PAGE TWO 1 1 1 ' THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by The ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. * W. C. Manning SUBSCRIPTION RATES ..(Strictly Cath in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY ' One year Six month* •* OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year No Subscription Received for Lett Than 6 Months Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. _ Address ail communications to The Enterprise and not to the individual members of the firm. 6, 1932 Administering Charity Difficult Task That it is difficulty to administer charity fairly is well illustrated in the distribution of free flour by the American Re.d Cross in this State. Martin Coun ty's poor have been given one carload of the free flour. A county in the eastern part of the State, half the size of Martin, has received two carloads, and an other "cbjtmty the same size as Martin, has had five carloads'of the flour. Certainly there is something wrong with the distribution system. Somebody ought to see if the Red Cross is not being mistreated by somebody. There is no reason why people should be en couraged to lie 'down and let others feed thenv. We can see no reason why any community of farming people should call for fiye carloads of flour unless they have experienced a regular famine. If they would try-to help-themselves, 4hey evidently would not need so much help. If the really worthy and the needy are to be help ed, some means for ascertaining the actual needs of the people other than those now follwed will have to be found. The unworthy and those who are not ac tually in need are getting too much, and that in itself is making the lot harder for those who are in need and who are deserving of aid. Early Decay of Democracy Who is supposed to run this government, and for whom is the government supfxjsed to exist? are two questions one will find it difficult to correctly answer in this clay and time when there are so many differ ent ideas and notions existing among the j>eople. Can it exist if it attempts to satisfy everybody that is trying to suck it? Every town wants a pub lic building. Every creek must have a bridge. Every private resort must have a road or a deep water ca nal Evert - industry wants tariff protection and a military force. Every officer wants a fat salary. Every assembly" of soldiers wants a bonus and all want |>ensions. And after everybody gets all there is to be desired, then they want to curse everybody else. Uur unreasonable demands are fast destroying our prospects for permanent liberty, and as long as we continue to make them we need not look for anything but the early decay our democracy. When people get to the (xiiht they think the gov ernment should feed and clothe them, they are reach ing a mighy low level of citizenship and the sooner they pass on to the other world, the better will our country be. Thief Begs To Play Role of Martyr When a thief calls himself a martyr, it is high time for honest folks Co draw the line. Mayor Jimmie Walker, seeing himself proven a swindler and a grafter and certain to be kicked out of office for his sundry acts of malfeasance, resigned the place and began to whine persecution. He tries now to gain the sympathy of the |jeople by branding himself a martyr of (persecution. Instead of sympa thsizing with the man, the |ieople should brand him as a robber of the public. An Unexplainable Crime Ordinarily there is an explainable cause for every act, but the case over in Pitt County where two boys, ages 19 and 16 respectively, turned the home ofc a neighbor, is one in which it is hard to determine the stimulus underlying the act. The two young boys went to the home of a neighbor between midnight and day and fired (he building while the owner and his family slept. The structure was destroyed, and sev eral of the occupants were painfully burned, all of them narrowly escaping with their lives. The baffling part of the malicious crime is whether it was a case of double dare-devil or the natural de pravity of the human heart. If it had beea a case of Jesse James bravery, the two lads would have gone at the noon day hour, and fought out their dif ferences as the braves of old did. But they went in the shadows of night and played the role of cow ard and sneak, and that in itself should be classed as a case of total depravity. If it is a case of total de pravity, it is a tragedy; if it is a case of lack of training, it is also a tragedy; >UILI(HID KVBRV TUMDAY AMC KWIPAY A Dastardly Crime When one deserts his own kin to the world, it is bade enough, but when one deserts its kin into the hands of others of another raceya blot upon society results, a blot that no court, no correctional institu tion or the appeals of human kindness can ever rub out. Over in Wayne County recently some foe of so ciety and the principles of decency, left a helpless white child of only ten days of age, on the porch of a colored family, there to meet whatever fate came its way. It might have been that the child was left there in an effort to cover loose morals. It might have been that man-made economic laws made it impos sible for the mother to care for the innocent soul. It might have been that modern society, after encourag ing the dastardly act, frowned upon the mother and turned a deaf ear to the case. The infant was delivered to welfare authorities of Wayne where its life depends upon charity or the agencies of government. Happiness Lies In One's Earning Living A person enojays a living that he procures by hon est work far more than the one he "sharps out of somebody, or gets it from the public dole. He evert enjoyes the living he earns more than one bestowed upon him, that Is, of course, if he has any honor, pride or decency. 1 - The living earned through honest work is the best one in the world. We are entitled to no other. The Better Course One young man takes the right view of his obliga tions in life. After entering the gates of the United States Military Academy at West Point, with the as surance that he should have a [>erfect education in the art of killing people, and realizing that his office would require him to s|H*nd his life bound up in a system of propaganda for a strong military establish ment and in exalting war, he took the nobler, thought of peace and good will to man, promptly resigned and returned to pursue his studies at the University of North Carolina. Such was the decision of Vernon Ward, jr., of Rob ersonville recently. Perhaps the young man remem bered that twice as many nations have suffered from war preparations as have suffered for want of war preparations, and that the spirit of war has struck the United States a heavy blow. There are still many opportunities for men to do greater service than in war. The Drift Towards Socialism Hraujort Xru'S The opinion seems to be growing in this country that it is the duty of the United States Government to help everybody that thinks he needs help. Relief for the farmers, relief for the bankers, relief for the veterans, relief for the unemployed, relief for the aged and like are being urged on every hand—and practiced to a very considerable extent. Uncle Sam is now supposed to be a sort of Santa Claus with presents for one and all. If he shells out he does not get much praise and if he fails to do it he is lil>erally abused. The fdinders of the republic had no idea that the Federal- government would have to put its linger in every pie in the land. On the contrail rhey were careful to restrict it to rather narrow lines. It was intended that most of the governing should "be" done by he various states and that the individual should have the privilege of working out his own destiny with as little hindrance on the part of 'the govern ment as (possible. These tenets were strongly advo cated by a (political organization of that day known as the Democratic-Republican party and which was headed by Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr, James Madison and others. So strongly did this party op pose Federal interference that it even opposed the building of roads and canals by the national govern ment. They probably would have considered any man insane who advocated the giving of mons, food, clothing or anything else to idividuals all over the coutry. What a difference one hundred and thirty years have made. Every state in the union wants Federal aid for roads, ad is gelting it. Vast sums are spent for canals, rivers and harbors, irrigation, public parks, aid for roads, and is getting it. Vast sums are spent Democatic Congressman from Texas actually intro duced a bill providing for the issuance of four billion dollars in paper money which was to be given to vet erans of the war. State's rights about which a big war was fought, so they said, is dead. Ex-President Coolidge says he believes in states' rights and there may be a few others, but they are not much in evi dence. The Republican party never made a fetich of this principle and the Democratic party long since abandoned It. Most folks are not interested in ab stract jf>rinciples; what they want are privileges. Each class or group is trying to get something and evpects the Federal government to give it to them. They do not bother as to where the money is to come from; they want it and want it right now. If the'process of evolution of government continues for the next century, as it has for a hundred years |)jt, everybody in the United States willy either be working for the government or will be eating out of a governmental spoon. In fact this arrangement weuld be much fairer than for half of the population to be receiving the benefits and the other half work ing like blazes to furnish them. Half way socialism U worse than the real thing. If the people want ixc'alism they have a right to have that sort of gov ernment. They ought not to be kept in ignorance though as to what is happening. THE ENTERPRISE fit**! ft I * SKvmb fwt- Bj/flfc'l H SfVNKS OF "** IMVTO> fcrwts about veKft m iwTmsr I gewoug m T\N\fc S£sV)\fctt> fOdTKE I f\HM4CV*V. Vfc^&- IL-S=- Att«tk%oU-* ( ""N. *' * > ' g ' C^r ' F]|j I JIPIIP^ uj*S«r/ iyfcrj i®l w inma I EPSft I I •** HwnvE / * cw>tt mk IP &|||t *CTUWS TOwefcifr ALCOHOL N Jf /fMII . -mt vkh\OO4 ♦4 TME \M\OEW CMU>\Wtft£ • 6V IAWO . NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin istrator of the estate of James Edwin Harrell, deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons holding claims against saiil estate to present them to the un dersigned for payment on or before 'the 22nd day of August, 1933, or this notice will l»e pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This the 22nd day of August, 1932. VV. H. HARRELL, a3O 6tw Administrator. NOTICE North Carolina, Martitf County—ln the Superior Court. > The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, Plaintiff, vs. Roy Gurganus, Ad ministrator of Eli Gurganus, de ceased, Mrs. Bettie C. Gurganus, Sam Gurganus, Durward Gurganui, and Mrs. Mattie James. The defendants, Sam Gurganus, Dur.ward Gurganus and Mrs. Mattie James, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to foreclose a mortgage executed to the plaintiff by the defendants, Eli Gurganus and wife, llettin C. Gurganus, to sell cer tain lands located in. Williamston Township, Martin County, North Carolina, and described in said mortgage; the said defendants will further take notice that they are re quired to appear before the Clerk of Superior Court for Martin County at his office in Williamston. _N. C., within thirty (30) days from the date uf tlie service of summons, and ans wer the complaint now on file in said office. This 26th--day—©f- August, 1932. K. J. PEEL, Clerk, a-30 4tw Superior Court. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of salt contained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 26th day of August, 1920, by L. F. Waters and wife, Fannie Waters*- to the under signed trustee and of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book G-2 at page 5, > said deed of trust having been given for the pur pose of securing a note of even date and tenor therewith, default having been made in the payment of said not^an^a^here^ues^o^Jthe^Kjlde^ THE MARTIN COUNTY BURIAL ASSOCIATION, INC. Bonded Fidelity & Casualty Co. OF NEW YORK V "The Pioneer Bonding Company of the U. S." 25c TO JOIN 15c Assessment When a Member Dies This Association Furnishes: A Nice Casket, Hearse Service, and an Undertaker's Service, In cluding Clothing. Come in and ask for details. S. R. Biggs, Pres. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. WILLI AMSTON NOKTH CAROLINA ODD BUT TRUE of said note the endersigned trustee, will on Wednesday the 7th day of September, 1932, at, 12 o'clock M., in front of the courthouse door in Wil liamston, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to wk; ! • i Beginning at an oak stump Qn D wights Road, Harmon Gurkin's corner a straight course to the head of a bottom, to the said Dwight road, thence down said road to the begin ning, containing 30 acres," more or less, and being the same land deeded to L. F. Waters by Wheeler Martin, Trustee. This the 6th day of August, 1932. ELBERT S. PEEL, ag 16 4tw ' Trustee. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. In Superior Court. The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, Plaintiff, vs. A. Corey, Administra tor of L. E. Corey, A. Corey, D. W. Corey, W. R. Roebuck and wife, Dora Roebuck, Lenora Perkinson, Sallie Moore, J. G. Godard, and E. S. Peel, Trustee. The defendants, D. W. Corey, Le nora Perkinson, and Sallie Moore, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the su perior court of Martin County, North Carolina, to foreclose a,mortgage ex ecuted to the plaintiff by the defend ant, L. E. Corey, to sell certain lands located in Griffins Township and de scribed in said mortgage; the said de fendants will lurther take notice that they are reqirircd to appear before the t lerk Superior CiMirt for Mjrtin County at his office in Witliamston, N. C., within thirty (30) days from +h*>- date of the service ot wumuions and answer the Complaint now on file in said office. '!4H*-22nd day -4 August, 1932. K. J. PEEL. a 23 4tw . Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAND »tate of North Carolina, County of Xtmtin. The Federal Lr id Bank of Columbia, Plain-lit, v W. A. Vanderford and Wi.'e, I'-.ama Vanderford, Belle A. Harris, F. C. Harding, Trustee. J. T. barnhill and R. A. Bailey, trad ing as Bailey and Barnhill, and Ab ner Manufacturing Company, De fendants. Pursuant to a judgment entered in above entitled civil actty) ton the 15th day of August, 1932, in tile SuperkW" Court of said County Clerk, I will, on the 19th day orSeptember, 1932, at 12 o'clock M.. at {he County 'Courthouse door in said Qounty sell at public auction to the highest bidder therefor the following tlescijbed lands, situated in said county sn| state in Robersonville Township, Comprising 173 acres, more or less, and bounded and described as follows: All those certain tracts or parcels of lying in Robersonville Town ship, Martin County, North Carolina, containing 103.6 acres, 1-4 acre, and 70 acres. The 103.6 acre tract bound ed on the" north by the road from Gold Point to Hassells, bounded on the east by the lands of Mrs. Emma Everett and Mrs. Williams and the road from Gold Point to Robersonville. bounded Wake Up Your Liver Bile —Without Calomel_ And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rat-in* to Go 11 you feel sour and mink and the world looks punk, don't awallow a lot of salta, mineral water, oil, laxative randy or chewing gum and expect them to make you suddenly sweet and buoyant and full of sunshine. For they can't do it. They only move the bowels and a mere move ■Mct doesn't get at the cause. The reason for your down-and-out feeling is your liver. It should pour out two pound* of liquid bile into your bowels dailv "... while AUTUMN . . . nodding o'er the yellow plain, comes jovial on."—Thomason. A quotation that prompts us to ask—when the "Autumn" of your life rolls along, will it, too, be "jovial"? Will you be as happy as you are now... enjoying the fruits of your labor and thrift in earlier years? Wise spending, sane saving, a definite investment program. It is on those you must - . bank for contentment in old age. That's why friendship with this Bank is always an as set. Competent advice plus personal service are yours here for the asking. LET'S GET ACQUAINTED Branch' Banking & Trust Company WILLIAMSTON, N. C. . * - * 3 •** "THE SAFE EXECUTOR" SOUND BANKING AND TRUST SERVICE FOR EASTERN CAROLINA llliM ' Tuesday, September 6, 1932 |on the south by the lands ol R. I. I Taylor, and bounded on the west by j the lands of Mrs. Emma Everett and the Howell land. The 1-4 acre tract bounded on the north, east, and west by the lands of A. J. Wynn and on the south by the road leading from Gold Point to Has sell N. C. The 70 acre tract bounded on the north by the lands S. P. Briley and a swamp, on the east by the For rest land, on the south by the lands of A. J. Wynn and on the west by lot number four in the division of the lands of Abram Taylor. Said lands having such shapes, metes, courses, and distances as will more fully ap pear by reference to maps of same made by T. Jones Taylor, surveyor, on the 12th day of January, 1922, all of the aforesaid maps nosv being on file with the Federal I-and Bank of Columbia. The terms of sale are as follows: Cash. All bids will be received subject to rejection or confirmation by the clerk of said superior court and no bid will be accepted or reported unless its maker shall deposit with said Clerk at the close of the bidding the sum of two hundred fifty ($250.00) Dollars as a forfeit and guaranty of compli ance with his bid, the same to be cred ited on his bid when accepted. Notice is now givpn that said lands wll be resold at the same place and upon the same terms at 2 o'clock P. M. of the same day unless said de posit is sooner made. Every deposit not forfeited or ac cepted will be promptly returned to the. maker. This the 15th day of August, 1932. B. A. CRITCHER, al6 4tw Commissioner. DR. V. H. MEWBORN OPTOMETRIST Eyas Examined Glasaes Fitted Robersonville at Palmer's Drug Store, Tuesday after First and Third Sun days Each Month. WiUiamston at Davis Pharmacy, on Wednesday After First and Third Sundays Each Month. Plymouth at O'Henry Drug Btore, Thursday After First and Third Sun days Each Month. At Tarboro, N. C., Every Friday and | Saturday i ■you will be pleated with our high quality work' manship ... all work guar' an teed . . . we maintain a complete repair service . r".. no job is too difficult I H. D. Peel [I PEEL JEWELRY COMPANY If thk bIU la not flowing fmty. your foc4 doaan't digaat. It juat dmya In tba bowala. Qaa bloat* up your atoraacb. Yon hara a thick, bad taata and your braatK la (out, akin aftaa braaka out la Maaalabaa, JTour haaJ arbaa and you taal down and out. Your wl»j'a ayatam la poiaonad. Ittak. tboaa good old C ARTIES UTTUJ LIVKR FILLS to cat tbaaa two pounda of blla flowing fraaly and date yoa taal "up and up." Thay aoatala waadatM, karal.wa, ganUa *Salabla •itnurta, »ma ling wban It eaana ta Baking tba Ma flow fraaly. But don't ask for llvar pllla. Aak for Cartar'a UtUa Urar Mia. Look for tba nam a Cartar'a Uttla Llvar PBJa oa tba rad labal. Raaant • aubatituta. 18* at allatoraa. ©mi C. M.Ca.

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