PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Pnbikbad Every Tuesday and Friday by The ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMSTON. WORTH CAROLINA. jjf t C, m«milii| «. Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year ' 1 Six months ; - OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY * 12.00 One year Six month® . No Subscription Received for Lets Than 6 lionuii Advertising Rate Card Furniahed Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamson, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Address ait communications to The Enterprise and not to the individual members of the nrm. Tuesday, April 26, 1932 tSmmSSS^^sesss^Kßsatssssss^sssssak^ Whein Anybody Can Save State officials are saying a lot about lowering the cost of the schools this year under state administra tion. We would not for a moment deprecate the serv ice the state has rendered, but it is very easy to see I where the saving has been—practically all in salary 1 cuts of teachers. If a comparison could be drawn, there is no doubt ; but that there are many other businesses in the state that have operated with a greater ratio of saving than the schools. The merchants have cut more, the farm ers have cut more, the lawyers, the doctors, the print ers, have all cut heavy and deep, thereby saving large sums. And it might have been that the old system would have saved a large sum, too. Anybody will save when they arc forced to do so. • V >*> . nf ' i .■) ' Sweated Too Much Already Mr. Charlie Schawb, the great steel magnate, is going to sweat us again. He says, "The country will -i pull out by one means —sweat." That is a tough pill to put in the Jnouths of far mers and laborers who have already sweated them selves to starvation and to death. Mr. Schwab says, "There are no rich men in America, 1 am afraidi Every man is afraid. I don't know. We don't know whether values we have now are going to be real next month or not." Still Mr. Schwab wants to sweat the folks some more. The truth is that Mr. Schwab is not a good doctor. He and his gang have sweatee! the folks too much al ready, and they are dying in their weakness and poverty. The only trouble in business today is be cause a few manufacturers, banks and trust combina tions have robbed and bled the producers too much already and now the people are sweated weak and bled dry; they are losing their homes by the hundreds of thousands. It would be better for the masses if the wealth of the giants was scattered to the four winds of heaven than to have to sweat and bleed under the lash of task masters. The accumulation of great wealth by those who dared oppress has generally meant destruction and perhaps Mr. Schwab has ground for his opinion that ODD ~BUT TRUE Ki If/tit* . _ ¥ 1 , ' " ' c3Ck' If iwwJ&woum cmmu m i*m\ OH tw ?\* * wjwm> ■|p 1 \1 I Ctf&UMft KHQ COUNT. M * Ml |\\ 'KHttlWUM'.fO* THE *ft\% Mil fcUWi m* M k *i*fcTW. ■ I I n "***»«* wwwwim * *t«n count t*t «^i.jcfT> OKWtIW WW 'foftUlltott - _- tf UK mvxt * K HIOHT «• *» ' *» • —" * i'"** > ■""* •'■m | ifi>« 1 r 1 ■.■» „,,.■■■ ~ ".i in i i . « ■■•■» . .n. " ■»— "' "' • ' T"*" .i. v .1... v ,*. ■»' ■■ ■«■■■ »■" ■■iiiiite/ the great fortunes have beerf built on extortions press ed upon the backs of the laborer is about to topple. It takes "justice, mercy and truth to build a fortune that is safe and sound. Wealth may be a profitable servant, but it moat ■= eastr wealth has been mail's liardeM mnatcr.-— ~~ * j Time For Another Draft America met her last emergency by a draft. Let's meet our present crisis with another draft. Just 15 years ago we heard that overseas a great battle was raging, which, if not checked, would mean the loss of our Commerce, and perhaps our homes on this side of the seas might be endangered and the overseas investments of the wealthy Americans might be destroyed. • • To avert such a calamity, we Americans, of one accord, got behind the draft bill, which called for all the best young men-in"the country to come up to headquarters and register for service. They were ex amined and all who were found fit were set aside and dedicated to the submarines, the torpedo, the machine guns, the shrapnel, the poison gas. They were re quired to give their bodies and their blood, to the last drop if necessary, to guarantee the people of this coun try happiness and freedom from the hand of an op? I pressor. So far, nobody has complained about the draft nor the war, and we crushed Germany. I Now, we have a new picture: of people in idleness; business stagnation that is appalling; we | have mothers who are mourning their fat e of starva | tion and homelessness that is myre appalling, that the | sorrow for lost sons on the battlefields of France. We need another draft—or conscription—because ) we are face to face with a more serious condition than ' when we went to war in 1917. We need to draft the j wealth of those who have it to take care of the poor and pay the taxes. Of course, this idea will be called communistic and undemocratic—and the rich will howl at such a prospect—yet we submit if it was right to draft the sons of the fathers and mothers of this country in 1917, to sacrifice their lives for the honor of the country, that it is just as fair and just as hon orable to take from great wealth enough of the pelf that has been squeezed from the brow of labor to the taxes of the country. Every man who comes up asking the votes of the people should be required to tell the voters whether or not he stands for the cost of government staying on the shoulders of the poor, or whether he stands for raising the taxes on incomes of th e wealthy. Electric Power Is a Big Asset Beaufort News. t A recent report of the Department of Conservation * and Development shows that North Carolina still leads the South in the production of electric power. Production last year was somewhat less than the year before, probably due to a decreased demand, but it was still ahead of all Southern rivals. A total of prac tically two million kiowatt hours was produced from * water power. - —' When business begins to improve, no doubt the de mand for eectric power will increase, and the big companies yperating in the State will be able to sup ply whatever is needed. The ability to get power on reasonable terms means a great deal for the manufact uring industry in North Carolina and for the welfare of all the people. North Carolina already ranks very high in manufacturing and its industnes will continue to expand. Like other kinds of business manufact uring has been taking a little breathing s|>ell, but it is getting its second wind now and will soon be going stronger than ever before. THE ENTERPRISE TONSIL AND ADENOID CLINICS— Since there will be no tinsil and ade noid clinics foe school children put on by the State- Board of Health this year, Dr. C. J. Sawyer, eye, ear, nose and throatspeciabst, of Windsor, N". C., announces that beginning Monday, April 18th, he will conduct such clin ics at the Red Cross Emergency Hos —■ Windsor, N. C., and continuing until further notice. Fee, sls. A cer tain number of adults taking local an aesthetic will be taken care of at | same price during this time if special j appointments are made. Arrangements I for operations should be made at least two days before clinic days. Number of patients limited to 10 each clinic day. Patients not limited to any one county. a 8 8t CANDIDATE'S CARDS FOR SOLICITOR Democratic voters of Martin Coun- . j ty: I hereby declare myself a candi-! I date for the nomination as solicitor of the recorder's court of Martin County, • 'subject to the primary next June 4. j If 1 am nominated and appointed, I ( i assure the people of Martin County j that my every effort will be put forth j in upholding the laws of our county | and State. I | HUBERT COBURN. j FOR COMMISSIONER 1 hereby announce myself a candi- i date for the nomination as county com- | j missioner of Martin, subject to the | Democratic primary June 4. I assure | | the vote?S of Martin County that any ' support accorded *me in the coming ] primary and election will be sincerely I appreciated. In the past I have will | ingly and untiringly always worked in j | the interest of our t and its 23,- j i 400 people, and if nominated and elect | ed I pledge -my continued and earnest 'efforts in their'behalf. T. C. GRIFFIN. FOR RECORDER Subject to the Democratic primary to be held June 4, 1932, I hereby an : nounce my candidacy for the nomina | tion as judge of the Martin County : Recorder's Xourt. My experience in i the court duSfng the past several years ! thoroughly acquaints me with its func tions, and if nominated and elected, I j pledge my best efforts in dispatching j the business coming before me. Any I support accorded my candidacy will be ! appreciated. | j H O. PEEL. FOR COMMISSIONER I At the request of my friends, I here by announce my candidacy for the of- I fice of county commissioner, subject Sto the action of the Democratic pri mary to be held in June. ■ -T * . . H. C. GREEN. i\~V ANNOUNCEMENT | T hereby announce myself a candi date for .the recorder's court judgeship of Martin County, subject to the Dem ocratic primary to be held June 4, j 1932. During the past 16 years I have j gained much information relative to | court procedure through my work as justice of die peace. Support of my candidacy for judge of the recorder's !court in Martin County by her citi ! Zens will be much appreciated, and if I am elected I pledge myself to run the court in fairness to all and to the very best of my ability. C. B. RIDDICK. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Subject to the will of the people in the Democratic Primary of June 4, 11932, I hereby announce my candidacy I for the nomination of commissioner •of Martin County,-assuring the citizens .if I am nominated and elected, my 1 'best efforts..ijp.dispatching the business j |of th* county on the most economic J and sound basis humany possible. j VAN G. TAYLOR. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS: j I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Register of Deeds of Martin County, subject to the Demo cratic primary to be held June 4, 1932. If nominated and elected, I promise: to render the service required and ef fect atmsaving in the office that I can. I belftve the taxpayers are justified in wanting the cost for service in this and other offices of the county re | duced. I The salary, being fixed by the legis j lature, will require another act to, change it, which I will request at the next session. Until it is changed, and while the taxpayers' income is,so great ly reduced and the income from the farms, of which our county is largely composed, is so low, and*while pover ty and unemployment exist to the ex tent that it does now, I will donate one-third of the salary to the poor and unfortunate people of the county. L. J, HARDISON^ FOR CORONER I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination as coroner of Martin County, subject to the Democratic pri mary June 4, 1932. Any support ac corded me will be greatly appreciated. S. ROME BIGGS. FOR COMMISSIONER I' Ifereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination of commis sioner of Martin County, subject to the Democratic primary "to be held June 4, next. Any and all support given my candidacy will be greatly welcomed, and I assure the voters that if I am nominated and elected, it will be my aim to continue to render the county and its people the very best service of which I am capable of ren dering. J. E. POPE. NOTICE OF SALE OP REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 29th day of September 1925, by Freddie Harrell and Alice Harrell to the undersigned trustee and of rcbrd in the public registry of Martin County in book Q-2, at page 433, said deed having been given for the purpose of securing a note of even date and tenor therewith, default hav ing been made in the payment of same, and at the request of the holder of same, the undersigned trustee will, on Monday, the Itrth day of May, 1932, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the court house dooT'Tti North Car olina, offer for sale to the highest bid der, for cash, the following described real estate, to wit; Beginning at a- rtak* on Commerce Street, 150 feet northeast of Cherry Street, the course of J. H. Ay era lot, thence in a southeasterly course with J. H. Ayers line 160 feet to a corner, J thence with J. T. Daniel's line 60 feet •H: ' . \ ' , ..• . - . I in a southwesterly course parallel with Commerce Street to a stake in J. T. Daniel's' line, thence with J. 7, Dan • iel's line 160 feet parallel with Cher ry Street to a stake in Commerce i Street, thence with Commerce Street 60 feet to a stake, the beginning, con jtaining- by estimation xme-eighth. an acre, be the same more or less, and j being the same house and lot we now ! live on. —- This the 15th day of April, 1932. P. H. /COUNCIL, *l9 4tw Trustee. , j Elbert S. Peel, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE ' Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust exe cuted by E. T. Bateman and wife, Katherine Bateman, to the undersign ed trustee, and dated the 27th day of November, 1931, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book C-3, at page 492, and at the re quest of the holder of the note of in debtedness thereby secured, default 'having been made in the payment 'thereof, I will, on the 9th day of May, i 1932, at 42 o'clock noon, at the court- I house door in Martin County offer I for sale at public auction, for cash, the property described in said deed of trust, as follows, to wit: I All of thrir right, title and interest in and to: A tract of land in James .ville Township, bounded on the north jby the James ville-Plymouth River 'Road, on the east by the Daily Road; 'on the south by the lands of E. H. LGayiord, and on the west by Rowes ! Creek, containing fifty-one acres, more .or less. This the Bth day of April, 1932. W. H. COBURN, •a 12 4tw Trustee. I NOTICE ' North Carolina, Martin County. I Having this day qualified as admin istrator of the estate of Joseph R. Gor ham, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said es ta'te to present same to the undersign ed or his attorney within 12 months Ifrom the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 26th day of March, 1932. JOHN W. CLARK. nir29 6tw Administrator., 306 E. North' St., Kinston, N. C. Elbert S. Peel, Attorney. - EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as execu tor of the estate of Elizabeth Simp son, late of -Williams,ton,' N; C., all per/ sons holding claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned or this notice I will be pleaded in bar of the recovery of A the All persons indebted to said estate Vill please come forward and make immediate payment of same. F. G. BAGLEY, Executor of the Estate of Elizabeth j Simpson. , | Coburn and Coburn, attorney. al9 6t NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL 1 PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in certain deed of trust executed on thfe 3rd day of June, j 1929, by N. F. Brown to the under signed trustee and of record in the ( ' public registry of Martin County in' book P-2, at page 509, said deed of trust having been given for the pur pose of securing a note of even date and tenor therewith, default having been made in the payment of same and at the request of the holder of same,; ! the undersigned trustee will, on Mon day, the 16th day of May, 1932, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse dooor in Williamston, North Carolina, offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate to wit: Beginning at a stake on Commerce Street, T. W. Davenport's corner, thence with Commerce Street 209 feet 1 to an iron stake, thence with Casper J brothers' line in a westery course 202 1-2' feet to an iron stake, thence with j Casper brothers' and Casandra Hy nian's line in an easterly course 237 1-2 feet, thence a southeastern course 162 feet with T W. Davenport's line to the stob in Commerce Street, the The Best Reason IN ALL THE WORLD WHY YOU SHOULD USE Phillips Veri-Best Fertilizers ON YOUR FARM THIS YEAR HERE IT IS- Of all the tobacco sold on the Greenville To bacco Market last year, price of all was grown with the aid of— \ Phillips Veri- Best Fertilizers_Jfl^aKj NO MATTER HOW HARD WE TRIED— ... • • • We could not give you a better reason why you should use our fertilizers on your farm this year. ; * MANUFACTURED BY Phillips Fertilizer Co. - NORTH CAROLINA . ' ; - ' • •• ■ I' - , - ■■ ' " - . r * \ .. . beginning, and containing one acre, be the tame more or eu. For further description see deed to Mrs. Lou Brown, of record in book G-l, at page 1 274 of Martin County record*. This the ISth day of April, 1932. A. R. DUNNING. itf lir ■ : Trustee. Fbert S Peel, attorney. NOTICE OP SALE Under and by virtue of a judgment of the Superior Court of Martin C oun_ ty in an action entitled "C. B. Has sell et al vs. Planters and Merchants Bank et al," and under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust dated November 20, 1928, and of record in the Register of Deeds' office in book P-2, page 374, the undersigned commissioners will on the 16th day of May, 1932, at 12 o'- clock noon, in front of the courthouse door of Martin County, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing described land: A house and lot in .the Town of I Chevrolet Owners _ ; . I —Jfc* : r : ' Believing you want the very best workman ship, tuning up, and care of your Chevrolet auto mobile possible, we are calling your attention to our— * , SERVICE DEPARTMENT where two expert and well-trained mechanics, the Messers. Geo. Moore and Walter Mizelle will give you a satisfactory service fully guaran teed by us. We earnestly think we can give you satisfactory Chevrolet service, and cordially sup port your business. We Have Recently Been Appointed Chevrolet Agents for this immediate territory, and we are stocking parts for the various models, assuring our customers a satisfactory service with as little inconvenience as is humanly possible. Call to see us, and if your car needs tuning up, washing, greasing, or oiling, we can do it, and do it to your satisfac tion. i • -• - -• -t - • ■ Yours very truly, > «» Gro - More Transfer Co. * WARREN EVERETT, MANAGER r , . Tuesday, April 26,1932 Williamston, N. C., bounded on the north by R. E. Roberson house and lot, on the east by Watts Street, on the south by Main Street, and on the west by the late S. S. Hadley house and lot, and being the same house and lot now occupied by said C. B. Has sell and wife. ■ . This 14th day of April, 1932. B. A. CRITCHER, . A. R. DUNNING, al9 4tw Commissioners. DR. V. H. MBWBORN OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Oh—w Fitted Robersonville at Fulmer's Drag Store, Tuesday After Third Sunday Each Month. Williamston, at Davis Pharmacy, on Wednesday After Third Sunday of Such Month. Plymouth at O'Hsnry Drug Store. Thursday After Third Sunday Barh Mouth. At Tarboro. N. C., Every Friday and Saturday

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