PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by The ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. W. C. Manning SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year _ Six months OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY OM 12*0 One yw x.OO No Subscription Received for Lew Than 6 Month* Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office m VViUumston N . L as second-class matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. '• Address an communications to The En ' e [P rls ® and not to the individual members of the farm. Tuesday, October 4, 1932 Easily Satisfied The greatest man in the world is the fellow who can knock a baseball the farthest in the minds of the American people. More people listen in on a game than on a gathering of kings, queens, pojx-s, and potentates. It isjust the thing that satisfies the folks in this country. We have no social need for scien tists, statesmen, or preachers. Good ball players sat isfy us. One Element Not Needed It is to be hoped that Governor Roosevelt is mak ing no overtures to Tammany. It will be too hard to please Tammany and help the people, too. If the East Side dive in N'ew York City wants a common grafter Ifke Jimmy Walker to rule over them we have no grounds for complaint. Hut let Jimmy Walker keep his hands out of decent politics, or he will defile them and sell then) out. Shouse's New Attitude Jouett Shouse, who was largely in charge of the Democratic party during.the past four years, is now dsing his oftfa'as president of the Association Against the Prohibitkin Amendment in trying to defeat Wil liam Gibbs McAdoo for the United States- Senate in California, and is making an effort to deliver the wet Democratic vote to the Republican candidate, Tal lant Tubbs. Nobody has ever, suspected Mr. Shouse of having any political principles that were higher than a liquor jug. We wonder if he will be read out of the demo cratic party or will he be permitted to desecrate it in drunkenness. A Privilege All Are Entitled To The Socialist Party will have electors on the na tional ballot in this slate in November, as the party succeeded in getting a petition signed by more than 10,000 voters There is no reason why they should not be entitled ■to-have, their-electors printed- on 4lie ballot, since there are a fairly good number of people in the state who vote that ticket, and they should have a free chance to vote as they wish in this democratic state. No democracy has the right to crowd out a minority, and if they dp the minority may grow to be the ma jority party some day. Sunday Baseball Sunday baseball needs to be classified. There are people who can see no harm in the Sun day Ha§eball Yet, when its full effects are honestly analyzed, we can see no reason why Chris tian people should not look upon it with pity, and people generally frown down on it with contempt. It is generally promoted by people for financial reasons, and patronized by an unsuspecting and thoughtless public. It is one of the many agencies which is helping to remove man from the foundation of respect for the higher things in life. It is in direct violation to Christian principles. It detracts from the time that should be spent in worship service and takes the fruits of our labors, leaving nothing for the weary and the needy. It simply means that we are putting all we have into worldly pleasures, and neglecting the things that carry us higher up in the scale of living. Money-making sharks are putting out advertising for Sunday games. They know hu manity only too well. They know the world rushes on at any cost and with no thought of the future. The reason Sunday baseball is wrong is because it help to destroy the serving of more important things. Should Be Settled When Japan attacked China in Manchuria gome time back, everybody knew her only purpose was theft. Now it turns out that the claims title to Man churia. „ ' Of course, the world should not go to war, yet Ja pan should be treated m aa outlaw and forced to surrender all claims to Chinae territory. Like all other controversies, it shoald be settled soon. Candidate Roosevelt made a good point in his De troit speech when he pleaded for social justicj. He was, in the city that has created more wealth in a short time than any other city in the world of its sire—but which now has more hungry, dependent people than any other city of its sire. The wealth was created by high wages paid men and high prices for materials to produce something that was sold and drew money from ail corners of the earth. When all the substance these corners had was drawn away and they could not longer buy, then De troit suffered. They had nothing to do. The same rule applies to practically every other kind of business. The world has sold goods too high. The buyers did not get value received, and now the only thing we have to remind us of our trade is the past-due note staring us in the face. We need a new order, and a better business system in individual businesses. Josephus Daniels' Tribute to F.J)* Austin (Texas) American." Josephus Daniels has been one of the outstanding leaders and'editors of North Carolina for 40 years. He has attended every national convention of the Democratic party since the crown of thorns and cross of gold speech of Bryart in 1896. He was an adviser and right-hand man of Woodrow Wilson for eight years. He was the Secretary of the Navy who made history in the dark days of the World War. He con tributes to the current number of the Saturday Eve ning I'ost a remarkable story of the life and public services of Franklin D. Roosevelt. . It is really the best contribution to the Democratic cause that has appeared since the nomination of Roosevelt by the Chicago convention. It should be read by all Demo crats as well as all voters of independent minds. It is worth while from forelines to finish. It tells the story of the protection of the naval oil reserves by outstanding personages and the looting of the oil re serve after Woodrow Wilson had been retired to pri vate life. It tells of Roosevelt, the man of sterling qualities, high American patriotism, and his love for justice for all men, his sincere sympathy for those who need a helping hand, and his ideals and policies of government from his entrance into public service until the present hour. Incidentally, there is a tribute to Senator Thomas J. Walsh, of Montana, who trailed the looters to their liiir, who forced them to disgorge, and who was instrumental in sending Albert B. Fall to the jK'nitentiary for his crimes against the Ameri can people. Josephus Daniels is one of the outstand ing leaders of America. He is one of the outstanding Democratic regulars of the South. He is a man of the people. He worked his way from a printer's devil to a high pinnacle and his record as a public servant has never been surpassed by any American who clas sified himself as a Democrat. A Purged Democracy Winston-Salem Jimrnal. "In my opinion the Democratic party must purge itself," says Editor Alfred E. Smith, in his first edi torial in The New Outlook. Maybe Editor Smith doesn't yet realiie it, but the Democratic party has already purged itself. The purging operation was performed at the Chicago con vention last summer. First, the Democratic party purged itself of John J. Raskob and all his works. . —■ —- Secondly, the Democratic party purged itself of Jouett Shouse, who has since demonstrated that he puts loyalty to the National Association Against Pro hibition above loyalty to the principles of the Demo cratic party. For proof, witness the fight of Shouse on California, and his vigorous support of the Republican candidate for the United States Senate in that State. Thirdly, the Democratic party purged itself of the special interests and corrupt big city political ma chines which backed Alfred E. Smith for the Presi dency against Franklin D. Roosevelt in the Chicago convention. Fourthly, the Democratic party purged itself of that element of Tammany Hall led byline James J. Walk er, belter known as Jimmy, when, it turned its back on Jimmy and Tammany and followed William G. McAdoo in his fight to control the Democratic Na tional Convention and the Democratic national or ganization. Because the Democratic party has thus purged it self of the type of leadership that has brought noth ing but disappointment and disaster to its hope of victory for the last 12 yearv the people of this coun try are rallying today as they have not rallied since Woodrow Wilson to the standard of the Democratic candidate for President. Editor Alfred E. Smith may not suspect it, but he is going to find that the Democratic party which will take over the government of the United States next March will be an entirely different Democratic party from that which he and Raskob sought to elevate to power in 1928. It is not a new party. It is an old party—very, very old. As old as Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson—as old as the principle of equal rights to all and special privileges to none. It is the ancient foe of the Bourbons and Tories. It is the party that al ways has remembered "the forgotten man," and it is not going to forget him now. When Mr. Smith proclaims that "the forgotten man is a myth, and the sooner he disappears from the cam paign the better it will be for the country," he mere ly demonstrates how completely he is out of step with the party of Jefferson, Jackson, and Wilson, and how tragically he has been blinded by the political philos ophy of Raskob and the other scions of plutocracy and special interests who backed him in his unsuccessful efforts to win the presidency. , Editor ; .75 PUBLISH ID KVKRV TUMDAY AMD FRIDAY Social Justice if t| n VHTVDDOtfiff WILLIAMftTON AN A, ANIAKRKIOFL NOWTH CAWOHNA - Bjr DWIG j THE LETTER-BOX BACK ON THE ROAD AGAIN It used to be said of a certain couplej of as they walked home from . Sunday night service, that they walk-| ed so slowly you had to watch the fence along the street to tell which way they were moving. Very much the satne reflection may be made about, business today. It is moving so slowly that it is hard to I tell whether we are going ahead or standing still, except by looking back to sec where we have come from. Looking back to June we can sec that commodity prices have advanced— cotton, tobacco, peanuts, hogs, dairy products, lead, tin, etc. Bond and stock prices are higher, bond issues are actually being oversubscribed.! The Qlusing .of banks is back to nor mal, some banks are reopening, dis tinctly better credit conditions pre-j vail, and a very noticeable improve ment in confidence has taken place. All of these things are small indica tions that the tide has turned, that business has rounded the .corner, and that we may buckle down to hard work again with the happy thought that while the return t> normal may be slow, it is nevertheless sure. W. H. GURKIN. THE TOBACCO CROP Mr. Editor: Well, I presume you found in the News and Observer a short article with my name signed to it, in refer ence to the next legislature of North Carolina cutting the warehouse j charges in half in North Carolina, and I told the boys to do some guessing on this proposition. Well, all right, let them go to it and do a little guessing as to why they want warehouse charges cut in Nojrth Carolina. Now, I am some what of a guesser myself, especially on the poundage in the bright belts, and I don't propose to take any back seat on my guess for the whole bright belt of Georgia. South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia, which is 310,- 000,000 for this year. Now comes a voice in one of the tobacco journals of recent issue, say ing unless prices almost triple this I _ V. E. P. Folks ————— We extend to you a very hearty welcome to our town and community. We are proud that you have se lected Williamston as the location for your district office. Your new store and office building is a credit to your company and to our town. When you are in need of hard ware, we would be glad to serve you. CULPEPPER HARDWARE CO. year compared with the 1931 level, cigarette tobacco will further decline. 1 wonder where this brother information. Also notice in another tobacco journal that a certain Wall Street broker that issues a yearly re view to the tobacco trade says over the past three years stocks of bright tobacco have mounted steadily. Now, pray tell me what this fellow is play ing for. Head President Carrington's report of the stocks of bright leaf to bacco on 'hand April 1, 1932. I have figured it out and on April 1, 1933, we will have exactly 45,000,000 pounds of bright tobacco to supply the world. The farmers are not interested in increasing their acreage at present prices, and they ar enot going to do it. They have had old man depres sion, young man depression throwed at them until they have no school books, no clothes, and they don't give which way the railroad runs or who is elected, for they have been promised relief so long. They are ready to raise hog, hominy, and fruit. As to the poor old warehouseman — he is fortunate enough this year to rent his warehouse cheap and hire his force cheap. If it wasn't for this, they would all go in the hole again, but as it is maybe they can make bread and meat. Do some more figurffig, boys, and at the same time don't forget the farmer will figure, too. W. T. MEADOWS. NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin- 1 istrator of the estate of James Edwin i llarrell, deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons holding claims against said estate ta. present them to the un dersigned for payment on or before the 22nd day of August, 1933, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All person* indebt ed to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This the 22nd day of August, 1932. W. H. HARRELL, a3O 6tw Administrator. CARLOAD OP PINE TENNESSEE Jersey milch cows for sale at Har rison Bros. Stables. Williamston, N. C. °4 4tp RESOLUTIONS OP RESPECT On September 16th, our sister and friend, Mrs. Mollie E. White, was called to her reward, and it is not for us to question why she was taken, but to bow in humble submission to His Will. When her spirit left this earth to dwell with the Heavenly Father, whom she loved so much, we lost one oi our most beloved mem bers. Whereas, be it resolved: That the members of the ladies aid society of the Williamston Christian church fully realize the loss of one who through many years has been a GREETINGS TO THE VIRGINIA ELECTRIC & POWER CO. AND EMPLOYEES It is needless for us to say the Watts Theatre is here for your pleasure. WE WELCOME YOU TO WILLIAMSTON! WATTS THEATRE —MM WE EXTEND OUR BIG HAND OF WELCOME TO OUR LItTLE TOWN and COMMUNITY Virginia Electric And Power Co. AND EVERY ONE OF ITS EMPLOYEES We are proud to have you in our midst, and hope you will quickly make our town your town. * ____ * * • grT # SALES AND SERVICE For Ford Automobiles and Parts, and All the Service Possible, Call 201 WILLIAMSTON MOTOR CO. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Tuesday, October 4,1932 spiritual light to its members in their association with her. That, as her friends we will keep her memory dear, and hold in high regard her life, of which it may be said that she was gentle in spirit, true in character, and a loyal friend. Her life was one in which the teachings of Jesus Christ were exemplified. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of our friends, a copy sent to the Enterprise, and one to the North Carolina Christian for publication. September 25, 1932. Respectfully submitted, Mrs. JOHN A. WARD. Mrs. C. B. ROEBUCK, Mrs. J. T. PRICE, It Committee \ ' For Investors-- Investor* Syndicate offer* Thrift Plans where an individual, or company, regardless of income, can adopt a systematic plan for accumulating money over a per iod of years. Investors Syndicate was founded in 1894 with resources of $2600. On July 31, 1932, resources ex cceded *49,000,000.00. More than 210,000 individuals and businesses now use Investors Syndicate Plans. The most common purposes of these are: Independence at SO, 55, or 60. Education of children. Home ownership. Means and leasure for travel.' Business expansion or reserve. Upon request (use coupon) In vestors Syndicate will be pleased to lend complete information to any person interested in a plan embodying the advantages of con tinuous and self-selected obliga tory thrift. Mail to Investors Syndicate, Box 251, Williamston, N. C. I am interested in • method ( whereby I can help myself to lay I aside a small part of my in come. Send me, without obli gation, full information about Investors Syndicate Plans. Name i • Address .