Watch the Label On Your Paper Aa It Carries the Data Whan Your Subscription Expiree VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 60 LARGE QUANTITY SHELLS DUG UP AT FORT BRANCH Were Buried There During Civil War By The Confederates The importance of Fort Branch, one of the strongholds of the Confederacy in this section during the Civil War, was called' to the attention of a new generation this week when John W. Hines, \county game warden, exca vated a part of the old fort and found hundreds of shells. Weighing from 3 1-2 ounces to 54 pounds each, the shells and shot were in 14 sizes and types. Forced to abandon the fort, com monly known as Rainbow Banks, the Confederates buried the unused shells to keep them out of the hands of the Federals. Guided by information giv en him by his uncles, who served at the fort during the war, and by Noah Thompson* Mr. Hines started the ex cavation Wveral days ago, and is now Ittempting to recover several cannon believed to have been bureid or thrown down the high banks into the Roan oke River. The shells, now on display in The Enterprise window, are of peculiar size and make. One of them contain ed 239 canister shots weighing about an ounce each, one pound of powder and a number of grape shot. Lying in the ground all these years, the shells have rusted a bit, but the pow der it well preserved and will readily burn when lighted. "Located on the Roanoke River a few miles below Hamilton, the old fort is one of the interesting spots in the county, few people know that at that site a strong defense was ar ranged to protect towns upstream and mainly the. railroad bridge at Weldon. No Federal gunboats ever attempted to paas the stronghold, and no fight placo there, as far as it can be learned. WOMANS CLUB IN MEET THURSDAY School Man Urges Welfare Work Be Continued for Needy Children Speaking before the Woman's Club here yesterday afternoon, Principal William R. Watson, of the local schools, stressed the importance of continued welfare work among needy children of school age. There are many children out of school at the present time who are unable to at tend because they haven't the nece£ sary clothes, food, and books, it is understood. Mr. Watson called upon the club members to continue their work of last year and assist in return ing the children to school. The meeting was the first held by the club this season, and was well attended, the entire school faculty be ing present. Following a piano se lection played by Mrs. F.. A. Green, the social committee served refresh ment*. Rev. Mr. Mclnnis Will Preach Here Sunday Sunday, September 25, 1932: Church school at 9:45 a. m. Worship service and sermon at 11 a. m. Rev. W. D. Mclnnis, of Washing ton, N. C., wilt bring the message of the morning. Our church is indeed fortunate in having him with us. The public is invited to avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing him. Bear Grass Church school at 9:30 a. m. Worship service and sermoit at 7:45 p. w. Roberaon'a Chapel Church school at 4 p. m. On Thursday night a series of serv ices were begun at this point. A full house greeted the speaker, Rev. M. O. Sommers, of Clinton. Dr. E. C. Gillespie Will bring the messages on Friday and Saturday nights. The Rev. M..0. Sommers will return Monday night and continue with us through Saturday. The public it cordially in vited to make these services theirs. Two Arrested lor Stealing Tobacco Monday Night Several hundred pounds of tobacco belonging to F. U. Barnes and Wheel er Gardner were stolen from a pack house on the Mary Cherry farm near here one night early this week. The tobacco had been graded and was ready for market when the thieves hauled it away. Charlie Ben McKeel and Lee Gard ner, young white boyi, were arrest ed yesterday and formally charged with the theft at a hearing held by Justice J. L. Hassell this morning. if« Keel is said to have admitted his part in the theft and implicated the young Gardner boy. They were re leased under S3OO bonds. The trials will be held in the next term of court. THE ENTERPRISE This Year's Cotton Crop One of Earliest And now come* another crop record for this county. Tobacco is late this year, but it has been late in past years. But cotton, why that crop is reliably report ed to be the earliest this year than it has been at any time since the crop was first produced in the' county years and years ago. Pres ent indications are that at least 90 per cent of die crop will have been picked before the first of neat month. December and even Jan uary are known to have passed before all the crop war picked in the county during certain years gone by, And while the acreage planted Caring for Needy Tremendous Task [ TO ADVERTISE ~^j The time for advertising delin quent tax liata in county and town ia fast approaching, and Saturday of next week the office of the col lector will start preparing the lists for publication. Property owners are rapidly set tling their acoovnta, and it ia be lieved the delinquent liat will hard ly be aa large aa they were last falL Pinal noticea have been for warded to all property owners who have failed to pay their 1931 taxes warning them that action would be atarted the first of Oc tober. No further postponement of the tax sale ia poaaible under the law. JUDGE MIDYETTE DIES SUDDENLY Attend Local Schools and Worked Here During Early Manhood Garland E. Midyette, superior court judge of Jackson, Northampton County, died suddenly in an Eliza beth City hotel Tuesday afternoon from an acute dilation of the heart. Judge Midyette, presiding over a term of civil court in Pasquotank County, ordered a recess shortly after 4 p. m. Court ordinarily does not re cess until 6 p. m., and Judge Midyette told attorneys he was "not feeling well." He retired to his hotel room and telephoned his. brother-iiklaw, Dr. C. B. Williams, of Elizabeth City, to come to see him. Dr. Williams went and the two sat down for a chat together "I have been holding court for eight years now," Judge Midyette said to his brother-in-law, "and this is the first time I have ever had to] order adjournment on account j of not feeling well." They were the last words he spoke. Hardly had he finished the sentence before he toppled over dead. It waa 5:30 p. m. When only 14 years of age, Judge Midyette and his sister came to Wil liamston to live with their brother, the late D. D. Simmons. He attend ed school here and later kept books for Gurganus and Staton for several years. He left here for college where he studied law. After completing his course and successfully passing the State bar examination, he located in Jackson. The jurist is well remembered here by many of the older residents both as industrious- citizen and an able judge. Funeral service, were conducted in' Jackson yesterday afternoon. ♦ Schedule of Services at Local Methodist Church C. T. Rogers, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Preaching, 11 a. m. No services at night. Epworth league, Monday, 7:30 p.m. Good attendance helps both the preacher and people. , It will help you physically and spiritually to at tend church regularly. Come and worship with us Sunday morning. • To Start Series of Services at Piney Grove this Sunday Beginning Sunday night, Rev. W. A. Windham, of Greenville, will con duct a series of services in the Piney Grove Free Will Baptist church, it was announced this week by J. E. Ingalls, clerk. The public is invited. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, September 23, 1932 to the crop has been materially decreased because of the boll weevil, Martin farmers still have faith in old king cotton. Nearly all the growers in this county are said to be holding the crop for higher prices, one of the several ginners reporting in the county estimating that 90 per cent of the farmers are holding on to their staple in his immediate section. And there ii: surely an under lying cause f'r withholding the crop The e >rly season has made it possible for farmers to rush crops to the gins, reflecting errors in the estimates offered in con nection with the sise of the crop. ESTIMATED THIS COUNTY TO NEED AROUND $60,000.00 Local Relief Agencies File Reports Covering Work For the Past Year The serious situation surrounding the needy or unfortunate in this coun ty was well borne out in recent reports received here from the various charity and relief organizations functioning at Oak City, Robersonville, Everetts, Williamston, and Jamesville. The re ports, based on accurate records, in dicate that there will be around 771 families dependent upon the county or welfare organizations by next De cember, that the combined efforts of the county and several welfare agen cies will fall far. short in meeting the demands of the needy. Last year the county and welfare organizations spent approximately $14,930 to relieve actual suffering and aid the unfortunate. 'And it is be lieved that this county and its citi zens through the relief organizations did more to aid the unfortunates than many other sections did during the period. While there was a marked cooper ation in handling the work, a few were responsible for the burden, and it is believed that these few will be unable to cope with the serious situation con fronting th~e unfortunate of the coun ty this winter. In an effort to aid those who need aid, Superintendent of Welfare J. C. Manning this week appealed to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation for funds. Basing his, requests upon the reports received from the several welfare agencies, the welfare head estimates that $59,895 will be required to care for the needy in the county during the remainder of September and during the next three months. Of this amount, it is believed that coun ty, Red . Cross and volunteer relief agencies will raised approximately $8,815. The request fot' the Remain der has been directed 1 Jo th£ Recon struction Finance Corporation, but it is not known what proportion, if any, of the amount asked for will be grant ed. Requests for aid are going to the corporation from all parts of the state, but it is not known just how much aid will be offered in meeting the needs of school children, jobless, and the unfortunates in general. Relief work in this county h4s been virtually ignored by tome, but even then valuable assistance has been ren dered, and without hope for aid from the finance corporation the relief worlftrs believe it will be impossible to handle the situation this fall and winter. The report from this county was forwarded to the authorities in Ra leigh Tuesday of this week, and in £he meantime 'welfare workers are continuing doing everything they can to meet the demands of the unfortu nate. Five thousand yards of cloth have been shipped to the Red Cross chap ter at Jlobersonville for distribution there. Approximately 12,000 addi tional yards have been ordered by welfare heads here for distribution in all those centers not cared for by the Robersonville chapter. The Rober sonville shipment is due there any day, but it will be several days, or prob ably two weeks, before any cloth reaches here, it is believed. Assistance will be restricted, and those who fail to help themselves ■when it is possible for them to do so, will find it difficult to share in wel fare aid in the county this fall and winter. Just how long it will take the au thorities to pass upon the merits of the requests is not known. PROCEEDINGS IN MARTIN COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT $25,000 Damage Suit Will Reach Jury Sometime This Afternoon Completing'' the criminal docket Wednesday afternoon, the Martin County Superior Court started work on the criminal issues yesterday morn ing. There were comparatively few criminal cases handled Tuesday after noon and Wednesday, the court spend ing a greater part of Wednesday hear ing the case against three young boys said to have attempted to steal gasoline from the Salsbury Supply Company some time ago. _ Criminal proceedings entered on the docket Tuesday afternoon and Wed nesday include the following: Dave Melton was found not guilty in the case charging him with reck less driving. Dennis Barber, charged with secret assault, was found not guilty. A verdict of not guilty was returned by jury in the case charging Boyd Hight with operating an automobile while under the influence of whisky. Raleigh Roebuck pleaded guilty and J. D. Britton and Nathan Wynn were sfound guilty by jury in the case charg ing them with larceny and receiving. Judge Daniels had not passed sen tence at noon today, stating that he would withhold the judgment until he was ready to adjourn court for the week. The cases charging T. E. Hines and William Sutton with operating trucks with improper licenses and B. G. Hines with permitting the operation of trucks with improper licenses were nol prossed with leave. The case charging Leland Roberson and John E. Wells with arson was continued for a bill. Two judgments were granted in faVor of General Talking Pictures Cor poration against H. T. Highsmith in the sjim of $3,980.55, and one in the sum of $390.67 in favor of Archer Knitwear Company against Mrs, N. J. Rhodes. Starting the Edgar Johnson $25,000 damage suit against the lloffler-Boney Transfer Company, of Wallace, the court heard the first evidence at 10:30 yesterday morning after a jury was selected from a special venire. The case progressed slowly during the day and at noon today it was believed the case would reach the jury about 4 o'- clock this afternoon, there being some doubt expressed as to how long it would requir the body to return a verdict. Testimony in the rase was com pleted at 11 o'clock this morning, and the attorneys were given three hours to argue the case. The case is being hard fought by both sides. Rivers D. Johnson, state senator, is leading the defense action. Bishop Darst To Preach Here Sunday Morning i The Rt. Rev. Thomas C. Darst, bish op of the East Carolina Diocese, will preach in the Church of the Advent here Sunday morning at the 11 o'- clock hour, it was announced Ithis morning; The minister's talks are well re. ceived here, and it is expected that a goodly number of people in the com munity will attend-the service Sun day morning. The public is cordially invited to attend. There will be no evening service. Brief Report Is Made by Grand Jury This Week After completing its duties this week, the grand jury offered one of the shortest reports filed in court here in some time. But it was to the point. Foreman Green, representing the body saying, "We have examined the coun ty home, county jail, and offices and find them in excellent condition and also find the inmates in the county home and jail being well cared for." No recommendations were made by the jury, declared one of the youngest ever to serve in this county. HAS BEEN WORSE i / "We are having good time* now —compared with the times dur ing and immediately after the Civ il War," Mr. Mack Gurganua, 81- year-old Roberaonville Townahip resident, said while attending court here this week. "Our fath er and a brother were killed and a second brother lost an arm in the war, and we had it mighty hard back then," Mr. Gurganus said, declaring that even during this depression we are living far better than they did in the 1860*8. Mr. Gurganus, a native of Pitt County, is very active for his ad vanced afp, apparently en joyfd listening in on the proceed ings in die court here this wvek. 1,000 Applications for Work Will Be Given To Contractor J. R. ROBERTSON DIED AT HOME HERE THURSDAY Funeral This Afternoon at Late Home On West Main Street James R. Robertson, 72 years old, died at his home on East Main Street here yesterday afternoon at 1 :J0 o'- clock. For nearly seven years he was confined to his. bed, suffering greatly from rheumatism during all of that time. On his birthday, March 17, six years ago, he suffered an attack of double pneumonia, and time his condition gradually grew worse, the rheumatism and a complication of other diseases resulting in his death. The son of William H. and Mary Waters Roberson, he was born in Washington County on the Albemarle Sound, where he spent his childhood days. When a young man he moved here to make his home. He had suf fered with rheumatism for nearly 20 years, but was able to be up until he was stricken with pneumonia. •During his long illness, his cousin, Miss Nina Robertson, nursed him night and day. One brother, L. C. Robertson, and one sister, Mrs. R. P. Hawes, of Lanham, Md.; one nephew, James Upton, of California; and three nieces, Mrs. N. C. Green and Mrs. Charlie "James, of Williamston, and Mrs. H. C. James, of Fredericksburg, | Vlk, survive.- Funeral services are being conduct ed by Rev. C. T. Rogers at the home this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Inter ment will follow in the local ceme COUNTY MEDICAL MEN MEET HERE Elect New Officers For the Coming Year at Meet Held Wednesday A reorganization of the Martin County Medical Society was perfect ed here last Wednesday evening when all the doctors in the county met and elected officers and discussed various subjects in connection with the pro fession. Dr. J. E. Smithwick, of Jamesville, was made the society's new president, and Dr. Jesse Ward, of Robcrson ville, was named vice president of the organization. Dr. J. S. Rhodes was elected secretary and treasurer. An invitation wis extended the doc tors of Washington County to join the Martin County Society at the next meeting to be held here in December. Professor Hickman Will Preach for Baptists Here Prof. Hickman, principal of the Bear Grass School, will occupy the pulpit of the Baptist church Sunday morning. Professor Hickman is well known in this county and has spoken in this church before. The people are invited to the service. At the morning hour the pastor will ibe supplying for a Greenville pastor [who is ill, but will be back in the pul pit Sunday night for the 7:30 o'clock service. Kiwanians To Hold Guest Meeting Tuesday Night The members of the*local Kiwanis Club will please take notice that the next meeting of the club will be held next Tuesday night at 7 o'clock, in stad of the regular ..hour on Wednes day. This tenw>orary change in the time of mci ting\s announced because thi* will be a meeting, and will make it possible for more people to attend, and will give more time for the de liberations. '''Building Community Good Will'" will be the subject and each member is supposed to bring a guest. Former Local Minister To Locate at Biltmore Dr. William R. Burrell, formerly pastor of the Williamston Memorial Baptist church but for the past several years pastor of the Murfreesboro Baptist church and Bible teacher in Chowan College, has resigned his duties there and will move to Bilt more the first of next month, it was learned here this week. The minister is well and favorably remembered here, and« his mai)y friends wish him success in his new work. MILLION MARK With approximately 125,000 pounda of tobacco on the three warehouse floors here today, the market will have sold at the close of aales thia afternoon approxi mately one million pounds of the golden weed, it was unofficially learned at noon today. The aver age price so far is around 11 centa. Black tipa are dominating the sales today and are holding the price average down to around 10 cents and probably lower for the sales today. However, the prices remain about the same for the better grades. Very little die satisfaction has been reported on the market, and hundreds of far mers are being well pleased with their sales here daily. » TWO YOUNG MEN CHARGED WITH TOBACCO THEFT A. Hardison and Ellsworth Holliday Will Be Tried At Next Court Term A. J. Hardison and Ellsworth Hoi* lidays, two younir white boys, of Janiesvillc Township, were arrested this week and formally charged with the larceny of several hundred pounds of tobacco last Slinday night from Henry Modlin and George Cordon, farmers in that section. A hearing will be given the two young men be fore Justice of the Peace J. L. Has sell. Hardison, a young man of rec ognised good character, was released under a S2OO bond Wednesday after noOn for his appearance before the jus tice tomorrow. Holiiday, indirectly connected with the. alleged theft, is also out under bond. Starting work on the case shortly after the theft was reported, Sheriff Roebuck visited nearly every tobacco in the belt before he located the stolen weed in Washington, where it was sold for around SSO. Gradu ally he closed in tin the boys with his evidence, picking up young Hardison dbout 2 o'clock Tuesday morning as he was starting to for parts un known, Ol It is generally believed that bonds will be furnished tomorrow and that the case will be called at the Decem ber term of Martin Superior Court. Two Men Held for Forging Check on Local Warehouse Robert l.amb and Jesse Heavers, white men \VUson and I'itt Coun ties, are being n£ld iu-the Hertford County jail to await trial in the case charging them with.forging checks on the Roanoke-Dixie Warehouse here. They passed several of the checks on Ahoskie merchants, but were trapped by police there before any great losses developed. Large Crowds Attending Meeting at Rose of Sharon According to information received here this week, large crowds are at tending the series of services that are being conducted each night this week at th Rose of Sharon church, near Bear Grass. Rev. Willie Hart, of Snow Hill, is conducting the services, and there is a marked interest shown in the worship by the people of that section, it was stated. Gasoline Prices Undergo Marked Decrease Today "Gasoline prices dropped three and two-tenths cents on the gallon here this morning, the decrease being one of the largest known in years, C. A. Harrison, of the Harrison Oil Com-, pany, said this morning. The retail price stands now at 19.7 cents a gal lon. No cause supporting the sudden and sizeable decrease could *e learn ed here today* and it is thought the low price is only temporary. Whips Aged Mother for Not Preparing His Lunch Angered because bis 85-year-old mother had failed to prepare dinner for him, an up-county farmer is said to have beat her, leaving a few bruises on the aged woman's body. _ 4 lt was also learned that the woman had been standing at a tub all the morning han dling the family wash. The dastardly act has not been in troduced to the courts, it was said. Advertisers Will Pnd Our Cot urns a Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Homes ESTABLISHED 1898 PREFERENCE TO BE GIVEN VETS, HEADS FAMILIES Labor for Highway Will *Be Furnished by Martin and Halifax Counties Nearly 1,000 applications for work will be turned over to the Gregory- Chandler Company, contractors, when they start surfacing Hi K lnv ay Na 125.. it was learned here this week. World War veterans anil heads of large families will be given preference, ac cording to information coming from the State welfare department, Kalcigh. Approximately 500 of the applications forwarded here from Halifax County, the work on the road to be done .by labor from Halifax and Mar tin Counties. It was stated that the contractors would establish and maintain head quarters here, but it could not be learned when work on the road would be started. Ihe long list of applications filed with the superintendent of county welfare at his office here is being pre pared in alphabetical form and will be turned over to the contractors along with the list from Halifax County in accordance with instructions received from the State Welfare Department. Vccording to plans formulated by the State Highway Department and I'cderal Authorities, one* group of workers will be offered only three days employment each week and an other group will be on the job the other three days of the week. The wage scale, it i. understood, is 15 and 20 cents an hour. It is not known just how many men ilio comrsctorg will employ, but it is believed that after the work is started, nearly WO of the approximately 1,000 applicants will still be without jobs unless they get work elsewhere. Former Loci Boy Writes On Deep Sea Trawling The September issue of "The fish ing Gazette," the national news journ al of the commercial fisheries, pub lished in New York City, carried the announcement of the resumption of the scries of article written by Wil liam A. F.llisoir, jr., formerly of Wil lianiston, on deep sea trawling. A number of articles by the same au thor have appeared in previous edi tions. The announcement appeared under & picture of Mr. Fllison taken aboard "The Kingfisher," a large trawler operating in the north Atlan tic. The Atlantic ('oast Fisheries Co. for whom he has done biological work since leaving Yale University several years ago, has had him searching rec ords in the Patent Office at Washing ton City this summer drying to estab lish the infringement of rights to a patent by another company. For the past year he and Mrs. Ellison have made their, home in New York City, but recently returned to New London, Conn., where he has a laboratory. His duties take him to sea for two weeks of each month. Regular Services at The Local Christian Church .The following services will be held in , the local > Christian church Sun day: '■ ' , Sunday school at 9:45 a 111. Preaching at 11 a. m. 9ndT:3o p. m by tjie pastor. A hearty welcome awaits you and an invitation is extended to all who will to attend these services. Announce Curb Market Prices' For Tomorrow A partial list of prices for the curl) market follows for this vveke: Eggs, 23c doz.; string beans, 3c lb.; cfirn, 13c doz.; cucumbers, 3c each; tomatoes, 3c lb.; salad, 5c lb.; cab bage, 2c lb.; peppers, 7c doz.; sweet potatoes, 2c lb.; onions, 3c lb.; peaches Sc lb.; apples, 3c lb.; grapes, 2c lb.; carrots, 3c bunch; turnips, 3c bunch; and irish potatoes, 1 i-2c lb.. Caswell Sheriff's Office Raided; Liquor Is St6len •. Danville, Va.—Sheriff Yancey wood, of Casewll County, is looking for a thief >vho broke into his office at Yanceyville, N. C. f the other night, stole his best-looking pistol and S gal lons of liquor. The liquor was evidence which was being held pending disposition of a seizure case. The thief used a crow-bar on the window and did not molest the cash register in which was a small sum of money nor the small iron safe.

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