Watch the Label On Tow PWw A* It. Carries the Date Win T«r Subscription Expiree VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 51 SHARP ADVANCE IN LEAF PRICES MADE THIS WEEK Prices On All Grades Show Marked Increase on the Border Markets Florece, S. C., Aug. 22.—The broad est price advance sinoe the opening last Tuesday took place today on the tobacco markets of the Sastern South Carolina and border North Carolina belt. Not only'did prices for lower grades improve, but superior grades, which have remained almost stationary, com manded higher prices. The United States Department of Agriculture said that on the Pamp lico and Darlington markets "quality leaf grades average 30 per cent high er, and lug grades averaged 17 per cent higher." Sales were not as heavy as had been anticipated. Growers who sold at Conway ex pressed general satisfaction following ■ a spurt in prices. Rains held sales to 52,000 pounds, which brought an estimated average of $13.57 per 100, several dollars higher than any prev ious average of the year. Not a ticket | was turned. Mullins reported an advance in prices on better grades, more notice able in the ripe, orange types. Prices -averaged better than 10 cents a pound. Fairmont, N. C., reported a sharp advance in all medium and better' grades. The official report was sales of 413,458 pounds and an average of Twenty-seven thousand pounds were sold on the Clarkton market at an average of $10.84, the best price of the season. Farmers were better pleased at Lake "City, S. C., than at any time this season, when 150,000 pounds were sold at an average of $12.52. Unfavorable weather curtailed sales. Good tobacco sold for as high as 53 cents a pound. The highest prices of the season were reported at Lumberton, as bet ter grades were offered. Sales totaled 302,744 pounds at an average of $11.29 per 100. The previous high for the season was $10.89. Number Moving Back to Rural Sections Increases ♦ ■ The United States Department of Agriculture estimates that 1,472,000 persons left farms for towns and cities in 1931, rind that 1,679,000 persons moved farmward. The gain in num ber of persons living on farms was 648,000. For the year 1930 it was! estimated that 1,766,000 persons mov-j ed from cities to farms, and 1,727,000 persons moved from farms to cities— these two, movements almost balanc ing each other. There was a slight decrease in the number of persons go ing to farms in 1931, and a consider able decrease in the number going to cities. IS ARRESTEDFOR SECRET ASSAULT Probable Cause Appearing, Case Is Sent To The Superior Court Dennis Barber, young white man of Williams Township, was arrested last,, Saturday for an alleged secret assault upon Roy Andrews in the "Islands" section of that district early last fall. Barber is being given a hearing be fore Judge Bailey in recorder's court today. Mr. Andrews was huntng squirrels in the "Islands" section when, with-; out warning, he was fired upon, sev eral shot taking effect in his. body. . Since that time he has been in poor ' health. i Barber was arrested shortly after, the shooting, but the case was nol proesed with leave at that time. Last ! week certain information was gained . by the sheriff's office implicatng young Barber with the shooting. He was placed in jail Saturday and held for trial today. *** At the time the shooting took place, it waa reported that the wrong man had been attacked, that the shot was' intended for a game warden. Probable cause appearing in the case, the defendant was bound over to | the superior, court' for trial next month. Bond in the sum of SSOO was required, the defendant returning to 1 jail isnable to raise the amout. Only Third of Crop Cured In the Jmmesville Section • ■■ "We have cured a third of our to bacco so far, and we don't know when we ■ will get through," Mr. Ransom Roberson, Jamesville farmer, said yes terday afternoon. "And if the crop doesn't improve, it won't be worth harvesting," Mr. Roberson added. • The farmer predicted not more than] • third of a crop of corn will be har vested in the section, which is now experiencing much damage from dry THE ENTERPRISE HOOVER CARS "I took the wheels from the old car and hitched them behind a hay-burner, but now it looka at if I ain't gonna ride," John Bonds, farmer living near here, said Sun day when he went to a local fill ing station to repair a tube that had gone fiat on him. Quit* a few of die ao-called Hoover contraptions arc seen daily in this section, the models being thoee with regular wagon or buggy wheels encased in discarded tires. "LITTLE WORLD SERIES" GAME& START TODAY ♦ Some Doubt As To Who Will Play Williamston In Pinal Series • The "Little World Series" starts to day, bringing to a close a fairly suc cessful season for the Albemarle Lea gue, made up of the Elizabeth City (Jaybirds, the Edenton Colonials, Cole ' rain, and the Williamston Martins. Winning over Colerain here yester day afternoon, 3 to 1, before/one of the largest gates reported ths season, Edenton will contest the league pen nant with the Martins, winners of the first half back yonder in July. The I opening game will be played here this .afternoon at 4 o'clock. Tomorrow the locals go to Edenton, the Colonials returning here Thursday. The teams will alternate between the two towns until the winner is determined by the winning of four games. There was much difficulty in deter mining just who was going to play the championship series with the Mar tins. Elizabeth City was eliminated last Saturday, but Colerain and Eden ton tied for a place in the finals, and the extra game was scheduled here yesterday afternoon, won by the Col onials, 3 to 1. Williamston canie out on top in both halves of the split season, tak ing first place in the last half with 11 victories and 9 losses. Up to yester day, Edenton and Colerain were even with 10 victories and 10 losses each. Elizabeth -City held the cellar position at the close of the half with 9 vie-' tories and 11 losses. Kugler will pitch for the Martins this afternoon, it was announced by Manager V. J. Spivey this morning, and a large attendance is expected at that game and the remaining ones in ' the series. SAYS PELLAGRA IS ON INCREASE —♦ — Indications Point To Many Cases During Pall And Winter + , "Pellagra has just issued its chal- J lenge to the people of North Carolina and the fight is on. Already more cases of this disease have been report ed to the State Board of Health dur ing the first 18 days of this month that were reported in the State dur ing the whole month of August, 1931, and there is every indication that this dread disease will reach even greater proportion during the coming fall and winter months." Thus briefly Dr. J. M. Parrott, State Health Officer, sums up the present pellagra situation in North Carolina. Dr. Parrott goes on to say that pel lagra is a disease caused by eating a diet deficient in certain food elements , ' contained principally in leafy vege-1 I tables, such as turnip greens, collards, I ; cabbage, kale, mustard, lean meat, | : fish, poultry, eggs, milk, and butter- j niilk. Other foods also may be eaten 'to successfully combat the disease, or* I effect its cure, it it has not reached such an advanced stage that it is in- 1 curable. " * ' .* , According to unofficial reports re ceived here shortly after the noon I hour, Colerain is contesting the right 'of Edenton to play in the series, claiming that the shortstop on the Edenton team was a Virginia boy. Colerain representatives are said to ( have traveled all night last night es tablishing their claim, and a meeting 1 of league officials was called today.' The outcome of the meeting could not be learned here at 1:30 o'clock, j and it is not known whether the Cole rain nine or the Edenton Colonials will play Wjlliamston. It is assured,' however, that one of the two teams will play Williamston this afternoon at the appointed hour, 4 o'clock. Heavy Receipts at Chadbourn Chadburn, Aug. 22.-^-Deliveries to the Chadbourn tobacco market today were the greatest of the season, about 115,000 pounds being offered. Prices were the highest of the year, ranging from $5 to $39 per 100 pounds. Many growers averaged S2O to S3O for their offerings. Selling lasted until late aft ernoon. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, August 23,1932 HOPE TO REMOVE STATE LEVY FOR 6-MONTHS TERM Bonded Indebtedness of the Counties In State Is $99,695,785.00 , While it has been reliably rumored that an effort will be made in the next State legislature to have the State take ove* the bonded indebtedness for roads and bridges now resting on the shoulders of county taxpayers, reports now indicate that an effort will be made to lift the 15-ceni tax for the six-months schools also. Hpti. A. D. Mac Lean, of Washing ton, Democratic nominee for State ! Senator from this district, who hint ;ed in a speech before the county coni- Imissioners at their state meeting at Wrightsville several days ago has been generally credited with advancing the plan for road bond relief and several other measures. In recent reports he denied that he would introduce a bill next General Assembly calling for the state to take over the bonded indebtedness of the schools. The re ports did state, however, that an ef fort would be made at the next ses sion to have the state lift the 15-cent tax now levied as a supplement to state funds used in the operation of the six-months school terms. The mass report of the state tax commission showed that counties and their subdivisions had $99,695,785 in bonded in4ffcbtcdnads for roads ar*d bridges and that they had to pay about $5,000,000 annual interest on the debt. It is this amount which would be in volved in the fight. Beaufort County, Mac Lean's home, has $1,782,000 in road debt, and Mar tin County has about $625,000 road debt, not including the tliwntdtyp bonds which arc quite an item in some districts. DEATH OF MRS. MENDENHALL Died at Home of Daughter In Bear Grass Township Last Saturday Night - — — Mrs. Alhpia Mendenhall died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Turnis Heath, in Bear Grass Township, last Saturday night at 9 o'clock, following a stroke of paralysis suffered several days before. She had been in feeble health for about a year, but up until I about a week before her death she was able to be up and visit her children. Born in Griffins Township 60 years ago, she was the daughter of the late Ed and Annie Coltrain. Early in life she was married to J. D. Mendenhall, who died more than 15 years ago. About 10 years ago she left her child hood community to make her home with her .son, Horace Mendenhall, in Bear Grass Township, where she lived until about a month ago when she went to visit her other children. She wu a member of the Christian church for a number of years. One daughter, Mrs.,. Turnis Heath,. and six sons, Walter, Claude, Spencer, Ira, Melton, and Horace Mendenhall, survive. » Funeral services were conducted at the home Sunday afternoon, and in terment followed in the Hardison Mill cemetery, Rev. W. B. Harrington conducting the last rites, FIELD DAY FOR CLUB MEMBERS • , Will Be Held "at Home of Mrs. Will Taylor, Near Here Thursday | The home demonstration clubs will hold their annual field day at the home 'of Mrs. Will Taylor on the Washing-J ton road Thursday of this week. The council of home demonstration clubs for the past two years has ' held open meetings in August for the benefit of all club members. The meet ings thus far have been held at the home of Misa Hattie Everett and Mrs. Dora Bowers, of Parmele. Hie Macedonia club will be the ( hostess for this meeting, and it is hoped many club members will attend 1 the meeting and enjoy the business program being planned and the pftnic supper. The meeting will begin at | 2:30 p. m., with a short business ses | sion, followed by a Washington pro gram. The entire program will be in ' charge of the home demonstration clubs. A picnic supper will conclude the program. All club members are asked to furnish fried chicken, sand wiches, cake, and this will be supple mented by iced tea, stuffed eggs, and pickles. Agent Cuts Cost of Food Bill Half in Moore County The County Agent of Moore Court* ty has aided the authoritiea of the lo cal county home to ?ut their grocery bill in half this year by a planned sys tem of food aad (ted production. TAX LEAGUE 1 i ■» A Martin County tax league with one purpoee only—that of lower ing taxes—was formed here yea terday mornihg following a meet ing of the county board of educa tion, school committeemen and taxpayers in the courthouse. E. P. Cunningham, large-scale farm er, called the meeting to order, and R. W. Salsbury, of Hamil ton, nominated J. O. Staton for the league presidency, Mr. Staton accepting after much deliberation. E. P. Cunningham ia secretary and any taxpayer, large or ssnaft is eligible for membership because he is a taxpayer, it ia understood SCHOOL OPENS AT OAK CITY SEPTEMBER STH Teachers Will Hold Meet There On Saturday of Next Week By H. M. Ainsley Oak City, Aug. 22.—The Oak City public schools will open Monday, September sth at nine o'clock. Gen eral enrollment, classification and lesson assignments will take place in each classroom beginning promptly at that hour. All pupils are, request ed to brin,-; any old text books which were used last year except arithmetics from 3rd through the 7th grade which have been changed. Second-hand text books may be sold to pupils coming up from .1 >wer grades also high school texts mky be exchanged at quite a saving in cost. i here will be a general teachers' meeting of the Oak City faculty on Saturday morning at ten o.'clock, September 3 in the Oak City school building for organization > of work. Ccn.ral memorandum for teachers will lie distributed to each teacher, room assignments, daily schedule and plans for immediate work on Tuesday will be discussed. Ihe object is to do away with so much formality and get to real facts as pertain to the promotion 'of the pupil. Since teachers do not measure the same traits in pupils we find it necessary to have a uniform system of marking and .grading pupils. Ob jective marking will be useil, based on two principles; pupils' power to do, and rank of pupils on objective basis. Report cards ought to. fur nish information for parents, schoo' and child and in the simplest way possible. Percentage marks will nt be used. Qualities of work of the greatest importance in the develop ment of the child will be considered. The greatest improvement must, be 'through the cooperation of the schoc I and home. Health, thrift, reliability, social attitudes and clear thinking contribute to good citizenship and should have a definite place on the daily class schedule. To eliminate failures, in the public school it, is necessary to change our way of thinking. An ar ticle in the Pictorial Review, Septem ber issue by Victor Shawe, illustrates this viewpoint. "By reducing the time the pupil spends in school, several hundred million dollars could be sav ed to the taxpayers of the nation." Present less facts and be more thorough in the ones taught will aid in establishing the habit of recall and add to mental efficiency. The Oak City school is for the de velopment of the pupil morally, phys ically, and mentally and such activities as may be considered best to interest, hold and train the child will be fol lowed. The full cooperation of par ents community, county and state is necessary for the training, at this critical time, of every individual in the school 'districts. WINDSOR MAN IS ARRESTED HERE Perry Tadlock Is Placed Under SIOO Bond On Assault Charge Charged with assault and battery, using profane language, being drunk and resisting an officer, Perry Tad lock, well-known Windsor man, was arrested at the Colerain-Edenton base ball game here yesterday afternoon and placed under SIOO bond by Justice of the Peace John Hassell for his ap pearance in recorder's court here next Tuesday. The happening was cause for much excitement at the game, and the hear ing attracted much attention. It was said that the man was asked to cease his unbecoming remarks, and the request infuriated him. He start ed an attack upon Deputy S. H. Grimes and made uncalled-for re marks to Sheriff Roebuck when he tried to quiet him. An effort to compromise the case later is said to have failed. Eight-Months S Approved at Meeting Monday STATE FARMERS AND WOMEN TO MEET AUGUST 29 More Than 2,000 Persons Planning To Attend In Raleigh With an advanced registration of some 2,000 persons indicated, the an-" nual State Farmers' Convention which opens at State College on Mondav, August 29, bids fair to be one of the most interesting of recent years, an nounces Charles A. Sheffield,'secre tary. An interesting groun of speakers has been secured among whom a:" Dr. R B. House, of Chanel Hill, United States Senator J. W Bailey, Repre sentative Lindsay Wtiren; Hon. Da vid R. Coker, of South Carolina; Mrs. Ethel J. Hammond, of Massachusetts; Mrs. -E. L. McKee, of Sylva; Dr. E. C. Brooks, of State College, and a number of specialists for the sectional programs. A larger number of North Carolina farmers and farm women have been secured for places on the pro gram to give practical suggestions a bout improved farm and home meth ods. Mr. Sheffield says there will be a general meeting for men early each morning, followed by a general meet ing for women. The joint meetings will be held each evening on the cam pus after supper. At these joint meet ings, no dry technical subjects will be discussed, but the delegates will enjoy a period of recreation an ! com munity singing, followed by inspira tional addresses from the invited speakers. The convention opens formally on Tuesday morning at. 10:30 o'clock, with the presidential addresses by W. War ren Watson, of liyde County, presi dent of the convention, and by Mrs. D. A'. McCormick, of Robeson Coun ty, president of the State Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs. The annual short course for farm women will be held as usual with presentation of certificates on Friday morning. A number of interesting contests, dem onstrations, and trips have been ar ranged for the visitors. , A special feature this year will be the ftudy of. small farm organizations, especially mutual exchanges. MAN CONFESSES SERIES THEFTS Stolen Goods Found Here Belonged To Store In West Virginia A gang of thieves and robbers op erating in Eastern North _CafolWfa. parts of Virginia and West Virginia were arrested in .Suffolk a.few d.ixs ago, one Eugene I.assjtjpr, supposed ly of Virginia, describing in detail the many thefts .nd robberies made by the gang during the past several months. About three months ago a Chevrolet car loaded with stolen goods was abandoned on Watts Street here. The car was returned to its rightful own er, and the goods were held in the mayor's office here until last Friday when they were recovered by a small merchant operating a store in Lasker, N. C. Chief of Police H. W. Chures, of Suffolk, Va.,; Sheriff E. B. Kawles, of Nansemond County, Va., and W. S. Hogehome, Seaboard A,ir Line Kail-j way agent, were here last Friday when several thefts were traced to I.assiter and his gang. One theft was report- 1 ed in the lower part o'f Washington County. A rifle found in the aban doned car belonged to a hardware con cern in West Virginia, and other ar ticles were described by 'merchants in several places. When caught, Lassit?r was travel ing in a car stolen in Rocky Mount a few days before. Meeting ot Town Fathers Is Again Postponed Here A meeting of the town commission ers scheduled for last night was post poned when the mayor and members of the board were unexpectedly called out of town. It could not be learned today just when a meeting would be called for the discussion of the 1932 budget and the fixing of a tax levy for the current year. Several taxpayers went down for the meeting last night. —pr™• Macon Farmers Sell Car of Lambs In Atlapta, Ga. A truck load of lambs shipped to Atlanta, Ga., last week by the farm ers in Macon County sold for an av erage of 4 1-2 cents a pound. rOFEN OFFICE HEREI The North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank will open a branch of fice in {the Bowen Building *>n Washington Street here this week. The office will make collections, look after rentals, and sell farms. Mr. C. V. Cannon and a man from the home office will be in charge, and a stenographer will be em ployed. . ■ ' FARMERS STRIKE FAST SPREADING IN MIDDLE WEST Farmers There Refuse To Sell Products Unless Assured Profit Sioux City, la., Aug. 22.—The farm ers' holiday movement picked up to day a cyclone-like momentum which carried jt into many part of the mid dle west. In lowa, where the strike for high er produce prices originated, a host of mass meetings, parades! attacks on trucks and blockades occurred. Of ficials of the National Farm Holiday association reported growing strength in other centarl and western states. In Minnesota, Governor Olson de clared his willingness to join gover nors of other states in a plan, "even martial law ' to stop farm marketing until prices rise. Successful in curbing all truck ship ments in Sioux City, leaders .of the strike turned their attention to the nation's second largest livestock mar ket and set up a barricade across the two main highways from lowa nto Omaha. More than 4(10 farmers near l.ewis ton, Idaho, agreed not to sell any of their bushels of wheat for 'ill days «Mipt at a profit. . . Strikers re-established picket lines on all roads into Spencer, lawo, no trucks, wagons or automobiles bearing farm products were allowed to enter. There, as in other places, law en forcement officials said »hey were powerless to interfere. Possibility that the United States government migh take action was forseen by Assistant United v States Attorney A. C>. Epperson at Omaha. He said intervention might result on the grounds the farmers have enter ed a in restraint of inter state commerce by hindering, de : laying or preventing shipments." He said the farmers also might be charg ed with operating ,t combination 11 restraint of interstate commerce. I wo hundred and fifty farmers halt ed two trains here Sunday night and held t«ne of them for an hour. Tor pedoes and danger signals were used thfr trams—One WHS allow ed to proceed when the farmers found it was hauling only milk, but the oth er, carrying" livestock, was held an hour?- Declaring his sympathy with the strikers, Governor Olsonfi only far mer-labor governor in the nation, said: "I would be willing to join with the governorsi of the other agri cultural states in any plan, however arbitrary, which would tend to raise the prices of farm commodities." Meanwhile the striking farmers were planning 'to increase the effectiveness of their embargo here by picketing all railroad loading docks throughout the territory. Oak City Ladies Can for School Children There Oak City.—The Oak City canning club with ladies representing the Wil liams Chapel Club, met at. the school building Friday, August 12, 2nd spent the day canning vegetables to aid in the hot lunch for the coming school term. Corn, tomatoes, and beans were collected and made into a soup mix ture, making 47 quarts, which also equals the.set goal of 100 quarts which have been canned this summer. It is expected to have another day before school opens. The ladies brought sand wiches and watermelons for lunch, and Mrs. W, IX, Smith made a delicious cake and the club served iced lemon- which added very n iuc h to the picnic dinner served in the home eco nomics room. Afl were pleased with the results, and dismissed about 4 o'- clock in the afternoon with a kind cooperative spirit in trying to aid the school and less fortunate pupils. • ■ 112.93 at Loria, 8. C. Loris, S. C., Aug. 22. —The Loris tobacco market sold ' today 59,000 pounds of tobacco at an average of $12.93 per 100- pounds. Most of the offering* were lugs. The better grades sold, The warehousemen are looking for heavy sales to follow. Adv«rtis«ri Will Pnd Oar Col ams ■ Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Homes ESTABLISHED 1898 THINK COUNTY SHOULD FARE AS WELL AS OTHERS Better Understanding Of School Problems Gained At Monday Meeting Martin County citizens meeting in the county courthouse here yesterday with the members of the board' of education and the various school com mittees expressed themselves as fav oring an eight-months school term, provided other sections and counties continued to enjoy the long term. And while some of the districts represent ed favored the extended term upon certain conditions, representatives of other districts expressed the belief that 80 per cent or more of their people would vote for the extended term should an election he arranged. A better understanding of the prob lem confronting the school heads was gained at the meeting when it was learned that the county and local school authorities were required by law to provide for the extra two mouths, that only the people them selves could abolish the extended term or have it done by an act of the Gen eral Assembly. 1 he "problems facing the taxpayers were considered, but none of the prop erly owners, as far as it could be learned, was in favor of lowering the educational standards below those en joyed by children in nie^h boring counties. In fact, Mr. Jim Staton, numbered among the leaders'for cut ting the budgets, expressed himself as favoring the continuation of the eight months, school term for Martin Coun ty children as long as those in other counties had* the opportunity of en joying the extra period. Special tax levies were not men tioned, the meeting agreeing that nothing could be done about the ex tended term, and that the authorities were compelled to make provision for the seventh and eighth months, wheth er they wanted to or not. Committeemen front eleven of the twelve districts in the county enjoying the extended term were present for the meeting, and they expressed them selves before the body. "While I have no children, 1 favor schools ( and while I would be suited with a six-months term, I do not want the children of riiy community to drop below the level of others," Mr. J. R. Kuowles, property owner and school/ committeeman of Dardens, said. Mr. Plenny Peel, Farm Lite com mitteeman, said W' believed 75 per wK of - the in that -district would vote for a short term. He lat er "qualified the statement by saying that if it would be in keeping with the standards of other schools. Mr. C. A. Harrison, Williamston committeeman, reported hi-, commit tee 10(1 per cent in favor of the 8- months term, adding that IK believed 85 per cent of the people in the dis trict wanted it. The F.veretts committee was report ed by Mr. L. A. Clark as favoring the long term UK) per, cent. "Our committee is 100 per -cent in favor of the extended term, and I be lieve 90 per cent of the people are for it," Mr. H. C. Norman, Kober sonviHe committeeman, reported. Mr. J. M. Dixon reported that Uie I'armelc committee would contend for the eight-months term. llassells was reported by Mr. K. R-. Edmonton as favoring t(he loiger term. Mr. B. M. Worsley reported the Oak * its committee 100 per cent in favor of the longer term. "Bear Crass wants the longer term provided 411 other sections have it," Mr. Kdmond Harris said. Four of the five committeemen at tending from the Janicsville district were heartily in favor of the longer term, Hamilton favored the 6-months term but wanted the extra two months if other districts were to have them. Gold Point was not represented. While a few expressed themselves as favoring the 6-months term, pro vided it was general, other committee men were out-and-out in their expres sions for the extended term. Martin Coynty will proceed to levy a sufficient rate to operate the extend ed term, the levy varying from 15 cents in some districts to 21 in oth ers, it is understood. Sales Alfalfa To Rabbit Breeder Near Charlotte ■, •» A Lincoln County farmer »old 80 bales of alfalfa last week to a rabbit breeder near Charlotte." The alfalfa acreage in Lincoln is being steadily in creased. One cooperative carload of limestone was recently ordered for the crop.

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