In Wutmqton Yfittenday In Tmtm Monday Mrs. J. S. Rhodes and Mrs. 0. S. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Roberson, of Ahrferaon spent yesterday in Wash- Farm Life school section, were ia ingon. town trading Monday. "' 1 • • Return to Fredericksburg Here Yesterday S Mr. and Mrs. H. C. James and R- W. Saisbury, of Hamilton, was child returned yesterday to Freder- in town yesterday. icksburg, Va., after visiting relatives „ „ . • here. From RobertamniUe - » Misses Violet Rogers, Marjorie Here From FamviUe Rogers, Annie Louise Taylor, and Miss Cora Lee Patterson, of Mrs " A * P B * rnhill - of Robersonville, Farmville, visited her aunt, Mrs. j. here yesterday. c. Miontog, ih, pm mt . „ ■ Professor and Mrs. D. N. Hix left wd M„ s«. " here f GotWd nf ot Japwym, visitors s the next aewnl weeks here yesterday. Spend Week-tad at Buyview In Durham Sunday Messrs. Francis Barnes and C. D. Mr. C. B. Clark and son, Billie, Carstarphen spent the week-end with were in Durham Sunday to sew Claud friends at Bayvkw. Baxter, jr., who is in a hospital there. ♦— — You(g Mr. Clark b recovering from Here Prom RokersomiHe a serious operation for ma&toiditis, Attorney J. C. Smith, of Rober but will be con6ned to the hospital eonville, was here for a short while lor some time. ' yesterday morning. dr. V. H. WWBQRN u Wilson bM g,.P«S o>irrß "^ n .. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Manning are cobwaonville at Palmer's Drug Stort, in Wilson today, where Mr. Man- MotJth!* AftW TWnl ning it attending a meeting of tha WiUiaauton, at Qaris trustees of Atlantic Christian Col- Third Sunday of sst, — **£&«, H. C, £«, Ml« .1 "J. DU,h *™ Saturday Sunday. MOTHERS Don't Fail to Enter Your Baby • YtutOr Younaar ABSOLUTELY TREE rot OUR BABY PHOTO CONTEST Wed., Thurs., and Fri. MAY 25th. 26th, and 27th FROM »A.M.TO9 9. M. Rftftf O* IHIHV Thraa beautiful and naefal kMMkotd sUta to ba awarded. ThU . la not a bawjy coataac Na Mf MnM| to enter. Wa h*v« aecured tha aanriaaa of a higb-gnj. ProfeeaionjJ Baby Photograph- Harrison Brtthers & Co. WILLIAM—ow, n. c. »» 1 '» 11 1 » '■■■' ' i' i =■*) m-"practical" )ffim WASH It FROCKS ; j. *' _ • '—•■v-../'" PRACTICAL in that you can wear them most any plaCAt ..far spocta... for shopping-. .. in the home— Cc4of», that: will keep through no endings of tubbings. Smnmcary-loeking and coel, toot with their ilecwetei* or quatJetrikeve and open neck-lince. We jusfcfcnu m yau'Jl - want several) Plaiibtoari wtmres or lowly, ntodmm Pilmtw im PERCALES BEACH CLOTHS '—~ PIQXJSS IRISH LINENS PONGEES Colors: Green, Blue, liaise, Peach , Margolis Mi&CLsSiS&M Returns From Norfolk Mrs. DftwM Keel has rtfcwnad from Norfolk, where she visited Mr. and Mn. C. W. Keith. *» ■ ■ In Tmu Monday Mr. Sylvester Pfcel, chairman of the Madia County Board of Elec tions, was here yesterday preparing the 5,006 county Democratic primary ballots and 900 township ballots. • From Jtobersonville Mrs. W. H. Miselle, of Robenon ville, was a visitor here Monday. Here From Colerahte Dr. Charles Roebuck, of Coleraine, was in town yesterday on profession al business. • Visits Relatives If ore Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peel, of Wil lianston, Route 1, visited relatives hare Sunday. ♦ Shoppers Mere hlondmy v Misses Dorothy Carson and Paul ina Aakew and O. W. Hamilton,, of Jamesvltle, shopped here yesterday. Spend* Week-End Here Miss Josephine Harrison, student at Bast Carolina Teachers College, of Greenville, spent last week-end here with ber mother, Mrs. T. F. Har rison. • Attends Dance in Tarboro Miss Frances Williams attended dance in Tarboro last night. » Return From Nags Heed Messrs. Frank Carstaiyfien and Boyd Hight returned Sunday from Nags Head, where they spent sev eral days last week. In Fredericksburg, Va. William James, jr., is in Freder icksburg, Va., this week visitng his brother, Mr. H. C. James, and Mrs. James. Here Monday - - Mr; Tom Swain of Plymouth, was in town yesterday for a few hours. VhM Mr. and Mm. Margolis Mr. fid Passman, of New York, sptpt the west sml here with Mr. rHIC fcMTBRPRIgg Leave for New Bern Mrs. John R. Browning and lit tle daughter, Shirley, left for her home in New Bern yesterday after visiting relatives here for several days. Returns From KittreU Whit Purvis, jr., returned Satur -1 day from Kittrell, where he visited ' his father for several days. 0 From Plymouth Attorney W. L. Whitley, of Ply mouth, was in town Monday on bus iness. v. « Mr. J. E. King will return tomor row froln Richmond, Va., where he has been for several days in the in terest of the W. I. Skinner Company. • j Beaux Arts Club • Jamesville. —Mrs. Carl Barefoot very graciously entertained the Beaux Arts Club at her home Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock. After four spirited progressions, top score for girls was awarded Hazel Martin, and top score for boys going to Wallace ! Fleming. Consolation was awarded Oscar Davenport. The hostess, assisted by Hazel Martin, served a delicious salad course and iced tea. Club members present were: Fan nie L. Martin, Edith Stallings, Ca mille Fleming, Louise Paxton, and Ruth Modlin. Invited guests in cluded Pauline Askew, Hazel Mar j tin, James Smithwick, Onward Gay lord, James Long, David Modlin, Harry Martin, Wallace Fleming, Os car Davenport, and Carl Barefoot. ■ t - Anderson-Blount o Miss Dorothy Archer Blount, of Washington, was married to Mr. Hugh B. Anderson, of Williamston, at the home of the bride's mother on West Second Street there last Satur day afternoon, Rev. W. D. Mcln-| nis, of the First Presbyterian church' of Washington, performing the cere-j mony. Only a few intimate friends , of the young couple and a few close' relatives witnessed the certmony. Following a short wedding trip,! Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are making their home in Washington. Mrs. Anderson is the daughter of Mrs. H. N. Mount and is very pop ular in this part of the 9tate, where 1 she has many friends. Mr. Anderson, son of Mrs. J. W Anderan, of this piaae is cenntcteri with thl Stale and FMwl market ■ ing bureaus, and is well known in I Eastern North Carolina and the mar- 1 |keting csnlsrt of the country, where' jhe has wariMd during the past sev jeral yean, ■HMOTOM NOTICB | Ila»laa this day qualified «xee«- ! ,0r * **•«*»» J Bllaabe«h Simp son, lata of WlttlaaMSan, N. C., all per haMtar eleles against said ee |tsto are liseabj wariOad to prasent the •aaia to tha undersigned or this notice wiH ba pleaded in bar of the recovery of tha Mm*. All parsons indebted to •aid estate will pl«as« come forward sad main immediate payment of same. E. G. BAGLEY, Eaaeutor of tha Eatate of Elizabeth Simpson. Cobnrw and Cobarn, attorney. al9 6t NOTICK OF SALE Under and by virtue of the authority contained ia that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by John Roberson and wife, Sylvia Roberson, on the 24th day of July, 1926, and of record in the public reg istry of Martin County, in Book Y-2, at page 11, said deed of trust being 1 Siven to secure certain notes of even J ate aad tenor therewith, and the stip ulations therein contained not having been complied with, at the request of the parties interested, the undersigned trustaa will, on Wednesday, the 23rd day of June, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, >n front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, North Carolina, offer for sale, to the highest bidder, far cash, the following described prop otr , . Beginning at Robert Gurganus cor ner on Main Street in the town of Williamston, North Carolina, thence N. 86 W. 440 feet; thence S. 76 E. 90 feet; thence N. 4 E. 400 feet; thence N. 61 W. 175 feet; thence N. 35 E. 264 feet; thence N. 32 1-2 W. 439 feet; thence S. 44 W. 360 feet; thence "N. 13 1-3 W. 235 feet; thence S. 76 W. 128 feet; thence S. 46 E. 60 feetthence S. 1 E. 560 feet; thence S. 45 E. 215 faet; S. 10 E. 160 feet, S. 26, W. 372 fset, S. 1 E. 230 feet, S. 3 E. 275 efet; thence N. 60.39 W. 200 feet; thence N. 3 E. 127 feet, S. 68 E. 200 feet, S. 88 1 1.2 E. IIS feet, S. 11 E. 29 feet, S. | II E. 48 feet; thence S. 11 E. 125 feet to Main Street in the Town of Wil- ] liamston, and being the same land de-| ■Bribed in a deed of trust from the ! Kan tors to the North Carolina Joint oclc Laad Bank of Durham of rec ord ia book X-2, at page 341. Dated this the 23rd day of May 1932. E. S: PEEL, anr24 4tw Trustee. Whaaler Martin, Attorney. NOTICI O* TBUSrarS SALS 99 LANDS UNDER POWER IM ODD or TRUST Under and by virtue of the power) SBd authority conferred by a certain i diad of trust dated April 30tb, 1926, fw O. T. Everett and wife, Mattic Jrerett, to Raleigh Banking and Trust Campanr, trustee, recorded In the of-, fise the Relator of Deeds for Mar is Cooaty; North Carolina, in book x-2, at page 299, said Raleigh Bank ■w# * Trust Company having been asm duly removed and the Commerchl Na tional Bank Of Raleigh and Leon S.j Brassficld, substituted therefor as trus-| ■ tees thereunder by instrument record-' , ed in the office of the Register of 1 Deeds for Martin County; and the | Commercial National Bank of Raleigh having been removed and J. Oranbury Tucker having bfcen substituted there for as fi us tee thereunder by insttu-' ment recorded in the office of the Reg- f ister of Deeds for Martin County; all as provided in said d«nl of trust; de fault having been made in the payment' of the indebtedness secured by said j deed of trust and the owner and holder of said indebtedness having duly re quested said substituted trustees to in- i stitute foreclosure proceedings accord-! ing to the provisions of said deed of! trust; the undersigned substituted trus tees will offer for sale and sell to the) highest bidder for cash at the Martin County courhouse door in William ston, N. C., at 12 o'clock M.„ on t WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th. 1932 I All that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Martin County, Ham ilton Township, State of North Caro lina, and described as follows; On Highway No. 125 from Hatnil« ton to Oak City, three miles from Oak City, lying and being in Hamilton Township, Martin County, North Car- j olina, and near the corporate limits of the town of Hamilton, adjoining the lands of R. W. Salsbury and brother. Mrs. J B. Everett, Fred Barnhill, Harry Waldo, and others, and bound- , ed as follows: Beginning inthe center of the Ham- ' iltQtt and Oak City road at the point where the ditch which drains Great Branch crosses said road; thence along said road north 87 degrees 30 minutes west 90 links to the corner of the ne gro cemetery lot; thence north 51 de- ' grees 30 minutes west 7.10 chains and south 35 degrees west 5 chains back to the road; thence along said road north 87 degrees 30 minutes west 4.85 j chains jnorth 79 degrees 15 minutes 1 west 9.50 chains; north 72 degrees 3(1 1 minutes west 9.30 chains; north 70 degrees 30 minutes west 20.15 chains; i north 78 degrees 15 minutes west 17.20 chains to Harry Waldo's corner; ' thence north 21 degrees 45 minutes east 22.50 chains; and north 80 degrees west 10.50 chains to Kerd Barnhill's line; thence north 20 degrees east 17.70 chains; and north 88 degrees west 23.10 chains to B. B. Sherrod; thence north 4 degrees 45 minutes west 10.95 chains? to a post oak; north 10 degrees 30 min utes east 6.27 chains to a pine, corner] of R, W. Salshury & Brother; thence | south 82 degrees east 10.60 chains to. apinO- stump: north 33 degrees 45 minutes east 3.15 chains to a pine;' north 74 degrees 30 minutes east 9.75 J chains; thence south 38 degrees 30: minutes east 29.20 chains to the lands' of Mrs. ). B. Everett; thence south' 19 degrees 30 minutes east 6.50 chains I to the head of Fig Pen Branch; thence, with said branch south 14 degrees 30! I minutes west 7.75 chains to the end j of the ditch in said branch; thence with said ditch south 26 degrees 30 I minutes east 3.75 chains; south 36 de | grees 45 minutes east 4.45 chains; south 50 degrees 15 minutes east 16.90 I chains; and south 76 degrees 30 min | utes east 9.20 chains; thence north 36 I degrees east 25.65 chains to Stokes' | corner; thence south 61 degrees east 6 chains; south 48 degrees 45 minutes east 3.72- chains; south 40 degrees east j 2.43 chains; south 36 degrees 30 min- I utes east 2.51 chains; south 43 de grees 30 minutes cast 4 chains; and | south 40 degrees 30 minutes east 2.47 | chains; thence south 70 degrees 30 min utes west 70 links; south 17 degrees | 15 minutes east 4.50 chains; south 21 I degrees 15 minutes east 3.25 .chains to ' a gate post; thence along a (Jitch on the edge of Great Branch; south 10 I degrees west 7.68 chains; south 26 de-! , grees west 6.90 chains; and south 52 degrees 45 minutes west 8.40 chains to! I the beginning; containing 284.82 acres, more or less, and being composed of | ' the following tracts or parcels of land .conveyed to said O. T. Everett; Jo seph Purvis and wife, deed dated Sep tember 10th, 1919, and recorded in Martin County Registry in book Y-l, page 362. James Hooker and Harry Davis and wives by deed dated Febru . ary 7, 1918, and of record in said | registry in book T-l, page 314. J. B. | Anthony and wife by deed dated Janu ary 22, 1917, and of record in book I L-l, page 436. M. P. Taylor and wife by deed dated November sth, 1910, and of record in book YYY, page 400. Joseph Purvis and wife by deed dated September 10, 1919, and of record in book Y-l, page 363. A. Sherrod and wife by deed dated December 26th, 1905, and of record in book MMM, page 471. Clara Everett by deed dat ed December 15, 1919, and of record in book B-2, page 471. Excepting from the above descrip tion the following land: Beginning at a- point in Pig Pen Branch, corner of Clara and J. B. Everett land; thence north 36 east 25.65 chains to the corner of Clara Ev erett and Stokes heirs land; thence south 61 degrees east 6 chains; south Loads >► . f . ' - Sulphate of Ammonia - WILL BE HERE THE LATTER PART OF THIS WEEK OR THE EARLY RART OF NEXT WEEK. SEE US BE FORE BUYING. I® CAN SAVE YOU MONEY AND AT THE SAME TIMEGIVE YOU THE BEST AMMONIA ON THE MARKET. ' Y* ' —M——■■■■■ LINDSLEY ICE COMPANY [ 2.43 chains; south 16.30 east 2.51 chains; south 43.30 east 4 chains; south 40-30 east 2.47 chains, south 70-30 west 70 chains; thtfnce southwest course 27.60 chains to Pig Pen Braftch; thence along said branch' to the beginning, containing 34.42 acres, and being the .uL U"'l -* s .designated on REV. MISS CAROLYN " HOSFORD t I is successfully direct- 1 ing the music and as- I sisting in conducting I the services during I the meeting. COME OUT TO I THESE SERVICES || V" • ■ Revival Meeting AT THE Methodist Church All Tliis Week GOOD SINGING GOOD PREACHING Come and bring the family. Services begin promptly every night at 8 o'clock. "HERE'S A START FOR YOU . . SON" The youth who appreciates the value of in surance is bound to get x>n in this world. He knows that without it he is handicapped . . . without it he has to pass up many a good oppor tunity. Hence, we suggest you give the Boy Graduate an INSURANCE POLICY. W. & PEELE PAGE THREE map of Clara Everett to O. T. Er i erett This the 11th day of May, 1932. J. GRANBERY TUCKER and LEON S. BRASSFIELD, Substituted Trustees. Winston & Tucker, attorneys at law, Raleigh, N. C. myl7 4tw

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