Many Children Are Dependent on Your Generosity tor Their Christmas—Don't Disappoint Them Watch the Label On Yoor Paper Aa It Carriea tha Data When Yoor Subscription Expires VOLUME XXXV—NUMBER 85 118 NAMES ARE ON HONOR ROLL IN LOCAL SCHOOL Honor List for Past Month Is the Largest So Far During Present Term • The name* of 118 students appear on the local school honor roll for the third month, recently ended. The list is slightly larger than any one prev iously reported so far this term. The names : Grade 1-A: Marshall Ange, Don Dixon, Conrad Getsingef, Richard Margolis, Burlte Parker, Collin Peel, Luther Peel, Davis Perry, Billy White, Betsy Anderson, Katie Andrews, Hel en Godard, Elizabeth Gurganus, Court ney Jenkins, Delia Jane t . Mobley, Susan Moore, Lenora Melson, Mary Trulah Peel, Susie Wobbleton. Grade 1-B: Elton WalUce, William Gardner, Burkley Nicholson, Clarence j Pate. Grade 2-A: Milly Biggs. Evelyn Griffin, Betty R. Gurganus, Patsy King, Madeline Taylor, Dorothy Wat ton, Mary O'Neal Pope, Jim Critcher, | Joseph Gurganus, Bill Griffin, Jimmy Manning, Hurley Shaw, John Wier, jr., Bennie Weaver, Franklin Lilley. Grade 2-B; Raleigh Mendenhall, Noah Nicholson, Oscar Sarvis, Rena Howard, Daisy Manning, Corrinne Roberson. Lillie Marriner. Grade 3-A: Edith Andrews, Anne Fowden, Susie Griffin, Dolly. Godard, Mary C. Godwin, Bina Jackson, Mary L. Manning, Grace Manning, Mildred Moor*, Elisabeth Parker, Sybil Rob erson, Louise Roberson, S. C. Griffin, Haywood Rogers, Thomas Walters. Grade 3-B: Evelyn Wynn, George Wynn, Katherine Roberson. Grade 4-A: Nancy Biggs, Nina Bland, Mafjorie G. Dunn, Mary Gwen Osborne, Katherine Manning, Kath erine Morton, Maude Taylor, Stuart Critcher, R J. Hardison. Jerry Man ning, Warren Pope, Joseph Thigpen, Jimmie Watts, Raymond Rawls. Grada 4-B: None. *- Grade 5-A: Bill* Ballard, Jerry Clark, Jack Edmondson/. Gordon Man-1 ning, Bernice Cowen, Delsie Godard, | Sallie G. Gurkin, Louise Nicholson, Dorris Moore, Eleanor Taylor, Mar tha Ward, Virgil Ward, Julia Watts, Reid White. Grade S-B: Ellen M. Coburn, Dixie Daniels, Mary E. Uggett. Grade 6-A: Reg Manning, Jack Saunders, Elva G. Barnhill, Alma Godwin, Thelma Griffi n > Nora Grimes, Ida Walters, Bernice Ward. Grada 6-B: Eustice Jones, Lucille Griffin. Grade 7-A: E. G. Wynn, Velma Bennett, Sarah Carson, Frances Cher ry, Halen Shaw, Addie .L. Meador. Grada 7-B: None. Grada 8: Edna Ballard, Ben Man ning. Grada 9: Alta Critcher, Grace Man ning. Grada 10: Jessie Mae Anderson, Cora Lee Patterson. Grada 11: Jennie Green Taylor. TAX LEAGUE TO HOLD MEETING - • To Discuss Tax Question at Courthouse Here December 30th The Martin County Tax League, or ganised here several months ago, will hold a meeting in the courthouse here Friday afternoon, December 30, at 2 o'clock, it ww announced today by E. P. Cunningham, president. The meeting is the second one called by, the league since its organization, and : is the first meeting that has been scheduled in months. In announcing the meeting, the president pointed out that it was im portant for a large representation of Martin property owners and other cit izens to attend. Tax matters that are likely to be of much consequence in the next session of the legislathre will be discussed at the meeting that a united. stand might be taken when necessary. Sate of Automobile Plates Progressing Rapidly Here The sale of 1913 State automobile license plates it progressing very rap idly, considering everything. Manager N. C. Green, of the local license bu reau, said yesterday. Whjle no large purchase of plates has been sold, equal ly as many have been purchased as there ware for the same period last year, Mr. Green said. Uany of the sales were made to au tomobile owners living outside th« county. THE ENTERPRISE 4 DAYS TO SHOP )I ' v. J With only four more shopping dnya |Mt aefore Christmas, the time ia just about over for even the last-minute shopper. Unfavor able weather conditions interrupt ed shopping to tome extent all of last week, but local merchanta are adequately equipped to handle the needs of last-minute shoppers. Another warning will be that much later, so ahop now, and by all means remember the local mer chant, for it is he who baa had much to do in keeping the achools and the church doors open. Year in and year out, and so long as he ia able, he shoulders a part of the responsibility in building and maintaining a place for more than 2,730 aouls to live. GIVES FACTS AND FIGURES ON OAK 'CITY AS TOWN Town Had Two Names Be fore Present One Was Decided Upon a— . By JOHN W. HINES Oak City, N. C., situated on N. C.! Highway 125 is a progressive little town of approximately 500 inhabitants, situated in the heart of one of the greatest agricultural sections of North Carolina. • During the Civil War the Union sol diers were encamped in a barn near the present site of Oak City, and find ing a goose on a nest, named the place Goose Nest. This was later changed to Conoho. Due to the close prox imity of another town named Conetoe, this causing much confusion in mail and freight, due to the similarity of names, in 1906 the name was changed to its present name of Oak City. During the Civil War the Confed erate soldiers were encamped-at Fort ■ Branch, which was heavily fortified. With the approach of heavy Union forces, and realizing that they could ' not hold out against this superior . force, the ammunition and supplies i I were buried and the fort abandoned before capture by Federal troops. A short time ago the mayor of Oak City, J. W. Hines, discovered new evidences of Civil War days, excavating can non and cannon shells and other in teresting relics. Oak City offers a splendid chance for progression and growth. The land I in this area is one of the most fertile 'in North Carolina. Splendid crops of cotjkon, corn, peanluts, tobacco, and trucking crops are grown to advan tage and profit ih this section. With the completion of Highway No. 125 and the advent of a new route from Bethel, Oak City will command an important position in highway trans portation. The citizens of Oak City are friend ly and progressive. Whether you stay with them a day, a month, or a year, yrtu will find them hospitable and will ing to cooperate in all social, civic, and other progressive movements. ■ » Santa Claus Expected Here by Little Children When Santa Claus failed to visit here after being scheduled to three different occasions, little tots in this community almost reached the con clusion that "there ain't no Santa Claus." Scheduled to come here in his airplane Monday of last week, he was held back by the weather. He was then to come the following day, but again the weather prevented his trip. And he failed to appear last Saturday on account of the inclement | 1 I weather. But little children are assured he will be around some time next Satur day night, but they will hardly see him at that time. • WiUiamston 4-H Club Holds Meeting Thursday ■ ' • The regular meeting of the 4-H club girls of WiUiamston was held on Thursday in the home economics room The meeting was opened with Christ mas carols and the club pledge. Ow ing to .the number of girls enrolled, the club was divided into two groups. In the junior club officers were elect ed. The officers are: President, Ad die Lee Meador; vice president, Helen Shaw; secretary, Elva Grace Barn hill; news reporter, Jessie Mae Hol loman. After the .business meeting the girls made toys and each girl, wherever possible, was urged to pass on at least one toy to some child who will' otherwise be deprived of SaAta Claus. There were 5S in attendance. —News reporter. WiUiamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, December 20,1932 I RELIEF WORK IS MAJOR TASK IN THIS COUNTY Workers Will Be Unable To Care for All; Help Asked of Individuals Relief work among the needy in this county ia now recognized a« one of the greatest tasks before any county em ployee or official, there being so much to do that there is much doubt as to whether the workers can complete their first investigations and handle the cases. The case workers are busy night and day trying to handle the needs of the worthy applicants, but it is hardly likely that the situation will be un der control before Christmas Day. Under the conditions individual as sistance will be as badly needed this year as at any time in the history of j the county. No organizations have planned any elaborate relief programs, ' but it is believed the individuals of I the county will go to the aid of the unfortunate on or before Christmas Day. The need for individual assist ance was pointed out by organized re lief workers as of paramount import ance this week, and they are urging j every one to take part in the task of [ caring for the destitute. I Baskets of needed articles can be , prepared at little cost, and they will be of much value to many people in the county, it was pointed out. BIG DECREASE IN ALL CASH CROPS F ood and Feed Crops Are Increased by 837,841 Acres In Two Years • Back in 1929, when farm values were higher than they are- now, it is estimated that the folks were import jing about ISO million dollars annually lin food and feed products. This bill was paid largely out of money made with cotton, tobacco and peanuts. But when the farm income and values , shrunk, it was seen that this great bill could no longer be borne by the returns from cash crops. That the live-at-home plan has been a success can be seen from the fact that the acreage to cash crops decreased by 575,342 acres and the acreage to food and feed crops increased by 837,841 acre* in two years. The present low price offered for peanuts and cotton will, no doubt, effect an even greater turn to the live-at-home program than the change experienced during the past two yeafs. In short, the conditions are ideal for an all live-at-honie program and little or no money crops, especially peanuts and cotton, in this section during the next year. BONDED FTRM TO STORE PEANUTS +• Make Preparations to Store 75,000 Bags In Ware house Here Arrangements for bonding the Brick Warehouse here for the storage of peanuts were completed last week by Messrs. E. P. Cunningham, W. H. Carstarphen, and Iverson Skinner, who will operate a general storage for farmers' peanuts there this season and at the same time buy and sell peanuts when occasions present themselves. Already the firm, WiUiamston Stor- ' age Warehouse, has nearly 4,000 bags of goobers stored, and they are pre pared to handle between 75,000 and 100,000 bags. With the price of pea nuts so low, the grower nas much to gain and very little to lose by storing his crop at this time, it is generally be lieved. Realizing the need of storage 1 room, Messrs. Cunningham, Carstar-' phen and Skinner had the warehouse ' bonded under Federal direction, mak-' ing receipts issued by.the warehouse'i negotiable. The storage firm carries' insurance on all deliveries made to it, i and offers the owner every storage ! advantage at a very reasonable cost. * . _ Thieves Enter Warehouse On Roanoke River Here » • Thieves broke into the Norfolk, Bal timore and Carolina Boat Line ware house at the wharf on Roanoke River here over the week-end and stole three stands of lard and a quantity of candy. It is believed the robbers paddled' a boat to the wharf and entered a door opening next to the river. Officers are ♦working on the case, but have made no arrests. f SOLVING A PROBLEM) v i For those who would be sure to wake up and find aomething in their stockings Christmas morn ! ing, are hereby advised to sleep in them. Those who have no stockings, and in all serious ness it is feared there are many, are advised to call upon the neigh bors. Christmas time is a time for giving, and it is sincerely hoped that the people of thia town and this county will share abundantly with the less fortunate. BETTER CANVAS SHOULD BE USED ON TOBACCO BED Poor Grades of Cloth Will Not Protect Plans from the Flea Beetles The poorer grades of cheese cloth used to cover tobacco plant beds will not give protection from flea beetles, 1 and growers should request their deal ers to get a better supply this win tr.. « "As a result of our demonstrations in the control of tobacco flea beetles in the plant bed, we have found that canvas or cheese cloth having 26 strands to the inch will give better protection than the poorer grades commonly found on the market," says G-i H. Hrantxtit, extension-entomolo gist at State College. "Growers there fore should urge their dealers to lay in a supply of this canvas. Such a grade will cost little more and will pay a profit in thrifty plants protect ed both from the tlea beetle and sold weather." Mr. Brannon has found that the hetles may gain entrance through the poorer grades. Then, too, he says, during the late freezes last season, only the tight beds with the better | grade of canvas provided protection j from the cold weather. Very few dealers last season handled canvas running as much as 26 strands to the inch, and growers are advised now to insist on better canvas this season. Good canvas used along with the trap bed as advocated by Mr. Bran non will help to produce strong, stocky plants. If the flea beetles were as big as hogs and the growers could see them the young plants in large quantities, a great cry of alarm would be raised; but the insects are small and in most the amount of damage being done is not realized un til the plant beds are practically de stroyed, he says. MRS. JOHN N. SIMPSON DIES » Funeral Services Held Near Spring Green Church Monday Afternoon ♦ Mrs. John N. Simpson died at her home near Spring Green last Sunday 1 morning following a long illness. She 1 had suffered much during the past sev- 1 eral months with cancer. The daughter of the late Joe Mar-1 tin and wife, Mrs. Simpson was born 'in Jamesville Township 47 years ago. She lived in that section much of her life. Funeral services were conducted from the home yesterday afternoon by Rev. J. M. Perry, of Robersonville. Interment was in the Noah Roberson burial ground near Jan&sville. Mr. Simpson and four sons survive. Woman's Club Meeting Thursday at 4 O'clock A' regular meeting of the Woman's 1 Club will be held in the club rooms here Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock,' | the president announced today, in urging all members to attend. A ' program has been arranmed, it stat ed. ( WINTER BEGINS ) By the almanac, winter begins Thursday, December 22; by the weather, winter was well under way a week ago, when the mercury dropped below the freezing point and when sleet and snow started falling. The weather forecast calls for a sold wave the latter part of tha week and a white Christmas In many sectiona of the south and southeast. Thursday is also the shortest day of the year, tha sun rising at [ 7:05 and setting at 4:52. I MRS. MARY PEEL DIED MONDAY IN PETERSBURG 9 " Funeral Services Will Be Held Here Tomrorow Afternoon Mrs. Mary E. Peel, a native of this county and for a number of years a resident of WiUiamston, died yester day morning at the home of her daugh ter, Mi's. Lavinia Minga, in Peters . burg, Va. j&lrs. Peel, 75 years old. had been in declining health during the past several years, but was con fined to her bed only about a month, Brights Disease was given as the im | mediate cause of her death. Born and reared on a farm near here, Mrs. Peel married the late Joseph [ H. Peel, also of this county, in early womanhood. About 40 years ago she moved to WiUiamston with her fam ily. Several years ago she moved to make her home with Mrs. Mitig'a, bet 1 ! daughter. She was the daughter ot ' the late Robert Rogers and wife, • Henrietta Hassell Rogers. ' "Miss Molly," as she was favorably known '| by many of her acquaintances here j had a large number of friends in this > section made by her acts of kindness • to humanity. , 'Three daughters, Mrs. Minga, and » Miss Essie Peel, of Petersburg, Va., and Mrs. G. W. Hardison, of Wil > liamston, and one son, Mr. Joseph i Herbert Peel, of Charleston, S. C,, ■snrvrvc. —— —— j The body will reach here late this afternoon from Petersburg. Funeral i services will be' conducted from the I home of Mr. and Mrs. Hardison on llaughton Street tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment will follow in j the local cemetery with Rev. C. H. Dickey, of the local Baptist church, | conducting the last rites. , REDUCE BEAMAN j BOND TO $1,000,00 —►— Beaman Expected To Raise Bond And Gain His Freedom Tomorrow The $5,000 bond required of Thom as E. Beaman, United States commis sioner a fid a former Free Will Bap tist preacher of Greenville, charged with accepting bribes from bootleg gers over in Pitt County, was reduced to SI,OOO here yesterday afternoon up on the recommendation of Federal Judge I. M. Meekins. The judge in sisted that the bond be a good one. It was expected today that Beaman would raise the bond and gain his free dom late this afternoon or early to morrow, his release depending upon the nature of the bond offered. lieaman was arrested in Greenville week before last and formally charged with acceptance of bribes and conspir acy to violate the prohibition law. He was held in jail there under a SIO,OOO bond pending a preliminary examina tion to be held here the following Monday afternoon. The bond was re duced at that time from SIO,OOO to $5,- 000. Beaman offered to meet the re quirements, but the bond was not con sidered sufficient. Soon thereafter he ; started habeas corpus proceedings, ! bringing Judge Meekins here yester day afternoon to investigate the case, i BISCOE SHERROD DIES SUDDENLY • Burial Will Be In Scotland Neck Cemetery This Afternoon Biscoe B. Sherrod, 66 years old, died 1 suddenly at his home in Hamilton last i Sunday morning of heart disease. He j had been in feeble health for some I time, but was able to be up and attend | to his duties, including those of jus ! tice of the peace for Hamilton Town ship. Taken suddenly, Mr. Sherrod was in bed at the time and asktd his little granddaughter to call his wife. She rushed to him but before a doctor could get there he died. Born in this county near Hamilton, Mr. Sherrod had lived in that com munity all his life, carrying on exten sive farming operations for a number of years or until hi* health began to fail. He was actively engaged in bus iness, however, upuntil a few months ago. Besides his wife, three children, Dr. W. B. Sherrod, of Scotland; Bruce Sherrod, of Rocky Mount, and Mrs. J. W. Starr, of Tennessee, survive. Funeral services are being conduct ed this afternoon and interment will follow in the Scotland Neck cemetery, according to arrangements learned here yesterday. ( HOLIDAYS COMING ) I J ' The Enterprise will atep up its publication the latter part of thia week from Friday to Thursday, I giving the employees ample time to get the shop in order before Christmas. The iWue will miss the last-minute rush common on the day before Christmas by going in to the mails Thursday afternoon and early Friday morning. Those wishing to make any pub lic announcements will do the of fice a real favor by preparing their copy and turning it in at the ear liest possible moment. Following the usual custom, the paper will issue no edition next Tuesday, giving the employees the one time of the year to enjoy the one vacation of the year. RETURNS FROM TOBACCO GIVEN BY NEWSPAPER ! . . Analysis Shows Taxes Are Biggest Single Item of Manufactured Cost ——• Winston-Salem, Dec, 3.—The Twill- City Sentinel prints" the following analysis of the returns to the govern ment, manufacturer, jobber, and grow er from tobacco. The statistics, prepared by R. L. Swain, of Danville, Va., show a farm - l er gets $l5O per 1,000 pounds of to 'zacco, while taxes amount to $2,000. The summary says: "One thousand pounds will produce I 500,000 cigarettes. , "I'ive hundred thousand cigarettes I equal to 25,000 packages at 15 cents each, for which the consumer pays $.1,750 'V . "Plus two cents stamp tax per pack age in a good many of the states at present. This is equal to $1 per 1,000 I cigarettes, which is SSOO. "'Total consumer pays, $4,250.> I "The United States Government takes net $3 per 1,000 cigarettes, $1,500. "The jobber takes gross 40 cents per 1,000 cigarettes, S2OO. "The retailer takes sl.lO per 1,000 cigarettes, $550. "Advertising takes gross 30 cents per 1,000 cigaretes, $l5O. ','AII cost of manufacturing, etc., j take $1.50 per 1,000 cigarettes, $750. : "Manufacturer takes net 90 cents per 1,000 cigarettes, $450 "The farmer who produced the 1,- ; 000 pounds grosses 15 cents per pound ' or less, or at the rate of 30 ceiits per j 1,000 cigarettes, $l5O. "Total $3,750. Add Statj stamp tax of 2 cent per package of 20 cigarettes. Consumer pays $1 per 1,000 cigarettes, SSOO. "Grand total $4,250. "I'o'al taxes per hogshead weighing 1,000 pounds, $2,000.'' PENSIONCHECKS ARE RECEIVED "T — $1,332.50 Received In This County for 1 Distribution Among 23 Widows • —* |, ' l wenty-four Confederate pensions,' totalling $1,332.50, were received by clerk of the court R. J. Peel last Sat urday from the State treasurer for dis-; I tribution among the 23 widows of Confederate veterans and to one vet- J i eran. j j No additions were allowed cither to i I the amounts or to the regular list, but j 1 applications are now before the State 1 authorities, and it is hoped favorable i action will result within the next two ] or three months. I Mr. D. F. Roberson, of Roberson- i ville, the lone surviving Confederate t veteran, has received his check for $182.50. One of the 23 widows died a ' few days ago, and the check will go to her people, it is understood, Sev eral checks were delivered to the own ers last Saturday and others were be- ( ing called for yesterday and today. New applications for pension money are being held up for the present on J account of insufficient funds, it was j stated by Auditor Durham in a letter to Mr. Peel here last week. ■ • ■ Ben Reeves Arrested tor 1 Possession of Whiskey ' Ben Reeves, colored man living on Railroad Street here, was arrested last * Sunday evening by Officers Daniel, Allsbrooks, and Roebuck and formally charged with the posssssion of liquor. The officers found two gallons of li- i quor in the home and placed Reeves I in jail to await trial today in the re- ! corder's court. I Advertisers Will Fnd Our Col nm» a Latchkey to Or«r Sixteen Hundred lfartin County Homn ESTABLISHED 1898 I MOST OF COUNTY SCHOOLS CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS *» • - Shut-Down Friday Several Days Ahead of Schedule Account Weather Christmas holidays for most of Mar tin County's school children were rushed in severil days earlier than the scheduled time when school authori ties met and agreed that the present existing conditions made the early closing of the schools necessary. Many little tots, and the teachers, too, left their classrooms last Friday, thinking they would return as usual Monday morning and again Tuesday before their holidays officially began. | Unfavorable weather conditions, and | the bad condition of the roads were j given as the main reasons for, officially j starting the C hristmas holidays last * Friday - afternoon; And then, too, there is much sickness in various parts iof a number of school districts. A | kind of influenza, a number have peo ple have described the sickness. How ever, the sickness has not reached any thing like an epidemic stage in this section. Several schools closed last week when the attendance was mater ially decreased in the classroooms by influenza. 1 ruck operation in many sections of the county reached serious propor tions the latter part of last week, and were becoming n»ore serious when the education authorities met and dis cussed the early school closing. Near ly all the trucks were running late, and sonic found it impossible to cover the assigned routes on account of the con dition of the roads. As far as it could be learned today, no definite reopening date has been determined, the superflHendeot of ed ucation stating that the weather would be a determining factor. However, it is hardly likely that the school will reopen after the holidays before lan uary 2, Definite reopening dates will probably be announced next week. Teachers, learning of the change in closing dates, made hurried plans last Saturday to go to their respective homes, but some learned too late to get away before 1 Sunday or yesterday.. The unexpected closing caused the j abandonment of plans for several en tertainments scheduled by teachers j and pupils in the various schools. • Santa Claus Attracts Kids On Streets Here Monday Even though he reached here a week late, Santa ( laus wasn't long attracting the kiddies on the streets j yesterday morning. Circling the town lone time in his airplane, Santa Claus [lijfd a large audience in the making by j the time he lauded on the Skewarkey field. When he reached the main street, the children gathered so close ly around his automobile that traffic was tied up for blocks. Crowding to the car, front, sides, and rear, the chil dren clamored for the few worthless but much coveted gifts. But none was hurt. Ihe old nt;)n was here for only a short while. Eight Prisoners Are Now In the Martin County Jail Christmas will be just another day for the eight inmates in the Martin County jail. Sharing better than many, many women and children on the out side, the prisoners will have to be con tent with their regular lot, Sheriff C. B. Roebuck said this week. Two of the eight prisoners are white and are being held there by the Federal Government. One or two of the others are awaiting trial, and the remaining ones are serving short sen tences. > 2,594 Deaths Reported In State During November Raleigh.—Nineteen persons commit ted suicide in North Carolina in No vember, 42 homicidal deaths were re ported, and 107 others died in "pre ventable accidents," the state board of health's bureau of ..vital statistics re ported today. - . • ' There were 2,594 deaths in Novem ber in the state from all causes, a rate of 9.6 per 1,000 population, while births totaled 6,349, a rate of 23.6 per 1,000. • Certified Potato Seed Are Found More Profitable » - Certified irish potatoes in Haywood County produced at the rate of 240 bushels to the acre, as compared with 160 bushels from ordinary home se- • lected teed. %