mote t ev&i" TEXACO GASOLINE Tho U. S. Oovornmont tp?dfl? for its ?morgoncy us?: ? , I frade of motor fool whioh it tuitabU for ambulanoet, flro milittry tnd mv?I tquipntnt, and other emer getoy rehielet under adverte conditions of starting and aoeel ?ration?'' (jutltft from U. S. GWt. pampkUt VT-U-tfl) Bf-Chlsf Oosollns >xc??Q Ihwt sp*?HI??Hon?l IT takes plenty of power to shoot a ten-ton fire engine through traffic. And that's what Fire-Chief Gasoline was made to do! Today more than ever, Fire-Chief is even better than the U. S. Government specifies for "emergency" service. It's faster?more powerful?higher in anti knock value than even before! Put this "emergency" gasoline to work in your car. It gives you everything you want?does everything better?at the price of ordinary gasoline. Try a tankful today at the red Texaco pump. A livelier, more powerful car will tell you why Fire-Chief is today bought by more tourists than any other brand of gasoline! WAX awJl TAR OUT OF YOUR MOTOR \ AY0?. mo'ioi* oa \v.*> vrRtt / % A new motor oil has arrived?refined by a just perfected patented process which takes out, not only wax, but gummy tar-forming substances that clog oil lines. HAVOLINE MOTOR OIL Thaf s the name of this famous Waxfree, Taifiee oil. Remember it Come in?today, if you want your motor to run sweeter?and have us fill 'as up with this great new oil I TEXACO CRACK' PROOF MOTOR OIL Is Worth All You Pay for It HARRISON COMPANY "Geo. and Gus Know Oil ?? WilUamston, N. C