Watch the Label On Tour Paper Aa It Carrie* the Date When Your Subscription Expiree VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 63 HENRY BOURNE LEGION MEETING IS SPEAKER AT Large Number of Veterans Enjoy Barbecue Feast Here Last Night The John W. Hassell post of the American Legion entertained its mem bers and guests with a big barbecue at its club rooms last evening, at which time 50 men were present. This was their regular meeting time with an extra program added. And when the group of men filed into the big hall for "mess," it sounded like old times "over there" to hear them taking up, again, the old Army ques tion, "When do we eat?" The meeting was presided over by State Senator Elbert S. Peel. And in his usual line manner, he presented the speaker of the evening, Henry C. Bourne, of Tarboro, former State com mander of the Legion. Mi;. Bourne spake directly about the mission of the American I.egion in the nation today, and gave a clear exposition of its platform. He laud ed it as one of the livest organizations on the continent today, and advised that there was too small a proportion of available men in the organization. Martin County has a membership of no more than 50 out of a possible 400. While North Carolina as a whole has only a small percentage of its serv ice mtn enrolled in the organization. A feature of this meeting was the presentation to the local organization of a beautiful American Bag which had been given the organization by Misses Clyde Hassell and Hattie Thrower. When in 1925 this post was first organized, it was decided to name it in honor of the first Martin County man to die at the front. That man was John W. Hassell, whose sis ter, Miss Clyde, felt that the club should possess the flag which draped his body when he was sent back home. The flag was presented by Rev. Charles H. Dickey, chaplain, and was accepted on behalf of the orKanization by Elbert S. Peel, commander.- At this meeting a beautiful trophy which this club had won at the recent state convention in Asheville, was on display. This post had secured a larg er percentage of membership in class D than any post in the state. Plans were set up towards keeping this cup in the post. The meeting was adjourned after a rising vote had been taken tendering the thanks of the group to Misses Hassell and Thrower; and after due appreciation was voiced to Messrs. T. H. Wynn and J. F. Jordan for their donation of two fine pigs for the barbecue. Several new members were enrolled at the meeting. > TOBACCO STILL IS BEING CURED Estimated More Thon One- Fourth of Crop Has Been Marketed A few Martin County farmers are now just about completing curing their 1932 tobacco crop, the season having been one of the longest experienced in this county in years. It is only now and then that a bright burning fire can be seen along the roadside, curing the last of the late crop. Hardly more than one-half a normal crop was grown in the county this season, many farmers stating that they would hardly receive as much money as they did last year, despite the price increase, explaining that their crop was decreased by more than 50 per cent. It it estimated that one-fourth or probably more of the 1932 crop has already been marketed. Tom Crockett Gets Sand Spur in Throat, Friday Tom Crockett, young" son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Crockett, was pain fully hurt when he sucked a sand spur into his throat last Friday. The young boy was playing football when the spur stuck to the ball, and he used his teeth to extract it. In some way the sandspur went into his windpipe, making it necessary for him to visit a specialist in Kinston. The opera tion was successful, and the young boy is getting along all right. His mother, while visiting him in the Kinston hospital, was taken sud denly ill with a serious headache and her condition was considered grave at one time, but she, too, is getting along all right now. County Represented at Democratic Meet Today Miss Hattic Throwtr, of this place, and Mrs. Vernon A, Ward, of Rob- ersonville, were among those repre senting Martin County at a First District Democratic campaign meet ing at Bayview today. THE ENTERPRISE Lauds Officer f Burlesque o Many local people were more or lew shocked last Saturday when an advertising monstrosity, sent out by a foreign warehouse, park ed on the streets here, one citizen offerihg the following comments: "M«iy and various things are to be seen in Williamston, some lo cal and others just passing through. ; But a certain foreign warehouse must be given the prise for the only specimen of burlesque advertising ever witnessed in this live-wire town. An old truck filled with a group of disreputable appearing negroes, was parked in the fashionable trade section of Main Street Saturday afternoon, and a rattletrap piano, several horns and evidently tin pans were Churches Required To Pay Assessments I REGISTRATION V Registration books for the gen eral election, November 8, will be opened in this county next Satur day morning at 9 o'clock, it was announced yesterday by Mr. Syl vester Peel, chairman of the Mar tin County Board of Election* The books will remain open through the 29th of this month, when they will be closed until the following Saturday, at which time challenges will be in order. Mr. Peel will deliver the books to, the 12 precinct registrars in the county tomorrow. No heavy registration is looked for during the period, as many ntyr names were added to the list just prior to the June primary. 8 LICENSES TO MARRY ISSUED License Bureau Stock in the County Shows Strength As Fall Approaches Sixteen brave souls challenged the depression, procured licenses at the marriage bureau in this county last month and made the leap into wed lock for better or for worse. Issuing eight licenses, four to white couples and four to negroes, J, Sam Getsinger, register of deeds, is of the opinion that business is on the upgrade, the bureau having apparently hit the low back in April when only five licenses were sold in the county. Activities at the bureau have been similar to those reported on the stock market during the past months. Fallihg from 24 in January of this year, the number reached bottom in A|>rit with a slow but steady recovery since that time. Licenses were issued to the follow ing in Septembr: Whit Roy Mary and Berta Bell Pritchett, both of Martin County. William Marshall Heach and Anna Fae Whitfield, both of Martin. Henry Leamon Wynne and Lillie Mae Vick, of Martin County. Keubin Bunting and Lizzie Bland, both of this county. Colored Isaac Austin and Lizzie Rodgers, both of Martin. Ivory Griffin and Bessie Reddick, of Martin County. William Jesse Little, of Pitt Coun ty, and Vivian Chance, of Martin. -* William Elmer Brown and Joe Ella Williams, both of Martin County. SWEET POTATO CROP IS SHORT Johnnie Savage Grows A Sweet Potato Weighing Almost Five Pounds Johnnie Savage, farmer living near here on R. F. D. 5, is believed to have established a new record as a potato grower in this section. Mr. Savage dug a potato last Saturday weighing nearly 5 pounds. While he does not grow the sweets on a commercial scale, Mr. Savage generally always harvests a sufficient quantity to care for his home needs. According to him, the crop is un usually short this year, and it is not believed that more than one-third of a normal will be harvested in Martin County this season. The vines are dying as a result of dry weather, and although the vines have a large growth, the potatoes be low are numbered a few to the hill. Digging will be underway within the next week or two. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, October 4, 1932 used to make a noise. Placards told how one could get the high price at this particular warehouse, and a white man stood in the midst thereof. No permission had been granted for the aggregation * to block the street, and Chief W. B. Daniel ordered the advertising monstrosity to move on and out. That kind of advertising is dis gusting to the people of William ston—or any other town, as for that, and Chief Daniels' alertness in moving it is to be commended. If out-of-town advertisers desire publicity, the best country week ly in the state, published here, will gladly give them space at a reasonable rate." "CITIZEN." DECISION MADE AT BOARD MEET MONDAY NIGHT No Legal Steps Will Be Taken to Force Pay ment, Board Rules In regular meeting held here last night, the town or dered that the several churchs of the town be held responsible for the pay ment of paving assessments, the ac tion coming as a climax to the argu ment made by church people for ex emption of churCh property. How ever, the board ordered that the names of the delinquent churches be left out of the advertising list scheduled to ap pear within the next few days, indicat ing that no proceedings will be start ed, the church doors to saints and sinners here. The church paving assessment ques» tion has been aired in church,, political and legislative circles for some time, and the exemption would probably have been granted had it been possible to do so without effecting an increase in the general tax rate. A paper pe titioning the town to pa,ve the streets was signed by the church people, and soon after the installments carne due another paper was signed petitioning the town to exempt the church prop erty from assessment payments. The State legislature passed an act em powering the commissioners to exact payment or grant relief, but no final action was taken until last night by the local body. The church paving assessment ques tion was settled only after a long dis cussion of the tax situation in the town, a situation that might become serious. Advertising and sale of the delinquent list--were-«rde*d', and col lectors were instructed to make con certed drives for tax money during the ne\t few days. Town taxes on the Pickwick Pool Parlor were reduced from SIOO to SSO a year. Permission to hold dances was granted to Sudan Temple and Henry Everett, colored. 681 DEATHS FROM AUTO ACCIDENTS More Than 2,000 Others Injured in North State Last Year Do you know how many people are killed yearly as a result of automobile accidents in North Corolina? Statistics made public recently show that there were 681 deaths in shis statfe. Fif||y-two arermtrfedwn 1931 from automobile accidents in this state. Fifty-two are reported as the result of collision with railroads trains. The mortality rate from automobile accidents was 21 4 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, against the national av erage of 26.4 deaths per 100,000 in habitants. . There is a lot of reckless driving in North Carolina. In addition to the 681 killed last year, there were more than 2,000 reported injured. Leads Rattlesnakes Around On Straing Goldsboro.—Three live rattlesnakes led by a .10-year-old negro boy were seen by Raymond Hart, traveling sales man, who passed them 20 miles east of New Bern. George War, Goldsboro salesman, also vouches for the fact that the negro came up to the road leading alive the 4-foot rattlers by a string. The rattlesnakes would c&il, prepar ing to' strike, and the negro would jerk the string, breaking the coil and preventing the strike. NO ACTION YET ON APPLICATION FOR RELIEF FUND —•— Welfare Agencies Continue Their Work to the Best Advantage Possible Going to much trouble and some expense to fill out blanks, local and county welfare workers have heard nothing from the application, directed to the Reconstruction Finance Cor poration, asking for approximately SSO 000 with which to carry on a sched uled relief program in Martin County. The Reconstruction Finance Cor j poration, or "R. C. F."—Republican j Campaign Fund—was too late in shoul dering the relief task in this county during September, and there is some doubt a* whether it will turn liberal in time to do any good this month or next or the next. In the meantime, local agencies are doing the best they can—handing out old clothes here and there and trusting in the Almighty., The latest information offered in connection with the R. F. C. and its belief program in this Sitate is as follows: "Dr. Frt-d W. Morrison, director of relic! in North Carolina, is not ready to s*y what amount North Carolina will get in the first draft on the relief fund, and indicated his impatience with the scribes who undertake to guess what will be sent. There may be people in the world the first allocation to North Carolina, who know how much is to come in hut if they do know Or. Morrison has them handsomely trained to appear simple-minded. The needs of the *tate are very considerably greater than had been at first anticipated. The failure of food crops has a good deal to do with it. "Dr. Morrison spent much of last week in Washington. He was boil ing mad at the stories that went out about the fund. But he has not said more than that the authors of these articles knew not whereof they writ. He is accustomed to reading a good deal of that stuff about other people's b . ut has not l,a «l to contend wTtTi ittJiim'jfelf. ~ * "It apparently is a well-known fact that none of the money has been this far received. The governor of the state is the man through whom the money is to be turned over to the state and the state agencies for relief will disburse it. But they do not say what amount it is. ASKS PUBLIC AID IN CURBING BAD DRIVING OF CARS Head of Highway Patrol Urges Violations Be Reported In spite of the thousands of warn ings issued and hundreds of arrests made by highway patrolmen for reck less driving and especially for passing other cars on hills aud curves this vi olation continues to he one of the most frequent of all violations, according to Captain Charles I). Farmer, of the Highway Patrol. As a result of this tendency on the part of many drivers to continue to pass other cars on hills and curves, patrolmen have been in structed to be more severt than ever before with these violators. "The highway patrol would also ap preciate it if the public generally would cooperote with us in curbing this violation as well as others, and report to us any violations noticed," Captain Farmer said "If other driv ers will only report to us the license numbers of cars noted passing on hills or curves or violating the law in any manner and give us the approximate J location, time of day, and dale, we .will send warnings to these drivers. | Or if the witness or witnesses are will ling to appear against these drivers and testify, we will arrest them. ' "However, it , will be T»f-great as sistance to us if . those who see viola tions from time to time will merely report them to us for warnings only. Such reports do not necessarily need to be signed, although we would pre fer to have them signed, of course. All names will, of course, be held con fidential. In this manner, we will be able to warn careless drivers and cite specific cases of violations to them. Often it is only necessary to warn a careless driver to get him to drive more carefully. Very few drivers are deliberately careless or rtckless, al though there are some." Martin Defendants Will Learn Fate Tomorrow While several cases charging Mar tin County people with violating the liquor laws, were heard in the federal court at Washington yesterday, Judge 1. M. Meekins withheld sentence in nearly all of them. The defendants were ordered to return tomorrow at 2:30 o'elock when the defendants will learn their fate, it was learned here today. V. E. & P. Co. Opened New District Office Here Monday COUNTY BOARD HOLDSREGULAR MEET MONDAY Session Is One of Shortest Held by Commissioners In Several Months Other than the selection of a jury for the November term of Martin County Superior Court and the han dling of routine duties, the regular monthly meeting of the county com missioners here yesterday was one of little activity. The appeals for aid aiul requests for tax relief were fewer than in many months, Mr. J, Sam Getsinger, clerk to the board, declared following the meeting. Business was complete early in the afternoon, and the conynmissioners adjourned after one of the shortest sessions held this year. Catherine Willis, colored, of Jantes ville Township, was allowed $2 a month, account of indigent fund. Henry Baker, colored, of William ston Township, had his name added to the county poor list and is to re ceive $1.50 monthly . J. R. Bunting, Hamilton Township, was relieved of the payment of $2.75 poll tax listed against him through error in that district? The $.! monthly allowance made to Gibb Whitley was increased to s>. HEALTH REPORT FOR PAST MONTH Slight Increase Reported in Number of Typhoid Cases in Courity Four cases of contagious 'diseases were reported in the county during The month .nf Sep tcwh»iy-at.cur ding .to information coming from the office of the county health officer, Dr. J. H. Saunders, this week. Two typhoid fever cases and one case of diphtheria were reported a mong colored people in Robersonville Township, and one whooping cough case among white people in William ston Township. While the number of typhoid cases continues very small, there lias been an inprease in the disease victims tlris year over last year There were six teen cases'of typhoid reported during the first nine months of thjs year. A campaign against the disease has been planned for next summer, the present increase in the number of typhoid i.iss indicating the iiecessiTy oPTTie prevention drive. The last county kwide campaign was conducted in the summer of 1930. Residents in those communities where the disease has re cntly hi»«n fgpnrtfH «r> »ni/l to have guarded against typhoid by tak ing -the vaccine, and many other have taken precautionary measures off and on during the year. , WAREHOUSE IS ROBBED OF S6BO Unable To Establish Clue Bold Theft on Roberson ville Tobacco Market Making out his* own bills and pre senting them for payment, a thief stole S6BO from the Central Ware house, Kobersonville, last Friday. No clue has been established that will lead to an arrest of the guilty party or parties. According to information received here, the thief slipped a few blank sales bills from the warehouse and prepared his own figures, including the number of pounds and price. He presented the bills, received the checks and later cashe^them. A similar theft was reported by a New Bern warehouse, the proprietors there losing around SSOO. Oyster Season In State Opened First of Month Raleigh.—Piping hot stews, crisply fried, or raw oysters from' North Car olina grounds will be on the menu of the state IS days earlier than the schcd uled opening of the season this year as a result of recent action by Ford S. Worthy, chairman of the commit tee on commercial fisheries of the Board of Conservation and Develop ment, and Captain John A. Nelson, fisheries commissioner. Originally scheduled to open on Oc tober 15, the Tar Heel oyster season began October 1 under authority of the Conservation Board as exercised through the two fisheries officials at the request of oyttermen. Oyster sea sons in > number of other states open ed earlier. LEAF MARKET j v 1 Selling 105,000 pounds of to bacco for an vaerage of $11.26 per hundred pounds, the local tobacco market had one of its best sales of the season yesterday. Farmers were very well pleased with their sales, and a goodly number of market boosters were gained by local warehousemen. Sales were unusually light to day %ith the price average remain ing about the same as it was yes terday. Peanut digging is under way in this section now, and no heavy sales are looked for during the next few days, warehousemen said this morning. Following the gale yesterday, Mr. E. P. Cunningham, local far mer said, "I am telling the world there is no better tobacco market in the State than the one here." DRAW JURY FOR SUPERIOR COURT Two Weeks Civil Term To Convene Third Monday Of Next Month Jurors were selected this week by the county commissioners to serve during the November term of Martin County Superior Court. Only civil cases will be during the two weeks term No judge has been as signed to conduct the court as far as it could be learned this week. Citizens selected-; First Week Jamesville Township: H. H.j'Holli day, 11. G. Griffin, R li. llolliday. Griffins: William Kufus Hanlison, R. 11 Peel, Simon Lilies, Miles K. > jljev. ' - Hear (irass: Claude Whitehurst. Williamston: 1.. II (itirganus, J. !•'. Thigpen. ' f Robersonville: Charlie-Evans, K. L. Cochran, W. U Abbott. llamihon: L. R, Everett, K. h". Ever ett. | Goose Nest: J. T. Bennett, F. M. Price. Second Week Jamesville: W. C. Sexton, 11. H. Uarher, C. 11. Ange, 11. 1.. Davis. Griffins: Geo. W. HodgtjS, \V. G. Ilurdison. J. W. VV'aU-v, jr., .Jes sup Harrison, W. 11. Gurkin, J. R. Everett. Biggs. Robersonville: P. N. Arlington, I" F. Cox, Joe B. Everett. Hamilton: William G, I lines. Goos-e Nest: J. P. Faithful, B. A. Moj'C. IMPROVEMENT IN BUSINESS IS SEEN H ' ■ - Increases in Special Lines Are More Than Mere Seasonal Rise Richmond Reports of •*'fulinite im provement in nearly -all of bus iness" in the ( arolinas in August were released recently by the Fifth District Federal Reserve Bank here in its dis trict summary for August and Sep tember. "Although*there was no marked in crease ill the total volume 'of business transacted in tlfe Fifth Federal Re serve District in August, some sea sonal increases in special lines were noted, and several barometers of trade jihow more than aim-re seasonal rise," the summary said "Definite improvement in hearty all classes of business is reported from the where cotton and to bacco play a more prominent part than in other sections." Continuing, the summary saifl "the textile situation improved ryore than any other industry last month." "Higher cotton prices as a result of a much smaller crop than in recent years" stimulated buying of textiles quite materially it was noted, and cot ton consumption increased "more than seasonally in August.". Mills took on more employees and orders were received in August "in sufficient volume to run the mills for several' weeks." Retail trade, "as reflected in depart ment stores, in spile of very unfavor able weather for early fall trade, was up to seasonal level and wholesale trade showed seasonal gains in all lines for which data are available. "In agriculture," the report says, "the outstanding developments la?t month were rises in cotton and to bacco prices." Advertiser! Will Fnd Oar Col nm» a Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Home* ESTABLISHED 1898 FORCE IS" MADE WELCOME BY LOCAL PEOPLE Eighteen Men Enter Upon Duties with Company Here Yesterday The Virginia Electric and Power t ompany formally opened its newly created district office here yesterday morning when 18 very promising I young men reported at the company's I ullrueti w building >n Main Street 'to I enter upon their regularly assigned duties. Headed by Mr. Kay H. Good mofi, district manager, the office per sonnel is fast acquainting itself with the new surrounding and the people [of the town and community. Charac teristic of, the personnel of the com pany throughout the V irginia and C ar olina districts, the younp men locat ing here are picked then and would add to any town's Citizenry, William stoti and its -people are 100 per cent behind a warm welcome to these young men and their families. A hearty cooperation is assured them in their eyery undertaking by local people. And the employees and their fam ilies are cordially reminded that so long as they hang their hats here, it is then tow n, where, we are sure, cordial relationship* lin business, re ligious, fraternal, social, ami political .circles, too, will be established and increased as time passes on. (Jut new citizens and their home addresses: . Mr. and Mrs. Kay II Goo4jifon and sou, Kay, jr., I'ar Heel Apartments. Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Odum and lit tle son, I'ar Heel Apartments. Mi. and Mrs K. 1). Worrell, I'ar Heel Apartments Mr. \\ . k Andcrtun, at home with the t'. .(I Crocketts. Mr. James 1, Harris and Mr. Frank Pit t+MiHt,--~Athmtir Hotel; Mr. Jack Downing; K. li. Crawford Apaftments. Mr. and Mrs. C. ('. Parker, K. B. I rawford Apartments. Messrs. W. A Teel, Tetter tun, K. A Simpkins, and (ilover, at home with the John W. Mannings. Mr. M. S. Moore, home on West Main Street. Mr and Mrs. W. C, Keid, at home with the VV. I .Mannings. Messrs. J. \V. Garris and M W. Khea, Carolina' Inn. T. A Gray; at home with the C)s borns, in the Simpson home. Harry llaruhill, home, West .Main Street. PLAN BIG DA¥- HERE ON 22ND >•"' ; . Arrangements Now Being Made for Derby and A Hoover Cart Parade Plans were fast nearing completion for staging a Martin County derby and Hoover cart parade, at the ' fair grounds here the 22nd of this i month, it was announced by Henry Johnson, rme of the promoters. Several horses have already been entered in the derby, and more en tries are expected within the next few days, it was said. Cash prizes, total lil1k $42.50, will be given the race winners, who will be required to ride their steeds bareback. I'nited States Senate nominee Rob ert l Reynolds and the Hon. J. C. B. Khrngbaus, Democratic nominee for governor, have bfen asked to speak aiid a big day is expected here on the 22nd. Accepts Position with the Standard Fertilizer Co. Mr Henry D, Harrison, for 15 years un employee fur the firm of Harrison Brothers and Company here, resigned this week to accept a position with the Standaid Fertilizer Company as salesman. Mr. Harrison, head of the local volunteer company, Has many friends throughout this section who wish him success in his new position. He will work in a part of Martin, Washington, and Tyrrell Counties, it is understood. Dish-washing Husband Makes Plea For a Job Raleigh.—Washington the dishes and tending the children proved the last straw for one young Raleigh hus band, a victim of the depression. He inserted the following classified advertisement in a local newspaper: "Young married man, tired of cook ing, washing dishes, and being .nurse to children, wants salaried job in Ra leigh «o wife can quit work and stay home where she belongs. Please give a man a chance."