Tuesday, August 2,1932 iimmitiiwmmi)tiiim»iiuHHiii»titwmiutiuiniiniiinitiniimnttmwniiniiiiinii' ~n-■ i■ i'f minimum iininiiHiii'tmi miu Pmooals ITT" FHONE I SZTZ 1 Society & Personals I | || Mn. KLBKRT 8. PEEL. Editor | 46 BBSSSIMIMWIHIII in mi TTIIHII 111 iitiim iti HiiiMiiHiuiniiiiliiliWl H IHHIIHI irtiuii ii iiiiini Hiiutui iMDiHiniiuiii ii in imjT~riT7uTTnninmTiTiniiii';i.iiimiiTii;iiui>l»HiP Ruth and Mrs. J. W. Manning, and Messrs. C. D. Carstarphen and Francis Barnes spent the week-end at Nags Head. Return To Washington Mrs. Jim Hollingsworth and son left Sunday for their home in Wash ington City, after visiting Mrs. Maude Mizelle here for several weeks. Little Miss Ruth Ward re turned with Mrs. Hollingsworth and will spend the winter there before returning here. Barnhill Brothers Specials Today A Big Shipment of Ladies' Pull Men's and Boys' -% re FASHIONED HOSE Af\ c WHITE CAPS, only Only '•» _____________________ • Hen 1 , and Boys *y Cc Ladies' ft Children's 7Qc UNION S"U!TS, only SPORT SANDLES. t*. , . ' A big lot of Men's and 4Qc UP A big lot of $3.00 and $4.00 Boys Wath Pani " Shoes for the Ladies QOt Only Men's Diete Shirts Qfi c Each O? A Big lot of Silk A-j r\ Q DRESSES, only «+>«• "O A Big Lot of Children's iAc ______________ SOCKS, only AU Bathing Suits *qc J in for the family U* A big assortment of men's Qoc Fast Color Pajamas 'O Boys' and Oirla' E. Z. /}Cc . , ... , _ . UNION SUITS A ,ot of Mens Socks Cc Only J PRINTS F o^lv COl ° red 10 C A White Turn-down Qoc PRINTS, only ..... HAT (or Men *0 Quiet a number of specials that we have not mentioned. Barnhill Bros.&Co. Williamston, N. C. ■ - A Farmers Warehouse WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA For the Sale of LEAF TOBACCO (1932 SEASON) The Williamston Tobacco market will open September 6th. We will again be in business this year, and we wish to thank our many friends and patrons for their past business and ask that, you remember us again this season. Your interest is our interest and to serve you promptly and continuously is our aim. , Start the season right by bringing us your first load. It takes a half year or more to make a tobacco crop, so now more than ever, why not take time to sell it at the right place and reap the benefits. Don't stop until you get to our warehouse. • -* Out Motto Is: We will give each and customer . SERVICE every consideration possible nd you will A Kirv tup UB at t " nes wor king our best to get you the highest possible price for your to- HIGH ba co. Our sales forte, will e announced DOLLAR within a few days. Barnhill and Ingram WILLIAMSTON NORTH CAROLINA In Washington Hospital Miss Thelma Harrell left this morning jwhpre she will have her tonsils removed at a Washington hospital. At Nags Head Mess:s. Frank Carstarhpen and Raymond Taylor spent the week-end at Nags Head. . In More head City Mrs. Annie Elks spent the week end at Morehead City with relatives. Return From Tarboro Mesdames Clyde Anderson and Dick Taylor returned Sunday from I Tarboro, where they have been vis-j iting for several days. At Nags Head , - j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harrison and Messrs. Willie Watts and Titus | Critchir sptnt Sunday at Nag.; Head. In Town Monday Messrs. Charlie Roberson and W. B. Harrington, of Hardison's Mill, were in town yesterday. Spend Week-End at Nags Head Leave for Nags Head Misses Kate Philpot, Martha and Mary Leggett and Marvin Britton reft yeßterday for Nags Head, where they will spend several days. Spend Sunday Here Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lyon, and Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Aiken and children, of Durham, and Mr and Mrs. Robert Aiken and children, of Kinston, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Meadows. Mrs. Miller, belore her marriage, was Miss lola Lyon, who taught school here several years ago. , | , From Raleigh Mr. ami Mrs. \Y. T. Cowper, of Raleigh, visited Miss Sarah Harrell during the week-end. Returns From Virginia Beach Mi9s Thelma Brown returned on Sunday from Virginia where she spent a week with a party of friends from Greenville. Return From Maryland Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Crockett have returned from a visit with relatives in Pennsylvania and Baltimore, Md. Return To.Dunn Mrs. Ralph Parker and daughter, Elizabeth, returned to their home in Dunn Friday, Mrs. Robert Coburn accompany them home for a few days' visit. At More head City Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Norton and; Miss Ruth Norton s|>ent Sunday at J Morehead City. THE ENTERPRISE Return From Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Moore and son, Maurice, jr., returned Saturday from Nags Head, where they spent several days. leaves for South Carolina Mrs. Anna Harrison left Sunday for Blacksburg, S. C., where she will visit relatives during the month of August. Visit Friends Here Mr. and Mrs. John L. Rodger son, of Lumberton, visited friends i here over the week-end. I •—r Return From South Carolina Mrs. W. H. Weir and son, Bud die, have returned home aftir a sev eral weeks' visit with relatives in South Carolina. • « , Spend Sunday in Lcggctts Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Harrison and I daughters spent Sunday with Mrs. Harrison's mother, Mrs. Blanche An derson, at I.eggetts. From Rocky Mount Miss Imogene Kiddick, of Rocky Mount, spent the week-end here with Miss Sarah Harrell. ■ ♦ Here From Wilson Miss Margaret - Richardson, of Wilson, is here visiting Miss Velma Harrison. f * Returns From Kittrell Mrs. iv. B. Crawford returned on Sunday from Kittrell, where she vis- ited Miss Bill Purvis for several days. j Spend Week-End Here ; Mr. and Mrs. David Hicks, of ' Durham, spent the week-end here j with Mrs. Hicks' mother, Mrs. Bon ner Gurxanus. Spends Week-End Here Albert Wadsworth, of Krimita, Cuba, spent last week-end here with his sister, Mrs. J. W. Watts, jr., and Mr. Watts. Mr. Wadsworth will visit relatives in Eastern Carolina for | several weeks before returning to) Cuba, where he has been stationed for the i>ast four years. «— Visitors Here Sunday Mrs. J. N. l'ayne, of Bath; Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Latham and Mrs. Wifey Rogerson, of visited Miss Kva Peel here Sunday. Leaves for Anderson, S, C. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Tucker left today for Anderson, S. C. Will Go To Bay view Miss Edith I'eel will leave Thurs day for Bayview to spend several days on a house party. In Scotland Seek Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKenzie vis ited their daughter, Mrs. Raymond Maddrey, in Scotland Neck Sunday. # Ijave for Sags Head Mrs. liloise Bennett and Julius S. Peel left Sunday for Nags Head to s|>end several days with Mis Allie Grist. » ♦ Will Return 'Friday Rev. C. H. Dickey and son, Charles, jr., and Elbert Peel, jr., will return home Friday from a visit to relatives of Mr. Dickey in Murphy, Atlanta, and Macon, Ga. Spend Sunday in Durham Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ward and Mrs. Walter Halberstadt spent Sun-J day in Durham. Mrs. Lucy Ward, who had be;n visiting the Barnhills there, returned home with them. Return From Asheville Mrs. Leslie Fowden and little daughter, Anne, who were visiting relatives in Asheville, came home un expectedly Jast week because Anne was taken ill. After a minor opera- ( ition at a Washington hospital she is much better. ♦ Visiting Her Sieces Mrs. Maltie Hunt, of Bushnell, Fla., is visiting her nieces, Mrs. Daisy Pope, Mrs. John A. Manning,' and Mrs. Roger Critcher, here for a month. At Morehead City Mr. and Mrs. Rich :.d Smith spent Sunday at Morehead City. * In Morehead City Sunday Messrs. John R. Parker, W. H. Gurkin and Bruce Whitley spent last Sunday at Morehead City. At Nags Head Jim Rhodes, jr., and Cush Hassell are spending this week at Nags Head. Spend Week-End Here Mr. and Mrs. Milton Norman, of Raleigh, spent the week-end here with Mfs. Norman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hassell. At Virginia Beach Miss Mary Carstarphen and Messrs. Bryant and Sutton Carstar phen and Lon Hassell spent Sunday at Virginia Beach. ■ • From Burlington Mr. Duncan McKenzie, of Bur lington, will arrive this week to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKenzie, for a few days. Move To New Home Mr. and Mrs. Jim King moved yesterday into their home on Main Street, which has been completely renovated during the past few weeks. From Washington Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Anderson, of Washington, visited Mrs. J. W. Anderson over the week-end. Return From Virginia Beath Messrs. Jim Cooke and Warren Everett returned Sunday from Vir ginia Beach, where they spent sev eral days on a fiousfc party NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon me in a deed of tnM executed by J. E. Edmondson and wife. Wilier Edmondson, on the Ist day of September, 1930, ami recorded in Book E-3 page 56,-1 will on Mon day, AuKust 29th, 1932. at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Mar Davis Pharmacy (NEXT TO POST OFFICE, WILLIAMSTON) SUMMERSALE ■■■■■■■■■■ Beginning Saturday, July 30th - V ■«———****— V ' - " . , WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SPECIALS: Full Pint QO„ $1 00 STATIONERY Or„ RUBBING ALCOHOL Extra Special ————— ———— —~~—— 50c Armand y *> oc Mennen FACE CREAM SHAVING CREAM OVt 50 PROBAK BLADES $1.25 Three Flowers qq_ (For Gillette Razor) 2 for 1 " TOILET WATER 01/ C 50c DeWitt's OO p 17377"! SHAMPOO - SI.OO Hudnuts HATH SALTS b"C 25c DeWitt's 1 FOOT POWDER AOV 50c Package KLEENEX O4t 60c DeWitt's /IQ/» MANZAN 25c Whittmore's SHOE POLISH IOC 25c Germicidal 1 SOAP SI.OO Wamplocs. Cod Liver QQs* ASPIRIN TABLETS 00/, OIL PREPARATION Otf *OO * or Grove's 25c Tish 1 Q C CHILL TONIC 4DC Ideating Ti.sues) JoMph;f 25c Package f Q* FEENAMINT BEST VANILLA 25c J & J IDp (Full Pint) BABY TALC i-Ot 40c SOLGUENT 9Q ROSE WATER (6 ozs.) (For Burns) £iU\, 1 ~~~~~~~ • *" 25c Carbolic 1 Q/« Fiill Pint Q9f» SALVE XVC MOUTH WASH * 25c Black & White Face -| Q„ kIDNEy' PILLS v 73C POWDER, CREAM, or Soap i"l KIUNLY 1 * 50c Armand o A DeWitt s ROUGE 34C KiDNEY PILLS $1.50 (New Style Trejur aa_ SI.OO Houbigant's 7Qr» DOUBLE COMPACTS ""C TALCUM POWDER » SI.OO (New Style) Trejur SI.OO PIPES AQk SINGLE COMPACTS OiJC Each 7*W A Table of Specials Going for I Price ~~~~ICOME IN AND LOOK THEM OVfcR OR Phone 26 We Deliver tin County, Williamston, N. C„ sell at public auction for cash to the high est bidder, the following land, to-wit: One certain house and lot situated in the town of Hamilton bounded on, .the south by Harry Waldo, on the west by Harry Waldo, on the east by [ Front Street, and on the north by aj side street, bein# 4 the same lot pur-1 chased from Harry Waldo. This the 2Sth day of July, 1932. * i J. B. EVERETT, •Jt Trustee. | NOTICE OF SALE I'nder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed I>l tru-l executed to the undersigned trustee by A. O. "Brown and wife, on the and of record in the t Public Registry of Martin County in Book H-2, at page 48. said, deed of trust having" been given for the pur- 1 pose of securing a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, and default having been made in the payment of I said indebtedness, and the stipulations I contained in said deed of trust not liav Op Your Liver Bile —Without Calomel And You'll Jump Out of Bed i,i l!;t> Morning Rartn* to Go If you feel sour and mink and the world look:* punk, don't swallow a lot i .its, mineral witer, oil, laxative i nly -JT ehowing gum and expect tlicm to make you suddenly sweet and buoyant and full of sunshine. For they can't do it. They only n ve the bowels and a mere move in- .t doesn't get at the cause. The reason for your down-and-out feelinjc is your liver. It should pour-out two I of liquid bile into your bowel* laiiv PAGE THREE ing been complied with, the undersign ed trustee will, on Wednesday the 30th day of August, 19.12. at 12 o'clock M. ( in front of the courthouse door in the I Town of Wil'.iamßton, N.' C., offer for sale for cash the following described I real estate, to-wit: It being a part of a lot that W. H. : Wilson bought of J. R. Mobley, begin iiiK at a stob in the right-of-way of the A. ( 1,. Railroad on Pearl Street; I thence along that Street towards Main | Street 100 ft-, to stob; thence a line parallel with Main Street to the line I r.f B. !•'. Godwin; thence along B. F. Godwin's line and parallel to Pearl Street to the line of the A. C. L. Rail road ri>41it of way; thence along said "Railroad rii;lit of-way to the begin ning, and I eing the property con veyed to Magme Wilson by deed from Sarah A. \\ ils.in dated the 12th day of October, l'HYi, and recorded in the Public Re- >ry »i Martin County in Book RRR. r>t pag,e 108. This the 29th day of July, 1932. WHEELER MARTIN, ag 2 4t-w Trustee, If thia bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't dlgeet. It jlwt decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up"j r yur alomach. You havs**t thick, bad t&*te snd your breath is foul, skin often breaks out in blmiljhes. Your hs*J aches and you feel down and out. Your wlu's ayjstem ia pritfinadL It takoa tboae good old C ARTE It *8 UTT 1,11 LIVEU PILLS to get theu two pounds of bita flowing froely and make you feel "up and up." They contain wonderful, harmless, gaiejf vegetable extracts, amazing when it comtti to making the bilo flow freely* But don't aak for liver pills. Auk for Carter's Little Liver Tills, l.ook fur the name Carter's Little Liver I'illa >□ the red label. R.w.ot % aubatituta. 25c at all *ior«e. M .Co,

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