PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE r ,l— Every Toe-day and Friday by Tha ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WIIT 1 AM STON, WORTH CAROLINA, W. C. Manning ***» I _— " r SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Carti in Adnnce) IN MARTIN COUNTY [W tUO One year 75 lis months OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY 0— J2.00 One ~~ 1.00 No Subaoiption Received for Lets Than 6 Month* Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Wiiiiamston, N. C, as second-class matter under the act of Congress of March 3. 1879. Address an communications to The Enterprise and not to the individual members of the hrm. -*, Friday, July 8, 1932 The Democratic Platiorjn The Democrats in their platform adopted in Chi cago last week have set forth a clear and understand able statement of principles. The platform itself, a short document (which is unusual), should be read by all, together with the speech of acceptance by Governor Roosevelt. In both will be found comfort for those now in distress and the true cause of our present plight—which is nothing more nor less than the deliberate refusal of the Re publican Party, which has been in power now for 12 years, to recognize the needs of the masses of our peo ple—upon whom rests the burden of continuing and maintaining this nation. All good citizens shoyfd support Roosevelt and Garner" and save this nation for the benefit of hu manity everywhere. Salary Cuts Necessary Salary cuts seem to be essential, if they are to be paid at all. The people who are to pay the bills are by no means certain that they will be able to pay even small salaries. It really seems to be a pity to cut the salaries of teachers, who have spent large sums of money in prep aration to teach; on the other hand, it is better to get a reduced salary than none at all. This seems to be a day when there is nothing else to seek, and when a fellow loses his job there is noth ing else for him. The teachers will certainly share the hardships of the panic with as much grace as any other class of business or professional people, and they may be ex pected to discharge their duties with as much diligence as anybody else. The truth is that we will all do bet ter work when conditions are stringent than we will when things are easy. Now is the time when every man of every profes sion and every vocation should put his shoulder to the wheel and make an honest effort to do his part in bringing things back, to normal. If we can not get all the good clothes we want and all the good eats we desire, we must bear it, because the fashions of the future will not come from Paris. They are going to be measured by the forces of necessity, and most of us will be alike. I*l CM* WMftMfc AM GftKHO mmtt RT\YNM MAHM CUFTTAAHI AI I 7 . TTX|« mi*HmmaTUi i : ft Qtf T*t MMfetftttt li lIH^F . fMRtt TfcKf tyfttft IMEMM* It f &VWTH, - JMmm om m wunum UWt ; ODD-BUT TRUE Traveling Too Fast It was a sad thing that North Carolina's richest young man committed suicide recently. Young Zach ary Smith Reynolds, soon to have owned in his own name 525,000,000,0n1y 20 years old, generally high ly regarded for honor and integrity—yet he snuffs his life out. Of course, there is no way to determine the cause of such an act. It may have been that his nerves were tuned to faster time than this world now offers. He had been married twice; the first time divorced, and settled with his young wife and baby daughter by paying them $1,000,000. He next married a young Cincinnati girl, singing in New York musical reviews. Two marriages before a boy attains the age of 20 indi cate he was a rusher. He was was also a great flyer an ardent airplane devotee. • It is quite likely that if this young man had been born the same year his father—the late R. J. Rey nolds—was, and had lived the simple constructive life that he did,creating his fortune little by little, rather than having it dumped on him all in a pile with no preparation to handle and manage it, he might have kept his mind in the slow, conservative, narrow chan nels of life, and never have thought of suicide. What this age needs is proper governors to slow us down to earth's levels, and then we will not have time to rush our own lives out of existence. We will think more of ourselves. Dawes Shows His Hand Now we know why Mr. Dawes was in such a hur ry r to resign as Chairman of the Reconstruction Fi nance Corporation. All because his big bank, the Cen tral Republic, of Chicago, was in distress. Mr. Dawes (could not put any of the government's money into his own institution; so he counted and weighed out eighty millions of dollars and had it all ready. He then resigned, ran to Chicago, placed his plea for a dole with the Recostruction Finance Cor poration, and they sent him the $80,000,000 for his bank. Now, (who would not resign any job for $80,000,- 000? It turned out that he had guessed too low, and he had to call on Wall Street for $10,000,000 more; following this loan, he had to trot around Chicago and borrow still another $5,000,000. Mr. ETawes has gone about as a very big man in good times, but it is about ito turn out that his great est assets are his abilities in smoking an upside-down pipe and cursing before Senate committees. He is one of those politicians who is helping to make hard times harder in this country. Decency Forgotten Honestly, don't you feel just a little ashamed of the race, when you see big girls parading around in loud pajamas. They do look just a little slouchy and in bad taste for street wear. Good women must hate to see their sisters swagger ing around in such garb. Wouldn't it be fine if we would all get together for decency. Not Getting Fair Prices The Greensboro Daily News puts up the wrong headlines when it says "Growers of peanuU getting fair prices," and the statement is a gross error. Peanuts today are not selling for two-third of the cost of production. With a tariff of 4 cents a pound for foreign-grown peanuts, local farmers are getting only 1 1-4 cents per pound for their crop at the present time, and the quality has to be a good average or they will not sell for that much. THE ENTERPRISE TEN COUNTIES PRODUCE MOST STATE PEANUTS Crop Is Worth About Ten Million Dollars Annually To Eastern Planters Ten counties in North Carolina pro-| duce about 20 per cent of the nation's! commercial peanut crop and 80 per cent of the crop produced in the State. This crop is worth about $10,000,000 annually to the group of farmers en gaged in its production. During the past three years, North Carolina has produced about 250,000,- 000 pounds of nuts annually, an J .for the years 1929 and 1930 the average price was 3.8 cents a pound. Final figures can not be given on the crop of 1931, but it is likely that the av erage for that year will be more near ly 2 cents a pound. According to J. W. .Johnson, extension specialist in organization and credit at State Col lege, the ten counties producing the bulk of the North Carolina crop are: Bertie, Martin, Northampton, Halifax, Hertford, Edgecombe, Gates, Chowan, Perquimans, and Washington. The general welfare of the farmers in these counties therefore is vitally depend ent upon peanut prices. Mr. Johansen says the soil and cli mate of northeastern North Carolina are particularly adapted to peanut cul ture and possibly the farmers should continue to produce the nuts regard less of price consideration. He does believe, however, that some action should be taken towards forming an organization to handle the nuts so that the growers may obtain a larger share of the profits. A movement is on foot now, he re ports, to organize a North Carolina Mutual Peanut Exchangt which will receive, grade, shell, warehouse, and sell the producers' peanuts. This will give them contact with some 5,000 buy ers instead of the 40 now available. The growers plan to secure a sign-up of 200,000 bags in the new set-up. This organization will have the backing and support of the Federal Farm Board, and if formed will likely affiliate later with similar organizations in the oth er commercial peanut-producing states. REDUCE CHARITY BILL BY CANNING FOOD PRODUCTS Idle Labor Used To Work Public Garden in Scot land County From a small garden worked with idle labor some 3,000 cans of succu lent vegetables will be saved for use this winter in feeding the indigent in Scotland County. In this way, the county commissioners are using the trained home agent to save on its charity bill. The idea of a welfare garden at Laur inburg was advanced by the home a gent, Miss Julia Mclver, early this past spring. Land for the garden was furnished by a local real estate dealer* fertilizer by a local broker, and seed by the state council on unemployment. Prisoners from the local jail were used to cultivate the garden. , The first crop which could be sat isfactorily canned was the snap beans, and Miss Mclver and her help have' already put up 2,000 cans. In doing this, she trained some 200 negro wom en, boys, and girls who had been re ! ceiving free government flour and oth ler charitable aid. These idle persons began picking vegetables about 5:30 o'clock each morning and at 8 o'clock the canning began. Cans were sup plied by the board of county commis sioners. Miss Mclver used only an oil stove, a big wash pot, several lard stands and a sealing machine. When she finished the day's job of canning, then the home agent went a bout her other duties in the county. Last Monday, however, she had to stay on the job all day because it was necessary to save all the vegetables then ready. Four hundred cans were saved with the last one being topped and sealed at 10 o'clock that night. From now on, Miss Mclver plans to can only soup mixture which home demonstration folks consider the moat nutritious of all canned gooda. She will use the tomatoes, okra, beans, and corn now ripening for this purpose and she says she will fill 3,000 cans before the garden is exhausted. NOTICE OP SERVICE North Carolina, Martin County. In the Superior Court. Calvin W. Haaaall v*. Sylvester Haa sdl Estate, J. L. Haaaall, Chard* Haaaall and P. S. HaaeeU. The above named defendants, except those personally served in this action, and all other persona owning or claim, ing an interest in the land herein re ferred to, will take notice that on the Build Up Health and Paint Go Away WOMEN who suffer from wenfe nana often have asaay achaa and • pain. which a streamer stole af health would tato'cartatTa parely , mitsHi Mala that haa baea In wee tee emr M yeast Take Cartel ta taapreve the seaeral tana af tea ayataas in eaaaa af rwm «twa health an« UMI . name." Woman have ll—l. la aah eaasa, that Cestui h*ipa them te eise—s peine ani a*ha te* monthly parted* •aster. OABDOI te aate and whsls mm tee wonts af an im Try tt! 14th day of Jane, 1932, u action en titled as above was commenced in the , inperior court of Martin County for | the purpose of foreclosing tax liens i for the taxes due for the year 1929 on the following real estate: 200 acres pf Davis land, I lot on Mala Street, and lots on the A. C. L. Railroad lifted 'to the estate of Syl ▼ester Has sell for the year 1929, for. the Town of Williamston taxes and for Martin County taxes. That they are required to appear and answer or demur to the compMfot which has been filed at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Martin County at Williamston, North Caro lina, within 30 days from the 14th day of July, 1932, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demand, ad in the complaint. It is also ordered that all other per sons claiming an interest in the sub ject matter of the /aid action shall ap pear and present, set up and defend their respective claims in six months from the date of this notice, or be for ever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to the said —————————WBB—— The following editorial from the pen of Dr. Douglas Freeman appeared in the v Richmond News-Leader, Wednesday, January 20,1932 I HAVE MY INSURANCE * man who has tossad resdeealy at night during the last two yaars hss foond comfort of mind and repose of nerves in the reflection, "I have my insurance." ''■ Salaries may dactyia, employment may ba lost, mortgage-payments may ba beyond one's reach, bat as loo* aa the modest premiums on a nan's insurance can ba mat, ha knows that death will not leave his family penniless Next to Ua religion itself, the home loving American has cherished his insurance during the depression. Last year, when the future looked so black, the fathers aqd husbands of America purchased 116,400,000,000 of life insurance, and actually ended the year with mora insurance in fores dun when the depreaaion began. That ihows what the average American thinks of the protection Ida insurance gives. «*■ The mystery of how Americs has survived the hard times is explained by the son word, life-lneurance. Men who would not have bean able to ma at their imperative obli gations, or, in soma caaes, even to feed their famlHaa in any other way, borrowed on their insurance and tided themselves over. Total payments of $2,600,008,000 in benefits M all kinds Wfcre paid American policyholders in 1931, or twenty-eight tfcnas as much as was raiaed publicly for relief. What a different tale there would be to tail if the harried busi ness man had not bean able to say, "I have my insurance." Storms come and paae again. We may never witness hi this toansration aa long « period of fair weather aa industry in 1026-29; but all of ua know that whether the* next wave of proeperity be long or short, a storm will gather again The man who fscsg it without life insurance is as foolish as ha who asta out over deep water in an open boa* and does not carry a Ufa-preserver. On the front page of the Manufacturer's Record for December 10, 1931, ap -1 peared the following: LIFE INSURANCE Life insurance is a bulwark of American busineee that haa come through the pas* two years of deflated values with public confidence in its soundness unimpaired. A dol lar of life insurance in force today is not only safe aa an investment, tat measured! lnf terma of purchaaing power, is worth mors than it was two yesrs ago. The increas ing rscognition of thsss fscts on the part of the public la a Just li ibunle, not only to the fundsmsntal principlee of inaurance, tat also to the stability of the system under which it opsrstss, end the firmness of its financial structure. —SEE— W. G. PEELE INSURANCE AS LITTLE AS W DOWN AND THE EASIEST TERMS f 9 plicti (kit modern automatic Rang* your THAT Psctik Cooking-• I the happy clinic* of over l/>HrOOO Amaricaa woman-. I ia wHhia *aey raack *f avary M I t*"*s oa I Bicuk fium For aiiawpls, you caa mw buy I 0 avhntlic Afts bsisst P Badik Range «Mi a targe 16 I hdi »w> *r as >Hb aa HMO nelt, ineteßod* in jm lotthea and ready to cooit o«. OR oa Jsfl| karma aa low as #9.50 down, and ■ ■■ A* belanco ia amaN mo*«My |Y VJH payments to suit your budget ■ slHfl Bfifl Com* in nowand loara afl the B facto *fC*«ti*t Electrically. 8— A* —w iMh Jiitgm mi ( Raiahee I* Electric R*ng*s. mmk mm H M mako. b~ iMMiMIi NOV «m% —9. e|^Hsßhß| see your dealer, or VIRGINIA ELECTRIC — .«■» PAN* property or proceeds from the sale (thereof. This 14th fey of J MM, 1912. , R. J. PEEL, i je!7 4tw Clerk of Superior Court. TRUSTEE'S SALE OP LAND j By virtue of power rtKri ta me by that deed of trust which was executed to me by John R.- Tyson on the 30th 'day of December, 1927, and which is duly recorded in the register"* office of Martin County, in book X-2, at page 536, et seq., default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein securd, I shall offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at pub lic auction at the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, on Saturday, July 16th, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, the ■ following described tracts of real es tate, lying, being, and situate in Goose Nest Township, in the County of Martin, and State of North Carolina, to wit: First tract: Adjoining the lands of T. H. Council, R. H. Gatlin and oth_ ers, and bounded as follows: On the north by the land of Edna ShieldSj gn^ Friday, July 8,1932 the south by the lands of Edna Shields and W. O. Council's Brown Place, on the west by At lands of T, B. Har ret] and the road leading from Oak City to Speed, and containing 14 1-2 icrtt; Second tract: Being all of that cer tain tract of land, known aa the Brown land, which was inherited by Mrs. T. T. Council from Francis Brown's es tate, and bounded on the east by the Ben Shields land, on the west by R. H. Gatlin's land, on the north by Ben Shield's land, and that of T. B. Har rell and Irvin Harrell, and contain, ing 220 acres, more or less; and for a more particular description reference is had to deed from T. tt. Council et al to W. O. Council in book C-l, at page 564 and book C-l, at page 553, 'of the Martin County Registry, ~ and I being the identical lands that were con veyed to the said John R. Tyson by Farmers' Bank of Greenville on De- Icember 30th, 1930. | This June 14th, 1932. I F. M. WOOTEN, jel7 4tw Trustee. Albion Dunn, Attorney.