Watch the Label On Tour Piper As It Carries the Date Whan Your Subscription Expiree VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 64 BELOVED WOMAN OF BEAR GRASS COMMUNITY DIES Wife of Elder J. N. Roger son Buried There Last Tuesday Afternoon Mrs. John N. Rogerson, greatly be- j loved woman of the Bear Grass com munity, died at her home there last Monday noon at the age of 83 years. In declining health for some time, Mrs. Rogerson was able to be up and about her home until about two weeks ago when she was forceNto take her j bed. The end came gradually. The daughter of the late Dennis Peel and wife, #rs. Rogerson was born in Bear Grass Township, spend ing her entire life. About 60 years ago she was married to Elder Rog erson, and since that time she devot-1 ed herself to her home and family. She was a good neighbor and found much happiness in serving others and members of her family. Coming in contact with hundreds of people prominent in the Primitive Baptist faith, she was soon recognized as a friend to all, and even though she j served the church and its leaders she never joined any religious group. Only one son Amnion, Rogerson, of Bear Grass, survives, two others having died, Nathan about three years ago, and Javan, who died last Janu ary. She was the last member of her family, others having died a number -of years ago. A brother, J. S. Peel, died about eight years ago at the age of 13. . ■ Funeral services were conducted last Tuesday afternoon by Elder B. S. Cowin, and interment followed in i the family burial plot at the old home place. One of the largest crowds to attend a funeral in this county in a number of years was present for the last rites. PROCEEDINGS IN FEDERAL COURT .. -■ 9 Twenty-three Martin Men Sentenced by Judge I. M, Meekins Yesterday Pathetic scenes were reported in Federal court over in Washington yesterday, when Judge I. M. Meekins passed sentence on 23 Martin Coun ty people and a number of others from other counties in the district. While a few were given their free dom with strings on it, only one was released outright, the grand jury find ing no true bill against him. The disposition of the cases: Joseph 1). Pierce, on probation for 18. months; James Ramsey, a day in jail; Allen Smith, 2 days in jail; Har old E. Hopkins, a year and a- day at Chillicothe, Ohio; Grover Nicholson, a year, and a day at Atlanta; T. C. and GrWer Whitley, probation; John A. Griffin, 6 month* in jail and a SIOO fine; Golden Godard, $25 fine; Gothic (iodard, $25 fine; Thurmaa Nicholson, "a year and a day at Chillicothe; A. C. Sparrow, year and a day at Atlanta; James F. Terry, SSO fine; Tom Jen kins, year and a day at Atlanta; Ben Whitaker, Namon Whitaker, and El- [ tner Rawls, $1 fine each; Mack Knox, : probation; Toby Barber, year and a day at Atlanta; John Cratt, not a true bill; William T. Harris, year and a 1 day at Atlanta; Alton Pitt, year and a day at Chillicothe; Norman Council and Lorenzo Council, on probation for 18 month*. . - ♦ ♦ . Narowly Misses Driving Into Bridge Draw Here 0 ■ Ernest Moseley, young white man of Columbia, narrowly escaped with his life last Monday night when he , drove his Ford truck through the safe ty gate at the Roanoke Rivet': bridge" and almost into the open draw. Ap parently unmindful of his driving duties, Moaeley was almost to the gate before he saw the danger lights, and by the time he applied his brakes he | was nearing the break in the road. He turned his ttuck into the guard railing, doing considerable damage to his machine. i • Rogerson Brothers Start Sale Here Tomorrow ' ♦ Rogerson Brother*, prominent bus c .inets men of Bear Grass, are starting a bankrupt stock *ale in the Gurganu* . building, next to J. O. Maning's gro cery store, here tomorrow. Tre firm has employed Mr. Exum Ward, local man, and he will be in active charge during th« absence of the owners, it is understood. Rev. Harrington To Preach At Farm Life This Sunday Rev. W. B. Harington will preach Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the Farm Life School Auditorium, it was announced yeaterday. The public is invited to hear him. •* a THE Heaviest Rain Reported He One of the heavieat raina fall ing here aince 1929 wai reported Wednesday night and yeaterday morning by Mr. Hugh Spruill, manager of the local gauging ata tion on Roanoke River. Accord ihg to Mr. Spruill'a reading! at 8 o'clock yeaterday morning, 3.27 inchea of rain fell during the 24 hours ending at that time. With- in the next two or three hours a little more than one-quarter, or .27 of an inch, was reported by the station manager. - Starting ahortly after midnight Taxpayers Get One More Month To Pay f POSTPONES SALE The town authorities ye*terday postponed the 1931 delinquent tax list aale* another month and or dered the initial advertiaing held up until the fir*t week in l#ovem ber. The action waa taken when it w'a* learned the county waa de laying it* sale another month. There are approximately 180 un paid accounts on the town tax book* at thi* time, a* compared with 167 a year ago, when the lint was advertised for sale. In other words, tax collections this year have been very successful com pared with those of last year. 83-YEAR-OLD MAN HAS HIKED TOTAL OVER 21,000 MILES Spends Two Nights Here and Continues Journey Southward William H. Chapman, 83 years old, and hiker par excellence, is one man who knows nothing about the depres sion and cares less about politics. That is what he said Wednesday aft ernoon when he stopped here to spend the night before continuing his 21,000- mile hike, which has already carried him into nearly every state in the Union and into nearly every country in South Amerira. Maintaining that he could outwalk younger men, Mr. Chapman started out from Milwaukee nearly nine years ago, and a long time since he proved his claim when two men, one 30 and the other 35 years of age, who started off with him, turned back in I.aCroSse, Next July 10 he is~to collect $5,000 offered him by Milwaukee spcrt-tmsmen at the ittart tf he should outlast his younger companions. The old fellow's heart is set on walking and that $5,000 deposited and waiting for him in a New York bank. He is traveling for Atlanta, where he plans to spend the winter and then turn hack for New York. He proves his travels by visiting each clerk of court in the counties he passes thru, and it is honestly believed that more than a 'week would be required for him to tell just where he had traveled. Viewing some old cannon halls in a show window here that afternoon he recalled the surrender of Lee to Grant at Appomattox. "I was only a drummer boy in the First Connecticut Volunteers, but I never will forget what I saw and what I heard on that occasion,' 'the old man quoting Grant, when Lee offered his sword, "Sheath your swi?rd. I would take it from no gentleman." The old walker added, "And what a night followed. I do believe it was worse than the war. There never has been and never will be another night like that one, when liquor flowed freley, and Federal offi cers were unable to find their tents." A snow-white head and a bushy white beard substantiate the man's age claim, but despite the four score and three years he travels ever on ward, apparently happy even though his failing figure is clad in blue jeans. The only complaint offered was made about his feet. "They hurt .me much, but I am sure I can make it to Atlanta and back to New York. And then to my little home in Mil lington, Conn., to live happily." An optimistic old bird he is. Worthless Land Feeds Cattle With Lespedeza Five acres of land, washed and with out vegetation, was seeded to five pounds of lespedeza an acre by John E. Ledford, of Shooting Creek, Clay County, and supported eight yearling cattle through the summer. ENTERPRISE Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, October 7, 1932 yesterday, the rain fell during the next aeven or eight hour*. The little over 3 1-2 inch fall hardly effect a rise in the atreama, aa the land waa unuaually dry and much of the water entered the ground. While the rain cauaed a delay in peanut digging, no material damage reaulted to the crop, it is believed. Fall and winter crop*, especially sweet potatoes were greatly helped by the slow but steady fall Kid to have been gen eral throughout thia part of the country. ACTION TAKEN AT CALLED MEETING HERE THURSDAY Approximately SIB,OOO Are Collected During Past Few Days The sale of property for delinquent taxes in this county for the year was against postponed by the Martin commissioners in a called nieetThg yesterday. The actum, unexpected but sincerely welcomed by a goodly num ber of property owners, delays ad vertising until the early part of No vetnßer, and the sale nntil the first Monday in December. Plans had been completed for han dling the delinquent list n«xt week, but when it was learned yesterday that the sales had been delayed in a num ber of counties, including several in this immediate section, Chairman T. C. iriffiii called a meeting and it was unanimously agrccd'ttr wait tine more month before proceeding with the ad vertisement and sale. Reports coming from the collector's ottifce here indicates that property own ers are anxious to pay their taxes, but the marketing season has hardly been open long enough for them to lift crop liens and to square their ac counts with the county. In the post ponement there rests an opportunity for ntany property owners to market their crops and pay their taxes, .it is believed. While the delay is expect ed to result in a marked decrease in collections during the next week tit two and caus the county a small loss, it .is believed that the property own ers will be materially helped, and that many, unable to pay at this, time, will call for their receipts between qow and November I. It could not be learned yesterday just how many property owners had failed to pay their taxes up to that time, but Sheriff C. B. Roebuck did say that 178,000, or about 76 per cent of the $232,000 levy had been collect ed. Last year there were 882 tax ca counts advertised, representing an un paid amount, of $51,821.48. During the past few days, collections have been made rapidly, more than SIB,OOO pouring into the county treasury since Saturday of last week. COUNTY HOME INMATE DIES Aged Man Forgotten by His Own Children and Other Kin John Andrews, 62-year-old county home inmate, died there last Tuesday following a stroke of paralysis. Fu neral services were conducted Wed nesday afternoon by Rev. J. M. Perry and burial was in the little county plot on the farm. Entering the county home from Jamesville Township a little over a year ago, the old fellow lived a quiet life. Only once did his three daugh ters visit him, and, according to un official information, they were inves tigating at that time some kind of in surance carried on the old man's life. He is said to have a brother and a sister in this county, and after they were notifiel of his death they failed to attend the last r rites. Neither of his three daughters was present for the service, it was learned. Collector Advertises Sate of Personal Property Here Levying on personal property this week, the county tax collector yes terday advertised an auction sale at the courthouse door for October 28 at 10 o'clock. One or two automo biles, boats, and shotguns are listed for sale that day. DOZEN CASES ARE TRIED IN COUNTY COURT TUESDAY Session Was First To Have Been Held Here During Past Several Weeks Inactive for more than two weeks while the superior court was in ses sion," o the county recorder's court con vened last Tuesday, Judge Bailey call ing ai» even dozen cases during the day. The docket was unusually smail, -considering the length of time the court had been inactive. Several long road sentences and one or two sub stantial fines were imposed. The case charging Teddy Jackson with disorderly conduct was nol proseed with leave. Charged with violating the liquor laws, Lorenzo Bryant pleaded guilty of possession, and Judge Bailey sus pended judgment (upon payment of the cost of the action. Judgment was suspended upon the payment of the cost in the case charg ing Will Bell with an assault with a deadly weapon. Gus Hardy was found not guilty in the case charging him with an assault with a deadly weapon. Elbert Green appealed when he was found guilty of an assault with a dead ly weapon and was sentenced to the roads for a period of nine months. Bond was required in the sum of S2OO. Nathaniel Fields was found not guil ty in the case charging him with op crating an automobile while fntoxi catetj. Lemon Fields was fined $96.50 when he' was adjudged guilty of driving an automobile recklessly and under the influence of liquor. Pleading guilty of an assault with a deadly weapon, James Peyton was sentenced to the roads for six months. The case charging Herman Farmer with operating an automobile without license was continued. Willie Gardner was sentenced to the roads for three, months, when he was adjudged guilty of an assault, tin court suspending judgment upon pay ment of the cost. JUNIORS IN MEET HERE THURSDAY Make Plans for a District Meeting To Be Held Here in December Preliminary plans for holding a meeting of all Junior Order councils in the tweny-first district here the early part of December were made last night when district officers met and discussed a tentative program. The meeting will be held in the school building and will be open to the pub lic. Several national officers in the organization will be here at that time, and many visitors are expected in ad dition to the several hundred Juniors holding membership in the several councils of the district. A membershin campaign was also discussed at the meeting here last, night, the district officers and Juniors entering wholeheartedly into \ the driye to gain 25,000 new members in this State during the national coun cilorship of Doctor Brewer. Each council is asked to add 16 new mem bers to its rolls between now and' November 17 when a big meeting will be held in Washington. It is believed that several hundred candi dates will beinitiated at that time. An oyster roast is being planned in con nection with the intiation. Messrs. S. L. Roberson, district deputy; Allen Osborne, J. M. Perry, R. D. Purvis and Wade Vick, of Robersonville, were visitors attend-' ing the meeting here last night. Sunday Services at the Local Christian Church Regular preaching services will be held in the local Christian church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and that evening at 7:30 o'clock, it was announced today. Sunday school will convene at 9:45 a m. The public is cordjally invited to 'at tend. Return To 2-Cent Stamp Is Favored By Committee Washington.—A return to the fa miliar 2-cent stamp on first-class mail is fav'ored by the House committee investigating the postal' service. This group, a subcommittee of the House committee on post offices, gave among its reasons, the reduced vol ume of first-class mail since the 3- cent rate went into effect as a pro vision of the billion dollar tax bill in tended to balance the budget. Mrs." Sylvester Pe«l, of Griffins, is visiting her son, Mr. Luther Peel and Mrs. Peel here this week. Over 200,000 Pounds Tobacco Here Today PEANUT FIRM REPORTS BIG RISE IN TRADE —• Local Plant of Columbian Co. Temporarily Closes This Week The Columbian Peanut Company, with headquarters and sales offices in Norfolk, lias had the largest volume of shipments of shelled peanuts dur ing the month of September since the establishment oft" the business more than 40 years ago. In the last three years the company has expanded from a local Virginia organization to op erations iii seven states and 25 plants. Operations of the company in Sep tember of this year were 325 per cent more than in September of 1931. Last month 143,000 bags were shipped, as against 43,000 bags in the correspond ing period of last year. Eighty per cent of shipments last month were shelled peanuts. H. C. Smithers, president of the company, attributes this increase to constant education oi the public in the food value and other nie'rits of peanuts. It always has been the policy of this company to push all types of peanut consumption. The United States Government re ports that from November, 1931, to September, 19.12, there was an increase of 25 per cent in peanut consumption over the corresponding period of the preceding year. [ The local pftint, one of the largest in the Columbia system, suspends op erations this week, but activities will ( be started as soon as the new crop is put -on the market, according to Mr. | I'ritchard, local manager. Only a few of the more than 100 employees will ;be retained during the next few weeks, while the plant will be overhauled and made ready for receiving the new crop. Mr. i'ritchard stated that the plant might open again the latter part of this month, but it is doubtful if enough of the new crop will have moved by that time to make the reopening. If the company finds it impossible to reopen its plant the latter part of this month, Mr. Pritch ard believes operations can be started the early part of November, giving employment to about 100 workers. The local plant has operated longer this year than usual, and its payroll has been of great value to economic conditions here. INSPECT RIVER NEAR HAMILTON Government Asked to Clear Roanoke River of Snags Above Hamilton Major,, Young and several otfier United States Army engineers, of Norfolk, made a ground survey of the Roanoke River near Hamilton this week, actirig at the request of logging firms interested in shipping logs by water from points a few miles above Hamilton. It could not be definitely learned today whether government dredges would continue work already started on the Roanoke to points be yond Hamilton. The last work han dled by the government on the Ro anoke beyond Hamilton was in 1912, and since that time it has been dan gerous and almost impossible to io navigate the stream beyond that point. The engineers were traveling in the modernly equipped yacht, "Falcon," going up Tuesday and returning the following day. BABE RUTH IS TO HUNT IN SECTION Will Visit Friends in Bertie Sometime During Deer Hunting Season According to official information received here yesterday, Herman (Babe) Ruth, the mighty baseball player, will visit Williamston and the I Roanoke section this (all to hunt deer. He will be entertained i# the home of Dr. Cliff Whitehead over in Bertie and hunt deer during two or three days along the Roanoke basin. As far as it could be learned, the famous ball player will not stop here but will pass on through to his desti nation in Bertie County. t Each year during the past several, the ball player has hunted in the eastern part of the State, but this is the first time he has made arrange ments to hunt deer in the Roanoke section. More Cars on Roads as Tag Cost Dec Since the opening of the tobac so markets in this part of the State, and especially since the price of auto tags was reduced the first of the month, the number of automobiles in Eastern North Carolina has materially increased, according to Mr. A. Mackenzie, automobile license inspector and revenue collector for the state. Most of the cars taking space on the roads are old ones, the owners having found it impros sible to procure licenses until they started harvesting the fall crops. A few new machines are entering the highways just now, a number believed to be larger than the new sales during the fall of last year or the year before. No marked increase has result ed in gasoline sales as a result of the increased number of cars put into use, according to information coming from local filling station operatora FIRE THREATENS HIGH SCHOOL AT ROBERSONVILLE Little Damage Done When Chemicals Start Fire in New Building There RotimUJlvillc. Oct. 6— (Special Jto The Enterprise).—-In keeping with their high sense of duty and interest in the school, last Wednesday aft ernoon Misfs Margaret Smith, teach er ot home economics, and Mr. W. ('. Brake, teacher of science, were making preparations to reclassify the science equipment. Many of the chemicals had been in storage for Naturally the containers were old and caused seepage Especially was this true of the containers hold ing phosphors, (Due to the de pression, the school has bi , en""t}nab!e to secure new chemicals). Of course the phosphorus spread over the shelves, mixing with other chemicals. Phosphorus, as you real ize, is a "waxy substance, with a dis agreeable smell, poisonous and very inflammable." The fumes in the room became unbearable. Mr. Brake and Miss Smith did what they could to smother the burning phosphorus. "They soon realized - th? high s-hool building was in danger of burning and called for help. The fire alarm was turned irr by Kdward Ros., a senior. The volunteer fire company was soon on the scene,. but due to the na ture of the burning substance, water could not be used. Accordingly, Mr. .Vance Roberson, risking the im mediate possibility of being burned, grasped the container holding the burning phosphorus and threw it' out Mr. Roberson was burned on the hand. A short while aftef the fire starred, the chemicals and all trace of the phosphorus had been removed. Mr. R, fi. Coburn remained in'the build ing during the entire night All due consideration and credit belong to Miss Smith and Mr. Brake. Their presence at the time saved the bi|i)ding from burning. "Empty Souls" will be the sermon theme for the morning service at the baptist church Sunday morning. The evening sermon will T>e at 7:30 o'- I'he estimated damage to the stock ( | ()c | ( room and to the supply of chemicals ik not in excess of SIO.OO. —Reported. Only A Few Expected to Register Here for Election Not more than 25, and probably lewer, new names will be added to the registration hooks for the coming election in the opinion of Luther Peel, local registrar, who announced the opening of the books for this precinct at the Farmers Supply Company store on Washington Street. The books open tomorrow and close Saturday, October 29. Averages 60 Cents a Stick for One Barn of Tobacco Selling 310 sticks of tobacco on the local market this week, Mr. J. R. Keel, Martin County tanner, received an unusually, high average price for his offerings. The 310 sticks sold for enougfi money, lacking exactly 45 cents, to give the farmer a 60-cent average for each stick. Advertisers Will Pad Our Cot tuna a Latchkey to Ortr Sixteen Hundred Martin County Home* ESTABLISHED 1898 BRISK BIDDING MAKES PRICES BEST OF SEASON Doubtful If Sales Can Be Completed Before Night Falls^Today With arouml 200,000 pounds of the golden weed on the three warehouse floors, the local tobacco market is having today one of the best sales oi the season so tar. Spirited bidding and buy inn featured the sales today, and there was a spirit of optimism prevailing (throughout the market, numbers and numbers of farmers stat ing they were more than well pleased with their sales. A price average es timated at about 13 1-2 cents, or prob ably even higher, was easily in sight as the sales advanced. I here was no evidence of a short tobacco crop here today, when grow ers were seen unloading their offer ings in every nook and corner and many from the sidewalks and streets. Averaging more than 300 piles an hour, the sales were progressing rap idly, but even then there was some doubt at noon as to whether or not they would be completed today. The break is one of the largest -reported here this season, and tobacco from eight counties is on the floors. Ihe rain falling this week turned many farmers from their peanut fields tn the packhouses, that partly account ing for the large break today, it is be lieved A large break is also expect ed here Monday. The drop in the mercury last night seemed to add pep to everything and to everybody, and tobacco was selling good. URGED TO CHECK UP FIRE HAZARDS Next Week Set Aside As Period for Prevention Of Fire Next week lias been set aside as a period of fire prevention, Governor O. Max Gardner issuing his proclamation a few days ago urging the people throughout the state to join the move ment advanced to save human life and property from the hazard of fire. In his proclamation, Governor Gard ner~said "It is my firm belief that fire prevention should be accepted as a major civic duty by every good citi zen of the state. During the year 1931, 214 North Carolinians lost their lives by fire. In addition, during the same year fire destroyed property val ued -in extes»-of -$13,000,000. This i» the direct loss; it is impossible to es timate the indirect losses incident to the destruction of lives and property. Fire prevention is very timely now that cold weather is almost here and the fire hazard is greatly increased by the larger use of fires in homes and.offices. No public observanpe of the week has been arranged here, but local citiztis are urged not to take any chances with cracked chimney, worn-out pipes and heaters. They are asked to remember that the care ful handling of heating equipment might mean the saving of a human life and piuch property. Regular Services at Local Baptist Church Sunday Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock in the Junior and Intermediate . Y. P. U. organizations will meet in their respective places. The Roanoke Baptist association will convene with the First Baptist Church of Rocky Mount next Tues day morning, the sessions running through Wednesday. Gets Advance of 7.20 Cents For Cotton From Co-ops I)unn.—Grade and staple premiums totaling 170 points were paid G. B. Spence, of Lillington, Route 3, on two bales of strict middling cotton, which he delivered to the North Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative Associa tion through its local receiving agent here recently. Added to the basis advance of 5 1-2 - cents per pound the cooperative was paying at the time of delivery, the grade and ataple premiums brought Mr. Spence's initial advance to 7.20. Mr. Spence produces one of the im proved Colcer-Cleveland strains.