Watch the Label Ob Your Paper Aa It. Carriaa the Data Wfcaa Toor Subscription Expiree VOLUME XLIII—NUMBER 44 TELLS GROWERS HOW TO REALIZE MOST FOR CROP M. G. Mann Talks to Cotton Growers Here Last Wednesday • Martin County seed loan borrower* j and cooperative members met in the courthouse here Wednesday and heard ' M. G. Mann, secretary-treasurer of the North Carolina Cotton Growers J Cooperative Association, explain how | they may apply their cotton at 9 1-2 ! cents per pound as collateral on gov- ' ernment seed loans. Mr. Mann told the borrowera\ how they may place their cotton with any of the cooperative'a receiving agents or warehouses, draw an allowance of; 80 cents per 100 to defray costs of I picking and ginning, if such allowance I is neded, and when enough cotton has I been delivered on the 9 l-2-cent basis to collateralize their loans have the remainder of the cotton and all other crops released by the government. The release of the crops comes from the Seed Loan department in Washington. He urged borowers not to sell their cotton at present prices but to take advantage of the "government's liberal plan," which, if taken full ad vantage of, will releaae at least sl,- 500,000 to North Carolina farmers, he estimated. Viewing the price outlook for cot ton from production, consumption, ex port and carry-over angles, Mr. Mann j said it appeared to him that cotton "should go' higher before the next 1 planting season rolls around. A | world crop the shortest in nine years, | increasing American exports, and re-. vival of the textile industry were cited; as reasons for this opinion. Mr. Mann quoted governmtnt re ports to show that more than 70 per j cent of the cotton ginned in North Carolina up to October IS was 15-16 „ inch or longer in staple, and he re viewed briefly the • work the coopera tive has done to improve the quality of state cotton through the distribu tion of improved seeds and payment of premiums on gradea and staples. Mr. Mann also addressed a similar meeting of Bertie farmers in Windsor Wednesday. I NEW OFFICERS OF, COUNTY COUNCIL ARE SELECTED! o—— l«Mrs. Will Taylor Elected I President at Meeting i Here Yesterday _____ ♦ i At the annual meeting of the county 1 council held at the Woman's Club on 1 Thursday at 1:30 p. m., the following 1 officers were elected 4** serve one year; Mrs. Will Taylor, president; j Mr*. J. S. Ayers, vice president; Mrs. A. B. Rogerson, secretary; Mrs. Effie Whitehurt, treasurer; Mrs. Eaton Lil ley, county welfare chairman of the , home demonstlhtion organization; ' • Miss Hatti# Everett, nutrition leader; and Mrs. W. D. Hyman, county gar den leader. Reports were read from the varioua clubs. Macedonia report ed having over 6,000 quarts of fruits, "Vegetables and meats canned. Figur- I Jtig this amount at 20c per quart, this | 1 club has saved as a result of canned j 1 foods a total of $1,200. 1 * 1 The council will again pledge $lO to the Jane S. McKimmon loan fund, j and clubs wishing to do so can con- j • tribute additional amounts. The original prograto was much up- j" •et, owing to a misunderstanding on ' the part of one club and another's fail- j 1 ure to arrive, possibly because of bad ' roads and weather; however, Miss 1 Josephine Wildman assisted gracious-' ly at the piano with two much appre- j' dated piano solos. It has been the custom of the coun- \ cil to entertain the Woman's Clubi 1 once during the year, and the pro- 1 ' gram was planned for this purpose. Refreshments of cake and home-made 1 grape juice were served to each and 1 all and recipes distributed for making 1 cake. _ 1 ' ■•" » • Rev. W. O. Sample Dies At Home in Davidson \ News came here very early this ( morning of the death of the Rev. W. i O. Sample, of Davidson, N. C., father : of Mrs. Francis Manning, of William ston, who passed away this morning I at j o'clock. ! Mr. Sample, a retired Presbyterian i preacher, had been in failing health 1 lor some time, his daughter having ( gone to his bedside aome time ago. And it waa only yeaterday that Mr. i Francis Manning went to be with his Wife and was still there when his mother, Mra. W. C. Manning, died at i an early hour today. I Funeral arrangements here are be- i tng made so that Mr. Manning will be able to retarn here for the funeral I of his mother, which will 1M tomor row afternoon at 3 o'clock, ' I THE ENTERPRISE ! 7,000 Tax Notices Mailed 1 i Out in County This Week Approximately 7,000 tax notices lare being placed in the maila this week, calling Martin County prop j arty owner*' attention to 1932 j taxes, which are now due and pay able to the sheriff. The first of j the notices were placed in the mails late Tuesday afternoon, J and others are eing turned over I to the poatal agencies as fast as they can be prepared for mail ; ing. Many property owners arc re i : 1 jWarren Will Speak S Here Monday Night i— _ —.— REV. E. M. POTEAT BEGINS SERVICES HERE SUNDAY , —♦— Raleigh Minister Has Full Program of Services Next Week The special religious services at the Baptist church, under the leadership 1 'of E. McNeill Poteat, Raleigh, and ' the local pastor, will begin here Sun- j day morning with the 11 o'clock serv -1 ice, going on through Friday ewe- I ning. There will be a service each j J evening at 7;30 o'clock, and the gen- | : eral public is welcomed to any or all ! ! of the services. The schedule of services and spec- j ■ ial meetings under Mr. Poteat's lead-j J ership for the short time he will be j here is as follows: In addition to the services above | called for in the church, Mr. Poteat ] will address the high school Tuesday morning at the chapel hour; the gram mar school Wednesday morning at the same hour; the Kiwanis Club on Wednesday at 12:30 o'clock; he will 1 hold a special service for young peo-1 pie in the church Thursday afternoon I following the close of school at 3:45 o'clock; he will conduct chapel for the Robersonville High School Fri [ day morning at 8:35 o'clock; and on i Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock he will! speak to a mass meeting of th; wo-1 1 men in Williamston, in the auditorium ; of the church. This makes a rather full schedule of i services for the short time he is here. | And in this way he will contact a rath er large number of people in and out of town. It is "tetntrar Those ~who hear him once will want to hear him again. If MANY ATTEND KfiftfrNlS MEETj 279 In Attendance, 13 from Local Ciub; Largest Ever Held All the Kiwanis Clubs in the sixth district lent delegates to Tarboro last j |Tuesday evening, where a great' con- I vocation was held, with 279 people I present, 13 going up from William ston. I This was the greatest Kiwanis | gathering ever held in this section. They marched on Tarboro from Eliz abeth City Wilson, and from Ro janoke Rapids to Williamston. The ' group was composed of Kiwanians and their guests, and the large gath ering made a formidable showing when they all got together. !At this meeting a three-course din ner was served in the spacious parish house of the Episcopal church. A | band furnished music florins the , meal, and afterwards the program was I carried through. Each club in the 1 district was charged with feeing re sponsible for some feature on the program. The \Villiamston club fur nished a musical number, by Russell Roebuck. Williamston had the distinction of being the one club in the entire dis trict to have won the largest percent age of members during the year. And the lieutenant governor made special mention before the gathering of the achievement of the local club. Those going from here were Misses Benson, Anderson, Gatlin, Mesdames , Getsinger, Dickey, and Messrs. Get singer, Dickey, Grimes, Carstarphen, Peel, and Roebuck. Twenty-three Lose Lives In Week-end Accidents i .' ♦ • . . Atlanta, Ga., Octr 4.—A football ac cident, fire, and accidental electrocu tion, fall, automobile mishaps, capsiz ing of a river steam, and three other drownings cost the south 23 lives over the week-end. i North Carolina reported seven oil the accidental fatalities. [; Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, October 28, 1932 ' ceiving the 1932 notices before they have paid their 1931 taxea, 1 others only squared their accounta recently. Anyway, the noticea are safe remindera that we are all a year older. A goodly number of property taxes, saving the discount allowed, taxea, saving the idscount allowed. Many more payments are expect ed aa soon aa the noticea find their way into the hands of the other thouaands of property owners in q the county. WELL QUALIFIED FOR DISCUSSION OF MAIN ISSUES » Congressman From First District Mentioned for House Speaker Scheduled to speak in the court- ( I house here next Monday night at 7:45 j 1 o'clock, Hon. Lindsay C. Warren, Rep jresentative in Congress from the First j North Carolina District, wlil discuss j the issues of the political campaign j now being conducted throughout the State and Nation. The address is one of two Mr, Warren rs scheduled to j make in this county during the cam ! paign. Saturday night of next week, j he will speak in the school auditorium lat Bear (irass, Attorney E. S. Peel, I chairman of the Martin County Ex | ecutive Committee, stated today. Mr. Warren comes direct from .the Congressional llalls in Washington in j which, during the last session of Con» I gress, he played a very important part, holding the honored position of chair : man of the committee of the whole i house in the House of Representatives | during the consideration of the two : most. important bills to be acted up ( on by that -body. Mr. Waren holds the distinction of being one of the best parliamentarians in the country and is favorably mentioned for speak er of th House of Representatives if I the Democrats control the next House, i He knows the problems that con ' front the American public today. He ! has a personal knowledge of the prob lems which will confront the next Congress and th ciiext Democratic administration. Everybody is cordial ly* invited to attend tKitM meetings. 1 # Program oi Services a? j Methodist Church Here C. T. Rogers, pastor. _ Our attendance last Sunday was ! K"'d We are expecting even a larg 'er congregation Sunday morning. Special prayer is being made by the congregation for those who are not present. Sickness, sorrow, trouble, and sin have kept many away from »the church services, and we are tak i ing it to God in prayer. Come and unite with us in this petition for our absent ones. Prayer will be offered at every service for absent members, j Sunday school and morning service will be at tht usual hours. No serv-j ice at night. The public is cordially invited to meet with us. Salesman Tells Sad Story About One Hoover Voter - i ~ A salesman who travels in this sec tions states that he asked an'elderly man to purchase sofhe articles from him while he was in Roper recently.' The Roper citizen expressed his» de-1 sire for the goods, but declared that he had no monqy. Being asked if he had voted for Hoover in 1928, he' | broke down and wept, declaring amid his sobs that he did vote for him but would never do it again. The sales man said it was very pathetic to him, who is strong for Roosevelt. Program of Services at Presbyterian Churches Sunday, October 30th, 1932: ' "The church with an open door." Church school at 9:45 a. m. Worship service and sermon at 11 a. m. Subject, "Glorifying God." ( "The chief end of man is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever." Bear Grata Church school at 9:30 a. m. _ Worship service and sermon at 7 p. m. Roberson's Chapel Church school at 3:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday nights at 7 p. m. Ballard's Farm Mission Prayer meeting each Friday night it 7 p m. - | Make mother happy by attending some church every Sunday. 4 AMENDEMNTS WILL BE VOTED ON IN ELECTION nfC " " Voters Urged To Consider Importance of Proposals Submitted Because most of the public atten tion is being focused on the presi dential campaign, many people do not yet know that North Cafolina voters will vote on four Constitutional A mendtnents in the general election of November 8, it is being pointed out here. Yet some of these amendments % are of greater importance than the election of some of the candidates. These four amendments are as fol low s: 1 i 1. To amend the constitution to in crease the terms of office of sheriffs, 'I corohers, and constables to four years I instead of two years, as at present. I 2. To amend the constitution to make proceeds front life insurance not ' subject creditors' claims where the sole beneficiaries are the wife or chil dren of the insured. | 3. To creator 20 soticitorial districts separate and apart from the judicial j districts, to permit the increase of the ' number of superior court judges with j out increasing the number of .solici | torst | 4. To amend the constitution so that | constitutional amendments may be i voted upon at special elections in- I stead of at general elections, as is now required. The amendment which will appear on the ticket as number 4, to create the separate solicitorial districts, has been submitted to the voters in two previous elections and has been de feated in both. It is being advocated, however, as an economy measure, since it is generally agreed that no additional solicitors are needed, al though more judges are needed than the 20 provided for in the constitution. If tbfs amendment is adopted, it will be possible to create additional judic ial districts and provide for more judges without electing more solici tors. At the present time, the addi tional judges are appointed by the governor, under the emergency judge act, instead of being elected by the people, as are the other judges. I The amendment providing for the - election of sheriffs, coroners, and con stables for terms of four years instead of two years is also being urged in the interest of economy. Those who ad vocated this amendment in the 1931 general assembly argued that county officials as well as state officials should] hold office for the same period of four. years, and that the present require-1 ment for these officers tO_ stand X?r election every two years was ufinetf essary and wasteful, There does not seem In he any opposition to this pro posal. I ■'[>. anifmlmpnt to exempt proceeds from life insurance policies from ! claims of creditors was urged in the 1931 general assembly as affording ad ditional protection to widows and or phans. It- i* expected. to meet with considerable opposition from certain business interests, however. The most definite opposition to any "Bf the four proposed amendments *o far is against the one to permit vot ing on constitutional amendments at special instead of general elections. | Attorney General Dennis G. Brunt" milt has announced his vigorous dis j approval of this amendment on the ground* that the most people possible 1 should vole on every amendment and ' that this can only be done in general | election*. This amendment was proposed by j the 1931 general assembly, however, , because of the evident tendency of I most people to vote against all amnd ments proposed at general elgctoMt ß ! because few people understand thent. The importance of amendments and what thy really mean is usually ob ' scurcd by the other issues in the cam paigns and by the candidates up for j election, it is pointed out. lhe result is that many voters, fearing to vote for something , they do not under stand, generally vote against the amendments. The adoption of this amendment would make it unnecessary to wait until the next general election should the 1933 legislature authorize the sub mission of additional amendments to the constitution, as it is expected to do; But indications are that all these four amendments will_ have hard sled ding unless a great deal of educational work is done from now until the elec tion. Prices for Curb Market Tomorrow Announced Even though a few of the sellers seemed to have dropped off at the curb market, the sales .continue ,at ~j isfactorily. Last week trie 11 women selling took in $37.56. A partial list of prices for this week follow: Egg*, 28c dozen; tomatoes, 5c per pound; green tomatoes, 3c pound; cab-, bagei, 1 l-2c lb.; turnips, 3c bunch;! string bean*, 2c lb.; corn, 18c dozen;' radithe*, 4c bunch. i SCHOOL AT BEAR! "GRASS TO HAVE 2j (MORE TEACHERS 1 - Much Progress Reported in Institution Since Term ; Started I • The people of Bear Grass communi ty are proud of the progress which has been made in their school this' s year. Through the efforts of the prin j cipal, Mr. T. O. Hickman, two teach- ' t ers have been added to the faculty. ' The school has also secured the serv _ ices of a music teacher, Miss Jessie Fay Green, who began work this week.' One of the regular teachers, Miss' Mabel Menefee, began her work in 1 I the high school since the end of the I . first month. . | The teachers of the school have be i gun a visiting program, which they' • think will be helpful to the school. J } Each truck route has been followed up and about 200 calls have been' , made. With 12 boys and 18 girls reporting for basketball, the coach, C. B. Mar tin, is expecting big things from the 1 two teams. The boys, for the past ' two weeks, have been running thru i 1 drills, exercises, and plays, prepara-! Tory to scrimmage. Not having had a | girls' team last year, most of the pros pective players for this team are en . tirely new in the athletic field. How s ever, with gHeat determination and enthusiasm, the teams expect to en tertain their opponents with some real basketball this season. The school gave a Hallowe'en party Thursday night. A short program 1 was given and after the program the ' people were entertained with fortune telling, a fishing pond, and several ' side shows. j ' The parents of the community are cooperating with the teachers. This fact was very evident last Thursday 1 ' night, when an unusually large num- , ber of parents attended the meeting 1 | of the parent-teacher association. It is through this organization that the i teachers- hope to maintain the cooper i at ion and support of the parents. | PRISONER IN JAIL HERE ATTEMPTS COMMIT SUICIDE' ! * Roy Sutton, 45, Cuts Wrist With Knife; Stopped by Other Prisoners .! Roy Sutton, 45 years old, attempt- ( led to end his life in the county jail ( J here late Tuesday afternoon by slash- ( 1 iijg his wrists with a small pocket j knife. Before he could complete the 'act, other prisoners in the jail over-, powered him and took his knife. Offi cers, hearing the calls from the jail, I ruiitigd there and remuvetl the man to , a doctor's office, where the wounds 1 were treated. Sutton is getting along very well now, but has very little to i say ' I Jailed here several days ago for the | j alleged violation of the liquor laws, Sutton was tried and found guilty in i the county recorder's court last Tues-1 day morning. Bailey crfdered j his car, a Ford with more than 50,000} riilies on it, confiscated and withheld further judgment upon the payment of the costs. Unable to raise the a mount, Sutton was returned to jail- According to stories coming from the jailhouse, 'Sutton was so terribly «f- ' fected when they confiscated his car i that he lost all interest in living and ' attempted to end his life. While it was not mentioned during the trial last Tuesday, rumors coming I from Everetts, where the man operat ed a filling station, implicated him 1 with the sale of wines and liquor to I school children there. He had been in F.veretts only two weeks when the , arrest was made. I * . County Boy in Wreck, But Escapes - Injury Vernon Ward, jr., ■ boy, was in an automobile wreck near i Burlington last Saturday aft4rnoon, but escaped injury. ' j ' Young Ward, secretary of the Chap- 1 el Hill unit of the Socialist Party, was advertising lhe com|ing of Norman Thomas, Socialist nominee for the Presidency. Mr. Ward's mother is a leader in the Democratic party in i this section. . | 1 ■♦- ' ■ i 4-H Club Here flolds Its Meeting Tuesday | Girls in the 4-H club at the Wil ! liamston High School, which held its , regular meeting Tuesday afternoon at ' 2:20 p. m., were reminded to work on , their record books, which will be due , next month. The girl* were urged. ( to bring print or gingham to the next , meeting along with sewing equipment. The following officers were elected for s - this year: President, MjJhle Price; I • vice president, Mottle White R*y; sec- 1 1 ' retary, Doris Teel; and news reporter, i I Jessie Mae Hollomon.—Reporter. t Mrs. W. C. Manning Passes Early Today j 4 * j - i. N SPEAKINGS I j The Democratic campaign in Martin County will set in full ■way Friday night, October 28th. Rev. A. Corey and R. J. Peel will speak in the school auditorium at Jamesville at 7:30 p. m. Mr. J. L. Hassell and Mr. H. G. Horton will speak in the school auditorium* at Oa City at 7:30 p. m. Friday night, October 28. Saturday night, October 29, meetings will be held at Hasaells in the school auditorium at 7:30 p. m. At Fairview in the church at 7:30 p. m., Messrs. R. J. Peel and Hubert Coburn will speak on the same date, and Mesrrs. J. L. Hassell and Elbert S. Peel will speak at Hassells. 1 200 NAMES ADDED |TO VOTERS' LIST iIN PAST 4 WEEKS I *> • Registration Books Will Close Tomorrow Night; 18 Registered Here Those citizens failing to register (or the election of November Bth will have a last opportunity to do so this after noon and tomorrow, as the books close tomorrow night at V o'clock. If you care to vote in the election Tues -1 day week and your name is not oil the books, it is necessary that you regis ter before closing time tomorrow. ! Approximately 200 new names have been added to the list of qualified voters since the books were opened four weeks ago tomorrow,. Roberson ville, with 46 new names on the books, lis leading the registration, as far as |it could be learned yesterday James I ville was next with around 45. Wil . liamston reported. 18 yesterday, and i Bear Grass and Jamesvillc had 7 each | when the last reports were received • here. "We arc getting right to do things," J Mr. Wendell Hamilton,- Jame.sville merchant, said this week when asked what determined the unusually large registration in that precinct. John W. Hines predicted' a 100 per | cent vote for the entire Democratic ticket,ln Goose Nest precinct, and in dications now point- to a record-break ing vote and one of the largest ma jorities ever given a party in the COUJI ♦ 1 SIX CASES TRIED BY JUDGE BAILEY LAST TUESDAY I : . • • ~~ I" Few Spectators at Session of Recorder's Court This Week * Although a half dozen cases were scheduled for trial in the county re-| corder's court last Tuesday, very few spectators or litigants turned out for the proceedings. Hardly more than' a dozen people were in the audiencjg,: and the bar was almost deserted ex cept for the officers, judge, «&>licitor,' and two or three lawyers. i Wither Keys was fined $lO when he ' pleaded guilty fjf the illegal posses sion of liquor. The case charging him wi.ll 'resisting an officer was nol prosscd. S. L Rogers, adjudged guilty of an assault with a deadly weapon, ap pealed when the court sentenced him to jail for a period (if 15 days. Prayer for was continued in the case charging Edward" 1 Long with non-support. Bond in the- sum of $75 was required to #ssure the pay m'ent of $4:50 each second and fourtu Monday during the next four month* to I'erlie Long and children The case charging Burt Gorham with non-support, was -continued. Charged with violating" the liquor I laws, Roy N. Sutton had his car, a Ford with nidre than 50,000 miles on it, confiscated, and he was taxed with the costs.- Unable to raise the amount of the costs at the time, he was or dered held in jail. It is rumored that he sold beverages to school children . in Everetts. The case charging Joe H. Hopkins ( with speeding and driving a car reck lessly, was continued. Hallowe'en Frolic At School Is Postponed The Hallowe'en carnival scheduled at the high school building for tonight has been postponed on account of the death. of Mrs. W. C Mannign, sr. Announcement will be made later of ' the date for the entertainment. Advertiser* Will Ptid Oar Col nmi a Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hand red Martin County Hones ESTABLISHED 1898 I FUNERAL WILLBE HELD SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT 3 > ' Died tyi Washington Hos pital Early This Morning By Miss HATTIE THROWER During the quid hours of this morn ing the spirit of Sarah Margaret Man [ ning passed away after days of suffer ing. She was born yn March 17th, ; 1871, in Griffins Township, Martin j County. Her parents were the late Moah and Sarah Peel Koberson, who | were among the descendants of the 1 county's oldest and most prominent , families. Her education and training was secured in the schools of the I neighborhood and there the founda tion was firmly laid on those princi ples which made her lilt- one to be I admired and emulated by young and old. On I'ebruary 25th, liVv?, she mar ried William Christian M inning, and in 1898- moved t.> Williart iton, where they have since lived an 1 reared six children, Mrs. K S. Heel, John W., (Francis M , \\ . i |r„ of Williani ston; Mi-. S. S. Laurence and Mrs. Joel Muse, of Wilson, ;md six grand children. Three sisters," Mrs. Myr tle Harris,and Mrs Josep'h Koberson, of Williamston; and Mrs Mittie Barn hill, of Richmond, Va. and three brothers, James, A, Koberson, George h. Kobersoli, of Martin County, and N. R. Koberson, of Tarboro, survive. I'orty. years ago she gave her life to God, and dedicated it to His serv ice in Holy Baptism in the Christian Church, where she has worked with untiring zeal for the advancement of Christ's Kingdom To neighbors and Iriiyuls, to rich and poor, she was ever the helper in all those things which I count in a world filled with suffering \ and sin. To the sick, she was a faith | fill nurse, often going to families in the country to minister unto the suf lerer. No task was too hard when help was it can be said that jVVVffiiamston ind the com munity hajrJ/st the Ik .t i ever known. In jiving h'■ ' , she wore • herself out, no doubt, Cut never knew what it was t> give enough of love and itender'.e Juiing the past sev eral years, \ lieu there were so many calls for* In'i, she led in the welfare Work, an.) ii greater praise has been uiftCQlt' XL Z .Voiuan 7iii the conunun-/ j ity than I is ! en accorded to her, and > little child>v rise up and call her blessed, frmv r ~^rr'has 1 mntlsnirtaTo — their needs a.. I i-uabled them to en roll in the daily ' >ol. Through the , W email's Club, mulh of her activities lias been done, but even this is small j coniparedTtolier attention to her fam ily, neighbors, and members of the | colored race. Perhaps one of the most ] outstanding acts of her life was done | during the influenza epidemic of 1919, when people were frightened, but she : never wavered and taking nourish ment went out into the country seek ing some one to whom she might min | ister. Her chief joy was found in i hclpipg others. | The sweetness of her life was beau- I tifujly expressed in the love bestow ed u"n her loved ones in the home, where she gave of herielf to make the hours spent there those of joy and gladness, and her example taught the. finer things of life and home was her kingdom, where she reigned su preme. * ' Ten days ago, she was stricken with * an old affliction of the liver and suf fered greatly, but bore up bravely as 'only the Christian can Wednesday, physician* decided to have her taken to the Washington Hospital, where she died this morning at 4 o'clock. Husband, children, and friends sat near during the trying hours and with broken hearts brought the beloved form home to be with them till the .hour for interment. The funeral services will be held to morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Christian church, Rev. J. M. Perry, pastor of the Christian church, officiat ing, assisted by Rev. C. C. Ware, of i Wilson, and Rev. Richard Bagby, of Washington, N. C. Interment will be in the family plot here. ■■ • ! Board of Education y Will Meet Tuesday ■ ■» The Martin County Board of Edu cation will hold its monthly meeting here next Tuesday, it was announced this week by the superintendent of schools. No meeting will be held on the first Monday of next month, as several members would not be able .to attend at that time. Several matters have been sched uled for consideration at this time, |it was stated.

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