Friday, October 28,1932 £££££ |j I Mrm. ELBERT 8. PEEL. Editor SI 44 ute Attend Meeting Below New Bern Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mishoe, Mrs. Charles Mobley, and Miss Clyde Hassell spent yesterday at the hunt ing lodge of the Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company 25 miles be low New Bern. One hundred and fifty employees of the company were expected to be present. Here From Belhaven Miss Mary King Ellison and Mr. Robert Mitchell, of Belhaven, visit ed relatives here Eve ning. ♦ in Town Thursday Mrs. J. T. Smithwick, of James ville, was a visitor in town Thurs day afternoon. • Visitor Here Yesterday Boone D. Tillett, Republican can didate for lieutenant governor, was in town for a short while yesterday afternoon. To Visit in Petersburg Mrs. G. W. Hardison, Misses Kathryn Hardison and Martha An derson expect to spend the week in Petersburg and Richmond with rela tives and friends. To Be Here Tomororw Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark, who have been visiting in Belhaven for the past few days, will arrive to morrow to spend a short time here before returning to their home in Jacksonville, Fla. •. Judge Meekins Here Judge Isaac M. Meekins, of Eliza beth City, was a visitor here last night en route home from holding' Federal Court in Wilmington. Lost 20 Lbs. of Fat In Just 4 Weeks; Mrs. Mae West, of St. Louis, Mo.J writes: "I'm only 28 yrs. old and' weighed 170 lb*, until taking one box, - of your Kruschen Salts just 4 weeks ago. I now weigh 150 lbs. I also' have more energy and furthermore I I've never had a hungry moment." j Fat folks should take one-half tea- j spoonful of Krwachen Salts in a glass of hot water in the morning before i breakfast —It'* the SAFE, harmless way to reduce as tens of thousands of men and women know. For your health's sake ask for and get Kruschen at any drug store — the cost for a bottle that last* 4 week* i* but a trifle and if after the firat bottle you are not joyfully satisfied with re sults—money back. ' Wake Up Your Liver Bile | —Without Calomel ——: And Youll Junto Out of Bed iums m»js a* aowint your roo* • ,1 w ./« . tl p 4—t !in the Morning Karin to Go o*. bi>.u up you* «t—«fh You hava • ———— thick, bad tula and yuur Lraatk k foul, ilia ' If you fad aour and sunk and the ofu. br~k. out ■- Your *, >r ' ! P un ki don't (wallow a lot aahaand you faai down and out. Your alula of salts, mineral water, oil, laxative , Jrt „ u rH ,- nH randy or chewing gum and expect- imkaatkoMfwrfaMOAßTiE'SidTTfJi than to Bake vou «dd*dy .weet unxri^u.ptito^H^^ and buoyant and full of aunahine. ud _k. 70 « M "up ~ui u[ ,- For they can't do it. They only n« contain •ondofui, hamina, r»ua move the bowela and a mere move- ncatabia atncu, •madni «b» it coma u rort.:t doesn't get at the cauae. The aafclaf tka bll« Sow (raaly. . rcaw>n for your down-and-out feeling But doa'taA (or li*« pill.. Aak for Carta* is your liver. It should pour out two Uttla U» PUU. Look for tb nam. CarUr't pounds Of lidUld bile into your bowels Uttl* Li»ar PUla oa Ua rad labal. Raaaat a daily. iff wUtJtuta. ©iMi.c.Jrf.Ta. FUNERAL DIRECTORS, AMBU-, LANCE AND EMBALMING SERVICE Night Phone 44 Day Phone 155 B. S. COURTNEY pVATT^^V^fXBsToIvH^^I m. "CONGORILLA" -^j-^T'Sgg. =». H Widiwidiy November 2 Thur«.-Fri November 3-4 Saturday November s B "Western Limited" "Smilin' Through" REX BELL in with - with "PROM BROADWAY H Estelle Tavlor w BL "to cheyenne" v - COMiDY J BHOBT Norma Shearer COMEDY and SERIAL I . BU , COMEDY and MEWS Mkhw from 1:00 To 11:00 P. M. ■ ily 1 «* Oaj^O^^Sverybody -/**'* '* 1 s*>i • , ' From Lumber ton Mrs. John L. Rodgerson and the e Misses Margaret and Mary Rodger son, of Lumberton, attended the sil : ver tea at the home of Mrs. C. G. - Crockett here Wednesday afternoon. I They also spent the night here, vis s iting Mrs. G. W. Hardison. To Visit Mrs. Martin Mrs. Louie Martin will have for , her guest all of next week her cous-j in, E. McNeill Poteat, Raleigh, who' will be here engaged in some special, religious services at the Baptist church. Here From Robersonville Rev. J. M. Perry, Robersonville, was in town today in connection with her church duties here. Will Return Tonight Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Fowden, Mrs. Warren Big3g, and Mrs. B. A. Critch er are expected home tonight after several days spent in Piedmont, N. C. The party spent one night with Mr. Percy Critcher and family in! Lexington. In Washington Last Night Bill Peel and Charles H. Dickey were in Washington for a few hours last night. Enjoy Weiner Roast Jim King took his Sunday school class of boys on a weiner roast last 1 evening. In Town This Week ,Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson, of Hamilton, were in town this week, l . meeting friends and shopping. 1 ♦ i From F.veretts ( Mrs. State Ayers and daughter, , Miss Edith, of Everetts, were Wil j liamston visitors yesterday after- I noon. I ,' J \ Returns to Washington "J, Mrs. Susie Weir, of Washington J City, and moth«v of John Weir, of ( Williainston, returned home Tues- 1 day morning after a week's visit with | : Mr. and Mrs. John Weir. !, —„> • 11 Recent Visitor* Here Rev. J. A. Everett, of Washing-; 1 ton, was a recent caller in William- ' ston. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. 1 To all persons, firms, or corpora- i rUILIIHID IV IKY tumoaj^H^WlOAY COST OF STATE GOVERNMENT IS BEING LOWERED -—• — Taxpayers Saved Over $12,- 000,000 in Levies During Past Fiscal Year It has taken just exactly $12,228,000 less from the pocketbooks of the tax ' payers of North Carolina to run their ! government this past fiscal year than |it did the year previous, according to I an analysis of the financial condition of the state released this week by Governor O. Max Gardner. Coupled with that reduction in the property tax bill for the state is the significant fact that the cost of the ; operation of the departments and in , stitutions of North Carolina has been reduced from $8,658,000 in 192 V to $6,- 176,000 for the current year, or a net reduction of 29 per cent in the cost of operating |he government, it was s shown in the governor's statement. Getting down to a specific analysis of the governmental costs, it was shown that by reason of the action taken in the last General Assembly | the total tax bill in Mecklenburg County, for instance, was reduced the grand sunt of $750,000, and Gaston county was able to slash off $449,000 from its total property tax bill. Ihe total reduction throughout all i North Carolina of 20.4 per cent of the property tax constitute sthe larg est tax reduction ever achieved in the history of the state? it was pointed out. Figures just completed by the Tax Commission show a total property tax levy of $59,911,000 in 1930 and a drop to $47,684,000 in 1931—the first year to have the benefit of the 1931 school and road legislation, and of the legis lative and administrative ecoitomies put into effect in local government. The analysis shows the remarkable reduction in county levies of $10,055,- 000, in district levies of $1,704,000, and in municipal levies of $469,000. This means, the surwey points out, that tlie businesses and industries of North j I arolina were called upon to pay only four-fifths as much property taxes in J 1931 as they were called upon to pay in 1930. In other words, these governmental left just exactly $12,250,006 more money iu the pockets of the tax payers of North Carolina that might easily have been taken under the nor mal and regular appropriations for the support of the government. This is generally regarded iu ad ministration circles as the biggest re duction ever brought about in a single year by any state in the union. More important than any of these reductions, in the minds of some, is! the fact that the administration was' able to shave off the impressive sum! of $2,7*0,000 front the salaries of state officials in the ,pasl' year. That hand some sawing in salaries alone is regard ed as a very Haltering contrast to the increase in salaries shown iu the fed eral government. ' nership of Bamhill Brothers, com posed of J. T. Barnhill, J. G. Barn hill, and W. S. Barnhill. You, and each of you, will take no tice that you are required to exhibit your claim against the partnership a bove named to J. T. Barnhill, the sur. viving partner, within twelve (12) months from the 28th day of October, 1932, or this notice will be plead in bar of your receiving any part of the proceeds front the assets of said part nership. This the 26th day of October, 1932. J T. BARNHILL, 028 4tw Surviving Partner. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in deed of (rust exe cuted to the undersigned trustee by J. G. Godard on the 7th day of Feb ruary, 1916, and of record in the Pub lic Registry of Martin County in Book M-l, at page 151, said deed of trust having been given for the purpose of securing certain notes of even date and tenor therewitji, and default hav ing been made in the payment of said notes, and the stipulations contained in said deed of trust not having been complied with, the undersigned trus tee will, on Friday, the 2Jth day of November, 1932, offer for sale al pub lic auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the courthouse door of Mar 'i*. County, the following described tract 'or parcel of land,-to wit: Beginning at a sweet gum in Noah Slade's line on the Wild Cat road, thence along said road to a stake near ly in front of M rs, Burrough's resi dence, thence northwardly along Jean nette Cowen's line to a swamp dog wood in Blanch Branch and Noah Slade's line to the beginning, con taining 183 acres, more or less, sit uated in Williamston Township, County aforesaid, adjoining the lands of W. H. Rogers, Mrs. W. A. Bur [J^|^|h^an^^thers^^^em^he^san^e THE BNTflftPftl&C" 7 land conveyed to said J. G. Godard by W. M. York, Walter York, and Nottie York by deed dated 10th of November and Ist of December, 1910, of record in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book YYY, at pages 410 and 421, which reference may be had. This the 25th day of October, 1932. H. VV. STUBBS, 028 4tw Trustee. Elbert S. Peel, Attorney. NOTICE OP TRUSTEE'S SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in a certain deed of trust given-by Edgar M. Long and wife, Mary Long, to F. L. Haislip, trustee, which deed of trust is dated the Ist day of January, 1920, and duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Martin County in book J-l, page 381, there having been de fault in the payment of the indebted-' ness thereby secured, the undersigned 1 trustee therein named will, at the re-j quest of the cestui qui trust, sell to j the highest bidder, for cash, at the courthouse door in Martin County, I North Carolina, at 12 o'clock m., on Monday, November 28, 1932, a certain 1 tract of land lying and being in Mar-] tin Couttty aforesaid, and more par ticularly described and defined as fol lows: Beginning at the corner of Front i Street and Smith Street in the town of Hamilton, N. C., thence up said Front Street 44 1-6 yards to M. W. Ballard's corner; thence along M. W. Ballard's line 44 2-3 yards to A. Sher rod's garden fence, M. W. Ballard's corner; thence parallel with Front Street along M. VV. Ballard's line 16 feet to M. VV. Ballard's woodhouse; thence along M. VV. Ballard's line 118 2-3 yards to South Street, thence down I South street 46 yards to Smith Street; | (hence along Smith street I(>3 yards ' to Front Street, the beginning, con- j lining two (2) acres, more or less, saving and excepting therefrom that certain part thereof heretofore sold by M 1. Flemming and wife to M. W. Ballard by deed of record in the pub lic registry of Martin County, which said deed is hereby referred to and made a part hereof for the purpose of showing the description of the land in tended to be excepted from this deed. This the 25th (fay of October, 1932. F. L. HAISLIP, 028 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between Kate York and Carrie Delle Cunning ham, trading as G. VV. Bloujtf and (A>mpany, WilKamston, North Car olina, operating a general mercantile business, was dissolved as of the 20th day of March, 1931, by mutual con- Sent. The business was sold to and takcu over by G. W. Blount, ami he assumed the obligations of said firm. The firm of (I. VV. Blount and Com pany, coVnposed of Kate York and Carrie Delle Cunningham no longer exists. This the Mb day of October, - 1932. KATF YORK. " *•' CARRIE DKLLE o7 4tw __ CUNNINGHAM. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ! PROPERTY Utider and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of, trust executed on the 3rd day of Feb-' ruary, 1930, by James Asa Griftin and wife, Mamie Griffin, to the under-j signed trustee, and of record in the l public registry of Martin. County in Book C-3, at page "167, said deed of l trust having been given for the pur-! pose of securing a note of even date and tenor therewith, default having i been made in the payment of same, ! and at the request of the holder of same, the undersigned trustee will, on Saturday, November 19th, 1932, at 12 o'clock in., in front of the courthouse door in Williamston, North' Carolina offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, to wit. _ Overcome Paine this better way WOMEN who get Into a weak, run . down condition can hardly expect to be free from troublesome "small avmpt/inw." - Whore tho trouble Is clue to weult nos* Cardul helps women to gut stronger uiul thus make* It easier for nature to tuke Its orderly courso. Painful, naiotlnu symptoms dlsap- ! pear us nourishment of tliu body I* Improved. Instead of depending on temporary pain pills during the time of suffer ing, take Cardul to build up your resistance to womanly ailments. lead* all candidate* by MILLIONS ofSaUi l The public vote* Goodyear Tire* the beat again in 1912 aa it baa every year since 1914. That'* a record you can bank on. The public KNOWS tfre values by experience. Last month, Goc.'vear built Ita 20e million' 1 : Why buy any u-cunJ-cbdc* tire when GOOD YKARS coat - no more? . ■ CENTRAL STATION -I - SERVICE WILLIAMSTON NO«TH CA^'NA j Beginning at a ditch on the south of my house on road running by my house; thence along ditch to the Milly Hawkins' corner; thence east along Kmmeett Hines' line to Stancil Lilley'9 corner; thence with G. VV. Griffin's line to Daniel Gray Griffin's corner; thence along his line, to the road; thence down the road to the begin ning. Containing 90 acres, more or less. This the 20th day of October, 1932. JOHN D. BIGGS. 021 4tw Trustee. . SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER EXECUTION North Carolina, Martin County—ln I the Superior Court. , J. L. Hassell and Company vs. F. C. Bennett. 1 Under and by virtue of an execu tion to me directed from the Superior | Court of Martin County in the above | entitled action, I will, on Monday, | November 7, 1932, at 12 o'clock, noon 1 at the courthouse door in Williamston' I North Carolina, offer for sale to the j highest bidder, for, cash, for the pur-1 pose of satisfying the said execution,) the following described real estate,! i to-wit: I'irst lract: Being the same tract j of land conveyed to Merrick Williams as evidenced by deed from T. B. Slade' , bearing date of Nov. 3, 1902, recorded |. in the public registry of Martin coian ty, in book SSS at page 64, contain-1 ing by actua) survey 51 1-2 acres, more or less. Reference is hereby made to said deed for a more ac curate description Second Tract: Beginning at the: Northwestern corner of the Mary Jones tract of land on the McGaskey | Road, thence down said road ISO feet I to an iron stob, thence a southerly' course a straight line parallel with | I the lane to the back line of the John I j Moore farm, thence along the John I Moore line to said lane, thence along j the said lane to the southeastern cor- I ner of the Mary Jones tract of land, j thence along the fence, Mary Jones I line, to the beginning, containing 25 acres, more or less. Third Tract: Bounded on the west by Mrs. Jane Purvis (formerly John Moore s farm) and Mary Jones ' land an the west, and McGaskey road on the north and VV. J. Bennett on ! the east or along a line agreed to by VV . J Bennett and F. C. Bennett, to wit. Beginning at an iron stake at a ditch on the McGaskey road, run ning along said ditch to its mouth an iron stake, thence a straight line by a pine to the back line of said VV 1 Bennett's farm. J Fourth Tract: Bounded on the north by the McGaskey road and the lands of VV. M. Sitterson, on the east by the lands of J. 1«. Nicholson, on the south by the lands of Klmer Ches son and the (,'offield farm and on the DR. V. H. MEWBORN OPTOMETRIST Will be in Robersonville, William ston, and Plymouth Two Days Each Month During September, October, and November; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Respectively, after First • n 4 Third Sundays of Each Month. V. H. MEWBORN~t OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Robersonville at Pulmer's Drug Store. | Tuesday after First and Third Sun r days Each Month. , Williamston at Davis Pharmacy, on j Wednesday After First and Third | Sundays Each Month. Plymouth at O'Henry Drug Store, Thursday After First and Third Sun days Each Month. At Tarboro. N. C., Every Friday and I Did You Ever ——■—■ mmmmmmmmmmmm Stop To Think? • That Advertising Speeds Up Success? j - ' * . , • Truthful advertising is nourishment that the people can eas ily digest, and will pay any business concern that uses it persist x , V ently. '•*-— Competition is keener today than it has been in years, and this makes it necessary ior business concerns to pay more atten tion to the work that advertising does. I j ——*— ' ' ~ : : - ~ . Truthful, persistent, advertising compels attention and al * I _ ways creates favorable impressions. It aids sales with its con venience, economy, and effectiveness. . Advertising is vital to the success of every business. Per sistent advertising indicates quality and value and creates con fidence in the minds of the buying public. Quality goods well advertised sell and keep on selling. * * * p Advertising builds business and, by increasing volume, cuts down overhead—nothing strange about that. It is being done * " . *• everywhere. —f —i — * ■ For high quality at sane prices, advertised goods are best. south by the lands of W. J. Bennett, containing 85 acres more or less, and being the lands whereon F. C. Ben nett and brother, W. L. Bennett now reside and being ittore particu larly known and described as the Nancy Bennett place. Fifth Tract: Being a one-half un-1 divMed interest in the property in the town of VVilliamston-, North Carolina, I commonly known and designated as: the Farmers Warehouse, adjoining I Washington Street, Harrison Whole-! sale Company and others in said town, the same comprising all of the! lands and rights more fully set out' in deed of trust from F. C. Bennett! and wife, Fannie Bennett to N. K.' Harrison, Tfustee lor the Farmers! and Merchants Bank dated July 9th, 1 1928, and of record in the public reg- 1 istry of Martin County in Book Y-2 at page 483. Reference is hereby! made to said deed of trust for a more definite description; The above hve tracts are the same lands described in a mortgage of F.' I . Bennett and Fannie M. Bennett to the I'armers & Merchants Bank dated August 31st, 1928, and of rec-' ord in the Martin County Public reg istry Book Y*2 page 495. Sixth (.Tract: Being the one-half undivided interest of F. C. Bennett in a certain piece of land and the improvement* thereon, known as the 1 I J. W. PERRY COMPANY Commission Merchants \ 700 FRONT STREET—NORFOLK, VA. Cotton, Norfolk Peanuts, Suffolk Ship to this Company for satisfactory results. Reduced storage and handling charges this season. Liberal Cash Advances on Consignments THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS SIDE MEAT, lb. 9c PLATE MEAT, lb. COUNTRY PORK, lb. " 7c 24 lbs. Self-Rising PANAMA FLOUR s 65c 12 lbs. Self Rising PANAMA FLOUR 35c 24 lbs. Self-Rising O. V. Valley 60c Now Is the Time To Get Your LAYING MASH, lb. ■ * 'OC . MALT, lb. 5c We Keep All Kinds of Country Produce, Cabbage » Rutabagas, Bananas, Apples, and Oranges Buyers of All Kinds of Country Produce J. R. Parker Grocery W. H. Gurkin, Manager Williamston, N. C. PAGE THREE Farmers Warehouae located on Wash , ington Street, in the Town of Wil , liamston, Martin county. North Car , oline, and being the same property J described in a mortgage 'of F. C. Bennett and wife Fannie M. Bennett Ito the Farmers & -Merchant-) Bank | dated September 7th, 1926, and of record in the Martin bounty Public I Registry Bonk Y-2, page 30. ' This the 7th day of October, 1932 C. B. ROEBUCK, Sheriff, o!4-4t Martin County. WHAT CAUSES" EPILEPSY? IS THERE A CURE? New York, N. Y.—A booklet con tainiiiK the opinions of famous doc tors on (lie subject "CAN EPILEP SY BE CURED " has met with great interest throughout the country. Dr. Josi- Valcarcel of the medical faculty of the Central University of Madrid, and I >r. I'rank Spirk, renowned spec ialist of Prague, Czechoslavakia, have contributed to this interesting discus sion .which contains a great deal of in formation and advice on the subject. Any reader writing to Educational Di visioti, 545 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. \ Dept. AP 59, will receive a free copy of this booklet while they last.

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