Watch the Label On Tow Paper As It Carries tha Data Whan Yoar Subscription Expiree VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 38 FEDERALAGENTS GET 315 GALLONS RUM AND TRUCK Confiscate Auto and Truck and Arrest Three Men is Wednesday Federal prohibition enforcement of ficers made one of their largest raids in thia section in some time when they confiscated an automobile and a truck and 315 gallons of choice Pasquotank liquors near here on Highway No. 30 laat Wednesday afternoon. The raid, conducted by P. M. Caudle, of Wilson, and Agents Brin-I son, McCaskel, , Hughes and Coats, I was arranged following the receipt of information from Elizabeth City, it is understood. The officers stationed themselves on the Roanoke River fill and had waited only a short while when the Chevrolet truck, presumably loaded with irish potatoes, was stop ped. Investigating the truck cargo, the raiders found 63 five-gallon jugs care fully packed under the potatoes. Al len Smith, colored driver, said to be experienced in the transportation busi ness, was arrested and in default of bond, he is now in jail awaiting trial in the October term of federal court at Washington. Operating a convoy car, James A. Berkley and Jarvis W. Cooper, were also arrested along with the" colored truck driver, the officers filing a com plaint alleging conspiracy to violate the National Prohibition Act. As neither the government nor the de fendants were ready for a hearing, the case was continued until August 9, Berkley and Cooper going to jail where they are awaiting trial.- Smith told officers that he was on his way to Greenville, but he claimed he did not know to whom delivery was to be made. He also claimed that he did not know there was anything on the truck other than the potatoes. A man named Williams, of Camden, was said to have hired Allen to drive the truck. According to reports, Al len has hauled many fruits and vege tables in the past. Barkley is said to have recently paid a $250 fine in the Pasquotank re corder's court for allegedly violating the liquor laws, and Cooper is now facing a liquor charge in the next term of federal court at Elizabeth City. The cargo of 315 gallons of liquor was unloaded and poured out and burned near the old Silver Slipper fill inif station, near the county home. The potatoes were turned over to county charity. The government is holding the truck and Chevrolet car, pending the outcome of the trials next October, JESSE LEGGETT DIED THURSDAY Funeral This Afternoon at Home in Poplar Point Township Jesse A. Leggeft, one time leader in Martin County politic* and prominent citizen of the Spring Green section of Poplar Point Township, died at hia home there yesterday* afternoon at 3 o'clock from a complication of di aeaaes. He had been an invalid for some time, suffering with rheumatism, high blood pressure and pellagra. Dur ing the greater part of the past year, he was confined to his bed. The son of Stanley and Elizabeth Griffin Leggett, Mr. Leggett was born in the community where he was rear ed and where he died. He was 66 years old, and had farmed a greater part of his life. Eleven children, eight boys, N. S., M. A., Charlie, Andrew and John Leggett, all of this county, and Mayo and Bisco Leggett, of Hopewell, and Ernest, of Maryland, and three daugh ters, Mrs. F. L. Whitfield and Mrs. Robert Johnson, both of thi» county, and Mrs. Pierce Stone, of Virginia, survive. 3 Funeral services are- being conduct ed from the late home*this afternoon at 4 o'clock and interment will follow in the family burial ground, near the home. Postage I act ease Accepted Without Much Complaint The increaie in postal rates, going into effect last Wednesday, was ac cepted here without much complaint or confusion, Postmaster Jesse T. Price said this morning. Few letters, mailed and received here after the new rate went into effect, were »hort of the required postage. No decrease in stamp sales was noted at the local postoffice during the first two days Sie higher rate has been in force, k waa said. • Sunday Services at The Local Christian Church ■' ; 9 " " Bible schawl at 9:45. Preaching serv ices at 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. • A cordial welcome is extended to all to attend theses services. THE ENTERPRISE East Carolina Markets To Open Season Eaatern North Carolina Tobac co markata will open this season on Tuesday, September 6, accord ing to arrangements made at a meeting of tha United States To bacco Aaaociation held at Virginia Beach last week. Tha South Carolina and border marketa will open on Tuesday, August 16, the Georgia markata to open on Thursday, August 18, and the Eaatern North Carolina markets will open aome three weeks later than the opening of the South Carolina markets, on September 6. Conaiderable sentiment for a de layed opening was manifest, by representatives of the Georgia mar kets, who pointed out that farm ers of South Georgia are now head over-heels in their melon crops and that an early opening of the mar ket might aeripusly handicap them in the preparation of their crope for market. Laat year a total of 60,881,696 NO FREE FLOUR ll The Red Croas free flour atore, opened here each Saturday during the paat several Saturdays will not open tomorrow, and it will prob ably remain closed during the to bacco harvesting and huckleberry aeaaon, welfare workers announc ed here today. Attention of those visiting the huckleberry ponds and the tobac co fields for something to eat And it isn't too late to otart • garden, County Welfare Officer J. C. Manning said today. CHILD SMOTHERS HERE JULY 4TH Was Only Serious Accident Reported Here During Holiday Period The celebration of the Fourth of July was interrupted here last Monday by the untimely death of Joseph Cur tis Myers, seven-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Myers, at their home on Watts Street about noon that day. The little fellow was acci dentally smothered to death when he pulled the mosquito netting, placed on the crib to keep the flies away, over his face. A garment had been hung over, the head of the crib to break the drait, and in some unexplainable way, the child's movements brought the gar ments down over his face and before any one knew it death came. Funeral services were held in the Myers residence late Tuesday after jioon, with Revs. Z. T. Piephoff, Chas. H. Dickey and C. T. Rogers officiat ing. Interment waa in the Baptist cemetery. EVERETTS BOY DIED TUESDAY • Bruce Roebuck, 19, Buried at Robersonville Last Wednesday Afternoon Bruce Roebuck, popular young man of Everetts, died at his home there last Tuesday morning following an illness lasting for nearly two years. The ex act nature of the disease taking his life could not be learned here, but it is understood that he suffered with a peculiar blood ailment. He waa 19 years old, the son of the late Gus Roebuck and wife, Hattie ( Roebuck. His mother was killed in an automobile accident at Everetts several years ago and his father died about one year ago. Since that time ha has lived with his two brothers, Artis and Jas per Roebuck, at Everetts. He also leaves one half-brother, Andrew Roe buck, of Robersonville. Funeral services were held from the home Wednesday afternoon with Rev. R. A. Phillips officiating. Burial was in the cemtery at Robersonville. ♦ - Good Movie at Watts Here Next Monday _ and Tuesday The moving picture, "Forbidden," featuring Barbara Stanwyck and A dolphe Menjou is another of the many good pictures included in programs of ■the Watts theatre here. An intensely dramatic role is the one played by Miss Stanwyck in her latest picture, booked for* showing at the local thea tre next Monday and Tuesday. Miss Stanwyck's role takes her through four ages of womanhood, and it is to her credit that she is con» vincing in all of them. She b seegfas a girl, a young mother, a mMdte-yged woman and finally as an old woman. Menjou and Ralph Bellamy are the men who love her over this period, t J Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, July 8,1932 pounds of tobacco was sold on the several markets of Georgia, the av erage price beinf &.41. This year it ia variously estimated that Geor gia's crop will range from 18,000,- to 30,000,000, and of course the price is yet a matter of specula tion. The South Carolina market sold 65,173,796 pounds of tobacco for an average of 19.14 per 100 pound a. It ia estimated that this poundage will be cut from 35 to 50 per cent of that marketed laat year. The border marketa in 1931 sold 50,571,557 pounds, the average be ing Si 1-49, and this poundage will be materially reduced, it is claim ed by well-informed tobacconists. The Eaatern North Carolina marketa diaposed of 251,996,805 pounds, the average price being 98.95 per hundred. The action of the aaaociation in fixing the date for the openings fol lowed the address of President A. B. Carrington, and the transaction of other buainess of importance. VOTE IS LARGER THAN EXPECTED IN THIS COUNTY Four Townships Had More Ballots Cast Than in First Primary The electorate of Martin County fooled the best of politicians last Sat urday when it turned out 2,604 strong to take part in the second primary ar ranged to settle the contests for Unit ed States Senator and Governor of North Carolina. And there was the race for cftmtnissioner of labor, but that wm a side issue, Fletcher leading . 1,241 as to 750 for Mitchell. Four precincts, Bear Grass, Hamil ton, Hassell, and Goose Nest, actually increased their vote over that cast in the first primary on June 4. The vote by precincts: June 4 July 2 Jatnesville - 368 226 Williams 149 87 Griffin* 279 237 Bear Grass - 208 230 Williamston 714 624 Cross Roads 282 272 Robersonville . 362 352 Gold Point 82 68 Poplar Point 94 91 Hamilton 96 116 Hassell .66 83 Goose Neat 189 218 Total* 2,889 2,604 YOUTH KILLED BY LIGHTNING William David Ramsey, of Goose Nest Township, Is Victim of Bolt William David Ramsey, 14 years old, was instantly killed by lightning at the home of his grandfather, T. C. Whitley, near Hassell, about 5:30 o'-, clock Wednesday afternoon. Running toward the house to e*cape an ap proaching storm, the boy was struck on the head, the bolt badly burning hi* hair and head. Tht boy's hat was knocked several feet into the air and was torn into piece*. Another boy, running about 30 •tep* behind the Ramsey child, was not injured by the bolt. The »on of William Ramsey, the young boy had been working on his grandfather's farm fqr some time. Funeral services fcere conducted yesterday afternoon, interment fol lowing in the Bethel cemetery. t Small Child Suffers Broken Leg in Automobile Accident J. J. Bowen, jr., seven years old, suffered a broken leg when he was accidentally run down by an auto mobile belonging to Mr. Claudius Docfcery and driven at the time .by a colored man near Jamesville last Saturday morning. According to reports received here, the child dashed into the road just ahead of the car, making it impossible for tfie driver to miss striking him. The boy, the son of Mr. and Mrs. "J. J. Bowen, of the Jamesville sec tion, is said to be getting along very well at the present time. • Town Commissioners To Meet Here Monday Night Postponed last Monday night as sev eral of the members were out of town, th£ local town board of commissioners meet next Monday night at 8:00 O'clock, it was announced yesterday by Mayor R. L. Coburn. Citizens de siring to carry any business matter of a public nature before the board are invited to do so at that time. MAIL SCHEDULES AS REVISED IN i EFFECT MONDAY New Arrangement Calls for Daily Service Between Wilson and Norfolk Beginning next Monday, a mail serv ice will be inaugurated between Nor folk and Wilson, via Elizabeth City, Hertford, Edenton, Windsor, William ston, Washington and Greenville, it was announced 'yesterday by Post master Jesse T. Price. The mail bus will leave Norfolk at 9 p. m. and reach W'ilson at 2:30 a. m. The return trip will be started from Wilson at 3 a. m„ the carrier reaching Norfolk at 8:30 a. m., Mr. Price explained. | Under this schedule, mail will be re ceived here from Norfolk and other points between 12 and 1 o'clock, and from Wilson between 5 and 6 o'clock each morning except Sunday. A star route from Plymouth to this point will also be created next Monday, the car rier to leave Plymouth at 7:30 p. m., 1 and return the following morning a bout 5:30 o'clock. The Post Office Department has ad vised the discontinuance of the service now in effect between here and Rocky Mount, but Mr. Price is making strong efforts to have it continued. Mail dis patched from here by bus at 8 p. m. is delivered to Rocky Mount that night offering prompt delivery of first-class mail at points as far away as Wash ington City before day the following morning. If the Rocky Mount serv-- ice is discontinued the mail will be dispatched via Noroflk, reaching the nation's capital late the following aft ernoon. Norfolk Southern trains plying be tween Norfolk and Raleigh will be dis continued next Monday, and it is to provide a continued mail service for those towns, located on that railroad that the additional star routes are be ing created. MRS. H. C. TAYLOR DIED SATURDAY Funeral Services Conducted at Bear Grass Home Last Sunday | Mrs. Susan Taylor, highly respect jed citizen of Bear Grass Township, died at her home .there last Saturday .following an illness lasting more than one year. She had been an invalid during a greater part of that time, suffering with Bright's Disease and a weak hearf? Mrs. Taylor, before her marriage to Henry C. Taylor who died about 24 , years ago, was Miss Susan Coburn, daughter of Ben and Nancy Coburn. I Three children, Messrs. Louis and )Joseph Taylor, of Martin County, and Mrs. Nannie Martin, of Beaufort County, survive. Funeral services were conducted from her late home last'"Sunday aft ernoon by Elders J. N. Rogerson and B. S. Cowin, of the Primitive Bap tist church to which religious body Mrs. Taylor had long belonged. In terment was in the Taylor burial ground, near the home. Quarterly Conference at the Methodist Church Saturday C. T. ROOERS, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45; preaching serv ice at 11 a. m.; Vesper service at 6:00 p. m. and Epworth League, Monday, at 8 o'clock p. m. Third quarterly conference Saturday at 11 a. m. Members are asked to send in their dues at once to. the church treasurers. Rev. O. W. Dowd, presiding elder, will preach at 11 o'- clock a. m. Please make note of the fact that our Sunday evening service has been changed from 8 o'clock to a 45 minu tes vesper service to be held on the church lawn at 6 o'clock. This will not interfere with any service in town, and will be held in the open on a shady lawn. - H weather is disagreeable, the service will be conducted in the church. Just plain gospel preaching at all our services. You are invited. Baptismal Service at the Baptist Church Sunday There will be a baptismal service at j the Baptist church at the close of the, Sunday evening services. In the, meantime, the doors of , the church will be opened at both the morning | and evening services; and if there are those contemplating baptism at J that time, they are invited to present themselves at either of these services, j The pastor will preach at the morn-l jng hour, following the sessions of the Sunday school. [ STANDING OF CLUBs) Club - W. L. Pet. Williamston 10 5 .667 j Elizabeth City I 6 .5711 Edenton 8 7 53J Colerain 3 II -214 Board Makes $3,000 Reduction In Salaries of County Officials Fats-Leans Baseball Game To Be Staged Here Monday In an effort to finance local Boy Scout activities, the Kiwanis Club is srranging a baseball game here next Monday* 1 afternoon at 4:30 o'- clock between the "fats" and tha "leans." A strong appeal for sup port ia being directed to the peo ple of the town and community, and it ia hoped that a sizeable re turn can be realized. Manager Bill Spivey announced the following line-upe, with Joe Pender umpiring for the underfed boys snd Wilton Knox looking out for the boys who have lost their "girlish" figures: For the fats: Joe David Thrower, Qua Har rison, Elbert Peel, Percy Cone, Titus Critcher, Harry Meador, Wheeler Martin, Hugh Horton NEARLY 300 LOSE LIVES IN FOURTH JULY ACCIDENTS Quietness Surrounds Cele bration of the Day in This Section While quietness surrounded the cel ebration of the Fourth of July in this immediate section, tragedy lurked in all parts of the country, more than 276 persons losing their lives in accidents during the day. But the toll wsts only about halt of that of 1931 when around 500 persons paid with their lives for their celebra tion of the Glorious Fourth. As in recent yeffa, only a compara tively few j>f died this year were the victims of fireworks, " which caused but ten deaths in all. Automo bile accidents were the chief cause, 119 being killed in motor mishaps. Total drownings—Bl—for the na tion fell off considerably from the pre vious year, when about 181 perished in the water, due in all probability to the fact that cdbl weather depopulat ed the beaches in many sections to a large extent. The Middle West led all other sec tions of the country in the number of deaths with more than 90, of which 55 were due to automobile accidents and 31 to drownings. About 50 persons, mostly children, were injured by fire works in Chicago. Of the 10 fatalities from fireworks. 6 occurred in Butte, Mont., where a pile of dynamite caps exploded. Wil liam and Joseph.Coraich, each 19; Ru dolph Kavlian, 19; Stanley Strizic, 18; Joseph Mufich, 18; and Stanley Serich, 18, were the victims. In the South, 17 persons were killed in automobile wrecks, nine were drowned, and three died from other causes. - ■ Presbyterians Announce Services In the County m Sunday, July 10, 1932: The Church With an Open Door. > Our church school will meet at 9:45 a. m., as usual, and will be followed by our worship service and sermon hour beginning at 11 a. m. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed at this service. At Bear Grass Sunday school will be at 9:30 a. m., and the worship serv ice and sermon at 8:15 p. m. At Robersons Chapel Sunday school will be at 4 p. in , followed by preach ing and later by a meeting for young people. Let us not forsake the assembling of ourselves together—in Hit Name. Services at Farm Lite Sunday at 3 O'clock P. M. m Rev. W. B. Harrington will con duct the regular preaching services in the Farm Life School auditorium Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock, it was an nounced by the minister yesterday. The public is cordially invited to attend. Curb Market Prices Are Announced for Tomorrow During the month of June, thqre was an increase in buyers and sellers on the county curb market. A partial list of prices for Saturday, follows: Snap bean*, 3 cent* a pound; car rots, 3 cent* a bunch; onions 3 1-2 cents a bunch; squash, 3 cents a pound cucumbers, 3 1-2 cents a pound; cab bage, 3 1-2, cents a pound; tomatoes. 6 cents a pound; beets, 3 cents a pound eggs, 11 cents a dozen; butter beans, 7 1-2 cents a pound. Pete Flpwfdan, Ruth Bondurant, Jesse Price, Jim Stat on, Kader Crawford, Clayton Moore, Charles H. Dickey, Lawrence Lindsley, and Frank Weaver. For the leant E. P. Cunningham, C. D. Car starphen, Charlie James, Julian Harrell, Ira Harrison, Jimmie Harrison, William Manning, Ly man Britt, Harcum and Mayo Grimes, Bill Peel, John Philpot, Dick Smith, Jack Biggs, Carrol G. Crockett, N. C. Green, Walter Bailey, Hubert Coburn, and A. J. Manning. . „ An admission of 10 and IS cents will be charged—no body free. Remember, it is a worthy cause, and your support is earnestly asked. ' i WHERE THEY PLAY *- I ... '• ' • * , v ' FRIDAY, JULY Bth No Games Scheduled TUESDAY, JULY l2 t h Elizabeth City at Windsor YVilliamston at Edenton WEDNESDAY, JULY 13th Colerain at Elizabeth City Edenton at Williamston THURSDAY, JULY 14th Williamston at Elizabeth City Colerain at Edenton FRIDAY. JULY 15th Elizabeth City at Williamston Edenton at Colerain LOCALS STILL AT TOP OF LEAGUE • Lose Two and Win Two Games This Week To Lead Elizabeth City # Winning two games and losing two, the Martins closed another week of play in the Albemarle League yester day, the nine still holding to top place in the league standing. l'laying Colerain two games last Monday, the Martins divided, winning 11 to 2 in a free-hitting contest that morning and losing in the afternoon by a 6to 3 count. The second win of the week was over Klizaheth -City, 7 to 5, here Wfcdnesdajy. I the locals dropped a loose game to the I" Jay birds at Elizabeth City, .losing by a 7 to 1 score. i Three teams, Williamston, Eliza beth City, and Edenton, are offering each other sonie keen competition, on ly a few games separating 'lhf three | clubs. Elizabeth City is playing Colerain to day, Edenton and Williamston remain ing idle. I It is understood that rupresentatives of the four teams will hold a meeting I in Edenfsm next week to consider the advisability of splitting the season into I two halves, and have the winners of each in a play-off after the regular sea ' son closes for the championship of the league* COUNTY COURT CALLS 3 CASES Docket Is One.of Smallest in County Court Here In Some Time An unusually small docket featured the last Tuesday session of the coun -Ity recorder's court here, Judge Bailey j calling only three cases. The docket I was one of the smallest reported in the court in several months, all the cases being of little iniportance. By agreement, the case charging Labon Lilley with driving an auto-| | mobile while he was under the in j fiuence of liquor, was continued tor one week. A noj pros resulted in the case charging William Staton and Ruthi Davis with fornication and adultery. | Papers were issued for the arrest of, Dan Smith when he failed to answer in the case charging him with pass ing a worthless check. Ship Few Tomatoes from Jamesville This Week • With dry weather greatly affecting the growth of the crop, tomato ship ments from Jamesville have been very 'small so far this season, Mr. Wendell Hamilton, merchant there, said yester day. One carload of tomatoes was shipped Wednesday and the wrappers are lodine a second car today, it was reported. . No price reports have been received by the farmers delivering there, Mr. Hamilton said. A4wi»w. Will hd On Col. tuna a LttddH* to Ow IiIHB Hundred Martin County Hones ESTABLISHED 1898 FARM AGENT AND SHERIFF SUFFER PRINCIPAL CUTS Board Also Orders Cut In Amounts Paid Regular Court Jurors Reductions totaling more than $3,000 were made in county officers' salaries l)y the county commissioners here this week, the reductions ranging from s'>oo down to $25. Two of the largest decreases, SOO Oeach, were made in the sheriff's and county demonstrator's salaries. In addition to the salary re ductions, the commissioners ordered that jurors be paid $2 a day instead of s.l, and that talis jurymen receive $1 instead of $2 a day. This, it is esti mated, will effect a reduction of about $1,170 in the court costs. The $3,223 reduction in "salaries and the $1,170 es timated drop in court costs will lower the general county tax rate by about 3 cents on the SIOO property valuation. Meeting here Monday morning, the commissioners adjourned after a short session until Wednesday, when they worked all day on' various matters of business. A half-time schedule was ordered for the county recorder's court, but when the proposed schedule will Igo into effect was not determined. I Meeting dates have not been an ! nounced, and it is not known whether the court will hold sessions on the first ( and third Tuesdays or on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. | A second proposed reduction in the tax rate was noted in the budget sub 'niitted by the county board of educa tion and aprpoved by the commision jers. It wa* Estimated by the educa tion board that a 38-cent levy will be necessary to operate the schools this year"* as compared with a 40-cent one in effect last term. The budget for the coining term asks for two and one half cents for current expense, 32 cents for debt service, and 3 1-2 cents for capital outlay items. The county gen eral budget is now in the making, and at this time it is impossible to esti mate the rale that will be in effect this year. • The appeals of the poor were heard at both the Monday and Wednesday meetings, the commissioners increas ing the monthly allowance of Abner Bennett by $1 and allowing Harry Moore $2, Olive High $1; and Annie Mae Hassell, $1 each month. | After deferring the county tax sales for another 30 days, the commission ers considered several property valua tion complaints, decreasing the value on the Katie Taper property in James ■ ville Township from $1,050 to SBOO, and that >n Nancy Kolox land"in Rober- TsmivTTle To'wnsliijrTronV's2,2oo' to sl," 1500, and that oil the Isaac Ward land in Kobersonville Township from $650 to SIOO. and on the Ward land in Ham ilton Township from $1,440 to SI,OOO. Krnest Johnson, of Kobersonville (Township, was admitted to the county ; home, the board taking that action aftr ; er considering a long petition carrying ' the names of Robersonville citizens. BREAKS LEG IN BASEBALL GAME 'Perlie Lilley Victim of Only ' Accident in County On Fourth Perlie Lilley, Griffins Township I farmer, suffered a broken leg while playing ball last Monday afternoon, the game featuring the Fourth of July for resident* of the Farm Life and Lilley's Hall communities. I Mr. Lilley was playing second base for Lilley's Hall when Bennie Peel ran into him, throwing his weight on Mr. Lilley's leg and breaking it just below the knee. The accident was the only one re ported in this county during the day. Many were reported in the State and throughout the nation, death resulting in a goodly number of thsm. Thad Harrison Returns From Washington, D. C. * Returning early yesterday morning fromHWashington City, Thad Harrison reported an enjoyable trip earned by him when he sold several subscriptions to The Enterprise. Thad, with several other boys from Aulander and Ahoskie, visited many places of historical interest, including Washington's birthplace, Mount Ver non, the White House, the Treasury Building, the mint, congressional li brary, Smithsonian Institution, the Pan-American building, Waahington monument and saw two baseball games between Washington and New York during their several-day visit to the nation's capital.

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