Tuesday, November 29,1932 BETTER COWS FOR THE STATE Tests Show State Within Close Range of National Production Average ♦ An analysis of records kept on 1,651 cows in the North Carolina herd im provement associations last year in dicate that these animals psoduced an average of 6,927 pounds of milk con taining 303 pounds of butterfat. The average feed iost per row was s9l. "This report was made by the United States Department of Agri culture which has been studying our testing work," says John A. Arey, dairy extension specialist at State College. "The figures supplied by the national department show that we have made a steady gain in milk and fat porduction and that the metaibers of our cow-testing associations are gradually replacing their herds on a more efficient production basis. The increase in fat production during the past three years from 267 pounds to 303 pounds is a record to be produ of. We are now within three pounds of the national average." Mr. Arey says persistent culling is partly responsible for this rapid in crease in production. During the past three years from ten >to twelve per cent of the cows on test were culled each year because they were unprofit able. When the herd records "show that a cow is not paying her owner, he does not hesitate to send her to the butcher. However, many unprofitable cows are retained in herds if no pro duction records are kept, r If all the fluid milk producers in North Crolina would keep herd rec ords and send to the butcher all ma ture cows which produced less than 6,000 pounds of milk a year, the pres ent surplus of milk in the State would quickly disappear and the net return* from the remaining cows would be materilly increased. The production of the unprofitable cows will probablyt equal the surplus which now exists in the fluid markets, Arey believes. NOTICE OF SALE Notice Is hereby given 'that under and by virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by Edward James and wife, Delia L. James, to the undersigned trustee, and dated the 6th day of Jan uary, 1931, and of record in the pub lic registry of Martin County in Book C-3 at page 402, and at the request of the holder of the note of indebted ness thereby secured, default having been made in the payfrient thereof, I will, on the 15th day of December, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in Martin County offer for sale at public auction, for cash, the property described in said deed of trust as follows, to wit: Bounded on the east by the lands of Cora Hilt, on the south by the lands of Eli Gurganus Estate, on the west by the lands of the heirs of Fletcher Brooks, and on the north by the old Jamesvillc-Plymouth road, containing forty-two (42) acres, more or less. This the 14th day of November, 1932. W. H. COBURN, n22 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 24th day of Au gust, 1929, by W. T. Meadows and wife, to the undersigned trustee and of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book C-3, at page 57, said deed of trust having been giv en for the purpose of securing a note of even date and tenor therewith, de fault having been made in the pay ment of same and at the request ef the holder of same, the undersigned will, on Monday, the 19th day of December, 1932, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse door in Williamston, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to wit: Beginning at Eli Taylor's corner in the mouth of Dog Branch, where it empties into Black Swamp or Mill Pond, thence S. 40 W. 16 poles to two pines on edge of hill and known as twin pines, thence S. 23 1-2 W. 165 poles to run of Reedy Swamp, Ran som Reddick's corner, said corner be ing 5 poles beyond a cypress stump, thence down the various courses of the run of said Reedy Swamp, or mill potid, to the Rawls Mill seat run, thence up the Foster Mill pond run of Black Swamp prong to the begin ning, containing 125 acres, more or less. It being the same land deeded to J. G. Staton by J. E. Green on 21st day of November, 1913, and record-! ,Ed in Martin County Public Regisrty in Book E-l, at page 275, which ref erence may be had for a complete de scription. This the 18th day of November, 1932. ELBERT S. PEEL, • n22 4tw /„ Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale in me vested, in and by that cer tain deed of trust, made to me as trustee, on the 22nd day of December, 1928, by C. E. Hines and wife, Addie L. Hines, which deed of trust is duly recorded in the records of Martin Conntv in book "B-3" page 18, I will offer lor sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the courthouse door of Martin County, on Monday, the sth day in December, 1932, at 12 o'- clock noon, all that certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in C-riffins Township, Martin County, State of North Carolina, bounded on the north by th« lands of J. B. Rober son, on the east by the lands of Mrs. Gray Griffin, A. D. Griffin, and Wash ington road, on the south by lands of A. D. Griffin and J. A. Griffin, con taining 82 1-2 acres, more or less, and I having such shapes, metes, courses, | and distances as will more fully ap- J pear by reference to map of same [ made by Sylvester Peel on the 13th 1 day of July, 1898, a copy of wheih is on file with the Federal Land Bank, r This the 4th day of November, 1932. JOHN E. GRIFFIN, pi 4tw Trustee. Notices of Sales of Real Estate for Taxes NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR TAXES Having thi* day levied upon the property listed below, I will on the first Monday in December, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the post office in Oak City, N. C., sell, for cash, the following real estate for taxes due the town of Oak City, N. C., and unpaid for the year 1931: This the Ist day of November, 1932. G. D. PEARSON. Tax Collector, Town of Oak City. White J. W. House, 1 house and lot ; $ 8.07 H. Z. Hyman, house and two lots ... ■*■■■ '••• *2.60 B. L. Johnson, house and two lots , 19.15 D. G. Matthews, house and two lots 7.84 Lucy Burnett's Estate . - - - 4-18 J. T. Daniel, Guardian, house and lots — r 21.42 J. T. Daniel, house and town lots - 51.02 T. W. Davenport, house and lots , ' 37.28 W. E. Early, 1 house and lot i 8.97 Slade, Rhodes and Company, lot —... - - 3.65 Colored John Ausburn, house and lot —: - 4.60 Eliza Ruff, house and lot 5.78 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR TAXES Having this day levied on the property listed below, I will, on the first" Monday in December, 1932, at 12 o'clopk noon, in front of the Bank of Ham ilton, at Hamilton, N. C., sell for cash the property hereinafter mentioned for taxes due the Town of Hamilton, N. C., and unpaid for the year 1931. This the Ist day of November, 1932. J. S. AYERS, Tax Collector, Town of Hamilton, N. C. White Taxes Coat Total Mrs. J. R. Bunting, 1 residence $ 13.50 SI.BO $ 15.30 Mrs. J. E. Edmondson, 1 residence 4.80 1.80 6.60 W. E. Davis, 1 residence - - 4.71 1.80 6.51 C. D. Perkins, 1 filling station 28.80 1.80 30.60 H. M. Peel, 1 residence, 1 lot - 5.40 1.80 7.20 Colored John Bonds, 1 residence 3.00 1.80 4.80 W. F. and C. P. Howell, 1 residence 2.40 1.80 4.20 Marie Peterson, 1 residence 2.40 1.80 4.20 William Peterson, 1 residence * 3.60 1.80 5.40 Charles Pitt'* Estate, 1 residence 3.60 1.80 5.40 Sabra Raynor Estate, 1 residence " 4 .: - T. 20 1.80 3.00 Laura Staton, 1 residence 3-60 1.80 5.40 Charlotte Ward Estate, 2 residences 4.50 1.80 6.30 NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES I, Sheriff C. B. Roebuck, tax collector for the County of Martin, State of North Carolina, have this day levied on the following tracta of land, and will sell same at public auction, for cash, at the courthouse door in Williamston, Ndrth Carolina, on Monday, December 5, 1932, at 12 o'clock m., for taxes due and unpaid for the year 1931,, unless said taxes, penalties, plus cost, are paid on or before that date. The amounts listed below include taxes for the year 1931 and a 4-cent penalty. In addition to the amounts shown, $1.50 is - to •be added ta each item to care for coats id handling the sale. This the Ist day of November, 1932. C. B. ROEBUCK, nil 4tw Sheriff, Martin County. Jameaville Townahlp—White Callie Angc, 6 acres J. H. Ange land - - $ 6.90 Mrs. Delia Ange, 25 a. L. J. Padgett land, 15 a. L. J. Padgett land 8.80 d. B. Angc, 35 a. Mary E. Ange land 30.60 H. L. Ange, 19 acres C. H. Davis land 25.20 J. H. Ange, 24 acres adj. L. I. Ange and others : 1280 J. T. Ange Estate, 1 acre residence 16 70 Levin Ange, 118 acres M. W. Angc land 48 90 L. B. Ange, 156 a. W. W. Ange land, 5 a. Harrison Gee land, 160 a. Laura Sullivan land 95.80 L. D. Ange, 41 1-2 acres W. D.-Ange-land 9.60 L. L. Ange, 22 acres M. P. Angc land 10.00 L. W. Angc, 83 acres Mill land, 21 acres Cullen Ange land 30.40 Oressa Ange, 22 acres M. P. Ange land - 13.70 S. E. Ange Estate, 62 a. residence, 23 a. Cullen Ange land 34.90 E. T. Bateman, 51 acres G.aylord land - 30.90 W. M. Bcacliani, 103 acres Frazier land 41.20 N. T. Coburn Estate, 48 acres residence 51.90 S. R. Coburn, 50 a. W. T. Coburn land, 20 a. Tarkle Neck land 53.20 Mrs. A. Corey, 1 acre residence - H Carrie Davenport, 117 acres Jones land, 143 acres Jonei land Alice Davis, 7 acres Mizelle land 1-20 H. L. Davis, 56 acres W. E. Wright land 50.00 J. H. Davis and H. H. Holliday, 250 acres S. S. Davis land 58.60 S. L. Ellis, 45 acre* F.. T. Long land '6.30 Flemming and Koberson>, 800 acres Ball Gray land 306.60 Eli Gurganus Estate, 75 acres Waters land - v ~ - 30.00 Leo G, Hack, 9 acres residence . 11 70 W. R. Hampton, 100 acres fishery 47.20 H. S. Hardison, 10 a. Susan Dempsey land, 50 a. A. B. Waters land 65.00 Mrs. Minnie Hardison, 2 acres residence and mill *0.30 Mrs. Bella Harrison, 1 acre Mary Ellison land 8.90 Harrison Brothers and Company, 137 acres Stubbs land Vn Harrison and Mizelle, 1 store - 11-70 J. M. Hassell, 94 acres residence, 1 vacant lot and residence « Mrs. S, E. Hinson, 40 acres Hinson land .... - *952 Joseph H. HollijJay, 25 acres Davis land " 5.30 Mary C. Holliday, 20 acres Holliday land, 32. a. residence - 23.90 E. R. Jackson, 26 acres Fagan land —•; — - - 31 80 J. R. Knowles, 360 acres Barden land 231.90 J. and W. Land Co., 4,000 acres woodsland - 254.60 Kathleen Lilley, . 385 a. Mobley land, 25 a. Smith wick land, 30 acres Walter Griffin land 179.50 Tom Lucas, 300 acres Warren Neck land 27.40 Annie Mizelle, 7 acres W. T. Mizelle land 20.00 C. W. Mizelle, 22 acres Wallace land, 45 acres Davis land ' 37.00 G. H. Mizelle, jr., 55 acres H. S. Hardison land 36.50 H. W. Mizelle, 7 acres, no description }•« John A. Mizelle, 7 acres no description 1-60 Laura and H. W. Mizelle Estate, vacant lot - »•••- 5.60 L. W. Mizelle, residence 34.90 Clyde Modlin, 1 a. J. A. Davis land, 101 a. J. E. Mizelle land 37.80 W. E. Modlin Estate, 1 acre residence W D. H. Padgett, 50 acres L. F. Padgett land 23.40 L. J. Peel, 26 acres Everett land 12.50 S. J. Perry Estate, 150 acres D. Hardison land 39.00 Vance Price, 60 acres Price land 45.30 Mrs. E. E. Roberson, residence 13.40 Eli Rodgerson, 30 acres C. M. Long Estate 26.30 Milton, Clarence, and Herbert Sexton, 2-3 int. 100 a. W. C. Sexton land 47.30 Johnnie Simpson Estate, 14 1-2 a. adj. H. B. Barber 12.60 J. T. Simpson, 20 acres Walton land 3.20 A. L. Stallings, 50 acres Smithwick land .. 154.30 W. S. Swinson, 13 acres Joe Swinson land 14.80 Juirtis T. Wallace, 33 acres J. S. Hardison land 25.50 W. W. Walters, 30 acres Cooper Swamp, 1 residence, 1 vacant lot, and J warehouse 53.10 Mrs. E. G. Waters, 35 a. Caskett land, 58 a. J. B. Waters land 55.30 Jameaville Township—Colored Mary Alexander, 7 acres residence —..... —~~ 8.40 Maude Blount, 18 acres A. C. Cordon land „ 12.60 Sylvester Blount, 25 acres John Blount land - 6.70 Brick Boston Estate, 75 acres residence - 20.00 Columbus Boston, 26 acres adj. Joe Godprd - . 16.50 Elizabeth Boston, 17 acres, no description 1 25.50 Lucretia Boston, 58 acres James land - u, , ■ ■.. ,r , 15.00 Mandie Boston, 20 acres A. L. Cordon land 12.00 Sarah Jane Boston, 12 acres J. C. Cordon Estate _— ' 6.30 Willie A. Boston, 5 acres Tarkle Neck 6.80 Willie D. Boston, 44 acres George Boston, 9 acres Boston land 40.50 William Boston, sr., 15 acres Robert Boston land 10.50 David Brooks, 23 acres George Boston Estate !: 9.00 Elizabeth Brooks, 17 acres no description 25.50 Warren Brooks, 21 1-2 acres Dave Brooks land, 23 a. Geo. Boston Est- 37.70 Willie Brooks Estate, 6 acres George Boston Estate 6.30 R. W. Butts, 2 1-2 a. J. G. Godard land 1 11.50 A. L. Cordon, jr., 17 acres A. L. Cordon land —: 27.50 Edward Cordon, 12 acres J. C. Cordon land 13.30 Ethel Cordon Estate, 12 acres J. C. Cordon land 6.80 Gadyst Cordon, 74 acres J. C. Cordon land - ... 6.30 Geo. F. Cordon, sr.,, Est., 36 acres Brown land 35.80 Geo. F. Cordon, jr., 16 acres Geo. F. Cordon land a— 17.50 Geo. F. Cordon jr., and Moore, 50 acres H. J. Jones land 10.80 Geo. F. Cordon, jr., and son, 13 acres Clark Daniel land .... 11.20 Josephus Cordon, 5 1-2 acres residence „ 10.30 Lucy Cordon, 27 acres Moore land, 1-2 a. C. H. Davis land 2.40 William Cordon, I acres James land 7.60 Carrie Davis and Clyde Hassell, 12 acres T. P. Moore land 4.10 J. B. Davis Estate, 30 acres J. C. Davis land and residence ... 6.00 Peter Dickens, residence i ............ SJO J. H. Garrett, 10 acres M. F. Forrest land —7.90 WM.ISHD ivmv njBDAYWJBrjtDAY THE ENTERPRISE Robert Gilliam, 25 acres J. E. Boston land 1 11.00 Henry Gray, residence ... - A........ 10.60 i Sylvester Gray, 6 acres Gray residence ; -...' 8.80 Thomas Gray, sr., residence - 7.60 Emma Green, residence .1— ~ .. 6.40 Hasty Griffin Estate, 5 acres Lightfoot land r. ...i. 3.70 Nathan Harrington, 10 acres woods 4.10 Louisa Holloman Estate, residence . ... 11.70 George and Joseph Hooper, 17 acres Pink Hooper land 15.00 Willie Hopkins, 38 a. Jot Ward land, residence and vacant lot 2.30 A. C. Jackson Estate, 28 acres residenc«4. : i 18.40 David James, 3 acres residence 14.10 Elvira James, 5 acres James land « 8.20 Flossie James Estate, 58 acres Lucretia Boston land, 1 acres residence and store, 14 acres Bettinfoot land 48.40 George James ,1 acres Levi Boston 13.89 Haywood James, 12 a. res., 20 a. Hinson land, 6a. Gadyst Cordon land 56.70 Irma James, 58 acres'Lucretia Boston land - 3.20 Johnnie James, 20 a. Nelson Cross, land, 58 a. Lucretia Boston land, 21 a. Robt. Boston land, 32 acres Salmond Boyd land, 7 a. J. C. Cordon land, 1 vacant lot 114.00 Joseph James, 50 a. Lucretia Boston land, 2 a. James land 58.20 Melvina James Estate, 15 a. Senate land, 30 a. Mill Pond lnd 22.20 William R. James, 6a. Gadyst, Cordon land . —.—• —► 6.20 TTV. Keys, 10 a. Heath Ange land, 2 a. J. C. Cordon land, 5 a. J. F. Keys land 17.60 Robert Keys, 2 a. Ann Moore land, 5 a. Susan Dempsey land 6.00 William Keys, 5 a. J. T. Hinson land 9.50 S. W. R. Keys, 2 1-2 a. Godard land . 4.60 . Rufus Knight, 1 residence ... 3.80 Mark Lions, 1 residence, 2 vacant lots 15.80 Louis McNair, 20 a. Ange land 8.40 J. P. McFadden, 1 residence 10.50 Edd Moore, 2 1-2 acres woods land 3.20 J. L. E. Moore, 1 residence . 6.60 Sarah J. Moore Estate, 35 acres Moore land 15.00 I W. C. Moore, 67 acres D. S. Lumber Co. land, 3 a. llassell land 12.50! | Martlia'A. Pierce, 2 a. E. G. Waters land 7.50 Wealthy Ann Pierce, 9 a. James land 6.00 R. P. Powers, 1 residence . 9.00 W. A. Revander, 1 residence 4.80 W. E. Rhodes Estate, -21 acres residence 8.50 Nellie Ruffin Estate, 1 residence 8.00 Joe Simpson Estate, 12 a residence b.30 W. H. C. Sykts, 14 a. Mill Road land, 8 a. Mill Road land 14.50 Katy Taper, 11 a. John Taper land 15.70 Luda Taylor, 1 residence , 6.40 Minnie Walker, 1 vacant lot 1.60 Winnie Walker, 27 acres Lightfoot land ... 23.30 Dcliah Watson Estate, 3 acres Moore land 6.00 J. E, Whitehurst, 15 acres Fagan land 6.20 J. 1). Williams, 1 residence ' 10.20 J. W. Williams Estate, 40 a. J. W. Williams land „ 24.60 Stephen Williams, 20 acres Hytuan ... ...: 17.10 Geo. W. Wood, 1 acres Glasgow land 9.10 Will W'ooten, 25 a. Davis land 6.80 Marinnia Wynne, 50 acre* Baglcy Wwd - 10.80 Williams Township—White Bcttie Gray Allen, 118 acres J. L. Woolard land 16.10 ' D. A. Bateman, 1 acres residence ...•. 7.00 ' W. F. Barber, 550 acres J. K. Moore land 89 90 • Mrs. J. B. Cherry, 135 acres Hardison land 68.30 ' Mrs. Maggie Davenport, 80 acres residence 18.00 : J. Ade Davenport, 80 acres residence 24.70 : Federal Land Bank, 97 acres Moore land 16.00 1 Lewis Gardiner, 30 acres residence 14.10 J. (i. Godard, 22 ECrci Carion land _ 2.70 O. S. Green, 135 acres residence 63.50 Mrs. Nick Hardison, 80 acres Griffin land 27.00 J. D. Hardison, 100 acres Gardner land 25.40 J. Wilmcr Hardison Estate, 150 acres Tyson land 25.00 Franlc-Hopkins, 1 acre residence 8.30 J. W. Hokins Estate, 100 acres Williams land 25.50 M s. J. M. Hopewell, 61 acres residence 35.20 R. 1). Jones, 39 acres residence 21.70 H. E. Lilley, 50 acres Lilley land , - 17.50 Mrs. A. F. Manning, 35 acres woods laud , 3.00 Will Perry, 220 acres Davis land 26.10 Lewis H. Perry (Heirs), >63 acres residence 96.90 J. D. Ray, 2 acres camp land 14.10 Z. H. Rose, 331 acres N. S. Peel land ... 62.60 Mrs. Theodore Roberson, 120 acres Jones land 62.10 W. W. Roberson, sr., 160 acres residence ........ 53.10 R. B. Roberson Estate, 88 acres residence j* 31.10 Mrs. Roxie Smithwick, 25 acres residence 15.70 Robert Wells, 3 acres residence 2.80 Frank Wells, 8 acres-residence 2.60 Mrs. Clennie Wells, 22 acres residence 5.90 L. Henry Williams, 51 acres residence 9.80 Williams Township—Colored Moses Andrews Heirs, 71 acres residence 28.50 ■&. Lt Andrews, 24 acres Andrews land 5.70 Ben Bazemore, 60 acres Stanley Field 8.40 Knowledge, Barrow, 35 acres Gardiner land 4,30 John Cherry, 25 acres residence 6.70 Maggie Clark, 13 acres Edward land 1.90 | Eliza Green, 4 acres Knight land 12.40 i Frank Griffin, 7acres Griffin land - . 2.60 I Torn Hardison, 10 acres Adliue place .... 3.60 1 Wiley W, Lanier, 30 acres Gray —■— _ 14.30 George Lyons, 10 acres residence 10 30 Bcttie Lynch E s,a,e > acres Lanier land s 28.90 Rome Moore, 66 acres residence 24.00 j Dan Moore, 75 acres Jim Hardison .. 15.00 I Joe Moore, 17 acres Harry Moore land . 6.60 Stephen Nicholas, 26 acres land .90 j Anthony Pery, 10 acres Yarrell land 6.80 Hattie Randolph, 1 acres Andrew land 3.70 Sudie Roberta. 5 acres island land „...^—- ~. 1.40 Rebecca Riddick, 4 acres residence 7.40 W. R. Slade, 50 acres Sheppard land 6.70 Gracy Smithwick, 15 acres residence 10.00 Mary Terry, 12 acres Lee land 4.00 Lizzie Woolard, 50 acres Woolard land 4.70 John Yates, 10 acres residence 8.60 Griffins Township—White ilrs. Elizabeth Ayers, 65 acres adjoining W. J. Lilley, 1 a. residence 5.80 Beverly Corey, 15 acres res., 60 p. Head swamp, 5 a. Corey land 16.20 Mrs. J. R. Corey, 25« acres residence 8.90 L. E. Corey Estate, 136 acres residence 56.20 Mrs. J. A. Daniel, 131 acres residence 34.90 A. R. Dunning, 15 acres Corey land - 4.00 Mrs. Claudius Hardison, 1 acre residence 8.00 Claudius Hardison, 20 a. res., 4 a. Noah land, 4 a. J. A. H. land 14.40 Mrs. Cottie L. Hodges, 125 acres Jackson land 5.40 M. N. Hodges, 100 acres Ridge land ' 4.30 J. and W. Land Company, 11,000 acres dismal . ... 581.10 Clyde Lassiter, 1 acres residence : 5.50 J. Lon Lilley, 145 a. Moore land 30.60 Louita Lilley, 75 acres residence 21.60 A. F. Manning Estate, 93 acres Smithwick land, 125 a. old residence 41.40 N. C. Joint Stock Land Bank, 298 acres Perry land 25.10 George M. Peel, 50 acres wire grass 6.90 Mrs. John G. Peel, 68 acres residence 32.70 Phillips Fertilizer Co., 106 acres A. E. Peel land 53.70 Claudius Roberson, 156 rfcres residence 63.20 J. B. Roberson, 25 acres residence 6.00 James E. Roberson, 50 acres residence ' 20.40 Mrs. E. C. Stone, 200 acres Hardison land ... 44.90 N. T. Woolard, 200 acres Peel land 8.70 Griffins Township—Colored George Butler, 25 acres residence 29.40 Ada Godard Estate, 14 acres residence, 150 a. Revels land 17.10 B. R. Godard, 40 acres residence 9.20 George F. Godard, 38 acres residence - 10 80 Golius Godard, 40 acres residence 25.80 Sylvester Godard, 38 acres residence 7.10 Bear Grass Township—White W. A. Bailey, 79 acres residence, 75 a. Cowen land 86.00. Jessie Bailey, 50 acres Rogers land 31.20 Thomas j. Bullock, 128 a. residence, 67 a. old place 61.10 D. A. (Hit ram, 160 a. Woolard land 10.50 D. C. Cowen, 30 acres residence .: t 25.60 Mrs. Maggie Gurganus, 33 acres Gurganus land v . 21.50 S. A. Harris, 175 a. residence 50.50 H. D. Harrison, 48 acres Harrison land, 1 a. residence ....... 37,30 Roy Harrison, 1 acres filling station „ 9.40 Mrs. Mattie L. Harrison, 25 a. residence 19.50 W. R. Harrison, 34 a. residence, 25 a. Harrison land 32.60 Henry Leggett, 20 a. mill pond . 2.00 G. A. Peel, 68 a. Little field, 145 acres residence - 101.00 H. D. Peel, 44 acres Jesse Peel land s 26.50 Mrs. Hattie Roebuck, 30 acres Mizell land - 6.00 Mrs. Sarah Rogers, 83 acres residence 56.30 W. B. Rogers, 30 acres residence, 31 acres Green land 25.00 A. L. Rogers, 44 acres residence .....a 24.20 C. G. Rogers, 62 acres Whitaker land, 17 a. Moore land - 44.70 Arden Rogers, 20 acres Russ land - 1.70 A. F. Taylor, 50 acres Rogers land 30.90 Daniel Taylor Estate, 2 1-2 a. adjoining Ayers ... 3.10 Joe H. Wynn, 58 acres residence 1 —:—... 30.30 J. B. Wynn, 3 acres residence 1130 \ jr. . • - - • 1 WILLI AMSTON Bear Grata Townahip—Colored George Butler, 39 acres Harrison land „ 21.00 Dave Rogers, 9 acres Rogers land : 16.90 Lawrence Woolard, 16 acres Rogers land ..._ 15.30 Williamston Townahip—Whit* W. D. Ambers, Main Street residence 85.50 Mrs. Arthur Anderson, Simmons Avenue residence 91.20 Anderson and Harrell, 216 acres Slade land - • - - 125.10 J. \V. Anderson Estate, 8 acres Draper land, Simmons Ave. residence and vacant lot „ 59.00 J. W. Anderson and Bro., 140 a. Pippen land, 118 a. /strai»J>ridge land 219.70 O. S. Anderson, agent, 2 stores, Main Street L L. 130.30 Bailey and Barnhill, 196 acres Mobley land 17.40 F. C. Bennett, 45 a. Bennett land, 50 a. Williams land 87.20 F. C. Bennett & Bro., 85 a. Bennett land, 57 a. Slade land : 89.90 Mrs. Mollie Biggs, 1 lot Rhodes Street 1210 D. O. Bo wen and wife, 38 a. Nicholson land „. 33.20 Branch Banking & Trust Co., agent, ) lot Washington, Henby, 3 vac. lots Elm St., 1 vac. lot Washington St., 1 res. Main St., 1 vac. lot Church Street, 7 lots, Haughton Street, Stalls 149.40 P. H. Brown, 1 res. Simmons Avenue 45.50 S. S. Brown, 1 residence, Haughton Street 26.50 Mrs. Fannie tarstarphen, I residence Main Street 39.10 Central Insurance Corp., 1 lot Smithwick Street 73.80 J. B. Cherry, 640 a. Spruill land, 49 a. Gillikin land, 4 a. Barnhill land, 40 acres W. J. Bennett land _. 330.90 J. B. Cherry and Brother, 50 a. Dinah Martin land, 60 a. Nelson land, 375 a. W. R. Whitley land, 1 lot Groves St., 1 lot Latham ........ 186.40 Raymond W. Cherry, 1 lot Williams Street ."1 14.70 Sam R. Clary, 1 lot Hatton Street 12.20 Coburn and Coburn, 4 a. Haughton and Smithwick Sts „ 34.90 Critcher and Peel, 2-3 interest Godard Building, Main Street 69.50 Cowen and Critcher, 1 lot Pearl Street • 8.70. H. H. Cowen, 180 acres Mobley land " 78.20 j Mrs. Nettie Cowen, 15 a; Mobley land 1.70 Mrs. B. A. Critcher, 1 residence Watts Street 65.30 Critcher and Critcher, 2 lots Sycamore Street !>. 3.50 Lucy N. Cullipher, 130 a. Turner land, 10 a. Turner land, 26 a. land 96.50 A. R. Dunning, 1 residence Main Street 199.30 C. A. Forrester, 1 lot Warren Street 3.50 B. B. Glisson, 1 lot Main Street 4.40 J. G. Godard, 1 lot Broad Street, Johnson 1.70 Mrs. J. G. Godard, jr., 1 lot Broad St., Johnson, 1 lot Smithwick St. res. 58 80 Greenville Hank & Trust Co., Exec., 136 acres Mizell land 78.20 Eli Gurganus Est , 45 a. Slade land, 20 a. Cherry land, Prt. Cherry, 1 vac, lot, Pearl Street 57.30 R. D. Gurganus, 1 residence Haughton Street . 24.20 W. F. Gurganus Est., 1 res. Watts Street 17.30 Walter Halberts.tadt, 15 a. Gurganus land, 1 res. Church Street 46.80 Hand Made Furniture £a_l shop and lot, Washington St. =Sr- 13.90 Harrison Bros. X Co., 87 a. Carson Price la-nd, 72 a. Outterbridge land 52.10 A. Hassell, 1 residence Haughton Street „ 63.70 Mary Lee Hassell, 2 stores Main St :.._.1.....11Z1Z • 86'(X) J. W. Hight, l residence Haughton Street 48.60 P. P. Holliday, 50 acres Jones land 29.60 W. j^~Keelr-24~actc*—Moblgy-landy-residence - - - r~r:~z~. —29.40 W. H. Leggett Estate, 3 acres residence, Watts Street 48.20 i John D. Lilley, 13 acres Riddick land, 1 residence Ray Street 40.60 Murray & McCabe Co., 1 mill house and lot, 1 dry kiln and lot 85.50 J. O. Manning, 1 residence Simmons Avenue v , _....- 63.40 Mrs. C. A. Martin Estate; 175 a. Lanier land, Prt. I res. Main Street, 1 office, Main Street ; f 296.50 Louie P. Martin, 1 residence Main Street, 2 lots Williams St. 76.00 Wheeler Martin, 1 lot Hamilton Road .... 11.40 W. T. Meadows, 1 residence Main Street '* 75.50 Mrs. J. VV. Mizelle, 187 acres Bowen land 48.40 Mrs. J. R. Mobley & Nettie Cowen, 100 a. Beach land, -97 a. Wynn land, 25 a. Rhodes land,'l4o a. A. J. Manning, 400 a. Thompson, 2 vacant lots, Main Street, 1 1-2' a. Ben Scott land, 1 res. Main St. 390.50 Mrs. Lucy Modliti, 1 residence Church Street - _ 17.40 L. R. Nicholson, 8 a. Polly Pulley land, 60 a. residence „ 55.50 Mrs. J. M. Oakley, 203 a. residence 190.20 H. D. Peel, 58 a. B. F. Peel land, office, Main Street 49 50 Mrs. H. 1). Peel, I res. Haughton Street 23.40 H. D. and G. A. Peel, 1 res. Biggs Street, 1 res. Haughton St. 39.10 Jesse T. Price, 1 lot Church Street 11,20 Mrs. S, M. Price, 1 residence Main Street 34,70 Kay and Bennett, 1-2 int 1 lot Hatton Street J. 1). Ray, 1 lot Ray Street 27,70 Mrs. Helen Rhodes, 115 a. Rhodes land, 6 a. residence . 103^30 A. Richards, 1 lot Smithwick Street 39,10 Harry Roberson, la. Bennett land , _" ~ jtq H. T. Roberson, 1 residence Watts Street 75.50 Jos. A. Roberson, 1 res. Main Street, 4 a. river swamp 9,60 Roberson and Peel, 175 a. Keith land, 123 a. Peel Jand Z 215.80 W. A. Roberson, 8 acres Rawls land 6.10 Mrs. J. E. Rodgerson, 1 residence Main Street 73 80 Newberry Rogers, 10 a. Price laud 6,10 Watson N. Sherrod, 1 store Main Street 39.10':.' D. D. Stalls, 1 residence Main Street 45,40 Mrs. D. D. Stalls, 1 lot Hyntan Street 6.10 Mrs. W. L. Stalls, 1 residence Main Street 39.10 J. G. Staton and C. H. Godwin, jr., 1-2 int. in 15 a. Eones land K. G. Strawhridge, 1 a. Hamilton road, 1 lot Rhodes Street 15.10 A. J. Sumtnerlin* 1 res. Haughton. Street ' lo'so Van G. Taylor, 1 res. Haughton St (Wms ). 1 lot Pearl St. (L.H.G.) 22.10 Van i% 1 ay lor, Gdn., 1 residence Hamilton Road 10.40 M. D. Walts, 1 residence Haughton Street ' 39.60 B. B. Williams, 1 residence Railroad Street 19.40 M. D. Wilson, 910 a. res,, 25 a. Watts land, 17 a Biggs land, 144 a. Emmett land, 65 a Baker land, 50 a. Jones & S. Porrit land, 65 a Piney Island, 80 a. Rhodes, 30 a. Rhodes & Woods, 1 lot res, 1 lot Hatton St., 1 stpre Main St., 1 lot Biggs St., 6 a. Wilson land,' 1 lot, Lo >' ' ; i - - - 673.10 Cross Roads Township—White Bailey and Barnhill, 3-4 interest 300 a. Barnhill land 242.00 Barnhill Bros., 1 a. mill site 59 90 ■ -Mre-y.-R: Beach. 69 a. Bfcaeh land EEEEEEE. 42.40 J. R. Bullock, 30 a. res., 13 a. Gurganus land, 14 a. Leary 48.50 ( arson & Hargrove, 52 a. residence 33.40 Champion Auto Co., 22 a. Clemmon land, 1 garage Z 124.80 Mrs J. W. Cherry, 1 residence, 1 store lot ~ 60 90 C herry Hi Tayor, 1 residence _ • _____ 14.00 S. H. Clark Estate, 225 acres Clark land 188.70 Clark and Taylor, 1 warehouse _ 4990 W. F. Crawford (balance due), 1 residence 16^40 Mrs. Mattic Donald and sister (bal. due), 26 a Moore land ~ _ _ 27 00 Mrs. R. H. Hargrove, 195 a. Roebuck land - 80.00 J. H. Jolly Estate, 25 acres woods land _ 400 G, L. Keel, 60 acres Burras land _ 67 10 H. W. Leggett, jr., 50 acres l.eggrtt land ■ " 27.40 J. D. Leggett, 20 acres woods land ~ 3.90 Mrs. J. H. Leggett, 55 acres residence 40.40 W A. Leggett Estate, 85 acres Ayers land 21.10 Minnie F. Meeks, 24 a. woodsland, 1 town residence 11 2100 O. P. Roberson, 82 acres Roebuck land 1.1",.. 36.90 W, A. Roebuck Estate, 1 town residence 45.00 Mrs. Bertha Stalls, 150 Taylor land 84.50 Taylor Si fiellflower, 1 town residence 18.00 Mrs, Maggie Taylor, 77 acres residence 38.60 V. G. Taylor, 3 town lots, 1 town residence 111111 117 JO Lewis Thomas, 120 acres residence 46.50 B. J, Whitaker, 10 acres woods land 2.20 C. C. Whitaker, 18 acres Leggett land 9.60 J. S. Whitehurst, 30 acres Bullock land . _ 36.30 A. D, Wynn, 126 a. Caraway land, 2 town lots _ 139.80 Berry & Wynn, 45 a. Wynn land „. - 3440 Mrs. Nancy Wynn, 19 a. Wynn land ," 970 • Wynn, Barnhill Si Clark, 1 mill site .1. ,60 Cross Roads Township—Colored Ed Briley, -sr., 1 residence * JO 10 Mary Evans, 2 acres Moore land ~ 700 Frank Everett, 25 acres Everett land 11" - Mary Everett, 1 town residence _... l 48 00 P. T. Everett and Brother, 1 store ~~~~ ■ " ' J6OO P. T. Everett Estate, 11 acres residence . _ 38.00 John Ewell, 2 acres residence 1 g6O John Griftin, 1 residence r . _____ 1010 John Hill, 12 acres Moore land _ _ 750 John Jones, 8 acres Moore land ' 7.70 W. R. Little, 54 acres Chance land 49.50 Joe Mizelle, 144 acres residence lUHI 70JO S. P. Moore, 116 acres Moore, 2 acres residence 84.00 Josephine Mooring, 2 acres residence :■■■■" ~ 7.00 Nathan Purvis (bal. due), 20 a. residence 5 60 Amy Robtrson, 36 acres Caraway land '- J ~ 2l!l0 C. B. Roberson, 14 acres Roberson land 6.40 George Roberson, 30 a. Roberson land, 25 a. Meek land * 18J0 Georganna Roberson, 39 acres Roberson land .._ 14,00 J. A. Roberson, 40 acres Little land " 21.10 J. J. Roberson, 38 acres residence t 23.10 W. T. Roberson, 140 acres Roberson land ___ 96.40 W. A. Sprewell, 1 acres Roberson land 1.50 Sam Whitley, 1 acre residence 1 520 Allen Williams, 150 acres residence , 49.60 Tom Williams, 50 acres Roberson land -• 21.10 » Roberaonville ownahip—White H. L. Andrews Estate, 56 acres adjoining Nelaon, . 46.40 ' R. B. and W. A. Brown, 45 a. Brown land I lft6o -- (Continued on next page) PAGE THREE

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