Tuesday, June 14,1952 I 1 Society & I j In Morchead City Dolores Long, of Jamesville, and Bruce Whitley motored to Atlantic Beach Sunday. Leaves for Rocky Mount Miss Martha Louise Anderson will leave this week for Rocky Mount, where she will accompany the Keels to Carolina Beach at Wilmington for a several weeks' visit. Visit in Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Harrison spent the week-end in Henderson, where they visited Mr. Harrison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Harri son, who are now making their home there. Here From Bel haven Messrs. W. A. Ellison, Julius Pur vis, and William Harrell, of Belhav en, visited friends and relatives here Sunday. ANNOUNCING! THE OPENING OF OUR NEW GROCERY, NEXT DOOR TO HARRISON BROTHERS. OUR STORE IS MODERN, WITH ALL THE LATEST FIXTURES AND ELECTRICAL . EQUIPMENT. Store O TODAY THE STORE IS BEING OPERATED BY W. H. Gurkin & J. R. Parker Mr. Parker, a former merchant of Norfolk, came here to go in business with his brother, W. H. Gurkin. We extend to you a cordial welcome to visit our store with- > out obligation to buy. J. R. Parker Grocery W. H. Gurkin Mgr. - Williamston, N. C. NOTICE! . The Board of County Commissioners will meet in - the Court House Monday, June 20, as a Board of Equali zation and Review {or the purpose of hearing any com plaints and appeals from tax valuation fixed by the list takers in 1932 assessments. * i ' • ' ' V ' m ' • J. Sam Getsinger CLERK TO THE BOARD * r In Charlotte Tkis Week Rev. Z. T. Piephoff is in Charlotte this week attending a Young Peoples' Conference of the Presbyterian church. Leaves for New York Irving Margolis left yesterday for New York, where he will visit rela tives for several weeks. In Town Yesterday Mr. Warren H. Booker, inspector for the State Board of Health at Raleigh, was in towh yesterday on professional business. Here From Baltimore Miss Mary Ann Crockett, of the Mercy Hospital, Baltimore, is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Crockett, for several days. Visiting Friends Here Homer Barnhill, of Durham, is visiting friends here this week. Visit Mr. ami Mrs. Manmmg Mr. and Mrs. John Paylor, of Farmville, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Manning here Sunday. Will Meet Thursday The Woman's Garden Club will meet with Mrs. Warren Biggs on Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. In Raleigh Monday Misses Ruth Manning and Bessie Harrell and Superintendent J. C. Manning spent yesterday in Raleigh. From Suffolk, Va. Mrs. Lawrence Peel and daughter, Ruth, of Suffolk, Va., spent last week end here with friends and relatives. In Town Monday Mrs. Herbert Lilley and Miss Ca mille Fleming, of Jamesville, shopped here yesterday. HB BNTBRPRIBS ~ Home From Washington Miss "rtllie Perry is home from Washington City to spend the sum mer with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Perry. Spend Sunday Here Mr. and Mrs. George Stein and Irving Davis, of Suffolk, spent Sun day here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Margolis. At Nags Head Misses Murnie Brown and Elsie Andrews and William Cooke and Jes sup Harrison spent Sunday at Nags Head. Visiting Here Tkis Week Mrs. Ben Barnhill, of Durham, is visiting here this week. Visiting Dr. and Mrs. Cone Mrs. O. Cone, of Richmond, ar rived here last week to spend sev eral days with her son, Dr. P. B. Cone, and Mrs. Cone. Leave for Durham Jim Manning and Edgar Gurganus will leave today for Durham, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. David Hix for several days. Visiting Her Sister Miss Kate Stallings, of Greenville, is visiting her sister, Miss Edith Stal lings here this week. From Merry HeiU Miss Julia Merry Hill, is spending several days here with her sister, Mrs. H. B. Holloman. Announce Birth of Son Born to Mr. and Mrs. James C. Manning, Wednesday, June 8, a nine pound son, Asa Moye. J Spending Week-Here i Misses Imogine Riddick, of Gates ville, and Miss Mary Bailey, of South Carolina, are spending this week here with Miss Sarah Harrell. Return From Durham Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Clark and children, Jerry and Bettie Sue, and Albert Leslie Clark are expected home from Durham today where they spent a short while with relatives. Visiting Here This Week Miss Mary Benson, of Benson, a teacher in the local schools during the past term, is spending a few days here this week with friends. Returns to Kilmarnock Mr. W. H. Chase, sr., returned to his home in Kilmarnock, Va., yester day morning after visiting his son here during the week-end. Mr. Chase was accompanied by his two daugh ters, Misses Lucy and Mary Ann. After a short visit with relatives here 4hey left for Camp LCach, where they will spend some time. ' • - Visiting Friends Here Miss Serena Peacock, of Fremont, and Miss Lucille Allen, of Fuquay Springs, are spending a few days here with fritndt. In Norfolk Today Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wynne and little son are spending today in Nor folk Returns To Greensboro Atfer visiting her sister, Mr*. J. E. King, for a few days here, Miss ' Rosalie Inman returned to Greens- I boro Sunday, where she will attend ! the summer school in the North 'Carolina College for Women during' the six weeks term. I • From Bear Grass | Mr. Joseph Griffin, oi Bear Grasa, was a business visitor here yesterday morning. Coltrain-Mobley ♦ Miss Marie Mobley and Joe Law rence Coltrain, both of Williams ' I Township, were married by Justice of the Peace J. Lucian Hardison at bis home in Williams Township last Saturday evening, only a few inti mate friends of the couple witness ing the ceremony. Mrs. Coltrain is the daughter of Mrs. John Lilley and the late Charles Mobley, of Williams Township. Mr. Coltrain is the son of Commissioner Joshua L. Coltrain, also of that dis trict. They will make their home in Williams Township. ! FOR RENT: COTTAOB 3 1-2 ibJIM; below Washington. Completely furnished. Fine for summer and win ter. Excellent bathing beach. P. O. | Box 430, Washington, N. C. je7 3t NOTICE OP BALE Notice is hereby given that under ami by virtue of the power of sfcle con tained in that certain deed of trust ex ecuted by C. A- Askew and others to the undersigned Trustee, dated the 11th day of January, 1917 and of rec ord in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book Q-l at page 590. said trust deed having been given to secure payment of certain notes of even date therewith and default having been made in the payment of said notes, and the terms and stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with and at the request of the holder of said note, the undersigned Trustee will, on the 9th day of July, 1932, at twelve o'- clock, noon, at the courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston, North Carolina, offer at public sale to thtf highest bidder for cash the following described land, that is to say: Situate near the Town of James ville, N. C. and commonly known as the W. F. Stalling* farm, and bound ed on the North by the lands of Dr. U. S. Hassell, and the road leading from Williamston to Jamesville, N. C.; on the East by the George Burroughs land and on the South by the Nellie's Mill Pond, and on the West by the lands of John Bailey, containing 100 acres, more or less, and being the same land this day sold and conveyed to the parties of the first part by the party of the third part. This the 6th dav of June, 1932. A. R. DUNNING, je-7-4t Trustee. SALE OP VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by B. F. Shelton and wife, Annie L. Shelton, on the 22nd day of May, 1929, and recorded in book 3, pages 213-14, we will, on Sat urday, the 18th day of June, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Martin County, Williamston, N. C.,' sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following land, to wit:, ! All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Cross Roads Township, Martin County, and State of North Carolina, containing one hun dred sixteen and 7-100 acres, more or less, bounded on the north by Moore and James land, on the south by Cy- j prus Swamp and Joyner land, on the DR. V. H. MEWBORN ! OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Robersonville at Fulmer's Drug Store, Tuesday After Third Sunday Each Month. Williamston, at Davis Pharmacy, on Wednesday After Third Sunday of Each Month. Plymouth at O'Henry Drug Store, Thursday After Third Sunday Each Month. At Tarboro, N. C., Every Friday and | Saturday I cylinders \ \ instead of y means SUPER POWER to keep foods safe \ on the hottest days— to freeze more ice \ in shorter time —to operate with less cost. FRIGJDAIRE AS LOW AS ' fu A General Motors Ki il IM Value ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. Williamston, N. C. 2 648 TAX FREE 1 TIRE SALE! ■ .... ———————————— OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF WORLD'S LARGEST SELLING TIRES GOODYEAR AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN HISTORY BUY NOW AT THIS SALE SAVE the TAX />- . . - ■' •. • Our complete stock of new, fresh, life-time guaranteed Goodyear Tires. All recently purchased, shipped direct from factory, before the tax becomes effective. Here's a chance for local motorists to save money on THE leading tire. Buy now! Don't take chances on blowouts, acci dents, trouble and delay qn old, worn, dangerous tires. Buy new Goodyears now—save the tax. Central Service Station WILLIAMSTON, N. C. east by Don Powell land, and on the west by Parker and Milliard land, and more particularly described as follows, to wit. : Beginning at an iron stob on edge of Highway- No. 125, corner of Don Powell land; thence south 4 west 28 chns. along Don Powell land; thence a westward course along Joyner land and Cyprus Swamp; TTortli 81 degrees 30' west 8.24 chns. to a stake; thence north 79 degrees west 8.22 chns; thence north 81 degrees west 3.25 chns. to a stake; thertce north 79 degrees 30' west 3.25 chns. to a stake; thence north 85 degrees 30' west 3.15 chns; thence north 69 degrees 30' west 3.60 chns; thence north 75 degrees west 3.45 chns. to a stake; thence north 89 degrees TO THE J » Ladies and Gentlemen VOTERS OF MARTIN COUNTY: I wish to thank each and every one of you for the loyal support giv en me in the last primary. It is my desire to be of service to you and fill the office to the best of my knowledge. • • • . • ' Sincerely yours, J. Eason Lilley PAGE THREE west 4 chns. to a stake, corner of Jajr ner, Parker and HilHard Lands; thence a northward coarse north 90 degrees east 33.50 chn*. along Parker and Mil liard line to a stake in highway No. 125; thence south 71 degrees east 35.60 chns. . along Highway No. 125 to the beginning. L.lhissale i# made by reason of the I failure of B. F. Shelton and wife,- An nie L. Shelton, to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 12th' day of May, 1932. C. H. DIXON, 1 / Receiver for First National Bank of Durham, Trustee. my24_4tw

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