Watch the Label On Yoar Paper Aa It_ Carries tha Date Whea Yoor Subscription Bxpiraa VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 80 TO HOLD COUNTY AND TOWN TAX SALES MONDAY Approximately 900 Parcels of Real Estate Will Be for Sale Approximately 900 parcels of real es tate will be offered at a public sale hart next Monday for delinquent taxes tha sale to (tart at noon and continu ing from time to time until certificates are issued. While there will be a few individual buyers at the aale, it is be lieved the county will be the principal porchaaer at the auction. The 900 ac counts represent approximately $35,- 000 unpaid taxes for the year 1931. The Town of Williamston will offer for sale around 140 parcela of real ea tate, it ia estimated. Theae accounts represent approximately $6,000 uncol lected taxes for the same period. .After the certificates are issued next Monday, interest at the rate of 10 per cent will be added for the following 12. months. During the following year, an additional 8 per cent will be sdded, I and after that time a rate of 6 per cent will be charged. In other words, a man owing SIOO taxes is due to pay SIOO plus a 4 per cent penalty at thia time. If he waits ntil December, 1933, he will owe $lO4 plus $lO interest, or $114; and if he waits another year he will owe sll4 plus $8 interest, or $122., The costs of $1.50 to be added to each amount. Any time during the third' year deeds can be passed in those cases where the taxes have not been paid. During the past very few tax deeds have been passed in this county, the delinquent tax accounts having been settled before the final action is in stituted. METHODISTS TO BEGIN NEW YEAR Pastor and Family Pleased With Return Here for Another Year 1 By Rev. C. T. ROGERS It is our (my family and I) pleas ure to be back on the Williamston charge for another year. In the two years we have been here, we have made many friends and no enemies. Some folks have not agreed with us in all thine* we have said and done, but most all agree that we were sincere in doing what we thought was right. As we think of the new year, and j with our church it begina December Ist, many opportnuities for good face preacher and people. We can not see the aod of the year 1933, but this one thiag we know—if we will go forward by faith to do each day the task that ia before ua, we will be victorious. Play fair with God and His cause, and He will play fair with you. A new reso lution by all, and it well kept, will work wonders for our church and be a blessing to all. Beginning Sunday, may every mem ber be at Sunday school and church, and unleaa providentially prevented be present every Sunday. Come and join in special prayer for those who can not attend. All present for the first Sunday. Services at Usual hours, both at Wil-!' liamston and Holly Springs. 9 How To Get Tombstones front U. S. Government Many inquiries have been received here recently asking information how to procure tombstones or grave mark ers for graves of Civil War veterans from the United States Government. Under an act of Congreaa, stones or markers were provided for the gravea of the veterans. Relatives or frienda of thoae veterans who have passed on are adviaed to write to the Quarter Master General, Washington, D. C. for necessary blanks, which, when fill ed ia properly and returned, the stone or marker will be shipped pre paid, are a number of unmarked gnwes of veterans in this county, and it is hoped relaties will avail them selves of the opportunity to get the free stones. Colored Man Steals $250 Cash from His Cousin —* —» Rooming and boarding with hie cousin, Ben Rivea, on Railroad Street here, John D. Williams, colored, laat Wednesday night tore open Rives' trunk and stole $250. He was believ ed to have been aeen making his es cape on the Jamesville road later that night, but his arrest had not been ef fected up to noon today. Rives, only a few daya before, had' realised $250 from an insurance com pany, and was holding it ia his trunk. Williama, a boarder in the home since his return here from Hopewell two months ago, learned where Rives had placed the money, and while the owner was attending die picture show that night he stole the money and escaped. THE ENTERPRISE County Officers to Begin New Year Monday; Vary few changea will be noticed in the Martin County government why the officer* take the oaths of office here next Monday. The only variation in the government personnel is found in the record ar'a court. Solicitor H. O. Pad bacomea judge, and W. H. Co burn, the only new man in the group, bacomea aolicitor. Meaara. T. C. Griffin, chairman, J. E. Pope, Joshua L. Coltrain, V. 0. Taylor, and H. S. Everett will again take the flfcth aa county com miuionMi, And than there are C. B. Roe buck, Sheriff; J. Sam Getainger, RECEIVE $2,073 TO USE IN WELFARE WORK IN COUNTY a Hardly Believe the Relief Fund Will Last Until 'Christmas Time Receiving $2,073 this'weck, Martin County has shared to the extent of $7,- 223 in the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Relief Fund, it was learn- I ed from the office of the superintend i ent of public welfare for this county this week. The $2,073 was the final payment this county will receive un less applications for more arc ap proved by corporation. Addition al allotments are to be msde within the next day or two, and local welfare workers are being urged to complete certain reports that an application for the county can be presented by the latter part of this week. More than SI,OOO of the money re ceived has already been spent, giving labor to the unemployed. Nearly 100 men have been given work through out the county, a majority of them be ing in the lower townships,«where the drought damaged crops to such a great extent last summer. Much work has been done through the aid offered that Could not have been done had there been no available funds. The welfare workers are working day and night at the present time in vestigating cases throughout the county, and when the survey is com pleted, it is believed the needs will exhaust the fund before Christmas. The successful handling of the re lief situation—now recognized as one of the biggest tasks in the county— I depends largely upon the efforts put forth by our own people. If we fall down, we need not expect much aid from the outside, the reconstruction corporation representatives said during a recent visit to the county. POOR PRICES FOR PEANUTS a Few Farmers Selling Their Crops for As Little as One Cent a Pound With the harvesting of the 1932 pea nut crop progressing rapidly at this jime, much attention is naturally be j ing given the market quotations. Ac cording to quotations released this week by Winborne and Company, Suf folk, the new crop is selling at 1 l-8c to 1 l-2c a pound, mostly 1 1-4 to 1 3-8 cents. The following comments were of fered in the report: New crop peanuts: Practically all of the new crop peanuts coming to market are of the "shelling stock" grades, which are turning out a big percentage of "extra large, shelled." The percentage of "No. 1 shelled" is small, and very few bright enough to to sell in the shell. Old crop peanuts: There are about 200,000 bags of the 1931 crop on hand in Virginia and North Carolina, be ing withheld from the market for the present. These peanuta-'ihould come in demand later. They have mostly good, bright color, and the part that is shelled to sell has a big percentage of "No. 1 shelled," which is only fouqd in small quantities in tip new dois Rev. Perlie Perry to Preach at Baptist Church Sunday ♦ — -. The Rev. Perlie Perry, of Center ville, Ala., will preach in the Baptist church here Sunday night at the 7 o'clock hoar. Mr. Perry, well known in this coun ty, waa called here recently on account of the death of his mother. He has consented to preach Sunday evening, and hia many friends will be glad to hear the Williamston boy. Sunday morning the pastor will con duct the service, and Sunday afternoon •t 2 o'clock the church will put on its annual every-member canvass, which it docs nt this time each year to un derwrite the church's financial budget for the incoming year. * Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, December 2,1932 register of deeda; C. A. Harriaon, treaaurer; and S. R. Bigga, cor oner, to take the oath for their re spective office* again. H. O. Peel goes in as tha new judge of the county recorder'» court, and W. Hubert Coburn ateps in tor the first time aa aolicitor for the trib unal. The oatha will be adminiatered by Clerk of tha Court R. J. Peel aoon after the various officers as semble. The several officers required to furniah bond* are understood to have the proper inatrumenta ready for inspection by the proper au thorities. HIGHER TOBACCO PRICE THIS YEAR SURVEY SHOWS Price Increase Will Hardly Offset the Decreased • Production North Carolina farmers received a bout as much for a small tobacco crop this year as they did for one erably larger last year, according to reliable reports received here. A recent report released by the gov ernment indicates that every type of tobacco this year commanded a high er price than they did last season. However, the increase was small in some cases, wrappers bringing only 5 per cent more than they did last year. The leaf grades ranged in price from 25 to 75 per cent over the prices of last year. One grade this year average $5.20, as compared with SI.BO last season. Cutters of' all types averaged about 10 or 12 per cent more. Lugs gained about 12 per cent on the best grades to as high as 100 per cent for some of the cheaper grades. The bulk of tobacco will doubtless average about 35 per cent above the 1931 sales. • Barely Miss Experiencing A Water Shortage Here Local residents barely missed ex periencing a water shortage last Wednesday when the reserve fell be low 40,000 gallons and continued .to dwindle until it was less than 10,000 gallons. The main reservoir was drained early that morning after 75,000 gallons had been stored in the tower tank to make it possible for the waterworks force to repair weak pipe- connections. Necessary valves were installed, but it was Several hours later before the pumps supplying the tower could be put in use. Operations were carried on at the plant during a greater part of Wednesday night and yesterday and the water reserve is now almost back to normal. »■ Consolidation Will Make Little Change In Service Patrons 6n R. F. D. routes 1, 2 and i 5 hardly noticed a change in the mail service yesterday following a consoli dation of the three routes into two. The change in the rural distribution system from the Williamston office was made with little variation in sched ules resulting, Postmaster Price said this morning. Substitutes Peel and Price are work ing with Messrs. J. A. Ward and Rob ert Leggett (this week, acquainting them with the new sections of the routes they will service in the future. Special Picture Will Be Shown at Junior Meeting e> A special feature of the Junior Or der public meeting in the schoolhouse here tonight at 7:30 o'clock will be a moving picture showing the activi ties of the order as they center around the orphanages and its other chari table organizations. The picture, "Fruits of Fraternal Love," is declared very interesting as well aa entertain ing. Large numbers of visiting Juniors are expected here this afternoon and tonight. A business session will be held this afternoon, and a public meet ing will be held at 7:40 tonight. The public is invited to be present at the meeting tonighj. Nearly 100 Teachers Are Expected Here Tomorrow Nearly 100 teachers in the white schools of the county are expected to be here tomorrow for the first of a series of county-wide meetings to be held during the 1932-33 term. The seseioa .will be held in the high school buildinc at 10 o'clock in the morning, and will last for two hours, it is un derstood. LITTLE LOSS IS CAUSED BY FIRE AT GUANO PLANT ♦ Buildings Catch from Grass Fire Started by Two Small Boys - Fire destroyed two storage houses and damaged twelve bales of cotton and 100 tons of peanut meal at the plant of the Standard Fertilizer Com pany here shortly after 12 o'clock last Wednesday afternoon. When discov ered, the blaze had gained much head way, making it impossible for the fire company to save the buildings and pre vent damage to the contents. The large factory was not endangered by the flames and sparks pouring forth from the two storage houses across the railroad tracks. Two small colored-boys are under stood to have fired the grass 200 yards or mor* from the plant when they threw down a lighted match after light ing a cigarette "stump." That was (shortly before 12 o'clock. Thirty min utes later the fire had eaten its way to the buildings and fired them. Em ployees of the company were in the main buildings and they did not see the Ibaze until Mrs. George Harris turned in the alarm. The fire company connected its ap paratus to the town water lines, but on account of a shortage of-water it was necessary to place the pumper at the river edge and string a line of hose from there. The fire in the 12 bales of cotton was checked and the blaze in the peanut meal house was smothered, enabling workmen to drag out all that was not damaged. The resulting damage was not large, and the loss was partially covered by insurance. * NOTED ORGANIST HERE TUESDAY Dr. Minor C. Baldwin Will Give Recital In Local Methodist Church Dr. Minor C. Baldwin, wor,Jd-famous organist, will be at the Methodjst church Tuesday night at 7:45, under the auspices of the Woman's Mission ary Society. This is an outstanding treat for a town of this size, and every one should hear this great musician. He comes here from New Bern, where he is closing an engagement of five nights. The people in the country as well as in the town should not miss this. It is the opportunity of a life time. No charge will be made, but a silver offering will be taken to pay the musician and to apply on the church debt. • Two Fire Calls Received About Same Time Here The local fire company received two calls almost at the same time last Wednesday afternoon when fire de stroyed property at the plant of the Standard Fertilizer Company and a portion of the fence at the Roanoke fair grounds. Occupied with the stub born blaze at the river, the firemen arrived too late to be of any service at the fair grounds. Other parties rushed there and brought the blaze under control after it had destroyed a portion of the fence. e CAKE'IS LEADER ON CURB MARKET Cake Sales During the Year Are Around SSOO. on The Market ♦ By Miss L. E. SLEEPER It will be of interest to many in the county to know whst products are the most popular sellers on the curb market here in Williamston. Cake is the leader, with $482.76 taken in dur ing the year. Other products which have a sales record for the past nine months are vegetables, $220.75; poul try, $212.72; eggs, $102.71; milk, $12.48; cream, $38.37; butter, $14.69; fruits and berries, $20.36. There were 42 differ ent families represented selling on the market here this year. The total sales for the year are $1,425.44. Help make 1933 even bigger for our little curb market, producer and buyer. Sellers I will received more business through added variety, standardized products, grading, care snd. cleanliness in prep aration of produce for the market. The market is the product of what each seller and buyer makes it. The pat ronage has been greatly appreciated by the 42 different sellers on the mar ket this year and we aim to please our patrons. A partial list of our prices follow: Eggs, 28 cents dozen; cabbage, lc pound; collards, 3c pound; potatoes, lc pound; cream, 25c pint; turnips, 3c pound; rutabagas, 3c pound; meal, lc i pound; carrots, 3c bunch. Growers Plan Drasctic Action To Prevent Selling KIWANIANS HAVE BIG TIME HERE THURSDAY NIGHT —♦ Box Supper Is Interesting Program Feature for Ladies' Night The annual Ladies' Night of the Williamston Kiwanis Club was ob served last night in the community hall with an old-fashioned box supper, which netted considerable money for the Boy Scout work, which is spon sored by the Kiwanians. Twenty-five boxes, neatly done up, and abundantly filled, were auctioned off to the highest bidder by Mr. W. R. Carson, who is an auctioneer on the local tobacco market. In each case, the man buying a box ate supper with the lady who had prepared it. After supper a light program was carried out, consisting of musical numbers by Mrs. E. A. Green, Miss Marjorie Moore, and Miss Ella Wynne Critcher. There were stunts, contests, best jokes, and a barnyard animal and fowl contest, in which Miss Uessye Harrell and Mr. Vernon Godwin vied with each other in mimicking, before the group, chickens, cows, ducks, 'n everything. The feature of the evening's pro gram was the presentation of young Wheeler Martin, jr., as having brought to Martin County the .distinction of having himself become the first Eagle Scout in this section. It was stated last night that he is the only Eagle Scout between New Hern and Scotland Neck, and between Greenville and Elizabeth City. 80 CONTRIBUTE TO RED CROSS County Chapter About 500 Below Assigned Quota For Year 1932 Reporting 80 new members up to yesterday, the county chapter of the Red Cross misses its goal by more than 500 members. Considering the stringent times, the call has had a ready response in a few of the several townships the chapter embraces, but in others it has been ignored altogeth er, according to reports received so far by the chapter chairman, Mrs. A. R. Dunning. Of the nine townships in the chapter, only four, Goose Nest, Jamesville, Griffins, and Williamston have reported any new members. The following names have been add ed since the last report: Donations forwarded from James ville by Mrs. Kathleen Lilley, $2.15; Mrs. MiltorrMoye, $1; Jesse Price, $1; V. J. Spivey, $1; W. T. Roberson and Brother, Griffins Township, $1; W. B. Harrington, Griffins, 10c; C. A. Hugh, Griffins, 25c; Edward Corey, Griffins, 25c; N. K. Harrison, $1; Mrs. Daisy Purvis, 25c; K. B. Crawford 50c. HONOR ROLL AT FARM LIFE ——• • Names of 34 Pupils Appear On Roll During Month Recently Ended Farm Life children started out for a record all"lheir own last month, when the names of 34 were placed on the honor list for the period as fol lows: First grade: Georgie Dean Rober son, Dorothy Roberson, Agnes Moore, Noah Roberson, Josephine Hardison, McDonald Hardison. Second grade: Lola Hardison, Blanche Heath, Martha A. Roberson, Alton Fay Peel. Third grade: Chloe Hardison, Car lylft Manning. Fourth grade: Lavaughn Hardison, Ida Mae Corey, Oscar Wiggins. Fifth grade: Ola Lee Lilley, Ver gil Lilley, William Lilley. Eighth grade.;Jdseph Lilley, Albert Wilson Lilley, jlmet Feel. Ninth grade: "Thelma Coltrain, Bet tie Ruth Heath, Verna Griffin, Sarah Roberson, Daisy Roberson, Beulah Roberson. Tenth grade: Lillian Daniel, Emma Belle Manning, Louise Manning. jlleventh grade: Eva Brown Col train, Archie Coltrain, Veona Rober son, Hazel Ward. Fined $2.50 for Running Over Link of Fire Hose * Harry A. Biggs was fined $2.50 and taxed with the coiti in Justice J. L. Hsssell's court here Wednesday night for driving over a fire hose durnig the fire at the river earlier that day. 19 SHOPPING DAYS ] There are just 19 more (hopping days before Christmaal Shop early, and first and last, re member the home merchants—the onea who largely aupport the schools, the churches, communi ty enterprises. Large stocks of useful and ap propriate Christmas goods are be ing received daily for the aeason al trade. Prepare your shopping list as soon aa possible and call to see the merchants who are here year in and year out. They will appreciate your patronage. MANY CHANGES I IN CONSTITUTION ARE SUGGESTED —• — Legislature Will Consider Proposed Changes at Next Meeting ♦ After studying the North Carolina State constitution for more than a year the constitutional commission recent ly submitted its report to the gover nor. Many changes have been pro posed, and they will be turned over to the general assembly for consider ation next year. If the two houses of the assembly favor the changes by majorities of two-thirds of each house, then the issues will be placed before the voters at the next election in 1934. High spots in the commissioners re port are as follows: Recommends that governor be given veto power, which may be overridden I by two-thirds vote of house and sen | "* e - Would give governor power to ap point all officers whose officers are j established by proposed constitution and for whose appointment provision ; is not otherwise made. Election of supereme court justices and superior court judges for eight l year terms recommended. Provides for election of governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, auditor, superintendent of public in ' struction, and treasurer for terms of four years each. Recommends that provision ibe re tained that governor may not be re elected to succeed himself. Does not recommend an increase in the constitutional six months school term, but says general assembly may maintain a longer term. Proposes to give general assembly power to create new solicitorial dis tricts without reference to judicial dis tricts. Also to allow more than one superior court judge in each judicial district if work demands warrant And legislature authorizes. Would also al low legislature to increase number of supreme court judges if wor warrants. Recommends the limitation of ab sentee voting to persons physically disabled or absent because of military, naval, or other service to state or na tion. Recommends that general assembly be given right to permit a verdict by ! criminal court upon less than a unani -des uei|i JJI|}O u; tijojnf jo jjojr'fnoiu I ital cases. , Recommends that murder, arson, first degree burglary and rape be pun ishable by death if the Central Assem bly shall so enact. Would give power to county com missioners to fill legislative vacancies caused'jby deaths. Recommends that appointment of members of legislature to offices creat ed by the session in which they were members be prohibited. i Proposes making duties of local gov ernmpnt commission to budget depart ment constitutional. I » . Home of Charlie Gurkin, Near Dardens, Is Burned The home of Charlie Gurkin, near Dardens, was destroyed Wednesday by fire, and only a single piece of the household equipment was saved. The fire occurred about 10 o'clock in the morning. Efforts to save the houst were unavailing. > - ' ♦ To Hold Peanut Meeting Here Monday at 11 A. M. A meeting of importance to all pea nut growers, merchants, bankers and others will be held in the courthouse next Monday at 11 oVlo'c'k"" here next Monday at 11 o'clock, it was announced today by N. G. Bart lett, Secretary of the East Carolina Chamber of Commerce. The purpose of the meeting is to lay before the people a plan that has been worked out for the marketing of this crop of peanuts. Plan to attend. Advertisers WUI Fad Ov Col aan a Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin Co—tj Hones ESTABLISHED 1898 CROP MOVEMENT TO BE HALTED BY NEXT SATURDAY Meetings Held at Scotland,, Neck and Murfreesboro This Week Meeting in Scotland Neck last Sun day and in Murfreesboro last Tuesday afternoon, peanut farmers and busi ness men of the section provided for a selling organization in the hope of bettering peanut prices, anM stated that they were prepared to take stern measures if necessary in handling the sale of the crop this season. Representing eight counties in North j Carolina and four in Virginia, the 400 growers attending the meeting at Mur- J treesboro unanimously approved the so-called "Scotland Neck plan" and voted to begin picketing the highways leading to the markets, possibLy Sat urday, in order to carry it out. Charles L. Shields, of Scotland Neck who sponsored the plan, was author- I ized to proceed with its organization. It provides for the appointment of- a board of governors in each county of I the peanut district, which will be charged with creating an "informa tion board" in each townshipr Under this proposal, the organiza tion would seek to prevent the sale of any peanuts, except by written con sent of the board of gyvernors. Each j county board would designate he or der in which Jie peanuts of its territory i would be tak'en to market. Picketing Regulation! Under picketing regulations ap ! proved, any person hauling peanuts I without the authority of the orgai)iza- I tion, or persons selling at a price low ier than that approved by the organi sation, would be warned to desist. | The meeting adofged a resolution I which called upon the federal govern- I highway, thus insuring the stopping ,of the vehicle; that all the arts of per suasion lie used to induce the parties to turn back." I erty whatever," and that the violation I be reported to the county board, which •shall "pass the proper sentence" and j "this sentence be executed as they see tit." The Plan Adopted The "Scotland Neck plan" as intro duced by Shields and adopted, follows: A cooperative association plan, put forward by a group of Virginia grow ers, was rejected in favor of the "Scot I lAikl Neck plan." In concluding, Shields' resolution I asserted that if a person sent his pea- I nuts to market, despite the ban, "a j positive warning be given to this per- I son stating that he is violating a sa- I cred economic code of ethics set up to j prevent the starvation and annihila , tion of the babies, women,' and men I of the peanut territory; that they are I to be further warned that while no | drastic action is being taken at this | time, that we can not promise them | immunity whatever from anything that in the future, by day or night, may happen to themselves, their ve ' hides, livestock, or any other prop ment to take off the market enough of this year's crop to pay off seed loans secured by growers in the belt. The "Scoland Neck plan" was a dopted after considerable discussion. (Continued on the back page) RECORDER HAD NUMBER CASES ♦ Judge Bailey Reviews Un paid Pines and Costs At Tuesday Session " ■ • Six defendants, failing to comply with former judgments, were carried before Judge Bailey in the county re- court last Tuesday to refi nance their overdue fines and costs. No new cases were heard that day, leaving several carry-over cases for the new court officers next Tuesday. Judgment was suspended in the case of Cleo Land upon the payment of the costs. Timothy Keys, charged with disor derly conduct, was given until the sec ond Tuesday in this month to settle his account with the court. The fine imposed upon Simon Pag an was remitted, and he was ordered to pay $2 a month until the cost was paid. Wilbur Keys was ordered to pay %i a month until his account was settled. The fine was remitted in the case against William Cherry, but the de fendant was ordered to pay $4 a month to the court until the cost was set tled. Frank Wood was ordered to pay a month, beginning the Arat Tuesday in January and each month thereafter until the account was settled.