PAGE TWO y THE ENTERPRISE PnbUabcd Enrr Tuesday and Friday by The ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMSTOM, NORTH CAROLINA- »_ W. C. Manning - Bditoi SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) , , j IN mXrtin COUNTY One year - ,I '5S Six months OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One vear ■■■"■ ' i.. »2.00 monthir ' - 1,00 No Subscription Received for Lew Than 6 Months Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request tutored at the post office in Williamston, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. | Address ail communications to The Enterprise and not to the individual members of the hrm. —' • Friday, April 15, 1932 A Foolish Practice | • J One foolish thing that some farmers do is to let the | season pass and pay no attention to saving seed for the new crop. They have to go (iut arid buy seed corn, cotton seed, turnip seed, collard seed, potatoes I both sweet and irish—peanuts, soy beans, field peas, and so on. , This is oftimes the mark of a poor farmer and in most instances no excuse can be found for such prac tice, and though the fellow may plead bad weather, ; or something, for an excuse it is too often caused by 1 pure laziness. No community or farmer need look I for prosperity unless it or he has enough industry and j forethought to preserve seed for 1 the crops. Our Biggest Problem The biggest problem we have to contend with is what to do with ffiatppart of our population which is unwilling to work fo>? a living and will destroy honor to procure their physical needs by stealing, lying, cheating, making liquor, or doing any. other unlawful thing rather than work honestly for a living. The great increase in the number of young white criminals shows that class to be less inclined to work than any other class of people. Perhaps if people had a higher regard for their character they would work rather than steal. If so, then the important thing for the .home and the school to do is to impress on every boy and girl the honor of work and the great dishonor of procuring a living by dishonest and illegal methods, The impression that some have, that education is for the purpose of teaching ways and means by which IFERTIT JZERST *' , % 4^* Nitrate of Soda, Sulphate of Ammonia, Land Plaster *; h * * *, t• • .■+• .■ "■. We have been appointed agents for the Eastern Cotton Oil Company's products in this territory, and in addition to their famous brands of fertilizers we will stock nitrate of soda, land ' 1 m plaster, and sulphate of ammonia. Every one knows the reputa tion of fertilizers made by the Eastern Cotton Oil Company and especially their famous "Farmer's Sensation." Before you buy your fertilizer, get in touch with us at the— * ' Farmers Warehouse WILLIAMSTON, N. C. : ---- the convenience of our customers, we will stock in large quantities all brands made by the Eastern Cotton Oil Company. This arrangement will work to the advantage of the farmer, en abling him to buy and haul his fertilizer as he needs it. We can save you money on your fertilizer and at the same time give you one of the best products made. - Ingram & Watts W.R. INGRAM W. B. WATTS T^j - i i "one" may be able to dodge work, is an which should be corrected in the minds of all peofrfe. For there is but one reason for education, and that is to equip men and womenTb do more and better work. Any other kind of education is a hindrance rather than a help. An educated man can do anything an uneducated man can do, and some thing muclTbetter, "But an un- . educated can not do anything an educated man can. It is going to take about as strict discipline and drilling for the children of today, if they are to suc ceed, as is required pf an army. We must become both capable and dependable citizens if we are going to come back with a stable, honorable, prosperous, and happy state of society. The home must reform, if it can. The school must reform. And t£e teachers of the country will have to take th e '?®d- , * Start Salary Cuts With Congressmen We hope to see th e salary-cutting axe laid at the Capitol door in Washington. Ten years ago it took 7,500 bushels of corn to pay a Congressman a year's salary. Now it takes 40.000 j bushels. ' Ten ye:ir;; ago it took 100 bales of cotton to pay a year's salary—now it takes 350 bales.. Ten years ago 37,500 pounds of tobacco would pay a Con gressman for a year's-politic-tag.; now it takes 160,000 j pounds. Some of them say they-can not live any cheaper— -1 which is false, of course. If they will quit the high- I priced wines, cut out their women parties, stop try j ing to run a constant political campaign, stay in their offices and work diligently for the people and live the | simple life, as did George Washington and Thomas | Jefferson, they could get along with a big salary cut I and do a much greater service for their people. The thing that needs to be done is to break the ring | of- extravagance that exists in the National Capital. | NApan has the right to wallow in wealth, and extrav agance while people are starving, i Aiid it will do the people good if the congressional j society ring is knocked into a cocked hat and broken I into a thousand pieces. - I - f -I Farm Board Should Be Continued ~ ' i The movement to abolish the United States Farm Board originated in the minds of the speculators in farmers' crops. If the Farm Board can grow until all the com, cotton, wheat, and potatoes can be han dled through it, it will put the produce exchanges out of business, as well as the fellows who have eaten up the farmers' profits for half a century. Of course, the Farm Board has had its troubles and faults, and made its mistakes. But no more than the banks and other business institutions. It should be continued and properly maintained. Cases and Cases The woman who carries a vanity case and a cigar ette case is more likely to have a divorce case th atl those who do not carry so many cases. TUB JEW TBR PRISE NOTICE OF SALE Notice it hereby given that under and by virtue of the power of tale con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by W. J. Keel and wife to the undersigned trustee, bearing date the 11th day of March, 1927, and of record in the public registry of Mar j tin County, in book Y-2.,at pase 171, deed of trust having been given to secure the payment" of a certain note of even date therewith, and default having been made in the payment of the same, and the terms and conditions contained in said deed of trust not hav ing been complied with, the undersign ed trustee will, on Monday, the 16th day of May, 1932, offer at public sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the courthouse door of Martin County at Williamston, N. C., the following de scribed land, to wit: Situate on the left-hand side of Highway No. 90, and about one mile from the town of Williamston, N. C., and bounded on the north by the lands of Walter Jernigan, on the east by the lands of Kader Barnhill; on the south and west by the lands of J. R. Mob ley and wife, which said deed is hereby referred to for a more accurate de scription, containing 2 1-4 acres, more or less. | This the 14th day of April, 1932. A. R. DUNNING, als 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust ex ecuted by Arthur Cherry and wife to the undersigned trustee, bearing date April Ist, 1930, and of record in the ■public registry of Martin County in book S-2, at page 305, said trust deed having been given to secure the pay ment of a certain note of even date ! therewith, default in the payment of said note, and the terms and stip ulations in said deed of trust not hav ing been complied with, the under signed trustee will, on Monday, the j U>th day of May, at twelve o'- ' clock noon, at the courthouse door of | County at Williamston, North ! Carolina, offer at public sale to the ! highest bidder, for cash, tlje following described land, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, con taining 45 5-10 acres, more or less, situate and being on the road leading from Hassell, N. C., to Williamston, ■ N. C,, and being about one mile east l of Hassell, N. C, and bounded on the : north by the lands of E. C. Winslow, on the east by the lands of J. W.'Cher ] ry, on the south by the above said ! public road, on the west by the lands I of Mary E. Cherry, i This the 13th day of April, 1932. W. F. HAISLIP, Ia 15 4tw . Trustee. NOTICE OF RESALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of an order of resale of the Superior Court of Mar tin Coanty made in the special pro ceeding entitled . Sallie Cplfcraiu, ad ministratrix of J. G. Coltrain, deceased, vs. David Coltrain and others, the bid at former sale having been raised, the undersigned commissioner will, on the 23rd day of April, 1932, at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse door in William ston. North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing described land, to wit: Lying and being in Griffins Town ship, Martin County, bounded on the nort by the lands of W. H. Coltrain and J. R. Coltrain, east by James Rob erson, on the south by Rome Corey, and on the west by the lands of W. H. Coltrain', containing 20 acres, more or less and known as the Jesse Coltrain home place. Saving and excepting the dower of Sallie Coltrain in the following de scribed land, to wit: Beginning at Smithwicks Creek at James A. Roberson's come, to W. H. Coltrain corner at the late J. G. Col train front gate, thence a west course along W. H. Coltrain line to a sweet gum, a chopped tree, thence south ward a straight line to the beginning, containing 10 acres, more or less. This'land is also-sold subject to deed of trust from J. G. Coltrain and wife to North Carolina Joint Stock Land | Hank of Durham in the sum of eight ' hundred dollars ($800.00.). This the 7th day of April, 193 Z. ELBERT S. PEEL, a 8 2tw Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under | and by virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust ex- J ecuted by Thad Savage and wife to-the | undersigned trustee, and dated the 23rd day of December, 1925, and of record | in the public registry of Martin Coun- Ity in book Q-2, at page 530, said deed lof trust having been given to secure I the payment of a certain note of even | date thereon, and default having been J made in the payment of said note and ! the terms and conditions in said deed of trust not having been complied with 1 and at the request of the owner of said ! note, the undersigned trustee will, on I Saturday the 7th day of May, 1932, at twelve o'clock noon, at the courthouse I door of Martin County, at William | ston, North Carolina, offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described land, to wit: Beginning at the corner of lot No. 27, a ditch on the road leading from Oak City to Hassell, N. C., thence down said ditch to a bend, thence north 65 east, 23 1-2 poles to said ditch, thence down said ditch to the right of way of the Kinston and Weldon Rail road right of way, thence said right 'of way to J. L. Hines line and earner, thence along J. L. Hines' line to the Frees Hi» Wife tr- —- of Rheumatism ! 1 % Uric Acid Poison Started 1 To Leave Body in 24 Hour* Pain, Agony and Swelling Oona in j 48 Hour* with Swift Acting Prescription * That marvelous prescription—Allen ru—promises you need ' never feel a pain or ache from Rheumatism, Neu ritis, Lumbago, or Sciatica again. Folks who have suffered the most piercing, wincing agony—literally ren dered helpless for weeks and unable to work have gained miraculous, joyfully freedom from pain. Allenru contains no drugs or opi ates—which helps just temporarily— rather, it's a superb formula especially compounded which treats your trouble scientifically—first immediately ending pain and bringing blessed comfort — then it. drive* out from musclei* joints and tissues those excess uric acid de posit* which cause your Rheumatism. I Clark's Drug Store, Inc., and all ■ t _ - j * _ _ jlaamamaa A lljtnr&W"** leading uiui§ivn uiiiwifiw T'*' , one 8 ox. bottle for 85c MtJST give | joyful results as stated above or money I refunded. corner of Clara Johnson land, near the above described road, thence along the Calara Johnson line to the begin ning, containing by estimation 3 1-4 > acres, be the same more or less. This the 7th day of March, 1932. CLAYTON MOORE, a 8 4tw Trustee. Statement of .the Ownership, Manage-, r ment, Circulation, Etc., Required by , the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, of The Enterprise, published; semi-weekly, at Williamston, N. C., • for April, 1932. State of North Carolina, County of Martin, ss: Before me, a notary public in and ! for the state and county aforesaid, per sonally appeared W. C. Manning, who, {having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the 'editor of The Enterprise, and that the ! following is, to the best of his knowl ! edge and belief, a true statement of ; the ownership, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., ox i the aforesaid publication for the date | shown in the above caption, required Iby the Act of August 24, 1912, em ■. bodied in section 411, Postal Laws and ' Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: x . f 1. That the names and addresses of; the publisher, editor, managing editor, and busines managers are: Publisher, W. H. Booker, William ston, N. C; Editor, W. C. Manning, Williamston, N. C.; Managing editor, F. M. Manning, Williamston, N. C.; Business manager, W. C. Maning, jr., j | Williamston, N. C. 2. That the owners are: W. H.! Booker. S. M. Manning, F. M. Man ning, W. C. Manning, jr., all of Wil- j liamston, N. C. 3. That the known bondholders, | mortgagees, and other security hold-, ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort- ' gages, or other securities are: Branch I Banking and Trust Co., Williamston, j N. C. i 4. That the two paragraphs next a bove, giving the names of the owners, I stockholders, and security holders, if ; any, contain not only the list of stock- j holders and security holders as they appear upon the books of,.the company j but also, in cases where the stockhold-. er or security holder appears upon the ] books of the company as trustee or | %TIRE%^THRm I ! MILLIONS! FIRESTONE tires appeal to the thrifty. They give Extra Values at [ ths lowest prices ever known. Firestone do not manufacture tires under special brand names for mail order houses and others to distribute. Special brand tires are made without the manufacturer's name. They are sold without his guarantee or responsibility for service. [ You take no chances on Firestone tires. They are silent, safe, long > wearing and each tire bears the Firestone name, which is a guarantee of satisfactory service. Firestone's greater Extra VaIUPH GUM-DIPPED COUPS distributing make Tho FMmpotontod Go-Dipping proeT possible these greater •" ° r . . , ML tovgh, tinowy unit. Liquid rubb«t pantirotot Values and lower *vtry cord ond cooti «v«ry Ab*r, guarding [ nrires ogohnf lotomol friction ond hoot, greatly In- JF I a voting tho rtr.ngtH of tit* cord body, and Stop at our Store W J wfl giving lonar tiro Ufa. cut from Firestone ■ ] B TWO EXTRA CORD PLIES tires —special brand mail order tires and Others. 1 ake these two oxtro cord ptlo» oro m placed tw sections in your own WK hands compare prot«cHo«i again* puncture* ond blowouts. J If Mil o mow itondord lot Hto pcffofinci/Kt « NON-SKID TREAD "Fireatorl* it th*tlr« Sj V that taught thrift to for lo«0 ( (low woar. StMUcolly drwrgnod millions/» U-l COMPARE * QUALITY » CONSTRUCTION « PUCE Tirestone . i*' Ttresfone XBk COURIER TYPE J E A SENTINEL TYPE M m 2L^b tin buM MOm CK.rito rim ,i;l CMkrrtM MM* Cut Mm f M Ui Ttn hif* Ml H (Ml TW total ;* ■ ■ LillJll M>b* 4.40-21 S».OS $3.63 57.54 my p u 4.50-31 4*17 4.17 3*4+ ' 4.50-21 MS S.9S 7-74 wnßn 4.75-28 «.SS 5.20 IS.S9 i tu m „ sa , 1M BOUGHT >.SO-19| f.S9 5.59 155.44 « %i. " IN PAIRS ';H *•"1"* IjjjS ■■ "'I- -—L '~l— i , ■-■JL —l-L- 1 ■ !.. -.1. II '1 WW—HWIIII 1 ! 1 -JLMIWW—WW*-^ggßßi Firsusss rhMiwM niiiiiii fmm r|M>m FteMtass *»• "" °ni? "riir '»• rr °u?? **• ««• °?tir # ?jsj - OCaf ta CM. rrle. Cm. Mm -t ** "■ Cm. hkl Cm. Prk* -C " *• Cm. Mm COM _____ Im* rwtai Im» hiht tw hifo Ch.»roU« 4.50-20 S.lf !•.»• 2*j££ r 1 Smm 6.50-20 U M >4.*4 M 4.55-S1 9.4% IS.S4 J-S-T ■ # , U4». ! - Umoolm 7.00-20 1 4.49 II i| ss~-«.»». .. sari rag 32 —i. -1 fciltflU 6JS-U 14.H 55.44 Tt-ito # £fllr °jsS* ' S*?"**--- ' 6.04-19 IS.SS SI.S4 SOxSH.D. 41*.4f St«.«« wtniw-k. v Hup-wu. MJ». SSbS H.D.— 83— MM« *»»«» *• fetS:) 6.00-20 IS.ff St.l 4 sSSSn ftlS i&M - 6.04-21 XI.IS SS.S4 6.S£MHJ>! ti!)4 |t.M >u HD 7.50-20 H.ft. 54.4S SI.4S :.25-U 7.11 (4.44 "-tak. 6.00-22 lI.SS SS.SS »•••-» HD. 44.fS 45.4S « J I H.B. 9.75-20 H.D. 41.4 St SS.SS Williamston Motor Co. - —— WILLIAMSTON, H. C. —— — ~ L -— — T --'- DRIVE IN AND EQUIP YOUE CAR TOPAT flrtm f " VmM*a mt FU sslsws "goory Mondmar night mv*r N.B.C. n*tionu>Ule, toork ■: , , ■ • ** . 5 . - - 'S" r " % . in other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also' that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circum stances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustee; hold stock and |securities in ~a~eapeeity other than that~ of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other ; person, association, or corporation has j I any interest direct or indirect in the i said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. W. C. MANNING. Editor. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 29th day of March, f M. J.AIOYE. Public. » (My commission expires 8-30-32.) TRUSTEE'S SALE Under and by virtue of the authori ty vested in me as trustee in that deed of trust executed by Simon E. Corey and wife, Bessie Corey, on the 30th day of December, 1926, which deed of trust is duly recorded in book P-2, page 213, Martin County Registry, the same having been given to secure five I notes therein specified, and the said notes not having been satisfied, at the request of the owner thereof, l- shall expose to public sale to the highest | bidder, for cash, on Saturday, April ; 30,pi932, at 12 o'clock m., at the court- I house dpor of Martin County in Wil j liamston, N. C., the following tract | [or parcel of land; ! Beginning at a chopped black gum j on the run of Hazy Swamp about .40 | WHAT IS A BLADDER I PHYSIC? . A medicine that worjp on the blad der as castor oil on the bowels. Drives ;out impurities and excess acids that jcause irritation which results in get- 1 J ting up nights, frequent desire, burn- ; ing, leg pains and backache. BU 'KETS (S gr. Tablets) is a pleasant (bladder physic. | Get a 25c test box from your drug gist. After four days, if not relieved jgo back and get your money. You J will feel good after this cleansing and you get your regular sleep. Hark's Friday, April IS, 1932 yard* below the old road which crossed the swamp, thence N. about 52 1-2 de grees W. 30 4-5 poles to the center of the road; thence N. 1 3-4 degrees E. 20 poles up said road; thence N. 38 1-2 degrees W. 7,.68 poles to the moath of a ditch near the tobacco barn; thence N. 84 1-4 degrees W. 30 4-5 poles along said ditch to the comer of said ditch; thence westerly along an old path and * line of marked treaa to John E. Griffin's line; thence south erly along J. E. Griffin's line to the run of Ha*|fe Swamp; thence down the run of said swamp to the begin ning, containing 75 acres, more or less. This being the identical same tract con veyed (his day by the said D. B. Stal l lings to the said S. E. Corey. This the 30th day of March. 1932. IRA F. GRIFFIN, ' al 4tw Trustee. THURSDAY, APRIL 21st. 1932 DR. V. H. MEWBORN OPTOMETRIST Roberaonville at Fulmar's Drag Btorn, Tuesday After Third Sunday Kifh lfonth. Williamston at Atlantic Hotel, Wed nesday After Third Sunday Bach Month. Plymouth at O'Henry Drag Stare, Thursday After Third Sunday Bach Month. Eyea Examined Gleases Fitted Home Office Lost 20 Lbs of. Fat In Just 4 Weeks • | Mrs. Mae West of St. Louis, Mo., writes: "I'm only 28 yrs. old and 'weighed 170 lbs. until taking one box of your Kruschen Salts just 4 weeks ago. I now weigh 150 pounds. I also have more energy and furthermore I've never had a hungry moment." Fat folks should take one half tea spoonfijl of Kruschen Salts in a glass ;of -hot water every morning before breakfast—it's the SAFE, harmless way to reduce, as tens of thousands of men and women know. I For your health's sake ask for and get Kruschen at Clark's Drug Store, fine., the cost for a bottle that lasts 4 weeks is but a trifle and if after the first bottle you are not joyfully satis fied with results—money back,

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