Watch the Labal On Your Putt As It. Carries the Data Whan Your Subscription Expires VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 17 JAMESVILLE TAR HEEL FARMERS IN MEET FRIDAY Vocational Training Said To Be Worth More Than Any Other Education Vocational education is of far more value than any other type of training offered the youth of today, it was a greed at a meeting of the members of the Young Tar Heel Farmers' Club, Jamesville, their fathers, and a few invited guests held there last Friday night. The agricultural course, one of the most popular in the curriculum of the Jamesville school, is worth much to the community, considering dollar for dollar, it was declared by the young men, their fsthers and and visitors. The young farmers and a few in vited guests met to consider the vari ous problems before them and to en tertain their fathers and a few other invited guests at a rock stew and fish fry. The boys, aided by their moth erland sisters, are able entertainers, and there is no question to arise on thtt point. Daniel Manning, president of the class, ably presided over the qjieeting. and following a short busmeis session, the sumptuous dinner was enjoyed. After the meal several short talks were made by Professors Wx T. Over by and A. L. Pollock aniTA. Corey, W. C. Manning, Superintendent J. C. Manning, and several others, each pointing out the success of the agri cultural work in the school and com munity there. Fathers attending the meeting readily admitted they had learned many things from their boys whom they had given small independ ent crops. By close observation of the methods and practices of their sons, the£ had learned little things that make for economy and efficiency. The boys' club has "been the means of better farming, better livestock, and a very noticeable improvement in rur al homes in that section of the coun ty, k was said. There are more milk cows in the Jamesville section than in any other part of the county, accord ing to population. It is admitted in all the departments ! All members and visitors are cor- , that the agricultural group is doing dially invited to be present at this more and is worth more than any oth- meeting. A special musical pro er according to its cost. The boys gram will be given as a means of par have taken active parts in contests, , ticipating in the observation of Na- j and instruction and aid have been car- tional Music Week, which begins May ried to many farms for miles around. The school, as a whole, had an in teresting time with the achievement test* recently given there by Miss Nancy Devers, reports a general high average in the school. In the first grade, Arthur Wallace Lilley scored the highest average a bove the grade basis. CATCHING MORE FISH THIS WEEK Catches as Large is 6,000 Reported at Jamesville , Fishery Yesterday Seine fishermen in the Roanoke was reported the best of the season yes terday and today, when catches as large as 5,000 and 6,000 were made at a single haul at the Fleming fisheries at Camp Point and Jamesville. Num bers of rock and shad were being tak en, along with the thousands of her ring; caught, it was stated. Up until the last few days, fishing has been carried on at a loss by the fisheries, but prospects were brighter yesterday and today than at any time this season. Fisheries owners are said to have lost too much already to re port a successful season this year, al most regardless of the "luck" from now until the season closes.' Clear water made net fishing here unprofitable yesterday, but many nets were in the water all of last night, the fishermen reporting large catches. Local Junior Team Wins Two Out of Three Games ♦ Playing in Windsor last Saturday afternoon, the local junior baseball team won over Windsor's young boys 7 to 6, making two victoriel out of three. Reporting the victories, Charles H. Dickey, jr., said "we don't have a captain, we just get together and beat "em." The is composed of the following promising baseball stars: Charles Hall Dickey, the second; Raymond Matthews, Joe D. Thrower, the second; Clayton Moore, the sec ' ond; Shelbourne tHall, Thad Harrison, Jim Manning, Howard Cone, Eugene Ange. Sally Ann Bakery Goes Under New Management w Lewis Maning has taken over the management of the Sally Ann Bakery ncrc siivj is huw iiiakiiig jji j/ai auutia for its operations. Baking operations will ha under way about Friday, the management said. THE ENTERPRISE Saturday Is Last Day to File Applications for Seed Loans Farmers desiring to apply for money under the terms of the seed and feed loan act will have to file their applications before next Sat urday, the government having giv en notice that no loans will be considered after that data. Up un til yesterday 265 applications had been made by farmers in this coun ty, asking for more than J50,000 for financing farm operations dur ing this spring and summer. It was learned from the regis ter of deeds office here yesterday that 107 checks, amounting to $lB - had already been received and forwarded to that many applicants f SILHOUETTE v * An almost perfect silhouette of the Widow Zander, now Mrs. Tom Carr, in Sidney Smith's comic strip, was exhibited here yester day hy Game Warden J. W. Hinea, who found it in a log at a Goose Nest Township sawmill not so long ago. The profile silhouette, several inches thick, is about the sise of "Mrs. Carr'i" head, and haa her very striking characteris tics, especially the nose and chin. It was found in a gum log. WOMAN'S CLUB TO MEET FRIDAY Change Date of Meeting So Members Can Attend Celebration The April meeting of the Woman's Club will be held Friday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock instead of Thursday, the regular day for the meeting, it was announced tiday. The change was made because a number of members will attend the bicentennial celebra tion in Edenton Thursday, it was stated. 1 and continues through May 7 | The national music movement is for the purpose of stimulating the use of music of"the people, for the people and by the people, and as a means of re creation during the present depression or emergency. Mrs. Wheeler Martin, a former pcesilent of the local club, is State chairman of religious music in the federated clubs and in that ca- I / pacity she has conducted several ton tests over the radio from station WP TF in Raleigh. She will assist in the program at the local club Friday of this week. Mr. W. R. Watson, of the local schools, will make a short talk in con nection with the work being done in the schools here, and his remarks should be of much interest to the club members and visitors. Jamesville Boy Heads | Wake Forest Seniors | C. B. Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. ,R. O. Martin, of Jamesville, was elect 'ed president of the Wake Forest sen ior class last week. This is a coveted honor and attests the merit of young j Mr. Martin's popularity among "the young men of the institution, as well as among his friends in this county. | Mr. Martin is not a member of any 'fraternity there, his popularity winning >the election over A. V. Mashburn, jr., of Goldsboro. The presidency of a college senior class it a coveted honor, and ' one which any one should feel justly proud. Local School Committee Meets Tomorrow Night The local school committee, com posed of Mesrs. C. B. Clark, R. A. Critcher, Haywood Rogers, C. A. Har rison, and Joe Taylor, will select mem bers of the school faculty for the 1932- 33 term at a meeting tomorrow night in the high school building, it was learned this morning. Professor W. R. Watson was re elected at a recent meeting of the com mittee, but election of other faculty members was temporarily postponed. • Loses Finger in Accident At Mill Here Friday ♦ Joe Sam Taylor, workman for the Williamston Supply Company, lost one of his fingers and suffered bad bruises to one or two others last Friday aft erndba when his hand was caught in a planing mill at the plant of the com-| pany here. Mr. Taylor was stepping op on the machine when his foot slip ped, throwing his left hand into the planer. The man is fortunate in that he was not killed. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina» Tuesday, April 26, 1932 in this county. Many of the loans were reduced, the average of those already approved being around $175. A few were for S4OO, but none for a greater amount had been received up until yesterday, indicating that no big farmers had borrowed to carry on their farm ing operations. Very few more applications are expected here, but a goodly num ber of those applications made late will be investigated during the next several days, making it the middle of May, and probably even later, than that before the lend ing business will have been com jjleted in the county. PROCEEDINGS IN SUPERIOR COURT Three Cases Cleared From Crowded Docket Here Yesterday Going into its second ofsa two-weeks term, the Martin Count y\Superior court cleared three minor cases from its docket and started on a fourth here yesterday. Karly today the lawyers were speaking in the case of John S. Jenkins and Company against J. B, Cherry and Brother, a suit for $2,000. The next case scheduled is that of Carson against Taylor. A judgment in the sum of $37.50 was awarded Coy L. Roberson in his case against O. E. and J. L. Hardison. Annie Jones was given a S2O judg ment against the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows and Leona Williams was i awarded a judgment of S4OO a gainst the same order. Comparatively small crowds are at tending the sessions- this week, the cases being of very little public inter est. The court, created for the trial of | civil actions only, is being presided over by Judge Clayton Moore. It was the opinion of those acquaint ed with the procedure that the suits fo Edgar Johnson and Andrew Clark will hardly be heard this term. Masonic Meeting Will Be Held Here Tonight Th\ regular meeting of Skewarkee Lodge, No. 90, A. F. and A, M. will be held tonight at 8 o'clock, it was announced yesterday. While no work is scheduled for this meeting, several jimportant business matters will be presented to the members and a large attendance is requested. ISheriff C. B. Roebuck Gets Another New Title I' Sheriff C. B. Roebuck has had many 1 names bestowed upon him—"Charlie,"! **C. 8.," "Mr. Sheriff," "Sheriff," "Of-' ficer Roebuck," et cetera, since he has' been in office, but this week he was! addressed as' "Mr. Sears Roebuck,' Sheriff of Williamston, Williamston, 1 N. C." The letter was received from 1 another county. The Hon. Ehringhaus To | Speak Here Thursday at 8 A large hearing is expected for the Honorable J. C. B. Ehringhaus when| he speakes in the courthouse here Thursday night of this week at 8:00 o'clock, Mr. R. L. Coburn, manager of Mr. Ehringhaus' campaign in this countq, said at noon today. Mr. Ehringhaus, candidate for the governorship nomination against K. L. Fountain and A. J. Maxwell, will ad vance his platform upon which he is basing his claim for the nomination it is understood. I The public is' cordially invited to hear him. Catch Two Men at Liquor Distillery In Free Union Raiding in the Free Union section of the county for the first time in sev eral months, Federal Agents this morning picked up Tiller James and Daniel Pierce, both colored, at a liquor still. They are being given a prelimin ary hearing this afternoon before a United States commissioner: A fifty-gallon capacity kettle was taken and four gallons of whiskey and 500 gallons of beer were destroyed along with other manufacturing equip ment. • .Famous Comedian On the I Air for Texaco Tonight Announced by Graham McNamee ( ov«r Station WPTF and 59 other al lied atation, Ed Wynn, famous comed | ian and merry-maker, will go on the air tonight at 8:30 o'clock for the new TCMCO Fir* Chief gasoline. It is be lieved the laugh parader will royally entertain his hearers on this new pro gram. SEVENTH MONTH HONOR ROLL AT LOCAL SCHOOLS Names of 131 Pupils Appear On Honor List During The Past Month j A marked drive for scholastic at tainment was apparent in the local school during the seventh month, re cently ended, when 131 pupils met the requirements to have their names ap pear on the honor list. The list dur ing that month carries 17 more names than the one for the sixth month. The I names of the seventh month honor pu pils are as follows: Grade 1-A: Jim Critcher, George Cunningham, Joseph Dixjen, Gurganus, Joseph Gurganus, Jimmy Leggett, Franklin Lilley, Jimmie Man ning, Benny Weaver, Evelyn Griffin, Odell Harris, Lucille Jones, Patsy King, Mary Pope, Madeline Taylor, Dorothy Watson, Mary Hitch, Vir ginia Corey. . Grade 1- B: Sam Moore, Nannie Manning), Ractfael McC|aron, Doris Griffin, Emma Belle Ward. Grade 2-A: Anne Fowden, Susie Griffin, Bina Jackson, Betty Hoard, Mary C. Godwin, Carrie Jones, Mar'y L. Manning, Elizabeth Parker, Sibyl Roberson, Reg Griffin, S. C. Griffin, Haywood Rogers, jr., William Lilley. Grade 2-B: Edith Andrews, Sallie B. Griffin, Grace Manning, Katherine Roberson, William Pate, Delburt Whitaker, George H. Wynne. [ Grade 3-A: Martin Anderson, Ar thur Anderson, Stuart Critcher, Jerry Manning, R. J. Hardison, Joseph Thig pen, Emory McCabe, Jimmie Watts, Esther Rawls, Nancy Biggs, Nina Bland, Marjorie Dunn, Emma Dan iels, Katherine Morton, Frances White, Mary G. Osborne,. Sarah Tay lor, Dorothy Harrison. '... Grade 3-B: Josephine Andrews, Kathleen Andrews, l ave Gurganus, Grace Jones, Dare Ferry. tirade 4-A: Bill Ballard, Jerry Clark, llernice Cowen, Dick Dunti, Bob Ev erett, jr., Nettie Gurganus, Sallie G. Gorkin, Julian Jackson. Rachel Keel, Gordon Manning, Louise Melson, Doris Moore, Eleanof ■ Jaylor, James W. Ward, Virgil. Ward, Julia Watts, Reid White, Susie Whitley, Elbert Pcele, jr., Jack Edmondson. Grade 4-B; Delsie Godard, Mary E. Leggett, ' Grade 5-A: Grace Barnhill, Keg Manning, Nora Grimes, lola Griffin, Theltita, Griffin, Cottie M. Wynn, Ruth Shepard. Grade 5-B: None. Grade 6-A: Melrose Bonds, Addie L. Meador, Lois Taylor, Charles l)ickey, I'ete Egan, E. G. Wynne. Grade 6-B: None. s. Grade 7-A: Milton James, Brinkley Lilley, Ben. Manning, Clayton Moore, J. L. v Mohley, Edna Ballard, Bolten Cowen, Frances Cox, Marie Griffin, Al- Tic Harrison, Myrtle Price, Jean Watts. Grade 7-B: Lorene Weaver. Grade ft-A: None, Grade 8 B: Alta Critcher, Mary B. Edmondson, Eula Green, Alice Har rison, Blanche Harrison, Grace Man ning, Annie Wynn, Elizabeth Bishop, Billie Griffin, Lawrence I.indsley. Grade 9: Olive McCabe, Roger Critcher. . / . " Grade 10; Jennie G.-Taylor, Russell Roebuck, lrvin Griffin, Green, Louise Perry. Grade Hi Npne, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frank are ex pected home this week from Phila delphia where they have been visiting relatives for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Jule Barnhill. Misses Fay and Lela Brown Barnhill, of Everetts and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Barnhill, of Robersoriville, spent Sun day here with Mr. arid Mrs. Leman Barnhill. Not a single dairyman, trucker or diversified farmer ha* yet even made [inquiry about government seed loans in Catawba County. SEED FUND Th« seed fund was off to a fair •tart this week when friendi of the unfortunatea donated $6 that char ity aeelceri might plant aeed and harveat their own food. So far the demand for aeed haa been greater than the fund would care for, but donationa continue to come in, and it ia believed that a worthy work can be carried on under the plan. « Applicant* are hot given the money for the purchase of the aeed, but the seed are purchaaed and turned over to the applicants with careful instruction* aa to planting and cultivation. Any one wishing to aid the project may forward his or her donation to The Enterprise, where It will be handled to the very beet advantage for the c*iun unity*si needy, _ Large Number Tobacco Beds Are Destroyed By Blue Mold Primary Calendar For the convenience of voters of' Martin County, we are presenting the primary election calendar for 1932, as compiled by the State Board of Elec tions: April 22nd Last day for candidates for selection as the nominees of any political party for State, District, and Congressional offices (except for the office of State Senator) to file notice of candidacy 1 with the State Board of Elections. April 30th *"• Date of opening of the registration books by the registrars at the polling places at V a. ni. v for registration of new voters. Registration books are to remain ope-n for registration until sun set on every Saturday through Satur day. May 21st, for registration. May 20th Last day for candidates for selection as the nominees of any political party ; tor the office*of State Senator, mem ber of the House of Representatives, |Bnd County and Township offices to file notice of candidacy with the Coun ty Board of Elections. May 23rd j Last day for the chairmen of the county hoards of elections in the sena torial districts composed of more than |One county where there agree 'liienj as provided for in Section 6014 of the Consolidated Statutes to certify to every other chairman of the county .boards of elections in such senatorial district, the names of alt candidates I who have filed notice of candidacy in their respective county for the office of State Senator , May 25th Last day for statements of hires to he filed by candidates and cam paign committees. All candidates for PEOPLE SLOW | TO LIST TAXES Only Three More Days To Complete Task In This Township I hat "last-minute rush" predicted ill the listing of property in this county is now on in full hlooiu, according to reports heard here Jhis morning. List takers will find it difficult td accom modate the property owners without delay, hut they will do their best. With only three more days in which to list, Mr. Hoy T. Griffin, list-taker lor this township, said that hardly more than, two-thirds of the property owners had listed so far, hut that the waiting list would gradually increase and reach a climax Friday of this week the last day for listing. , - Late listing carries a penalty, and listing after Friday will be-looked up on as "late," it is understood. LEGION MEETING HELD LAST NIGtiT Will Meet Next Week with Post Members At Jamesville I The John Walton Hassell Post, No. 163, of the American Legiqn held a very successful meeting in the court house here last night with 25 members 'present. | A resolution favoring passage of the bill for immediate payment of adjust ed service certificates was passed and forwarded to Representative Warren and Seantors Cameron Morrison and J. W. Bailey in Washington City. According to information received from the meeting, the legionnaires are planning to establish room headquar ters here, a committee having been ap pointed to rent a hall or rooms. Thursday evening of next week, the post will be entertained by the James ville members at a fisfc fry there. Sev eral new members are expected to join at that time, and an invitation is extended'to others to join. Expect Arrests In Jesse Barnhill Killing Soon Arrests in connection with the mur der of Jesse Barnhill, young white man whose body .was found more than a week ago in the Flat Swamp church yard, were pending in Pitt County late yesterday, according to reports re ceived here this morning. Information surrouftding the developments could not be had other than that two or more arrest* were being considered by the Pitt County officers. 'State and District offices shall file sue statements with the Secretary of State, All candidates for State Senator in districts composed of only one coun ty, members of the House of Repre sentatives, and all county offices shall file such statements with the clerk of the superior court of their county. May 28th Day for the Registrars to attend the polling places with the' registration j -hooks, .from V a. in. until 3 p. m., when I and where the registration hooks shall be opened to the public for inspection for the purpose of challenges. June 4th Date of Primary Election. June 6th Day for the meeting of the county | I boards of elections at 11 o'clock a. m.' at the courthouse of the county to re-'" jceive the returns of the primary elec tion from the" registrars and judges of. [election of every precinct in the coun ty, at which time the county hoards of elections shall canvass the returns and declare the result's of the primary f election for all county and township officers and members of the House of Representatives. - *. June 24th I I.ast day for candidates to file state ments of expenditures with the secre tary of state and the clerk of the su-, perior court, same as shown "fo'r May I 25th above. July 2nd Date for second primary election, i where same is necessary. July sth » -Day for the meeting nf»--the-county r boards of election where a second pri niary is held, to canvass the returns,! declare the results, and to make out! proper abstracts of the election. COSTS OF FILING Although many candidates have announced themselves for nomina tion to the various offices in this county, none has filed with the chairman of the County Board of elections, it was learned from Mr. Sylvester, chairman, this week. Filing fees each for the of fices of sheriff, register of deeds, and representative in the General Assembly; $1 each for commis sioners and members of the coun ty board of education. ry ooara oi education. UNUSUAL CAUSE OF FALSE ALARM ♦ Errand Boy Mistakes Fire Alarm Control Box for Electric Light Switch Mistaking an alarm control .box fori a light switch, Gus Purvis, Colored em-l | ployee of the Culpepper Hardware Company here, turned in a false fire call last Saturday when lie was sent to one of the firemen's rooms on an errand, l'urvis pushed the button, and the siren, howled. He pushed another that turns off the electricity, but when ( the siren continued to howl'from the) momentum gained from the first push, | he pushed the starting button again, | it was said. Firemen rushing to the i apparatus tuned in with Purvis at aj down-stairs control box and a pro- j .longed blowing followed. All the vo{-1 unteers reached the station to learn the nature of the alarm. . A truck, and the apparatus was carried: out (or repairs after the first false , alarm had been thoroughly explained, j DOGS MUST BE J BE VACCINATED, Dogs Running Loose Are Subject To Be Killed ! | Unless Vaccinated. ♦ j i Dogs running loose in town will ! either have to he shut up or vaccinal- ; ed, it was ordered by the police de- 1 partment this week. Under existing i 'town laws, owners are required to shut 1 their dogs in until next September uti- j 1 less they are vaccinated ' ! frc owners found it inconvenient! I to shut their dogs in, they can have ' them vaccinated, Chief W.- B. Daniel I stating that he would handle the work i for the vaccine. A tag will be placed on the collar of every dog vaccinated, i and those running loose and without I tags will be killed, it was stated. I Advertiser* Will Pad Our Col ami • Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Hon** ESTABLISHED 1898 MANY FARMERS WILL ABANDON CROP ENTIRELY Disease Expected To Drop Acreage from 30 to 40 Percent in County A large percentage of the tobacco plants in this county has already lieen destroyed and all ac cording to an extensive, survey made by The Enterprise over the week-end. Many' farmers were found who had plowed up their beds and canceled their fertilizer orders. Just how large a decrease will In* effected in the crop as a result of the disease could not be determined, estimates varying from 30 to 45 per cent of a normal crop, based on tjie damage already done. "Spray tobacco plant beds with cop per sulphate and lime in the proper proportions by all means and under all existing conditions," was a second I important warning issued by County i Agent l\. B. Brandon today. The pois e>n might not be a 11)0. per cent preven tative, the agent explained,' bijt he did not hesitate to strongly contradict, the (racket going around that plants were dying for moisture and that there was 'no such thing as blue mold. Hang wet clothes in a closet and they will'mildew; hang dry clothespin a closet and they qre not likely to mildew, the agent said in'explaining that the same condition will hold for plants. Ihe water used along with the poison mixture should be sufficient, and no nfore water should be thrown on them, the agent declared. 1 he blue mold situation is extreme ly serious, and farmers are advised to follow flic instructions of those peo | pie who have studied the disease, j Hants, where the size justifies the .Vtiitk, should be-transplanted soon aft ler they have been sprayed. To thin I out the bed gives, the other'plants a j better chance to grow. But. by all means spray them every other day. • Accusations have been directed agailist this advice, some farmers de claring that it was advanced to sell ( the poisons. It is a dangerous and j costly accusation; ' 'I hese poisons are cheap and arc being sold at close mar gins. It has been proved right here m .this v'ounty that the mixture does not kill the plants, and any farmer .using it does not stand as big a chance jof losing his plants as the one who does not use it. Spraying on a large scale was plan ned iiver the week-end, reports receiv ed yesterday and today indicating that virtually all farmers whose plants have not already been killed arc taking every precaution mentioned in an ef fort to check the disease- f —Over in Beaufort County, one re-~ | sponsible farmer says there is no such thing as the blue mold, hut the theory ■ advanced is just about the opposite of I that advanced by th eState Depart ,f.'t Agriculture-. This farmer says j that plants are dying for lack of mois | ture, but over here plant beds prepared in low spots and near water have been attacked by the disease, i The State department advises farm ers to use the liordeaux jnixture and spray the plants. The tieaufort Coun >ty farmer has the following to say, according to- a story carried iu the Washington Progress last week: '"The tobacco plants need moisture— that s all they need. We haven't had a good" rainfall in a long time. The beds have been in a pulverized condi tion and when the plants began to .come up, the roots were unable to j supply them with the proper degree of j moisture. My advice is to keep all [chemicals off these 'plains. Hyt all * ;Conrmentre Tft" once and "Water | liberally each afternoon about 6 o'- | clock until is some rainfall to supply moisture. If this is done, us ing plenty of water, there will be no further trouble with your plants. "All this talk about 'blup mold' is nothing but a lot of rubbish. Nor is there any other disease having any efleet on your plants. They are mere ly dying from lack of moisture. I have made this 'statement to more than a score of farmers. They have gone back home, watered their plants and have come back to tell me that they are all right now. If the farm ers throughout this section will just see to it that their plants get plenty of water, they will have no reason to complain about the condition or qufdi- . ty oi 'their plants." Begin Holiness Revival at Local Church Tonight » The Rev. Jerome Hodges, of Golds boro, is beginning today a two-weeks meeting in the HnlincpV church on the A Hamilton road here this evening. Serv ices will be conducted each night, and the public is cordially invited to at tend. ,