Adwrtfawra Wffl Pad Oar Col um a Latchkey to .Ow Sixteen 1T„„ 4 r . 4 If ...f., » fTn ni ■ ■ nunarea Martin Vroomy nomci VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 12 Few Show In County TWO CANDIDATES ARE NOW IN RACE FOR RECORDER Quiet Primary In Prospect For This County Next June 4th laactivity in county politics points to ft quiet primary in Martin next June, only a few formal announce ments having been made «o far for various office nominations! Only one contest has developed so far, present ing a situation entirely different from that of two years ago, when a second primary was necessary to thin out the office applicants. Mr. H. S. Everett, county commis sioner of Robersonville Township, stated this week that he wtxuM not seek renomination for that office next June. Mr. Joshua L. Coltrain for mally announced his candidacy this week to succeed himself as commis sioner from Williams Township. Messrs. T. C. Griffin, chairman, J. E. Pope, and „Q, members of the county board of commissioners, were non-committal when questioned thia week as to their seeking renomina tion*. Messrs. J. C. Smith, J. Sam Get singer, C. B. Roebuck and C. A. Har rison have formally announced their candidacies to succeed themselves in their respective offices and positions now held by them. Solicitor H. O. Peel, of the county recorder's court, will not run (or that office again, but he announced today that he will be a candidate for nom ination as judge of the recorder's court: Mr. Peel's candidacy developed a contest, Justice of the Peace C.-B. Riddick, of Everetts, having already announced his candidacy for the re cordership. At a meeting held in the Bear Grass schoolhouse last night, voters of that district pledged themselves to the sup port of the candidacy of Mr. H. C. Green as county commissioner. But with one assured vacancy and two or three more possible ones in that body, no contest is likely to result in the race for commissioners. At least,-' no spirited contest is in sight just now for position* on that board. No formal announcements have been filed by the three members of the Mar tin County Board of Education, but it it expected that Messri. J. Eason Lil ley, John W. Eubanks, and E. H. Ange will file to succeed themselves on that board. Mr. R. J. Peel, clerk of the court, was nominated and elected for a four year term in the June, 1930, primary and election of that year, and no con test for that office is possible tljis June. A few constable and justice of the peace contests are expected liere and there throughout the county, but even with them no great interest is expect ed to result locally this year, as far as county politica are concerned. Interest is centering on the race be ing staged by Messrs. Richard T. Fountain, A. J. Maxwell, and J. C. B. Ehringhaus for the gubernatorial nom ination. And then there ia the United States Senatorial nomination race, with Cameron Morrison, Tam Bowie, Bob Reynolds, and Frank Grist taking part. No contest has * developed for State Senate nominations, only two candidates, Messrs* A. D. Mac Lean, of Washington, and Carl L. Bailey, of Plymouth, having announced their candidacies for the posts. Elbert S. Peel will not be a candidate. As the situation now stands, a small vote is anticipated in the county next June. But who knows what the last minute will bring forth? ——- Spirited contests are already on in many counties throughout the State, contests with so many office aspirants in the race that they even shade Mar tin County's huge primary of two years ago. S. H. Gurganus Displays Unusually Large H4n Egg r (Raleigh tfews and Ob*erver) - The Newt and Obacrver Ha* receiv ed from F. F. Co*, of Roberionville, a hen egg weighing six and one-haif ounce* and meaiuring 7 3-4 incbet in circumference and 8 3-4 inches around end to end. The egg was laid by a Rhode Island Red owned by S. H, Gurganus, Robersonville, R. F. D„ who say* that it was quite evident that the hen did not realize that egg* are sold by the dozen and not by the pound. ' Mr. Gurganus, while not rai*iog poultry on a large scale, ha* found it profitable. Starting the year 1931 with 132 hens, hi* net profits for the year were $286.20 besides an increase of 18 in hi* flock. Mr. Cox designate* the egg "a real *pecimen of Martin Coun ty hen tcp." THE ENTERPRISE Local Bank Will Observe Halifax Day as Holiday Next Tuesday, Halifax Day, will be observed as a holiday by the Branch Banking and Trust Company here. The day'is not generally observ ed as a holiday by many institutions or firms, and the holiday will be en joyed by only the bank employees, it is understood. On April 12, 1775, a group met in Halifax courthouse and signed the .first decleration of independence of the English Crown. The next signa tures were made in Mecklenburg County several weeks, later, adding significance to Halifax Day. ORPHAN SINGING CLASS PLEASES BIG CROWD HERE Total of $79.84 Raised For Orphanage At Concert Given Last Night The Oxford Orphanage Singing Class delightfully entertained a large audience assembled in the grammar school auditorium here last night fof the annual concert arranged as one of the means of supporting the institution. The crowd was one of the largest ever to hear the singers and entertainers here, and the program was well received. „ A cash collection was taken, rais ing $50.25 as a part of the amount necessary to offset the S4OO daily cost of operating and maintaining the in stitution. Other collections advanced by outside citizens and others who were unable to attend increased the general offering to $62.90. A special funJ created by the local lodge and added to the general collection last night made a total of $79.84. Little Hattie A. Marie Br.iley, en tered from this county through the" Stonewall Lodge at Robersonville, wa* to have appeared in the concert, but she was taken ill the night before and had to be returned to Oxford, it was reported. Mr. C. K. Proctor, the much beloved superintendent of the institution, ar rived unexpectedly and addressed the assembly, pointing out the valuable work being carried on by North Car olina Masons. His was an appealing talk, offered for the sole aim of ad vancing the cause of the underprivi leged child in North Carolina. VOTERS IN MEET AT BEAR GRASS • —— """" Will Support H. C. Green For Member Board of Commissioners Approximately 30 Bear, Grat* Town ship citizens meeting in the school house there last night, advanced Mr. H. C. Green, prominent citizen of that district, as a. candidate for nomination as county commissioner. Mr. Greefi has served on the board previously - The assembly also offered John H. H. U. Peel, and H. D. Har rison as candidates for township jus tices of the peace. Noah Rogerson was selected as township constable to succeed himself. Ordinarily township nominations made by the voters in convention are accepted without a contest at the pri mary. Of course if a contest de velopes for the county commissioners' nominations, Mr. Green will find it necessary to enter the June primary. Many Expected To See Senior Play Here Tonight A large and representative crowd is expected to see the annual play to. be presented by the local *enior clas* in the high ichool building here to night, Much preparation ;has been given the production of the play, the dress rehearsal last evening pointing to an entertaining event. Methodist Society to Have Silver Tea Wednesday The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church will have a sil ver tea on Wednesday, April 13th, from 4 till 6:30 at the home 6f Mr*. William Manning. The public is in vited. Rev. W. B. Harrington To Preach at Farm Life Rev. W. B. Harrington will fill hi*, regular preaching appointment in the | Farm Life School auditorium Sunday | afternoon at 3 o'clock, it wa* onnounc ed yesterday. The public is invited to hear him. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, April 8,1932 t PASSAGE BONUS BILL WOULD AID , MANY IN COUNTY ! ' Passage of Act Would Put Around $286,416 Cash In Martin County House of Representatives Bill No. 1, providing the immediate payment of all adjusted-service certificates in cash, is expected to come up in Congress ! next week, where many law-makers predict it will meet defeat: The passage of the act would put into circulation in this county $286,- 416, less the sum already borrowed by Martin County's World War vet erans, estimated at approximately half the face value fo the certificates. Con gressman Wright Patman, of Texas, staunch supporter of the bill, says its passage would release $38,804,178.24 in North Carolina and $2,200,000,000 in the cotyitry. I In a recent address before the House of Representatives, Congressman Pat man said: , ' "Three million six hundred thousand adjusted-service certificates are held by that number of veterans of the World i War. These veterans reside in every J nook and corner of America. The | average value of the certificates is sl,-' (XX). The certificates do not repre sent a bonus; they represent an hon est debt that has been confessed by I Congress for services rendered. Each I holder of a certificate was really due, an amount equal to the face or ma turity value of his certificate October 1, 1931. I "The average veteran has borrowed 50 per cent of his certificate, the limit allowed by law. He is paying com pound interest on this loan to a bank 'or to the Government —the one hold ing his teriifi£ate~#»-eollateral securi ty for the SO per cent loan. If the remaining $0 per cent is not paid to the veteran now, it will practically be consumed by compound interest. The' veterans and their families need the money much wo/se than the banks or the Government need it in compound interest. If it is paid now, the elitire Nation will be benefited by the addi tional purchasing power being placed Vnto the hands of so many consumers ' who will put it into circulation. It will not be hoarded. "At least 2,500,(XX) of these veter ans need their money to purchase com forts and necessities of life or to pay debts which they owe and on which they are paying as high as 10 per cent interest. More than 720,000 of these I veterans were unemployed when they ' obtained their 50 per cent loans, so an investigation made by the Vettrans' | Administration disclosed. "We have sufficient idle gold in the Treasury of the United States to au- | thorize the issuance of Treasury notes —legal-tender currency—to pay 1 this ! debt in fifll. Experts tell us that our" country needs a moderate expansion I of the currency. In this way the debt ' can be paid without a bond issue, with- j out increasing taxes, and without ad ditional interest payments. The debt! must be paid tome time. Everybody will be helped if it is paid now. "The Government will be saved tens of millions of dollars annually in ad- { ministration expenses if the certificate* 1 are paid now." According to reports there is a break in the ranks of veterans, many of them -virtually all of thein urging the 'passage of the bill, while their nation-' al commander, Henry Li Stevens, is against it at the present time. ■ Young White Boy Caught | Here Sent to State Roads Ernest Harper, young white man ' arrested here last December for driv-' ing a car while intoxicated, was sen- 1 tenced to the roads for eight months 'when tried before Judge Grady in, Northampton Superior Court this' I week. Following his arrest here,' Harper wans returned to Northampton' where he was held in jail until this 1 week when he was tried and adjudg ed guilty of stealing an automobile therff Shortly after stealing the Ford Coupe, Harper was driving down Main Street here and ran into and wrecked a cart belonging to Herman Bowen. Continuing on hi* way, Har per lost control of the machine and ran it into a Main Street residence. • Woodmen To Meet At Bath Next Thursday A goodly number of Martin ty Woodmen as well a* many from ! other cotinties in the district are ex- ' ' pected to attend the meeting of Mod ern Woodmen of America at .Bath next Thursday, Paul Bailey, district secretary, said yesterday afternoon. A fishing party will feature the morning program, and a fish fry will be enjoyed at noon. Interesting pro -1 grams have been arranged for the aft j ernoon and evening sessions, the Bath and Jamesville baseball teams furnish ing entertainment in the afternoon, | Mr. Bailey Mid. CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGN HERE NEXT WEEK WINNERS IN MILK ESSAY CONTEST ARE ANNOUNCED Enterprise Publishing Co. Will Mail Checks to Six Winners Tomorrow j Winners of prizes offered by the | Enterprise Publishing Company for the best six papers prepared in con nection with the "Milk for Health .Campaign" in Martin County were announced today through the office of the county superintendent, two prizes going to Hamilton, one to Williams ton, one to Williams Lower school and .two to Robersonville. ! The judges were ready to admit when the papers were returned that the task of selecting winners was a difficult one, that nearly all the papers were unusually good ones and showed hard work done by those taking part. ]On the other hand, the contest and the "Milk for Health" scheme in this I county was a flop. Out of the sev eral thousand children now in the 1 schools of the county a very small | number even expressed a desire to ■ take part, several schools failing to I prepare a single essay. It would seem that some are waiting for nature to pour milk down their hungry throats, hungry needlessly in so many cases. But getting back to the contest, the judges read and re-read the papers. I The name* of the writers and the ! schools they represented were not on the paper* when the judges were ! making their decisions. A numbering! | system was followed, giving every' school and every child an equal chance. | Many of the other papers are deserv- j | ing ones, btft their writers just miss j sharing the awards. C hecks will be mailed tomorrow to, j Kolxrt Davis, Hamilton, winner of j the first prize, $2.50; Dolly Myers, Hamilton, winner of! the second prize, $1.50; Reg Manning,' i Williamston, winner of tlit third prize, I SIOO. >v I Winners in the colored schools where a greater interest in the move ment was noted, include the following: Harry C. Lanier, Williams Lower School, first prize, $2.50; lleulah Lee Saunders, Robersonville, : winner of second prize, $1,50; Tlieona Lloyd, Robersonville, third ; prize, sl. And checks will also be mail ed to them tomorrow. COUNTY CASES IN FEDERAL COURT —.— Fourteen Martin Cases Are Called In Washington This Week I Two more Martin County melt, An drew Harris, white, anil Walter Col lins, colored,' were on their way to Atlanta today to serve a year and a day in the Federal prison there for violating the liquor laws. Their cases | heard along with 12 others from . this county before Judge I. M. Meek ! ips in Federal court at Washington 1 thi* week. • i Five other defendants, Irving'James, colored, and Walter and Herbert Bul lock and James Bailey, all white, were released and placed on probation for a year. George Peel was placed in the Chillicothe, Ohio, institution, to start his term next October. Sylves ter Daniel was days in jail and George Daniel was given 30 days. J n was fined SSO. John Lee and Wright Smith were given ' three months in jail. John Hopkins, white, and Claude Woolard, colored, weft found not guilty. All the Jefendbnts we¥e charged vtith violating the Itqlior'tiws. Seine Fishing in Roanoke Progressing Very Slowly Seine fishing on the Roanoke is progressing slowly, according to a report coming from O. W. Hamilton, Jamesville yesterday morning. Catches of two and three hundred were re ported during the day Wednesday and yesterday. A goodly nuniber of shad | was caught Wednesday, Mr. Hamil-i ton adding that the season was not' far enough advanced for profitable 1 j "When the (logwood trees begin to I blossom, the herring almost always : begin to run in large numbers up the i'Roanoke," Mr. Hamilton said. I • Ships Two More Cars of Sweet Potatoes to Market — Two more carloads of sweet pota toes were shipped to tufrthern market* by Mr. J. G. Staton from his 30,000 bushel capacity curing house here this week, the best grades selling fdr about 90 cents a tuuhel, less freight, [ understood. PROCLAMATION Know ail men, women, and children by these presents: That, Whereas the National Clean-Up and Paint- Up Campaign has resulted in many advantages to com munity life throughout the United States in safeguard ing health, in promoting thrift, in furthering fife pre vention, in stimulating civic pride, and in niakng the home and town more beautiful: Now, therefore'; Be it known that plans have been perfected for a thorough clean-up and paint-up campaign in William ston, beginning next Monday, April 11, and j continuing throughout the week. This date is to mark,-the opening of a real campaign of persistent and constructive effort in cleaning up and keeping it up. In this worthy move ment of cleaning up, painting,-planting, repairing, , and rehabilitation I urge each citizen to do his or her very best part to make our community clean, healthy, safe, thrifty, and beautiful. R. L. COBURN, Mayor. TOWN OF VVILUAMSTON. 'A- V , t ' ■. ♦ CALL FEW CASES IN COURT HERE ■ • Few Cases Reach Docket During Three-Weeks Inactive Period Following a period of inactivity caused by the two-weeks term of superior court, Judge Bailey and So licitor Peel returned to their regular duties in recorder's court here last Tuesday. Comparatively few cases had originated over the period, and most of thcin were of little conse quence. The court will hold another session next Tuesday according to regular schedule, and then rest for two more weeks while the civil term of superior court holds .forth. Cases cleared from the docket last Tuesday: i J. A. Faulk was fined SSO for vio lating the traffic laws, the courrtaking otf the fine upon the payment of the costs by the defendant. Adjudged guilty in the case charging him with larceny and receiving, Thur man Bell was sentenced to the roads for a period of ninety days. Fd Bell, charged with aiding and abetting in the same alleged crime, was found not guilty. | Prayer for judgment continued j until next August in the case charging Clara Ann Staton with violating the liquor law*. i Cleo Land was ordered to the roads for days or pay costs in the case charging him with violating the liquor laws. The old case charging Charles Owens with reckless driving was nol prossed. W. I. Edmondson was ordered to pay amount of check an*d costs in the case charging him with passing a worthless check. Judgment was suspended in the case charging Roosevelt Wilson with lar ceny and receiving. John Hopkins was sentenced to the roads for 90 days when the court found him guilty of larceny and receiving. —• ; Presbyterian Services In The County for Sunday I Sunday, April 10th, 1932: j Church School at 10 a. in. j Worship service and sermon at llrlS n. m. .* Bear Grass Church school at 9:30 a. in. Worship service and sermon at 7:45 p. m. Roberson'a Chapel Church school at 3 p. m. Worship service and communion following. The Master is at each of these serv ices and He asketh for thee. Liberson Triplets Visitors Here Yesterday Afternoon .Little Mioses Frances, Fern, and Faith Lieberson, the three-year-old daughters of Mr. and Mrs. G. Libera son, of Hollywood, Calif., wert charm ing visitors here yesterday afternoon. Two of the bright, beautiful and lively triplets weigh 34 pounds each, the third weighing 36 pounds. They were accompanied here by their parents, who are spending some time in Plymouth with Mr*. Lieber *on'» parent*, Mr. and Mr*. George W. Hardiion. Yesterday wa* the chil dren'* third birthday anniversary. 3,000 HERE FOR FORD SHOWING —• New Car Gets Favorable Comment During Two- Day Showing Here A very, successful showing of the/ new V-8 Ford and . improved Ford j truck was reported here yesterday and today, when nearly 3,000 people visit ed the showrooms of the Williamston Motor Company to see (lie wonder car. "And how do you like it?" was a common question during the showing. "All right," was the general answer, and'the Ford representative would ex plain the various features of the ma chine. With a change in the springs arrangement ami the removal of the Has tank from the front -to the rear, the car takes on a different appear ance and created much comment. Ap-, parently every one seeing the car here liked the changes, ,referring to the engine as one used in high-priced ay toniobiles. ; | A Tudor sedan was on display late Wednesday night and all day yester (lay, the company sending a sport coupe here today. The improved Ford truck was thoroughly inspected along lwith the cars by the throngs visiting the showroom. I Shipments of stock cars to dealers everywhere are expected within the • next few days, Mr. Grwn, manager-of the local company, said this morning. Elder O. W. Dowd Will Preach Here Next Sunday C. T. Rogers, pastor. I Sunday school, a. in. . • | Preaching, 11 a. m. and 8 p„ m. 4 Epworth League, Monday, 8 p.* m. | Kpworth Juniors, Tuesday, 3:30. | Mid-week service, Wednesday, 8. I Presiding Elder O. W. Dowd will preach at the >ll O'clock service. He is a strong clear thinker, and you will enjoy hearing him. 'Come out' and meet with us. | Ihe second quarterly conference will meet after the 11 o'clock service. Mem bers of the Holly Springs church will 'all take notice of this service. I ' • Locai Presbyterians Win Prize at Ahoskie Meeting I Willi*mston was awarded the attend i ance banner for the best attendance jby miles for young, (tropic's fonfer-j ences of Albemarle Presbytery during the year, leading New Hern by. only a small margin, according to a report at the one-day conference jn Ahtiskie 1 recently. From all parts of the, pres bytery there were 137 persons in at . tendance. . I Prospects were said to be bright for I the holding of the five-day summer (conference at Neuse Forest near New j Bern. ' Dr. C. J. Sawyer Planning Tonsil Clinic in Wfadsor Realizing the need is an urgent one and that none will be held by the State in this' section this year, Dr. C. J. Sawyer, Windsor eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, is making arrange ments to conduct a clinic in the Emer gency hospital, Windsor, beginning April 18, he announced yesterday. Nominal fees will be charged for the services, and it is believed that many Martin County people will visit the clink. Watch the Label On Yov Paper Aa It Carriaa the Data When Your Subscription Expires ESTABLISHED 1898 COMMITTEE OF WOMAN'S CLUB IS IN CHARGE Every Man, Woman And Child Uurged To Take An Active Part • No definite program -will be follow ed, but every man, woman, and child, white and colored, is being asked to join in the clean up and-paint-up cam paign here-next week, Mrs. A. K. Dun ning, 'chairman of the Woman's Club civic committee, said yesterday. Mrs. Dunning was optimistic xtr-to the, suc cessful outcome of the i&ovement next week, adding that a nearly 100 tjer cent support had been pledged by the people of the town. 1 movement is under way - here and there over town, and before I next week is spent a thorough 'raking' !of unsightly scenes is anticipated. Every one is asked to do some task that will give momentum to'the tin' dertaking, a direct appeal having been directed to both the white and col ored school children, urging them to take jur active part and remember that cleanliness is next to godliness, i Mayor R. L. Coburn has issued a proclamation in connection with the campaign, ami the town forces will cooperate to the fullest in aiding the success 'of the movement Individual - J trash piles will be removed as soon as ' possibly following t a call to the munici pal water plant, street department head j quarters. rhe undertaking is one- that a'very one can take part in; for there is no unnecessary burden to result in join ing the ranks of those Who are I ing for a cleaner, healthier, and more - ■ beautiful place in which to live. 1 Unemployed labor is said to be. clamoring for work. Next week will be an ideal time to give some one a job, aiding tlie worker and at the same time furthering the clean-up and paint-Up movement. Mire one of the 1 unemployed now;' see your painter a bout handling that little or big job tha, ft will add value and attractiveness to your premises. i A clean up campaign is a good spring tonic. 1 It is most timely, and |it is good business. It is also in keep with Governor Gardner's Livc-at- I Hume program, h is timely in that ! every well-ordered town as well' as j ewr.y well-ordered' home should have | a regular clean up spell iii, tike spring, i It is good business in that, if it is, j properly conducted, it w ill put many | idle men to work; it will bring abftut ; a number of civic improvements which will tend to produce better health con ditions, safer, and happier homes, and a mure self-respecting and contented citizenship. REPUBLICANS TOMEEETHERE * • * | Convention For The First I Congressional District to Be Held Tomorrow ♦ Republicans from fourteen counties will hold thetr First rt'ongressional District convention in the courthouse here, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock with Chairman M. B. Prcscott, of Ayderr, in charge. .The convention ( will name two delegate? to the Nat | ional Republican Convention to be J held in Chicago next June, and four ■ members to the State -Executive Cob ' mittee from this district will be select ed. , The usual re-organization of the committee will be effected, District Attorney Wheeler Martin said here this morning. 'Representatives from Dare, Curri tuck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquim'- aiVs,' ~CKS Wan, TTa tes, ITertford, Tyr -1 rell, Washington, Martin, Pitt, Beau fort and Hyde - Counties, comprising I the district, are expected here for the | meeting, Mr. Martin said. Sunday Services At The i Christian Church Here m - j Bible school and preaching at the ' regular hours. Only the Sunday eve ning service will be at 8 o'clock in . stead of 7:30 as heretofore. Chris tian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Special mu sic at both services. A fine worship ful atmosphere, and a warm welcome and brotherly fellowship. The pastor will preach Sunday morning at 11 o'- clock >u "God's Message for Our J Day.'" At the evening the sermon will be, "How God Open* the ' Sinner's Heart." These message* are , timely for saint and sinner. Take the family out. It is Second Sunday, and remember it is preaching Sunday at the Christian Church in Willknuton. Come out from the highway* and hedges. A warm welcome awaits you. A friendly church with a wholMome message. If it helps you tell u* about We_aj>pra*i§|e being b«fefui.>ub ] lie cordially invited.