Watch thi Label On Your Paper As It. Carrie* the Data Whan Your Subscription Expire* VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 76 SMALL DOCKET IS TRIED IN COUNTY , COURT TUESDAY Special Session To Be Held v Saturday of Next Week To Clean Up Docket Judge Joseph W. Bailey, holding his last regular session of the county re corder's court last Tuesday, had a very small docket, but despite thf small number of cases there were sev eral stiff sentence* imposed. Judge Bailey, retiring from the bench the first Tuesday in December, will hold a "clean-up" session Satur day of next week, when attention will be centered upon unpaid fines and costs. Papers are being issued for the arrests of the defendants, and a "trying" time is expected at that ses sion. Last Tuesday the court found Wil liam Staton guilty of violating the li quor laws and of an assault with a deadly weapon. He was sentenced to the roads for four months in each case. Prayer far judgment was continued until the first Tuesday in December in the case charging Jeffrey Taylor with abandonment. Burt Gorham was sentenced to the roads for a period of 12 months when he was found guilty of abandonment. He appeal his case to the higher court. Clinton Rogers was found not guil ty in the case charging hiin with a bandonment. No sessions fo the county court will be held next Tuesday and the fol lowing Tuesday, as the superior court will be in session at that time. A "hot" time is expected Saturday of next week, when those are brought before the court to explain why they haven't paid costs and fines imposed upon them at previous ses sions. METHODISTS END ANOTHER YEAR Regular Services Will Be Held Here and at Holly Springs Sunday , • By Rev. C. T. ROGERS Our closing services for the year will be held Sunday. The annual con ference begins Wednesday, November 23, at Rocky Mount. This has been a good year in many respects for preacher and people. Much sin and many mistakes have been made by all, yet God in His great wisdom and wonderful mercy has spared us and soon again the fair pages of a new year will open before us. j At the close of this conference year when only a very few days remain, may we do works meant for repent ance. All along the line. God's cause is being burdened for lack of financial support. God is depending mostly up on the poor people. Every one do his "bit," and great things shall be ac complished. The cry for help, both physically and spiritually, is from every qulrter of The globe. What kind of a human being can I be, to sit down to a square meal, wear warm clothes, maybe spend a a nickel now and then for luxuries, and not give a thing to the great work of the church? And yet Jesus the Saviour did so much for me. "Inas much as ye have ministered unto the least of these, ye have done it unto me," the Christ said. The opportunities of this year will soon be gone, never to return. It will be our loss not to use them. Services here and at Holly Springs at the usual hours. • Collections for the old preachers will be taken. All* sre invited. Presbyterians Announce Their Schedule of Services ■ • Sunday, November 20, 1932. Church school at 9:45 a. m. Worship service and sermon at 11 a. m Bear Grass: Church school at 9:30 a. m. Worship service and sermon at 7 p. m. Roberson's chapel: Chur«h school at 2:30 p. m. Ballard's Farm Mission: Prayer meeting Friday nights at 7 p. m. The Thanksgiving season /is fast approaching. Show your thanks to Almighty God by attending some church every Sunday. , Senior 4~H Club Girls of Everetts in Meet Monday ♦ Plana for making children happy were given the 4-H senior club girls in their regular meeting held in the Everetts school Monday afternoon. Seventeen members cut patterns of soft toys demonstrated to them by Miss' Sleeper and suggested ideas were given to the members for mak ing the toys to sell, to give to young er members in the family, and to give to some child who will not have Christmas.—Club reporter. THE ENTERPRISE Tobacco Markets To Close For Season Opening after the Thanksgiving holidays on the 28th of this month the local tobacco market will con tinue its operations until Wednes day, December 21, when the final curtain will be lowered on the 1932 season. At a meeting of di rectors of the East Carolina Ware house Association this week, it was agreed to close all markets on the 21st and have no sales aft er Christmas. Farmers Now Busy Harvesting Peanuts BOOK WEEK IS SUCCESS HERE Appeal Is Issued by School For Books; Interest Is Shown by Students » Book Week, observed in the local schools and in others throughout the ,country, was a marked success locally. It is to be admitted that a great in terest in books has been created since the children in the schools started work on their posters and prepared special window displays. Hundreds of people, in all walks of live, have had their attention called to the im portance of reading good books, and surely many have become "book con scious' during these past few days. In connection with Book Week, the schools directed an appeal to the peo ple •of the town and community for a number of books needed in the school libraries. A goodly number of new volumes has been added to the col lection, but many more are needed, it is understood. GRANGEMEETIN WINSTON-SALEM • National Convention Under Way There, Continues Through 26th The National Grange will hold the annual national convention in Win iston-Salem this week, beginning the 16th and continuing through the 26th. This is the first time the National 'Grange meeting has been south in 50 years. This organization was started many years ago in the South. The members are from >the rural sections of the,, country. The Grange is the only organiza tion which includes the entire family except the church. County and com munity Granges ave been organized in. niany of the counties this year in the state and eventually the organization will be invited to Martin County. The Organization is formed to promtoe the .welfare of the farm families over the nation. It has been instrumental in helping to put helpful bills before Congress, extending electric current to the country, and raising the stand ard of living generally. Today in the Reynolds Auditorium at Winston-Salem the Grange will confer the seventh degree at 2 p. m., also at 8 p. m. This degree can be given only at the national meeting. Miss Sleeper left early today for Winston-Salem so as to receive the National degree this evening at 8 p.m. John Hassell Tries John Hassell in Justice's Court John Hassell, colored man of Pop lar Point Township, was carried be i fore Justice of the Peace John Has sell here a few days ago to answer a charge of obtaining money under false pretense. , Namesake counted for lit tle that day and John Hassell, col ored, was required to give bond in. the , sum of S2OO for his appearance at the next term of Martin County Superior Court. Hassell is alleged to have gone to R. S. Hester, white farmer in Poplar Point, advising him that he had been sent for $2.25 due Payman Gorham for picking cotton. When the farmer lat er learned that Gorham had not sent the man for the money, he procured a warrant for Hassell's arrest. Play To Be Given At Everetts Next Tuesday V A play entitled, "Then the Fun Be gan," will be presented by the senior , class of the Everetts school in the au ditorium there next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. The play is a three-act ■ farce comedy and should prove very i entertaining. The proceed* from the admission charges of 10 and 15 will be applied to school needs, it was : stated by Principal Hix. It is hoped ! that a large crowd will be present for the entertainment. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, November 18, 1932 It is the first time in a number of years that the markets of the entire belt have made arrange ments to close that early in the season. It is understood that the warehousemen are agreed that continued operations after Christ mas would amount to little. The Williamston market closes after sales, next Tuesday for the Thanksgiving holiday, and will re open the following Monday. QUALITY FROM POOR TO FAIR IS REPORTED Owners of Pickers Find It Difficult To Meet Demand With nearly all of the tobacco sold, most of the sweet potatoes dug and hanked, and virtually all the cotton picked ami ginned in the county, Mar tin County farmers arc centering their activities-on the peanut crop. During the past few days of fair weather, pickers have heen running full time, and picker operators are said to he finding it difficult to meet the demands of the growers. Various reports have heen heard in connection with the quality of the crop, hut it is agreed that there is a marked shortage this season; in the shortage is so great that it is be lieved and hoped that the price trend will strengthen as the season for sell ing advances; Quality from poor to fair has been reported, a few farmers stating they have unusnally good crops this year. Recent rains are said to have blackened the shells of some of the goobers, but the damage is not, as great as it was once feared. Price quotations have opened up un usually low, and very f#w bags of the new crop have been offered for sale. Prices ranging from 1 1-4 to I 1-2 cents were in effect this week. It is believed that few of the goobers will he moved at that figure, more than 3D farmers questioned on the streets here this week declaring they would feed them to the hogs before they would accept so low a price. Unusual reports have heen heard in connection with prices offered for last year's stock. Prices ranging as high tmKu -gym* have been unofficially reported for best grades of the 1931 stock. It is a bit difficult to believe the-report as it is an unheard of prece dent in the marketing of peanuts in this section of the country. LOADED TRUCK - IS HIT BY TRAIN Little Damage at Crossing Between Everetts and Here Monday - Robersonville, November 17.—Freight competition between rail and the State highways reached a dangerous stage last Monday morning when an Atlantic Coast Line freight train knocked from its path a large truck loaded with tobacco between here and Everetts, where Highway No. 90 crosses the track. Both the truck and train were trav eling toward Williamston and the truck driver, Carol Oakley, was un able to see the approaching train from the cab. The main body of the truck had cleared the track, the freight en gine striking the rear left end of the trailer, knocking it from Under the load of tobacco hogsheads that cov ered the highway near the crossing. Oakley escaped injury, the truck hav ing cleared enough of the track to throw the trailer sideways, preventing an impact between the truck and trail er. The truck and trailer, belonging to Scales Company and Kittrell, Inc., of this place, was damaged but little. • 1 Curb Market Planning for S pedial. Sales Wednesday The curb market will sell regularly Saturday of this week, but next week will sell Wednesday morning before Thanksgiving, 8:30 to 10 a. m. We are expecting to have turkeys on the market probably, this Saturday and next Wednesday, the mar ket will greatly appreciate your or der. Eggs, 28 cents dozen; radishes, 5c bunch; beets, 3c bunch; tomatoes, 4c pound; cream, 25c quart; carrot*, 3c bunch; field peas, 2 quarts for 25c; cabbage, lc pound. j SPORTSMEN OF STATE ATTEND RALEIGH MEET Number Changes Favored At Session Held Last Tuesday A,more uniform opening of hunting seasons on the various types of game throughout the state and for a later opening of the season for squir rel's were strongly recommended and a change in the handling and conser vation of game was urged at a meet ing of game wardens and sportsmen in Raleigh last Tuesday, The meet ing would have the squirrel season open October 1 instead of September 1, The meeting would have the duties of the State game warden and com missioners of inland fisheries perform ed by one man and have the duties now handled by the Department of Conservation and Development as con cerns forests, fish, and game,i>e trans-' ferred to a body of five men selected and appointed by the governor from a list of 15 men, three selected from each of the five highway districts, nominat ed and recommended By the' Izaak Walton League and the Fraternity of Protection. J. G. Staton, Ira Coltrain, Hoye Davenport, \V. \V. Griffin, \N. K. Parker, Clayton Moore and J. W. Hines represented this county at the meeting, olTcrjng such recommenda tions as were made at a county meet ing held herd recently. $32 COLLECTED FOR RED CROSS • - Second Appeal for Member ship in Organization Is People The Rcdtross annual roll call was ofT to a rapid start last Friday, but I»rogress has been slow since then, ac cording to a report released by the clrairmart of the Martin County chap ter yesterday. Another appeal to Mar tin County citizens is beiiyt made, and it is- hoped that a greater response will result. There are only a few more days of the campaign left, and unless there is a marked resopnse to this second appeal, the chapter is go ing to fail miserably in meeting its as signed quota of 600 members. With one or two exceptions, the enrollment has been limited to peo ple in Willianfston and immediate community. However, it must be re membered that the benefits of the or ganization are not limited to this im mediate community but extend into 7 more of the 10 townships in the county, Those citizens living in out lying districts who are. filling to sup port the roll call are cordially askec}. to forward their subscription to Mrs. A. R. Dunning, chairman. At the present time, there are near ly 100 men at work in various parts of the county solely through the ef forts of the Red Cross and welfare departments'. Whether these _ men will be continued at work and" wheth-- er others can be hired depends upon the response given the Red Cross roll call right now, Forward your sub scription to the Red Cross chairman today. Up until yesterday afternoon $32 had been reported, as follows: VV. C. Manning, Mrs. A. R. Dun ning, Robert Howell, J. B, Galloway, W. J. Hodges, Margolis Bros., Henry Gurkin, W. "G. Peel, Williamston Cafe, Harry A. Biggs, A. R. Dunning, D. R. Davis, Bill Carstarphen, East ern Bond and Mortgage Co., N. C. Green, P. P. Peel, Marvin Britton, S. H. Grimes, Mr. McKenzie, Henry Peel, Herbert Clark, Herbert Peele, Miss Hattie Thrower, Joe Frank, Dr. J. H. Saunders, C. B. Clark, James Manning, Miss Clyde Hassell, Rush Bondurant, Francis Manning, Jack Frank. The following contributed 25 cents each; J. B. Cherry, B. A, Critcher, J. W. Hines and Miss Whitford. District Commander To Attend Legion Meeting District Cbmmander J. G. Madry will address the regular meeting of the Martin County post of the Ameri can Legion here" next M-onday night at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Madry will dis cuss the benefits of the legion and stress the importance of a large mem bership in each county of the State. i All members are urged to attend | and bring as many ex-service men with them as they can. • To Hold Union Service Thanksgiving Day Here # Arrangements are being made for the annual- Union Thanksgiving serv ice. The name of the minister who will bring the message and the church 'in which the service will be held will be announced from the pulpits of the various churches Sunday morning and I night. MANY TO ATTEND CEEBRATION AT KILL DEVIL HILL Lindbergh Is Said To Be Planning Visit There Tomorrow More than 10,000 people are expect ed to visit Kill Devil Hill, down on the coast, tomorrow to witness the dedication of the Wright Beacon Me morial. The" event, recognizing the beginning of the most modern method of transportation known to the world, will attract notables from all over thV country, including Charles Augus tus Lindbergh, Ruth Kifliolls ami other flyers of note. President Hoo ver will not attend, and Governor elect J. C. B. Ehringhaus will repre sent Governor Gardner. Virginia's governor will be there. The mighty Akron, a number of blimps from the naval .station at Nor folk, anil a goodly 4 number of air planes arc preparing flights to the j seashore spot where the first suc cessful flight of a heavier-than-air . craft was made. Eight members of the North Caro lina Highway patrol passed through here this morning going to the fa mous spot down in little Dare Coun ty to direct the thronghs tomorrow. More than 500 people from Washing ton I ity are said to lie on their way there, and a goodly number of local people are makiug. preparations to at j tend- the dedication exercises which begin at 11 and continue for about two hours. ' , FORMER COUNTY RESIDENT DIES Mrs. Jane Etta Rodgerson Buried In Elizabeth City Yesterday Mrs. Jane Ftta Rodgerson, former ly of this county, died at the home of | her daughter, Mrs, Ernest L. Saw ' ycr, in Elizabeth City last Tuesday. Mrs. Rodgerson, the youngest and , last survivor of a large and promi nent family, was born on the Wash ington Highway, near here, 81 years ago. She was the daughter of the | late John uWard and wife. When a young woman she married W. A. Rodgerson, who died sohie years ago. Following her marriage, she moved to \\ illiamston and lived here until a bout 35 years ago, when she moved to Eden ton and later to Elizabeth City to live with her children. She leaves two sons, Messrs. John 1.. Rodgerson, of Lumberton, and R. L. Rodgerson, of Cincinnati; and three daughters, Mrs. Ernest L. Sawyer, of Elizabeth City; Mrs, Willis Owens, "l Kdci»ton,.and Mrs. Mark B. Dawea of Richmond. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. M. Brown, Presbyterian min ister, yesterday. Burial was in Holly wood cemetery at Elizabeth City. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Rodgerson and children .stopped here a short While en .route to and from the fu neral. JOHNSON CASE FINAL FRIDAY Judge Daniels To Decide on Motion To Set Aside Verdict Robersonville, November 17.—Judge I'rank A. Daniels is expected to hand down a decision in the Edgar Johnson $25,000 damage suit against the Boncy-Hofller Transfer Company , in larboro I'riday of this week, it was I learned from one of the plaintiff's at- I torneys yesterday. j The case was tried in this county ; last September, the defense making a | motion asking the judge to set the $13,400 verdict aside. The motion was heard by the judge some time agfr, but the decision will not be announced before Friday of this week. I lie judge will either sign the judg ment granted by the Martin County jury, or he will set the verdict aside. In the event the verdict is set aside, the case will likely be scheduled for retrial in the Martin courts during the December term. Many Farmers Plan Storing Peanut Crop Experiencing unusually low prices for the new crop, many farmers in this section are planning to store their peanuts and await developments in the market, according to reports received here from various points in this sec tion. | A number of local farmers are plan i ning to ship to the New Peanut Grow ers Corporation, Suffolk, where they can be sold at the discretion of the grower or held for future sale. The company, since it* organization in 1929 has handled many accounts from this section, it is understood/ Everetts M Be Tried jl TAX COLLECTIONS 1 I s " Approximately $9,000 were I turned over to the of the county this week, represent ing taxes paid to the collector ju*t prior and immediately after the initial advertisement of delinquent tax accounts, it was learned from the sheriff's office here yesterday afternoon. The remaining unpaid accounts will be considerably les sened by the first Monday in De cember, when certificates of sale wilt be issued, it is believed. * . URGES CHILDREN TO BE CAUTIOUS Station Agent Addresses Student Body At Local Schools This Week The importance of using precaution | in crossing railroads was stressed by j V. I). Godwin, local station agent, P before several hundred school chil dren here this week. Wednesday morning, Mr. Godwin appeared before | the pupils of the elementary school, [ nixing them to cautiously cross all railroad crossings, to watch for warn ; ing signs at railroad crossings, to look both ways before going over railroad crossings, to be prepared to stop at a sale place approaching railroad cross ings. At any time a train may be meeting them at railroad crossings. Yesterday, Mr GdUwi'n carried "his safety message to the high school pu pils and this morning he appeared be fore the colored school children, ask ing tent to strictly follow the rules of safety in everything, especially at rail road crossings. Throughout the country this safety appeal* being directed to the mil lions ill youths in an effort to lessen number of needless accidents that result in the loss of thousands of,lives annually. — . NO CLUE YET IN ROBBERY CASE # Believe Local Burglary To Be Linked Up With Others in Section Every effort possible to establish a clue that would lead to an arrest in the Harrison Wholesale robbery of last Monday morning has failed, and officers are just as halllcd today as they were when the robbery of $1,300 rAUittIUTTf-cigardto.:. way-reported?- ; * According to information reaching here, the robbery of the local whole sale concern is only one of a great number reported throughout this part of the state during the past few months. It was unofficially learned that the railroads in this section have Tiad stolep Troni tTielr cars approxP" inatcly $50,000 worth of cigarettes within the past month_or two. Club Girls of Parmelb Hold Regular Meeting I'our-H club girls were very much interested at their regular meeting held in the I'armele school auditorium No vember 8 in making the softy toys. Patterns were cut and distributed a inong the members, and the members eagerly worked to make toys for the smaller children who would otherwise : not have Christmas. —Club reporter. _____ 9 —- Regular Program of Services For Baptists The pastor of the Baptist church is returning front Charlotte this week end, where he has attended te pro ' ( ceilings of the K)2nd annual session of the State Haptist convention, and will i)c in, the -pulpit Sunday for the regular schedule of services. At 'the evening hour there will be a baptismal servi'ce. The other church organizations meet as usual. Mechanical Man Attracts Great Deal of Attention "I • " The mechanical man, performing in the windows of Margolis Brothers here yesterday, today, and again to morrow, is attracting much atten tion. And lie is really good at his work. A standing offer of $lO to any one who makes him laugh is still in effect, but no one has made him laugh | or even smile so far. County Treasurer Harrison 1 Suffering An Ailing Foot ♦ Friends of Mr. )C. A. Harrison re gret that he is confined to his home with a bad foot. He is expected out during the week-end, but will not be able to see any football games to morrow. Advertiser* Win Fnd Oar Col unM m Latchkey to Onr Sixteen Hundred Martin County Hones ESTABLISHED 1898 BOUND OVER TO NEXT TERM OF SUPERIOR COURT Is Second Time Young Men Have Had Charges Against Them Probable cause appearing in the case charging them with arson, Otis and Jasper Roebuck, two yoffng white men of F.veretts, were bound over to the superior, court by Justice of the 1 eace John L. Hassell at a hearing held here Wednesday Otis Roebuck, the elder of the two brothers, was placed under SSOO bond, the justice re quiring S3OO bond of the other young man. It was the second time that the boys had been formally charged with the burning of their home, a two-story frame structure in, Everetts the lat ter part of last August. State wit nesses at the firs hearing denied hav ing made statements to officers of the Martin County Branch of the Farm ers Mutual l ire Insurance Company, the guilt of the two young I men. Justice Hassell considered the | evidence insufficient to hold the boys, and they were released at that time. I At the hearing Wednesday, young Wynn,admitted talked with the insurance officers and reyiewed the statements made to them. It was j pointed out that Otis Roebuck had j told him of one attempt he had made , in burning the building to collect the | insurance He also said that Otis 1 Roebuck described how he fired and I burfied the building in late August. Ihe young Roebuck boy was alleged to have built a tire in the kitchen stove and placed a can of gasoline on it. When the gasoline failed to catch fire front the heat of the stove first, he is said, to have thrown a match in the gasoline and the house was soon burn ing rapidly. Wen asked bv the defense attorney, R. L. Coburn, why lie had refused to offer test niony at the first preliminary bearing, young Wynn stated that he feared bodily barm at the bands of the two Roebuck boys had lie testified ! against them. In default of bond, the two Roebuck j boys were placed in.jail to await grand jury developments and possibly face trial in the Martin County Superior court next month. Bond was raised later in the day and the-two'boys were ! released. WILL HELP EQUIP* SCHOOL KITCHEN » , „ Womans Club Plans Dining Room-Kitchen Shower Next Tuesday Opening,,a - home economics depart ment in the local high school two month* ago for the first time in a number of years, the school heads have found it impossible to equip the de partment with all the necessary ar ticles, The Woman's CfUl>, realizing | the handicaps as a result of equip ment shortage, is planning a dining room and kitchen shower next Tues | day afternoon from 4 to 5 o'clock for i the food department. ! Any article, useful in a dining room ior kitchen, that is given the depart ment Will be greatly appreciated by the pupils and teacher, Miss Ora Finch. A cordial invitation is extend ed the people of the town and com munity to. visit and support the show ier at the Woman's Club hall. ♦ DANIELS TO TRY CHURCH CASE . • Will Preside Over Second Week of Superior Court Judge Frank A. Daniels, one of the oldest and probably the most religi ous judges on the North Carolina bench, will likely preside over the sec ond week of the next term of super ior' court here, it was unofficially learned today. The Smithwick Creik church case is scheduled for trial beginning Mon day of that week, but whether it will be called at that time is not certain, according to rumors heard this morn ing. That the case would be post poned again was denied by parties to the suit, and as far as it could be learned today the case will be called Monday morning, November 28. Judge Moore will preside daring the first week of the term beginning next Monday. All 45 cases appearing on the docket for trial the first week are of a civil nature. No criminal actions will be heard during the term.