AiiKihm Will Pnd dor Cot ■m a Latchkey to Owr Biama Hundred Martin County Ho ran VOLUME XXXV-!-NUMBER 14 _ 90 CASES ON CIVIL DOCKET APRIL TERM OF COURT \ i , Edgar Johnson and Andrew Clark Suits Among the Cases on Calendar Ninety cases appear on the calendar for trial at the two-weeks term of civil court beginning here next Mon day with Judge Clayton Moore on the bench. / Many of the cases thereon were scheduled for trial at the last term of mixed court, they re-appear ing when that term failed to clear only a few case* from the docket. Power Company against Dicus, the case occupying the top rung on the calendar, is up again, and right next to it is Truitt Corporation against Downs, apparently permanent fixtures in the court and the lawyers' hands. It is almost certain that the court will leave uncalled at least half and probably two-thirds of the cases Two large suits, Clark suing Bon ner for $20,000 and Johnsoify suing HcJffler Company for $25,004 are for trial Thursday, April 28, but it is doubtful, very doubtful, if the court. gets to them before the • two weeks term is spent. Other cases appearing on the calendar arc of lif, \ tie consequence, it is believed. They Nbllow: J ■ lifonday, April 18—Oil Company against Stalls; Davenport et al against Davenport et al; Davenport et al-a gainst Davenport et al; and five cases of Smithwick against Holliday et al. Tuesday, April 19: Smithwick vs. Walter* rt yl; Staton vi. Long: Bunt ing vs. Craft; Motors Corporation vs. Godard et al; Peel Motor Co. vs. Dav enport (2 cases); Wynn vs. Andrews et al; Salsbury vs. Johnson et al; Bank vs. Sherrod; Respass vs. James; Gard ner vs. Hopkins et al. Wednesday, April 20: Salsbury vs. Peel; Bank vs. Bunting; Paton vs. Mason and Bank; Taylor vs. Gurganus et al; Colt and Company vs. Mizelle et al (2 cases); Salsbury vs. Daniel et al; Harrison Bros. vs. Hopkins; Taylor vs. Street; Chemical Company vs. Vanderford; Harrison and Com pany vs. Hopkins; Credit Corporation vs. Gurkin. Thursday, April 21: Fertilizer Com pany vs. Barnhill et al; Roberson vs. Hardison; Hampton vs. Modlin; Bank vs. Cowen et al; Chemical Company v». Keel; Chemical Company vs. Hol liday; Bank vs. Roebuck et al; Peel vs. Taylor et al; Matthews vs. Bell. Monday, April 25: Corporation Com mission vs. Hines et al Corporation Commission vs. Harrell et al; Jenkins vs. Odd Fellows;' Carson vs. Taylor Jones vs. Nichols; Spruill vs. Nichols; Everett vs. Higdon et al; Peel vs. Fire insurance company; Salsbury vs. Baugh and Sons; Williams vs. Odd Fellows. Tuesday. April 26: Edmondson vs. Griffin, Insurance Company vs. Ever ett Estate; Dunning vs. Hadley; Grif fin vs. Anderson et al; Martin vs. Barn hill; Padgett vs. Wallace; Everett vs. , Decs; Skinner and Company vs. Car olina Lines; Fertilizer Company vs. Anthony; Fertilizer Company vs. Sutr ton. Wednesday, April 27: Woolard et al vs. Chamber Commerce; Fertilizer Company vs. Adams; Cotton Oil Com pany vs. Hyman et al; Critcher vs. Coppersmith and Jones; Fertilizer Company vs. Morris; Fertilizer Com pany vs. Riddick et al; Bank vs. Clark Bank vs. Bellflower; Smith and Com-| " pany vs. Merry; Royster Company vs. Martin et al; Donaldson vs. Burketr et al. Thursday, April 28: Rhodes and Company vs. Gurganus et al; Harri son vs. Bryant; Courtney vs. Hawkins;' Guano Company vs. Hux et al; Carson va. Roberson; Casket Company vs. j Hoggard; Hadley vs. Hadley et al; khodes and Company vs. Haislip; Fer tilizer Company vs. S. J. Worthington et als; Fertilizer Company vs. Nor dan et als; Fertilizer Company va. J. G. Dixon et als; Fertilizer Company vs. Moore et als. W Curb Market Prices for - ] Saturday Are Announced By Miaa LORA B. SLEEPER 'Flowers of various varieties were sold on the curb market here for the first time this year last week. They| were inexpensive and gave the market I a cheerful appearance. We are hop ing to have more buyers of flowers this week and the same variety, if not better, to select from. A partial list of prices follow: Eggs, 12 cents dozen; cream, 25c pint; collards, 3 pounds sc; turnips, Sc bunch; spring onions 5c bunch; kale 5c pound; (Special) sweet potatoes, 10 pounds 15c; (Special) irish potatoes, 10 pounds 12c. - - • - Regular Services at Locil Methodist Qhurch Sunday Rev. C. T. Rogers, pastor of the local Methodist charch, announced to day that the regular program of serv ices will prevail at that church Sun day and throughout next week. THE ENTERPRISE ; Large Gathering Is Here For Texaco Meet Thursday Night G. H. HARRISON ■* 1 H t jSI t H I I M i One of the partners In the firm of Harrison Oil Co., Texaco dis tributora, which was hoat to about 150 dealera and invited guests at a banquet here laat night, when Texaco "Fire Chief" gasoline was announced. BUGS, FLIES AND BLUE MOLD NOW EXACTING TOLL ♦ However, Plants Have De veloped Rapidly in Past Few Days Other than favorable weather dur ing February, this season has been un usually adverse to tobacco plant beds, according to reports coming from var ious sections. Freezing weather killed many plants in March and wind storms tore the canvas from the beds and cov ered the plants with sand. And now the flea bugs, flies, and blue mold are , threatening the complete destruction of the remaining beds. | Plants have developed to a remark able extent during the past few days, , and if the blue mold does not destroy them, there will be no great shortage when transplanting time arrives, Coun ty Agent T. B. Brandon believes. , I There are some farmers who, have no 'plants at all, Lift others have more than i 'enough for their needs, the agent said. No of the deadly blue jmold disease have been reported in Tthis county, as far as rt icould be 'learned today, but many farmers are i already spraying their plants with the , Bordeaux mixture as a precautionary measury. It is understood that spray , ing is useless after the mold once set ■ ties on the plants, and to injure the plants protection against the disease I they should be sprayed with the Bor-; • deaux mixture about every four days. • Wet or even damp weather is an aid , to the disease, as it is said that the ' mold spreads more rapidly and is • more deadly under that condition. : ing up the plots in many cases. -| Believing the disease was in his plant . bed, B. R. Manning, Griffins Town t. ship farmer, .sent a few'plants to the experimeut station in Raieigh for in 1. spection. The experts there stated 1 they were satisfied it was not the blue 1 mold, but they could not identify the i disease that was attacking the plants, j The ilea bugs, flies, and other insects ' are giving Martin County farmers ■, much concern just at this time, and ' much spraying has been done to con ■ trol them. The best poisoning prep aration advanced so far is one-quarter ' pound of paris green and one and one quarter pounds of arsenate of lead | mixed with 50 gallons of water. That I amount is sufficient to effectively spray f 1 about 800 yards of plant bed, and the poisons mentioned should not be sub-/ stituted, according to Agent Brandon. : Spraying once each week is enough 'to • insure protection from the insects, it r is said. t The flea bug eats a hole through the . leaf from the top, and often devours i the bud while the plant is in the bed. t In the field, he attacks the leaf from t the bottom. ■ : Program of Services At Baptist Church ' "Christianity's Undiscovered Coun ■ try" will be the sermon subject at the Memorial Baptist church Sunday morn ing. At the evening hour, 8 o'clock, there ' will be a song service—some of the jgreif favorite hymns of . the church and people. Several of these aongs -. will be used, accompanied by brief and - interesting sketches of their histories. •[ WilGam Cook «tlt (Ing a sot 6 "*r this service. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, April 15,1932 | NEW 'FIRE CHIEF' GAS INTRODUCED TO 150 DEALERS I T Enjoyable Affair Staged at i Woman's Club Hall By Local Distributors j It's here! Texaco officials making! startling announcements here last night in the Woman's, Club Hall when | they told 150 Texaco dealers about a | new gasoline, "Fire Chief." and the! 'elaborate program planned all over the! I'njted States during the next 45 days. | j The meeting here was an enjoyable affair the visitors coming from j j Bertie and all parts of Martin Coun ty to share"the gracious hospitality pf !George and Gus Harrison, the oil boy's, j "I did not come up here to eat, and, lin fart, 1 can't eat much," Mr Charlie iT. Roberson, popular dealer in the ] I Farm Life section, said just lx-fore the meeting. But Mr, I'hnrlie did eat, and Iso did every one else, many partaking i too freely of the delicious hrunswick 'stew, barbecue, slaw, Coca-Colas, ci gars and cigarettes. Toastmaster Charles A. Harrison and his "hot" 10- piece orchestra could hardly detract attention from the food, but Mr. Gus' introductions and the shrill notes did ■ slow the eating process and no one choked. , Short Speeches ——■ — r] The Texaco folks were welcomed by Mayor Coburn, and W. ,C- Man 'ning, Bill Spivey, J. E. King, C. G. 1 jCrockett, and P. B Cone made little i impromptu speeches, the doctor offer ■ ing his remarks after a poetical fash ion, or something. Hut Mr. Spivey (never would tell the joke originating in Hyde County. After a short review of the Texas Company operating magnitude, partic ularly in this section, where there are 'employed or connected with the com- I pany around 16,000 people and an an nual pay roll of over $4,000,000, Mr. MilVs Clark, of Elizabeth- City, intro- j jduced Mr. Pannill, of the Norfolk of- i , jfice, And it was Mr, Pannill who ibroke the news of the evening center ing on a new Texaco gasoline, "Fire j Chief," and the addition of a new oil. It was explained -that the new oil I was added to the company's list to meet the demands of motorists who insist on using a premium oil. "Fire Chief" Gasoline "Texacp' Fire Chief," introduced to motorists all over the country today, Mr. Pannill said, is the most'power ' ful on the market. First developed fur fire engines and used for racing, 1 it is now being offered to the at no extra price. "There is nothing like it," said Mr. Pannill, "for snap, i dash and action." There is Touch and Go in every drop. It- is the most powerful gasoline you can buy any where. The Texas Company is spar ; ing no money or effort in calling the attention of the world to this remark • able gasoline. The. Texaco station op erator who gets busy, who cooperates . in this drive, who spreads the good ' news about .this gasoline is ' bound to benefit greatly as a result of his activity;" Mr. Pannill's talk was received with 1 the closest of attention and there was " no question but that everybody was : I keenly interested in what he had to " say. Not only the Texaco people, but the outside guests as well were keenly interested in what was said about the : new gasoline. Out-of-Town Guests Among those who attended the 'meeting from out of town were. C. D. 'iCarraway, W. M. Kittrell, Lee House, j Clayton House, John Henry Edwards, iE. B Van Nortwick, Wiley Burras Rogeirson, Pat Rogerson, OUie Roger-; son, D. A- Brown, Alton Grimes, C. M. Hurst, Walter Roberson, Ernest I (ollrain, Brodie Roebuck, J. H. Roe ibuck, all of Robersonville; A. J. Yates, Powell, George Lewis Msrdre, j John Gatling, K. S. Mitchell, Louis ' I Thompson, Roy Thompson,,**- Gilbert Rhodes, Dancey Cale, Ira Mizelle, H. 1 T. Harden, E. A. Smith, A. B. Out law, Lee Brewej - , C. J. Rhea, G.' H. Hoggard, W. L. Williford, M. L. 1 White, F. B. Cowand, W. S. SpruM, "iD. C. Bryant, Walter Butler, C. J. 1 Rhea, jr., L. P. Hayes, and Duke Per ry, all of Windsor, N. C.; R. J. Mitch ell, W. R. Cobb, C. M. Minton, and S. R. Minton, of Merry Hill; J. G. | Mitchell, Askewville; Mark Chesson, (George Harris, W. H. Wynne, Olan - der Harrison, J. A. Ausborn, R. O. Martin, H. G. Griffin, Charlie Daven- I'port, W. O. Hamilton, C. T. Rob- I erson, W. T. Roberson, Gabe Rober tson, B. R. Manning, Steve Manning, :'lra Griffin, W. A. Brown, A. B. I j Ayers, Rossell Rogers, . Ervin Rogers,. II Dewey Leggett, Hubert Harris, Ar- I thur Harrison, H. D. Harrison, H. G. . \ Harrison, J. B. Barnhill, Alonza Al l' lea, J. 'L-. Crdcm, ,H. S. Johnson, E. |H. Roberson, G. W. Hoell, V. G. Tay f C. A. HARRISON 1 J j : : J jflj K, AH ilk 4H Pa i | V j *. , I , * ' " | "Mr. Gus' was toastmaster at the Texaco banquet at the Wo- | man's Club hall here last night, and he demonstrated that he knows something besides oil by hi* clever presentation of the fea tures on the program. ( FARM LOANS ARE BEING RECEIVED 51 Checks, Amounting to $8,270 Forwarded Here Yesterday .Fifty-one United States Government seed and feed loan checks, amounting . to $8,270, were received here yester- ' day anij have been forawrded to the borrowers by Register of Deeds J. Sain Getsinger. Sixteen more checks were received today, and as soon as i | they can be cleared at the courthouse j jthcy will ,be mailed to the borrowers. Each loan has to be cheVked and whetfe prior liens wfere given, the checks are being held up. Two of the I 51 received yesterday were held up, 1 | the others going in the mails tjiis morning. Applicants will receive their checks i soon as they are aproved, and it I will he of much help to those handling ' the work if the borrowers will await ' their turns. Sonie of the applications are now before the local coiiimittee and it will lie two weeks 01 more he- | fore answers can he expected. i t *- + , . ' • 'i Meeting of Veterans To Be I Held Here Monday Night 1 j • - l' j World War Veterans of this coun ty are scheduled to hold a meeting in | the courthouse here next' Monday ' night at 8:30 o'clock,■: tlie announce- ' ment describing the meeting as a very j important one. It is understood that the bonus question will he discussed, and that State Commander Henry C. Bourne, of Tarboro, is planning to be here. ~ j A petition for the passage of the bonus bill has been circulated hete, 1 and only two vets refused to sign their 1 names to it. Aclording to reports, veterans nbt' in good standing are barred from voting, and the meeting is expected to center its discussion a round that fact. - School Girl Badly Hurt When Struck by Auto Carrie Dell Cherry, 13-year-old school girl living near here, was bad ly hurt yesterday mprning when s*ie was struck by' a car driven by Mr. M. J. Norton; of this place. She suffered a bad tut on her chiiv and bodily bruises. , Waiting for the early scho#l> ''bliV,' ' the girl was playing beside the road at Holly Springs church with other children, A truck passed and she darted into the road just behind it Jand into tltfe path of the Norton car, making it impossible for the driver to miss her. t !. lor, Tom Rogers, W. L. Taylor, God |ard Brothers, B. L. Gardner, • Joshua L. Coltrain, Jim Beachant, I.eland Rob ersoo, Robert Moore, A. L. Mizelle, John A. Griffin, J. H. Knox, Julius | Whitfield, D. W. .Etheridge, W. S. Pritchard, Lucian Pefcl, Charlie Col -1 train, E. C. Edmondson, Lowry | Croom, Harry Roberson, Henry John 'so.n, jr., Clifton Powell, Elmer Par-. | fisher. Eli Edmondaon, | Brothers, Joseph Barnhill, Charlie Griffin, Charlie B. Stalls, all of Mar gin County; »nd M. U Clark, D. L. 'Sylvester, R. D. Davis, A. D. Crop-' sey, J. K. Pannill, J.. t". Sanderson, jr., of Elizabeth City and Norfolk; J. W.-Martin, of Tarboro; J. D. Woolard of Goldsboro. DOZEN CASES ARE TRIED TUESDAY BY JUDGE BAILEY | Large Crowd Gathers To j Hear Trials; No Session For Two Weeks-' •. * I | Calling a dozen cases, the recorder's \ court ift its session her* last Tuesday ' had the appearance of a regular super- I ior court term. The crowds were here ' to offer testimony or hear the dozen 1 cases tried, and substantial sentences ! were meted out* by Judge J. W.I I Bailey. The court will suspend its ses- | jsions for two weeks, giving over to! the civil convening here 1 next Monday. l^ Cases called Tuesday .include the i following: C barged with reckless driving and ] an assault' with a deadly weapon, John j Hadley was found not guilty on the second count, Judge Bailey suspend ing sentence when the defendant was adjudged guilty on the reckless-driving charge. Judgment was suspended upon the payment of the cost in the case charg-1 ing Henry Nicholson with violating the liquor laws. Adjudged guilty in the case charg ing him with larceny and receiving, j. Henry Strickland Was sentenced to the roads for a term of seven months. , J n | a second case, charging him with op erating a car with improper licenses, Strickland was sentenced to the roads for 30 days, the sentence to run con- ' concurrently with the first. Judgment was suspended in the case charging , him with violating, the liquor laws.. He was picked up-at a square dance here a few days ago when he had a small quantity of liquor on his per- j son. | The case charging Dan Smith with passing a worthless check was heard ! and continued until June 7, the defend- 1 ant pleading not guilty. i ( William Taylor was sentenced to jail for a period of 30 days when he ' was adjudged guilty of disorderly con- , duct. , William Jones was found not guilty 1 in the case charging him with an as-, 1 sault with a deadly weapon. |' Wesley Baker was sentenced to the ' roads for a period of five months ' when he was found guilty of being drunk and disorderly and transporting liquor. Pig Crawford, facing similar | charges, was found not guilty. j ; James Aaron Sheppard drew the heaviest sentence of the day, 15 months on t*e roads, when he was adjudged guilty of an assault with a deadly weapon and carrying a concealed weapon. Charged with an assault, Bernice Brown pleaded guilty to a simple tres- , pass charge, the court suspending the sentence upon the payment of the cost. . i , I George Wright was sentenced loathe roads /or a period of six months for violation of the liquor laws. ! - • - | STANDARD TESTS' GIVEN CHILDREN — * r ~— - li 2,500 in Primary and Gram-1 mar Grades Are Given Tests This Week . Around 2,500 primary and grammar | grade children are taking standard j achievement tests in the Martin Conn-1 ty schools this week, it -was learned j from the office of the superintendent here yesterday. These tfsts, Miss Devers, of the State Board of Edu-L : ration, explained, are valuable in sifying the children, determining any J subjects that they might be weak in and those they might be advanced in. They do not determine the promotion, hut the tests are of a marked aid in determining the child's ability 4n the tests are of a marked aid in deterriiin ing the child's ability in the various school subjects he or she might be taking. ' Several •tcachpjy front the various #shools were here last Wednesday aft ernoon for instructions in giving the tests, and while some of the ftchools have completed the tests already, a, few .will not complete the work before next week, it is understood. Tax Collections Well in County County tax collections are being made rapidly now, states a report coming from the sheriff's office this week. With only a few more daye of (race left before the lists will be prepared and published in accordance with the law, proper ty owners are making last efforts to settle their accounts, .the sher iff said. Considering present con ditions and everything in general, the list of delinquents this year • will not be proportionately larger than it was but year, the sheriff believes. - * Property L County Is Very Slow i( POLITICS l] p —— . | No new developments in county i politics have taken place during I the past few days, other than the j candidacies of S. R. Biggs for the nomination as coroner of the coun j ty, H. C. Green and J. E. Pope j for county commissioners. The filing period for county offices ends I the 20th of next month, giving of- j I fice aspirants a little over a month I to file their announcements. I A contest for a place on the | Martin County Board of Educa i tion was rumored in the making | this week, but no definite develop [ ments had taken place up until to • day, as far as it could be learned ,here. [MRS. ELIZABETH SIMPSON DIED ! i HERE TUESDAY Was Last Member of One Of County's Leading Families I Mrs. Elizabeth Barley Simpson, the j last member of one of Martin's promt nent families, died at her home here i on Main Street at 11:30 last Tuesday j 'night, following a long illness of j rheumatism or neuritis. She had been j !confined to her home for several years) I and speivt the past few months in bed. The daughter of the late Lycurg'us ! l„. Clements and wife, Helen Bagley Clements,- Mrs. Simpson was born in j ( Hamilton April 11, 1858, making her | 74 years old last Monday. Her an-| 'cestors were among the early settlers ! in this section, and her grandfather, ll). W. U.agley, was for a long number j of years the leading business man of the town. He owned the property I where she had lived virtually all her life. I lltr father, Captain Clements, was, taken prisoner of war at Ifatteras and 1 was held in New York during the Civil j War. While confined to a dark and ! | damp rooom in the Federal prison, he ' contracted a disease from which he ( never recovered While in prison there his Yankee friends supplied him with a chair and a table. Later they effected an exchange and sent him [home with the chair''and table „whidi are now heirlooms of the family. J In 1900 she was married to John 1). Simpson, w(lii> preceded her to the grave several years ago. She leaves j only a few relatives, among whom are two cousins, RrOrftagtcy, of Moyoctc,| 'and E. Bagley, of Greensboro. Her I only brother, Walter W. Clements.l 'died a number of years in Texas , | For sixty years, Mrs. Simpson,was I a communicant of the Methodist J church,, always remaining faithful and i willing in its service as long as her 'health permitted. ! Funeral services were held from the i home Wednesday morning at 11 of-1 jclock. Burial followed in the local j cemetery with'Rev.'C. T. Rogers, pas-! tor of the Methodist church here, con-j ducting the Hast rites, assisted by the j Revs; C. H. Dickey, and Z. T. Ptep-; j.hoff, of the Baptist and Presbyterian | churches, respectively. t * , - .* . I Mts. Mary Elizabeth Roach Dies At Home of Her Son Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Roach, 64 years old, died at the home of her son, W, If. Daniel, near Hamilton-, last Mon- { day night of pneumonia. She had been sick only a short time. I Mrs. Roach moved to this county ] with her son about one year ago and I made her hofne on the Waldo farm, I near Hamilton. , Funeral services were held in the Cypress Chapel, Va., Church Wednes day afternoon, and burial was in the. cemetery there. , Two sons, (". Daniel, of Ports mouth, and W. H. Daniel, of this I county, stirvive. . I Realizing that the sale of prop erty can not be postponed and that the delinquent* will be advert!aed in accordance with the law early next month, property owners are now making settlements on the in stallment plan, Sheriff C. B. Roe buck saying yesterday that more partial payments have bean made so far thia month than at any time since he haa had the taak. With one or two exceptions, the several townships are proportion ately equal in the- payment of " taxes. . ■ * * Watch the Label On Your Paper Aa It. Carriaa the Data Whan Your Subscription Expires ESTABLISHED 1898 RUSH EXPECTED AT LAST MINUTE IN ALL SECTIONS T —— Personal Property Values Said To Be Much Lower Thar Last Year £rly reports iroin property list s indicate that lew people have I their properties for taxation in this county, several of the list-takers Stating that the work is progressing slower than they had ever known be | fort'. Halt of the listing period is over | today, and only a few dozen people j have listed, it is- understood. Although j the work will increase gradually from I now •on, it now looks as if last-minute j listing and big rushes will be experi enced during the last two or three ' days of the month. y- j Personal property values are said to he tumbling to new low' levels in one i or two districts, the increased amount of provisions failing to offset the de preciation losses. A report carried in the Robersonville Herald this week quotes List-Taker J B. Rawls as say ing that garly listing points to a de- • Crease of one-third in property values 'there. like, Herald quotes Mr. Rawls as follows: j "Even though the work ha, hardly | started, Mr. Rawls says that early in dications point to a marked'decrease jin personal property values this year.. Depreciation of every Item is recorded, j and it wifl lower the total values by | at least one-third, he believes. Sol vent credits will" show a larger per centage drop than that, he .continued. |Of course, these estimates are likely to show a change when the number of I property owners listing increases." | Sitting at 'the Farmers Supply Com pany here, Mr. R. T. Griffin • reports lair-size listing for the first two days, hut even then he believes there will he a last-minutes rush. Mo marked drop has resulted here in the personal I property valuations; however, the num her tif new cars is so small that a loss ill values is inevitable. Mr. George Griffin, out in Griffins, I also reports inactivity in the listing ' work for that district. Beginning next 1 I uesday, Mr. Griffin will sit at Farm Life. Thursday,' the 21st, he will be at LHley's Hall, Friday at Griffin's and Saturday from 1 to (« at Manning's store in that district. I • FIREMEN MEET IN PLYMOUTH I V ""■ '» —j— Nearly 200 Firemen of East Carolina Attend; Fish Fry Is Feature I Volunteer firemen from 16 towns from all over eastern North Carolina attended the regular quarterly meet ing of their organization in Plymouth ! last Tuesday evening. Nearly 200 vis -1 itors were present, enjoying a boat i trip to the Hampton fisheries' on thfr' Roanoke and a fisli fry and rock inud ! die. [ The Plymouth company, one of the j most active in the association, had made elaborate arrangements to care for the guests, and the meal was m\ich ». enjoyed. , Sherwood Brockwell, State fire marshal!, made the principal address, pointing o.ut that the present is a crit ical time for fire companies through out the State and country. lie point ed out the vast saving effected through the work of the firemen, that they were deserving of a ready support on the part of every citizen. Robersonville invited, the organiza j tion for the next meeting which will be held there in Oetober, the July ses sion hating been called off. r= ~ TRUCK CRASHES ON RIVER BRIDGE Eight Concrete Pillars Are Torn From Guard Rail Early Yesterday Fight concrete pillars were mowed 'l down and two others on the Roanoke River bridge here were cracked early yesterday morning when one of Scales and Kittrell'g trucks tore into the guard railing. Apparently dozing at the time, the .driver of the big truck, p'hich was loaded with seven tons of fertilizer, let the machine and trailer take their course. The truck cleared the corner post on the left side of the road as it ran on to the bridge on'the Bertie side coming this way. One wheel was smashed and two tires were blown out, but the truck and its cargo held to the bridge. No one was injured, but it was several hours later before workmen could re move the truck and its load. - V