PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Every Tuesday and Friday by The ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMSTON. WORTH CAROLINA. : -3^ ■ c. __ Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Caah in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY Oae year Six month* —; * 75 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY Oas year ——- Six 100 No Subscription Received for Lcm Than 6 Montha Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston, N. C.. at second-class matter under the act of Congress of March 3. 1879. Address alt communications to The and not to the individual members of the firm. Friday, October 28, 1932 Emphasis on Right Kind of Education The North Carolina Education Association is urg ing the State to put more emphasis on the education of her children, which is a wise thing. And the State should place primary emphasis on her children. They should come ahead of roads, banks, or anything else we have. The kind of Government we are to have in the fu ture depends entirely on the kind of education we give our children today. Improper education, and the lack of any education, is the source of most of the "hard times" that we are now having. And it may be that much of the educa tion that we are now giving is missing the mark. For a long time we have educated children upon the principle of looking after somebody else's busi ness, and have failed to teach the principles neces sary to take care of our own business. This system needs to be changed Instead of trying to educate every child to be a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher, a poli tician, or a bookkeeper, we must educate them to be common laborers who know two things: First, how to attend to their own business; and then, sec ond, to defend their business from the designing graft ers who have so far succeeded better in milking other folks than in producing for themselves. We need to teach that a happy home is the most valuable earthly possession, and the best way to get a happy home is to work for it. The old system of educating a few folks so that they tould march ahead of the great procession of the uneducated masses and skim the cream off of every bit of milk the ordinary, unthinking, and un educated masses produce must be stopped. It can only be done by educating everybody, so that when the grafters begin to sap the blood out of our busi ness system, all the folks will know it. And when they know it, they will refuse to stand for it. The schools must inaugurate a system that will teach the | pupil that it is honorable to work, and that it gives j more joy than grafting our existence from the labor of others. ' Universal education will do more to destroy graft than all other things put together. We need it and ought to back it in every corner of the State. Money Is King Great Britain stabilized herself to a large extent by going off the gold standard,, which practically had the same effect as if she had adopted a system of bi-metal ism, whereby silver bought goods and paid debts. She saved herself and snatched trade from the Ameri can farmer and laborer. If the American money trust can be broken, so that other countries can trade with us and we with them, on a fair and reasonable basis, it will help the busi ness of all the countries except the graters'. It ought to be done. The government now permits the dollar to domi nate everything as king, emperor, and czar, while cot ton, corn, wheat, and all other products are serving in slavery. A larger volume of money is the country's greatest need. It will raise the value of commodities and low er the debt and tax burden. Army and Navy Domination Tii French minister of war has taken a fine step ! in prohibiting his generals and other army officers from speaking on and agitating public policies. He . should take one step more and prohibit them from hob-nobbing with governmental law makers. One of our own government's very biggest mistakes has been permitting war lords to go before our law making bodies and advising big army and naval pro grams. Naturally, having a perfect army and navy at heart, they have been very extravagant in their demands, so extravagant, in fact, that we have wast ed hundreds of millions of dollars. The habit of permitting the various bureaus to sub mit their plans, proposals, and demands to appropria tions committees has bred the most extravagant sys tem of any nation in the world. All of our institutions should be more closely al lied to one central system to insure efficiency in all and 1m extravagance. Our Army and Navy boards have gotten the coun try by the throat and frightened Congress into ex travagant end needless expenditures. PUSLItMID CVBRY Get Ready Jor Next Year People are going to get their living next year from the seed they plant, the fields they cultivate, and the harvest their labor brings. There will be no famine in the Southland if we will diligently cultivate our idle acres. There will be no trouble about three meals every day in the year. The homeless family needs to find a place now and begin to plan to make a living. I Who Pays the Bill? „ \ ——~ 1 Sampson Independent. Probably corporations are sometimes unusually dealt with. We have in mind huge corporations whose business ramifications are so intricate of such proportions that it is almost impossible for the ablest of auditors and public accountants to get to the real facts with regard to their manipulations of their stock or the value in dollars and cents of their holdings. Granted that some of these great corporations may have been dealt with unjustly in the past, a thing which is in no wise sure, there are other cases by the score where the public has been deprived of hard earn ed savings through investments in such companies. Unfortunately so tremendous has become the activi ties of many of the great corporations that efforts on the part of supervising commissions to investigate their value and their earnings are hampered to such an extent that results are almost impossible. Probably no more outstanding example of these facts has ever been found than in the collapse of the Insull utilities in Chicago. For years the great cor porations which were headed by the Insults exerted such an influence in business life that it was impos sible for the state of Ilinois to properly restrict and supervise their activities. Unfortunately the influence of these corporations through the Insulls, who head ed them, was extended to the field of politics. Within recent months the collapse came. Then it was found that all the time the insulls were milking the public dry and, through the sale of watered and worthless stocks, were robbing the ordinary citizen of life's savings invested in the stock. Not only did the crash bring ruin to many business enterprises, but thousands of men and women were left penniless, as a result of having invested their savings in stock which proved valueless. V. And yet the Insulls are still millionaires. Fugitives from justice, they are living in extravagance on money illegally taken from the people who trusted them and their integrity. An uglier word for the transaction is that they stole, and at that from those who had worked long and hard for their small savings so taken. The American government should go to every pos sible effort to bring back the criminals and mete out to them the same punishment as to the man who en ters by stealth and robs in the night. Then so strin gent should be the restrictions placed around the other great corporations of this land that a recurrence of the Insull failure could never be. Clears the Way tor Better Regulation High Point Enterprise. A definite advance towards stricter governmental control of the drafts that are made on the public for essential utilities was effected yesterday when the Su preme Court held that the Federal Power Commis sion has the right to determine the value of an elec tric company for rate-making purposes. The question was raised by the Clarion River Pow-, er Company, of Pennsylvania. The company/after claiming that it had spent more than eleven million dollars in the development of its property, attacked the constitutionality of the Federal water power act. The power commissioner's experts contended that more than half of the company'sclaim of investment should be disallowed. The $11,032,816 was padded to the extent of $6,387,731, the accountants concluded. Among the items of costs on which the company wanted the users of the current to pay dividends per petually was that for 144 $3 neckties given away as souvenirs. The company totaled up everything, iii-' eluding the calendar year, apparently, in arriving at its total. • The monstrous padding alleged by the commission's experts is an interesting illustration of the abuse of the public that can occur in unquestioned set-ups, but the vital point in the story is the court's decision that Congress was within its authority in enacting the statute. The estimate that a half billion excess draft is made upon the users of electricity in the United States every year, that was made by an employee of Pinchot, of Pennsylvania, several years ago, is not ex aggeration of the facts if all rates are based on the kind of capital claim that the relatively small Penn sylvania company makes. * A Lawn for the Swine [ Charleston News and Courier. By "ploughing up the lawn of the Governor's man sion, planting it to truck, and stocking the premises with cows, pigs, and houn' dogs," the Governor-nom inate of George would render the property useful. He so said during his campaign, and now some of the Georgians are wondering whether he shall fulfill his promise. Swine rooting on the Governor's lawn would be a pretty spectacle for Atlanta. It would give that modest town something to tell the nation in words and pictures, but Mr, Talmadge must have been "kiddin'" the Georgians. Somewhere in this land of the free there may be lawns for swine, bur among them will not be listed that of the lawn of | the Georgia Governor's mansion. THE'ENTBRPKIBB .SCHOOL DAW THE LETTER-BOX A DEMOCRATIC YEAR Well, happy days will soon be here The old ship of democracy, after an absence of eleven years, being pilot ed by Fraklin Delano Roosevelt, is homeward bound, and will doubtless sail on the victory bajfd- wagon with a majority that 000,000, and old'marrrtbover will go down on the tail-end of a defeated kite which will terminate his ever lasting farewell; yes, his everlasting political farewell. The ceaseless flight of the years has brought us oiife jilcJre into the midst of one of the imfet momentous political struggles in modern times. After eleven years of poverty-producing Republican rule, American people are turning by 'millions to the Democratic fold, inr eluding Republican voters,, for relief from the intolerable conditions that oppress them, and which are the di rect result of the malfeasance and monumental incompetency of Hoover leaders^ The Republican spell-binders are going up and down this Republic preachjff* to the electorate that the present agression is due to the after math of 4Tie World War, and ing it up to the grand old Democratic Party. Every intelligent human mor tal is fully aware that a little shaking' is always followed by war, but just' as sfeon as the Party was! restored to power, instead of trying | to improve matters, they began to fat- 1 ten "the depression by favoritism for! the privilege few; yes, making the few rich at the expense of the many. -*— l It is needless for me to recall the scandal of the Harding administration, a» most all are well familiar with the Teapot Doilte —an administration that shocked the enirie civilzjed l ive Coolidge admin' Station sanc tioned it and remained silent. The present Administration .serins to have utterly forgotten it, and has gM'.en •i deeply in the hole, with i.) pros-' pei\ of pulling us out I'.c Democratic par:y is i ialKr gutably opposed to every .n Hoover's political creed, if Hoover ever had a political creed, or any wcll the outbreak of the late World War the Hate Woodrow Wilson was look ing for a food distributor, .and by some reason or other happened to run across Hoover and made him food administrator, and I never have deem ed that it necesMrily required much brain power to dish out food, but rather muscle power—any one with plenty of muscle could have handled it. ' 1 It is a matter of history up to that time that Hoover never had cast * 'ballot in this country, as he had spent 23 years of his adult life in foreign climes—over half of his adult lift. JDuring his sojourn in foreign lands it is a matter of record that he was always partial towards foreign farm-| era and against American farmers; in other words, causing foreign farmers J to get more for their product* than 1 American farmers. He is what might j be termed a mugwump, anything for office, regardless of party, and every | singje, solitary time that he leaped be ! has' obtained an office, and let's hope that he has made his last leap. Yes;' he is against the American farmer, upon whose shoulder the abekmone ( of the world rests. I recall a speech delivered by the j lat, able, fearless parliamentarian and statesman, James G. Blaine, one a- J mong the greatest men the Republi can party ever possessed, who said; that agricultural interests are by' far the larptit in the nation and are. entitled, in erery adjustment of reve-j I nue laws, to the fullest consideration. Any policy hoatile to the fullest de-! velopment of agriculture in America WILLIAMSTON i^HOJTHjC«OLIN* w^^ I » I must be abandoned. To our regret I that policy has been ignored, and the American farmer is the forgotten man. | Hoover has had a chance, and has proven to be a complete failure, and has almost ahook this Republic from | center to circumference, which has , wrought the molt depressed times in human history. The American elec torate demands a change, a leader, an dthat man is Franklin Delano Rooievelt, who will lead us out of the Egyptian darkness into the light of a brighter day. Our plight is the fruitage of Republican misrule, class legislation, governmental favor itism, high tariff laws, legalized graft, mischievous meddling with legitimate business, unequal distribution of the burdens and benefits of government, waste and extravagance in the ex penditure of public fund*. Most of the troubles our government now en counters, and moat of the dangers which impend over our nation have sprung from an abandonment of the legitimate objects of government by! our national legislature. The majority of our wealthy men have not been content with equal tection, and equal rights, but have be sought us to make them richer by Last and Final DELINQUENT TAX CALL * I * ' i , : . iv , . ■> - * • ALL DELINQUENT TAXES WILL BE AD VERTISED IN NOVEMBER. NO FURTHER EXTENSION WILL BE MADE. PAY NOW AND SAVE COSTS. 18. ROEBUCK SHERIFF jOF MARTIN COUNTY By DWIG * • act of Congres. In fact, the present Republican leaden have gone in bus iness with the government, thereby, squeezing and sucking the life-blood | out of the masses, and we are now , face to face with the most gigantic | depression since the dawn of time. Privilege still remains at the helm, 1 .. , 1 and the average man has not got a chance—not a look-in—and it is high | time to knock those political vultures. into a cocked hat. I recall 20 years aga, after the late | Woodrow Wilson had been nominal-, ed for the presidency, I' repeat part' of an address delivered at Wheeling,! W. Vs., in which he said in one of j his stronger utterances ni condemna tion of the trusts. He said the thing that has created the trusts, the thing that created the monopoly is unregu l -! lated and unfair competition. He fur.' ther said that if those gentlemen of the trusts had a period in the peniten- | tiary to contemplate what hey were { doing hey would cease from troubling - further. The Grand old Democracy of nation hasjoined issues with the Re-, -r- I publican party in this campaign. All these things the Harding-Coolidge-, Hoover administrations believed in Friday, October 28, 1 and practiced. All these thins* are contrary to the genius and spirit of democracy, which is the traditional foe of the principles and policies thst have produced the most nnparallelled depression in all of the mighty tide of time. Democracy pleads for leg islative formulas that will bring the greatest good to the greatest num bers. So long as our Republic en dures, the Democratic party has a mission, and will survive to fight the battle of the masses for social justice and orderly constitutional government. Though routed in 1928, the Demo cratic party, pHoenix-like, /emerged from the ashes of defeat and renewed their strength like the young eagles in their upward flight. Its gaping wounds bear mute, but eloquent, tes timony of its valor and fortitude. Yes, the Democratic party comes forth, stands erect, moves forward, grimy with the smoke of innumerable battles, bearing the scars of countless combats, and with confidence and un flinching courage faces the future, its head bloody but unbowed, its soul un» and unconquerable. i Just 189 years sgo, a Virginia moth er gave birth to the Father of Dem | ocracy, the greatest humanitarian since i Jesus of Nazareth—Thomas Jefferson. It came as a voice from heaven to the beleagured, the down-trodden, and op pressed under every sky, and in every age and clime. Let us hope that the golden oawn df a grander day sWaits us. Let us pray ' and hope that this mammon-serving and unpstriotic age will pass, as passed the ge of brutish ignorance, as passed the age of tyranny. Let us pray that the day is near when we will no long |er place the badge of party servitude above the crown of American sover eignty, the ridiculous oriflamme of foolish division above Old Glory's star-gemmed promise of everlasting ' unity; when Americans will be in 1 spirit and in truth a band of brothers, I the wrongs of one the concern of all; J when brains and patriotism will take I precedence over boodle and partisan ' ship in our nationol polities; when • labor will no longer fear cormorant, ! nor capital the commune; when every I worthy and industrious citiaen may I spend his declining days, not in some i charity ward, but in the grateful shad- I ow of his own vine and fig-tree, the | loving lord of a little world hemfed | by the sacred circle of a home. ' Change is of the universe, and nothittjtslrtfc. "We must go for waijjl, yiojgo. backward—we ! must on || gander heights, to greater glories, or see the laurels al ready won turn to ashes on otir brow. We may sometimes slip; shadows may ! obscure our path; the boulders may bruise our feet; there may be months of mourning and days of agony; but ' however dark the night, hope, a pois ' ing eagle, will ever burn above the 1 unrisen morrow. THEODORE HASSELL. I Williamston, N. C.

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