PAGE FOUR TIME NOW FOR , WORK IN WOODS a Thin Out Timber by the Proper Selection of Fire Wood Now hat the season has arrived for work in the woodlands of North Car olina it -should be the thought of every landowner to improve hi» grow ing stand rather than to cut and de stroy ruthlessly, believes R. W. Grae ber, extension forester at State Col lege When cutting the firewood, select those trees which will not make lum ber, he says, especially if such trees are interfering with the growth of well-shaped white, red, post and black oaks, yellow poplar, ash gum or pine. The thick stands may need thinning. From here one can harvest his fire wood, pulpwood or a few saw logs. "I think we could well summarize the kind of trees to cut," says Mr. j Graeber, "Cut the crooked trees; the short, bushy-crowned ones; the un-j sound, diseased or rotten trees; the poor timber trees and some additional trees where the stand is too thick. On the other hand save the straight trees those which are tall and thrif ty; the sound trees; the good timber trees and always save enough to have a good timber stand." Mr. Graeber says the 279,708 farms in North Carolina average 04.5 acres each, of which 29.7 acres or 46 per cent Is in woodland. If this woodland is protected from fire and handled in the comnionsense way suggested, it will produce an average of one cord an acre annually. Tltij* means that the average farmer of North Carolina may have annual crop of 30 cords of wood. This is enough to supply him with fuel, to make repairs on his tarm buildings and allow him 10 or 12 tords a year for sale. - careful and seleettvc rutting rs followed, the crop may be increased by 50 percent additional, Graeber " says. ' A farmer, living near Gavi, Italy, received so many queries concerning his hen which during an 8-day period had produced 33 eggs —8 of which were laid in one day—that he became exasperated, chopped off the hen's head and consigned her body to the family larder. Gratitude for you. ~ NOTICE OF SALE - . Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in that certain deed of ' trust executed to the undersigned trus tee on the 7th day of January. 192 V, by W. B. Peel and wife, Esther E. Peel, said deed of trust being of rec ord in the public registry of Martin County in Book S-l, at page 165, same being given to secure a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations therein contained not having been complied with, at the re quest of the parties holding >aid note, the undersigned trustee will, on the 22nd day of December, 1932, at 12 o'- clock noon, in front of the courthouse door, in the town of Williamston, North Carolina, offer to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, t-he following described property; Being lot No. 4 in Block A and 1-2 of lot No. 5 in Block A, with the im provements thereon, in that part of the Town of Williamston, N. C.. known as New Town, and designated as the J. W. Watts Land Division, a plat of which is on record in the Register of Deeds office in Land Di vision Book No. 1, at page 332, and being a house and lot on Warren, or Hatton Street, adjoining the land of J. C. Anderson and the Farmers and Merchants Bank, and being the same premises conveyed to Harrison Whole sale Company by the Carolina I'arm Company, by deed dated July 19, 1920, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book D-2, at page 544. Dated this the 21st day of Novem ber, W32. WHEELER MARTIN, „22 4tw Trustee. NOTICE O FSALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned (Trustee by D. C. Cowan and wife, dated 30th day of April, 1927, and of record in the Register of Deeds Of fice in Book Y-2, page 232, to secure note of even date therewith, and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said note, the undersigned Trustee will, on the 12th day of December, 1932, at 12 o'- clock, Noon, in front of the court house door of Martin County, offer for sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described land: , Bounded on the North by W. J- Cowan, on the East and South by Samuel Rogerson. and on the West by John R. Harrison, containing 30 meres, more or less, and being known as the James A. Cowan home place, and being all of the land which he died seized and possessed except about 18 acres. This 11th day of November, 1932. B. A. CRITCHER, n-15 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Notke is hereby given that™«nder and by virtue of the power of" sale contained in that'certain deed of trust executed by F. L. Allen to the under signed Trustee, and dated the 23rd day of January, 1932, and of record in the public registry of Martin Coun ty m Book Q-2, at page 283, and at the request of the holder of the note of indebtedness thereby secured, de fault barinf been made in the pay nest (hereof, I will, on the 10th day of December, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Martin Coast? offer for sale at public auc tion tor cash the pnoperty described in mid deed of trust as follows, to wit: —" A house aad lot in the town of Wilhllton, bounded on the north by J as. Res pass, on the cast by Elm | Street, on the south by Lloyd Giles, aad oa the west by llercellia Watts. H This 9th day of November, 1912. 11l WHEELER MARTIN, ■ IS« Trustee. (Continued from preceding page) Mrs. J. T. Brown, 1 residence. Pecan St., 1 vacant lot Mrs. Fannie Bryant, 1 residence Mill Street, 1 Academy St Herbert Bunting, 68 a. adj. Gurgapu* ~~~~ OS.w W. T. Bunting, 50 a. Williams land, 1 res. R. R. Street —•— 74.50 J. H. Bullock, 97 acres Coburn land _—, ifix W. H. Carson, 1 filling station 1 Mrs. Bettie Carson, 1 residence - : S. T. Carson, 300 acres Savannah land "H" G. A. Crofton, 8 acres adj. Coburn, 12 a. adj. Coburn *fso Mrs. H. E. Croom, 1 residence Gold Point ri'fr T. C. Crisp, 1 residence in Parmele - J-j L. C. Crisp, 1 store in Parmele 'J-'" J. T. Daniel, guaTdian, 45 a. Daniel land J T and H. O. Daniel, 25 acres Daniel land - „ 4/u A. R. Dunning, 20 a. Grimes land, 20 a. adj. Ross, 3 vac. lots, 1 vac. lot Second Street, 1 adj. Smithy.— ~ 47 Abner Everett, 316 acres adjoining Roberson - - - ***•*> Fisher and Pcatree, 50 a. Matthews land _ ••• Robersonville Furniture Co., 1 store Main Street £ R. E. and Leona Grimes, 1 res. 2nd St., 2 vacant lots 58.40 Sarah T. Haislip, 43 acres Mooring land - 34.10 Mrs. K. H. Hargrove, 1 res. Main St., 1 res. old home, 1 store and lot ...... 203./0 Mrs. R. H. Hargrove, Gdn., 45 a. Grimes land, 1 lot Guilford St 32J80 E. C. House, 216 acres adjoining Crawford - "6.20 W. T. Hurst, 47 a. Gray land, 1 residence K. R. St., 1-2 int. store, Main St., 1 warehouse R. R. St., 2 stores Main St., 1 vac. H. mill, 1 residence. Broad Street, 2 residences R. R. Street 327.00 J H. James, 1 residence Third Street W. A. Jenkins, 75 acres adj. O. P. Roberson Jasper Johnpon, 145 a. Johnson land ~ Arthur Johnson, sr., 1 house and lot H. A. J —• 11 60 Dr. J. M Kilpatrick, 1 res. R. R. St., 1 res. Sparks house, 1 vac. R R. St., 1 vac. Broad and R. R. Sts, 1 Main Street 102.30 Mrs. E. L. Lewis, 65 a. Lewis land - Kan Manning, 40 a adj. Stalls, 1 res. Roberson St. .. - 64.00 N. D. Matthews, 212 a Coburn land, 10 a. Scott land 73.10 B. E. Moye, 1 vac. lot, Gold Point °.*o Mrs Millie J. Parker, 202 a adj. H. Roberson, 62.80 D. B. Parker, 27 a. Parker land. 1 res. Guilford H. 7*50 Public Oil Company, 1 filling station 41.30 Robersonville Motor Co., 1 garage, R. R. Street 50.30 T. W. Roberson Heirs, 92 a. adj. Lester"House, 1 res. Eli Roberson 77.jJ0 J. H. Roberson, sr., 1 res. Railroad Street 32.80 Mrs. Prudence Roberson, 96 a. Warren land, 1 res. Academy St 125.70 Mrs. Harvey Roberson, 1 vac. Main St., 1 filling sta., 1 res. Broad St. 84.70 Mrs. Fannie C. Roberson, 25 a. Wynn land, 95 a. adj. Grimes, 1-3 int. store Main St., 1 res. Main Street - - 122.50 Jesse Ben Roberson, 30 a. town land," 1 res 3rd St. 82.50 J. Henry Roberson, 38 a. adj. Warren, 1 lot Gold Point 51.60 O. P. Roberson, 96 a. adj. Andrews 83.50 O. P. Roberson, Agt., Mi. G. Nelson, 126 a. Andrews land 57.00 Mrs Cary J. Roberson, 28 a. Bullock land; 39 a. Carson land; 126 a. Nelson land; 14 a. Jenkins land; 34 a. House land; 96 a. Crawford land; 1 vacant lot; 1 vacant Robersonville, 1 res. Academy St, and 1 vacant lot West End ilon Mrs. Nefiie Roberson, 1 filling station ~ - •;•••• 10.90 Mrs. Annie Reddick, 1 residence Roberson Street - «./0 Mrs. Andrew Roebuck, 1 residence 2nd St 33.40 H. A. Rogersun, 1 garage 3J.4U J. A. Ross, 1 residence Green Street J. S. Smith, 6 a. Hargrove land •=••-•••• TV," Mrs. Linnie Smith, 1 lot Green Street, 2 Roberson St - 6J.W Grady E. Smith, 1 garage R. R. St.. 1 vacant 3rd St — r ~ 35.40 H. R. Speight, 1 vacant lot (Parmele) - /•"» W. P. Sumner, 1 residence Outterbridge *".40 Mrs. Millie Taylor, 1 residence Gold Point B*o W. T. Thomas, 75 acres Martin land ; •» W. A. Vandcford, 170 a. Roberson land, 1 residence Gold Point, 1 lot, pack house Mrs. Richard Warren, 50 a. adj. Roebuck- 50.70 Hyman Warren, 150 a. adj. Taylor land, 1 vac. lot 162./0 D.~H. Whitfield, 1 residence, Second-Street - - - JB.4U Mrs. M. W. Whitfield, 1 residence Academy Street 4 1.90 S. J. Williams, 55 acres adjoining Mooring land * 31.50 J S. Williams, 25 a. W. S. Williams land «.»0 W. S. Williams Estate, 117 acres Williams land woo J. L. and Mattie Williams, 41 acres Coburn land 34.10 Mrs. Lila Wynn, 1 vacant lot IM Whiterurst and Bowers, 23 a. Council land, 30 a. Powell, 60 a Bowen 85./0 G. A. Williams, 25 a. Stalls land il.Tfl Robersonville Warehouse Corporation, 1 warehouse Robersonville Township—Colored L. W. Andrews, 1 store lot Parmele $ 7.30 L. W. and S. B. Andrews, 1 shop Parmele ... Geo. Andrews, 13 acres adjoining O. P. Roberson 8.10 Noah Andrews, lresidence Parmele Henry Austin, 2 lots Guilford H • _ Slade Barnhill Est., 1 vacant lot Lucius Bellamy, 1 residence 2nd Street Hattie Brown, 1 vacant lot Geo. Bullock, 1 residence Parmele - "J" Roberta and Winnie Boyd, 1-2 Mill lot .. . 350 Nannie Coftield. 5 acres adj. Coflield, 1 res & 1 vac Robersonvnlle 39.30 Gus Goffield, 40 a adj House, 40 a adj Roberson, 65 a Ayers land 155.00 P H. Coftield, 1 residence Outterbridge St, 1 residence adj Knight 1 residence Green St., 1 residence 2nd St, 1 vac. lot, 1 residence Vick Street »»•" R. W. Clemmons, 1 residence * Gus Council, 35 acres Purvis land 30.70 Millie Council and Mary Dugger, 25 acres Dugger land 25./0 Henry Council Est., 125 a Council land, 57 a Jno Mayo land, 33 acres L. B. Council land *39.40 Jim Davis, 65 acres Powell land 3^.50 W. L. Everett, 1 vacant lot j 'jj Frank Everett, 1 vacant lot 13" Sin» Forest, 1 residence G. P. r~ Emily Fisher and Mary Peel, 36 acres Nelson land *4.80 Lila Gainer, 1 residence Parmele 5.10 Jessie Grimes, 1 residence Paruiele 8.90 Lucy Henby, 10 acres Dugger land 5.50 Susan Hopkins, "1 residence Academy St 8.60 Dossie Hyman, 1 vacant lot Parmele - *3O Dolplias Jackson, 1 residence Parmele - - 5.70 Geo. Jenkins, 18 acres adjoining Nelson 20-00 Charlie Jones Est , 3 lots Parmele 23.80 John Jones, 1 residence Parmele Joe J owner, 1 residence - - - 'B.OO Charlie Killebrew, 49 acres Martin land -r Mack Latham, 3 vacant lots 5.10 Sarah Long, 1 \ai aiajot Parmele 5.10 Henry Long, 29 acrrtjL'oburn land, 15 a Parmele 28.70 E. P. Leathers, 93 a adj Geo James, 10 a Forest land, 11 a H Foust land 105.80 Etta Little, 1 residence Parmele 4.30 M C Little, 4 a in Parmele 4.30 London Lloyd Est., 1 residence Parmele 4.30 L J Manning, 92 a adj. Pollard, 1 vacant lot Parmele 56.60 Lucy Modica, 1 residence 8-60 James Mizelle, 62. a Spruill land -a. 42.90 H B Moor*;; 3 Stores Railroad St, 8 residence 233.30 H B Moore, (guardian) 1 res. Vick St., 1 res. Cherry St., 2 res W. C. Cherry . - M. C. Moore, 30 acres adjoining Gus Council - . 12.60 Henry Nelson, 36 acres Dock Nelson land - - 51.30 Pennie Nelson, 1 residence Parmele - - 6.80 Jim Dock Nelson, (Heirs), 14 acres Nelson land 15.50 John Pitt, Est., 1 residence Parmele - 7.00 W. S. Powell, 100 acres adjoining Edmondson - 63.00 William Powell, 1 vacant lot ..." - 5.40 Guilford Purvis, 1 vacant lot Gold Point - - 2.80 Wiley Roberson, Jr., 1 vacant lot .'. 20.W Sam Roberson, 16 acres Dancy land - 14.50 James Rogers, 97 acres adjoining Nelson 61.40 Silas Saunders, 1 residence —. - • 13.70 Emma Sessoms, 50 acres adjoining Gray Delfl Staton, 82 acres adjoining Council 38.70 R. H. Staton, 1 residence Parmele 8.20 O. W. Staton, 83 a. Roberson land, 1 vacant Parmele 40.00 J. A. Taylor, 2 lots East End jr. - 4.00 Lert Tillery, 1 residence Parmele Julia Vines, 2 acres Ward land - 1.30 Mary E. Williams, 1 residence Parmele . ..;. fc* -.. .. 9.30 Mary Whitfield, 1 vacant Parmele ... 1-70 Cornelia Wynn, 1 residence Gold Point Richard Varreli Est., 1 vacant lot 2.40 Poplar Point Township—White R. T. Edmondson, 46 acres residence r \$ 22.60 J. R. Everett, 300 acres Mabry land - -r , , 2}7 Joe Godard, 4 acres Mill site ;—; , 26.90 J. T. Hollis Eat., 30 acres Hollis land 11.90 H. L. Hopkins, 150 acres Taylor land —.— 70.40 L. G. Leggett, 48 acres residence 26.50 W. S. Leggett, 59 acres residence, 30 acres Joyner land 46.70 L. J. Mills, 176 acres residence 138.70 N. C. Joint Stock Land Bank, 345 acres Ballard land 115.40 O. P. Roberson, 55 acres Coffield land 23.70 S. E. Taylor, 28 acres residence 32.80 Van Taylor and wife, 470 acres residence, 70 acres Knox land, 200 acres Roebuck land, 66 a. Pierce land, 53 a. Silverthorn land, 87 acres Leggett land, 35 acres Edmondson land, 110 acres Teel land 771.20 Mrs. Laura Whitaker, 45 acres Leggett land ! 17.20 W. S. White, 124 acres Roebuck land 8576 WilHamaton Township—Colored' Mom Alexander est 1 res Hyman St., 1 vac lot, 1 lot Hyman (Godard)) 14.00 f USLISNID CVOIV THE ENTERPRISE W. T. Alexander, 1 lot Garrett Street I * : 24-60 F. L. Allen, 1 lot Hyman St., 1 ret. Elm Street l»-]0 Leon C. Andrews, 1 lot Elm St. «•«« Olivia Andrew*, 1 lot Washington Street 'J" Ruth Andrews, 1 lot Washington Street WW S. L. Andrews. 1 lot Elm St., 1 lot Elm St,,- 13.00 William Andrews, 1 lot Biggs Street lola Bagley, 1 lot A. C. L. Railroad 9.10 Frank Bell, 1 lot A. C. L. Railroad «»« Fred Sem Biggs, 1 residence Hatton Street Joe Mack Bonds, 1 lot Main Street ----- JO.HU Eddie Watts Brown, 1 res. Bear Grass Road, 1 shop and lot Wash. St. 16.60 Lou Bryant, 1 lot A. C. L. Railroad 3.50 Willie C. Bunch, 1 lot Elm St., 1 lot Broad St. 24.20 Elisha Clemmons, 1 lot Sycamore Street 4.40 John Clemmons, 16 acres Williams land - 16.70 Paul Clemmons, 1 lot Sycamore Street , 4.JU Hannah Coburn, 2 acres Hoyt Coburn land Channie Coffield, 160 a. Ward land, 3 acres Mtzelle land 44-00 W. R. Evans, 26 acres Tyner land - , - 31.50 Frank Everett, 50 acres Cullipher land, 51 acres Cullipher land 53.UU Bryant Gainor Est., 1 lot Railroad , ° ™ Lenora Giles, 1 lot Elm Street _. - Augustus Hawkins, 1 residence Sycamore St .... Lizzie Hawkins, 1 vacant lot __ '"J? Geo. T. Hill, 1 lot Sycamore St., 4 acres Martin f6.4U L. C. Hoggard, 2 lots Washington and Haughton 50-»» Harry Murt Howard, 1 res. Haughton St r- »9-4Jj Mary Hyman, 1 lot Wilson Street - Rebecca Hyman, 1 lot Broad Street " ii. »_u . iS —- ~ Rebecca Hyman and Alice Harris, 1 lot Hyman St., I lot Martin, 1 lot Lula Hyman, 1 lot Geo. Hyman, 1 lot Ada White 15 6" F. D. Jones, 7 acres Coffield land 7 rY Henry Jones, 1 lot Sycamore Willie Jones, 30 acres Coffield land "V Major Latham, 35 acres Mobley -—t "an Clarence Lloyd, 1 lot Hatton Street '""V Mahala Lloyd, 1 lot Elm Street Elisha Moore Est., 2 lots Main Street : -•••- '''TT Laura Moore, 2 acres Jones land Thad Newsome, 78 acres residence Matthew bre, 35 acres Outterbridge land "W Goler Ormond, 1 lot Martin St. - -■ »•••• Edmond Ormond, 9 a. Rhodes land, 1 lot Rhodes St, 1 lot Rhodes St. 26.20 W. V. Ormond, 1 lot Washington St., 1 lot Church St., 4 lots Main Street, 1 lot Rhodes St - W. H. Price, 1 lot Hyman Street - Caesar Purvis, Agent, 1 lot Broad Street ]■»» Dora Purvis* 1 lot Broad Street KS Gus Purvis, Jr., 1 lot Pine Street Henry Purvis, 1 lot Main Street Lizzie Purvis, 1 lot Main Street - • Tobe Purvis, 1 lot Broad Street Millie Respass Estate, 1 lot Elm Street - " J**" John Rhodes Est., 4 acres Main Street M. C. Reddick, 15 acres Little land {*s Solomon Reddick Estate, 1 lot Reddick ii-fJJ Aug. Roberson, 24 acres S. H. Williams land Beulah Roberson, 1 lot Blount Street - * Jas. Henry Roberson, 1 lot Brown 4.W John Roberson, 14 acres Teel land - Lucy Roberson, 39 acres Perry land -- Deli? Rogers, 1 lot Sycamore Street Ed Rogers, 1 lot Main Street J Paul W. Rogers, 1 lot Washington Street "•"» Wm. M. Rogers, 1 lot Hatton Street Fannie Ruffin, 1 lot Main Street Henry Ruffin. 1-3 acre Rhodes »«« J. R. Ruffin, 1 lot Elm Street, 2 lots Washington Street ••• 45.90 Sarah Ruffin, 1-3 acre Rhodes I ™ Whit Ruffin, 1 lot Elm St., 1 lot Elm Street £2 Frank' Scott, 1 lot Jamesville Road, 1 lot A. C. L. RR. 14.50 Alfred Sherrod Est., 1 lot Hatton Street - - Sadie Shtrrod Est., 1 lot Washington Street 'J™ Arthur Slade, 17 icfes Noah Slide land 10.HU Calvin Slade, 12 acres Burroughs land 4-W Lizzie Slade, 1 lot A. C. L. Switch 5.2S M. D. Slade, 1 lot White Street ...... - - Noah Slade, 19 1-2 acres Noah Slade land - &-70 Sarah Slade, 1 lot Martin 52"MF' ~ ipiS S. S. Slade, 15 a res., 1 lot Railroad, 1 lot Jwnesville Road 18.11 Mary Small, 1 lot Wilson Street, 1 lot Wilson Street 17M Edrow Smith, 1 lot Rhodes Street - 10-81 Phyllis Smith, 1 lot Main Street - Colfax Speller, 1 lot Main Street J3W Mattie B. Speller, 1 lot White St., 1 lot Washington Street 19.50 Abe Spruill, 1 lot White Street 6.10 Charlie Stokes, 1 lot Pearl Street - - -- *s® Tom Stokes, 1 lot Hyman St., 1 shop lot Sycamore St. IZ-^ William Stokes, 1 lot Washington Street - 6-7J William Whitley, 1 lot Pearl and Washington Streets 38.20 Joe Wiggins, 1 lot Warren Street '•*; Joe Wilkins, 1 lot Main Street Joe Williams, 1 lot Wilson Street - •-M Plum Williams, 60 acres Leggett land - - - 55.60 Joe Wilson, 1 lot Hatton Street, 1 lot Hatton Street 12.20 Joe Woolard, 1 lot A. C. L. RR. J**;™ West Woolard, Sr., 1 lot Pearl Street - Hamilton Township White Mrs Mary E. Anderson, 3 acres Bell land d I J. W. Anderson Est., and Mary E. Anderson, 65 acres Bell land 40.J0 J. S. Ayers No. 1, 168 acres Cloman land v . Willie Baker, 270 acres Griffin land : - 36.80 J. W. Crisp, 61 acres B. B. Sherrod land - - 48-4" Mrs. Ozella Critcher, 123 acres Dawes laod 45.00 J. W. Davenport, 1 store - JJ.H W. E. Davis, 1 lot - »;•*« A. E. Downs, 83 acres Homestead R. A. Edmondson, 20 acres Sherrod land - K. B. Etheridge, 101 acres Johnson land 70.20 K. B. Etheridge and B. M. Worsley, 138 a«r«s head of Swamp .... 66 30 W. F. and H. J. Haislip, L residence —~. r - JM® H. J. Haislip, 1 market H. L» Hopkins, 100 acres Frank Tsylor land 114.30 Mrs. Blanch E. Harrison, 35 acres B. B. Sherrod land - 20-*0 Mrs. C. S. Johnson, 100 acres residence - - 92.70 Miss F. A. Johnson, 50 teres Johnson land 32.60 J. R. Kitchen, Est., 114 acres Upton land 4MB Thad M. Lawrence, 42 acres residence - 35 10 A. S. Leggett, 55 acres Briley land 32.00 Dr. V. W. Leggett, 197 acres B. B. Sherrod land : 140.70 W. F. Ley, 1 vacant lot' 5.30 B. L. Long, estate, 1 residence lot - 51™ lir. E. M. Long, 1 residence lot, 1 drug store ..... 69.20 N. C. J. S. Land Bank, 300 a. Bennett, 770 a Boyle, 150 a Barden - 395.20 Harper M. Peel, 19 acres Lawrence, 1 res 41>M C. D. Perkins, 1 garage and lot « "j-JO William Perry, 75 acres S. H. Roebuck land —•» 37.50 I. B. Pritchett, 150 acres Pippen land 71.10 J. F. Purvis, 1 town lot --■'■■■■ J3.60 C. C. Rawls and wife, 109 acres Rawls land '5.40 Mrs. C. S. Richards, 1 res. lot L Rocky Mount Ins. and Realty Co., 225 acres Bennett land 166.20 Roberson and Rawls, 183 acres Sherrod laad 89.80 S. L. Roberson and Reta Vick, 206 acres 3-4 int, 4 S Purvis farm 130.80 Roberson and Peel, 240 acres William Melson land 59.00 L. H. Rouse, 140 acres Frank Taylor land WJJ Salsbury Johnson Co., Inc., 125 acres J. L. Reason land . 77.30 Watson N. Sherrod, 947 acres Sherrod land T. B. Slade and Son, 1,100 acres Popular Point farm 293.50 W. A. Stokes, Est., 265 acres Salsbury land - - 171.10 Mrs. Ellen Strickland, 2 acres residence 5.30 Dr. Jno. F. Thigpen, 170 acres Alford Bennett land .... 49.60 L. F. Whitehurst, 203 acres B. B. Sherrod land -----—, 101.00 B. M. Worsley, Etheridge and Fleming, lOOacres 1-2 int. Hoard land ... 14.00 Mwiltoa Township Colored Ferd Barnhill, 40 acres Homestead $ 21.00 William Belcher, 2 town lots 6.00 Henry Bell Estate, 1 acre residence 4.80 Isabella Bennett, 4 acres Jordan Williams 3.40 John Bonds, 1 residence lot 6.80 Mack Council, 21 acres residence 2OOO Richmond Fleming, 1 residence, 1 town lot 6.00 Alice Forrest, 43 acres Ewell land 24-70 W. E. and Martha Gainor, Est., 160 acres woods land ——— 26.40 Martha Gainor, Estate, 80 acres residence f3JO Henry Gaskill, 1 res., 1 Salsbury lot, 240 a. Andrews land 74.50 Caroline Griffin, 10 acres Wm. Griffin land 5.40 C. P, and W. F. Howell, 1 res lot 7-00 Emma Jones, 1 res lot 3.50 William Peterson, 1 res lot William Purvis, 43 acres Thomas land —— 23.50 Sabra Raynor, estate, 1 res lot - WO Joseph Slade Estate, 137 acres residence 4S.OA W. T. Spruill, 82 acres residence I 35.60 Fate Staton, 40 acres Taylor land, 1 town lot 26.8 C Laura Staton, 1 residence lot 10.50 Charlotte Ward, 1 res lot , 13.20 Mrs. P. S. Williams, 100 acres H. J. Haislip Woodsland, 1 res 20.90 Kennie Williams, 32 acres Ayers lan d —— 22,00 George Williams, 64 acres residence 36.90 E. L. Whitfield. 27 acres Ewell land 10.4 C Goose Neat Towuhip—White G. Alligood, 85 acres Thompson land - ——42.50 Anthony and Thomas, 500 a Smith land, 450 acres Crisp laad 421.5 J. T. Bennett; 88 acres Bennett land >l-*0 WMLLIAAMTON I John Bell, 155 acres Bell land 54J0 1 W. J: Bryant, 90 acre* Lynch land . 5970 W. A. Burnett, 165 acres Philpot land ItSJO Lucy Burnett Estate, 1 house and lot 13.80 Dave Bradley, 88 acres Anthony land 34.40 W. F. Belflower Est. (Bal. due) 74 a Upton land, 316 a Ebrom land 24.80 Belflower and Johnson, 1 vacant lot 3.40 Bank of Oak City, 122 Council land 235.40 Mrs. J. L. Ballard, 486 acres Cotton land 155.90 W. L. Bailey, 89 acres Rodgers land, 68 acres Hopkins land 74.20 R. C. Brown, 23 acres Valentine land 33.40 J. T. Brown Estate, 40 acres Brown land 38.00 T. H. and W. O. Council, 1-2 int. 100 acres Woodsland 4.30 Council Farm, J. C. Ross, agent, 234 a Council land 18480 Mrs. A. B. Coleman, 26 acres Gatlin land ; 3.10 J. W. Downs Estate, 34 acres Downs land 13.80 D. W. Downs, 600 acres Hitch land 86.90 J. T. Daniel (Guardian) i store, 2 house and lot 60.50 J. T. Daniel, 170 a Sherrod land, 110 a Cherry land 211.90 T. W. Davenport, 1 house and lot i , 122.70 L. J. Davenport, 1 house and lot - 72.40 Cassie M. Davenport, 247 acres Hyman land, 1 house and lot 177.00 W. E. Earley, 1 house and lot ...» _ 27.00 C. L. Etheridge, 1 vacant lot 3.40 J. H. Etheridge, 154 acres Home place - - 191.60 Hattie D Etheridge, IQ7 acres Harrell land 67.00 Everett and Daniel, 3 acres Worsley land 5.10 H. S. Everett, 17 acres Moye land 21.70 Everett and Worsley, 68 acres Hyman land 29.00 Mrs. A. M. Everett, 121 acres Glascoe land " 53.30 F. M. and Abbie Edmondson, 180 a Home and Cherry land 190.70 F. M. Edmodnson Est., 45 a Nathan Field, 100 a Burnett land 131.80 E T. Forbes, 172 acres Harrell land 118.90 C. T. Flannagan and Murphy, 57 acres Craft land 36.90 H. C. Harrington, 141 acres Home place and Andrews J. 134.40 H. J. Haislip and wife, 44 acres Norris land 316.00 G. R. Haislip, 35 acres Haislip land 21.70 M. T. Hasket, 200 acres Hasket land 17.20 J. W. House, 1 house and lot , 26.50 Hines Est., Inc., 377 Hines land 240.70 S. E. Hines, 1 house and lot . 27.50 Robert Hux, 1 house and lot s __ 20.10 Mrs. Van Harrell, 77 acres Davenport land 68.80 H. K. Harrell Estate, 264 a Hanes land, 113 a Goodrich land, 1 store 285.20 Mrs. S. A. Harrell, 265 acres Taylor land, 2 houses and lots ■„ , 326.50 Harrell Hopkins Co., 1 house and lot 1 126.00 Case Harrell Estate, 129 acres Pugh land 39.80 Mrs. Blount Harrell, 56 acres Cooper land 39.80 Mrs. Alice Harrell, 1 house and lot 29.20 T. T. Harrell Estate, 16 acres residence, 61 acres Brown land _ 49.40 H. Z. Hyman, 19 acres Whitley land, 1 house and lot 41.40 E. P. Hyman Estate, 544 acres Hyman land 132.10 N. M. Hyman, 115 acres Tyler land 82.00 W. C. Hale, 108 acres Hyman land „ 97.10 S. /. Jenkins, 196 acres Gatlin land 23.30 T. P. Jenkins, 196 acres Gatlin land 23.30 J. C. H. Johnson, 175 a. Sprewell land, 1 house and lot • 142.30 W. J. Johnson Estate, 106 acres Cross land - 94.60 T. H. and H. D. Johnson, 144 acres Johnson land ; 84.10 J. S. Johnson, 60 acres Cooper land 61.10 H. Johnson, 469 acres Gatlin land 56.10 Susie Ley, 17 acres Roberson land 15.80 L. W. Leggett, 25 acres Lynch land ~. 840 B. L. Lynch, 89 acres Lynch land 3980 Mrs. J. W. Martin, 52 acres Gatlin land 6.20 B. E. Moye, 77 acres Vinton land, 2 houses and lots ...... a. 163.40 A. L. Moye, 1 garage 35.90 J. A. Manning, 1 shop lot 14.00 N. C. Joint Stock Land Bank, 68 a. Whitley land 63.30 N. C. Joint Stock Land Bank, 254 acres Whitehurst land .. 137.50 N. C. Joint Stock Land Bank, 100 acres Council land 63.30 Oak City Supply Company, 2 stores ........... ..... 219.90 Louise Pearsall, 65 acres Gatlin land 7.70 Thomas J. Pearsall, 65 acres Gatlin land 7.70 H. S. Pearsall, 66 acres Gatlin land 1. 7.70 Mrs. J. R. Perry, 9 acres Roberson land 12.00 Mrs. A. J. Pouncey, 26 acres Gatlin land ... 3.10 J. C. Ross, 50 acres Harrell land 23.70 M. L. Roberson, 51 acres Roberson land ..... 25.20 T. J. Roberson, 20 acres RoberSon land 21.90 Mrs. S. A. Rawls, 61 acres Rawls land 52.40 J. B. Stevenson, 269 acres home place, 148 a. Matthews 348.80 L. G. Shields, 153 acres Harrington land 118.60 R. W. Smith Estate, 231 acres Turner land 144.80 Mrs. E. H. Turner, 540 acres Turner land 'i 326.50 Nita H. Thorn, 55 acres Harrell land _ 38.90 Julian Thomas Estate, 60 acres Thomas land .-. 32.60 R. R. Thompson, 75 acres Thompson land 48.20 Mrs. Gtnily Thompson, 15 acres Roberson land .... 11.60 L. A. Thompson, 51 acres Thompson land 48.10 Jacob Vaughn, 41 acres Roberson land 20.00 W. B. Woolen, 40 acres Gay land 22.30 B. M. Worsley, 1 residence, 2 vacant lots 59.50 Mrs. J. B. Whitfield, 1 house and lot 29.30 G. C. Wynn, 120 acres Harrell land 78.70 J. Walters, 1 vacant lot 5.20 Goose Neat To—ship Colored lohn Ausborn, 1 house and lot 15.10 Sarah Anthony, 17 acres Williams land .... 5.70 G. G. Burnett, 23 acres Burnett land ..._ 20.00 P. B. Burnett and Bros., 3-4 int. 100 acres mill pond _ 10.00 Billie Brunett, 23 acres Burnett land __ . 12.00 Joe Best Estate, 1 house and lot 6.90 John Brown, 1 house and lot T 30.90 D. L. Brown, 150 acres Brown land * 86.90 Bertha Brown and Gordon Williams, 1 house and lot 3.50 Frank Bell, 32 acres Ebrom land 25.70 Lula J. Bell, 25 acres Williams land , 13.20 John Budger, 17 acres Williams land , 8.60 Bennie Bryant, 1 house and lot - 15.20 Jessie Bryant, 1 house and lot ! 1270 Mack Bryant, 1 house and lot 22.90 Lucy Bryant, 6 acres Jones land) 4.40 John C. Bryant, 6 acres Jones land, 1 house and lot 1580 Guss Bryarft, 100 acres Sprewell land 65.70 S. E. Close, 5 acres Cross land _ 33.40 Mack Cotton, 30 acres woods land ___ 2.60 B. W. Dawson, 28 acres residence- v , 27.00 Molester Dolberry, 1 house and lot, , , 8.60 James Dolberry, sr., 1 house and lot 8.70 Joanna Dolberry, 23 acres Burnett land 10.30 Dempsey Ebron Estate, 160 acres Ebron land 103.20 Orange Fillch Estate, 440 acres Edmondson land 217.10 Charlie Gay, 1 vacant lot —_ 1.70 Henrietta Green, 30 acres Harrell land 8.60 S. P. Green Estate, 238 acres Sprewell land 113 50 Collen Grene, 356 acres Taylor land 107.30 I. D. Green, 125 acres residence 51.40 Dora Harrell, 32 acres Harrell land : 28.20 T. B. Harrell, 120 acres Cushing land 90.80 Irvin Harrell Estate, 37 acres Harrell laad 24.10 Peter Harrell, 1 vacant lot 2.60 Sarah Harrell, 3 acres Worsley land : 3.10 W. M. Highsmith, 115 acres Thompson land 78.00 W. T. Hyman, 10 acres Jones land 7.10 J. B. Hyman (Guardian), 106 acres Hyman land 15.26 Lemon James, 144 acres Williams land 84.00 Alice Joyner, 22 acres Savage land _ 7.60 Henry Jordan, 22 acres residence 15.80 O. W. Jones, 9"acres Jones land, 1 house and lot , 31.20 Willie Jones, 25 acres Harrell land ■ 15.56 R. C. Jones, 30 acres Jones land, 2 school lots, 1 garage, 1 vac. lot 24.10 Johnnie'Jones, 6 acres Jones land, 1 house and lot , 14.10 Ed Jones, 13 acres Jones land, 1 house and lot 30.00 Richard Jones Estate, 72 acres Savannah 6.20 W. M. Jones, 155 acres residence __ 10480 Mack Jones, 73 acres Jones land 58.50 R B. Jones Estate, 84 acres Jones land : , 58.50 Annah Jones, 6 acres Jones land 4JO C. C. Jones, 1 store and. residence 1 43.90 . Sandy Lock, 23 acres Lock land 19.00 Guss Lynch, 2 acres Williams land 4.90 C. L. Lynch, 64 acres Ebrom land 40.00 William Lynch, 32 acres residence 32.10 Jim Lynch, 15 acres Harrell land _ 1220 P. L Lynch Estate, 198 acres Davis land 135.70 Ale* Pittman, 50 acres Chesson land 38.70 Alex Peterson and Brother, 4 acres Green land 1.30 Guss Parker, 1 house and lot : .... 8.70 H. P. Parker, 1 house and lot , ■ U 12JQ0 Talithie Pitt, 12 acres Pitt land , SJO Josephine Pitt, 1 vacant lot 170 Joe Price, 6 acres woods laad ; 170 Lucy Purvis, 33 acres Brow* laad 80.10 Elisa Ruff, 1 house and lot 19.00 W. T. Sherrod, 247 acres Draper land 74J0 Roll it Sherrod, 1 vacant lot „ 1.70 Will Sherrod, 2 acres woods laad 3.90 H. C Savage, 1 house and lot , __ 10.10 H. C. Savage (Administrator), 3 acres Savage land 140 Nathan Staton, 84 acres Burnett lead __— _____ 64J0 Minnie Smith, 100 acres Andrews laad . - 66.40 Jacob Statoa,~2Q acres residence —. 10.30 Teener Staton, 33 acres Sherrod laad 18J0 Flocy Taylor, 1 vacant lot . 170 Julian Taylor, 6 acres residence 420 C C. Williams, 162 acres Thompson laad IUO J. C Williams, 10 a woods laad, 15 a Williams Umd, S houses aad lota 10270 G. M. Williams Estate, 31 acres Ebrom land 9.00 Connie Williams, 25 acres Lacy Williams land 1200 -Tuesday, November 29, 1932

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