PAGE FOUR FIRESTONES ON WINNING AUTO • A graphic story of the remarkable part played by tires in the 500-mile in- j ternational sweepstakes on the Indian apolis Motor Speedway, yesterday, was told today by N. C. Green, of the Wil liamston Motor Co., Firestone dealers in this city. It was the thirteenth consecutive triumph for Firestone" tn this great motor racing classic. "There is no more severe test of au- tomobile tires than that to which they i were put at Indianapolis," said Mr. | Green. "The cars darted along the straight aways at close to 150 miles an hour i and swept into the embanked curves at an appalling pace. It was on these turns that the stress and strain was the hardest. As the cars dived into the turns, their momentum caused them to climb the embankment from the lower rim to the outer. This was j an uncontrollable action by the car | and is called 'drifting,' In these per ilous moments it was necessary that there be a perfect coordination be tween the skill of man and the strength \ of steel and rubber to avoid disaster. 1 "At these terrific speeds one would expect to find great holes burned in the tread ami the rubber worn entire ly away. But nothing of the sort hap pened. An inspection of Firestone tires after they had the full 500 miles revealed an amazing state.of preservation. Very little wear was dis cernible. "It is the patented construction fea tures of Firestone tires which have made it possible for them to hold a supreme mastery for'thirteen years in the 500-mile contest. .Gum-dipping is l one of "these features. By this process the innermost fibers of -the cord body are protected against the fierce heat which is other tires is developed by friction at fatgh speed* At 100 miles Bargain Excursions EVERY WEEK-END Until September 6, 1932 Round Trip Fare From: WILLIAMSTON, N C., To RICHMOND - $1.75 NORFOLK - $1.75 I GO: All trains Fridays, all trains Saturdays and Sundays. RETURN: Any train leav-' *kig Destination before- Midnight Monday. I Consult Any A. C. L. Ticket Agent or • V. D. GODWIN Phone 45 ATLANTIC COAST LINE . _______ , 1 i Strange \ JOHNWRAY c^u-g y i, ROBERT COOGAN »** thln « t " l "°*" i 1 —*■* >— r *—• I 1 HOBART BOS WORTH " •» u* «• • km *•»«» •* """ In' I • » Turnage Theatre - Washington, N. C. Thursday and Friday, June 2nd and 3rd. , HHMHMHBBHBHHBHHBaHHBMMni * 4 '-, • ' . , • :/»* . &■ ;. .. .'•,.* - ■>' Says Crops in This County Are Better Than Average *■ Crops in this immediate section are better than any I have seen, reported | Mr. C. IJ. Carstarphen upon his re turn .yesterday- from- *- visit-to friends in Benson and Fa'yetteville. -> Local Negro Charged with | Entering R. H. Harris Home v (Continued from page one)■- I the Harris home some time Friday j afternoon. | It was the soeind time Mr. Harris' ' home has been entered during the past j few weeks by uninvited guests, the j intruders apparently thinking that Mr 1 Harris, a Standard Oil Company em i ployee, carried the cash form sales in I his pockets. I The following night, some one en i tered the homes of Robert Taylor and Stacy Cox -on Smithwick Street here 1 and stole several dollars from each of I the men's pockets. ■ t> r> Baptist Church to Celebrate Birthday of Mrs. F. S. Biggs %.: ,p . - I (Continued from front page) ! She is 81 years old this week. And accordingly, on the Sunday nearest her birthday, which is next Sunday, .the church sets aside the entire morn ing hour for a service of appreciation . ill .her honor. Preparations are under way for the I service now. The house will be beau tifully decorated, there will be special j music by the choir, and the hymns j used in the service will be the hymns j Mrs. Biggs loves best and has chosen herself. It is expected that the com modious building will be filled with her "Miracle Man" at Turnage Theatre In Washington • - • "The Miracle Man," in talking pic tlirization, will be shown at the Turn age theatre, Washington, Thursday and Friday of this week, it was an nounced by the management today. "The Miracle Man"'appears -in the fourth "phase of a metamorphosis which is more the rule than the ex ception in these day of harking back In the old stand-bys for new Hirills in the amusement world. It first saw the | light of a fascinated reader's eye when it was published as a novel;'next it be ! caiuc a successful Broadway play; I thereafter a silent movie and now —a I talkie. I A strong cast supports Sylvia Sid - | iley and Chester Morris in the leading 1 romantic roles. an hour the. centrifugalTorce in a tire increases its circumference by more than 10 per cent, which would throw off 'the treads of ordinary tires. Fire stone engineers solved this problem by means of a construction principle known as two extra gum dipped plies under the tread. By this patented method of construction the tread and body are held together in a perfect unit. * "The life of a racing driver is de pendent at all times on the perform ance of his tires. It is not surprising that the majority choose !• irestone." fellow church members and friends next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, j wfietntr? peopte" assembled in the *£•©- I ions auditorium which, as the church's I greatest benefactress, she has provided. 1 SHORTHAND "AND TYPING 1 - IMSTRUCTION j Beginning next Monday, June 6, ' Mrs. Louie P. Martin wil| offer in | struction in shorthand and typing for |'« limited time. Any one interested in | the course is asked to see Mrs. Mar | tin immediately.—adv. WANTS FOR SALE: 60 NICE PIGS, JUST I right -for barbecuing. Price reason- I able. Large supply Porto Rico potato | plants.. Small quantities, $1 |>er 1,000; large quantities! cheaper. See John R. Peel.jrtf J'. G. Staton's office, William ston. my3l 2t LOST: FEMALE PIT BULL PUP | py. Bobbed tail and ears clipped. Finder return to Wilton Knox and | receive reward. It CANDIDATE'S CARDS ♦ FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION At the request of my friends, I here by announce myself a candidate for the office as a member of the county board of education, subject to the Democratic primary to be held June 4, 1932. Any support accorded my candidacy will be greatly appreciated. JOE MARTIN'. FOR RECORDER Subject to the Democratic primary to be held June 4, 1932, I hereby an nounce my candidacy for the nomina tion as judge of the Martin County I Recorder's Court. My experience in I the-court during the past several years , thoroughly acquaints me with its func -1 tions, and if nominated and elected, I pledge my best efforts in dispatching the business coming before me. Any support accorded my candidacy appreciated. HERBERT O. PEEL. FOR RECORDER At the request of my friends 1 here by announce my candidacy for the office of County Recorder, subject to the action of the Democratic primary ■ to be held June the 4th. LEWIS H. PEEL, r FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination as county com missioner of Martin, subject to the Democratic primary June 4. 1 assure the voters of Martin County that any support accorded me in the coming , primary and election will be sincerely appreciated. In the past 1 have will ingly. and untiringly always worked in the interest of our county and its 23,- 400 people, and if nominated and elect-1 ed I pledge my continued and earnest efforts in their behalf. T. C. GRIFFIN. ~FORT BOARD OP EDUCATION 1 hereby announce my candidacy as a member of the County Board of Ed ucation, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary to be held on June 4. 1932. I shall appreciate any 1 support given me, and if elected to the office I will endeavor to give my best service for all the people of the county. JOHN W. EUBANKS. THE ENTERPRISE FOR SOLICITOR OF THE RECORDER'S COURT I hereby announce my candidacy for solicitor of the Martin County RecorJ • er's Court, subject to the Democratic . Primary of June 4, 1932. I appreciate the support given me by the voters of this county in the fast, and, if nominated and elected, shall do my best to "perform the , duties of this office to the very best of . my ability. JOS. W. BAILEY. • i ; FOR SOLICITOR Democratic voters of Martin Coun ity: I hereby declare myself a candi . Idate for the nomination as solicitor of " ithe recorder's court of Martin County, j subject to the primary next June 4. If, I am nominated and appointed, I L 'assure the people of Martin County ' :that my every effort will be put forth 'in upholding the laws of our county and State. - HUBERT COBURN. FOR BOARD EDUCATION Subject to the wishes of the people ' at the Democratic primary June 4, ; 1932, I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for member of the Martin County Board of Education. "ISince my appointment as a member * ,of the board by the Martin County ' Democratic Executive Committee, I - have earnestly performed the duties of 1, the office to the very best of my abil \ ity, and if nominated and appointed, II assure the people a continuation of ' my best service and interest in public education for every child in Martin • County. E. H, ANGE. FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination or commis sioner of Martin County, subject to j ; the Democratic primary to be held ' June 4, next. Any and all support [ given my candidacy will be greatly j welcomed, and I assure the voters that : if I am nominated and elected, it will be my aim to continue to render the ' county and its people the very best service of which I am capable of ren dering. J. E. POPE. FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION I hereby announce my candidacy ■ for nomination as a member of the ' Martin County Hoard of Education, 1 subject to the Democratic primary of 1 I June 4. If nominated and elected, I ■'assure the people of Martin County my very best service as a board mem ' ber. , J. EASON LILLEY. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS: I hereby announce my candidacy "Ifor the office of Register of Deeds of ! Martin County, subject to the Derao ' cratic primary to be held June 4, 1932. If nominated and elected, I promise 1 to render the service required and ef fect any saving in the office that I can. I believe the taxpayers are justified in wanting the cost for service in this and other offices of the county re , ] duced. The salary, being fixed by the legis \ lature, will require another act to change it, which I will request at the I I next session. Until it is changed, and 1 ' while the taxpayers' income is so great ly reduced and the income from the farms, of which bur county is largely composed, is so low, atid r while pover ty aiifl unemployment exist to the ex : tent that it does now, I will donate one-third of the salary to the poor and unfortunate people of the county. L. J. IIARDISON. FOR CONSTABLE I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of constable of Cross Roads Township and will appreciate the votes of the citizens of the district. Respectfully, 1! 15. liIGGS. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Register of Deeds, subject to the action of , the Democratic Pri mary to be held on June 4, 1932. I t also wish to express my appreciation ! for the support given me in the past, I with the assurance that if called to > serve you again that 1 will render the best service of which lam capable. ( Cost* of Office I wish to say further that the cost of operating the office is now 23 1-3 per cent less than the amount allowed by the legal schedule, this saving hav-; ing been voluntarily made possible, i J. SAM GETSINGER. ' FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce niy candidacy for the office of County Commissioner, | subject to the action of the Democratic , primary to be held on June 4th. JOSHUA L. COLTRAIN. FOR COMMISSIONER J At the request friends, I here- I by announce my candidacy for the of-" fice of county commissioner, subject I to the action of the Democratic pri-, mai-y to be held in June, j HENRY C. GREEN, j ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candi date for the recorder's court judgeship of Martin County, subject to the Dem ocratic primary to be held June 4, 1932. During the past 16 years I have gained much information relative to i (Political Advertising) Endorses Mr. * Martin • I have always refrained from writ ing any political article recommending I any candidate, but my good friend, Mr. Joseph F. Martin has announced hia candidacy for a member of the board of fducation. Mr. Martin it compe tent, honest, and straight. I don't knew htk educational views, but know one thing, after being associated with him off and on in the warehouse busi ness here for the past 10 or 12 years— you may rely on what he tellW yon, and h« will be certain tQ vote right for "the good of the county, and I heartily recommend him. — Yuum Ugly, — W. T. MEADOWS. | court procedure through my work as I justice of the peace. Support of my ' j candidacy, Jsir judge ,_of the recorder's ■ | court in Martin County by her citi : zens will be much appreciated, and if I I am elected I pledge myself to run : the court in fairness to all and to the : very best of my ability. ' , tLjL-RIDDICK, f FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Subject' to the will of the people in • the Democratic Primafy of June 4, - 1932, I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination of commissioner • of Martin County, assuring the citizens " if I am nominated and elected, my E best efforts in dispatching the business . of the county On the most economic • and sound basis humany possible. VAN G. TAYLOR. > SALE OF VALUABLE FARM ' PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by B. E. Moye and wife, Martha O. Moye, on the Sth day of j March, 1923, and recorded in book 0-2, page 125, we will, on Saturday, the 4th day of June, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Mar tin County, Williamston, N. C., sell at , public auction, for cash, to the high* [ est bidder, the following land, to wit: f A tract or parcel of land, lying and .! being in Goose Nest Township, Mar tin County, and State of N. C., begin f ning at a point a corner betVveen the . R. R. property and B. E. Moye, at a | calling N. 69 E. 8 1-2 poles, thence N. 6 W. 2 2-2S poles, thence N. 82 1-2 E. il7 1-2S poles to a corner, thence N. >24 1-2 E. 151 4-5 poles to the run of Conoha Creek, thence down the run - of the said Creek N. 79 E. 35 poles, - thence N. 85 E. 10 poles, thence N. 48 > E. 11 poles, thence S. 74 1-2 E. 30 1 poles, thence S. 55 E. 42 1-2 poles to t a corner between B. E. Moye and J. r T. Davis, thence along the river road t S. 43 1-2 W. 190 1-2 poles to a corner I in the Davis land, thence N. 44 W. : 18 18-25 poles, thence S. 43 1-2 W. t 20 10-33 poles, thence S. 44 E. 18 18-25 • poles, thence S. 43 1-2 \V. 8 1-5 poles, thence N. 44 W, 19 1-3 poles, thence S. 53 1-2 W. 8 1-2 poles, thence N. 44 W. 2 3-4 poles to a corner of the R. R. Property and B. E. Moye, thence up this line S. 43 1-2 W. 14 poles, : thence N. 1-8 W. 20 30-33 .poles to the , first station, the beginning, containing 96.66 acres. «, j This sale is mad.e by reason of the failure of B. E. Moye and wife, Mar jtlia O. Moye, to pay oil and discharge indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. j A deposit of 10 per cent will be re-1 quired from the purchaser at the sale. I This the 30th dav of April, 1932. W. G. BRAMHAM AND T. L. BLAND, RECK 1 VERS FOR FIRST NATIONAL COM-' PANY OF DURHAM, INC., TRUSTEE, FORMERLY; F I R S T "NATIONAL 1 TRUST COMPANY, DUR HAM, N.C. malO 4tw, NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL | PROPER!Y Under and by virtue of tile power | of s>le contained in u certain deed of trust executed on the 20tli day of Janu ary, 1931, by J. L. Lilley and wife, Lula A. Lilley, -to the undersigned trustee, and of record in the public reg istry of Martin County in book C-3, at "pagr~+lsv-said-deetk of trust having - been given for the purpose of securing a note of eveW date and tenor there-1 with, default having been made in the payment of same, and at the request j of the holder of same the undersigned I trustee will, on Saturday, the 25th day | of June, 1932, in front of the court-j house door in Williamston, N. C., of-j fer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property to wit: I [ELI HOYT ANGEI lor Member Board of Education ' 6. • , ' , - To the Democratic Voters of Martin County: We, the undersigned citizen of Jamesville, wish to most heartily endorse Eli Hoyt Ange for membership on the Martin County Board of Education. That position which he now holds by appointment by the County Dem ocratic Executive Committee to fill the vacancy caused by the death*~of the late John A. Getsinger. „ • , *, * We have known Mr. Ange from his boyhood.' He attended the little country school of his neighborhood, then had two years in the Jamesville High School before going to Professor Lineberry's School at Winterville, which he attended for two years. He later graduated from Massey's Business College at Richmond, Virginia. He has had a close, personal touch with the people and knows their needs and desires. At the same time be has aiair knowledge of the duties of the important office he now holds and to which he now aspires, which will naturally make him a useful servant of the people. He is a man of honor and integrity and is held in high esteem by his neighbors and friends, with whom he has lived and worked all his life. And he is known to be a friend to all classes and kinds of people. We earnestly ask that you support him in the Primary on June 4th because we feel safe in assuring you that if elected, he will sejrve you faithfully. , K . . ' '• 1 -nr Respectfully submitted, C.C.Fleming Mrs. Clair Fleming L.M.Brown T. V. Davis Mrs. S. L. Wallace Joe G. Modlin S. E. Getsinger J. A. Gardner F. C. Stallings S. A. Davis Eva V. Gardner T. H. Brown L. P. Hoi lid ay J. E. Gardner J no. T. Hooten J. H. Davefiport Dare Brown S. S. Davis « Sadie Waters Mrs. J. W. Roberson H. H. HoWAay J.F.Jordan W.F.Holliday L. L. Ange W. S. Swinson J. F. Holliday G. H. Mizelle, Jr. Levi H. Davis Herchel Daniel Lewis Modlin Mattie N. Davis P. M. Holliday O. E. Hardison L.F. Waters J.H.Davis Jos. H. Holliday Fannie V. Waters Annie C. Glasgow J. L. Waters' ■ H. M. Holliday ' JTR. Knowles A. D. Gardner , Kathleen Wallace Lilley O. G. Carson " : Mrs. C. A. Askew 1 ' » Bounded on the north the land* town of Williamston, Nprttv Carolina, r of Bettje Coltrain, on the east by the offer for tale. to the highest bidder, ' lands of A. D. Griffin, sr., on the south for c "k Mlowin* described prop : by the lands of Henry. Peel, and on ert y ; ' the west by the Lanier lands, contain- Beginning at Robert Gorganus cor -1 ing 148 acres, more or less, and known Mr on Main Street in the town, of : as the Dick Ore and Handy Johnson Williamston, North Carolina, thence lands. ♦ N. 86 W. 440 feet; thence S. 76 E. 90 This Ae 2Sth day 6f Miy, 1932. ~ , 4 t E 400 'SW? ► H D BATFMAN N. 61 W. 175 feet; thence N. 35 E. ' mv3l 4tw Trustee 264 feet = thence N. 32 1-2 W. 439 feet; : ara vvuMiirsr*: 128 feet; thence S. 46 E. 60 feet; thence r NOTICE OF SALE S. 1 E. 560 feet; thence S. 45 E. 215 i Under and by virtue of the authority feet; S. 10 E. 160 feet, S. 26, W. 372 ' contained in that certain deed of trust f ee t, S. 1 E. 230 feet, S. 3 E. 275 efet; ! executed to the undersigned trustee thence N. 60.39 W. 200 feet; thence N. : by John Roberson and wife, Sylvia, 3> E. 127 feet, S. 68 E. 200 feet, S. 88 Roberson, on the 24th day of July, 1-2 E. 115 feet, S. 11 E. 29 feet, S. 1926, and of record in the public reg- 81 E. 48 feet; thence S. 11 E. 125 feet • istry of Martin County, in Book Y-2, to Main Street in the Town of Wil at page 11, said deed of trust being liamston, and being the same land de given to secure certain notes of even scribed in a deed of trust from the r date and tenor therewith, and the stip- grantors to the North Carolina Joint t ulations therein contained not having Stock Land Bank of Durham of rec , been complied with, at the request of ord in book X-2, at page 341. f the parties interested the undersigned Dated thig the 23rd day of May 1932. c trustee will, on Wednesday, the 23rd £ g PEEL . day of June, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, my 24 4tw Trustee. [ T ————— . J 1 MAKE ARRANGEMENTS NOW FOR GETTING YOUR LAND PLASTER AND Sulphate of Ammonia CARLOAD JUST RECEIVED ——^- ' Come in and inspect our new counter re frigerator. We are better prepared than ever to serve our patrons with fresh vegetables, butter, and meats. C. 0. MOORE Washington Street Williamstotp, N. C. ——— . ' % Tuesday, May 31,1932

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