/, Witch the L«M On Yoor II P*P er As It- Carrie* the Date ySCT.^w, VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 23 GROSS LEWDNESS IS UNCOVERED IN ONE TOWNSHIP •I * , People in Prrts of Griffins and Jamesville All Agog Over Low Practices People in the northern part of Grif fin* and a few in Jamesville Township were all agog recently when immoral •ity to its lowest stage was reported there. " Attention of welfare and county offi cers were directed to a home where the mother and her 13-year-old daugh ter are said to have violated all the laws of decency in their association with men of all rank and file. Many rumors have been circulated connecting so-called prominent men of the two districts with the lewd prac tices reported there. Officers inves tigating the case withheld all names, but it was reliably reported that sev eral of the men, stooping so low they could walk under a bull frog with a beaver hat on, were suffering ill ef fects from the degrading and illicit as sociations with the mother and her little girl. % When questioned late last Saturday night bv officers, the mother denied the charges, and stved the rumors were not true. The little girl, well developed for her tender age. was seen late Saturday night with three men and a small hoy along the Washington and Jamesville Koad, but she could not be found when the welfare officer ordered her taken into custody pre-1 paratory to her removal to a correc tional institution. As,an outgrowth of the "stink", Ar- | thur Lilley, middle age farmer of the ' community is said to have brutally' treated his wife when she wartied him to stay away from the mother and daughter. Lilley was in the girl's company at the home of Joe Godard, a farmer of that community, when his wife went there to interrupt a party i and when he is said to have pushed her out of the house and beat her. Lil-j ley was arrested about 1 o'clock Sun-' day morning and is being given a hear-1 ing before Judge Bailey in recorder's court here today. Janie Moore, the wayward girl was taken into custody yesterday after-1 noon and is being held in jail here awaiting her removal to Samarcand. She told officer*, that she was planning to marry Godard, a man 35 years or > • probably older, this week, but that if she had the opportunity she much pre-, ferred to go to school. It was very , evident that the girl, the victim of ■nan's baseness, had never had one opportunity to succeed in life. With Lilley in jail, the girl on her way to the correctional institution, ( and with the girl's associates now* suffering ill effect*, apparently justice is being administered rapidly in the, case of a few parties, at least. STORY TELLING CLUB FORMED Misses Bessye Harrell and, Velma Harrison To Be In Charge of School A Junior Shakespeare Story Telling club organized by a national organi zation with Misses Bessye Harrell and Velma Harrison in charge of the local group, will hold its first class in the grammar school building . here next Monday morning at 9 o'clock. M ore than 20 pupils have already planned to enroll for the six- weeks course and more are expected to enter before next Monday, it was said. The club is educational in purpose and is designed to acquaint every grade school child with the works of the famous bard and in. such a way that it will appear like play to them. At the same time, it prepares them for high school English studies while those who are not fortunate enough to advmnce beyond the grades will have a working knowledge of the classics. , Prizes will be offered at various stages of the competitions and di plomat will be awarded each child who has finished the prescribed course. ■ The grand finale will be a Shakes-j pear can evening or pageant or pro gram having the children portray the characters. Making Preparations To For close Tax Accounts ♦ - I Nearly 300 tax accounts will be -fore, closed in this county within the next few day* for the tax year 1929, it was learned yesterday from County At torney E. S. Peel. Unless the taxes and costs are paid within six months after the foreclosure suits are brought, judgments will be obtained and the properties affected will be offered for sale, it is understood. The approximately 300 accounts represent unpaid taxes amounting to about SIO,OOO, H was estimated. The foreclosures have' been postponed to the limit, it was explained, and there is no other course to follow except call for judgments through the courts. THE ENTERPRISE Registration Books To Close Saturday; Few Comparatively few citisena have registered for the coming primary and general election, according to reports received here from sever al of the registrars yesterday. Registrar Luther Peel for this township, reported more than SO new names had been put on the books tince they were opened a few weeks ago. He did not look for many more additional names. The book* will close next Satur- ROSTER OF ALL WAR VETERANS AIM OF LEGION Veterans Urged to Forward Their Names To W. E. Dunn, Adjutant An important request was made this week by the adjutant of the John Walton Hassell Post, American Re gion, urging all World War veterans to forward their names to him at Wil liamston that a complete roster might be had and recorded. All veterans are earnestly asked to submit their own names and the company in which they served, and the names of any other Martin County boys serving in the last war. | The importance of getting all World j War Veterans' names was pointed out | by Mr. W. E. Dunn, adjutaiA, when jhe said that many Confederate vet erans could never obtain pensions or aid from the State because no record of their names had ever been properly | recorded. During the past ten or twelve* years, Clerk of Court R. J. Peel has studied , from time to time the complete roster of old Confederate soldier* in an ef fort to establish the right to a pension. . Some he found, and others Jie could . not find, and in those cases where the ' companies could not be established, it j was difficult to include the name of , the applicant in the pension list. Many widows of Confederate veterans, de ! serving of aid from the State, have received a penny because the i proper record* could not be establish ed. No records are available here show ing how many Martin County boy 9 were in the service during the great war, and while that in itself is not so important, the recorded information might be of marked value in later year*. Forward your name, service record, and state what company you were in during the war at once. There is nothing to be lost, and it might be that you or your relatives wiH gain. Aged Bertie Man Hurt By Hit and Run Driver | ♦ j Jack Todd, 84-years-old, was seri ! ously hurt this moi'ning -when' he was struck by a hit and run driver on the i Aulander road, about one-half mile | out of Windsor. No arrests had been 1 made at one o'clock this afternoon, but ' according to Patrolman Braswell who was called to the scene,, an investiga tion is now underway and, it i« hoped that the merciless driver will be taken ' within a short time. | According to information reaching here, Mr. Todd was found in an un conscious state betide the road with a hple knocked in his head about the size'of a silver dollar, j Reports received from the doctor's office in Windsor where the victim was carried, stated that recovery was very doubtful. • Attempted Robbery of Meat Market Saturday ——• The life of Andrew Everett, aged | colored man and an employee in the South Side Market, ofl the Jamesville ' road, was threatened early last Sat urday night, according to a story told by Albert Wilson, young colored boy, who claims to have saved the old man ! from harm. A negro whose identity could not be ! established went to the rear door of flle market house and tore open the screen door and knocked. With hi* axe drawn, the man waited for Ever ett to stick hi* head out the door. About that time the Wilson boy, com j ing down Hatton lane, taw the man and called a warning to Everett. 'The negro ran and made hi* escape, leav ing Everett wondering whether he wa* about to be murdered or robbed a few minutes before. Episcopalians Close Series of Successful Services Here • - The serier-of services beginning! Monday night of last week was | i brought to a successful close in the Church of the Advent here last Sun day evening. Rev. W. A? Lilleycrop/ visiting minister, was enjoyed in each of hi* service*, and he endeared him- ( self here with his splendid talks. , Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, May 17, 1932 day at 9 p. m., and those who are above the 21-year age limit and who would vote in the primary the 4th of next month will 'find it necessary to register with their re spective precinct registrars before that time. Saturday after next is challenge day, when 'pny name il legally entered can be investigat ed and ordered removed by the 1 election officials if proper cause supporting such action is ad vanced. EIGHTH MONTH | HONOR ROLL AT ! LOCAL SCHOOLS Honor List for the Eighth Month Breaks Previous High Records A reco/d-hreakmg honor roll for the last month of the 1931-32 term was re ported in the local schools this week by Principal AVin. R Watson. The names of 147"Vui>ils appear on the list for the period?even if four grades, fifth B. sixth B, eighth A, and elev enth, failed to be represented. The list of names: Grade 1-A: Jim C'ritcher, George Cunningham, Joseph Dixon, Bill Grif fin, Theran Gurganus, Joseph Gur ganus, Jimmie Manning, Billy Stalls, Benny Weaver, Evelyn Griffin, Odell Harris, Lucile Jones, Patsy King, ,Mary Pope, Madeline Taylor, Doro thy WafSon, Velma Perry, Mary Hitch. Grade 1-B: Sam Moore, Nannie Manning, Rachel McClareu, Doris Griffin, Emma B. Ward. Grade 2-A: Anne Fowden, Dolly Godard. Susie Griffin, Betty Hoard, Bina Jackson, Carrie Jones, Mary L. Manning, Mildred Moore, Elizabeth Parker, Sibyl S. C.- Griffin, jr., Reg Griffin, Haywood Rogers, jr., Garland Wynne, William Lilley. Grade 2-B: Edith Andrews. Sallie B. Griffin, Grace Manning, Katherine Roberson, David Hardison, Georgj: 11. Wynn. . Grade 3-A: Martin Anderson," Ar thur Anderson, Stuart Crticher, Jerry Manning, Emory McCabc, Joseph, Thigpen, Warren Pope, Nancy Biggs, Eleanor Brown, Marjorie Dunn, Em ma L. Daniels, Dorothy Harrison, Katherine Morton, Katherine Man ning, Mary G. Osborne, Sarah Taylor, Mary Ruth Ward, Frances White. Grade 3-B: Grace Jones, William Bennett. Grade 4-A: Bill Ballard, Jerry Clark, Bernice Cowen, Dick Dunn, Jack Ed mondson, Bob Everett, jr., Nettie Gurganus, Sallie G. Gurkin, Julian Jackson, Rachel Keel, Gordon Man ning, I-ouise Melson, Doris Moore, Eleanor Taylor, James W. Ward, Vir gil Ward, Julia Watts, Reid White, Elbert Peel, jr. Grade 4-B: Delsie Goddard, Mary E. Leggett. Grade 3-A: Cottie Mae Wynne, Nora Grimes, Thelma Griffin, Grace Barnhill, Reg Manning. Grade 5-B: None. Grade 6-A: Velma Bennett, Melrose Bonds, Julia Everett, Janie Gurganus j«iJdie I,ee Meador. Surreatha Peaks, Nellie Rogerson, Loili Taylor, Dollie Wheeler. Burras Critcher, Charles Pickey, Pete Egan, Wjiit Purvis, E. G. Wynne. Grade 6-B: None. Grade 7-A: Howard ("one, Milton James, Brinkley Lilley, J. L. Mobley, Ben Manning. Clayton Moore, jr., El lis Wynne, Edna Ballard, Bolton Cowen, Frances Cox, Ella W. Critcher Marie Griffin, Allie Harrison, Evelyn Lilley, Marjorie Lindaley, Kathleen Price, Myrtle Price, Gwen Watts, Jean Watts, Joe D. Thrower. Grade 7-B: Lorene Weaver, Carrie Williams, Mamie C. Taylor. Grade 8-A: None. Grade 8-B: Alta Critcher, Mary B. Edmondson, Eula Green, Alice Har rison, Blanche Harrison, Grace Man ning, Elizabeth Bishop, Billy Griffin, Lawrence Lindsley. Grade 9: Roger Critcher, Jessie M. Anderson, Dora Ballard, Olive Mc- Cabe. Grade 10: Russell Roebuck, Irvin Griffin, Jennie Taylor, Louise Perry, Jane Moore, Louise Green. Grade 11: None, Legion Square Dance Here Tomorrow Night 9 to I a. m. In an fcffort to raise funds fdr fi nancing activities of the local post, members of the American Legion are sponsoring a square dance in the Ro anoke-Dixie Warehouse here tomor row night Trom 9to 1 a. m. An ad mission fee of IS cents wilt be charged, an additional charge of 25 cents being made to those who dance. will be admitted free. Several added features have been planned, and the public is invited to attend. I JAMES N. COOPER SUICIDE SUNDAY; HEALTH IS CAUSE I ' —* — Jamesville Township Man Blows Top of Head Off With Shot Gun * | James X. Cooper, farmer of James ville Township, ended his life at his . home there last Sunday at 6:30 p. m., | by blowing the top of his head off with a shot gun, ill health being mentioned as one of the main causes for the tragedy. Mr. Cooper, a recognized , leader.' JUL. his community, had warned the members of his'fatuity of his plan to end his life, but the threats were I not taken seriously. taking his gun unnoticed tt.un its stand in the home, Mr. Cooper went to his hog pen, a short distance away. He placed the barrel in the middle of the forehead and fired the shot that snuffed out his life instantly. No one saw the act, but his -children, hearing the shot, ran to hint and found him dead. * Mr. Cooper, 49 years old, had suf fered with pellagara for some.time, and while he often discussed the unfav -oc-able economic conditions-he- is said to have worried more about his health. He was the son of the late J. H. Coop er and wile, Annie Everett Cooper, and had lived in the Angetown section of the county all his life. His wife died'several years ago, leaving six chil dren, Claudius, Bettip, Tonmiie, Nora, John Henry and Bennic Cooper. He ulsd leaves one brother, G. L. Cooper, and one sister, Mrs. Hattie Mizelle. Funeral services were held from the home yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. I). W. Arnold. Interment fol lowed in the Cooper family burial ground near the home. A carload of new .Chevrolet automo biles was unloaded here yesterday by the Gro-Morc Transfer Company and placed on display in its spacious show r"un an Washington Street.. The var ions types of cars are included in the list, each one representing the latest | in Chevrolet manufacture. The Messrs. Everett arc extending 'a cordial invitation to all to visit their I show room and view the new display of'cars and trucks. Stolen Car Recovered on Streets Here Early Sunday t A Chevrolet cabriolet stolen from j its owner, J. H. Phoants, Roxboro I merchant, was recovered here Sunday morning by Patrolman Russell Bras- I.well ami- local officers. The rogues, i one white and the other one colored, i iu*e said to have vacated the car oh i Street early Sunday morning | before the theft was discovered here; N'o arrests have been made, but the ! car and a quantity of stolen goods found in it are being held in storage here awaiting the owner. The two men were seen here with the car as early as 2 o'clock that morn ing, but ynacquainted with the details , the officers did nit make an arrest. | When the car was found vacated later with a quantity of canned goods, snuff, shoes, overalls, cloth, and a .22 caliber rifle, officers placed it in . storage. » • ——— C. S. Ausbon Fatally Hurt I When He Fell Down Steps Clarence S. AM* bow, a Norfolk news paper man, formerly of Plymouth, where he operated the Roanoke Bea •con with his father, Clerk of Court C. V. W. Ausbon, died in a hospital in ,the Virginia city Sunday morning of | injuries received in a fall at his apart ment the night. before. Ausbon, 39 years old, was walking up the stairs to his apartment, and when he reached the top he apparently lost his balance and fell, striking his head at the base 'of the skull on the concrete below. Services were held in Plymouth yesterday afternoon, interment follow ing in a cemetery there. His wife, Mrs. imogene Hix Aus ■ bon, sister of Mr. D. N. Hix, of Ev eretts and Williamston, and a small son survive. 2,000 See Cut-Away Ford at Motor Company Saturday Approximately 2,000 people wit nessed the special Ford showing in the Williamston Motor Company show room here last Saturday, the cutaway chassis proving to be of great inter est to all. With every part of the machine, even to the tires, cut away to make vision possible inside and out, the on-lookers were amazed to see the parts in action!! A small motor turned all the working parts, showing how the twin cylinders performed and how the gears shifted. Electric weld ing on the bodies attracted much at tention, as it was impossible to detect the connection, making one unit of the entire body. In connection with the show, tiie motor, concent delivered its first new V-8, a sedan, to Judge Clayton Moore. Additional deliveries will'be made this week, it was learned from Manager N C. Green here yesterday. Interest in Politics Mounting As Time for Primary Nears CAR FLOUR FOR NEEDY RECEIVED HERE LAST WEEK No Distributions Will Be Made During Next Few Days, It Is Understood —» ~~ I A few more than 1,000 24-pound hags of flour were unloaded here last week for distribution among needy 1 | families, the gift coming through the American Red Cross. None of the 130 i barrels of flour has been distributed so j lar, and none will lie given out until a meeting of the several welfare agen cies can be held, and then it .will be directed by the local chapter of the Red Cross organization, it was learned from welfare headquarters here day. \ ery little of the flour will be dis tributed during the next several weeks, ami when the distribution', is starfed a close check on the applications will be maintained, it is understood. Applica tions will Ih' considered when the dis tributing organization is made com plete, but then the applicants will find it hard to get free bread unless their requests arc deserving ones. Free seed funds have been estab lislul, and where tlie charity seekers have failed to stnrt digging for them selves they will come as near to star vation as they will to receiving a bag of the fjeu,flour. It is not the purpose of the wel laic agencies here to deny any deserving person a hag of flour or aid in any possible form, but as far as the agfcncies are concerned the j "deiid-beats" are on the road to star _ vatiow. —• : —• — 2 —*-• Several citizens, when called upon, have prepared notes for the charity seekers. This practice is encouraged when the applicants are. really deserv ing in their requests. The flour is of a good grade, and will be of much aid in relieving suf fering in those cases where the un fortunates did their best to support ''themselves but failed in their efforts. SMALL CATCHES | FISH REPORTED ♦ A Big Run of Herrings Is Predicted During Next Few Days of Season Although small catches have been reported during the past .few days, seines operating in the Roanoke at Jamesville are expected to continue for i a few .more tbiys, it was learned here j yesterday afternoon. F.iicotiraging re l ports from points along the sound | have been received, indicating that a | large run of fish was ou the way up ; the .'treaiji, and it is hoped that a few more, large and profitable catches can be made before the season is spent. , The time for fishing was extended | from the 10th to the 20th of this month, and it might be that another delay will he made possible by the agreement. However, .another delay , depends uputi flic actiun ul the fisher men and authorities. —: » , ! Basball Fans Here Planning To Enter Albemarle League ♦— - » Meeting here last night, county base ball fans discussed the'organization rff a county team with the intention of ' entering the Albemarle Baseball I league, made up last year by Wind sor,, F.denton,-Hertford and Elizabeth i City. .The fans, coming fiere from " Jamesville and other sections of the j county for the meeting last night, are 1 submitting-a proposition to the other .towns, and the outcoiiie will be de termined at a meeting in Windsor to night, it was learned from Justice of the Peace M?yo Grimes this morning Knocks Down Pumps At Purol Filling Station Here Tom May, colored truck driver for the W. I. r Skiuner„Tobacco Company, ran into and tore down two gasoline pumps at the Purol Filling Station near the here this morning when lie became excited and lost con trol of the machine. No one was hurt but considerable damage was done to the truck and jjumps, Local Bank Will Observe Next Friday as a Holiday • The Branch Banking and Trust Company here will observe next Fri day, Mecklenburg Independence Day, as a holiday. No business will be the institution that day, as the epiployee* wtll be out of town. The day, nrcnalri T>art» of the State, is widely observed. Business is sus pended and celebrations are held. \ BEGIN REVIVAL -1 The first of a series of revival services arranged in the local Chris tion church was well attended last evening, the various denominations being well represented. Rev. Richard Bagby, of Washington, occupied the pulpit and Miss Caro lyn Hosford, of Springfield, Mass. led the song service, j Services are being held each eve ning by the pastor, and Miss Hos ford is holding two t daily. GOVERNMENT IS CHECKING USE OF SEED LOAN FUND i —• » j Checks For Second Install ment of Loans Are Now ' Being Mailed — Government Fkld Inspector, Mr.' j C laudius Dockery, whose territory in 1 this State comprises Martin. Wash-j lington, Tyrrell and' Dare Counties for' the Crop Production l.oan Office of 1 the Washington Region announces j that the last of the applications have j been considered, the government stat- I iiiK that plenty of time was given the I farmers to apply for aid. A few far mers have applied for loans, but their l delay in so doing tnadt-Aluyii ineligible I for aid from the .. Mr. Dockery further statedtlwC j loan checks, covering installments, arc now being mailed to all farmers whose I loans >were approved, hut only to those fanners who luive mailed to the I rop Production Loan I ffice, Wash ington, 1). C., their report cards as to what disposition they made of the proceeds of the first crop production loan checks received by them. ItT'Tfiis connection, it will lie interest ing to—leahi that a large nuniher of farmers have not mailed tlieTr report cards to the loan office, which indi cates that many of thejn for various reasons do not need the second in stallment of the loan made to them. Possibly in many instances this is on account of the requirement to reduce their cotton, tobacco, and peanut acreage to-sixt)-five per cent of the re.ige .planted I" the .• i Jul is last year. Mr. Dockery will make close in spections liolh time to time of the farms in this county where crop loans were made, using as a basis for jtheir investigations the information on the ! (Continued on the back page) _ • Attorney General Explains Qualifications For Voting A citizen who ha* reßtntererl can j vote in a primary or an election with out paying poll tax/ according to a 1 ruling announced last week by Attorn ••y General Brummitt in a letter to Mr. L. J. Hardison, Williams Township list-taker and candidate for the reg ister of deeds in ntination. The a4ui ney- general in his letter aid the fact that one has been in the Federal prison doe. not debar IJiifn , from voting. There is now no poll tax requirement for voting. Every res ; ident of your township within the con | stitutional ages of 21 to 50 is liable for j the poll tax, regardless of having served a term in prison, Kiwanians To Hold Their Regular Meet Wednesday # j Several business matters are sched uled to engage the time anil thought of the Kiw'anis ( lull at their Wednes day noon luncheon this week." Tin' matter of sending a delegate to the Detroit convention in J line; prep aration for the program this club is to put on in Tarboro the first week in June; the Boy Scout work for the balance of 1932, in addition to other matters. . . judge Clayton Mtjprc. has agreed to speak briefly at this meeting if he is in town. The entire membership is requested to be present. - • Firemen Called to Everett Home Late Friday Night » The local fire company was called dut last Friday night shortly., after 11 o'clock, when smoke from a trash bucket filled the kitchen and dining rooom iji the home of Mrs. lames A. Evertt on Main Street here. A quan tity of chips and several pieces of pa per had been placed in the bucket by the stove to be used in starting a fire the following morning, In some way the paper and chips caught fire and smoke filled the kitchen" and dining room, no other damage resulting, how ever, a« the fire was confined to the Advertiser* Will Fnd Oar Col unu ■ Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Homes ESTABLISHED 1898 LEWIS PEEL NOW IN CONTEST FOR COUNTY JUDGE ♦ Rumored That Everett and Matthews Will File for Board Commissioners ■ « A three-cornered race for judge of the county recorder's court was devel oped last Saturday when Mr. "Lewis Peel, (irirtins Township farmer, for mally announced his candidacy for the recordership nomination. Mr. Peel announces subject to the Democratic primary to he held the fourth of next month. Mr. Peel's candidacy devel ops the only three-cornemT" ra?s so tar created iif this county, Messrs. H. O. Peel and I . Ben Kiddiek having announced for the recordership nom ination several weeks ago. ! Willi the I'iriijal announcement of |Vir John \\ .* Fubanks, of Hamilton, ,as a candidate to-succeed himself on the county board of education, another -contest was created, bringing the num j her to four, as follows: Register of t deeds, solicitor of recorder's court, j hoard of education, and judge of re corders court, the last being a three , cornered affair. I noflicial reports heard during the j past few days indicated that a con test would result before next Friday [night for a place on the board of j county commissioners. It was stated jtliat Mr. 11. S. Everett was reconsid j-Wliig his candidacy to succeed himself i"ii the TrtwU, and that Mr. Dun Mat thews was planning to tile Ins candi dacy as a member of the county board. ~ I lie political fine-up for this coun ty will he made complete by Friday midnight of this week, after which time it will he too late for office as pirants to file. Whether the political waters, fairly smooth so far, With few exceptions, will he greatly 'stirred up iidwx£n-imw_awl_Fj4ihiy4H4*lmght r +hi*- week,-is a matter of speculation. Interest is centering in Jamesville Township, with two of its favorite sons, F. H. Ange and Joe Martin out for board of education nominations, and Clarence Sexton and Joseph H. Ilolliday are out for township con stable. And then that district has a candidate in A. Corey for the State "Senatr nominal lon. Tn 'ndrtitfon-to that the people of that section are said to he interested in the race for governor with a declared margin for Candidate J 1. B Fhringhaus. fountain sup porters in the district, however, deny i lie claim of an Fhringhaus margin. I The roster'of announced candidates | to date: j For register .of deeds: J. Sam Get j singer and Lucian Hardison. For recorder's court judge: Ben Rid-, j dick, Herbert O. Peel and Lewis Peel, t For"solicitor recorder's court: Jos. W. Bailey and W. Hubert Coburn. ; For sheriff: C. B. Roebuck. For coroner: S, Rome Biggs. For county commissioners: Messrs. T.,C. Griffin, of tiriffins; Van G. Tay lor, Joshua L. Coltrain, Williams; John F. Pope, Williamston; and 11. C. Green. Bear Crass. , | For county board education: Messrs. TJ. Fasoii l.illey, Joe Martin, E. H. I Ange .and John W. Fubanks. ! For treasurer: C. A. Harrison. | For representative in the General Assembly: J. Calvin Smith, of Rober sonville. I For constable, Jamesville Town ship: Clarence Sexton and Jos H. Hol iday. For constable: Cross Roads Town ship, B. B. Biggs. MAIL SCHEDULES CHANGED HERE New Mail Service Rapidly Gaining Favor Among Local Patrons *'• # —• The new mail schedule, going into effect between here ami Rocky Mount yesterday is fast gaining approval by local postal patrons, it was learned to day from Postmaster Jesse T. Price. Letters, postmaarked in Washington City last night at 7:45 o'clock and at Richmond at 10:35 were" received here this mornirig at 8, it was stated. Un der the new schedule, a letter mailed here at 7;10 p. m., the time the mail is closed for delivery to the star route carrier at 7:30, reaches Richmond at 3:30, and Washington at 6:35 the following mornihg and New York that afternoon at 12:10 o'clock. Mails go injk south from here reach Florence at 5:30 the following morning and Sa vannah that afternoon at 12:03, Mr. Price said. Mail arriving here at t o'clock each morning except Sunday is in the boxes by that diracttd to rn«L patrons ti%ri its way to them by V o'clock.