospect. Winter weather struck in March and kiiled the tender plants all over the section, only /a few beds escaping. Re planting was reported on many farms, other growers failing to plant again because they believed the plants would survive the cold. In nearly every caae, those farmers failing to replant seed are now disappointed. If they have plants at all they are late and it will be the middle of May before transplanting can be carred on on a large scale, it is believed. A number of farmers are said to have replanted their beds as late as two weeks ago. In Goose Nest, Bear Grass, sonville and Jamesville Townships marked shortages of plants have been I reported. Commissioner Joshua L.' Colt rain, in Williams Township, re ports plenty of plants in his beds, and believes he will be prepared to make early settings. J. D. Wynn, Bear! Grass Township farmer, said there are few plants in his section. Harold Ev-' erett, big Poplar Point Township far mer, reported he had plenty of plants,' but they were late, that transplanting could not be started on his farm be- 1 fore the first part of May, he thought.' CURB MARKET SALES $1,176.71 Partial List -of Articles and Prices Announced for Tomorrow • • By Mlaa LORA E. SLEEPER Last Saturday the total tales for the year on the curb market went over the SI,OOO mark. The total for the year waa $1,176.71. This amount was turn ed back into the pockets of farmers' wives in the county. The monthly aummary gathered from the tellers for the month showed $102.66 taken id during the month; $23.39 of thii a mount was spent for cakes, $17.54 for poultry, $11.05 for cream, $9.61 for meat, $25.73 miscellaneous, $1.69 for vegetables, $7.68 for eggs, 35 cents for flowers, 40 cents for canned products, and 52 cents for milk. Three tellert here oa the market told over $4 worth of produce last week. The agent has two packages of grass teed obtained from Wood't Seed Co., and one package will be given away tomorrow to the perton purchasing the first $1 worth on the market. The last package will be given away next Saturday. A partial liat of prices follow: Esg*. 10 cents per dozen; cream, 25 cents per pint; kale, 2 pounds, 5 cents; turnips, 3 pounds 5 cents; cakes, 15 to 18 cents pound; chickens, 15 cents pound; collards, 3 pounds 5 cents; tur nip greens, 3 pounds 5 cents; spring onions, 4 cents bunch; meal, 20 cents peck; irish potatoes, 10 pounds 12 cents; sweet potatoes, 10 pounds 12 cents. District Oratorical Contest In School Here Tonight A district oratorical contest, the first in a series to be held in the State and nation to determine the winners of a SI,OOO scholirship and JSOO in cash, is being held in the colored school building here tonight with orators' coming from Elizabeth City, Beaufort' New Bern, Kinston, and -Green villa to take part. Christiana Beasley will represent the local school, it was an nounced this morning by Principal E. J. Hayes, district director of the con test. » . Kills Fox Caught in Act Oi Stealing Chickens ♦ *•' Roper.—Mrs. B. C. Bray has been missing chickens. Last Tuesday morn ing she heard an unusual noise on the front porch of her home, which is in the Mill Pond section. Rushing to the front she saw a big fox with one of her chickens. Acting quickly, she rushed into the house and got a double-barreled shot gun and killed the animal. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Nicholson and ' son, Cornelius Ward, of Baltimore,' in visiting relatives here this week. ! : ... to THE ENTERPRISE Remarkable Progress Made By Presbyterian County in Pas CLEAN-UP WEEK 1 1 The week beginning April 10 ha* been designated aa a time when a concerted drive will be made to clean up and paint up. repair and improve the town, it waa announc ed by th« president of the William ston Woman's Club, which organi sation is sponsoring the move ment. The entire citizenship, white and colored, will be asked to take part in the taak, and an active response is expected. Plan now to take part in the campaign. WILEY ROGERSON DIES AT HOME IN ROBER SON VILLE ♦ Holding Funeral Service in Church There at 2:30 This Afternoon • Wiley Rogerson, prominent county business man and one of Roberson ville's most popular and worthy citi zens, died at his home there early yes terday morning. He had been in poor health for nearly three years, and dur ing the past four weeks he was con fined to his bed, attending physicians attributing his death to some peculiar type of blood disease. Born and reared on a farm in Bear Grass Township 62 years ago, Mr. Rogerson left the farm when a young man and entered the mechanical and machinery business in Robersonville. His firm, handling all types of farm machinery and automobiles, grew rapidly. For the past several years he has operated the Robersonville Oil Company, distributor* of Texaco prod ucts. His wife, formerly Miss Maggie Wynn,.with three children, Mrs. Earl VanNortwick, Miss Rachel Rogerson, and Wiley B. Rogerson, all of Rober sonville, survive*. Mr. Rogerson was recognized as a friend by all who knew him, giving of his time and aid to further the cause of good in his community. He was active in the affairs of his church. Funeral services are being held in the Christian church at Roberionville thi» afternoon at 2:30 o'clock by Rev. J. M. Perry, pator. Interment will follow in the New Cemetery therev LOCAL YOUTH IS SHOT IN ARM ♦ William H. Williams Pain fully, but Not Seriously Hurt Wednesday ♦ William H. ("Spec") Williams, local young boy, was painfully but not ser ious shot by Grover Nicholson at the latter'a home near here late laat Wednesday night, the victim main taining that the shooting was accident al. The sheriff's office, working on the ease at the present time, is under stood to have collected much conflict ing evidence, one of the officers stat ing that Williams and L. H. Gurganus, a witness, were talking but little. The shot, fired from a .45 caliber pistol, ia said to have pierced the mus cles of Williams' right arm and con tinued on, boring a second hole in his hand. He is able to be out today. • ■ 1 Announcement of Contest Winners Again Delayed ♦ Announcement of winners in |he "Milk-forHealth" essay contest was unavoidably delayed again yesterday, and it will be some time next week before the winners are known, it was learned from the office of the county board of education here this morning. The names of the winners will be made public as soon as possible. -- . w Call for Bids for Hauling Mail To Washington, N. C. Bids for hauling mail from this point to Washington each week-day evening and back each week-day morniqg will be received by the Post Office Depart ment, Washington, D. C., until the 26th of this month, it was announced yesterday by Postmaster Jesse T. Price here. Detaila may be had at the local office. Baptist Philatheas Will Hold No Meeting in April — No meeting of the local Baptist Philathea Class will be held during the month of April, Mrs. J. Sam Get singer, class officer, announced this morning. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, April 1, 1932 Destroys Martin County's I Chances of Recovering HAVE ERECTED ! Around $5,000.00 3 CHURCHES IN A claim entered Martin and sev- TJAQrp o V TTAP Q eral o,her count »es in 'his section to * "O lux £i/\lv O gasoline taxes collected for the months • * | of April. May and June last year was Roberson's Chapel in Cross U P«* last Wednesday when the State Roads Is Newest Unit Cour J h ! ld ihe Statf r***,«»» ; hd not owe the pUtntiflf counties the in County Ux money a ii ege i d ue them. Organized here as a congregation a- I Martin - ckimin « » round S 5 - 000 . . , . .. . r 4 jTicd with Ashe, Beaufort, Bertie Ire bout three years ago, Martin County'. ~ . ... . . ,dell, Chowan, and Washington Coun- Presbyterians have made a marked tieSj the casc before j udge N A sjn . progress in religious activities and ma-eclair in Beaufort Superior Court sev terial tft"owth during that time. The , era ' months ago. " latest achievement is the recent com- These eight counties had tnade pletion of a chapel on Roberson's jclaims against the state treasurer for Farm in Cross Roads Township, the ( refunds on gasoline. The general as church there being the third'house of | ' i *" n il»ly of 1929 levied a gasoline tax worship erected by the Presbyterians ' cent for aid to the counties in in this .county during the past three 'heir road upkeep. The legislature of years. 1931 repealed all these earlier acts and The expansion of the church in this county i» summed up as follows: "A church a year has been the unique record of.the handful of Pres- Mn-jVaus ,that organized themselves in the "First Presbyterian church in and of Willianiston just a little over three years ago, and who called their first pastor in May, 192 V, less than three years ago. Beginning in Wil lianiston as a home base from which to do religious work throughout the county, local Presbyterians, assisted by I friends through the State and Nation, built, in the spring of 1930, a beauti ful church building on the corner of Main and Watts Street. The policy adopted by this little group was that they would have only one service each Sunday for themselves, on Sunday morning, and that the rest of their time and services would be given to near-by points in need of religious teaching. Following this policy they held religious services in the school house at Bear Grass for two years. At the end of this time, with only one member but having an average attend ance on service of 80 or more, they began the erection of a brick veneer church, which was completed in. the spring of 1931, and as a consequence this community now has a thriving Sunday school each Sunday morning and a worship and sermon hour each night. "Feeling the ne(d of a Sunday school in her vicinty, Mrs. Rube Keel asked the Presbyterian minister to come out into their community on Sunday aft ernoon and help them with oiie. This was in July, 1930. Beginning with a .handful of scholars in an old 3-room tenant house, which they later bought and moved to an acre of ground given to the church by Mr. and Mrs, John 11. Roberson, this group has increased until there are over 100 present at Sunday school and prayer meeting al most every meeting. On January 17th of this year a num ber of the men and boys began to cut timber for a new church. This tim ber was sold on the ground, and with the proceeds, plus about SSOO in cash, they began to erect their chapel. For two weeks; from 4 to 20 men came every day and gave their labor toward its erection, with the result that only SSO was spent for the plans and sup ervision of the work. About 40 men gave from 1 to 12 days of their time to this work of the Lord. The ladies and children cleaned up the yard and planted some flowers. The weather was good enough throughout to allow every session of the Sunday school and prayer meeting to be held in the old building. But on February 14th the first Sunday school session and preaching service was held in the com pleted building with about 125 people present. This original group of 18 Presby terians has not only, made splendid progress in brick and mortar, but in less than three years their number has increased from 18 to 72, and whereas in 1929 they conducted but one Sun day school with an average attendance of 25, they now have thcee with an average attendance each Sunday of over 200." Home Demonstration Clubs Carry on Welfare Activities ♦ By Miaa LORA E. SLEEPER The welfare committee of the home demonstration club of Everetts, head ed by Mrs. Hattie Daniel and Mrs. Urnie Bunting, reported passing on 25 garments to those worthy in their community last montfif The women in Parmele at their reg ular club meeting held Tuesday of last week reported haying passed on over 90 garments to colored and white worthy families in their communities. Welfare committees are helping Th the majority of clubs throughout the coun ty. Some of the clubs have held spec ial meetings for this work. The clubs doing this are Holly Springs, Mace donia, Parmele, Everetts, Poplar Chap el, and Ange Town, Poplar Point. REVERSE RULING OF SINCLAIR IN GAS TAX MATTER t reorganized the whole state highway jbusinss. It took over the county roads % tin construction and maintenance. But _ j there was a lapse between the ratifica j tion of the act and the beginning of ( the reorganization. The act became r effective July 1 as to the change in the r commission, but the highway act went ( into effect April 1. That left the three months in which the counties received , 'no tax. » | . i Judge Sinclair, hearing the case, r quickly decided that the counties con ( testing had the right to those funds. . j They were considerable and if all the f counties had put in a claim the state , probably would have had to pass out i a half million to the counties. It was , contended that some of the bounties . ( uscd their funds for debt service and . 'that they would be embarrassed by , the loss of this money, JTWO FIRE CALLS ;HERE THIS WEEK . I • Storage House at the K. G. Strawbridge.Home Was Burned Wednesday The local fire company was called ' out twice this week, going to the ga -1 ! rage of Dr. J. H. Saunders last Tues day afternoon and to the home of Guthrie Strawbridge early Wednesday ' night. VJ ! The Hudson sedan belonging; to the doctor caught fire when the engine backfired, but the company was on the spot before any great damage result ed. I A small storage house a few feet from the Strawbridge residence caught fire and burned down, the fire com pany finding it impossible to save the structure as no water mains were near. | The small truck tank was emptied twice and the blaze was confined to the one building. Mr. Strawbridge was out of town and those at home were unable to assign a cause for the origin fire. Several antiques and other household furniture were de stroyed along with the small building. While the fire damage was confined to the building and its contents, much of I the household furniture was wrecked 'when neighbors started moving it from the home. No* damage estimate was 'obtainable, and it could not be learned ! whether insurance was carried on the building and its contents. | . T/H « vvmt A m IS KELVINATOR DEALER HERE C. O. Moore and Company, Offering Kelvinator In All Latest Models i —3 — ! , C. (). M oore and Company, leading , merchants here, were recently appoint:,, i__ed Kelvinator dealers for this vicinity, . 'offering the leading make of electrical , refrigerators in various sizes and mod i els. Demonstration's are willingly ar : ranged at any time, and easy payment plans can be devised. ' | Recently the company sent one of j its employees, William Gurganus, to a Kelvinator school, and he is prepared ' to install and service promptly all ma chines of that make. . Presbyterians Announce , ■ > Their County Services - • i Sunday, April 3, 1932: Church school at 10 a. m. Worship service and sermon at 11:15 > a. m. This 'is Communion Sunday, a : most fitting way to begin the new • church year. You are invited to come ! 'and sit at the Lord's Able with us. Bear Grass i Church school at 9:30 a. m. 1 Worship service and sermon at 7:45 p. m. i Rob«rson's Farm Church school at 3 p. m. Begin the new church year right by going to church. \ ROBERSON'S FARM PRESBYTERIAN MISSION^] I . i « •***> ; •* ■ t - 4 Roberson'i Farm Presbyterian Mission, pictured above, has had a re markable growth since its organization about a year ago. Located about 5 1-2 miles from Williamston, the building shown here is one of the three Presbyterian church structures in the county. DETAILS OF NEW FORD DESCRIBED! BY DEALER HERE* Many New Features Are Incorporated in Ford's Latest Model ! Complete details of the new V-R cyl inder Ford car, which is to be intro duced here next week, were made pub lic today by N. C. Green, of the Wil liamston Motor Company, local Ford dealers. «■ The New Ford is large, long, t roomy, fast powerful, and alert,. Its V-8 cylinder engine develops 65 horse- ' power and it is capable of 75 miles an hour. Fourteen body types of modern, streamline design are offered. A four cylinder engine developing 50 horse power also can be supplied with any of these body types at a lower price. Numerous 'mechanical advances are incorporated in the new car. These embrace a synchronized silent gear shift and silent second gear, rubber engine mountings, down-draft carbu retor and carburetor silencer, auto matic spark control, fuel pump and rear fuel tank. Other Improvements include a newly designed rear spring, thermostatically 'controlled Houdaille double-acting shock absorbers, large four-wheel brakes, newly designed elec trically welded steel-spoke'wheels with large hubs and hub caps- and large tires. The chassis aiid running gear are cushioned by rubber insulators in the spring shackles and shock ab sorber links. The body is insulated from the frame by rubber pads. The new bodies arc fresh and mod ern, from the gracefully bounded V type radiator "fll rear- bumper.- The air flow lines out by the long hood with hs rustics steel center strip, the slanting safety glass windshield, and grounded roof line. The convex lamps, full-crowned fenders and long, low running board harmonize with the balance of the design. Body "interiors arc roomy and rich ly furnhhed. v Seats arc of new style, designed for utmost comfort. Driver seats in all closed cars are adjustable; A large ventilator is provided in the cowl. The oval instrument panel is in engine turned finish antl has a rust less steel mounting strip. Inside sun visors, which fold out of the way when not in use, are provided in all closed cars. • I I I I I I I I '] ( 71 I I I r ' i h I ? J Suffers Broken Collar Bone In Auto Wreck Near Here Charlie Frank, local merchant, suf fered a broken collar bone and sever- , a I minor cut* when his Chevrolet coupe was struck by a truck and turn-J ed over between here and Everetts late Wedneiday night. The truck failed J to »top, and Mr v Frank found it essary to walk here, several miles, i reach medical aid. ,He could not id«n-,i tify the truck that hogged the road ( and sideswiped hi* car. No great ; damage was done to the Chevrolet. The New Ford V-8 engine is remark ably free from vibration. Frequent .and overlapping impulses deliver the pow er in a smooth constant flow. The engine is of the 90-degree V type, developing 65 brake horsepower at 3400 r.p.m. The 65-pound crank shaft iti of the 90-degree type, with its four* cranks at right angle* to each other, » A cast aluminum cover embracing the intake manifold forms the top of the engine, giving it an unusually fin: ished appearance. The down-draft car buretor and the fuel pump are mount ed o» .this .cover. - The distributor operates *directly from the front end of the camshaft, eliminating the use of interposed gears. Spark control is automate. Crank shaft and crank pin bearings are lubri cated by pressure, as are the main bearings of the camshaft. I'istons and valves are oiled by spray and splash. The riding comfort of the cars is due to many factors, but particularly to the new flexible transverse canti lever springs, larger tires, rubber in sulation, and the newly designed shock absorbtrs. ' . JOHNSON LOSES CASE AGAINST , FERTILIZER CO. Jury Was Given Case Just Before Noon Wednesday Morning . j Following heated discussion* lasting . more than six hours; a Martin Coun . ty jury rendered a verdict late YVednes . day afternoon favoring the defendant | in the case brought by Henry John json against the Standard Fertilizer Company. Johnson, alleging that the company had broken a contract with him, was suing for $1,4t)h05, claimed t» be due him as commissions from the sale of fertilizers during the year 1930. | The case, reckoned as oue of the most interesting one'-of the session was called Monday morning with Attorneys J. G. Smith,' of Roberson ville, and Hugh CI. Horton, of Wil liamston, rpresenting' I'laiutilT John son and Attorneys A. R. Dunning and K. 1.. Coburn representing the fer tilizer company. During a greater part of the day Mr. Johnson was examined by the attorneys in the case, a few witnesses answering brief questions just before the tribunal ad journed late Monday-afternoon. Mitch evidence 'was heard Tuesday morning, and shortly after the noon hour, the attorneys started their —arguments. Messjp> t Coburn, Horton and Dunning pleading for their clients in on.er, rooting Lawyer Smith off tin- speaking program that day. Mr. Smith was given his turn Wednesday morning, and he with his speech anil Judge J. Raul Frizzelle with bis charg# to the jury held theXcenter of the stage until shortly befor^the 410011 hour when the jury began its deliberations. Immediately after the case went lo the jury, the court called another jury and started 011 thd mwh;tried and long drawn out lawsuit of the Dill, Cranier, Iruitt Cornprjrton against I Downs. Of the VI cases on the civil docket there were good prospectsiihis ('Horning of completing three of them by jury before the court completed its two weeks term today or tomorrow. Regular County Meetings To Be Held Here Monday I lit- advertising of delinquent tax payers names will probably be one of the main discussions before the Mar tin County Hoard of Commissioners in regular meeting here next Monday, it was unofficially reported here this morning, A marked decrease in the number of charity appeals is predict ed, and few tax complaints are expect ed at the meeting. Administering the oath of office to Eli Hoyt Ange, newly appointed mem ber of the Martin County lioard of Education, is expected to feature the program of business before that, body in regular monthly session next Mon day. Various reports will be studied by both hoards, it is understood. . - - - Successful Production Oi Senior PJay Is Predicted Reports released last practice indicate , the successful -stag-, ihg of the play, "At the End of the Rainbow," by the senior class here next Friday night in the high school auditorium. The play is being coached, by Miks Annie Shields VanDyke, member of the high school faculty. i The play is the second in the series : of commencement programs planned in the school this year. Tonight, the juniors and seniors are enjoying them selves'at a banquet in the Woman's' Club hall. To Start Series of Revival \ Services at Bethany Church Rev. Fred Weaver, Holiness minis-, ter of Lenoir, will start a series of re vival services in the Bethany Pente costal Holiness church, near here, J next Monday night, it was this week. The services will continue | over a period ol two week* and prob-J ably longer, it wm* said. The public is cordially invited to ktteod, Watch the Labal On Your P"P*r Aa It Carrie* tit* Data Whan Expiree ESTABLISHED 1898 LOANS DELAYED BY ERRORS MADE IN APPLICATIONS Corrections Are Made And Loans Again Sent To Washington City > I he nearly ISO applications made by Martin County farmers for government loans this year were delayed a few days this week when a technical error in all the blanks was discovered by in vestigators in Washington City. The application! were returned' for correc tion, and a feu have been altered and returned already- the delay is regret ted, but just could not be helped, a member of the local committee said yesterday. Very few applications have been made during the past few days, accord ing to Mr. \\ . I". Meadows, who had the following, to say: A great many 'desiring loans do not seem to exactly understand the white sheet, which is the regular ap plication blank. On this sheet the questions are numerous, asking the ap plicants how many mules they have, how many cows, how many pigs, and several other questions that the gov ernnient wants answered for certain reasons as to the applicant's ability to farm. These questions have nothing to do with the crop lien taken by the government on the growing crop only. Ihe reason why I am writing this is because a tenant, in taking the red crop lien sheet back fyr the landowner sign, invariably brings it back say ing the government wants them to sign up for alt the mules, carts, wagons, cows, chickens, etc., and we have to explain all this over two c?r three times, telling them that all the government wants is a lien on the anticipated crop to be planted this year. The oth er information asked by them is to see how much thfcy have to help them live at home." FEDERAL COURT BEGINS MONDAY Comparatively Few Cases Originated In Martin Since Last Court Another convention" is scheduled to be held in Washington next week. Federal Judge I. M. Meek ins convening court there Monday for the trial of liquor -cases mainly, Com paratively few cases originated in this county, the tiumher of defendants be ing fewer than usual by half this term. Surrounding counties in the district are said to have slightly more than their usual number of cases scheduled , (or trial next week. The fourteen defendants and the, charges preferred against them are as follows: Irving James, possession and sell ing; Gus Leggett, manufacturing; Wal ter Mullock, manufacturing; Herbert llullock possession and selling; George > I'eel, manufacturing; Sylvester l)an liel, manufacturing; Claude NVoolard, I manufacturing; Walter (Jolting sell ing;, Andrew Harris, selling; John A. , Griffin, possession and transporting; James » Bailey, manufacturing; John 1 Lee, 'manufacturing; Wright Smith, manufacturing. - Urge Large Attendance at Methodist Church Sunday C. T. Rogers, pastor. Why can't every Sunday be Easter Sunday? Was it not fine to see so *■ | many out tochurchjjind Sunday school and all seem to enjoy being out. I 'am sure those who attended the serv ices last Sunday have felt better than those who did not and better than ' you would have felt if you' had not attended. Why not let every Sunday be Faster Sunday and all people so 'observe it? | Alter all, that is where we get our [Sunday, the day of the resurrection. Jesus, our Saviour, came.# from the i tomb on this day, and to those who ' observe it in the right way, they are commemorating this wonderful miracle of all miracles. So, remember, next Sunday will be jiiiothcr opportunity to show your ap preciation for what God has done for ' you in so many ways, especially in | the death and resurrection of His blessed son. ' We will have special music at both morning and evening services. You ' are cordially invited to meet with us. I' Services at the usual hour. Ifl/'g Program on at the I Watts Here Tomorrow J • I Amusement-seekers wil have their day tomorrow when the Watt* Thea tre opens at 1 p. m. and continues un til U p. m., with one of it* best pro- I grams of the year, and all for 10 cents. |ln addition to the regular program, | Chick and Andy, famous radio broad j caster* and recording artiste will make four appearances during the afternoon j and evening.