THE ENTERPRISE VOLUME XXXIX?NUMBER 14 Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday. February 18. 1936 ESTABLISHED 1899 GEO. W. BLOUNT DIES HERE AFTER 1#.WEEK ILLNESS Wu Prominent Figure In Mercantile Business For Nearly Half Century Oewge W. Blount, one of William ?ton's oldeet end mott highly ea teemed citizens, died at the home of hir daughter, Mrs E. P. Cunning ham. on Weet Main Street here, this morning at 8 o'clock, the end coming peacefully following an ill neaa of aevetal months' duration. The immediate cauae of hia death was heart'trouble, caused by aev eral paralytic strokes, the last of which was suffered the early part of last December. Mr. Blount had Imb in declining health during the ?renter part of the past two years, but he was able to be up and at tend ?o his duties until his last stroke. * . Born in Bethel on August 1. 1861, Mr. Blount attended the schools there and later completed his edu cation at Rutherford College. Aft er teaching in the Bethel schools a while, he entered business with his brother there, marking the begin ning of a long and successful mer chandising career. The firm opened a branch in Rocky Mount some ? later, but Mr. Blount closed the there to open a store here ebout 1888. He handled his first business transactions here in a store located where the Welcome Inn now operates, but several months later he purchased the stock and building of Biggs and Davenport on the cor ner of Smlthwick and Main Streets, for nearly a half century, he per sonally operated the business there, running in connection with it a hotel for about 20 years. He with drew from the hotel business fol lowing the gleath of Mrs. Blount about 1912, and devoted his time to the mercantile business and the op eration of his farms. Mr Blount's long merchandising career was marked by his friendli ness and understanding. He was not at all pretentious and proved himself a friend to his fellowman, hit church and organisations de signed for the betterment of his com munity. While conservative and a diligent worker, Mr. Blount was recognized as a pillar of the local Methodist church, of which he was a member for many yeara. Al though ha never sought favors, Mr Blount was always ready and will ing to extend one, and hia daily walk in life was marked by his cheery whistle and friendly greet ings to aU. He was a Mason and served as a member of William ston's board of commissioners for a number of years. In the material, as well as the spiritual growth of the town and community Mr. Blount figured prominently. Hardly more then two years ago he moved from hia old business home to a new store built when the Hotel George Reynolds was remodeled. Failing health the Utter part of laat year caused him to sell his business. In early manhood, Mr Blount married Misa Allie G. Oaynor, who died about 24 years ago. He leaves two daughters, Mrs Cunningham ^ Mr.. Kate B. York, both of Wil liamston, and five grandchildren. He i, also survived by two brothers, Messrs. John D. Blount, of Rocky Mount, and M. O. Blount, prominent Pitt Ceunty men. 01 Bethel. Funeral services will be conduct ed from the home of his daughter on Weet Main Street here tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rfv. R R Grant, pastor of the loci Methodist church, will conduct the service and he will be assisted by Rev. Z. T. Piephoff, pastor of the local Presby terian church Interment will be in the family plot in the local ceme tery. Test Machinery In New Factory The Clark Candy Company, Wil liamaton'f newaat enterprise, will make a test run the latter part ol this week, Mr. Clark, owner and manager, laid yesterday. A greater part of the machinery has alreadj been placed in the new building juil off Smithwick Street on the A. C L. Railroad. Mr. Clack stated yesterday thai full-time operations would likel) get underway some time next week after adjustments are made follow ing the preliminary tests about Fri day or Saturday of this week. Operations for a while, Mr. Clark added, will be limited to bulk pro duction, explaining that wrapping of individual wrappings for dlatri but ion to retailers will not be start ad Just now. The factory product) will be placed in the hands of brok ers to start with, but a portion ol the output will be available locally he said. Again Postpone Reopening of County Schools; No Date Set The reopening of Mertin County'* white schools, scheduled for tomor row, has again been delayed, official announcement from the board of education office advising that no effort would be made to start school again until such time the weather and roads permitted un hampered operations. If the weather moderates and the condition of the roads improves, the schools will reopen next Monday, but if there is no material change it is almost certain that another delay In the reopening will be ordered by the authorities. Plans were underway at one time this week to reopen the Bear Grass school on Wednesday, but rain (all ins Monday night made it necessary to abandon those plants, it was said. Patrons and teachers in some sec tions have pledged their coopera tion in reopening the schools, but the officials deemed it advisable to delay the re-opening. Patrons in the Oak City district stated they would deliver their children on carts and wagons, if necessary, to points where the busses could trav el. it was learned. Patrolmen Checking Motorists for Licenses EX-SLAVE DIES Emanuel Andrews, one of the very few ex-slaves II vine in this county, died at the home of a friend near here last week. Negro Shot to Death Here Last Night by Unknown Assailant Henry Lanier, 60 Years Old Dies Almost Instantly At Home Here Henry Lanier, 60-year-old local colored man, was murdered early last night while preparing supper at his humble home on Church Street in the hollow just to the west of Dinah's Hill. He died almost in stantly, officers finding his body resting against a chair. The shot, fired through a window to the kitchen by his assailant, struck Lanier in the right side of the face and head. Lanier was hard ly more than 6 feet from the mur derer when the shot, fired from a shotgun, struck him. Sam Cross, a colored man living r.ext door, heard the report of the gun and saw some one run from the scene. Cross went to a window of the Lanier home and heard the dying groans of the man. He re ported to officers, who found Lanier dead, his body crumpled over a chair almost in standing position. An inquest was held at the direc tion of Coroner S. R. Biggs, the Jury finding that Lanier came to his death from gunshot wounds caused by an unknown party. Lanier, who spent most of his time Ashing on the Roanoke for his meagre existence, lived along, his first wife having died years ago and his second having left him some time ago. While he possessed cer tain peculiarities and was consider ed rather an unusually and sporty dresser, he is not known to have caused anyone trouble or harmed anybody. He was a great lodge leader among his people, and no motive has been advanced that will throw any light on the killing. No arrest has been made in the case, but officers are undertAood to be conducting an investigation that is expected to bring results. Buncombe Farmers Take More Interest In Cattle Buncombe County beef cattle are reported in excellent condition de spite continued snow and cold. The growers are simply taking more in terest in their cattle, says the farm agent. Several Hundred Are Stopped; All Comply With Law Those Who Do Not Have Licenses Advised To Stop Driving ? The distribution of automobile drivers' licenses is pretty nigh com plete in this district, according to Patrolmen Billie Hunt and Georgie Stewart. The two patrolmen have slopped or questioned several hun dred motorists and without a single exception every one of those ques tioned had the proper licenses, Mr Stewart said yesterday noon. It was explained that warrants would be issued then and there in those cases where the drivers did not have their licenses, but so far no warrants have been necessary. In those cases where the driver has lust his license he will be directed to stop driving until he gets another permit. Those drivers who have lust their licenses are supposed to appear before a notary public and file a second application, pay SO rents and sign an affidavit stating that the license had been lost. An other permit will be issued, but un til that permit is received, the auto owner is supposed to stay from un der a steering wheel. There are yet a few who filed ap plications for licenses and have so far failed to receive them. They are supposed to get in touch with a patrolman and file another, it is un derstood. Those drivers who have licenses will do well to cling to them as they would their money. No concerted check-up on li censes has been made, the patrol men checking on the permits grad ually, it is understood. When asked if they were to smell the breath of each driver to deter mine if any liquor had been con sumed, the patrolman offered no comment. It was rumored that each driver stopped would be examined to determine if he had been drink ing, and that if he had an arrest would follow. Man Attested Here Had Police Record Investigating the case charging Frank Kavanagh and W. A. Braden with impersonating Federal officers in the sale of correspondence courses, local officers learned this week that Kavanagh was arrested in Terra Haute, Ind, in December, 1933. No record was established against Braden, the man actually contracting the sale of correspond ence courses to several people in this county recently. According to a report from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, Kavanagh is claimed to have obtained money under false pretense in the Indiana city back in 1933. The two men are being held in Raleigh while the Department of Justice continues its investigation of the case. The men are scheduled to be tried in the Federal court at Washington next April, but the trial may be held in Raleigh. Letters are arriving here almost daily, telling of contracts entered into by various people, some of whom explained that they were ready to help prosecute the case. Some of those buying the course Stat ed they had paid as much as $70 for it Recent letters have been re ceived from Varina, Raleigh, and several other places, it is under stood. FARMERS FAVOR FARM BUREAU AT MEET THIS WEEK Plan Oragnization Meeting In This County Latter Part of This Week ? Preliminary plans for the organi zation of North Carolina farmers a branch of the Farm Bureau Fed eration, strong national farm group, were advanced at a meeting held in Greenville Monday, the nearly 200 farmers present from 25 counties choosing the Farm Bureau over the National Grange. Messrs J. A. Everett, of Palmyra. C. Abram Roberson, of Roberson ville, and Agents T. B. Brandon and Murphy L. Barnes represented Mar tin County at the meeting, and they are of the opinion that the founda tion was laid for a strong organiza tion in this section and state. Already activities are under way for establishing a permanent organi zation, and a meeting of the Martin County planning committee and members of the county control group will be held in the courthouse probably the latter part of the week, when representatives will be named to attend a state meeting in the near future. Similar meetings have been scheduled in several counties, but no definite date has been announced for the one in Martin, Assistant Agent Barnes said today. The Farm Bureau Federation was selected by the farmers at the Mon day meeting, when it was pointed out that in the recent Senate vote on an agricultural program by the Federal government, senators from the South and Midwest supported the measure, while in the east, where the Grange is considered strongest, the Senators voted against the bill. FORMER SLAVE, ONE OF FEW LEFT, DIED LAST WEEK Emanuel Andrews, Ninety ' Years Old, Is Buried In Williams Township Emanuel Andrews, highly re spected old colored man, and one of the few remaining persons born in slavery in this county, died at the home of a friend in Williams Town ship last Thursday of pneumonia, the former slave, who would have been 90 years old the first of next month, was taken sick only three days before his death. All his kin pieceded him to the grave years ago, leaving the old man to shift for himself in his advanced years. He found friends, however, and was made comfortable in the home of a colored man named Lee. Funeral services were conducted last Friday afternoon, and the body was buried in Williams Township whcrp ho Lad ? . r - cus xu, where he had experienced har< --- ?? "pniHicea nan tunes during slavery days, but evei more difficult times under freedom Emanuel Andrews was the son o Ihillis Andrews, the chattel prop erty and Otis and Bettie Andrews In his childhood, Emanuel said ht played, worked and fared like the white children of the plantation One of his saddest recollections was the slave auction held on the lot where the John Peel home is now ocated on Main Street Several of bis close kin were offered for sale there, he claimed. During the war he remained faithful to hi. master' and remained on the plantation long after the war. When he did leave he contracted his labor for 12 1-2 cents a day, and made shingles by nd in the Roanoke awamps for a number of years. He later married, bought 16 aijjps of land and settled down. During a long married life he lived peacefully and earned a livelihood. His wife died a number of years ago, and in 1934 his home was burned He surrendered his property holdings and found a fair living with neighbors and friends but up until the last he was active and earned hi? keep The old man never was in court and from his humble beginning he met with success, not in a large Way, to be sure, but to the extent that he supported his family, met his obligations, lived peacefully with his fellowman and abided by the golden rule. During many years of untold hardships, he never found it necessary to reyrt to unfair prac tices in obtaining a livelihood, his untiring efforts through it all gain ing a place for him among neigh bors in his last years on earth Yadkin Committee Works On New Six-Year Prograr, A committee of Yadkin farmei are working on a six-year live-al home and soil conservation pre gram to be presented to all farmer of the county. Feed and Seed Loans Probable Again This Year; Bill Is Passed by Congress During Past Few Days NoHerring Yet; Ice and Snow In River Is Blamed for Delay "If you'll slop sending so much ice and snow down the river, we might send you up a herring or two," Merchant Wendell Hamilton, of Jamesville. told a local man yes let day When asked if the boys were dipping deep enough for the fish, Mr. Hamilton explained that they had been trying day after day, but had failed so far to bring up the first 1936 herring. Last year this time herring were fairly plentiful, and there was an occasional shad to be had from the Roanoke. This year the water has been too cold and the fish have eith- j cr balked when they started up the stream or remained so close to the bottom that they could not be caught. Mr Hamilton calculated that there would be some fish if the weather remained warm for three cr four days. Mr. C. C. Fleming, operator of the fisheries at Jamesville and Camp Point, is making extensive arrange ments for seine fishing at the two j points, reports stating that he planned to raise the battery and walks at Jamesville several inches. Foxworth and Evans New Warehouse Firm Complete Personnel To Be Announced Soon, Partners Say Both Men Well Known To The Farmers of Martin County and Section Messrs George D Foxworth and Holt Evans will operate the Plant ers Tobacco Warehouse here this corning season, it was announced yesterday The partnership was ef fected last Saturday, and plans are being completed rapidly for opera tions during the coming season, it was said The complete personnel for the house will be announced shortly, it is understood Both Mr Foxworth and Mr. Evans are well known to the farmers of this entire section. During the past two years, Mr Foxworth has been prominently connected with the Williamston Tobacco market as co | operator of the Planters house. Dur ing that time he has proven himself ar able tobacconist and a friend of the farmer. Mr Evans has been connected with thfe Robersonville market during the past several years, and he too has made many friends all over eastern North Car olina as a warehouse operator. He is also operator of a horse and mule exchange here, his dealings in both business undertakings having gained for him an enviable reputation for his fairness, and untiring efforts to aid and please his patrons. Messrs. Foxworth and Evans have not announced their complete plans for operating the house, but they state that a concentrated drive will lie made in behalf of the William sion market this coming season No P. T. A. Meeting Will Be Held Here This Week The regular monthly meeting of the Williamston Parent-Teacher Association, scheduled to be held Thursday afternoon of this week, har been postponed, Principal D N Hix announced this morning. State Superintendent Clyde Erwin, who was to have addressed the meeting, has been ndtifled that it was neces sary to postpone the meeting indefi nitely on account of bad roads and weather. Few Martin Farmers Turn In Cotton Sale Certificates Hardly more than one-third of the farmers in this county have turned in their cotton sales certifi cates so far, Mr T. B. Slade, assist ant in cotton control, said yester day. In moat of the ca^es where the sales were made during August, September. October and a part of December, the farmers will be en titled to adjustment payments, Mr. Slade said. Hassell Woman Pound Dead in Bed Today Mrs. Mary Little, 54 years old, was found dead in bed at her home in Hassell early this morning, re ports stating that death was ap parently caused by heart trouble Mrs. Little was the wife of W. E Little, farmer of that section. Funeral services will be conduct ed tomorrow afternoon, complete arangemenu for the last rites not havinf been completed at noon to day. > I HIGH WATER V 1 > The Roanoke, already over its banks, is scheduled to go on an other rampage at this point the latter part of this week, unof ficial reports indicating that the stream will reach a point be tween 13 and 14 feet, or about one foot under the high water three weeks ago. The river was reported still rising at Weldon yesterday, where It was expect ed to reach 43 feet or more a bove the average. No accurate forecast was avail able here today, but the local weather station reported that the crest would probably be reached here about uext Satur day or Sunday. Two Local Firms Start Fire, Smoke And Water Sales Culpepper Hardware Firm and Barnhill Brothers Offer Big Bargains Their stocks wrecked by fire, smoke and water in the big Are thai swept the Culpepper Hardware store building, operators of Barnhill Brothers, general mercantile estab | lishment, and the hardware owners are staging some real flre-smoke water sales here this week Barnhill Brothers are starting their sale on | Thursday and the hardware owners arc starting theirs the following day W^iile the stocks went through one of the worst fires experienced here in several years, the goods were iOt greatly damaged, as far as their actual service value is concerned However, the smoke went through them, and now the goods are being offered at the lowest sale prices ad vertised here in years. A few of the items are listed in separate pages carried in this paper Local Store Entered And Robbed Some Time Sunday INijiht Dozen Suits of Clothes Are Stolen From Store of Shain and Israel Rubbers entered the mercantile establishment of Sham and Israel here some time during Sunday night or early Monday morning and stole eight men's blue serge suits, many pairs of socks and hose and a few other articles Police, inves tigating the robbery, have not yet uncovered any direct evidence that will lead to an arrest. The robbery apparently was the holes were cut through the back holes were sut through the back door where one would have been sufficient in aiding the robbers to pull the cross-bar from its place. The holes wer^ just large enough for a person with a small arm to use. Shain and Israel are located in the store building next to the Vir ginia Electric and Power Company offices on Main Street. The robbery was the first report ed here in recent weeks. Some Doubt as To Whether President ^ ill Sign Measure Need for Fund Considered Necessary by Farmers In Martin County A seed and feed loan fund bill making available $50,000,000 to farmers over the nation, was passed by Congress last week and is now before the President for his signa ture. it was learned here this week. While there is some doubt if the President will sign the measure, many believe he will reconsider and approve the fund, since agriculture suffered an adverse -turn at the hands of the Supreme Court sever al weeks ago Mr. Roosevelt stated last year that he did not think it necessary to create another seed and feed loan fund If the President signs the bill I within the next day or two, it is i possible that the loans will be avail-' I able to farmers in this county some I time during the early part of March. Under the terms of the bill as passed by Congress last week, loans will not exceed over $300 to the in dividual this year, as compared with a maximum of $500 last season. Last year 221 Martin County farmers participated in the fund, borrowing $26,936.50, an amount considerably smaller than the bor rowings by Martin farmers the year before According to Mr. J. D. Wordsworth, field representative for the fund, approximately 97 per cent Cf the $26,936 50 has been repaid. Mi Wordsworth explained that to tal collections would approximate 99 per cent of the lendings. Doubtful if there would be a seed and feed loan fund available this year, many farmers in this county have already applied to the reset tlement administration for money to finance their farming operations this year A report from the county of fice of that organization clearly indi cates that it will not be able to han dle all the applications, that there will be many farmers who cannot farm this season unless they arc financed through the seed and feed loan fund. The resettlement group has re ceived more than 200 .applications from farmers in this county for loans, but hardly one-fourth of that number has been approved so far. The approximately 40 loans already approved by the authorities are ex pected to average between $400 ami $500 per applicant, it was roughly estimated Turning to the Washington Pro duct ion Credit Association as anoth er source of credit, Martin farmer, have entered many applications fo loans from that organization. Very few have been approved since the appraisers have found it next to im possible to make inspections. Windsor Business Houses Bo1)1hm1 in Series Burglaries ??? Wholesale House Entered Two Nights In Row There Last Week Robbers have preyed on Windsor merchants during the past several nights. Sheriff Fred Dunstan. of Ber tie, stating yesterday that nearly 200,000 cigarettes, a hundred dollars or more in rash, chewing tobacco, and other articles were stolen in three raids on successive nights. The robbers centered their atten tion on the Bowen wholesale store, which was robbed on Friday night and again the following night. Most of the cigarettes and the cash were stolen there. Yesterday morning about 4 o'clock, Pender's store was entered again for the second or third time during the past several weeks. Cigarettes and chewing tobacco were stolen there. Sheriff Dunstan and Attorney Steve Kenney were here yesterday morning conferring with Sheriff Roebuck and other officers, but as far as it could be learned, no clues to the identity of the robbers could be established. ?a Jackson County Farmers Buying Lespedeaa Seed Jackson County farmers are buy ing leapedesa seed in large quanti ties tor seeding this spring. Korean in