Watch IK* Label OB TOW Paper As It Caniee the Date Winn Year Subscription Expiree VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 39 10-CENT TOBACCO IS LOOKED FOR BY MR. MEADOWS Veteran Tobacconist Gives His Views on Present Tobacco Conditions "Judging from what you have read and the experience gained over a per iod of years, what average price will tobacco command this coming season," was the question asked Mr. W. T. Meadows, veteran tobacconist, here yesterday. "I don't know," Mr. Meadows re plied, adding that the prospect Vas fair for a 10-cent average, that some peo- ple thought it would be between 10 and 15 cents this coming season. Even if the price is 10 cents, it will be better than that received by the growers in this belt last year. In the following article, Mr. Mead ows discusses the tobacco situation as he sees it: > "One of the be»t addresses I have read was President Carrington's ad dress at the annual meeting of the U. S. Tobacco Association held at Vir ginia Beach. He did not mince any words in any department, but told them where to get off. I have every annual address made by this associa tion since it was formed in my files, and I believe this one at Virginia Beach was the best of all, and I have very little criticism to make on it "One question I will ask, though. It seems that the statistics of both the years 1930 and 1931 are made up from reports released by the tobacco section of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, presumably as Washing ton, D. C. Were these reports gath ered from monthly or yearly sales of the crop reporting service of the dif ferent Bright Belt States, say, for ex ample, Frank Parker's service at Ra leigh, N. C., or from the Internal Rev enue Service, such as Gilliam Grissom, at Raleigh, N. C.? If gathered from the first service, I should say there would be 100,000,000 pounds differen tial, on account of scrap and leaf bought for fertilizer puproses, sheep dip, etc., which would cut right much ice in the total. As you would be forced to admit, even if the figures are taken from the month when all to bacco markets are about closed for the season, and all manufacturers and dealers have practically their season's purchase on hand, still we have to get at it on some date, so Brother Car rington is using figures under date of April Ist, 1932, and says they rtport j ed to him in the dealers and manu facturers' "hand 845,000,000 pounds of bright tobacco. This is carry-over and all purchases from 193F crop. Now, if you were to divide this 845,000,000 pounds into actual use you might fig ure it this way: "400,000,000 pounds for export pur poses; 250,000,000 pounds for domes tic cigarettes! '5,000,000 pounds, plug and smoking! 1)0,000,000 pounds chem • icalp purposes; 925,000,000 pounds to- would give you a deficit of 80,- 000,000 pounds for actual requirements until another crop is made. Less 25 per cent off of the 845,000,000 for stems Of course, some of this tobacco report ed is stemmed but very little, I notice again in Brother Carring ton's remarks that the dealers were loaded with old tobacco and could not realize on it to get money to pur chase the past year's crop. Well, how t>old was it? The crop before only brought 11 cents, and the one just past 8 cents, and I can name you dealers that have practically sold out of the past year's crop at a good profit. One friend of mine had some three years old, and the best offer he had was 6 cents, and it cost him 18 cents; he sold it the past few days for 16 cents. I acknowledge, as Mr. Carrington, that banking conditions have not been; good or aa liberal as in former years, but the bill that went through Con gress some time ago for relief of banks, building and loan associations, etc., does not seem to have had much effect on the banks, as, according to reports, they were small borrowers. Now as to the present crup in this p •ection. Fifty per cent of tut year'* L crop was set out by the farmer*. Poor eat proapact in yeara, and I don't be lieve 40 per tent of last year's crop * will be gathered. This applies to four or fire counties around us as well as V our own, it is awfully dry, and a great many tenners are forced to pull and put * into barns. The warehousemen of eaatern North J 1 Carolina, and I expect, all Bright Belt >' States, have lost money for the past two years, and now with a 40 per cent 1* crop facing them, what can they do? * .. Figure for yourself." J Death of Multi-millionaire ' Remains Deep Mystery f 1 The mystery surrounding the fatal shooting of Smith Reynolds,, heir to the vast tobacco fortunes, last Wed- > nesday morning remained unsolved to- I day. T« suicide story told is doubted I and the investigation continues. ( • . THE ENTERPRISE Charity Directed To Tobacco and Berry Patches The Urge number of unfortu nate* thriving upon free Red Croee flour during the peit sev eral week* here were greatly die appointed last Saturday when the supply was eaddenly shut off to them. Many of the applicants were here early and waited late, bat it was all in vain, for only two bags were given away. Welfare officers directed the ap plicants to die tobacco fields and to the huckleberry bushes or suf fer their own laxiness. It is not known just how long the free flour will be held, but it is certain that no more will be given away until the tobacco ar.d huckle berry seasons are spent LEANS DEFEAT FATS, 16 TO 9, IN BENEFIT GAME Raise Around S4O For Ad vancing Scouting Among Boys of Community The fats and leans benefit baseball game yesterday afternoon proved a de cided success in one respect, at least. Every one of the nearly 200 spectators got his or her money's worth, even if some of the players can hardly get a bout today. The leans won, 16 to 9, in a game that was really better than the score indicates. Approximately $35 or (40 were realized, the proceeds to be used to further Boy Scouting in the con\munity. The heavyweights had one bad in ning particularly, the fourth, when the leans scored 7 of their 16 runs on 7 hits and 1 error. The first six leans at the bat in this frame got clean hits. 'ln the ninth, after two were out, the fats came to life and scored three times on three singles and two doubles. Individual stars were too numerous to enumerate. Harry Meador, in right field for the fats, almost ran his legs off in that hectic fourth inning chas ing hits from the bats of the leans, and he had to give way to Hugh Wyatt. Substitutions were frequently made on both sides, only three men on each team playing the entire game. The leans collected a total of 20 hits, Hubert Smith, catcher, leading with three singles and a double; Cor tef Green connected for two doubles and a single out of four |frips to the plate; Harcum Grimes hid a single, a double, and the only three-bagger of the contest; Charlie James, a double and two singles; while Jesse Harrell, Cunningham, and Jule Harrell each col lected two apiece. For the fats, Tite Critcher led with three single; Hugh Wyatt, George .Harris, and Elbert Peel each banged out two hits; with eight others poling out one each. The fats really should ha4e had about a half dozen more run, but poor base running cost them heavily. The leans also pulled three double plays to get out of bad spots. There were plenty of errors, but most of the (coring came about as a result of clean hitting, the 'old-timers," or several of them, demonstrating that they could still keep their eyes on the ball. The leans used three pitchers, 'A. J. Manning, Ira Harrison, and Windley, while the fats started with Joe David Thrower and finished with Sparrow. Both the umpires, Knox and Joe Pender, last out the entire game, although bloody murder was threatened when Knox caHed Mr. C. G. Crockett out when the latter went to bat for Cunningham in the seventh inning without notify ing the umpire of the substitution. Mr. Crockett and the leans got re venge in the next frame, however, when he knocked out a single that scored two runs. All in all, it was a great game, some money was raised for the scouts, and "a good time was had by all." The score by innings; R. H. E. Fats 010 310 Leans 024 700 03x—16 20 4 Presbyterians Holding Meeting Here Today A call meeting of the Albemarle Presbytery is being held in the Pres byterian church here today, with ministers and representatives attend ing from all the churches in the dis trict. The ladies of the local auxiliary, aa sisted by those of other auxiliaries in the county, served the visitors lunch in the church auditorium. [STANDING OF CLUBS"! n«h _ ' W. L- Pel Williamston 10 5 .667 Elisabeth City _ 9 6 .600 Edenton _ I 7 .533 Colerain ~ — ' 3 12 -200 Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, July 12, 1932 , In giving away approximately 100 barrels of the free flour, the welfare workers have found many stubborn cases. Two negroes, beg gkig flour a few weeks ago could not find time to do 30 minutes of free work for charitable purposes. Another was heard last Saturday to say that he was not going to pull tobacco for 75 cents a day when he could get free flour, and he was an able-bodied man. Yet, there are worthy cases, and it is for the welfare of the helpless people that the welfare workers will start distributing free flour again within the next several • week*.-" --•* - —-—"T ROBBERS ACTIVE HERE LAST WEEK Enter Two Stores and One Home; Steal Around $16.75 In Cash Another little crime wave struck the community last week, when robbers entered two stores, a home, and the theft of a small quantity of kerosene from Sheriff C. B. Roebuck was re ported. Friday night about 9 o'clock some one forced an entrance to the J. O. Manning Grocery Store and was tear ing open the cash register when the owner, by chance, dropped into the store. The robber fled before Mr. Manning could open the front door. Albert Wilson and his younger broth er and Bud Hardison, all young color ed boys, were arrested late -that night, but were later released when no evi dence was found connecting them with the crime. The robber failed to open the cash drawer, but he badly damaged the machine in the attempt to open it. Nothing was missed from the store. Some time the same night some one entered the home of Mr. R. J. Peel on Haughton Street and stole about sls from Mrs. l'eel's pocketbook. It is not known just how the thief entered the house, but it is believed he or she entered the home early in the evening, stealing the purse and slipping out the front door after the family had retired. Several days before some one en- tered the Parker Grocery Company, next to Harrison Brothers store, and stole $1.75 from the cash register. The robber, entering the back door, took the cash register and carried it to the vback of the store. Apparently unac quainted with the workings of the ma chine, the robber took a hatchet and chair along, but he did not use the hatchet. ! CAUGHT ASLEEP I WITH CHICKENS Jno. McCoy Caught With Eight Chickens On the Highway Near Creek J Stealing eight chickens from Neal I Godard's coop in Williams Township early last Saturday morning, John Mc | Coy, colored, was arrested near the |Sweet Water Creek bridge a short I while afterwards when he stopped to rest and fell asleep on the highway. | A truck driver saw McCoy sleeping on the road, and thinking some one had run over and killed him, he re i ported it to Officer Allsbrooks here. : The officer investigated and found McCoy sleeping \yith an old rooster , that had freed himself from the sack, , sleeping by the man's side, both j>a- Itiently awaiting the break of dawn. McCoy, a Goose Nest negro, said he got the chickens from his aunt, near jOak City. Investigating the report, officers found that he had not been to .Oak City since his release from the roads, and that the chickens were I stolen from Mr. Godard's coop. Mc i Coy is beig tried in the county court 1 here today. Town Commissioners Hold Meeting Here Last Night After nspecting the monthly billi, the board of town commissioners here laat night ordered a sanitary inspection be made of the town, the order fol lowing complaints directed against un sanitary cow lots and dog pens. The extension of water and iewer lines up Elm Street was again con aidered, and a committee was appoint ed to make another investigation. Officers were ordered to enforce regulations governing parking too near fire hydrants. The town budget is now in the mak ing and will probably be submitted to the board within the next few days at a special meeting of the body. Cultivating 600 Acres of Tomatoes Over in Bertie Approximately 600 acres of tomatoes are being grown under contract this season by Bertie County farmers. FEDERAL AGENTS HAD BUSY WEEK IN THIS SECTION Arrested Eleven Men And Destroyed Two Stills During Period Federal Agents S. K. Hughes, re cently transferred here from YVeldon, and C. S. Coats reported many activi ties last week, when they made 11 ar rests, destroyed two liquor plants, and captured a quantity of liquor in addi tion to the big 315-gallon raid and con fiscation of an automobile and truck last Wednesday. A steam plant was destroyed near Hassell, in Hamilton Township last Tuesday and T. G. and G. C. Whitley were arrested. The two men gave bond and were released. Two gallons of liquor were destroyed. Mack Lewis, an alleged second-of , fender, and James L. Lewis were ar j rested while operating a steam plant I near Bethel last Friday. Twelve gal lons of liquor and 600 gallons of beer were poured out there. James Lewis was released under bond Friday, his cousin. Mack, going free under bond yesterday. John A. Griffin, local barbecue stand operator, was arrested Sunday, when he was caught with a half gallon of liquor under the hood of his car. Raiding the Number 90 Service Sta-j tion on the Jamesville Koad last Sat urday, the agents found 14 pints in the safe there. STATISTICS FOR PAST MONTH IN THIS COUNTY • Twelve Deaths and Forty-, seven Births Reported i During the Period I /——• I June \y»s a month of few deaths and many births in this county, the various' registrars of vital statistics reporting 12 exits from tnis old world and 47 entrants into a land of hope. One township, Williams, failed to report. I'robably that district had none and the reports stand about correct. Jamesville Township had a rather unusual record, reporting no deaths and three births, one of them dated as of November 5, 1932. It was a boy, I so call in the crystal gazer. i Griffins and l'oplar Point were without births and deaths during the month, and Hamilton divided with two births and two deaths. The colored populaton blotted the record of 12 births with an illegitimate youngster in Goose Nest Township. There were three deaths reported in tliat district during the month. Cross Roads received the highest rating when it reported no deaths and eight births. With only one deafh reported and 13 births, a majority -of them colored, Williamston Township boosted the county's population gain for the month by almost one-fourth. Robersonville reported five deaths and nine births, the ratio of more t)ian two to one being a little low as compared with the statistics reported in eight other townships. Reporting one pellaira death and no births,' Bear Grass was the only town-: ship in the county to show a decrease in population during June. Vital statistics are now filed month ly in each county of the State. Some times an unavoidable delay is exper ienced and a variation in the reports results. Corrections are made as near as it is possible to do so in reporting them in these columns the following month. • Club Women Now Engaged In Big Canning Campaign * (By Miaa Lora E. Sleeper) Canning meetings were begun in the county Monday of this week at Pop lar Chapel. Canning meetings will be held Tuesday at Sand Ridge school building, Wednesdays at the home of Mrs. George in Macedonia; Thursday at the home of Mrs. C. H. Ange in Ange Town and Friday at the Woman's Club rooms in James ville. The meetings next week -will be ■held in Parmele Monday; Poplar Point Tuesday; Bear Grass Wednesday, Wil liams Chapel all day meeting Thurs day; Farm Life Friday. It is entirely possible that the meet ings will extend to unorganized com munities so that as many people as possible may be reached in the coun ty These meetings during the months of July and Augu4t are open to the general public to help them in any way poosible to can for winter use. Says Limestone Is the Best Fertilizer Used on His Farm - • —rr;- «»_-,>— — S. L. Kiser, of Bessmer City, re ports that limestone is the best fer tilizer he has used on his farm after reviewing his results this season. Tomato Crop in County Said To Be Almost With dry weather damaging the crop and with the quality of pro duction being unusually poor, the Jamesville community farmers are facing almost complete failure in their first sttempt to grow toma toes on a large scale this season. Hardly more than one-sixth of a crop is now in prospect, some farmers reporting that their vines are all but dead. Yields sveraging 350 bushels to the acre were reported there last year, and the outlook now is for not more thsn 30 bushels. As a result, a substantial loss for the growers is almoat certain, as prices have been unusually low so far. MARTINS HOLD 1-GAME MARGIN Much Interest In Play As Three Teams Start the Week Close Together Much interest centers around the play in the Albemarle Baseball league this week, Williamston starting the week off this afternoon at Kdenton with a one-game lead over Elizabeth City. The Jaybirds, with a one-game lead are playing Cole rain at Windsor. Club officials are meeting tonight in Edenton where they will decide whether the season' will be split. If the season is divided, the first half will be completed next Friday. Ladies will be admitted for ten cents each when Edenton and Wil liamston play the first game to be play ed here this week tomorrow afternoon. Herring or Kugler will work on the mound tomorrow, it was announced this morning by Manager Spivey. The next local game win be played Friday afternoon when Cherry is sche duled to pitch against Elizabeth City. How Washington, N. C. May Have Been Named I That our good neighboring town, | Washington, was the "Original Wash | ington" is mighty high established as | a fact according to a recent issue of j Weston's Record. Under the heading, I "How Washington, North Carolina, 1 may have been named," the Record has the following to say: "As the little town of Washington, ' North Carolina, joins this year in hon- I oring the Father of our Country, sev eral stories of how the town got its name are advanced by some older res j idents. "One reports that sailors used to come ashore at Washington on Sat i urdays and became 'afrustomed to wash their clothes there «n that day. The village came to be known as Wash ing Town and this name was later shortened to Washington. j "Other sailors, passing Ttie town In their small craft, were wont to shout I to the shore asking the name of the 'place. On the bank an old Indian 1 squaw frequently engaged in washing her small son, Tom. Misunderstand ing the sailors' questions, she would call back that she was "Washing j Tom." The wind twisted her words, so that the sailors received the reply; "'Washington.' j "Still another fable is that the town received its name when an old negress slave, given her freedom, found It nec essary to make her living by washing clothes, and went about the communi ty shouting 'Washing Done.' Her chant was later corrupted to Washing ton. i* ~ v "The present- citizens of Washington - N. C., assert that theirs was the first post office in the country to take its name from George Washington." | . ' Hoaxer in Kidnaping Case i Sentenced to Jail for Year Found guilty recently for obstruct | ing justice in th* Lindbergh baby kid naping case, John Hughes Cijrtis, Norfolk boat builder, was sentenced to one year in jail and ordered to pay a SI,OOO fine in a New Jersey court yes terday. Immediate steps were taken to appeal to th**highe{ courts. I Curtis is the man who conducted | the search on the waters while the world awaited news from little Chas. Augustus Lindbergh. Mr. IV. G. Peel Starts Construction of Home , • I Summer building activities were i put underway here yesterday morn ing when Mr. W. G. Peel, the insur ance man, started the erection of a seven-room house on Simmons Ave nue. The house will be of the frame type, and one story, the exact cost being undetermined at this time. Several other local citixen* are planning the construction of homes within the next few weeks, it is un -1 dertsood, contracts for which are now | pending, it is said. According to reports, the grow ers there are averaging around 36 cents a lug, that is a basket hold ing five-eighths of a bushel. Very few returns been received from the shipments so far, and there might be an upward trend in prices for later deliveries. Up until this week, the growers, cultivating around 200 acres of the crop, had styipnfed around 3,000 bushels of tomatoes. Rains fall ing within the next day or two might aid the crop, but farmers are of the opinion that the remain der of the crop will be practically lo«t if no rain falls, and the hot sun continues to bUster the tender tomatoes. REPORT IS MADE BY FARM AGENT FOR PAST MONTH Formation of Peanut Ex change Up To Gounty Farmers This Week In his report to the county commis sioners lajt Monday, County Agent T. B. Brandon pointed out that Martin farmers would cither take membership in a peanut exchange or turn down the opportunity to take part in the mar keting organization this week. Seven meetings are being held this week in the county, the last of the series to be held here Saturday afternoon at 3 o'- clock. Mr. Brandon's report in detail: 21 days spent in field work; 5 days in office work; 204 office conferences; 154 telephone calls; 212 letters writ ten; 54 farm visits; 1,165 miles trav eled in county on official duties; 617 hogs treated for 22 landlords and 18 tenants; 1 meeting held in regard to the North Carolina Peanut Exchange. BADLY HURT IN FAMILY FIGHT ♦ Will Wells Nearly Killed When Struck by His Nephew, J. E. Wells Will Wells was nearly killed and his nephew, John Kmrtiet Wells, was badly hurt when they attacked each other with iron pipes following a fam ily quarrell at their., home in Williams Township last Suntay morning. The elder Wells apparently passed the first lick as the younger man al most killed his uncle when he struck him over the hjad with an iron pipe, measuring five feet. The two of theny were carried to Jamesville where Dr. Jas. K. Smith wick closed the wounds, using four stitches..on the older man's head and one on that of the younger. It was said that Well's head HO bad ly that the skull could be seen, one man stating that it was as white as the belly of a cat fish. The younger man wirs released un der a S3OO bond. Dry Ice Proves To Be A Novelty Among Children Although much ice cream has been received here packed in dry ice, yes terday was the first time that inquir ing children here" learned about an ice so cold that it would burn your finger if you touched it. After removing the cream from the package, an employee of Davis' pharmacy pitched the box of ice out the back door, The chil dren were there to grab it, some dar ing to place their hands on the cold stuff. Pitched into a bucked of water, the ice would boil the liquid. When left on a surface, the ice would evaporate, leaving no signs on the surface. Henry Corey Kills Bear In Griffins Early: Today Henry Corey, Griffins , Township farmer, killed a 200-pound l>ear, near hi* home there early this morning. Dogs started trailing the bear near the Corey home and trailed Mm up a tree. Many bears have been seen in that section of the county during the past few weeks, the bruins leaving their old haunts back in the dismal to get water in the creeks nearer in. WHERE THEY PLAY~] TUESDAY, JULY l2th Elizabeth City at Windsor Wiliiamston at Edenton • WEDNESDAY, JULY 13th Colerain at Elizabeth City Edenton at Wiliiamston THURSDAY, JULY 14th . Wiliiamston at Elizabeth City Colerain at Edenton FRIDAY, JULY 15th Elizabeth City at Wiliiamston Edenton at Colerain Advertisers Will Fnd Our Col umi a Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Homes ESTABLISHED 1898 - NEW SCHEDULE OF MAIL SERVICE IS NOW IN EFFECT' Six Mails Are Received and Dispatched Daily From Local Post Office \V illiamston's mail schedules were changed last Saturday night and a gain last night, service over the Caro lina Coach hnes having been discon tinued last week and a new service in augurated shortly before 12 o'clock taut night when the Norfolk to Wilson star route carrier delivered its first mail here. —rr -So many changes have been made in the mail service here during the past few Hiciutbs that a -definite schedule is Mai Veihifitr thF"TfuiuTs oT tbcal patron*. The following is the latest schedule: About 12 o'clock midnightV sll kinds of mail except registered letters or packages are di*| .itched to Washing ton, Greenville, and Wilson and to the N'orfolk-Wilmihgton train for distri bution on that line and on the Wash illtf toUillll Irl'l If L' line. \l:ill Irimi Vi»r-. folk and other points to the north will be delievered here at that hour. Leaving Wilson at 3 a. in., the mail bus will deliver mail here about 5:30 a. in. from trains connecting at Wit son and from post offices at Greenville and Washington. Malls to Norfolk and other points north will'be dis patcher from here at that time, and a second bus will leave tor Plymouth ■with mat! for that town and others in Washington County. The next mail is rfebived here on the 8:54 Atlantic Coast Line train. Mail will also be dispatched at that time. At 11:15 mail will be received and dispatched over a bus from Tarboro to Plymouth. That bus returns with mail at 3:45 in the afternoon and con tinues on to Tarboro. 1 he Atlantic t oast Line train makes its return trip through here at 4:28, handling incoming and outgoing mails. Leaving Plymouth at 7 p. m„ a bus brings the last mail of the day at 7:45. And then the schedule is re peated again that night. The Norfolk-Wilson service is of fered daily except Monday, and the Plymouth service is daily except Sun day. Postmaster Jesse T. Price, alter ex plaining the schedules, saiil that mail dispatched from here and handled ojfer the Norfolk-Wilson and Wilson-Nor folk and Plymouth star route lines would he received'at the local office not later than 8:30 p. in., that the lob by "would he closed to the public at 9 p. lit. until the following morning a! 6 o'clock. The .contract for handling the mails between Norfolk and Wilson awarded 4o—N. J. Watkins, of Wake I orest. Mr. Watkins came through here yesterday afternoon, making re-ady- for hts trip-that-night He will have to travel 401.80 miles each day, the route measuring lIV miles from Norfolk to this point, and 81.80 miles from here to Wilson. The- Plymouth contract was award ed to Mr. Joe T. Weede, of that town, for around S9OO, the "distance being 21 miles each way. HOW SALARY CUT AFFECTS OFFICES Reductions Are the Second To Go Into Effect Dur ing the Past Year ! The $.5,175 reduction in county sal aries ordered by the coujit'y comniis- I sinners week, not including jurors' 1 pay, affected the various offices, as i follows; I Clerk superior court, $.10(1; Cleik (recorder's court, $150; Register Of | deeds and accountant, $450; Register of deeds' assistant, $120; Sheriff, $600; j County agent, $600; Home agent, $210; Janitor at courthouse, $120; Re corder's court judge, $360; Recorder's court solicitor, $120; Superintendent of county home, $120; County attorney, $25; a total of $3,175.00. These reductions follow a ten per cent decrease voluntarily accepted by the county officers about a year ago, making the present salaries as low as those paid in any county, and lower than those paid in a majority of the counties about the size of Martin. Young Boy Hurt Playing In Williams Township • ■ Hubert Dawson Griffin was painful ly but not seriously hurt yesterday noon while playing with another boy, Jeff Hardison, in Williams Township. Young Hardison lifted the 13-year-«ld boy to his shoulder and in gome way twitted the child'* back. It was thought at first that the Griffin boy was paralyzed aa he could not walk. At T O: ;ißwJi«terday after oon an examination was made of the back, and later the boy was able to return home, suffering a bit from tbc injury but able to walk all right.