Witch the Label On Yoor Paper Aa It. Carriaa tha Date Whan YCHJT Sobacriptkm Expire* VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 18 136 SEED LOANS MADE IN MARTIN COUNTY TO DATE 139 Applications Are Now Pending Approval In Washington City Thirty more checks, borrowed from the Federal seed and feed fund, were being mailed from the office of the reg ister of deeds here today, bringing the total received to 136, and represent ing a total amount of $23,565.* Ap proximately 275 applications have been mad* by farmers in this county for the government loans, 8 or 10 having been filed sirice- last Tuesday. Nearly all the applications have been exam ined and approved by the local com mittee, Messrs. S. C. * Griffin, C. D. Carstarphen, and W. C. Manning. Mr. Claudius Dockery, government repre sentative, is checking the loans as fast as he can, and it is hoped that all checks will have been received in the county by the middle of next month or a few days thereafter. Tomorrow is the last day for filing loan applications, but it is believed that the borrowing is about over. The government fund, $50,000,000, has been exhausted, it was learned yes terday, but additional loans are being made, the last reports stating that more than $51,000,000 had been lent to the farmers of the country. Many of the loans received in this county have been reduced by the of ficials in Washington, and it is be lieved thit* the heavy demand for money was the main cause for many of the reductions. FINALS PROGRAM IS OUTLINED FOR OAK CITY SCHOOL Last of Closing Exercises Will Be Held There Next Friday Night Oak City (Special).—The annual commencement sermon for the Oak City High School will be preached Sunday night by Mr. R. L. Smith, Baptist minister of the Hamilton church. The aervices will be held in the school auditorium at 8 p. m. On Wednesday evening, May 4, the pupils of the primary department, un der the direction of Misses Tew, Mal lard and Newton, will give an oper etta, entitled "A Day in Flowerdom." The grammar grades will present on the same evening "On the Road to Moonlight Town," directed by Misses Woodward, Holloway, and Pittman. On Thursday evening the seventh grade will present a playlet entitled "Gradatim," and seventh grade certifi cates will be presented. The latter part of this program will be given by |he seniors presenting a play of stunts entitled, "The Rejuvenation of Uncle Hi." On Friday evening the graduating exercises, the commencement address by Dr. I. M. Mercer, of the Depart ment of the Bible of Meredith College, and presentation of diploma* by Sup erintendent J. C. Manning will fea ture the evening'* program. The member* of the graduating class are a* follows, and their yearly aver age*: Thelma Haitlip, valedictorian, 92 l-4j Ruth Fear*on, salutatorian, 91 3-4; Olive Tyson, Naomi Harrell, Dor othy Hine*. and Hazel Davi*, 91; Mary Punri*, 86; Benjamin Wor*ley, 84; Bogue Slade, 81; Edwin Deal, 80; Hannibal Purvi*, 79; Donald Hyman, 76; Woodrow Tyson, William Daven port, Fred Barrett, and Hackney High, 75. The claas mascot i* Bobbie House. Usher* a* follow*: Avril Woodley, El wood Bennett, Che**ie Piland, Fran cis W«rstejr. 1 - Judge Bailey Announces tor Solicitor County Court Judge J. W. Bailey announced to day that he will not »eek re-election as Judge of the Recorder's Court, but that he will be a candidate for the of fice of solicitor of the court, the judge'* announcement being the sec ond, develops another contest in Mar tin's politics. The Recorder'* Court, having both civil and criminal jurisdiction, the judge of the court it unable to accept employment in any case not originat ing in the superior court where as the datiei of solicitor do not conflict with general civil practice nor with crim inal practice in certain cases, which the present judge, no doubt, consider ed in making his announcement to day. Honor Pupil's Name Left Off Roll Through Error ♦. Reporting the local school honor roll lasT Ticsday, the name of Tlarina Hines, eleventh grade pupil, was left out through error. The honor is more distinctive, since she was the only one inlier gride to meet the requirements, and her aaase is gladly carried here. THE ENTERPRISE Blue Mold Now Practically All Of County Toba A. COREY ■ Hr According to information re ceived here this morning, Mr. Corey is planning to announce for the State Senate within the next day or two. CHURCH PAVING ASSESSMENTS IS MOOT QUESTION Question Is Scheduled For Discussion at Meeting of Board Monday Night Whether the local town commission ers will relieve the various churches of the town of paying paving assessments is scheduled as one of the most im portant questions faring that body when they meet next Monday night. It is also understood that the local masonic lodge, an eleemosynary insti tution, will appeal for relief, action on the lodge officials' part pending the outcome of the requests of the relig ious bodies. The last legislature passed a law em powering the local authorities to lift the assessments or let them continue, but no official action has ever been taken in the matter. The question has been debated often since the act of the legislature was passed, some main taining that it is unfajr to lift a burden froni the shoulders of those who are better ab|f to pay and nJace it on the shoulders of those less anle to pay, the case of the day laborer who is now working for the meager sum of 75 cents and $1 a day being cited. It is a knotty problem, for some of the assessments have not been paid while others have been paid. If the assessments are canceled, the general tax rate is certainly to bob up and so on, but thanks to the law for creating boards of commissioners to handle such difficult problems. Another problem centers around the tax sales. Whether to postpone an'd proceed with the sale is also scheduled for action next Monday. REV. A. COREY TO RUN FOR SENATE Plans to Make His Formal Announcement Within the Next Few Days According to reliable information re ceived here.today, the Rev. A. Corey, I preacher, lecturer, and politician, of is considering running for ithe Stale Senate. Mr. Corey could not be reached in time for a confirmation 'of the report, but it is understood'that ,he is planning making a formal an' nouncement within the next day or two. His candidacy will develop a contest for that office, Messrs. Carl L. Bailey, of Washington County, and A. D." Mac Lean, of Beaufort .County, having announced for the Senate from this district several weeks ago. | Mr. Corey, now SO years old, was born and reared on a farm and has all j his life maintained a close contact with ' the land. During the past 25 years he , has traveled over the State, and fori 10 years he has served as Senate en-| grossing clerk, gaining a first-hand | knowledge of legislative activities while. V drawing and proof-reading a large per-| centage of the bills placed before the legislature. He has also, in his spare time, lectured throughout the State in behalf of the Modern Woodmen of America, and addition to that he has occupied the pulpit. He has surveyed lands all over Eastern North Carolina and is well known in political and legislative circles. ___ According to the Information gained here this morning, Mr. Corey has al ready prepared his campaign speeches and is planning to ad{res* the voters in as many counties in the district as Is possible. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, April 29,1932 50 PER CENT CUT ; IN ACREAGE IS NOW EXPECTED i Continue To Spray and Set Out As Soon As Possible Advises County Agent [ Latest reliable estimates received here indicate a 50 per cent reduction in j the tobacco acreage in Martin County I this season, the drastic decrease result ing mainly from the blue mold. The 50 per cent decrease estimate is a con servative one, many farmers declaring the reduction will be 60 per cent as ; compared with last year's crop. It is generally believed that many farmers were planning to voluntarily decrease their tobacco acronge this year. This voluntary decrease might have been made a reality without the blue mold making its appearance. The cut is no longer voluntary; it is com pulsory, and just because it is com pulsory nearly every farmer is doing his utmost to transplant every pos sible acre. However, there is no dan- ger of an overproduction in this to bacco belt, regardless of efforts to plant every acre possible to the crop, for the blue jnold has played havoc with plants everywhere. It is believ ed that hot more than a dozen beds have escaped the disease, and it is fur ther believed that if that dozen were closely examined the disease would be found in them. Farmers generally are at ji loss as to what to do, and all kinds and types of farming have been reported. Some arc transplanting a row or two at a time in an effort to get the plants out of the beds before the disease strikes. Others have transplanted the crop with the blue mold on the plants, hoping that the scattering of the plants ami new dirt will check the disease. Still others have transplanted, using no fer tilizer for fear the plants will die. And still others have used only one-half "as much fertilizer as they would under ordinary circumstances, and so on and The disease has been referred to as animals, the work of the Maker, and another depression blow. "The blue moles has got me," a colored tenant informed his landlord this week. 'Tome quick," he pleaded. A few farmers questioned yesterday were of the opinion that spraying did no good, that their plants were dying regardless of repeated poisoning. Oth ers say if you don't spray the disease will get your plants. The majority, according to the best information ob tainable,.is continuing to,,fight the blue mold with repeated spraying of the llordeaux mixture. Dry land and strong wifids haye not been very encouraging to those farm ers who have started transplanting. With the blue mold, dry land, the winds, and a shortage of plants to start off with, it remains to lie seen wheth er Martin County farmers will raise an acre of tobacco. Over in Pitt County,' farmers who have plants are said to be guarding their beds with shot guns against thieves. No violence has'been report ed around the beds, however. Down south in Georgia and South Carolina drastic reductions are being reported, Georgia estimates varying from 20 to 45 per cent of a normal crop. South Carolina fartners are said to be experiencing the destruction of the blue mold, only much worse than in this state. Norman G. Phelps, Bertie County Man, Ends Life Norman G. Phelps, prominent Ber tie County man, killed himself at his home in Colerain early today, ac cording to reports received here. De tails surrounding the suicide could not be learned, but it is understood that financial reverses were responsible for tfie rash act. Mr. Phelps owned and operated the Colerain Supply Company and was a member of the Bertie County Board of Commissioners. ANNUAL SERMON I The commencement sermon will. be preached at the local high school auditorium Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock religious serv ice hour. Following an established cus tom, there will be no morning church services in any of the churches- it is nndrrttnod This year the Memorial Baptist church is responcibls for die ser mon and special music. The pas tor at this church announce# that there will be no church service in the Baptist church Sunday night. TOS. W. WARD SUPERIOR COURT HANDING DOWN MANY DECISIONS Born in Williams Township in 1846, Mr. Ward died at his home in the Flat Swamp section early this week. SEED FUND FOR UNFORTUNATES GROWS SLOWLY Unfortunates Warned To Start Looking Out for Themselves ——- — | The fund established in an effort to provide seed for unfortunates is pro gressing steadily, although no large sums have been donated thus far. jCounty Commissioner Joshua L. Cvl . train stated, this week ho had a sur plus of field peas on hand and that he will gladly donate them for the use of the unfortunates, lie lias delivered two and one-half bushles already and they will be passed on to worthy applicants. The cash fund passed the $9 mark yesterday, and i( is hoped that a suf ficient amount of money can be raised to care for the seed needs of those who have *been entirely and now in part dependent upon charity' for a liveli hood. Names of those donating to the fund 'his week arc being withheld by request, but any donations will be publicly acknowledged through The Knterprise columns. Applicants are being warned to care fully plant ami cultivate the gardens made possible tlnoUgh the fund, or tliey are subject to face starvation plat er on. And tljose who- have thrived at the expense of charity during the past several months and who have not done so are warned to apply for seed and start digging for themselves. En ; terprise readers acquainted with un fortunate cases will aid by directing the less fortunates' atten tion to the free seed and assist the needy in starting gardens of their own where humanly possible. After large groups of unfortunates called at this office and upon the local welfare workers here ior tbe bare ne cessities of l>te almost every day dur ing the past winter, it was decided to establish tbe seed fund that the calls might be substantially reduced next fall and winter. An open challenge is made tu wty 4toia-Counly citizen to hack this movement and see that Martin's unforunates turn to their own labors, as far as is possible, for a live lihood. Tarboro Kiwanians to Visit Local Club Tuesday Night I The Kiwanians from Tarboro arc | coming to Williamston on Tuesday |evening, next, for a luncheon with the 'local club members. I It fs understood that there =will be a singing contest between the. two clubs and an hour's program, entirely informal. Williamson will welcome this brief visit from some of Tarboro's leading business and professional men, and the president of the local club hereby calls the attention „of the membership to I this change in time of meeting for this special event. And this Tuesday eve ning session will take the of course, of the regular luncheon, which otherwise is always on Wednesday. Lucille Hardison Wins In Cotfjity Biscuit Contest By Miss LORA E. SLEEPER | Mjss Lucille Hardison, of the local jhigh school and a member of the 4-H club was the winner of the county bis cuit jConte»t, wfliich was clasiM the 26th of this month. Few girls com peted, making it very easy on the four women appointed judges for the con test. The county winner sends her teseuin, fwn—m-num bei, ~4«—the di»» trict contest, scheduled to be held in Elizabeth City May 3rd. The winner of the district contest receives $12.50 in prire money. —-The —county —chrir members would be greatly pleased to have the winner from this county. Proceedings "Wear Out" Spectators; Term Ends .. .. Here This Week Proceedings, 'continuing in the su perior court here for two weeks have just about "worn out" the spectators, and this morning the tribunal, with Judge Clayton Moore on the bench, was carrying on its work without a single otylooker in the court room. One would drift in every now and then and then pass on out. , A goodly number of judgments has been handed down week, and to day the court is working on the case of the Twin City Insurance Company against Everett Estate, Inc. A mistrial resulted in the case of Baxter L. Carson against V. G. Taylor ->vhen the word "insurance" was men !tioned. It is understood that when the word is Spoken in a trial of the na ture of the one heard here this week, a mistrial is the result. "Carson was j suing Mr. Taylor for injuries receiv ,ed in a wreck in Pennsylvania some time ago. The following judgments have been granted: Farmers and Merchants Bank, one for $659.90 against M. L. Hunting John S. Jenkins and Company, $2,- 145.90 against J. H Cherry and Bro. j An appeal was noted in the case. K. S. Critcher, $34.75 against Cop ' persmith and Company. J. E. Harrison was given the pos session of a dog in the case brought I against Dave Bryant and Lloyd l'cel, ' Harrison paying the costs. A. R, Dunning against T. S. Mad | ley et als, compromised. Coy Rpberson, $.(7.50 against O. K, ' and J. L. Ilardison. Annie Jones, S2OO against Grand ' United Order of Odd Fellows. Lenora Williams, S4OO against the same lodge. Hragaw Fertilizer Company, S7O a gainst J. G. Godard. Verlin Jones, hy his next friend, J. Sam Getsinger, SSO damage against Isaac Nichols. I Standard Fertilizer Co; $1,246.97 a I gainst S. J. Worthington. ) Standard Fertilizer Co., $159.50 a gainst J. W. Dixon. ; Standard Fertilizer Company, $75.66 against M. L. Morris. Standard Fertilizer Co., $531.49 a gainst G. B. Smith. HARRIS FILLING STATION ROBBED Robber Gets $45 in Cash; Leaves Untouched Other Articles In Station The filling station located near the river wharf on Highway No. 30, and 'operated by Mr. (icorge Harris, was entered and robbed early last Wednes day wening. Mr, Harris was assist- ing liis wife in closing a second sta tion, near the river bridge, and, while he was away, the robber knocked out 'a window and went iu from the rear. Snatching open the money drawer, the robber took about $45 in dimes, quar ters, and halves. It is Ixdieved the robber was ac quainted -with tlx surroundings and planned the act before. No arrests have been made, and according to Mr. Harris no- clues have yet been estab lished that will- warrant „an arrest. Nothing but the money was missed, the robber leaving untouched cigar ettes, tobaccos and other articles with in reach. * ' •: ' Few Dogs Vaccinated Here In Accordance with Order Only a few dogs have been vaccinat ed against rabies here so far, it was learned'today from Chief of Police W. B, Daniel, who is doing the work without charge other than the cost of the medicine.' Dogs allowed to run loose and which are not vaccinated will be put into the pound, the officer stated. TAX LISTING Tax listing in the county it scheduled to close today and to morrow, reports coming from sev eral of the list-takers indicating that there ia much work yet to be done. Late listing carries a pen alty. Mr. R. T. Griffin, list-taker for this township, said yesterday that he believed the personal property valuation in the district will be 30 per cent below last year's values. Real property is expected to show a slight gain. Mr. Griffin also an nounced thar ta'ortfer to «com modate those who have not yet listed he would keep the books open Monday. I Big personal property losses ire predicted In several of the districts according to reports received here. 4~-_j • - • - . J. C. B. Ehringhaus Speaker Last Night f I. C. B. EHRINGHAUS 1 Mr. Ehringhaus. a candidate for the governorship nomination, spoke to a large audience in the courthouse here last night.* SCHOOL BOARD NAMES FACULTY FOR NEXT TERM Larger Attendance Gives School Clairfi for An other Teacher The 1932-33 faculty for the local I schools was selected by the committee in a meeting at the high school build ing last Wednesday night. With one of two exceptions the present faculty was unanimously reelected, two posi tions pending in the high school, it was learned from Mr C. B. Clark, secretary. An additional teacher has been earn ed by an increased attendance, and until the teacher load is definitely de termined for the coming term that ap- pointment will be held up along with the other two now pending, it is un derstood. With an increased attend ance, justifying an additional teacher, the local board is petitioning for a domestic arts course, hoping that the various subjects can be arranged a mong the three teachers not yet ap pointed to carry on that Course and the regular work. The petition has been endorsed by the parent teacher association, the Woman's Club, and the Kiwanians. # The appointments made last Wed nesday: FirSt grade, Miss Serena Pea cock and .Mrs. I'attie E. Taylor; sec ond grade, Mis.ses Mary Benson and Estelle Crawford; third grade, Misses Bessyc Harrell and Ruth Manning; fourth grade. Miss Velma Harrfcll and Mrs. Leman Barnhill; fifth grade, Miss Lucille Allen and Mrs. David Kober son, principal grammar grade build ing; "sixth grade, Miss Martha "Arifler son and Mrs. W. K. Barker; Mrs. C. B, Hassell and Mrs, Jessie White; high school, Misses Bessie Willis, An nie Shields VanDyke, Esther (iatling and Mr. W. R. Watson, principal. Other appointments will be made as suon iis.-possibhvit is understood. .. TO URGE DELAY IN TAX SALES Large Delegations Planning To Go Before Board Here Monday Many Martin property owners are planning to go before the county com missioners at the regular meeting of the board here next Monday tri de mand the postponement of. tax sales, it wds reliably learned here yesterday. During the meantime, the sheriff's of fice is' continuing its preparations for the sale according to last instructions given out and ruled upon by the at torney general. ttwjtponemcnt of sales is proving a perplexing problem throughout the State, some counties preparing to go ahead with the" sales and others plan ning to delay the sales. No arrange ments for The postponement of' Ihe sales have been made in this county, a id it is understood that -the sales will go forward unless these is a valid way for delaying them.' Lonnie Lyons First To Complete Sentence Here Lonnie Lyons, Edgecombe negro, squared/his account with the State and was released from prison camp near here today, release being the first officially effected since the camp rwai bum."" ' Lyons was sentenced to prison for a term of four months when he was convicted on a larceny and receiving I charge/ —Many of "the remaining prisoners apparently envied Lyons' good fortune, but said nothing. Advertisers Will Fnd Oar Col umi « Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Homes ESTABLISHED 1898 ELIZABETH CITY MAN IS HEARD BY CROWD OVER 100 Declares Candidacy Is His Own and Not Financially Backed By Others ' At the suggestion of *no man, group or organization, I am running for Gov ewiof of !S*orth~ I-aruhnn, the Honor able J. C. B. Khringhaus, of Rfizabeth City, told a fair-sized Mathering in the courthouse here last night. And my campaign ,is being financed from the savings of a thoughtful wife anil chifc dren, only thret- $1(X) donations hav-' mg been received, and the books are open for your inspection in Raleigh," he declared. "I am fresh from the people, while one' of my opponents (Maxwell) has | been on the payroll for a quarter of a jcentury, and another (Fountain) has t been on the same payroll since 1919," Mr. khringhaus said, declaring that reports indicate hi*s nomination in June ,lant his election in November and that j lie will go into the office unhampered, J recognizing the sovereignty only of his people and God. | M aVrying in this county. Mr K.hring j haus pointed out his closeness to it | and its people, pointing out to his j listeners that with his wife in the gov ernor's .mansion in Kaleigh Martin | *. ounty would be honored and Martin l utility would have honored him. A potato farmer and owner of real es tate, Mr. i'h«inghatis explained .that he was acquainted with farming con ' ditions here, that he was no holder of 'stocks nor had he been in the employ of corporations. "We are suffering the tax colic, and I the first thing we must do is recognize the fact tljut land values are too high." the speaker said, adding that he was the first tHie to propose the revaluation ! uf land. "And off w,tfh the 15-cent Jevy for the State support -of schools; support them with income, inheritance and franchise taxes," he urged. "Hut to lift the 15-cent levy from property is not enough.'• We must spend less, walk more, or bust. It is Jime to re spect the taxpayer's dollar and watch the budgets that we might stop ex cessive taxation which is oppressive taxation." In watching the budgets, Mr. Ehrtng haua said, "If I am nominated and elected, I will surest the abandon ment of all bureaus that are not need ed and see that there is in all. There are some necessities that we niust provide for—preservation of law and order, care of the insane, deaf and blind..' " His support of public education was pledged in nc> uncertain terms, Mr. I'.hriughaus swearing his allegiance to the cause of the schools and every - child- in North (amlina. j After pruning the budget,- the gov ernorship candidate said he would make a survey of possible revenue sources, "and any wealth whether to ibacco companies, railroads, bus com panies or other corporations, not bear ing its just load wili be investigated jThaY'we ~ihighi find out why." Stating i to his hearers that be would deal fair ly to all, he" believed that every citizen I and all property & should pay accord ling to ability to pay, and that the in jcome tax was the fairest method of any for creating funds. "We must stop I exempting and let every one pay ac 'cording to ability to pay," Mr. EhrinK i liaus said in turning his attention to the Democratic party and his 30 years support of it. The candidate was stronly endorsed by Mr. K. L. Coburn, his county cam paign manager, atld Messrs. J. L. Has sell and JoS. H. Saunders in their re marks of introduction. Woman's Auxiliary To Meet Next Monday Here It was announced yesterday by Mrs. VV. Is. Watts, secretary, that the May meeting of tlie 'Woman's Auxiliary, Church of the Advent, will be held at the home of Mrs. C. H. Clark on Monday, May 2, at 4 o'clock p. m. At this time the United Offering will be given and. other important matters' will be discussed. It is the hope of the oi-' ftcers that every meml>er will attend. Gro-More Transfer Co. Made Chevrolet Agents The Gro-More Transfer Company, Mr. Warren Ever.ett, manager, has recently been appointed Chevrolet dealers here. The company, with expert mechanics especially trained in Chevrolet woiltnUflimp,' fi dtl!}rTrt creasing its stock of parts and is of fering a reliable repair service. New cars are expected here within the next few days and they will be placed tm display in the company's modern ga rage on Washington Street. *

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