Attend the Tobacco Meeting Tonight in the City Hall Watch the Label On Your Paper Aa It. Carries the Date When Yoor Subscription Expiree VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 52 120 MEMBERS OF HOME CLUBS AT FIELD DAY MEET Get-to-jjether at Home of Mrs. Will Taylor Much Enjoyed Yesterday By LORA E. SLEEPER One hunder and twenty people from Jamesville, Holly Springs, Macedonia, Poplar Point, Farm Life, Williams Chapel, Everetts, Bear Grass, and Par mele attended the third annual field day of home demonstratoin clubs held at the home of Mrs. Will Taylor on the Washington road. Mr». A. B. Rogerson, vice president of the coun ty council, presided and opened the meeting with the very popular song with all rural' folks, "The More We Meet Together," the club collect was then repeated in unison, and Mrs. T. M. Woodburn, secretary, read the re port of the meeting held in the spring. Reports from various clubs were read or given orally, and after the short business session the women of the Parmele club opened the program hour with a Washington song render ed by three young ladies from Par mele. A reading was given by Edna Carson, and a very interesting paper read by Mrs. Bettie Higdon on "Wash ington as a Farmer." The Macedonia club, under the di rection of their able president, Mrs. G. A. Peele, surprised the audience with a Washington playlet, Which they had secured through the bicentennial commission. The playlet calle for the use of costumes typical of Washing ton's time and used a cast of 10 char scters. The club deserved much cred it for the able manner in which the playlet was carried out. Miss Hattie Everett, as nutrition leader for the county council, read a very excellent paper, "Food in Rela tion to Every Day Health," and what to eat if you have pellagra, are over weight or underweight, etc. The social hour followed, and each one present told what club or com munity she was from and gave her name. The group of women were asked to mix writh those they did not know and all became acquainted. A bountiful picnic supper was served by the hostess, Mrs. Will Taylor, assist ed by members of the Macedonia Club, and after lunch the women returned to their respective homes. Mrs. Alice Harris, of Bear Grass, has kindly con seated to have the field day at her home next year. 24 FROM COUNTY TO ATTEND MEET Club Workers Will Leave Here for Raleigh Next Monday Afternoon Twenty-four women from six home demonstration clubs are planning to go to Raleigh next Monday to attend the Farmers and Home Makers' meet ing. The truck will leave Williamston at 1:30 p. m., go up the Hamilton road to Hamilton and Oak City and on to Bethel, picking up women from Poplar Point, Oak City, Williams Chapel, and at Bethel will meet the women from Parmele. Women from Bear Grass, Macedonia, and James ville will meet the truck in William ston. All the women going are urged to carry lunch for their picnic supper to cut expenses, their bedding, which should include sheets and blanket and small pillow. Many more women in the County want to go, but are remaining at home on account of circumstances that can •not be altered. Last year 12 women were in attendance and the county this year will be well repceaented with women at leaat. Mrs. W. D. Hyman is scheduled to receive her certificate for having attended four years, and this year, too, the county can boast ,of having a state officer in the home demonstration organization in Mr*. T. M. Woodburn, of Parmele, who is state secretary. The women desire to have more club members become in terested in the state homemakers' meeting, which is more than worth the money spent ifi educational value, recreation, and benefit to the home and homemaker. — Curb Market Prices for Tomorrow Announced Sales have held up weU on the curb market this month,'•ad we are glad to have new sellers #nd buyers com ing to the market The market de sirea to please all customers and kind ly report any dissatisfaction to Miss Sleeper and help the market to bet ter serve all patrons. A partial list of our price* follow: Eggs, 1 docen, 15c; buter beans, 8 l-3c qt.; string beans, 6 lbs. 25c; com, 1 doi., 12c; grapes, lb., 7c; ap ple«, 2c lb.; cabbage, 2c lb.; pepper, 5c *. THE ENTERPRISE Meeting in Intesest of Tobacco Market Is To Be Held Tonight The crying need for a bigger tobacco market in will be (tressed at a public meet ing to be held in the City Hall hers tonight at 8 o'clock, and an urgent appeal is directed to every business, professional man and farmer and everyone interested in the future of the market and town to attend. No request for money will be made, but your preeence is earnestly asked. Make your plans to attend; it mean* much to all FEW VIOLATIONS OF HUNTING LAW IN TIHS SECTION No Prosecutions Have Been Reported in the County This Season While there have bee a few viola tios of the hunting laws reported in this county this season, the number of people hunting out of season is un usually small, it is generally believed. As far as it could be learned here this week, there have been no direct prose cutions made in connection with the enforcement of the game laws, it is understood. A few hunters are said to have, braved the mosquitoes and took one or two squirrels, but the malaria carriers are too numerous in the best hunting grounds and are guarding the fuzzy animals too closely for many hunters to take to the woods just now. The squirrel season opens next Thursday, September 1, but it will be a week or two after that or until that time the mosquitoes close for the winter before the hunters enter the woods in any great numbers. The squirrel season is the first to open, followed by the deer season which will open September 15th. The closed season for taking female deer con tinues until the latter part of next year. Tile hunting season will hardly get under full swing before November 20, when it will be lawful to take quail, wild turkeys, and rabbits. The season opens for a few other game speciei before that time, but they are of little importance to sportsmen in this part of the State. The sale of hunting licenses is pro gressing" as rapidly as could be ex pected in the county at the present time. Warden Hines said this week. Larger sales are predicted beginning and after the squirrel season gets un derway. REPORT LIGHT YIELD PEANUTS Only 75 to 85 Percent of a Crop Expected In the State This Season The following report on the peanut situation has been received from Win borne & Company, of Noroflk. Condition: The reports from the Virginia-North Carolina growing sec tion say the appearance of the vines indicates a light yield; the Georgia- Alabama section reports the vines in most instances are large, but few nuts on the vines; and the Texas-Okahoma section very poor. Indicated yield: Virginia-North Carolina section 75 to 85 per cent of last year; Georgia-Alabama, 50 to 75 per cent, and Texas-Oklahoma, 40 to 50 per cent. Shipments: Prom August 6, 1931, to their end of the season in the Virginia North Carolina section, 1,2621 cars were shipped and 2,043 cars for the same period the year before. So far this season shipments run 32 per cent ahead' of last year. If this continues, it will take 1,664 of cleaned and shelled, or 988,400 bags of farmer's stock from this section to supply the trade to November 7, 1932. There are not, in our opinion, 988,400 bags of peanuts now in Virginia and North Carolina. * Market: The market at Suffolk is 1 3-4 to 2 1-2 cents per pound, accord ing to grade. Yet best grade of Jum bos would likely bring 2 3-4 cents. Sunday Services At The Local Christian Church Sunday school at 9:45. Preaching services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. J. M. ftijy.— ——" . —— A cordial welcome is extended to all who will attend theae services. Lespedeza turned under for soil im provement in Perron County has in creased the corn yields by more than 100 per cent. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, August 26, 1932 The meeting is being called in an effort to create a closer co operation among all people of the community, and while it will cen ter to a great extent on the to bacco market, other vital prob lems will be given consideration, it was stated. It is believed that any other engagements that have already been made can be broken to an advantage for you to attend the meeting tonight, that you will find it worthwhile. MAN FINED FOR TRESPASSING Jack Faulk Fined $lO. and Taxed with Costs By Justice Hassell Jack Faulk, local colorejj man, was fined $lO and taxed with the costs by Justice of the Peace J. L. Hassell here this week when the defendant was found guilty of trespassing on posted land in Poplar Point Town ship. Informed that Faulk was hunting on the Boyle land in that township, County Game Warden went there to investigate. Faulk happened to see the warden and ran into the woods, returning to tell the warden that he was a bootlegger and was in the woods to get liquor. Mr. Hines con tinued his investigation and found two guns, a hunting coat and four squirrels hid in the woods where Faulk is believed to have left them. Faulk denied ownership, and the evi dence was only sufficient to convict him of, the trespassing charge. The warden is still in possession of the guns and hunting coat, with charges of violating the game laws pending against Faulk and the owner of the second gun found by Mr. Hines. The case is the first to be carried into the courts of the county by the warden so far in connection with vio lation of the hunting laws. Over in Edgecombe County some heavy fines have been imposed upon game law violators, the game warden of this county stating yesterday that game law violators would find heavy fines or sentences ready for them in else of convictions. CANNING MEET FOR COLORED Thirty Can Much Food at The Parmele Training School Tuesday Thirty colored women assembled Tuesday at the Academy in Parmele to afrtnd the canning demonstration given them by Miss Sleeper, home agent. The women brought corn, ok ra, tomatoes, field peas, and string beans to the schoolhouse to be canned. An oil stove secured for the use of the women during the afternofcn made the work much easier, and by the close of the afternoon five quarts of veg etables, including field peas, corn, and string beans, had been canned and 10 quarts of soup mixture. Each one was given the state bulletin and urged to can all possible by correct methods to cut down the need of charity in the county. Many reported good win ter gardens with cabbage, collards, and celery already started. Miss Sleep er was assisted by Mrs. T. M. Wood burn during the afternoon. ELDER HARRISON HERE THURSDAY Nearly 87 Years Old, He Continues His Work In the Pulpit Elder Newsome H. Harrison, Wash ington County's only surviving Con federate veteran, stopped here a short while yesterday to chat with old friends before going to Smithwicks Creek church, where he preaches to day, tomorrow, and Sunday. Al though he is almost 87 years old, Mr. Harrison is very active in both mind and body, and meets his friends with muct) interest. He is interesting in conversation on current questions and kows well the history of this section, dating back to his boyhood days.' Born in Martin County between here and Hamilton, Mr,' Harrison a few years later, moved with his par ents to Washington County, where he has since lived. • Catawba 'County poultry growers are caponizing their cockerels instead of selling them at the prevailing price of 10 cents a pound. J RAY H. GOODMON GETS PROMOTION WITH POWER CO. Becomes Manager of New Division Within The .Carolina Division Mr. Ray H. Goodmon, for several years popular sales manager of the Carolina Division, Virginia Electric and Power Company, has been trans ferred from the company's offices in Roanoke Rapids to manager of a new district formed within the Carolina Division, with headquarters at Wil liamston. Before quoting the Roanoke Rapids Herald on Mr. Goodmon's promotion, suffice it to say that Wil liamston and its citizens have a ready welcome for Mr. Goodman and his family. The Herald, in its yesterday edition, says: "An exclusive bulletin was posted yesterday by Vice President J. T. Chase which reads as follows, 'Ef fective October 1, 1932, Mr. Goodmon, reporting to Mr. J. T. Chase, becomes Manager of a new district, formed within the Carolina Division, with headquarters at Williamston.' "Mr. and Mrsjl, Goodmon and son, Ray Jr., will rttwve to Williamston the lattfr. part of September. "For the past seven years, Ray has been, later salesntanager, for j the company. He has had charge of | sales of equipment for North Caro lina ami his force has made fine show ings in competition with those of other divisions of the company, winning several first prizes. "Recently he has been given other duties in connection with sales and promotion work for the company and has never failed to produce. His work and personality has brought "him to the attention of officials of the com pany to culminate in this merited pro motion. "He has been very active in civic af fairs in Roanoke Rapids. As a charter member of the Kiwanis Club, he has served on many important commit tees where results were needed. Prob ably his most outstanding work in this line was in raising funds last year to employ several hundred un employed on the sewer ditch project for a period of several months during the Winter. "He was in the thick of the World War, went over the top a score of times, was wounded twice in action, received citations for bravery in ac tion, and has been recommended by State Legion officials for the award of i the Order of the Purple Heart, a coveted prize to all ex-service men. ] "His congenial, never-changing per-| sonality has endeared him to the peo ple of Roanoke Rapids and this ter-. ritory and it with genuine regret they see him leave." ASK REROUTING OF HIGHWAY 11 » I Highway Commission Said To Have Promised The Petition Consideration • Appearing before the State High way Commission in Raleigh this week, 1 several Martin County citizens from Hassells,. Robersonville, and William- 1 ston appealed to that body to route Highway hfco. 11 through Hassells. I>elegatii|is from Pitt County are un derstood to have urged the commis sion at previous times to hard surface No. It from Bethel to Oak City| straight tjwougty, leaving the town' of Hassell two or three miles off the' route. It is understood that the members of the commis#ion told the Martin delegation that nothing had been done in connection with improving or hard surfacing No. 11, and that the routing of the road through the town would be considered. Tobacco Prices Continue To Advance On Border Tobacco prices on the border -and South Carolina markets continued up ward this week, causing more encour agement for farmers there and farm ers here, and -everybody everywhere. Lumberton reported an official aver age 1 or 2 points below 13 cents on Wednesday, and the advance was not ed on all the markets. A stronger de mand for the better grades was. re ported, the price reflecting an increase of about 17 per cent this week over last week's quotations. Cotton advanced m price again yes terday, and there is surely some ground for encouragement. However, one or two Martin Coun ty farmers selling on the border mar kets this week did not do so well— they averaged just about 6 cents a pound for their offerings. County School Changed To September 12th EDENTON LEADS IN SERIES BY TWO GAMES TO ONE —• — Colonials Won Third Game of Series 5 to 4 Here Yesterday Edenton today is leading William ston in the "I.ittle World Series'' ar ranged as an aftermath of the Albe marle baseball season, Elizabeth City having been eliminated outright and I olerain losing its right to participate in the pennant race following a de cision handed down by disinterested parties. But Kdenton, with its one game margin, hasn't captufM the se i ries as yet. Halderson shut out the locals here Tuesday afternoon, the Colonials Winning 3 to 0. Cherry subdued the Chowan nine Wednesday afternoon at" Edenton 10 to 8 to tie the series, and yesterday afternoon the Colonials "lucked out" a win to make the series stand, Edenton two, and Williamsion, one. Herring, for Williamston, allowed the visitors only eight hits,"while his teammates counted 15 in the game here yesterday afternoon. But with all their luck, the visitors had to go into the 10th inning to win five to four. * The Martins were off to a rapid start in the first frame when Earps was given a base on balls, and Jimmie Brown (tit to advance him to second and take his own place on first. Kug ler was next up and his hit scored Earps. A double by Coffield scored Brown and Kugler. No more scoring was in order until the fourth inning when Dunlap, Edenton first-sarker, got a three-base hit aifd scored on O'Brien's single. Two more scoreless innings passed, and in the 7th, C. Webb was given a free pass to first. Bunch, next up. was safe at first on an error. Partin hit to score Webb and Bunch, knot ting the score. Both teams were scoreless in the eighth and ninth frames, but the game was won in the tenth when Dunlap singled, O'Brien walked, E. Webb singled to score Dunlap and C. Webb sacrified to score O'Brien. The Martins made a desperate attempt to tie the score in their turn in the tenth when Herring .singled and took second on a hard knocked ball to-the pitcher by Earps who was out at first. Gaylord hit a long ball to left field to score Her ring, but the hitting activities ended there, and Williamston lost a hard -game.* ■ The two teams meet here next Tues day afternoon for the fourth game of the series. The box score: Edenton AB R H PO A E J. Webb, cf S 0 1 0 0 0 Leary, ss 4 0 0 1 i i Suttonfield, c 4 0 0 8 0 0. Dunlap, lb 5 2 3 9 0 0 O'Brien, p 4 1112 0 E. Webb, rf 5 0 2 2 0 0 C. Webb, If 3 1 0 3 0 0 Bunch, 3b 5 10 12 1 i'artin, 2b 3 0 1 4 2 0 Totals 38 5 8 30 ,2 2 Williamston AB R H PO A E Earps, ss 5 12 16 0 W.—Gaylord, If 5 i) 2 1 0 0 J. Brown, 3b 5 112 0 0 Latham, c 4 0 1 4 0 1 Kugler, cf 4 12 10 0 Coffield, rf . 5 0 4 4 0 0 H. Brown, 2b 5 0 1 2 *6 1 Taylor,, lb 5 0 0 15 0 0 Herring, p 5 1 2 0 2 0 Totals 43 4 15 30 14 2 Score by inhings: Edenton 000 100 200 2r—s Williamston 300 000 000 I—4'1 —4' 0 Cuts Low Timber Growth and Makes Good Pasture • After he had cut the bushes and low timber growth from 15 acres of land, E. E. Rightsell, of Lenoir Coun ty, seeded the land to lespedezaj car-, pet grass, and Dallis grass to prrtttSftH' an excellent pasture this season. » Bladen Farmer Sells Four Acres of Tobacco for S9OO . ' ■■■» I. O. P. Hilburn, of Bladen County, made over S9OO from four acres of to bacco last year. He was the first farmer in his section to run a tobacco fertiliser demonstration is. still following ridgi cultivation and using high-grade fertiliser. \ 500 WANT IOBS I v / The few less than 500 unem ployed men in Martin County ap plying for jobs here during the past few days are now patiently awaiting tangible results, but noth ing has turned up as yet to give them any strong hope for definite work. A goodly number of those ap plying for jobs have been back to make a personal investigation of their aplications, but nothing definite could be told them. As soon as any jobs open up, the news will be spread among all those asking for work. SOME FARMERS . ARE OPTIMISTIC OVER TOBACCO —• — Late Crop, as a Whole, Not Considered of Very Much Value While many Martin County farmers arc not at all pleased with the outlook for their late tobacco' crops, Mr. Lee Hardison, Williams Township farm er, is very optimistic over the out come lit his own. The three curings taken from his late crop are t»f a su perkir quality to that pulled from his early plantings, he said. The August worms that are damaging and even threatening the crop in many sections arc well under control in his fields, Mr. Hardison stating that he had a liout 35 of his wile's turkeys worm ing the late tobacco every day, "And they are doing a good job of it, too," he said. Mr. Hardisou&is planning to cure the •last of his crop by the middle of next month. In certain parts of Cross Koads Township the August worms are said to be causing considerable damage to the crop, even destroying much of the tobacco after it is placed in the hams. One farmer stated he had to run his heat to 175 degrees before be could rid I the tobacco of the worms. I John Coltrain, Griffins farmer, said this week that he did not know what to expect of his late crop. He has not pulled the lugs fromj>ome of his late crop up until now, and it looks as if it will he late in the season when he completes the work, "but 1 am go ing to quit about Thanksgiving time," Mr. Coltrain jokingly said, I'art of his crop is curing fairly well, he said. A few farmers have already com pleted harvesting their crops, and a few-will-finish the work- this wesk, but a majority of the Martin County growers will hardly clear their fields before some time in September. MRS. CHARITY E. JOHNSON DIES —• — Funeral Services Were Held From Her Late Home Yesterday Mrs. Charity E. Johnson died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Claude Moore, near here un the old Everetts road Wednesday following a long ill ness caused by a stroke of paralysis. Mrs. Johnson was a Miss Edmondson before her marriage and bad lived in this county all her life. She was the I widow of Jesse Johnson, who died sev-| eial months ago. She was 84 ..years bid. ' . ' - She leases four children, Mrs. Claud Moore, Don and Robert Johnson, of I'oplar Point, and Vann Johnson, of Greenville. Mrs. Johnson was great ly beloved for her kindness, and had a host of friends. Funeral services were conducted 'yesterday afternoon by Elder Grimes, of the Primitive baptist church. Bur ial was in the cemetery at Spring Green. . » One Church Service For Local Methodists Sunday C. T. Rogers, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a ni. One church service, at 11 a. m. Epworth League, Monday, 8 p. m. Revival services will begin at Holly Springs Sunday night at 8 o'clock. Rev. Tom Lee will do the preaching. - Art arc invited'. Members of both churches will take notice that this coming Sunday will end the third quarter, or nine months, of our church year. Get in touch with the church treasurer and help make this the best bulletin so far. It will be sent to all members within 10 day*. Advertisers Will Fnd Our Col ums a Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Homes ESTABLISHED 1898 LATE TOBACCO * CURING SEASON IS MAIN REASON * Change in Date Announced by Officials Today After Much Consideration * The opening of the Martin County schools was postponed until Monday, September 12, authorities this morn-, ing announcing the delay alter con- jidering several factors that made the later opening almost imperative. Ar rangements had been made for the opening of all the eight-month schools on Monday, September 5. When the opening was arranged for the filth, it was believed that the to bacco crop would have been harvested so as not to greatly interfere with the attendance, but reports from the rural sections indViiUe that the early opening would pro* costly. It was pointed out that some schools might lose a teacher on account of too many absences resulting in those sections where the children would be held at home to assist in the harvesting oi 01 v f'he delayed opening, it was point ed out, will give many parents who have little or no money now a bet ter opportunity to equip their children with books and supplies by the 12th. Much inconvenience will result from the delayed opening for'school heads and probably others, but after con sidering the'several factors surround ing the early opening, tjie officials rendered their decision postponing the opening one week. Principals arc be ing officially notified today oi the de layed opening, and they will inform their teachers, while the several thous and children will glory in the pro-* longed vacation. RECORDER HAD SEVEN CASES Not Single Conviction Is Returned at Session This Week Calling seven cases in the county recorder's court last Tuesday, Judge Bailey continued four, sent one to tlie higher courts and found one de fendant not guilty. A seventh case was nol pTossed by Solicitor H. O. Peel. The case charging Clarence Carson with an assault with a deadly weapon was nol prossed. Probable cause appearing, the case charging Barber -with secret assault was sent to the superior court for trial next month. The defendant was offered bond in the sum of $250. Charged with an assault upon a fe tnale( Colon Perry had his case con tinued one week. The charging C. M. Barber with an assault with a deadly weapon was continued one week. Tommie Herring, charged with an assault, was found not guilty. The case charging Calvin Coburn with an assault with a deadly weapon and disorderly conduct was continued one week. The case charging William M. Rogers with larceny and receiving was also continued until next Tues day. MR. W. I. WALLACE DIES SUDDENLY Buried in Roberson Grave Yard, Near -Jamesville - Yesterday Afternoon ♦ W. I. Wallace, of Jamesville, died suddenly at his home there about mid night Wednesday of heart trouble. He bad been in fairly good health despite his advanced age and was able to care for many duties. He was 68 years old. The son of the late William Wal lace and wife, Jane Chance Wallace, he was born and lived in Beaufort County,, moving to this county a num ber of years agi Since that time he ' farmed, himself a good neigh bor and a friend to all who knew him. Five children, two daughters, Mrs. John H. Mizelle, of Williams Town ship, and Mrs. Kitchen, of Rosemary, and. three iqbL £l».rence, £oy, and Julius Wallace, all of Jamesville, sur vive with thejr mother. The last rites were conducted yes terday afternoon by Rev. W. B. Har rington, assisted by Daniel Hardison. Burial wal in the Roberson cemetery, near Jameiville.