THE ENTERPRISE VOLUME XXXIX?NUMBER 6 Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, January 21,1936 ESTABLISHED 1899 4 CAR ACCIDENTS REPORTED HERE LAST SATURDAY Log Truck Plunges Into Sweet Water Creek But No One Badly Hurt Four automobile accidents were reported in this county last Satur day resulting in a considerable prop erty damage loss, but no one was dangerously hurt. Merton TeUord Cope land, operator of a log truck for a local lumber mill, had a narrow escape when his machine plunged into Sweet Water Creek, stopping with only a small portion of the ca cu< of the water. He received only a slight scratch on his arm. but much of his body was drenched by the icy waters. The first of the four accidents oc curred on the Washington road a bout six miles from here early that morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Elks and Bruce Boyd, of Grimesland, and Attorney J. D. Paul, of Washington, were traveling toward Williamston when a rear tire blew out on the Elks car, causing the machine to swerve and turn over down an em bankment on the left side of the road. The car came to a stop against a tree with the front end on the ground and the rear resting 13 or H feet in the air against the tree. Mr. Paul suffered a broken arm. Mrs^ Elks and Mr. Boyd were badly cut about the face and arms, but not seriously. Mr Elks escaped with a few minor Injuries. The car was demolished. . About noon, the log truck driven by Copeland, crashed into a car driv en by Mrs. D. P. Pharr, of Roper, and an oil truck driven by Thomas Brantley at the Sweet Water Creek bridge Mrs. Pharr suffered only a slight injury to one of her wns s, but her companions, Mrs. Leon L. Spruill and Miss Ruth Perkins, were not hurt. The oil-truck driver and Copeland also escaped without in jury of any consequence. Reports stated that the car, traveling tow art Williamston, was forced to stop be hind a horse-drawn vehicle while the oil truck, going out of William .ton, passed. The log truck travel ing in the same direction of the car rounded the curve and could not stop to avoid a crash. The driver pulled to the middle of the road, striking the car and knocking it on the bridge and almost into the creek on the right side of the road, and at the same time stripping the left Side from the oil truck. The oil truck continued on by, while the log truck swerved to tfie left and wen down the embankment and on into the creek. Considerable damage was done to the car, and the log truck was a complete wreck. Willie Roebuck, accompanied t>y hi. young son and George Roberson crashed his car into an embankmen on North Haughton Street Saturday evening, causing injury to Mr Rob erson and the boy A small hole was knocked in Roberson's head, and the boy had bad cuts on his nose and forehead Roebuck was not >nJure* but his arrest was made by P?tro1" man Hunt. One wheel on the car was torn down. Late that night Herman Everett turned his car over when he drove off the end of the hard-surfaced road onto soft ground near Hassell, doing considerable damage to the bod3; ?' the car Everett, young HamiUon man, and his companion, H. B. Peel, also of Hamilton, were not injured, reports stated. H. T. Edmondson, 52, Dies at Home Near Here This Morning Funeral for County Farmer To Be Held Tomorrow Afternoon at Home Henry Thomas Edmondson, 53 years old, died at his home on the Joe Leggett farm, near here, thU morning at 5:20 o'clock from a com plication of diseases. He had beer in failing health for more than i year, but was confined to his bed during the past two weeks only Mr. Edmondson, a native of this county, had farmed all his life. Ir early manhood he was married U Miss Lizzie Taylor, who, with flv< children, Robert, James Thomas Evelyn Doris, Arthur Augustus Ed mondson, and Mrs. Daisy Whitley all of Williamston R. F. D. 1, sur vivas. He also leaves one brother Arthur Edmondson, of Hopewell Va., and two sisters, Mrs. Willian Henry Lynch, of Hamilton, and Mrs Herbert Edmondson, of Gold Point Mr. Edmondson was a member o the Free Will Baptist church and i minister of that faith will conduc the funeral services tomorrow aft ernoon. Interment will follow in tlx Spring Green church cemetery. MuchDamage in ThisSection From Heavy Winds Sunday Considerable property damage re sulted but no personal injury was reported when a wind storm swept over this section last Sunday. Power transmission and telephone lines were grounded for miles, and shel 'ters and fences were blown down in fairly large fiumbers, while a few roofs were taken from business houses in one or two places ia the county. ? The storm is believed to have cen tered around Parmele and Rober sonville, but much damage is said to have resulted in the Dardens sec tion of the county and around Has sell in the supper part of the county. Robersonville and Parmele were in darkness until early Monday morning, and telephone service was interrupted there. Line forces of the V. E. & P. Co. started work Sunday morning repairing damage and con tinued without sleep or rest until late Monday night. Extra forces were brought to this section from the Petersburg division of the V. E. & P. Co., and service was back to normal today, but considerable more work will be necessary to complete peimanent repairs. Highways were blocked, and patrolmen were called out to warn traffic. Several groups of prisoners were called from the camp near here to help clear the roads. All kinds of weather, including cloudy, rainy, fair, warm, and cold, were experienced that day, the marked changes probably being the result of a bad storm that swept over parts of Alabama and took a num ber of lives there. Finds Majority Here Is Against Stop Lights ANNOUNCES Macon Rush (Mike) Dunna (an, newspaper man and candi date (or Secretary of State, U opposing Stacey W. Wade, in cumbent, and Thad A. Eure (or the Democratic nomination next June. CHANGE IN DATES FOR DRIVERS TO APPLY FOR EX 4MS Many Blanks Have Been Improperly filled Out; Begin Check-Up Soon A change in days for giving ap plicant! examinations for automo bile drivers' licenses was announced this week by Patrolman W. S. Hunt, as follows: Martin County courthouse every Tuesday at 2 p. m. Washington County courthouse every second and fourth Saturday at 2 p. m. Tyrrell County Courthouse each Arst and third Saturday at 2 o'clock. Bertie County courthouse every Friday at 2 o'clock. Examinations will be given at the speciAed places and on the designat ed days only, Patrolman Hunt said. The patrolman also pointed out that there were nearly 50,000 appli cations in Raleigh improperly Ailed out, and those applicants who have not received their driving permits are advised to write a letter to the Motor Vehicle Bureau, Raleigh, giv ing necessary facts in straightening out the tangle. It is not known just now when the patrol will start call ing upon motorists to display their drivers' permits, but it is likely that a check-up will be instituted within the next few weeks, making it ad visable for all who plan to drive to get their licenses immediately. In those cases where permits have been lost, the drivers are directed to a notary public to prepare an affi davit and forward it with 50 cents to Raleigh, where a duplicate permit will be issued. Very little has been done to en force the drivers' license law so far, but when all the applications are handled, a strict inspection can be inspected, it is believed. Yadkin Farmer Sells Sixty Pounds Walnuts at Profit Oscar Caudle, of Fall Creek, Yad kin County, sold 50 pounds of wal nut kernels from one tree at 30 cents a pounds ^pd says he will crack walnuts from all the trees on his farm next fall. Survey Conducted Bv Official Shows 8 To 1 Against Plan Captain of Highway Patrol Maintains There Are Too Many Lights The action of the local town com missioners in ordering the installa tion of four stop-lights on William ston's main street started a little storm of argument among many lo cal people, but now that two weeks have passed since the action was taken by the authorities, the smoke has cleared, and it is found that the majority of the people do not want the lights. Anxious to learn the opinion of the people, one official conducted an in formal inquiry of his own and found about 8 to 1 against the installation 01 the lights. Traffic experts be lieve that the lights would increase the danger of accidents instead of diminishing it. They are of the opin ion that the main thoroughfare should be kept open, that stop signs should be placed on all those streets crossing Main and that double park ing or stopping of cars and trucks in the middle of streets should be outlawed. j Now that the opposition apparent ly appears much stronger than many I first believed, the action of the au thorities at their next meeting should prove interesting, for they have the citizenship committee of the local Woman's Club calling for the installation of lights on one side, and an opposition, while indifferent tc a great extent, on the other hand. Asked for his opinion, Patrolman W. S. Hunt explained that every ef fort should be made to keep traffic moving on the main street, not at an unreasonable speed, of course, but fast enough -to prevent blocked traf fic The commissioners of Tarboro re cently turned down a proposal to install seven lights on the main street there, Captain Charles Farm er, head of the State Highway Pa trol, commenting favorably on the commissioners* action as follows: "There are far too many stop lights in many towns in the State, and on the whole I think Tarboro is right. The only place 1 can think of where a stop light would be justi fied in Tarboro is at the courthouse square. There are many towns in the State which have stop lights where there is no reason in the world for them. A beacon or a flash er light, slowing up through traffic and causing cross traffic to stop be fore entering the through street, is everything that is needed Stop lights frequently knot up traffic, for no reason at all, and the result is that they increase the danger of ac cidents instead of diminish it. Robbers Enter Warehouse At River Sunday Night George Henry Rogers and Calvin Hill, colored, are in the county Jail here charged with the robbery of the Norfolk, Baltimore and Carolina Warehouse on Roanoke River some time last Sunday night. The two men denied the charge when ques tioned in jail thia morning A hear ing is being delayed until officeri complete investigations. One of the five stands of lard and one or two quarts of liquor stolen from the warehouse had been re covered by Officer Allsbrooks, as sisted by "Fatty" Knox today. Th? robbers are said to have stolen only one case of liquor and that was s cheap brand. ? I NAME GROUP TO PUN LONG-TIME FARM PROGRAM I Movement Is Designed To| Promote Agriculaural Adjustments Planning a long-time program for the advancement of agriculture throughout the State and Nation, committees in thousands of units are meeting to perfect an organiza tion for promoting the work. De signed to promote education in farm ing and agricultural adjustment to meet the needs of the individual sec tions, the program is already meet ing with success over the country, reports indicate. The Martin committee, composed of Messrs. H. S. Everett, H. H. Cow en. J. Daniel Biggs, J. F. Crisp, and F. C. Stallings, met last week and discussed various organization plans and problems that are expected to ct me before the group. Community members will be named shortly, As sistant Agent M. L. Barnes said yes terday. The program has great possibili ties. Mr Barnes said, and is expect ed to eliminate to a great extent the old trial and error method of farm ing that has proved so costly in past years. In addition to collecting ag ricultural problems directly from the individual centers, the program will make it possible to determine the trend of operation, it was pointed out. According to reports from a near-by county, where the commit tees have held two or more meetings, it was estimated that the farmers would increase their tobacco and cot ton crops and decrease their corn, potato and cover crops. The new program is expected to remedy such conditions, in so far as possible, bringing production in line with de mand. Another meeting of the Martin committee will be held within the next few days, Mr. Barnes said. James R. Knowles, Prominent Dardens Man, Died Sunday Last Rites Are Being Held In Church at Plymouth This Afternoon James R. Knowles, substantial farmer and prominent county citi zen, died in Duke hospital from meningitis Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, following a mastoid opera tion a short while before. Mr. Knowles, 65 years of age, had been in only fair health for some time, but was very active until a short time before his death. Born and reared near Roper, in Washington County, Mr. Knowles was a member of the old school in that he valued his word, looked with compassion upon the less fortunate and held his trust high. He was married when a young man, ahd moved to the Dardens community of this county more than 15 years ago. readily gaining the confidence of his new neighbors and becoming num bered among the leading citizens of that section and county. He worked hard and every obligation was given careful consideration. No special favors were asked, but he was ready and willing to favor his fellowman. Mrs. Knowles, with four children, Mrs. Charles Hough, of Dardens; Mrs. Kenneth Hopkins, of Plymouth; Mrs. J. H. Riddick and J. Linwood Knowles, of Plymouth; survives. He also leaves two brothers, Messrs. Jesse Knowles, of Roper, and Den nis Knowles, of Baltimore, and two sisters, Mrs. Sadie Poyner, of Balti more; and Mrs. Haywood Chetson, of Roper. Funeral services are being con ducted this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Christian church in Ply mouth by Rev. Nixon Taylor, the pastor. Interment will follow in the Mizelle burial plot, near Roper. County Ministers Perfect Organization Here Monday The organization of a Martin County Ministerial Association was perfected by ministers from all over the county in a meeting held here yesterday. Rev. Z. T. PiephofT, Wil liamston Presbyterian minister, was made president of the association; Rev. J. M. Perry, of Robersonville, vice president; and Rev. J. H. Smith, pastor of the Willlamston Baptist church, secretary and treasurer. Corn Liquor Used As An Anti-freeze In Tractors Moonshine corn liquor used in radiators of the terracing tractors in Orange County served as an ade Iquate anti-freeze mixture durlng| | the recent severe weather. Agricultural Authorities Advising Farmers To Decrease Acreage in Tobacco and Cotton This Season County Unemployed Urged To Reregister With Bureau In an effort to determine the true status of the unemployment situa tion and to place as many of the un employed as possible on jobs now un airway, the branch bureau of the North Carolina Employment Serv ice, located in the Martin County courthouse, is urging all unemployed to register or reregister at the office in Williamston during the next week Mr. Gilliam, in charge of the county bureau, states that there are several hundred incomplete records on the Hies in this county, that it is neces sarry to bring the information up to date before few, if any, job assign ments could be made from that list. The unemployed person who reg istered prior to the opening of the branch bureau in this county the latter part of December should make a strong effort to visit the employ ment office during next week and bring their registration cards up to date, Mr. Gilliam said. Nearly all those who have regis tered since December have ^been placed by the bureau, it was pointed out, and there is still a demand for more workers, it was stated. Child Lost in Woods Is Dead When Found Died of Exhaustion After 36 Hours of Frantie Wanderings Tom Williams' Death First Tragedy Of the New Year In This County A 36-hour search for Tom Wil liams, jr., 4 years old, who lost his way in a woods the other side of Hamilton last Wednesday, came to a tragic end when the child's lifeless body was found more than three miles from his home. The little fel low is believed to have died of ex haustion following his frantic wan dering through swamp areas alone during the great part of the day Wednesday, all thut night and much of Thursday, the searchers stating that the boy had been dead a very short while when his body was found. Following members of his family into the woods Wednesday morning, the colored boy was told to return to the house. The boy turned back but soon lost his way after taking a wrong path and, apparently fright ened half to death, continued his wanderings. He blazed a new trail through the woods and swamp lands and carrse to a public road that, no doubt, was strange to him. How ever, he did not alter his course and entered the woods on the other side. Nothing short of death apparently could stop him, for, deep in the woods, the four-year-old tot waded through water nearly to his shoul ders, but that ordeal apparently taxed his little remaining energy, and once on the other side he stum bled over a pine limb hardly larg er than a man's arm and fell. His body was found there, its condition showing that he hardly wiggled aft er he fell. The little boy's death comes as the first tragedy of the new year in this county. The past year brought forth its tragedies, some horrible to the nth degree, but the one last week, pitiful as could be, climaxed them all in this section in recent years, it is believed. England's King Died Late Monday Night Sandringham, Eng., Jan. 21.? Great Britian's beloved King George Fifth died peacefully last night just before midnight. The Pirtce of Wales, his 41-year old bachelor son, automatically be came king of the world's largest empire. The kindly, 70-year-old George V was unconscious at the end. Queen Mary, the Prince of Wales and other members of the royal family and tho archbishop of Canterbury were at the bedside when he died at 11:55 p. m. (6:55 p. m. Eastern Standard Time.) A sudden, four-day illness caused his majesty's death. He suffered an attack of bronchial catarrh, accom panied by heart weakness. Weeping, the queen was led away supported by her eldest son?the new king?and the chamber was darkened. Later today the monarch's body will be taken to Sandringham church and then removed to London tn lie in state in Westminister Abbey for final tribute from the public which loved him so well. HIGH WATER Another marked rise in the Roanoke at this point was pre dicted today by weather bu reaus, the local station unoffic ially reporting a rise of 45 feet for Weldon tomorrow. With the water already over the banks by about one foot here, It Is believed the new rise will be slightly higher than the one that reached a crest of slightly over fourteen feet here last Sunday a week ago. Official reports are not avail able just at this time, but it Is figured the stream will reach a crest at this point the early part of next week. PROCEEDINGS IN MARTIN COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Several Cases Cleared From Docket During First Day Session With Judge Clayton Moore on the bench, the special term of Martin County Superior Court started clear* ing cases from a crowded docket at a rapid pace yesterday. The calen dar for the day was complete at 4:30 afler seven cases were heard and settlements effected in most of them In the case of J. S. Peel against A. E Taylor and wife, a judgment was given in the sum of $288.28 for the plaintiff. Proving two years of separation, Mary Rogers Williams was given divorce from Isom Williams. In the case of J. H. Roberson, sr., against C. Arthur Roberson, the plaintiff received $48, the court or dering certain lands be sold as a single unit for division. The case of Howell against Leg gett was non-suited. William K. Roebuck, asking $50 disability monthly of the Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company, settled for $2,500, the defendant com pany to cancel a loan of about $500. The plaintiff surrendered his insur ance policy. The case of Tom Harrell against J. Henry Harrell and the National Lead Company was setlted out of court, the plaintiff receiving $4,750. This case was scheduled for trial next month, and was recognized as one of the most important, on the calendar. Directors of the Planters Warehouse Meet Tonight Directors of the Planters Ware house Company here will meet in Uif company offices this evening to discuss plans for repairing damage done to the building by snow last month, It was learned today. Just what action the officials plan to take could not be learned. A large portion of the floor and roof gave way when a deep snow fell on the house that was said to have been heavily loaded with pea nuts at the time. Craven Exchange Makes Profit of $3J218 in 1935 ?* The Craven County Farmers Mu tual Exchange made a net profit of $3,218.14 last season, out of which a 4 per cent patronage dividend was distributed to members. I Officials Continuing Efforts To Find Plan For Control of Crops One-Third Decrease In the Tobacco Crop Needed To Hold Up 1936 Prices While many farmers are said to be considering increases for their to bacco and cotton crops, especially to bacco, warnings are coming from recognized agricultural authorities o limit tobacco acreage to two-thirds c. the 1936 base acreage and cotton to 55 or 60 per cent of the 1936 base production The advice was based en two principles, one of which will experienced at marketing time next fall and the other when and if the government effects a substitute for the AAA. If farmers would maintain satis factory prices for their 1936 crops, they will find it advisable to hold their tobacco and cotton acreages well in line with their contract terms. Strict adherence to their contracts will also be necessary if the farmer wishes to make himself eligible to participate in any govern ment benefits that might be created. Many farmers in this county are said to be giving the situation seri ous thought, and it is believed that a decreased production would be al most unanimously subscribed to if the control measures continued in operation. In a letter just released to county agents, Dean I. O. Schaub, of State College, said: "Since the Supreme Court s decision, neither the Wash ington office nor the State office has known the exact procedure to fol low with reference to a new pro gram, but we all know that every effort is being made by the Wash ington office to put into effect a pro gram that will insure agricultural adjustment and yet meet with the objections to the AAA brought by tht Supreme Court." Hie State College man referred to J- B Hutson's remark, as follows ' ! I were a landlord. I would not allow my tenants to plant more than 193?6 virdS ?f my 6aSe acreage ln The authorities in Washington, ex cept for a Senator or two who ap parently find it troublesome to give up traveling long enough to attend to the things that are of vital im portance to the people of this State, are doing all in their power to effect a substitute program for the old AAA. In the meantime the Southern farmer is at a greater loss to know what to do and what not to do than the colored slaves were back in the sixties. Child, Hurt By Automobile, Recovering Rapidly Here Guthrie Strawbridge, 4 years old, is rapidly recovering at his home bere from injuries received last Thursday afternoon, when he was (struck by a car driven by Mrs. Wil led Harris, on North Haughton Street At the hospital, where he was removed for an examination, it was learned that his injury was con fined to one ankle and a few scratches on his head and body. It was first thought he suffered a brain | injury, but a complete examination revealed that his head had not been badly hurt. He returned home from the hos pital Friday and continues in bed at his home. Aged Woman Hurt When Struck by an Automobile Emma Salsbury, aged colored wo man, >ulTered a broken hip and ankle laat Sunday night, when ihe was struck by an automobile driven by Arthur Dail, Hassell man, near Haasell. The woman, said to be about 70 years old, and almost blind, stepped into the path of the car, making the accident almost, if not wholly, unavoidable on the part of the car driver. She was given medi cal attention, and it la likely she will be removed to the county home. Average Production Per Hen Is 60 Eggs Yearly > The average production per hen for the State of North Carfolina la SO eggs a year, while demonstration flocks on which records are kept hy the State Collage poultry depart ment produce from IBS in the east ern part of the State to 170 in the western area.

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