Watch the Label On Your Kwr A* It. Carries the Data Wbn Your Subscription Expires VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 19 WM. E. DANIEL, 74, DIES AT HOME OF SON SATURDAY Had Been in Feeble Health For Several Years; Final Rites Held Sunday William Ed Daniel, 74 years old, died at the home of his son, Mr. W. B. Daniel, here last Saturday after noon at 3 o'clock of pneumonia. He had been in feeble health for several years, having suffered a stroke of par alysis some time ago. He hurt him self in a fall a few days ago, and that, it it believed, hastened the end. Born in Pitt County December 8, 1857, Mr. Daniel moved to Martin when a small boy. In early man hood he married Miss Sarah Short, four children, Mrs. J. R. Bobbin, of Rocky Mount; Mrs. J. R. White, of Abbeville, S. C.; and Messrs. W. B. Daniel and Charles L. Daniel, of Wil liamston, surviving the union. He was later married to Miss I.ula Keel, and she, with four children, Messrs. Ed gar Daniel, of Norfolk; Darrell Dan iel, of Cape May, N. J.; Ben Daniel, of Plymouth; and Jack Daniel, of Wil liamston, survives. Until his health failed him several years ago, Mr. Dan iel was a successful farmer. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. T. Rogers, Methodist minis ter, in fhe Holly Springs church, near here, Sunday afternoon. Interment was in the family grave yard at the old home place, in Williams Town ship. Those attending the last rites from out of town include the following: Mrs. W. H. Yabe and son, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Langley, Mrs/ J. G. Wat ion, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Williams and son, Messrs. Bill and Joe Bobbitt, C. L. Ivey, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dan iel and son, Fred, all of Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Daniel and children, oi Plymouth; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bob bitt and 3 sons; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Boyd and Mrs. L. E. Hart, all of Rocky Mount; Mr. and Mrs. John White, of Abbeville, S. C\; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keel, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Keel, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bunting and Mr. Larry Bunting, of Roberson ville. '. HEALTH REPORT NOT SO GOOD Typhoid Fever Makes Ap pearance With Two Cases Reported Tfce health report county was not so good last month, according to records found in the county health officer's office this week. Typhoid fev«r made its appearance during, the period, and the summer is still ahead of a time in past years when many cases of the disease were reported throughout the county. Two cases were reported among white subjects last month. No public campaign a gainst the disease has been planned in th« county this year, the next schedule catling for a drive in 1933. Whooping cough continues in Bear Grass Township, 14 cases having been reported there during April. There were four chickenpox cases, one case of German measles and one of scarlet fever. Even though the report is not such a good one, health conditions in the county, as a whole, were favorable, it is ifaderstood. Private vaccinations against typhoid are always available, and it is be lieved that those who were not vacci nated in 1930, the time the last public campaign was conducted by the late Dr. Woi. E. Warren, will find it safer to guard against the disease. NAME MARSHALS AT SCHOOL HERE Selection of Marshals Made 1 as Recognition of Work j Done In School I School marshals for the year begin-1 ning April 15 were (elected here thii. week, the selection* being bated upon 1 scholarship record* attained during the' first seven month* of the term. In an nouncing the marthals this year, Prin cipal William R. Watson said: "Selection as a school marshal is a school honor that is made in recog nition of excellent scholastic' work. "The student having the highest scholarship average in the junior class is designated as chief marshal. As sistant marshals are selected as fol lows: Two juniors, two sophomore, two freshmen (one from each section.) "School marshals (elected to serve for one year, and they are expect ed to serve at all public tchool func tions. "Marshals for the year beginning April 15, 1932, are: Chief, Jennie Green Taylor; juniors, Russell Robeuck and Marjorie Moore; sophomore, Olive McCabc afld Jessie Mae Anderson; freshmen, Grace Vanning (A) and Christine Jenkins (B). THfriLNTER PRISE 64 Per Cent Couu Has Been Collecte That Martin County property owner* have accepted their tax re sponsibilities with a marked seri ousness this year is indicated in a report released yesterday by Sher iff C. B. Roebuck. While compar ative recorda are not available for the paat month and for the same period last year, reliable estimates indicate that the percentage of taxes collected *o far this year is greater than it was for last year. Sixty-four per cent, or 5147.202.13, have been collected to date on the 1931 levy, leaving $86,078.27 un paid. When taxes were advertised for FRANCIS WINSTON 1 ■| i I i The grand old man from Ber tie and champion speech maker, who will address the district home demonstration club* in the Bap tist church here tomorrow. , 5 LICENSES TO MARRY ISSUED Is Second Smallest Number Issued in One Month for Many Years I Five marriage licenses were issued in this county last'month, two to white and three to colored couples. For the first time in almost a year has the num ber of licenses issued in the county been so small, the last July number being two less, or the smallest in many years. I Licenses were recorded as follows: white | Jasper Rogerson and Jennie Gray Beacham, both of Martin County. | Colored ; Joseph Caldwell Bond and Laura Watson, booi of Bertie County. | Charlie Wallace and Lunette Slade, Martin County. j Major Carr and Verna May Purvis, Martin County. | ♦ Tyrrell Farmers Ship Soybeans Cooperatively • The best way to dispose of surplus soybeans is to make up a coop- ( erative carlot shipment, find growers, of Tyrrell County, who recently made such a shipment at a profit above lo cal prices. - • Seeks Specimens of Seventeen-Year Locusts Dr. Z. P. Metcalf, entomologist at State College, has asked for specimens of the 17-year locust to be sent him when the insects appear in late May | or early June, with data as to the place and time of securing the specimens. "Old Gray Mare Ain't What She Used To Be"? ♦ Although the motor truck which hit ,an old gray mare attached to a milk | wagon in Pottstown, Pa., had to. be j towed to a garage, the old gray mare, | after shaking herself, resumed her rhg | ular route. ' TRIP FOR BOYS v / A free trip to Washington City in a parlor car bus, under compe tent care, is being arranged by this newspaper in cooperation with several other papers in this sec tion and will be given to any young boy in thia section who #ill get out and sell a few subscrip tions to The Enterprise during die next sin weeks. The offer is not a speculative one, for remuneration awaits every one talking an interest in the trip Reed the details in a display ad vertisement carried in this paper today. Remember, the trip is free and gives you six days travel and in cludes pn its program ball games and all points of inter set in die nation's capital. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, May 3,1932 sale last October, six months lat er than the scheduled advertised time, there were 882 unpaid .ac counts representing unpaid taxes in the sum of 151,821.48. If collec tions hold up as well, and if the sales are postponed as long this year as they were last, it is be lieved that the unpaid account next October will be less than $51,- 821.48, and the number of unpaid accounts will be smaller. ■4, However the postponement of the sale longer than a month ia pending, and it, might be that the sale will be ordered at the next regular meeting of the board. DEMONSTRATION iCLUBS TO MEET HERE TOMORROW Annual Session of Fifteenth District Clubs Will Be Held in Church The fifteenth district meeting of the home demonstration cluh members of Tyrrell, Washington, l'itt, lieaufort and Martin Counties will he held in the Baptist church here tomorrow, Miss Lora E. Sleeper, agent for this county, ajyiouncing this morning that large delegations arc expected to at tend from each of the counties. The gathering of club members here at 10 o'clock in the morning has been referred to as a "cotton district meet ing," Miss Sleeper stating that a good-, ly number of the Martin club women had made print, gingham and cotton dresses for jdisplay during the day. j Judge Francis 1). Winston, of Wind sor, is scheduled to make the main ad l dress of the day. Mrs. O. H. Jackson, district chairman of Winterville, will preside over the sessions, it was an nounced. Mrs. A. B. Rogerson, of the Bear Grass Club, will make the. address of welcome, and Mrs. W. C.I Owens, of Tyrrell County, is schedul ed. tu nuike the response. Mrs. Louie P. Martin will extend greetings fronfl the Williamston Woman's Club. Other 1 speakers include Mrs. T. M. Wood burn, of Parmele and Miss Mildred Ives, of Eastern Carolina Teachers' College, no subjects having bjjcojn nounced for several of the talks. A luncheon will be served at tlie ] Woman's Club rooms immediately aft- j the morning session, and in the aft- j ernoon a recreational program has been planned. Miss Sleeper is urging all county club members to attend, and extends a cordial invitation to any others in terested to visit the meeting and make the district club members feel at home while here. JURY LIST FOR COURT IN JUNE Session Will Begin June 20 and Last One Week; 36 Jurors Drawn With the April term of. Martin County Superior Court still fresh in j the minds of the people, the county commmissioners yesterday made ar rangements for holding the regular June term by selecting 36 jurors. The lawyers and sheriff will have the rest of the folks here for the mixed term j beginning June 20 and continuing for 'one week only. Judge J. Paul Frizelle is scheduled to preside over the term. The list: Jamesville Township: Pf W, Holli day, Kader Godard, L.' C. Brown, J. M. Hassell, R. O. Mobley. Griffins Township: Perlie Roberson, J. R. Coltrain, N, D. Griffin, Jas. A. Roberson, J. Ed Corey, C. F. l'erry, N. T. Daniel. Bear Grass Township: Calvin Ayers, W. P. Harris, W. S. fiurganus. Williamston Township: W. J. Hodges, C. B. Hassell, F. U. Barnes, Henry D. Harrison. Cross Roads: Charles Beach, J. M. Griffin, D. A. Ausban, W. S. Bailey. Robersonville Township: J. H. Rob erson, sr., Eli Rogers, J. G. Everett, S. T. Everett, Walter Beach, M. M. Everett. Poplar Point Township: W. S. White. Hamilton Township: J. W. Eubanks. Goose Nest Township: E. T. Smith, W. W. Casper, N. C. Hyman. New and Better Mail Schedule Is Planned A new and better mail schedule for local postal patrons is l>einK studied by Postmaster Jesse T. Price and of ficials of the government in Rocky Mount today. The nature of the pro posed service change has not been an nounced, but Mr. Price said he believ ed a better service, can be iiMrild if the new arrangements planned are completed. TOWN TAX SALE |IS POSTPONED AT MEET LAST NIGHT Delay Is Only Temporary, However, As Sale Will Be Made in July j Meeting in regular session here last I night, the town commissioners passed jan order directing postponement of the I sale of taxes- one month, the initial !advertising to appear the first of June, j Realizing conditions are"not very fav iorahle, the commissioners personally 'stated they were in favor of postpon ing the sales longer, but the town's fi nances virtually made it necessary to 'defer the sale only one month. The drive for personal property, taxes was ordered continued, and seizure in some cases was mentioned. Messrs. E. P. Cunningham and B. iS. Courtney, representing the religious bodies fo the town, apjn-ared before the board and asked that the churches ! and certain other church properties be relieved of the payment of 1931 and subsequent sidewalk and street paving assessments. Mr. Cunningham pointing ; out that the organizations were the | town's greatest asset. Following the request of the churches, Mr. Win. R. Watson, an official in the local Ma sonic lodge, appeared in behalf of that organization asking that it be relieved of the assessments if the churches are favored. While the matter was de ferred along with the tax sales, it was pointed, out by the mayor that the | budget for this year included the an ticipated .payment of the assessments by the churches, and that if the town ( accepted the assessments a deficit would be the result. Going before the board, Mrs. J. B. H. Knight wanted to deed about 200 I feet of property just back home on Watts Street to the town, provid ed she was relieved of all paving as sessments for the year, it was under stood. Upon investigation, it was learned that the board had no right to enter into the proposed agreement, but it was agreed that paving assess ! nients and general taxes on any and all property deeded to the town would be automatically,,lifted. „ ~| —Reporting tnueh -unnecessary tres i passing on the high school grounds; Principal Wm. R. Watson, appearing for the local committee, asked that a street light be installed near the build ing in an effort to prevent the prac- pproximately 200 gallons of - -giiitftmf were removed from the school i tank there last week, and degrading acts have been reported from time to tone, the principal said. * - Thieves Enter Home Here Early Sunday The home of Mr. Reuben Harris on Main Street here, was entered a ibout 3 o'clock last Sunday morning, the intruder removing a screen from a window opening into the hall. He [was walking toward Mr. Harris' room .when he was heard and frightened away. Nothing was missed as the j man's presence was discovered before |he could start a search. Investigating the noise, Mr. Harris, Standard Company employe'e, found the screen on the ground and the window opened wide. Tracks were noticed leading to and from the window. Cadillac Car Turned Over Near Here This Afternoon A big Cadillac automobiles, said to have belonged to Mrs. Chas. Robin son, of Elizabeth City, and occupied Iby her and three other women was turned over twice between here and Windsor this afternoon. None of the occupants was badly hurt, but otheT I travelers had to break the glass of the car to get the four women out of the over-turned car. j Patrolman Braswell, going to the of the wreck, attracted much at tention with his sirene and he was fol lowed by a number of local automo biles. ( SEED FUND II With a fS donation coming in from the local Kiwanis club, re ceipt* for the seed fund advanced rapidly over the week-end. Ap proximately $lO have been con tributed, and Mr. Joshua L. Col train, county commissioner, left two and one-half buihel* of field peaa with the Enterprise for dis tribution. Several dollar* have been used for the purchaae of aeed and many of the field peaa have been given to worthy applicant*. The fol lowing contribution* were report ed over the week-end: Kiwanis Club, 15; H. J. Shaw, SO cent*; $4 having been previous reported. CalJa for aeed are increasing steadily, - and it is hoped that a profitable work can be carried oh this summer in aiding the unfor- - tun*tea to feed themaelves. Large Crowd Gathers Here To Urge Postponement Tax Sales COUNTY BOARD HOLDS REGULAR MEET MONDAY Tax Adjustments and Ap peals for Aid Constitute Principal Business I Aside from the semi-radical meet ing held by nearly two hundred Mar jtin taxpayers in the courthouse audi torium, the county commissioners' ,first Monday program was patterned 'after past meetings, the board acting upon appeals of the poor and tax ad justments. A schedule' of costs to be maintained in handling the 1929 tax ( certificates was established, the ex pense being from s•} to $7 below the schedule set up by the State." To handle a certificate not in excess of sls, a fee of $3 will be charged; Ur handle a certificate over sls and not in excess of SSO, a fee of s> will be charged; all certificates over SSO will | carry a fee of $lO. | Gracy Stnithwick was relieved, of special school tax on 75 acres of 1 land •'valued at s9ll in the Sandy Ridge School district, Williams Township. I J. F. l'adgett was relieved of 1931 poll tax in Jamesville Township on account of blindness. ! J. K. Roebuck, white of Roberson ville Township, was allowed $2 a month. | An error in the valuation of T. J. Roberson's property in Robersonville Township was corrected, the value being reduced from $2,375 to $2,000. ! Potnpey Williams, 85 years old and a former slave of this township, was allowed $2 a mouth. i Mrs. Margaret Simpson, of James ville Township, was allowed $2 a i»onth v I Alton Keel, Cross Roads, was re lieved of 1931 dog tax, listed through error. i Property. values of W. L. Everett, Cross Roads, was reduced from S7OO to SSOO, an error appearing in the listing. j On account of his physical disabil ity, Fred Everett, white of Roberson ville Township, was exempted from poll tax, | M-rs, Gussie Strickland, ton Township was allowed $2 a month j-fer a period of five months. Adjustments in the .values of the J. Z. Brown fstule lands were order ed, relief to be given accordingly on 1931 taxes. I T. G.'Maiming, Poplar Point Town ship, was relitved of $2 poll tax, list ed in error. •' J. W. Pugh, Hamilton Township, was relieved of $1 dog tax. \ | The board ordered the land sale and tax certificates on building in Goose ( Nest Tow nship valued at sf>oo and be longing to Mamie Green and 11. Bry ant cancelled as the property was list led to N. 11. Green. SCHOOL FINALS AT HAMILTON Closing Exercises Will Be Held There Thursday Night at 8 O'clock The Hamilton School will close the current term Wednesday and ihurfe, day nightfi of this week when appro priate exercises will he >bvld each eve -11 ill K Principal W. F.. I'lyler announced yesterday. Declamation and expression contests will feature the Wednesday evening program, beginning af 0 o'clock and lasting about one hour. . Graduation exercises will be held on Thursday night at the same hour, the seventh graders receiving their certifi cates at that time. Attendance award + will also be made with playlets, songs, drills, dialogues and fecitatioiis as add ed features, Professor Plyler said. The public is cordially invited to at tend each of the exTtrcises, the school principal Mating that no admission fee would be charged. \ Farmers Now Busy with Tobacco Transplanting "£obacco transplanting was reported underway in all sections of the coun ty yesterday, following a heavy rain late Saturday night and Sunday. The outcome of the work is said to be un certain, many farmers stating that they believe the plants can hardly live under the existing blue mold condi tion*. "Beds unsprayed in our section of the county suffered much following the rain," Mr. Herbert Roebuck, of Cross Road* Township, said yester day. He added that those beds care fully sprayed ""Were doing nicely and that arrangements for transplanting were complete. _ f J. L. MEMORY, JR. Wmt Wake Forest professor who will deliver the commencement address here next Friday evening at 8:00 o'clock in the high school audi torium. PLENTY OF HOGS IN COUNTY SAYS AGENT'S REPORT Advises Farmers To Con- I tinue Spraying' Tobacco Plant Beds i _ ■' m I' I lie blue mold might kill the tobac co plants and prices for farm prod ucts might bo low next fall, but Mar tin County farmers are planning to care for themselves this year, accord ing to County Agent Tom B. Bran don. In his report, prepared monthly for the county commissioners, Mr. 1 Brandon says, "Martin plenty of hogs, every farmer having -more than he had la*t year, awl I judge that the county will live at home or at its people will have to buy very j little pork." I Nearly 2(H) calls were received from farmers whose beds were attacked .liy I the blue ihold during, the month, giv | ing the agent probably his most active visiting month. In connection with the blue mold, the agent said in his re port, "At present the fanners who fol lowed the schedule of spraying closely have the best plants. B'ue mold is , harder to control because it a fungus | growth, .and lives under the leaves ami | it is difficult lo administer a thorouglr j spraying. Farmers are advised to continue to - pray their' plant l>eds . every two days." The tlea beetle was also active in I the county during the month, the a I gent stating (hat he directed and as | sis ted 78 farmers in their war on the .insects. Warm uealher was given as tme of the main for the in creased number and damage |jy the • beetle this sea ion. I ■ I Ihe campaign against hog ,cholera was an 'intensive one, the agent treat ing 856 of the animals for 28 farm | owners and 28 tenants during the pcr j iod. | Other activities reported by tlie a- Kent:'* | Twenty days spent in field, 6 days ispent in office, |(>2 offire conferences, 204 telephone calls, 177 letters Written, 44 farms waited, 28 tenant farms vis ited, 1,026 miles traveled on official duties, 4 articles written fur local pa pers. Six Pupils on Honor Roll At Macedonia j The names of six pupils appear on the Macedonia School honor roll for the sixth :»nil last month recently ended, Irene l etterton, teacher, I reporting them as follows: First grade: Sybil I'eele, Susie Revels, ' fourth grade: J. I). Ausboine, Mary Revels. Filth grade: Clarence Revels, Mil dred Ward. - f KIWANIS TONIGHT v . , The local Kiwanit Club is hold ing it* regular weekly luncheon in the Woman's Club room this eve ning at instead of at its regular time of meeting. A delegation of Kiwanians from the Tarboro club is coming down for this meeting. It is understood that the Tarboro club is coming prepared to entertain the local group with a musical program. It is advisable for the member ship to turn out. Miss Florence Overton and Mr. Russell Roebuck will render some musical selec tions and Mrs. William Manning will be an accompanist for the evening. Advertiaara Will Pad Our Col uma ■ Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Homes V, ESTABLISHED 1898 WARM SESSION IS HELD IN COURT HOUSE MONDAY Expenses ..of Government Denounced by Several Speakers" Meeting impromptu in the court house here yesterday morning, nearly two hundred Martin property owners and taxpayers urged the county com missioners to postpone the 1931 tax sales, and at the same time directing jail kinds of strong protests against un- I fair property values that are being j maintained, expenses of government, j and everything else under the sun ex icept their individual expenditures. I he meeting, as a w hole, was purely | radical, Attorny A. R. Dunning, G. H. I ox. and others suggesting that the I sales he postpone;,! regardles of the law. Ilic attorney, in a warm speech" | lasting nearly an hour, went on to say that the county recorder's court was not worth a "continental damn" and should he abolished, that if he was a member of the board of education he would limit the next school term to six months, and that all,salaries should be reduced, not 10 per cent, but 50 ! Per cent, 1 lie radical spirit into flame once it w - as started, and the meeting nearly forgot its designed purpose— that of urging the commissioners to postpone the sale. * Maintenance cost -of the comity home was declared too high by Tax payer J. G. Staton, Commissioner T. C. Griffin answering that the records were open. Continuing Mr. Griffin said, Ihe trouble is,'a hole was dug I hack yonder and we are yelling be- I cause it is to be filled* uj>.#now." Corn j missioner Kverett shoVied' that of the county-wide rate, only cents i was for the running expenses "of the | county, including all salaries, poor, , health, etc. I lie $l4O paid a stenographer at a recent term of superior -court held in the county was mentioned as very ex travagant, and Mr. G. 11. Cox, of Kob ersonvil|e, was of the opinion that SB,OOO annual salary lor a judge was jt'M. much, that $3,000 would be cimuKh. i Start at' Washington and cut every thing and everybody," the body almost unanimously agreed, i "You could lift every cent of taxes, and we would be but very little better off financially," Editor }>\. C. Man ning sSffl in urging the .body to use reason. ' T am in favor of .the post poneinent of sales if it will help and it it can be done, but we must remem ber that taxation is not the sole cause of our troubles today. We have squan dered and thrown away double the amount of the taxes. We have forgot ten the principles of honesty and de stroyed trust, and now we are Cursing ahd" abusing taxes because they are the nearest for us to* curse and abuse. We,have the task' brfore us to start at the bottom and up, not by practicing false economy" but by econ 'oniiiing where it is nWded." I Continuing, the editor said that we |have more to show for our tax money than for money thrown away and lit jerally s|Ujiiidered during the hey-day period not so long past. He strongly 'opposed the suggestion that public educational advantages !>e limited. It was pointed out that the wealth of the country rejoiced when educational ad vantages were limited, that the great i powers would much prefer ignorant i and untrained hands, which they could J control with a lash. Continuing, he said that he was glad ti> see the in terest shown in governmental activi ties, but warned against the mob spirit and suggested that sane and honest thought be employed in working our; selves out of this, a bad situation. | The meeting yesterday was an in j teresting one, not a soul offering to j present the side, including more than , half the taxpayers—(>J per cent, to be 1 exact—who have paid their taxes, but the spirit in the meeting of the nearly 200 property owners would have prob ably offset any and all argument, and it is was the general belief when the bpdy left the courtroom that the com missioners would postpone the sale until a later date. Following the noon-day recess, the board upon the motion of Commis sioner Joshua L. Coltrain, deferred the sales thirty days, future action pending upon developments reported in other counties. Ladies ot Baptist Church Serve Supper Thursday 9 The ladies of the Baptist church will serve a supper at the Woman's Club Thursday, May 5, beginning at 6 o'clock. The public is invited. The menu will include chicken salad, crackers, potato chips, deviled eggs, pickles, tea, strawberry shortcake.

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