PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Pnbliafaed Every Tnaaday and Friday by Tha ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA. W. C. Mannin® 1— Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES • (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One yew ''j! Six month* T —~ : —— •" OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year j gg No Subacription Received for Lets Than 6 Montha Advertiaing Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Wilhamston, N. C, as second class matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Address tkH communications to The Enterprise and not to the individual members of the brm. Tuesday, May 17, 1932 Look for the Meaning Why is DuPont's yacht in eastern Carolina waters? And why is John Small making liquor speeches for John J. Raskob in this part of the State? Apparent ly there is some low dive politics' going the rounds. And it is a safe prediction to say that it is for the purpose of electing a man to nited States Senate from North Carolina. ♦ Now is the day for every voter and esjietially every woman voter to look well into the life of the men they support for high office. It is easy some times for men to get in high places whom we are later ashamed of. There is tittle doubt about the fact that there is a lot of liquor money being spent in North Carolina. It is slipping in from the North and it is Republican money trying to beat Senator Morrison for a seat in the United States Senate. - * A Blow at Free Government ■"*ir The Associated Press lias the following otv a speech made recently by \V. Glover, second assistant Postmaster General: "Urging Missouri postmasters to defend and sup port Herbert Hoover, W. Irving Glover, second asr sistant Postmaster General, told the postmasters' state convention here today that "as long as you do that you are filling the job of postmaster.' " 'You are a part of this administration,' he said, 'it is best for us to get out on the firing line. I shall be back in Washington Monday, and I shall be glad to take the resignations of any of you post masters who do not want to do it.' "Answering thdse who say what America needs is a leader, Glover declared, 'We've got a leader. We have had one for years. If we do not stand back of that man Hoover, regardless of party, God help this country.' " Nothing could be further from free government that this. Every voter in America owes it to himself to vote as he pleases. Of course, postmasters owe to the administration that puts them in office honest and efficient service, but they should lie as tree as anybody-else to vote for their choice of their party, or for any other party, if they wish. Free government is in serious danger when a man's job depends on his vote. % Little Pen-o-grams Max mo on 1( MMM 1 v - y I r, ■ T- « 'T.„, tftWHS RIGHT ON! .... — ZH 1 PUBLISHED IVMV TU—PAY AND WIIPAY Branding Fountain, a Republican The Ehringhaus leaders have taken a pretty low dive in trying to brand Fountain as a Republican. The fact is that Fountains Raleigh speech is just exactly the kind of Democracy the people want. It seenW like a puny popgun attack to try to put such a thing across on the people who have advanced far enough into the political books not to swallow everything the politicians say. The truth is Fountain's shot wak too hot for them, and 1 they are trying to divert the fire. The Most Horrible of Crimes * - - J |- The law-maker? will have to name a new crime, one that has proven to be more horrible than all others stealing and then murdering an innocent baby. Of course the' law-makers should not prescribe lynching as the proper punishment; yet, there are no less than a million good, honest American who could be induced to help lynch or even burn at the stake the abductor and murderer of the little Lindbergh child. Democracy Must Redeem Itself The Democratic Party will finally decay if it bows much longer to certain New York influences headed by Tammany Hall, the most selfish and corrup polit ical organization 6n the face of the earth. It is an or ganization with two vicious habits—electing officials and sucking the life out of the people. Unfortunate ly i*t is now following the policy of dictating to the party or of running it. Tammany is made up of every class of people known on earth. They know very little of the needs of the rank arid file of the folks throughout the coun try. ..Vow-the Tammany influence ifr trying to over ride the balance of the country -in the selection of a presidential candidate, and is apparently backing Owen I). Young, a man who knows big business and cares not for little business. He is a man Who stands a long ways from; the true meridian of Democracy. The important question is will Democracy agree to sacrifice itself again this year because of the demands of the roughest and most undesirable element of the party? The only place Democracy can redeem itself is in the national convention, and it can never do so by bowing to Tammany. * , • Waiting for Prosperity We continue to see many folks passing around waiting for prosperity to come marching back. And it is a pitiful sight, because they are not going to see it. There is still an opportunity to meet prosperity if a fellow runs fast enough and digs deep enough. jlut the fellow that waits will never see it. There are some farmers who have never done anything but farm and who,will not farm now because they can't find anybody to feed and clothe them. They prefer to whine rather than change their old habits of rent ing land, half working and drawing all they can car ing not if they pay out when the fall comes. We should be frank in advising people to change their methods, to urge them to do more work even if they can't get so much for it. When the final show* down comes it will be a question of whether we have enough to eat or not. Those who have been feeding beggars because of the unemployment situation, are going to ask the fellow seeking alms next winter what he was doing when the sun was shining during the summer. Especially will the charity seekers find this true in those communities where there i» plenty of land lying uncultivated. The man who stands still and waits for prosperity is going to find things hard in the future. THE SNTBRPRIBE Dark Outlook Here i m i The only absolute lifonarchies in the! world today are the Empires of Abys-. Isinia and Morocco and the Kingdom 'of Siam. SALE OP VALUABLE FARM i PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by B. E. Moye and wife, Martha 0. Moye, on the sth day of March, 1923, and recorded in book U-2, page 125, we will, on Saturday, the 4th day of June, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, at-the courthouse door in Mar tin County, Williamston, N. C., sell at! 'public auction, for cash, to the high-i est bidder, the following land, to wit: j A tract or parcel of land, lying and j being in Goose Nest Township, Mar tin County, and State of N. C., begin ning at a point a corner between the R. R. property and B. E. Moye, at a 1 icalling N. 69 E. 8 1-2 poles, thence N.I ,6 W. 2 2-25 poles, thence N. 82 1-2 E. j 'l7 1-25 poles to a corner, thence N.' 24 1-2 E. 151 4-5 poles to the run of j Conoho (.'reek, thence down the run; of the said Creek N. 79 E. 35 poles,' thence N. 85 E. 10 poles, thence N. 48 E. 11 poles, thence S. 74 1-2 E. 30 poles, thence S. 55 E. 42 1-2 poles to a corner between B. E. Moye and J. T. Davis, thence along the river road S. 43 1-2 W. 190 1-2 poles to a corner in tlie Davis land, thence N. 44 \V. 18 18-25 poles, thence S. 43 1-2 \V. 120 10-33 poles, thence S. 44 E. 18 18-25 .poles, thence S. 43 1-2 VV. 8 1-5 poles, 'thence N. 44 \V. .19 1-3 poles, thence jS. 53 1-2 \V. 8 1-2 poles, thence N. 44 W. 2 3-4 poles to a corner of the K. K. Property and I!. E. Moye, thence up this line, S. 43 1-2 W. 14 poles, thence N. 18 \V. 20 30-33 poles to the first station, the'beginning, containing 196.66 acres. 1 This sale is made by reason of the failure t>f B. E. Moye and wife, Mar tha O. Moye, to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said deed Jof trust. | A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. ' This the 30th day of April, 1932. \V. (i. BKAMHAM AND T. L. BLAND, RECEIVERS FOR FIRST NATIONAL COM PANY OP DURHAM, INC., TRUSTEE, FORMERLY FIRS T NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, DUR HAM, N.C. rnalO 4tw NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE OF LANDS UNDER POWER IN DEED OF TRUST j Under and by virtue of the power i and authority conferred by a certain 1 deed of trust dated April 30th, 1926, ffrom O. T. liverett and wife, Mattie liverett, to Raleigh Banking and Trust ' C ompany, trustee, recorded in the of-1 Ike of the Register of Deeds for Mar- j tin County, North Carolina, in book X-2, at page 299, said Raleigh Bank- | ing & Trust Company having been' duly removed and the Commercial Na-| tional Bank of Raleigh and Leon S. I Brassfield, substituted therefor as trus-J tees thereunder by instrument record- j ed in the office of the Register of| Deeds for Martin County; and thej Commercial National Bank of Raleigh | having been removed and J. Granbury ] Tucker having been substituted there-1 I for as trustee thereunder by instru-j inient reciirded in -the ortice of the Reg-' jister of Deeds for Martin County; aIL [as provided in said deed of trust; de | fault having been made in the payment I !of the indebtedness-secured by said [ deed of trust and the owner and holder jof saiil indebtedness having duly re- j quested said substituted trustees to in-, |stitute foreclosure proceedings accord-1 j ing to the provisions of said deed of I trust; the undersigned substituted trus tees will ' offer for sale and sell to the | highest bidder for cash at the Martini i County courhouse door ,ir» „.William»X ston, N, C., at 12 o'clock M., on ; WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th, 1932 All that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Martin County, Ham ilton Township, State of North Caro lina. and described as follows: Oil Highway No. 125 front Hamil ton to Oak City, three miles from Oak City, lying and being in Hamilton ■ Township, Martin County, North Car-! olina, and near the corporate limits of the town of Hamilton, adjoining the lands of R. W. Salsbury and brother, Mrs. J. B. Everett, Fred Barnhill, Harry Waldo, and others, and bound-, ed as follows: Beginning in tlfe-'center of the Ham-J ilton and Oak City road at the point where the ditch which drains Great Branch crosses said road; thence along said road north 87 degrees 30 minutes west 90 links to the corner of the ne gro cemetery lot; thence north 51 de grees 30 minutes west 7.10 chains and south 35 degrees west 5 chains back F —~—l INDIGESTION "My work is confining, and often I eat hurriedly, causing me to have lndl- l gestion. Gas will form j and I will smother and have pains In my chest. "I had to be ca*eful what I ate, but after someone had recom- 1 mended Black-Draught • and I found a small pinch after meals was so helpful, I soon was eat ing anything I wanted. "Now when I feel the least smothering or un comfortable bloating, I" take a pinch of Black- Dr&ught and get relief." —Clyd« Viughn, 1# Shlppy SC. QwwurtlU i. C- Sold in 231 packages. tl „ I ffOMr:" I vou*. or miffnr «v#rr month, ahouM I I tako C.mUit. UtaJ for ovrr SO ycura. | FOR -CHILDREN—and grown-ups who prefer a liquid—get the new, pleasant-tasting SYRUP of Thed ford's Black Draught; 25c and 50c. WILLIAMSTON NORTH CAROLINA to the®road; thence along said road north 87 degrees 30 minutes west 4.85 chains ;north 79 degrees 15 minutes west 9.50 chains; north 72 degrees 30 minutes west 9.30 chains; north 70 degrees 30 minutes west 20.15 chains; north 78 degrees 15 minutes west 17.20 chains to Harry Waldo's corner; thence north 21 degrees 45 minutes east 22.50 chains; and north 80 degrees west 10.50 chains to Ferd Barnhill's line; thence j»orth 20 degrees east 17.70 chain*, and north 88 degrees west 23.10 chains to B. B. Sherrod; thence north 4 degrees 45 minutes west 10.95 chains to a post oak; north 10 degrees 30 min utes cast 6.27 chains to a pine, corner of R. W. Salsbury & Brother; thence south 82 degrees east 10.60 chains to a pine slump; north 33 degrees 45 minutes cast 3.15 chains to a pine; north 74 degrees 30 minutes east 9.75 chains; thence south 38 degrees 30 minutes east 29.20 chains to the lands of Mrs. J. B. Everett; thence south 19 degrees 30 minutes east 6.50 chains to the head of Pig Pen Branch; thence with said branch south 14 degrees 30 minutes west 7.75 chains to the end of the ditch in said branch; thence with said ditch south 26 degrees 30 minutes east 3.75 chains; south 36 de grees 45 minutes east 4.45 chains; south 50 degrees 15 minutes east 16.90 chains; and south 76 degrees 30 min utes east 9.20 chains; thence north 36 degrees east 25.65 chains to Stokes' corner; thence south 61 degrees east 6, chains: south 48 degrees 45 minutes EXTRA VALUES COUNT Low PRICES on tire® Is one thing— extra quality at low prices is quite another. When you can get the Extra Values of Firestone's two patented con struction features— Gum Dipping and Two Extra Gum-Dipped Cord Plies Under the Tread —at no premium in price, you are getting the most in Safety and Mileage your money can buy. Prices for these extra quality tires are unbelievably low today; in ~ ~ ~ ~ fact, the lowest ever known. | THRIFT Ymi owe it to the Bafely of "HSImS the Strongest and Safest Tires > ou c « n bu y at the P rices y° u f; I Jnf i** i// til 9r IWA Li»iU....,4Drive in today. We will show ff\ Ml ' 7"* "*** l twdim a|alwt I— J B I H ""H! you sections cut from rirestone Tires—also special brand laail suM.DiMco C com hms order tires and others—take till them in your own hands and iH il'iTSXtt?T■?**" c k©ck *he construction for V ojfsLtr ZZiVLfIfEE yourself. You and you alone b- ■ I *T '♦* r.r*~ the Judge. Then you will un cpo tut pvntfuisi and klowQvti, II rsri • K ; ' "" *" derstand why Fireatonel ires are the outstanding preference S'li' i' /tttoVWy" t»y>, ii.t m~c.Hi of car owners. J** 1 *!?- . In these days of thrifty uu.n ,o buying—FIRESTONE EXTRA Monday night over 15.8.C. nationwide network VALUES COUN I ! 11* COMPARE CONSTKUCTIQN . QUALITY . PRICE '■S™" 1 II ' f rmrrssi mowm || rwuioM fumtsm ■m. tw a... n. T" "J*" ■- "» "T" °" uu •it* tu* II TtL «Z. ln ' T| ** U tta. »» tin , Cn» file c«« Md II •«" CMkPric. CM* Mm H "*» " CM Mm Cat Mm '«» *»>•* |l _____ ten rmr*l II Uc> rrn p u cwi.l^- 21 M.7S M.SO I «-!«*- - S.3S-2I SIf.SS A _ •««.$• SSS.SS !:S »Ecj""> •»» »*« S §£±*l *•*»-" t.» U^&h'Si 20 1415 ,M, | Ptjm'th.j iMVr'.Mon I 5.30-19 S.iS : j&M&t-a-a 1 mtWK mm* mm naas Chandkrl I^l—l-> II 111 i . .. 1 KW! 6JOS-11 !•.*• as.s* II *««« - F ."- EtT ** I ..—— liViL in* ss n II **_ •IP' 'lf IZT.L 5-00-19 ».»» || c^. 6^ 19 21- * 4 II Nil O.D SXS.4S Clf.ft | [j 32i6 H.D. S*.SO f.SS | nS? 15 00-20 *.7S »».*• i 6.00-so t«.n M 5 HD — »».4s Nash ~ 5 00-21 t n I II 6.00-80 H.D. 14>M 19.X4 OM. hu. •* 6.00-X1 XX.SS Xl.f4 U 6.50-20 H.I). XS.3O 3I.SS i Duirk M. | I H D |TJf-»K.D. as.4« SX.SS s '•** t4 * Ifcuk—- 6.05-aa ||»-8-2H R' 4 *-** 04d * h1 ' I H.u. ■?aflw» li^a=r^~ o« *£z*' 0m other* to dUtribute. Special i |J| : —WI CrtWc. MM* Cut Mm Brand Tlrca ara mad* wlifcaut *». N» to tha manufacturar'a mom. TW mm u* ih ——- —— in told without hla in rtotn • «... «.« «.« tits 'ts % 4.50-21 ».*S 5.96 7.74 ****->• —■— •** tfc* fpuMtr 4.TX-W .1 f.XS 1.12 «.«4 asoel* that of apedal bnuxl mall >.OO-19 .1 f.M 5.39 IS.4* " »-S7 »J7 S.SS order tlr«. aoW at th. »»-» j »»* i i pffoea. i^mSiiSiSssSistsmssislzJiSt^m At One of the largeat magazine publishing houses published a survey which' they recently made to find out the tire buying plans of car owners for this year. In this survey- they covered twelve states and Interviewed 1,403 of their subscribers. They found that 68% of those interviewed are going to buy tires this summer, and that 27.2% of these car owners are going to buy Fircslor n Tires—the next highest is only 20.6% which shows the demand for*Firestone Tires is 32% more than for any other make. 4. *"* * * * W *' - -• .J I i **" . % ' .. »N Williamston Motor Co. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. east 3.72 chains; south 40 degrees east 2.43 chains; south 36 degrees 30 min-j utes east 2.51 chains; south 43 de grees 30 minutes east 4 chains; and sooth 40 degrees 30 minutes east 2.47 j chains: thence south 70 degrees 30 min' utes west 70 links; south 17 degrees 15 minutes east 4.50 chains; south 21 degrees 15 minutes east 3.25 chains to a gate post; thence along a ditch on j the edge of Great Branch; south 101 .degrees west 7.68 chains; south 26 de-' grees west 6.90 chaios; and south 52 degrees 45 minutes west 8.40 chains to the beginning; containing 284.82 acres, more or less, and being composed of the following tracts or parcels of land conveyed to said O. T. Everett: Jo seph Purvis and wife, deed dated Sep teml>er 10th, 1919, and recorded in Martin County Registry in book Y-l, page 362. James Hooker and Harry Davis and wives by deed dated Febru ary 7, 1918, and of record in said registry in book T-l, page 314. J. B. Anthony and wife by deed dated Janu ary 22, 1917, and of record in book L-l, page 436. M. P. Taylor and wife by deed dated November sth, 1910, and of record in book YYY, page 400. ! Joseph Purvis and wife by deed dated September 10, 1919, and of record in book Y-l, page 363. A. Sherrod and wife by deed dated December 26th, 1905, and of record in book MMM, page 471. Clara Everett by deed dat ed December 15, 1919, and of record j in book B-2, page 471. Excepting from the above descrip- Tuesday, May 17,1932 ' tion the following land: Beginning at a point in Pig Pen 1 Branch, corner of Clara and J. B. Everett land; thence north 36 east r 25.65 chains to the corner of €fara Bv- I erett and Stokes heirs land; thence south 61 degrees east 6 chains; south 48.45 east 5.72 chains; south 40 east ,;2.43 chains; south 16.30 east 2.51 I chains; south 43.30 east 4 chains; sooth I' 40-30 east 2.47 chains, south 70-30 west j7O chains; thence southwest course ; 27.60 chains to Pig Pen Branch; thence \ along said branch to the beginning, containing 34.42 acres, and being the ' same piece of land as designated on [ map of Clara Everett to O. T. Ev . erett. This the Uth day of May, 1932. , J. GRANBERY TUCKER and LEON S BRASSFIELD, Substituted Trustees. Winston & Tucker, attorneys at law, I Raleigh, N. C. my! 7 4tw DR. V. H. MEWBORN OPTOMETRIST ! Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted ' Robersonville at Fulmer'i Drug Store, Tuesday After Third Sunday Each 1 Month. ' William*ton, at Davis Pharmacy, on ' Wednesday After Third Sunday of Each Month ' Plymouth at O'Henry Drug Store, Thursday After Third Sunday Each 1 Month. At Tarboro. N. C., Every Friday and Saturday J

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