_ ; -TV"' ■■ V • Tuesday, August 23.1932 xiSu | Visiting in Bayboro Mrs. H. T. Taylor left yesterday for Bayboro, where she will spend several days with Miss Josephine Sykes. Here From Greensboro Misses Edith and Virginia Taylor, of Greensboro, spent the week-end here with their mother, Mrs. Henry D. Taylor. Returns From New York Mr. G. W. Hardison returned last Friday from New* York City, where he spent several days on business. Here From Durham Eli Barnhill, of Durham, spent the week-end here with relatives and friends. Visitors Here Saturday Misses Bessie and Willa Walker and Brodie Hood, of Burlington, ■pent a short while here Saturday en route from Nags Head to their homes. WOMEN are beneficiaries of 80 per cent of the lite insur ance in force in the United States, so a recent sur ♦ ♦ » - t Do you want your life insurance - 1 to furnish a steady income for your wife and children? You can be sure ~"w of this through a Life Insurance Trust. . f» » * A life insurance trust can be adapted to the gj special needs of each family. It means safety of 9 principal and a sure and regular income. Every I year the number of those using this method of I insuring an income from their insurance increases. B We are glad to talk the matter over with you. I j MB Branch Banking I & Trust Company | WILLIAMSTON, N. C. "THE SAFE EXECUTOR" SOUND BANKING AND TRUST SERVICE I FOR EASTERN CAROLINA JAe 1 -r Enterprise Ijj^/) Is today the favorite news- L-> paper in 1,500 homes in *_ Martin County. There it reaches an army of several \ thousand additional buyers, lii I Mi^PM counting the number of pos- , /f^fe"4iv sible grown-ups in each NCW Mr. MERCHANT— isn't that the very army of *— -f^-" ■ prospects you're trying to / tf/jfly ~~ 1 folks *ho SHOULD 7 know BUYER./ about your wares . . . your Miliß)^V t H»>^i)/IIM^Uti//iiiuiiitui//j^^/|flj|| | ir n saving prices? Then—up .nd tell «m with elCOmed CONSISTENT : . ADVERTISING! in 1,500 Cuts and Copy Lowest fk/r j • g^\ Fur*,™ «*„Marti ii County Phone 46 Homes Will Return To Ayden Tomorrow Mrs. J. R. Hoi ton, of Ayden, will return to her home tomorrow, after spending the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cook. , • Here From Oak City Messrs. Frank Barrett, John W. Hines, and R. L. Chesson, of Oak City, were among those from that section who attended the board of education meeting here yesterday. From Washington City Miss Susie James arrived last Sat urday from Washington City to spend two weeks here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. James. m Here From Wilson Julian Baker, of Wilson, visited friends here Sunday. From Rocky Mount Mrs. Bob Hoggard, of Rocky Mount, is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Manning. niauwD EVERY Spends Week-End Here Miss Mary Frances Stromach, of Raleigh, spent the week-end here with friends. Returns From Nags Head Mr. Jim Cook returned Sunday from Nags Head, where he spent the week-end. • - In Town Monday Mr. Ed James, revenue tax col lector for the state, was in town yes terday on business. In Durham Hospital Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Clark and Mrs. Blanche Sullivan left Sunday for Durham, where Mrs. Clark will undergo treatment in the McPher son hospital. Ml". Clark returned home yesterday afternoon. Spends Week-End Here Dr. William H. Harrell, of Nor folk, spent the week-end here with his sister, Miss Sarah Harrell. At Nags Head Mesdames B. S. Courtney and Erah Cobb are spending part of this week at Nags Head. Miss Miriam Courtney, who has spent most of the summer at the resort, will return with her mother. # * Attend Meeting Here Messrs. Sam Lilley, John E. Grif fin, and Eason Lilley, of William ston Route 1, attended the board of education meeting here yesterday. Visit Relatives Here * Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Koonce and children, of Richlands, visited rela tives here Sunday, Mrs. Koonce and the children remaining for several days visit with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Harrison. Returns From Atlantic City Mr. Charles Frank has returned from an extended visit at Atlantic * City, N. J., Canada, and other north ern points. ' ... . ——♦ From Jamesville Mr. Lawrence Peel, of Jamesville, was here for a short while yester day morning. • /» Town Monday Mr. J. A. Everett, of Palmyra, was here yesterday morning attend ing to business matters. ♦ From Bear Grass Professor T. F. Hickman, of Bear | Grass, was here yesterday attending to business. In Town Yesterday '■ Professor E. R. Edmnntfson, of Hassell, was a business visitor here yesterday morning. THE ENTERPRISE Visiting Her Grandparents Miss Bertha Thrower, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Thrower, of Lettleton, is here this week visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Latham Thrower. In Raleigh Today Mr. and Mrs. Elbert S. Peel are in Raleigh today. ■% Return From New York Mrs. Jim Pappas and son, Mike, returned last week from New York, where they have been visiting for several weeks. Mrs. Helen Milonas, of New York, returned with them and will visit here for several days. Spend Sunday at Ocean View Messrs. Pete Hall and Joe David Thrower spent Sunday at Ocean View, Va. From Washington Attorney and Mrs. Junius Grimes lof Washington, were here for a short 'while yesterday. • Columbus Agent Treats 2,472 Hogs for Cholera • A total of 2,472 hogs with a smoke house value of $35,000, have been vac cinated against hog cholera for farm ers in Columbus County during the past month by County Agent J. P. Quinerly. There was 'an average of nine hogs on each of the 273 farms visited. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by M. L. Bunting and wife, Susie Bunting, on -the 19th day of July, 1924, and recorded in Book T-2, 'page 59, v\e will on Saturday, the 27th day of August, 1932, 12 o'clock noon, ( at the courthouse door in Martin { County, Williamston, N. C, sell at pub ; lie auction, for cash, to the highest j bidder, tlic following land, to wit: All that certain tract, piece, or par cel of land, containing 184 7-10 acres, more or less, situate, lying .and being on the road leading from Uak City to llobgood about 2 miles northwest of the town of Oak City, Goose Nest Township, Martin County, N. C„ ad-, joining the lands of Matthews, et als, on the N. and E., lands of Richard Warren, Lester Harrell, Forbes, and Hair on the S., lands of N. J. Mayo on the W., and the lands of P. L. Sals bury on the northwest and more par ticularly described as follows: Begin ning on the road leading front Oak City to Hobgood, a corner of Mat thews et als; thence with said road S. 56* E. 31.60 chs„ thence N. 45* 45' E. 13.80 ths., thence S. 48* E. 19.63 chs. to 2 pine stumps; iiwme with the line of Richard Warren S. 43* 30' W. 1 ch. to the af6resaid mentioned road; thence with a ditch S. 46* W. 8.90 chs., S. 33* 50' W. 5 chs., S. 52* 30' W. 1 ch., S. 63* 30' W. 2.85 chs., S. 79* W. 1.30 chs., N. 60* W. 3.40 chs., N. 79* W. 3.70 chs, S. 72* W. 13.80 chs, S. 59* W. 9.90 chs, to Cypress Swamp Canal; thence with said Swamp N. 37* W. 38 chs. to a canal; tehnce with said canal N. 12* E. 16 chs, thence N. 82* 18 chs. to the beginning, and being the same land conveyed to the said M. L. Bunting by the following deeds: B. A. Critcher, commissioner, dated Jan. 22, 1919, and of record in Martin Co., Public Registry in Bk. X-l, Pg. 570, J. C. Ross and wife, dated Oct. 14, 1919, and of record in the said Public Registry in Bk. Y-l, Pg. 554. The following described property is excepted from the safe of the above de scribed lands: That lot or parcel of land adjoining the lands of Arch Harrell and the State Highway No. 125 and beginning at M. L. Bunting and Arch Harrell's .corner, on said highway, thence run ning E. with the line of M.-L. Bunting and Arch Harrell 70 yds, thence N. from the said Bunting and Harrell line, a straight line 35 yds, thence W. a straight line 70 yds. to State High way No. 125, thence S. with said highway a straight line to the begin ning, being a parcel of land 70 yds. long by 35 yds. wide, and being the same land which was conveyed to the said parties of the second part by deed M. L. Bunting and wife, by deed dat ed May 18, 1927, and recorded in the public registry of Martin Cq. in Bk. V-2, page 412, to which reference is made. This sale is made by reason of the failure of M. L. Bunting and wife, Susie Bunting, to pay off and dis charge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 22nd day of July, 1932. W. G. BRAMHAM AND T. L. BLAND, RECEIVERS FOR •» FIRST NATIONAL COM PANY OF DURHAM, IN®;,' FORMERLY FIRST NA TIONAL TRUST COM . PANY, DURHAM, N. C. a 2 4tw NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of tale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by A. O. Brown and wife, on the and of record in the Public Registry of^Martin County in Book H-2, at page 48, said deed of trust having been give# for the pur pose of securing a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, and default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness, and the stipulations contained in said deed of trust not hav ing been complied with, the undersign ed trustee will, on Wednesday the 30th day of August, 1932, at 12 o'clock M., in front of the courthouse door in the Town of Williamston, N. C., offer for •ale for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: It being a part of a lot.that W. H. Wilson bought of J. R. Mobley, begin ing at a stob in the right-of-way of the A. C. L. Railroad on Pearl Street; thence along that Street towards Main Street 100 ft. to atob; thence a line parallel with Main Street to the line of B. P. Godwin; thence along B. F. Godwin's line and parallel to Pearl Street to the line of the A. C. L. Rail road right-of-way; thence along said WILLIAMSTON NeWTH CAWOCIWA Railroad right-of-way to the begin ning', and being the same property con veyed to Maggie Wilson by deed from Sarah A. Wilson dated the 12th day of October, 1906, and recorded in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book RRR, at page 108. This the 29th day of July, 1932. WHEELER MARTIN. ag 2 4t-w : - , Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE •Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by .J. L. Ballard and wife to B. Duke ' Critcher, -Trustee, dated 25th day of January, 1923, of record in the Register of Deeds Office of Martin County in Book G-2, page 548, and the stipulations not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said bonds, the un dersigned Trustee will, on th,e 29th day of August, 1932, offer for sale to.the highest bidder at 12 o'clock 1 front of the courthouse door of tin County, the following described real estate: i Being a five-room house and lot in ; the Town of Williamston, N. C., and | located on Main Street, adjoining Mar-j tin County house and a lot of Tom J Cooke, Main Street, and others. This 28th dav of Julv. 1932. B. DUKE CRITCHER, I ag 2 4tw Trustee. | NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deeil of trust executed on the 20th day of August, 1920, by L. F. Waters and wife, Fannie Waters, to the under signed trustee and xti record in the public registry of Martin County in Book G-2 at page 5, said deed of trust having been given for the pur pose of securing a note of even date and tenor therewith, default having been made in the payment of said i note and at the request of the holder 1 of said note the endersigned trustee, ! will on Wednesday the 7th day ot I September, 1932, at 12 o'clock M, in j front of the courthouse door in Wil- | lianiston, North Carolina, offer for! sale to the highest bidder lor cash the j following described real estate, to-! wit: Beginning at an oak stump on .Dwights Road, Harmon Gurkin's corner a straight course to the head . of a bottom, to the said Dwight road, i thence down said road to the begin- j ning, containing 30 acres, more or less, and being the same land deeded to L. F. Waters by Wheeler Martin, Trustee, This the 6th day of August, 1932. ELBERT S. PEEL, ag T6 4fw * Trustee. - NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND . State of North Carolina, County of Martin. The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, Plaintiff, va. W: A. Vanderford and Wife, Emma Vanderford, Belle A. | Harris, F. C. Harding, Trustee, J. T. Barnhill and R. A. Bailey, trad ing as Bailey and Barnhill, and Ab ner Manufacturing Company, De fendants. DR. V. H. MEWBORN OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Robersonville at Fulmer's Drug Store, Tuesday After Third Sunday Each Month. Williamston at Davis Pharmacy, on Wednesday After Third Sunday of Each Month. Plymouth at O'Henry Drug Store, Thursday After Third Sunday Each Month. At Tarboro, N. C., Every Friday and Saturday Invest and Save the Building & Loan Way 31st SERIES Will Open Sept. 3rd The Martin County Building and Loan Association invites you to become a member for several reasons: Our association is purely mutual, all the earn ings and benefits belonging to and being received by the members. Our installment shares earn 6 per cent. Full paid shares earn 5 per cent, payable semi-annually. Our proposition is comparable with any sound - ~ investment. Your savings invested with us is a di rect benefit to your community. To succeed, you must save. Decide yourself how much you • can save monthly or weekly and begin in the new series which opens in September. WE HAVE HELPED OTHERS WHY NOT YOU? .. y Martin County Building and Loan Association Pursuant to a judgment entered in above entitled, civil action on the 15th day of August, 1932, in the Superior ! Court of said County by the Clerk, I will, on the 19th day of September, 1932, at 12 o'clock M., at the County Courthouse door in said County sell at public auction to the highest bidder therefor the following described lands, situated in said county and state in Robersonville Township, comprising 173 acres, more or less, and bounded and described as follows: All those certain tracts or parcels of land lying :n Robersonville Town ship, Martin County, North Carolina, containing UU.6 acres, 1-4 acre, and 70 acres. The 103.6 acre tract bound ed on the north by the road from Gold Point to Hassells, bounded on the east by the lands of Mrs. Emma Everett and Mrs. Williams and the road from Gold Point to Kobersonville, bounded i>h the south by the lands ot R. T. "" 1 ' '-""nded on the west by ll'c lands of Mrs. Fmma Everett and tho Howell land. Ihe 1-4 acre tract hounded on the, north, east, and west by the lands of A. J. Wynn and on the south by the road leading from Gold Point to Has sell. N. CT The 70 acre tract bounded on the north by the lands of P, Briley and a swamp, on the east by the For rest land, on the south by the lands of A. J. Wynn and on the west by lot number tour in the division of the lands of Abram Tayloh Said lands having such >hapes, nictes, courses, and distances as will more fully ap pear by reference t6 maps of same made by T. Jones Taylor, surveyor, on,,the 12th day of January, 1922, all of the aforesaid maps now being on file with the Federal Land Bank of Colutiibia. v The terms of sale are as follows: Cash. AH bills will be received subject to rejection or confirmation by the clerk of said superior court and no bid will bo accepted or reported unless its maker shall deposit with said Clerk at the close of the bidding the sum of two- hundred fifty ($-'5(1.00) Dollars Hunting Licenses NOW ON SALE With the hunting season fast approaching, now is the time to buy your hunting licenses. We have them for sale at our store, and in addition to licenses we have every kind and type ■ of hunting equipment. We carry the best shells and guns, ranging in price that will suit either the careful or con servative buyer. Culpepper Hardware Co. PAGE THREE as a forfeit and guaranty of compli [ ance with his bid, the same to be cred ited on his bid when accepted. Notice is now given that said lands wll be resold at the same place and upon the same terms at 2 o'clock P. M. of the same day unless said de posit is sootier made. Every deposit not forfeited or ac cepted will be promptly returned to the maker. This the 15th day of August, 1932. B. A. CRITCHF.R, a! 6 4tw Commissioner. Whether You Are To Be a Teacher or Not, Go To WESTERN CAROLINA TEACHERS COLLEGE CULLOWHEE, N. C. offers For Primary or Grammar Grade Teachers, Two-Year Normal Cur ricula Four Year Degree Curricula For High School Teachers, Four Year Degree Curricula For Those Not Desiring To Teach Equivalent of Four Years Work Of Academic Nature Room, board, registration, stu dent activities and medical fees, only $l9B per year for girls and $lB6 per year for boys. Write DR. HUNTER, President For Catalog (This ad Sponsored by Friends of the Institution.)

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