Watch the Label Ob Toor Paper Aa ' It. Carries the Data When Toor Subecriptioa Expiree VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 45 New Developm In Barnhill Killing TOM BARNHILL IS IN JAIL HERE AND BOND IS REFUSED Solicitor Expected to Start Investigation Here This Afternoon Tom Barnhill, white man living in the Flat Swamp section just across the Martin line in Pitt County, was arrested last Saturday afternoon in connection with the mysterious mur der of his adopted son, Jesse Barn hill, at a church there the 16th of last April. The man was placed in jail here that afternoon and it being held without bond until a hearing can be arranged today or tomorrow. Officers are withholding facts sup porting the man's arrest, but it is be lieved that recent evidence uncovered in the case indicates he is acquainted with the happenings leading up to the murder. Just how strong a case has been developed the officers stated yes terday they were not at liberty to disclose, but as the man was denied bond, it is believed that some new evi dence has been found. Whether the recent findings connect any one else with the murder could not be learned. The time for a hearing had not been announced here yesterday afternoon. Following the killing of- the young man, several theories for the act were advanced. It was thought by some that Bamhill was lured to the church lot and murdered by an old enemy. Others were of the belief that he was Willed as a result of a bootlegging quarrel. Since that time another theory is said to have been advanced in connection with the comparatively large amount of life insurance carried by him. It was unofficially learned that one $5,000 policy had been paid to his estate with the double indemnity clause in effect. Another $5,000 policy was paid, but payment of a third, for $5,000, with double indemnity and payable to the boy's foster-father, was held up pending further developments in the case. * Just before the killing the yourtg man. with his father, had been to Bethel, and when they returned home at 8 o'clock, hi* father is said to have stopped at home, the boy saying that he was going on to the home of a nieghbor about 200 yards away to get his wife. He did not go for his wife, I and 20 minutes later several residents of the Flat Swamp section heard pis tol shots. Two or three people, pass ing along a short white after that time saw him lying on the ground, but, thinking he was a drunk they passed i by without making an investigation. About 11 o'clock, Mr. Leonard Taylor, a resident of the section, saw him and stopped. He reported him dead, and after officers reached the scene an in quest was held. The examination dis closed two bullet holes in hit breast and three in the forehead. The bul lets piercing the head continued on into the ground where he was lying, indicating that the man was down when the last three shots were fired. According to unofficial informa tion received here at noon today, So licitor Clark will come here this aft ernoon to question the 74-year-old man. It could not be learned whether the questioning would be aecret. Davis Pharmacy Holding Big Mid-summer Sale The Davis Pharmacy, located next to the postoffice is conducting a mid summer sale with appealing prices this week. Drugs and articles used every day id the year almost are be ing sold at greatly reduced prices. A partial list of the many bargains of fered by the store is carried in this paper today. Mill fan and 'Half Pounds Tobacco Destroyed by Fire Reidaville, Aug. I.—Fire today de stroyed three large tobacco sheds here, the property of the J. H. Bur ton Company, Incorporated, with damage* estimated to be SIOO,OOO. The sheds contained approximately 1,500,000 pounds of tobacco in stor age and two large trucka. Two small dwellings nearby were also destroyed by the flames. There was a small amount of insurance car ried on the tobacco shed*. The fire started in a Negro dwelling nearby, it was said. • Kiwanis Club Will Hold Regular Meet Tomorrow The local Kitfanis Club will hold its regular meeting here tomorrow at 12:30 o'clock when Carl Goerch, Wash ington newspaperman, will attend as a representative of the Washington Rotary Club. All members are urged to attend. THE ENTERPRISE 1 HAIL KILLS BIRDS ) V J Goldsboro.—Hail in Goldiboro Sunday night caused two lard-cana full of fatalities, according to P. E. Rouse, Goldsboro motorcjrcle policeman. When Mr. Rouse, who lives on North Slocumb .Street, came to po lice headquarters Monday morning he said that he and his young son had picked up two 50-pound lard cans full of English Sparrows in front of his home—sparrows that the hail had killed in three trees in the yard. Chief of Police E. J. Tew, in-re lating Mr. Rouse's story, said that the latter came to Goldsboro from Kinston about five years ago. The chief refused to vouch for the story, but did say that Mr. Rouse had been away from Kinston lone enough to have forgotten such habits. REPORT IS MADE FOR PAST MONTH BY HOME AGENT Points Out Increasing Ac tivities Carried On at Curb Market By Miss Lora E. Sleeper The largest girls' camp ever to be held in the Northeastern District was held this year at Neuse Forest, near New Bern. The ("ounty School Board "of Education allowed the use of a school truck this.year, and each camp er from the county was given the few days at the camp for the small charge of $1.31, which included transporta tion to and from camp. There were sixteen girls from the county. Five counties came together with a total of. l£2 girls. Courses of instruction, weft given in first aid, swimming, the making of bracelets, grooming, and manners. The campers were divided into tribes and each tribe scored for its cooperation, helpfulness, anil camp spir It. We were proud to have a Martin County girl win out as the outstanding j girl and have her tribe receive awards! of club pins. Mary Wildman, of Parmele, was given a free trip to Ra-j leigh to the girls' short course as a result of her splendid spirit in camp. The home agent conducted 24 meet-j ings during the month with women' and girls in food preservation. Owing I to the extremely ' dry weather there has been a scarcity of vegetables to can, even though nearly 100 jars were canned during the month at meetings. Two clubs canned 55 of these jars in one afternoon. The women oJ Jhe Williams Chapel club and Oak City met and spent one afternoon canning for the school Innch. The agent trav eled 1,124 miles, visited 13 different homes, wrote one circular letter during the month witit 236 copies circulated. This month was the best month for the sellers at the curb market. There were an average of 23 ladies selling each week on th curb markt. The to tal sale* for the month were $219.02, an average of $43.80 per week, or $1.90 for each person per week. One lady sold over $32 worth here during the month. JULY REPORT OF COUNTY AGENT ' » Work of Agent Centered Around Hog Treatment and Peanut Meetings - s • Work of County Agent T. B. Bran don during the month of July was cen tered around eight meetings held in an effort to form a peanut exchange in the county and the vaccination of hogs against cholera. The' cholera outbreak was more noticeable in the county during the period than in sev eral months before, it is understood, the agent treating 780 swine during the past month. The agent's report, in detail, is as follows: [ 21 days in field work, 5 days in of fice work, 158 office conferences, 149 telephone calls, 125 letters written, 39 farms visited, 1,022 miles traveled on official duties, 4 articles written for local papers. Town Board Plans Meet for Next Monday Night • - As two or three of the commission ers were away last evening, no meet* ing of the town fathers was held here, the mayor announcing at that time that a meeting will be held next Mon day evening. The treasurer stated that the budget would be presented at that time. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, -Tuesday, August 2,1932 CHOPS HAND OFF WITH AX TRYING TO KILL HIMSELF Unable To Buy Gun Shell, Negro Makes a Brutal Effort To End Life Brooding over family difficulties, Ernest Boston, colored mail living in the Free Union section, near James ville, attempted to end his life at his poverty-stricken home there last week. Unable to buy gun shells, Boston took his ax, and. after telling one or two friends he was going to kill himself, went to the woodpile just back of the home. After rolling his sleeve back, Boston placed his left arm on a chop ping block anil struct it a few inches above the wrist v\ ith the ax. The negro lifted his arm, and, seeing that he bad failed to cut off his hand, he chopped again, the blade of the ax cutting through the bone, leaving enough skin untouched under the bot tom of the »rt»i to hold the hand and wrist to the body. By that time the onlookers rushed to the man and took the weapon out of bis hand. Boston was carried to a doctor in Plymouth who advised that he be sent to a hospital. Much time was lost hauling the man around, and it was four hours after he attempted to take his life than Boston reached the hos pftal in Washington. During the meantime, Boston had forgotten all his family worries and joked with Sheriff l_V B. Roebuck, who carried him to Wash->- ington. He smoked cigarette and de clared he felt no pain. When he ar rived at the hospital and the doctors* were removing the bandage from the arm, Boston caught his left hand with his right, explaining that ii he did not hold it the hand wauliLdr.Pß.Qff,. _ , With nothing hut a main artery and a small piece of skin holding the hand to' the arm, doctors started sewing muscles and nerves together, later connecting the hones. Doctors han dling the case were unable to say this morning whether Boston would lose his hand or not- Following a quarrel, with his wife a-j bout two weeks ago, BiMon's actions were said to havt lieetV very queer, the attempt to end his life by cutting off his arm climaxing his activities. His wife left him shortly after the quarrel, and the children wfhe taken from him about a week ago. The suicide attempt is the most un usual ever reported in this section, it is believed, and no doubt would have proved successful had Boston's friends left hinv alone. CHILD DROWNED 'LAST THURSDAY 1 County Girl Loses Her Life While Visiting Aunt In Baltimore Mama Bowen, 6-year-old daughter of Jesse J. Bowen and' Wife, of near Jamesville, and her little" cousin, 'of Wilson, were drowned with hands' joined in a small body of water at i the home, of Aheir aunt, Mrs. Minnie I Berry, in Baltimore, last Thursday. The body of the little girl was buried in the John Bailey grave yard, near Jamesville, last Sunday afternoon, Rev Gilbert Davis, of Plymouth, conduct ing the last rites. The Bowen child, who had been visiting her aunt for a year or more, and her cousin, also six years old, were planning to go swimming about noon that day. Mrs. Berry told the children to wait in the yard until she | could put on her bathing suit, but when ihe went out the children were gone. A search was started, and the little bodies were found, the hands still joind, about U o'clock that eve ning. Marcia and her cousin hail been in bathing there«bcfore, but that day the water was deeper than usual, and ap parently they went into water Over their heads before they realized jutt how far they had gone from shore. « The body of the little girl was re turned to grief-stricken parents in Wilson for burial, the double tragedy leaving their aunt, Mrs. Berry, al most prostrated. WHERE THEY PLAY 1 TUESDAY, AUGUST 2nd Elizabeth City at Edcnton Wiiliamston at Windsor WEDN2BDAY, AUGUST 3rd Elizabeth City Colerain at Williams ton THURSDAY, AUOUST 4th Elizabeth City at Wiiliamston Colerain at Edenton FRIDAY, AUGUST sth Wiiliamston at Elizabeth City Edenton at Colerain TUESDAY, AUGUST 9th Colerain at Elizabeth City Wiiliamston at'Edenton Proposed County Rate Is $1.28 - ROBBERS FAIL IN ATTEMPT TO ROB EVERETTS STORE Blow Open Taylor, Bailey Brothers' Safe Early Last Friday Using a charge of nitroglycerin, thugs blew open the safe of Taylor, Bailey and Brother, Everetts mer chants, early last Friday morning. Two men and their accomplice, a wo man, were frightened from the town just as they were preparing another charge of the high explosive to blow off the second door to the safe. While no money or goods were stolen, much damage *as done to the safe and to the store where an - entrance was forced. A large sledge hummer with the name of the Seaboard Air Line Rail way stample on the handle and a crow bar were used in planting the explos ve in the door of the safe. The tools were lei! by the thugs, and officers are making an attempt to have them, identified. Riding in a Buick automobile, three persons are said to have vUrted eri'tts about 10 o'clock Thursday night. About 1:30 they were seen in Rohersonville at a filling station by Officer Griffin. While there they are believed to have stolen the license Unites from a car belonging to Jack Taylor, using them to cover their identity during the robbery ing them away later. Mr. Taylor's car was parked on Second Street, Of ficer ».nihil reporting that the two men and a woman drove down that street before they turned and went in the direction of Everetts. They entered the Everetts store a hout 2 o'clock and neighbors, hearing the knocking and explosion, turned on their porch lights and frightened the three away. The woman is said to have remained near the car on the highway, while the two men Went in to tile store, to' rrack the safe. All three were seen leaving town, but the witnesses were unable to identify them. CONTRACTUS LET FOR NEW SCHOOL Bids For Colored School Are Much Lower Than Expected Board ♦ . A contract for thK erection of a 4- rootli school building for negroes was let to Mr. Sylvester Lillfy by the Martin County Board of Education at its meeting here yesterday morninu. Seven bids were entered, Mr. Lilley's, the lowest of the seven, beiiiK for $2,- 200. The highest, submitted by Mr. l.ouiti Kioberson, of (Griffins Town ship tailed for an expenditure of $2,- Mr. I'earl I .eggett was next to the lowest with a bid for $2,250. Others Bidding on the project were J. C. Gurkin, A. T. Perry, S. C. Grif fin, and A. T. Gurkin. The building will replace the struc ture destroyed by fire at Black Swamp about three and one-half miles from here on the Bear Grass Wad. After the building was destroyed by fire last fall, school was Jield in a near-by church. The new school, with its four rooms will be a frame structure. School Building Entered And Much Damage Done Breaking into the high school build ing here'last Suiulay even inn, vandals are said to have wrecked property valued at SSO or more. School au thorities are making every effort to learn the guilty parties, and it is be lieved two arrests will be made within the next day or two. The vandals, believed to be two small local boys, entered by breaking a window glass.' Once inside they tore open a number of classroom doors and upset everything that was not nailed down, destroying records and all the loose property they could get their hands on. An effort was made to trap the boys in the house, but be fore officers could , reach the building, the invaders had escaped, it was stat ed. Fined $6 iot Drunkness By Justice oi the Peace Hubert Wynn was fined $6 and ( taxed with the costs in Justice of the Peace J. L. Hassell's court here yes-' terday when he was found guilty of being drunk and disorderly. Champion The world'* champion coffee-drinker is 73-year-old Joseph Peclet, of New ark, N. J., who average* 50 to 60 cup ful* daily. Urging Road Work For Martin DELEGATION IN RALEIGH TODAY TO SEEK ACTION -A Ask That Hardsurface On Highway No. 125 Be Completed Soon Tljat Martin County might share in the $6,000,1)00 Federal road building fund allotted to this state, Messrs. (J. H. Harrison, E. S. Peel, and Clavton Moore are meeting with highway of ficials in Raleigh today in the interest of North Carolina Highway No. 125 and a road from Oak City, via lias sell, to Rohersonville. Neither of the roads was included in the first building program under I*ederal aid announced a few days ago, l>ut it is hoped that the projects will he favorably considered in the second letting of contracts. It is understood that highway rep sentatives are considering recom mending the completion of No. 125 into Hobgood, but are said to be un favorable to routing No. 11 via Has sell. High-way No. 11, from Oak City Bethel, is said to be the choice of the road authorities, but it is not known just what will be the outcome after various delegations present their .claims. A meeting was scheduled some time ago when a delegation from I the Hassell section was to have ap 'peared before the officials in Raleigh, but it was postponed and has not been ; held as yet. I The county representatives, to get aid from the Federal fund, will have to seek the approval of both the na tional road representatives and the - State commission, it is understood, -The- I''ederal government, il i* un derstood. does not participate in any road construction, Unless the projects are approved by a special represen tative. If aid is protured (or this county, j thet-e is some doubt whether Route 125 will be hard surfaced or covered j with a tar composition. There are two neglected links in the road at present, one from the Everett farm, 15 1-2 miles out of Williamston, to ■ Hamilton, and another from Oak City 'to near Hobgood. 10 LICENSES TO MARRY ISSUED July Sale of Licenses Is Largest for Similar Period in Years While the press of the country re ported signs favorable to better times, Martin County was putting out signs iif its own last month, when JO mar riage licenses were issued by Register of Deeds J. Sam Getsinger. Seven white couples "shook off"- the depres sion and procured licenses necessary to the tying of the knots. And while the number of licenses going to col ored couples was only three, it was one more than the number issued in July of last year. That the increase in number of mar riage licences issued in the county is not a radical one is shown by the records. Since last March, the num ber has been increased steadily, go ing from 5 in April to 10 in July. Licenses were issued to the follow ing couples during July: White * Geofge F. Hopkins and l.illie Beach am, bdlh of Martin County. Roland Thomas Sills and Lucille Stroud, both of this county. Horace Mendenhall and Annie B. Cowen, of Martin County. William Keel and Annie Stalls, both from this county. Charlie B. Cullipher and Snodie Taylor, both of Martin. W. J. Ayers and Elizabeth Bullock, of' Martin County. Clyde Mason, of Washington, D. C., and Esther Davenport, of Green ville, Pitt County. Colored Willie Williams and Odell Ryan, both of Martin. Walter Cheery and Vivian Gillam, of Bertie County. Richard Gajnor and Lucy Wynn, of Martin County. f STANDING OF CLUBS I v > Club W. L. Pet. Colerain 4 3 .571 Edenton 4 3 .571 Elizabeth City . 3 4 .429 Williamston 3 4 .429 LOSES LEAD I North Carolina has lost a "first." For a decade it had the highest birth rate of any state in the Union. But in 1931, according to figures released through the State Board of Health, this state slipped into second place and barely es caped being third. New Mexico's birth rate now heads the list, with a rate of , 28.4 per 1,000 of population. On the same basis. North Carolina's rate was 23. Alabama had a birth rate of 22.9 per 1,000 of population to run a close third. Babies born in this state in 1931 totaled 73,898, however, as com pared with New Mexico's 12,148. NEGRO IS JAILED FOR ROBBERY OF LOCAL MARKET Run Down and Caught In Ditch By Chief Daniel A Few Hours Later " Alexander Sinallwood, colored, was arrested yesterday at iiooti amUp'aced in jail to answer a charge of fobbing D. M. KoEerson's maTk'fton the* James ville road earlier in the day. Accord ing to Andrew F.verett, keeper of the market, some one stole sls and a pis tol from the >t"re while he went to a near-by house lor !i bucket of water thief \V. It. Daniel was called, and while he was making an investigation be saw Small wood mulling from liiiu He gave cba*c and loiuid bini in a dd'l' ditch near l.eggett's la lie ill New Town. In the meantime, SnialTwomf bid the ■money, but when pressed by officers he told them „ that it was in the ditch near the spot where he was caught. Before leaving the niarktT"liousfe that morning, the keeper pulled the rear door shut, hut diil not fasten the. latch. Small wood is said to have tome out of a corn field just at tin- rear of the building and entered without iJifVvculty, but not unnoticed." Albert Wilson, a young colored hoy. saw the man enter, and when questioned hy officers, de scribed Snia-llwood to them Tracks were examined and those found near the market Corresponded with those made hy Sinallwoiid' feet. The man had a t\pe of slippet that he could slip mi and «IF very easily, and as he left the market house lie would wear the shoe a short distance and then l ull them oil and go barefooted for a while. The shop-keeper was gone only a few minutes, hut did hot miss the pis tol and money until a customer made a purchase. Kverett went to the money drawer to make change and found the money ghne. NO GAMES WERE PLAYED FRIDAY Elizabeth City Said To Be I Considering Dropping Out of League I A period if inactivity was experi enced in the Albemarle League the latter |Wt of last week, when the i Elizabeth ("ity-l olerain game was rained out and the W'illiamston-Eden j.ton game was called oiT on account of the death of a Sir. VVelib, an un cle of three of tl\e players oh the | Edentou team. T" 'llie existence of the league is now threatened according to information coming from Elizabeth City, where the team officials are peeved because they can not play their boys on Sun days. A dispatch from Elizabeth City read*: I "Close upon the heels of an an ' nouncement by the board of school trustees that there would be no more baseball games in the ball park here •on Sunday, the management of the ' Jaybird team announced the cpniem- I plated> dropping of the team from the I Albemarle league. This action would be a virtual death warrant for the lea gue, for two of the three other teams in the circuit have stated they will not play in a three-club league. "Lack of interest and gate receipts too low to pay the expenses of, the players were given as the reasons for the proposed action in dropping from the league." v ~ , - • - Elizabeth City ia scheduled .to play Edenton at Edenton -this afternoon, and Williamston is slated to play Colerain at Windsor. • Advertisers Will Fad Our Col- I am* a Latchkey to Ot»t Sixtsen I Hondrsd Martin Coutty Homes ESTABLISHED 1898 WILL NOT ADOPT FINAL BUDGET BEFORE MONDAY Public Invited To Discuss [ Estimate With Board at That Time Meeting in regular session Mon day, the Martin County Board of Commissioners prepared a tentative budget for the year 1932-33, the esti mate catling' for a tax levy of $1.28 j for the year, or one cent less on the SIOO property valuation-,,than' the old T i " af * r —ll'HXtMjiy tlii'. budget is not linal, the board extending an invita tion to all taxpayers to attend a meet ing next Monday morning at 10 o'- clock when a final budget will be j adopted. No other business will be considered at that time, Chairman T. t . Griffin said this morning. Ihe tentative budget, appearing elsewhere in this -paper, reflects many changes in the various funds, several of. the general funds showing de- Creases while the fixed charges show an increase in OIK* t>r two instances-. An increase of / cents was necessary to care lor the debt service during the comitiK '.ear, and* an additional >ne halt cent increase was necessary to create the* school tax required by ' the State I hi-, State school tax j would lie only 15 cents had the valii jat ion remained the same as it was jin 1930, but since that time more 1 tljau a two million drop has been re ported in property ,values in this county. llm St.itr levies on the basis ol the I>3o * ilu.iii > is, and to create the funds, the county had to increase |"the rate from 17 1-2 cents last year ito IS cents this year, the increase of 'one halt cent being considered very economical considering the large de irease in property values recently re- I ported. * Decreases arc noted in the health jnnid, and cuixrnt expense and capital otrt-bn —tontls- -stahfwhrtl for the- oper , I atioii of the six months school term. , J Ihe must marked reduction was in , the health fund, the rate for that work dropping trotu 9 cents to 3 1-2 I cent*, a saving of S 1-2. cents. In other words if there was no increase in thVi amount 0.l interest and princi pal on bonds conting due this year, ian 8 cent reduction m the rate could |he elTected. \ml while there is only , a one-cent 'drop shown in the esti> mated hiidjiet. (In- total tax levy this year will lie $5, "05 less than it was lor the y ear P'Jl. ' This saving would have been multiplied many times had there been no increase in bond inter est and pViivcipal to care fc»r during ' the coming period. I l ast year, the total levy amounted to $183,825 as compared with $177,- | ''2o called for in the proposed budget ' j fur the year 1932-33. j Just how many changes; if any, , can be made ill the proposed budget > j will be determined next Monday when taxpayers are invited to meet I | with the commissioners and suggest savings of their own, It is almost certain that ii" increase will result, i and no decrease is visible at this time. A petition was prepared, urging the State to complete the hardsurfacing of Highway No. 125, the commis ■ sinners pointing out the agreements entered into by the county and high way commission back in 19 22. The ! board also expressed its thanks to - the~~fiighway department for the re ' liable and • successful maintenance of • the roads in this county since the sys * tem was expended. Several appli anions for aid from the county were filed, the board al lowing Mfs. Itessit; Davis, James ville, $3 a mi nth; E, G. Rogerson, Willramston R. I . D. 5, $3 a month and I'The Kverett,* colored, $3 a month and increasing ,the allowance of Mrs. Mary Edmondson from $2 $3 a month. Former Martin Man Lives With His Neck Broken Suffering a broken neck when he jumped head-first into shallow water at Sheppard's Mill I'ond several weeks ago, Marvin Ayers, 30-year-old white Hian, continues to live, last reports s?!hing that he was getting along very well in a Greenville hospital. Ayers, son of Henry Daniel Ayers, moved from this county during the early part of this year. As he had not lived in Pitt County long enough to become a charge of that district, it is understood that Martin it respon sible for a par of the cost incurred at the hospital. • Mr. J. G. Staton spent Friday in Raleigh attending a meeting of the State Board of Agriculture.