Basket ball Games Tonight And Tomorrow Night Here The Sanitary Grocery basketball cagers will meet the Rocky Mount YMCA in the local gym this evening at 'i:30 o'clock, with an all-star line up on both teams. Baker and Jimmie Brown, Professor Uzzle, Herbert Leary, Murphy L. Barnes. Dick Cherry and Hardy Rose are slated for action against the visitors this evening.' Dallas Frank and Frosty Martin, managers of the local cagers, an nounced today that they had games pending with Campbell College, the Wake Forest freshmen, Norfolk's Texaco Quint and Police, and the New York Police. Tomorrow evening at the same hour, the local high school boys and girls will meet Plymouth's two teams in the local gym. Sites Requirements For Signing Cotton Contract For a farm eligible for a cotton contract in 1936. the land must have grown cotton at least two years since 1930. One of the years specified is either 1934 or 1935. If natural causes which could not be controlled, prevented planting in either or both of these years, credit foi planting one year will be given, but cotton must have been grown on the land at least another year since 1930. Another requirement is that the farm must have a base acreage of one who] acre or more to be eligible for a 1936 contract. Edgecombe Farmer Raises Cedars for Holiday Market In the spring of 1933, Allard A. Battle, of Edgecombe County, plant ed 225 Red Cedar seedlings. This winter he had for sale 223 Christmas trees four to six feet high. Sale of Town Auto Tags Progressing Rapidly Now With the 15th of this month set as a deadline for their purchase, the sale of town automobile lass is pro gressing rapidly now, Chief W. B Oamel announced last evening. A bout one-half or nearly two hundred plates have been sold so far, it was stated. a White Leghorn Sets Now Record at State College A white leghorn pullet at the State College poultry plant produce ed 313 eggs during her pullet year ar. din the 518 days elapsing since she laid her first egg. she has pro duced 435, without taking time out for a moult. Wants HOME FOR SALE: LOCATED ON Haughton Street. Two-story build ing. Corner lot and in one of the best residential sections in town.?, G. W! Hardison. jan,-3 2t; NOTICE: FOR TIN AND SLATE roofing, guttering, conductor pipe, ventilators, chimney stacks, stove epairing, sky lights, cornace work, furnace pipe and general roof re pairing and painting, (radiator re pairing) and anything in sheet met al work and plumbing, call on J. C. Norris. We are also agency for the v. ell-known Exide Batteries?the. long-life battery. Sales and service station. Your patronage will be ap preciated. J. C. Norris at rear of J C. Leggett's store, Washington Street, Williamston, N. C. d-31 2t 12 1-2 ACRE FARM WITH 5 ROOM house for sale. One-half mile from depot, Parmeie. Terms easy. W. C. fanning, agent. d 17 tf w/MJFMmM/truMwmi READ OUR INVITATION TO YOU ? Smoke 10 fragrant Camels. If you don't find them the mildest, best-flavored cigarettes you ever smoked, return the package with the rest of the cigarettes in it to us at any time within a month from this date, and we will refund your full purchase price, plus postage. {Signed} R.J. ReynoldsTobacco f Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. X I ENJOY CAMELS MORE COSTLIER TOBACCOS fni CAMELS MUST PLEASE YOU . ..OR YOU PAY NOTHING! TUNE IN ON BETTY MOORE Interior Decoration Expert, in a Series of Talks on Home Decoration and Arrange ment over Radio Station? WPTF, ItALEIGH Each Wednesday, 11.30 A. M, Williamston Hardware Co DOG STRAYED: LOST IN 8***' across Roanoke River last Wednes day Red ahaggy *?* on right fool .ndhui*?"1 ??h side Finder please communicate with Oscar Peel. Willirunton, R F. D. and receive reward. FOR RENT: STORE ADJOINING the postuff.ce, will, hoi and cold water and steam heat. ? ^ ^ SWton. - notice ?S?}?SS?S5 F^?^eTd? even date-nd fenor de lault having .n"l"s and snpula ment of the said deed of trust tions contained ui said deed d not having been comphed with and at dhnotes Utl?e undersigned trustee said notes*. u?c 27th aay of lU, on .^t^'weKe o aoch noon rn'Trom of the courthouse door in wr. hams ton. offer for &S&S3r-?*l iSSiSBil S^rSEstt 1935 ELBERT S. PEEL, I Trustee. >d31 4tw ? notice Davis, and of record i Book ^'hla7page ?rSaM of trust U-1. pdK^ , |t.? nurpose having be*n dale and sgrrtersrss -??r=r>3-rH 'tweWe2 o'clock'nom, Jmn S of the courthouse door^ in^Re^own vSSS&'&h'Z&i liSprfil bv the lands of Mrs J. BWaters and on the west by the land of Warren W. Waters, containing (34) tlnrty7fo.Tr acres, more or less, and being the same land that ?as dtjed oil to T V. Davis by L. r waters and wife, Fannie V. Waters on the 27th day of Sept^ber l920, whmh deed is of record in the public rig istry of Martin County in book D-2, BtTh5e the5 26th day of December. 1935 ELBERT S. PEEL, d31 4tw Tru?tee._ NOTICE OF RESALE Under and by virtue ofanorder by the Superior Court and "je thonty conta.nedjnthat certain deed of trust, dated the ls,,* ? March. 1915. executed by Johni E. Corey and wife, Lizzie L. Corey, said deed of trust being of record Public Registry of Marttn County in book 39, at page 513, same being given to secure certain note of even date therewith, and the stipu lutions therein contained not having been complied with, ^ undersigned substituted trustee at the rwuest oi the parties interested, and under the order hereinbefore referred to, will on Friday the 3rd day of January 1936 at 12 o'clock m. in front of the courthouse door in the Town of Williamston. N C , offer to the "Rh^ est bidedr, for cash, the following real estate: ??" ? checks OUUfever first day Liquid - Table A HEADACHES Salve - N->?? Drop* in i0 minutes ANNOUNCING OUR OPENING SALE BEGINNING Friday, January 11th Now Located at Store Formerly Occupied by S. Ganderson & Sons, Next Door to J.O. Manning Watch for Circular with New Low Prices on Opening Sale Norfolk Underselling Co. Beginning at a black gum now standing and marked in the head oi Little Creek, and which is the south east corner of what is known as the Bet tie Lee Grey land and the north eat corner of the Lewis Holliday land, running south S degrees W. 142 poles, to R J Peel's luies; thence with said R. J. Peels line west 88 poles to Lewis Holliday's line; thence with said Holliday's line north 9 1-2 degrees E. 124 poles to a marked dead pine with pointers; thence north 22 3-4 degrees W. 90 poles to a cypress, Holliday's and Peel's cor ner; thence south 84 1-2 degrees E. 60 poles to a cypress; thence north 5 degrees E. 40 poles with the bed of the Bettie Lee Grey field; thence north 8 1-2 degrees W. to the three (3) pines now marked and agreed corner between the Symon Ward and Bettie Lee Grey land. This be ing the southwest corner of the Bet tie Lee Grey tract of land; thence a northwardly course with an old line of marked trees, being the old dividing line between the Bettie Lee Grey and Symon Ward tracts to a small branch about one-fourth mile north of the J. Edwin Peel road; thence down the various courses of the center of said branch to a cy press stump in the center of Little Creek, marked with pointers; thence up Little Creek, its various course to a line of marked trees and thence with said line of marked trees to the place of beginning, containing two hundredatre^moreorless^ubject only to a timber deed on the south part of aa>d land of about 59 acres Dated this the 18th day of De cember, 1939. ROY D. KEAR, d24 2tw Substituted Trustee. Wheeler Martin, attorney. NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County. | Under and by virtue of the power !of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned ; trustee by C. G. Godard and wife, , Alice Godard, on- lljfe 20th day of March. 1924, and of record in the public registry of Martin County, in book Q-2. page 89, said deed of trust having been given for the purpose of securing a note of even date and tenor therewith, default having been made in the payment of the said note and the stipulations contained in said deed of trust not having been .com plied with, and at the request of the owner of the said note, the under signed trustee will, on Monday, the 27th day of January, 1936, at twelve o'clock noon, in front of the court house door in the town of William ston, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following de scribed real estate, to wit: Beginning in the county road lead ing from Everetts to the town of Williamston, N. C.. on the south side of the road opposite Marshall Cher ry's corner, being the southeast cor ner of the home place, thence south ward with said Cherry line to coun ty home line, thence with aaid coun ty home line far enough m that a parallel line with the first line back of the Williamston and Evcretts road would include one-half of the land deeded to R. J Peel by Marshall Chen^anj^^^^^odarch^Thi^K^ ing the same lead deeded to the mid C. G. end Alice Godard by B. Duke Critcher. trustee. This the ttth day ot December, IMS. ELBERT & PEEL. d31 4tw Trustee. //>/ SUPER f > . N Lhanneldrain ROOFING